Esempio n. 1
 def is_prime_power(n):
     Prime power is a positive integer power of a single prime number
     if len(factor(n)) == 1:
         return True
     return False
Esempio n. 2
def GF(n, poly=[], var='x', fmtspec="p"):
    """A shorthand for generating finite fields.  If poly is not specified then one will be chosen from a list of Conway polynomials."""
    if numbthy.is_prime(n):
        if len(poly) < 2:
            return FiniteField(n, [1], var=var, fmtspec=fmtspec)
            return FiniteField(
                n, poly, var=var, fmtspec=fmtspec
            )  # Explicit characteristic and polynomial modulus
    else:  # n is not prime - hope it's a prime power
        nfactors = numbthy.factor(n)
        if (len(nfactors) != 1):
            raise ValueError(
                'GF({0}) only makes sense for {0} a prime power'.format(n))
        p = nfactors[0][0]
        e = nfactors[0][1]  # Prime p, exponent e
        if (len(poly) == 0):
                poly = readconway('CPimport.txt', p, e)[:-1]  # Assume monic
            except (IOError, ValueError):
                print("      Look for non-Conway primitive polynomial")
                poly = findprimpoly(p, e)
            if nfactors[0][1] != len(poly):
                raise ValueError(
                    'Polynomial {0} does not have degree {1}'.format(
                        poly + [1], nfactors[0][1]))
        return FiniteField(p, poly, var=var, fmtspec=fmtspec)
Esempio n. 3
def findprimpoly(p, e):
    import sys
    if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
        iterrange = range  # Version 3 patch
        iterrange = xrange  # Version 2 patch
    ordfacts = numbthy.factor((p**e) - 1)
    print(p**e) - 1, " = ", ordfacts
    for thepolynum in iterrange(p + 1, p**e):
        # Note: Skip [0,d1,d2,...] as not irred
        # Note: Skip [d0,0,0,...,0,1] as not primitive and probably not irred
        thepoly = [(thepolynum // (p**i)) % p
                   for i in range(e)]  # length e list of p digits
        a = FiniteField(
            p, thepoly).gen()  # create poly 'x' mod thepoly, check its order
        print thepoly, str(a)
        if ((a**((p**e) -
                 1)) == 1):  # check for irreducibility, else try next poly
            isprim = True
            for (thefact, thepow) in ordfacts:
                print thefact
                if ((a**(((p**e) - 1) / thefact)) == 1):  # thepoly not prim
                    isprim = False
                    break  # Don't need to check any more cofactors
            if isprim: return thepoly
    print "Oops"  # Should throw exception - should never reach this point, all prime/exp have primitive polys
Esempio n. 4
	def __init__(self, prime, poly, var='x', orderfacts=None, fmtspec="p"):
		"""FiniteField(prime, poly, var='x', orderfacts=None, fmtspec="p")
		Create a finite field of order p**d, where d is the degree of the polynomial.
		Driving polynomial must be monic and top coeff (i.e. 1) is implicit.
		    >>> from finitefield import *
		    >>> GF9 = FiniteField(3,[2,1])    # Define GF(3^2), polys w/ GF3 coeffs, mod x^2+x+2
		    >>> a = FiniteFieldElt(GF9,[1,2]) # Define 2x+1 in GF(9)
		  Define GF(5^8), defined mod z^8+3z^5+z^4+z^2+3z+4
		  Providing the factored order as (5^8-1) = (2^5)(3)(13)(313)
		  Default output is coefficients only ('c'), not full polynomials ('z')
		    >>> GF5e8 = FiniteField(5,[4,3,1,0,1,3,0,0],'z',((2,5),(3,1),(13,1),(313,1)),'c')
		    >>> '{0}'.format(c**20)   # Default format
		    >>> '{0:p}'.format(c**20) # Force polynomial format
		       '(2 + 3z^2 + 4z^3 + z^5 + z^6)'"""

		self.char = prime = len(poly)
		self.order = self.char**
		self.modpoly = poly
		self.var = var
		self.fmtspec = fmtspec # p=polynomial; c=coeffsonly
		if(orderfacts == None):
			self.facts_order_gpunits = numbthy.factor(self.order - 1)
			self.facts_order_gpunits = orderfacts
			if((self.char** != reduce(lambda theprod,primepow:theprod*primepow, [prime**thepow for [prime,thepow] in orderfacts])):
				   raise ValueError('{0} is not a factorization of ({1}^{2}-1)'.format(orderfacts,self.char,
		self.reduc_table = [[0 for j in range(] for i in range(2*]
		for i in range( self.reduc_table[i][i] = 1
		self.reduc_table[] = [(-self.modpoly[j])%self.char for j in range(]
		for i in range(,2*
			for j in range(
				self.reduc_table[i][j] = sum(map(lambda k: (-self.modpoly[k]*self.reduc_table[][j]), range( % self.char
Esempio n. 5
def isMaximallyIdempotent(n):
    factor_list = numbthy.factor(n)
    ipList = idempotentPartitions(n, factor_list)
    numFactors = len(factor_list)
    if len(ipList) == 2**(numFactors - 1) - 1:
        return True
    return False
Esempio n. 6
def is_square_free(n):
    for p in [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13]:
        if n % p**2 == 0:
            return False
    factor_list = numbthy.factor(n)
    for (p, e) in factor_list:
        if (e > 1):
            return False
    return True
Esempio n. 7
def is_composite_and_square_free(n):
    for p in [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13]:
        if n % p**2 == 0:
            return False
    factor_list = numbthy.factor(n)
    if len(factor_list) == 1:
        return False
    for (p, e) in factor_list:
        if (e > 1):
            return False
    return True
Esempio n. 8
    def __init__(self, prime, poly, var='x', orderfacts=None, fmtspec="p"):
        """FiniteField(prime, poly, var='x', orderfacts=None, fmtspec="p")
		Create a finite field of order p**d, where d is the degree of the polynomial.
		Driving polynomial must be monic and top coeff (i.e. 1) is implicit.
		    >>> from finitefield import *
		    >>> GF9 = FiniteField(3,[2,1])    # Define GF(3^2), polys w/ GF3 coeffs, mod x^2+x+2
		    >>> a = FiniteFieldElt(GF9,[1,2]) # Define 2x+1 in GF(9)
		  Define GF(5^8), defined mod z^8+3z^5+z^4+z^2+3z+4
		  Providing the factored order as (5^8-1) = (2^5)(3)(13)(313)
		  Default output is coefficients only ('c'), not full polynomials ('z')
		    >>> GF5e8 = FiniteField(5,[4,3,1,0,1,3,0,0],'z',((2,5),(3,1),(13,1),(313,1)),'c')
		    >>> '{0}'.format(c**20)   # Default format
		    >>> '{0:p}'.format(c**20) # Force polynomial format
		       '(2 + 3*z**2 + 4*z**3 + z**5 + z**6)'"""

        self.char = prime = len(poly)
        self.order = self.char**
        self.modpoly = poly
        self.var = var
        self.fmtspec = fmtspec
        if (orderfacts == None):
            self.facts_order_gpunits = numbthy.factor(self.order - 1)
            self.facts_order_gpunits = orderfacts
            if ((self.char** - 1) != reduce(
                    lambda theprod, primepow: theprod * primepow,
                [prime**thepow for [prime, thepow] in orderfacts])):
                raise ValueError(
                    '{0} is not a factorization of ({1}^{2}-1)'.format(
                        orderfacts, self.char,
        self.reduc_table = [[0 for j in range(]
                            for i in range(2 * - 1)]
        for i in range(
            self.reduc_table[i][i] = 1
        if ( > 1):
            self.reduc_table[] = [(-self.modpoly[j]) % self.char
                                             for j in range(]
            for i in range( + 1, 2 * - 1):
                for j in range(
                    self.reduc_table[i][j] = sum(
                            lambda k: (-self.modpoly[k] * self.
                                       reduc_table[i - + k][j]),
                            range( % self.char
Esempio n. 9
def GF(n,name='x',modulus=[]):
	if numbthy.is_prime(n):
		if len(modulus)<2:
			print "Haven't coded prime field GF({0}) yet - sorry".format(n)
			raise ValueError("Haven't coded prime field GF({0}) yet - sorry".format(n))
			return FiniteField(n,modulus,name) # Explicit characteristic and polynomial modulus
	else:  # n is not prime - hope it's a prime power
		nfactors = numbthy.factor(n)
		if (len(nfactors) != 1): raise ValueError('GF({0}) only makes sense for {0} a prime power'.format(n))
		p = nfactors[0][0]; e = nfactors[0][1]  # Prime p, exponent e
		if (len(modulus) == 0):
				modulus = readconway('CPimport.txt',p,e)[:-1] # Assume monic
				print("      Look for non-Conway primitive polynomial")
				modulus = findprimpoly(p,e)
		return FiniteField(p,modulus,name)
def GF(n, poly=[], var='x', fmtspec="p"):
	"""A shorthand for generating finite fields.  If poly is not specified then one will be chosen from a list of Conway polynomials."""
	if numbthy.is_prime(n):
		if len(poly)<2:
			return FiniteField(n,[1],var=var,fmtspec=fmtspec)
			return FiniteField(n,poly,var=var,fmtspec=fmtspec) # Explicit characteristic and polynomial modulus
	else:  # n is not prime - hope it's a prime power
		nfactors = numbthy.factor(n)
		if (len(nfactors) != 1): raise ValueError('GF({0}) only makes sense for {0} a prime power'.format(n))
		p = nfactors[0][0]; e = nfactors[0][1]  # Prime p, exponent e
		if (len(poly) == 0):
				poly = readconway('CPimport.txt',p,e)[:-1] # Assume monic
				print("      Look for non-Conway primitive polynomial")
				poly = findprimpoly(p,e)
			if nfactors[0][1] != len(poly):
				raise ValueError('Polynomial {0} does not have degree {1}'.format(poly+[1],nfactors[0][1]))
		return FiniteField(p,poly,var=var,fmtspec=fmtspec)
Esempio n. 11
def GF(n, name='x', modulus=[]):
    if numbthy.is_prime(n):
        if len(modulus) < 2:
            return FiniteField(n, [1], name)
            return FiniteField(
                n, modulus,
                name)  # Explicit characteristic and polynomial modulus
    else:  # n is not prime - hope it's a prime power
        nfactors = numbthy.factor(n)
        if (len(nfactors) != 1):
            raise ValueError(
                'GF({0}) only makes sense for {0} a prime power'.format(n))
        p = nfactors[0][0]
        e = nfactors[0][1]  # Prime p, exponent e
        if (len(modulus) == 0):
                modulus = readconway('CPimport.txt', p, e)[:-1]  # Assume monic
            except (IOError, ValueError):
                print("      Look for non-Conway primitive polynomial")
                modulus = findprimpoly(p, e)
        return FiniteField(p, modulus, name)
Esempio n. 12
def findprimpoly(p,e):
	import sys
	if sys.version_info[0] > 2: 
		iterrange = range  # Version 3 patch
		iterrange = xrange  # Version 2 patch
	ordfacts = numbthy.factor((p**e)-1)
	print (p**e)-1, " = ", ordfacts
	for thepolynum in iterrange(p+1,p**e):
		# Note: Skip [0,d1,d2,...] as not irred
		# Note: Skip [d0,0,0,...,0,1] as not primitive and probably not irred
		thepoly = [(thepolynum//(p**i))%p for i in range(e)]  # length e list of p digits
		a = FiniteField(p,thepoly).gen()  # create poly 'x' mod thepoly, check its order
		print thepoly, str(a)
		if ((a**((p**e)-1)) == 1):    # check for irreducibility, else try next poly
			isprim = True
			for (thefact,thepow) in ordfacts:
				print thefact
				if ((a**(((p**e)-1)/thefact)) == 1): # thepoly not prim
					isprim = False
					break # Don't need to check any more cofactors
			if isprim: return thepoly
	print "Oops" # Should throw exception - should never reach this point, all prime/exp have primitive polys
Esempio n. 13
 def test_factor(self):
     for testcase in ((-15, ((3, 1), (5, 1))),
                      (1234561000, ((2, 3), (5, 3), (211, 1), (5851, 1)))):
         self.assertEqual(numbthy.factor(testcase[0]), testcase[1])
Esempio n. 14
def distinct_factors(n):
    factors = numbthy.factor(n)
    # print factors
    return len(factors)