def plot_wireframe(self, X, Y, Z, *args, **kwargs): rstride = cbook.popd(kwargs, "rstride", 1) cstride = cbook.popd(kwargs, "cstride", 1) had_data = self.has_data() rows,cols = Z.shape tX,tY,tZ = nx.transpose(X), nx.transpose(Y), nx.transpose(Z) rii = [i for i in range(0,rows,rstride)]+[rows-1] cii = [i for i in range(0,cols,cstride)]+[cols-1] xlines = [X[i] for i in rii] ylines = [Y[i] for i in rii] zlines = [Z[i] for i in rii] # txlines = [tX[i] for i in cii] tylines = [tY[i] for i in cii] tzlines = [tZ[i] for i in cii] # lines = [zip(xl,yl,zl) for xl,yl,zl in zip(xlines,ylines,zlines)] lines += [zip(xl,yl,zl) for xl,yl,zl in zip(txlines,tylines,tzlines)] linec = self.add_lines(lines, *args, **kwargs) self.auto_scale_xyz(X,Y,Z, had_data) return linec
def center_matrix(M, dim=0): """ Return the matrix M with each row having zero mean and unit std if dim=1, center columns rather than rows """ # todo: implement this w/o loop. Allow optional arg to specify # dimension to remove the mean from if dim == 1: M = transpose(M) M = array(M, Float) if len(M.shape) == 1 or M.shape[0] == 1 or M.shape[1] == 1: M = M - mean(M) sigma = std(M) if sigma > 0: M = divide(M, sigma) if dim == 1: M = transpose(M) return M for i in range(M.shape[0]): M[i] -= mean(M[i]) sigma = std(M[i]) if sigma > 0: M[i] = divide(M[i], sigma) if dim == 1: M = transpose(M) return M
def center_matrix(M, dim=0): """ Return the matrix M with each row having zero mean and unit std if dim=1, center columns rather than rows """ # todo: implement this w/o loop. Allow optional arg to specify # dimension to remove the mean from if dim==1: M = transpose(M) M = array(M, Float) if len(M.shape)==1 or M.shape[0]==1 or M.shape[1]==1: M = M-mean(M) sigma = std(M) if sigma>0: M = divide(M, sigma) if dim==1: M=transpose(M) return M for i in range(M.shape[0]): M[i] -= mean(M[i]) sigma = std(M[i]) if sigma>0: M[i] = divide(M[i], sigma) if dim==1: M=transpose(M) return M
def line2d_seg_dist(p0, p1, p): """distance(s) from line defined by p0 - p1 to point(s) p p[0] = x(s) p[1] = y(s) intersection point p = p0 + u*(p1-p0) and intersection point lies within segement if u is between 0 and 1 """ p, p0, p1 = map(nx.asarray, (p[:2], p0[:2], p1[:2])) x, y = p x0, y0 = p0 x1, y1 = p1 # u = ((x - x0) * (x1 - x0) + (y - y0) * (y1 - y0)) / (dist2d(p0, p1) * dist2d(p0, p1)) # def dist(p, p0, p1, u): if u > 0 and u < 1: pi = p0 + u * (p1 - p0) return dist2d(p, pi) else: return nx.minimum(dist2d(p, p0), dist2d(p, p1)) if not iterable(u): return dist(p, p0, p1, u) else: # for each point calculate dist pt = nx.transpose(p) return nx.array([dist(pe, p0, p1, ue) for pe, ue in zip(pt, u)])
def plot_surface(self, X, Y, Z, *args, **kwargs): had_data = self.has_data() rows, cols = Z.shape tX,tY,tZ = nx.transpose(X), nx.transpose(Y), nx.transpose(Z) rstride = cbook.popd(kwargs, 'rstride', 10) cstride = cbook.popd(kwargs, 'cstride', 10) # polys = [] boxes = [] for rs in nx.arange(0,rows,rstride): for cs in nx.arange(0,cols,cstride): ps = [] corners = [] for a,ta in [(X,tX),(Y,tY),(Z,tZ)]: ztop = a[rs][cs:min(cols-1,cs+cstride)] zleft = ta[min(cols-1,cs+cstride)][rs:min(rows,rs+rstride+1)] zbase = a[min(rows-1,rs+rstride)][cs:min(cols,cs+cstride+1):] zbase = zbase[::-1] zright = ta[cs][rs:min(rows-1,rs+rstride):] zright = zright[::-1] corners.append([ztop[0],ztop[-1],zbase[0],zbase[-1]]) z = nx.concatenate((ztop,zleft,zbase,zright)) ps.append(z) boxes.append(map(nx.array,zip(*corners))) polys.append(zip(*ps)) # lines = [] shade = [] for box in boxes: n = proj3d.cross(box[0]-box[1], box[0]-box[2]) n = n/proj3d.mod(n)*5 shade.append(,[-1,-1,0.5])) lines.append((box[0],n+box[0])) # color = nx.array([0,0,1,1]) norm = normalize(min(shade),max(shade)) colors = [color * (0.5+norm(v)*0.5) for v in shade] for c in colors: c[3] = 1 polyc = art3d.Poly3DCollection(polys, facecolors=colors, *args, **kwargs) polyc._zsort = 1 self.add_collection(polyc) # self.auto_scale_xyz(X,Y,Z, had_data) return polyc
def norm(x, y=2): """ Norm of a matrix or a vector according to Matlab. The description is taken from Matlab: For matrices... NORM(X) is the largest singular value of X, max(svd(X)). NORM(X,2) is the same as NORM(X). NORM(X,1) is the 1-norm of X, the largest column sum, = max(sum(abs((X)))). NORM(X,inf) is the infinity norm of X, the largest row sum, = max(sum(abs((X')))). NORM(X,'fro') is the Frobenius norm, sqrt(sum(diag(X'*X))). NORM(X,P) is available for matrix X only if P is 1, 2, inf or 'fro'. For vectors... NORM(V,P) = sum(abs(V).^P)^(1/P). NORM(V) = norm(V,2). NORM(V,inf) = max(abs(V)). NORM(V,-inf) = min(abs(V)). """ x = asarray(x) if numerix.mlab.rank(x) == 2: if y == 2: return numerix.mlab.max(numerix.mlab.svd(x)[1]) elif y == 1: return numerix.mlab.max(asum(absolute((x)))) elif y == 'inf': return numerix.mlab.max(asum(absolute((transpose(x))))) elif y == 'fro': return numerix.mlab.sqrt( asum(numerix.mlab.diag(matrixmultiply(transpose(x), x)))) else: verbose.report_error('Second argument not permitted for matrices') return None else: if y == 'inf': return numerix.mlab.max(absolute(x)) elif y == '-inf': return numerix.mlab.min(absolute(x)) else: return power(asum(power(absolute(x), y)), 1 / float(y))
def norm(x,y=2): """ Norm of a matrix or a vector according to Matlab. The description is taken from Matlab: For matrices... NORM(X) is the largest singular value of X, max(svd(X)). NORM(X,2) is the same as NORM(X). NORM(X,1) is the 1-norm of X, the largest column sum, = max(sum(abs((X)))). NORM(X,inf) is the infinity norm of X, the largest row sum, = max(sum(abs((X')))). NORM(X,'fro') is the Frobenius norm, sqrt(sum(diag(X'*X))). NORM(X,P) is available for matrix X only if P is 1, 2, inf or 'fro'. For vectors... NORM(V,P) = sum(abs(V).^P)^(1/P). NORM(V) = norm(V,2). NORM(V,inf) = max(abs(V)). NORM(V,-inf) = min(abs(V)). """ x = asarray(x) if numerix.mlab.rank(x)==2: if y==2: return numerix.mlab.max(numerix.mlab.svd(x)[1]) elif y==1: return numerix.mlab.max(asum(absolute((x)))) elif y=='inf': return numerix.mlab.max(asum(absolute((transpose(x))))) elif y=='fro': return numerix.mlab.sqrt(asum(numerix.mlab.diag(matrixmultiply(transpose(x),x)))) else: verbose.report_error('Second argument not permitted for matrices') return None else: if y == 'inf': return numerix.mlab.max(absolute(x)) elif y == '-inf': return numerix.mlab.min(absolute(x)) else: return power(asum(power(absolute(x),y)),1/float(y))
def detrend_linear(x): "Return x minus best fit line; 'linear' detrending " # I'm going to regress x on xx=range(len(x)) and return x - # (b*xx+a). Now that I have polyfit working, I could convert the # code here, but if it ain't broke, don't fix it! xx = arange(float(len(x))) X = transpose(array([xx] + [x])) C = cov(X) b = C[0, 1] / C[0, 0] a = mean(x) - b * mean(xx) return x - (b * xx + a)
def detrend_linear(x): "Return x minus best fit line; 'linear' detrending " # I'm going to regress x on xx=range(len(x)) and return x - # (b*xx+a). Now that I have polyfit working, I could convert the # code here, but if it ain't broke, don't fix it! xx = arange(float(len(x))) X = transpose(array([xx]+[x])) C = cov(X) b = C[0,1]/C[0,0] a = mean(x) - b*mean(xx) return x-(b*xx+a)
def corrcoef(*args): """ corrcoef(X) where X is a matrix returns a matrix of correlation coefficients for each numrows observations and numcols variables. corrcoef(x,y) where x and y are vectors returns the matrix or correlation coefficients for x and y. Numeric arrays can be real or complex The correlation matrix is defined from the covariance matrix C as r(i,j) = C[i,j] / sqrt(C[i,i]*C[j,j]) """ if len(args)==2: X = transpose(array([args[0]]+[args[1]])) elif len(args)==1: X = args[0] else: raise RuntimeError, 'Only expecting 1 or 2 arguments' C = cov(X) if len(args)==2: d = resize(diagonal(C), (2,1)) denom = numerix.mlab.sqrt(matrixmultiply(d,transpose(d))) else: dc = diagonal(C) N = len(dc) shape = N,N vi = resize(dc, shape) denom = numerix.mlab.sqrt(vi*transpose(vi)) # element wise multiplication r = divide(C,denom) try: return r.real except AttributeError: return r
def corrcoef(*args): """ corrcoef(X) where X is a matrix returns a matrix of correlation coefficients for each numrows observations and numcols variables. corrcoef(x,y) where x and y are vectors returns the matrix or correlation coefficients for x and y. Numeric arrays can be real or complex The correlation matrix is defined from the covariance matrix C as r(i,j) = C[i,j] / sqrt(C[i,i]*C[j,j]) """ if len(args) == 2: X = transpose(array([args[0]] + [args[1]])) elif len(args) == 1: X = args[0] else: raise RuntimeError, 'Only expecting 1 or 2 arguments' C = cov(X) if len(args) == 2: d = resize(diagonal(C), (2, 1)) denom = numerix.mlab.sqrt(matrixmultiply(d, transpose(d))) else: dc = diagonal(C) N = len(dc) shape = N, N vi = resize(dc, shape) denom = numerix.mlab.sqrt(vi * transpose(vi)) # element wise multiplication r = divide(C, denom) try: return r.real except AttributeError: return r
def mfuncC(f, x): """ mfuncC(f, x) : matrix function with possibly complex eigenvalues. Note: Numeric defines (v,u) = eig(x) => x*u.T = u.T * Diag(v) This function is needed by sqrtm and allows further functions. """ x = array(x) (v, u) = numerix.mlab.eig(x) uT = transpose(u) V = numerix.mlab.diag(f(v + 0j)) y = matrixmultiply(uT, matrixmultiply(V, linear_algebra.inverse(uT))) return approx_real(y)
def idwt2(coeffs, wavelet, mode='sym'): """ 2D Inverse Discrete Wavelet Transform. Reconstruct data from coefficients arrays. coeffs - four 2D coefficients arrays arranged as follows: (approximation, (horizontal details, vertical details, diagonal details) ) wavelet - wavelet to use (Wavelet object or name string) mode - signal extension mode, see MODES """ if len(coeffs) != 2 or len(coeffs[1]) != 3: raise ValueError("Invalid coeffs param") # L -low-pass data, H - high-pass data LL, (LH, HL, HH) = coeffs (LL, LH, HL, HH) = (transpose(LL), transpose(LH), transpose(HL), transpose(HH)) for arr in (LL, LH, HL, HH): if len(arr.shape) != 2: raise TypeError("All input coefficients arrays must be 2D") del arr if not isinstance(wavelet, Wavelet): wavelet = Wavelet(wavelet) mode = MODES.from_object(mode) # idwt columns L = [] append_L = L.append for rowL, rowH in izip(LL, LH): append_L(idwt(rowL, rowH, wavelet, mode, 1)) del LL, LH H = [] append_H = H.append for rowL, rowH in izip(HL, HH): append_H(idwt(rowL, rowH, wavelet, mode, 1)) del HL, HH L = transpose(L) H = transpose(H) # idwt rows data = [] append_data = data.append for rowL, rowH in izip(L, H): append_data(idwt(rowL, rowH, wavelet, mode, 1)) return array(data, default_dtype)
def mfuncC(f, x): """ mfuncC(f, x) : matrix function with possibly complex eigenvalues. Note: Numeric defines (v,u) = eig(x) => x*u.T = u.T * Diag(v) This function is needed by sqrtm and allows further functions. """ x = array(x) (v, u) = numerix.mlab.eig(x) uT = transpose(u) V = numerix.mlab.diag(f(v+0j)) y = matrixmultiply( uT, matrixmultiply( V, linear_algebra.inverse(uT))) return approx_real(y)
def polyfit(x,y,N): """ Do a best fit polynomial of order N of y to x. Return value is a vector of polynomial coefficients [pk ... p1 p0]. Eg, for N=2 p2*x0^2 + p1*x0 + p0 = y1 p2*x1^2 + p1*x1 + p0 = y1 p2*x2^2 + p1*x2 + p0 = y2 ..... p2*xk^2 + p1*xk + p0 = yk Method: if X is a the Vandermonde Matrix computed from x (see, then the polynomial least squares solution is given by the 'p' in X*p = y where X is a len(x) x N+1 matrix, p is a N+1 length vector, and y is a len(x) x 1 vector This equation can be solved as p = (XT*X)^-1 * XT * y where XT is the transpose of X and -1 denotes the inverse. For more info, see, but note that the k's and n's in the superscripts and subscripts on that page. The linear algebra is correct, however. See also polyval """ x = asarray(x)+0. y = asarray(y)+0. y = reshape(y, (len(y),1)) X = Matrix(vander(x, N+1)) Xt = Matrix(transpose(X)) c = array(linear_algebra.inverse(Xt*X)*Xt*y) # convert back to array c.shape = (N+1,) return c
def polyfit(x, y, N): """ Do a best fit polynomial of order N of y to x. Return value is a vector of polynomial coefficients [pk ... p1 p0]. Eg, for N=2 p2*x0^2 + p1*x0 + p0 = y1 p2*x1^2 + p1*x1 + p0 = y1 p2*x2^2 + p1*x2 + p0 = y2 ..... p2*xk^2 + p1*xk + p0 = yk Method: if X is a the Vandermonde Matrix computed from x (see, then the polynomial least squares solution is given by the 'p' in X*p = y where X is a len(x) x N+1 matrix, p is a N+1 length vector, and y is a len(x) x 1 vector This equation can be solved as p = (XT*X)^-1 * XT * y where XT is the transpose of X and -1 denotes the inverse. For more info, see, but note that the k's and n's in the superscripts and subscripts on that page. The linear algebra is correct, however. See also polyval """ x = asarray(x) + 0. y = asarray(y) + 0. y = reshape(y, (len(y), 1)) X = Matrix(vander(x, N + 1)) Xt = Matrix(transpose(X)) c = array(linear_algebra.inverse(Xt * X) * Xt * y) # convert back to array c.shape = (N + 1, ) return c
def prepca(P, frac=0): """ Compute the principal components of P. P is a numVars x numObservations numeric array. frac is the minimum fraction of variance that a component must contain to be included Return value are Pcomponents : a num components x num observations numeric array Trans : the weights matrix, ie, Pcomponents = Trans*P fracVar : the fraction of the variance accounted for by each component returned """ U, s, v = svd(P) varEach = s**2 / P.shape[1] totVar = asum(varEach) fracVar = divide(varEach, totVar) ind = int(asum(fracVar >= frac)) # select the components that are greater Trans = transpose(U[:, :ind]) # The transformed data Pcomponents = matrixmultiply(Trans, P) return Pcomponents, Trans, fracVar[:ind]
def prepca(P, frac=0): """ Compute the principal components of P. P is a numVars x numObservations numeric array. frac is the minimum fraction of variance that a component must contain to be included Return value are Pcomponents : a num components x num observations numeric array Trans : the weights matrix, ie, Pcomponents = Trans*P fracVar : the fraction of the variance accounted for by each component returned """ U,s,v = svd(P) varEach = s**2/P.shape[1] totVar = asum(varEach) fracVar = divide(varEach,totVar) ind = int(asum(fracVar>=frac)) # select the components that are greater Trans = transpose(U[:,:ind]) # The transformed data Pcomponents = matrixmultiply(Trans,P) return Pcomponents, Trans, fracVar[:ind]
def colorbar_classic(self, mappable, cax=None, orientation='vertical', tickfmt='%1.1f', cspacing='proportional', clabels=None, drawedges=False, edgewidth=0.5, edgecolor='k'): """ Create a colorbar for mappable image mappable is the cm.ScalarMappable instance that you want the colorbar to apply to, e.g. an Image as returned by imshow or a PatchCollection as returned by scatter or pcolor. tickfmt is a format string to format the colorbar ticks cax is a colorbar axes instance in which the colorbar will be placed. If None, as default axesd will be created resizing the current aqxes to make room for it. If not None, the supplied axes will be used and the other axes positions will be unchanged. orientation is the colorbar orientation: one of 'vertical' | 'horizontal' cspacing controls how colors are distributed on the colorbar. if cspacing == 'linear', each color occupies an equal area on the colorbar, regardless of the contour spacing. if cspacing == 'proportional' (Default), the area each color occupies on the the colorbar is proportional to the contour interval. Only relevant for a Contour image. clabels can be a sequence containing the contour levels to be labelled on the colorbar, or None (Default). If clabels is None, labels for all contour intervals are displayed. Only relevant for a Contour image. if drawedges == True, lines are drawn at the edges between each color on the colorbar. Default False. edgecolor is the line color delimiting the edges of the colors on the colorbar (if drawedges == True). Default black ('k') edgewidth is the width of the lines delimiting the edges of the colors on the colorbar (if drawedges == True). Default 0.5 return value is the colorbar axes instance """ if orientation not in ('horizontal', 'vertical'): raise ValueError('Orientation must be horizontal or vertical') if isinstance(mappable, FigureImage) and cax is None: raise TypeError( 'Colorbars for figure images currently not supported unless you provide a colorbar axes in cax' ) ax = self.gca() cmap = mappable.cmap if cax is None: l, b, w, h = ax.get_position() if orientation == 'vertical': neww = 0.8 * w ax.set_position((l, b, neww, h), 'both') cax = self.add_axes([l + 0.9 * w, b, 0.1 * w, h]) else: newh = 0.8 * h ax.set_position((l, b + 0.2 * h, w, newh), 'both') cax = self.add_axes([l, b, w, 0.1 * h]) else: if not isinstance(cax, Axes): raise TypeError('Expected an Axes instance for cax') norm = mappable.norm if norm.vmin is None or norm.vmax is None: mappable.autoscale() cmin = norm.vmin cmax = norm.vmax if isinstance(mappable, ContourSet): # mappable image is from contour or contourf clevs = mappable.levels clevs = minimum(clevs, cmax) clevs = maximum(clevs, cmin) isContourSet = True elif isinstance(mappable, ScalarMappable): # from imshow or pcolor. isContourSet = False clevs = linspace(cmin, cmax, cmap.N + 1) # boundaries, hence N+1 else: raise TypeError("don't know how to handle type %s" % type(mappable)) N = len(clevs) C = array([clevs, clevs]) if cspacing == 'linear': X, Y = meshgrid(clevs, [0, 1]) elif cspacing == 'proportional': X, Y = meshgrid(linspace(cmin, cmax, N), [0, 1]) else: raise ValueError("cspacing must be 'linear' or 'proportional'") if orientation == 'vertical': args = (transpose(Y), transpose(C), transpose(X), clevs) else: args = (C, Y, X, clevs) #If colors were listed in the original mappable, then # let contour handle them the same way. colors = getattr(mappable, 'colors', None) if colors is not None: kw = {'colors': colors} else: kw = {'cmap': cmap, 'norm': norm} if isContourSet and not mappable.filled: CS = cax.contour(*args, **kw) colls = mappable.collections for ii in range(len(colls)): CS.collections[ii].set_linewidth(colls[ii].get_linewidth()) else: kw['antialiased'] = False CS = cax.contourf(*args, **kw) if drawedges: for col in CS.collections: col.set_edgecolor(edgecolor) col.set_linewidth(edgewidth) mappable.add_observer(CS) mappable.set_colorbar(CS, cax) if isContourSet: if cspacing == 'linear': ticks = linspace(cmin, cmax, N) else: ticks = clevs if cmin == mappable.levels[0]: ticklevs = clevs else: # We are not showing the full ends of the range. ticks = ticks[1:-1] ticklevs = clevs[1:-1] labs = [tickfmt % lev for lev in ticklevs] if clabels is not None: for i, lev in enumerate(ticklevs): if lev not in clabels: labs[i] = '' if orientation == 'vertical': cax.set_xticks([]) cax.yaxis.tick_right() cax.yaxis.set_label_position('right') if isContourSet: cax.set_yticks(ticks) cax.set_yticklabels(labs) else: cax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter(tickfmt)) else: cax.set_yticks([]) if isContourSet: cax.set_xticks(ticks) cax.set_xticklabels(labs) else: cax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter(tickfmt)) return cax
def colorbar_classic(self, mappable, cax=None, orientation='vertical', tickfmt='%1.1f', cspacing='proportional', clabels=None, drawedges=False, edgewidth=0.5, edgecolor='k'): """ Create a colorbar for mappable image mappable is the cm.ScalarMappable instance that you want the colorbar to apply to, e.g. an Image as returned by imshow or a PatchCollection as returned by scatter or pcolor. tickfmt is a format string to format the colorbar ticks cax is a colorbar axes instance in which the colorbar will be placed. If None, as default axesd will be created resizing the current aqxes to make room for it. If not None, the supplied axes will be used and the other axes positions will be unchanged. orientation is the colorbar orientation: one of 'vertical' | 'horizontal' cspacing controls how colors are distributed on the colorbar. if cspacing == 'linear', each color occupies an equal area on the colorbar, regardless of the contour spacing. if cspacing == 'proportional' (Default), the area each color occupies on the the colorbar is proportional to the contour interval. Only relevant for a Contour image. clabels can be a sequence containing the contour levels to be labelled on the colorbar, or None (Default). If clabels is None, labels for all contour intervals are displayed. Only relevant for a Contour image. if drawedges == True, lines are drawn at the edges between each color on the colorbar. Default False. edgecolor is the line color delimiting the edges of the colors on the colorbar (if drawedges == True). Default black ('k') edgewidth is the width of the lines delimiting the edges of the colors on the colorbar (if drawedges == True). Default 0.5 return value is the colorbar axes instance """ if orientation not in ('horizontal', 'vertical'): raise ValueError('Orientation must be horizontal or vertical') if isinstance(mappable, FigureImage) and cax is None: raise TypeError('Colorbars for figure images currently not supported unless you provide a colorbar axes in cax') ax = self.gca() cmap = mappable.cmap if cax is None: l,b,w,h = ax.get_position() if orientation=='vertical': neww = 0.8*w ax.set_position((l,b,neww,h), 'both') cax = self.add_axes([l + 0.9*w, b, 0.1*w, h]) else: newh = 0.8*h ax.set_position((l,b+0.2*h,w,newh), 'both') cax = self.add_axes([l, b, w, 0.1*h]) else: if not isinstance(cax, Axes): raise TypeError('Expected an Axes instance for cax') norm = mappable.norm if norm.vmin is None or norm.vmax is None: mappable.autoscale() cmin = norm.vmin cmax = norm.vmax if isinstance(mappable, ContourSet): # mappable image is from contour or contourf clevs = mappable.levels clevs = minimum(clevs, cmax) clevs = maximum(clevs, cmin) isContourSet = True elif isinstance(mappable, ScalarMappable): # from imshow or pcolor. isContourSet = False clevs = linspace(cmin, cmax, cmap.N+1) # boundaries, hence N+1 else: raise TypeError("don't know how to handle type %s"%type(mappable)) N = len(clevs) C = array([clevs, clevs]) if cspacing == 'linear': X, Y = meshgrid(clevs, [0, 1]) elif cspacing == 'proportional': X, Y = meshgrid(linspace(cmin, cmax, N), [0, 1]) else: raise ValueError("cspacing must be 'linear' or 'proportional'") if orientation=='vertical': args = (transpose(Y), transpose(C), transpose(X), clevs) else: args = (C, Y, X, clevs) #If colors were listed in the original mappable, then # let contour handle them the same way. colors = getattr(mappable, 'colors', None) if colors is not None: kw = {'colors': colors} else: kw = {'cmap':cmap, 'norm':norm} if isContourSet and not mappable.filled: CS = cax.contour(*args, **kw) colls = mappable.collections for ii in range(len(colls)): CS.collections[ii].set_linewidth(colls[ii].get_linewidth()) else: kw['antialiased'] = False CS = cax.contourf(*args, **kw) if drawedges: for col in CS.collections: col.set_edgecolor(edgecolor) col.set_linewidth(edgewidth) mappable.add_observer(CS) mappable.set_colorbar(CS, cax) if isContourSet: if cspacing == 'linear': ticks = linspace(cmin, cmax, N) else: ticks = clevs if cmin == mappable.levels[0]: ticklevs = clevs else: # We are not showing the full ends of the range. ticks = ticks[1:-1] ticklevs = clevs[1:-1] labs = [tickfmt % lev for lev in ticklevs] if clabels is not None: for i, lev in enumerate(ticklevs): if lev not in clabels: labs[i] = '' if orientation=='vertical': cax.set_xticks([]) cax.yaxis.tick_right() cax.yaxis.set_label_position('right') if isContourSet: cax.set_yticks(ticks) cax.set_yticklabels(labs) else: cax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter(tickfmt)) else: cax.set_yticks([]) if isContourSet: cax.set_xticks(ticks) cax.set_xticklabels(labs) else: cax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter(tickfmt)) return cax
def idwt2(coeffs, wavelet, mode='sym'): """ 2D Inverse Discrete Wavelet Transform. Reconstruct data from coefficients arrays. coeffs - four 2D coefficients arrays arranged as follows (in the same way as dwt2 output -- see dwt2 description for details): (approximation, (horizontal details, vertical details, diagonal details) ) wavelet - wavelet to use (Wavelet object or name string) mode - signal extension mode, see MODES """ if len(coeffs) != 2 or len(coeffs[1]) != 3: raise ValueError("Invalid coeffs param") # L -low-pass data, H - high-pass data LL, (LH, HL, HH) = coeffs if LL is not None: LL = transpose(LL) if LH is not None: LH = transpose(LH) if HL is not None: HL = transpose(HL) if HH is not None: HH = transpose(HH) all_none = True for arr in (LL, LH, HL, HH): if arr is not None: all_none = False if len(arr.shape) != 2: raise TypeError("All input coefficients arrays must be 2D.") del arr if all_none: raise ValueError( "At least one input coefficients array must not be None.") if not isinstance(wavelet, Wavelet): wavelet = Wavelet(wavelet) mode = MODES.from_object(mode) # idwt columns L = [] if LL is None and LH is None: L = None else: if LL is None: # IDWT can handle None input values - equals to zero-array LL = cycle([None]) if LH is None: # IDWT can handle None input values - equals to zero-array LH = cycle([None]) for rowL, rowH in izip(LL, LH): L.append(idwt(rowL, rowH, wavelet, mode, 1)) del LL, LH H = [] if HL is None and HH is None: H = None else: if HL is None: # IDWT can handle None input values - equals to zero-array HL = cycle([None]) if HH is None: # IDWT can handle None input values - equals to zero-array HH = cycle([None]) for rowL, rowH in izip(HL, HH): H.append(idwt(rowL, rowH, wavelet, mode, 1)) del HL, HH if L is not None: L = transpose(L) if H is not None: H = transpose(H) # idwt rows data = [] if L is None: # IDWT can handle None input values - equals to zero-array L = cycle([None]) if H is None: # IDWT can handle None input values - equals to zero-array H = cycle([None]) for rowL, rowH in izip(L, H): data.append(idwt(rowL, rowH, wavelet, mode, 1)) return array(data, default_dtype)
def dwt2(data, wavelet, mode='sym'): """ 2D Discrete Wavelet Transform. data - 2D array with input data wavelet - wavelet to use (Wavelet object or name string) mode - signal extension mode, see MODES Returns approximation and three details 2D coefficients arrays. The result form four 2D coefficients arrays organized in tuples: (approximation, (horizontal details, vertical details, diagonal details) ) which sometimes is also interpreted as laid out in one 2D array of coefficients, where: ----------------- | | | | A(LL) | H(LH) | | | | (A, (H, V, D)) <---> ----------------- | | | | V(HL) | D(HH) | | | | ----------------- """ data = as_float_array(data) if len(data.shape) != 2: raise ValueError("Expected 2D data array") if not isinstance(wavelet, Wavelet): wavelet = Wavelet(wavelet) mode = MODES.from_object(mode) # filter rows H, L = [], [] for row in data: cA, cD = dwt(row, wavelet, mode) L.append(cA) H.append(cD) del data # filter columns H = transpose(H) L = transpose(L) LL, LH = [], [] for row in L: cA, cD = dwt(array(row, default_dtype), wavelet, mode) LL.append(cA) LH.append(cD) del L HL, HH = [], [] for row in H: cA, cD = dwt(array(row, default_dtype), wavelet, mode) HL.append(cA) HH.append(cD) del H # build result structure # (approx., (horizontal, vertical, diagonal)) ret = (transpose(LL), (transpose(LH), transpose(HL), transpose(HH))) return ret
def swt2(data, wavelet, level, start_level=0): """ 2D Stationary Wavelet Transform. data - 2D array with input data wavelet - wavelet to use (Wavelet object or name string) level - how many decomposition steps to perform start_level - the level at which the decomposition will start Returns list of approximation and details coefficients: [ (cA_n, (cH_n, cV_n, cD_n) ), (cA_n+1, (cH_n+1, cV_n+1, cD_n+1) ), ..., (cA_n+level, (cH_n+level, cV_n+level, cD_n+level) ) ] where cA is approximation, cH is horizontal details, cV is vertical details, cD is diagonal details and n is start_level. """ data = as_float_array(data) if len(data.shape) != 2: raise ValueError("Expected 2D data array") if not isinstance(wavelet, Wavelet): wavelet = Wavelet(wavelet) ret = [] for i in range(start_level, start_level + level): # filter rows H, L = [], [] append_L = L.append append_H = H.append for row in data: cA, cD = swt(row, wavelet, level=1, start_level=i)[0] append_L(cA) append_H(cD) del data # filter columns H = transpose(H) L = transpose(L) LL, LH = [], [] append_LL = LL.append append_LH = LH.append for row in L: cA, cD = swt(array(row, default_dtype), wavelet, level=1, start_level=i)[0] append_LL(cA) append_LH(cD) del L HL, HH = [], [] append_HL = HL.append append_HH = HH.append for row in H: cA, cD = swt(array(row, default_dtype), wavelet, level=1, start_level=i)[0] append_HL(cA) append_HH(cD) del H # build result structure # (approx., (horizontal, vertical, diagonal)) approx = transpose(LL) ret.append((approx, (transpose(LH), transpose(HL), transpose(HH)))) data = approx # for next iteration return ret
def colorbar(self, mappable, tickfmt='%1.1f', cax=None, orientation='vertical'): """ Create a colorbar for mappable image tickfmt is a format string to format the colorbar ticks cax is a colorbar axes instance in which the colorbar will be placed. If None, as default axesd will be created resizing the current aqxes to make room for it. If not None, the supplied axes will be used and the other axes positions will be unchanged. orientation is the colorbar orientation: one of 'vertical' | 'horizontal' return value is the colorbar axes instance """ if orientation not in ('horizontal', 'vertical'): raise ValueError('Orientation must be horizontal or vertical') if isinstance(mappable, FigureImage) and cax is None: raise TypeError('Colorbars for figure images currently not supported unless you provide a colorbar axes in cax') ax = self.gca() cmap = mappable.cmap norm = mappable.norm if norm.vmin is None or norm.vmax is None: mappable.autoscale() cmin = norm.vmin cmax = norm.vmax if cax is None: l,b,w,h = ax.get_position() if orientation=='vertical': neww = 0.8*w ax.set_position((l,b,neww,h)) cax = self.add_axes([l + 0.9*w, b, 0.1*w, h]) else: newh = 0.8*h ax.set_position((l,b+0.2*h,w,newh)) cax = self.add_axes([l, b, w, 0.1*h]) else: if not isinstance(cax, Axes): raise TypeError('Expected an Axes instance for cax') N = cmap.N c = linspace(cmin, cmax, N) C = array([c,c]) if orientation=='vertical': C = transpose(C) if orientation=='vertical': extent=(0, 1, cmin, cmax) else: extent=(cmin, cmax, 0, 1) coll = cax.imshow(C, interpolation='nearest', #interpolation='bilinear', origin='lower', cmap=cmap, norm=norm, extent=extent) mappable.add_observer(coll) mappable.set_colorbar(coll, cax) if orientation=='vertical': cax.set_xticks([]) cax.yaxis.tick_right() cax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter(tickfmt)) else: cax.set_yticks([]) cax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter(tickfmt)) return cax
def dwt2(data, wavelet, mode='sym'): """ 2D Discrete Wavelet Transform. data - 2D array with input data wavelet - wavelet to use (Wavelet object or name string) mode - signal extension mode, see MODES Returns approximaion and three details 2D coefficients arrays. The result form four 2D coefficients arrays organized in tuples: (approximation, (horizontal details, vertical details, diagonal details) ) which sometimes is also interpreted as layed out in one 2D array of coefficients, where: ----------------- | | | | A(LL) | H(LH) | | | | (A, (H, V, D)) <---> ----------------- | | | | V(HL) | D(HH) | | | | ----------------- """ data = as_float_array(data) if len(data.shape) != 2: raise ValueError("Expected 2D data array") if not isinstance(wavelet, Wavelet): wavelet = Wavelet(wavelet) mode = MODES.from_object(mode) # filter rows H, L = [], [] append_L = L.append append_H = H.append for row in data: cA, cD = dwt(row, wavelet, mode) append_L(cA) append_H(cD) del data # filter columns H = transpose(H) L = transpose(L) LL, LH = [], [] append_LL = LL.append append_LH = LH.append for row in L: cA, cD = dwt(array(row, default_dtype), wavelet, mode) append_LL(cA) append_LH(cD) del L HL, HH = [], [] append_HL = HL.append append_HH = HH.append for row in H: cA, cD = dwt(array(row, default_dtype), wavelet, mode) append_HL(cA) append_HH(cD) del H # build result structure # (approx., (horizontal, vertical, diagonal)) ret = (transpose(LL), (transpose(LH), transpose(HL), transpose(HH))) return ret
def colorbar(self, mappable, tickfmt='%1.1f', cax=None, orientation='vertical'): """ Create a colorbar for mappable image tickfmt is a format string to format the colorbar ticks cax is a colorbar axes instance in which the colorbar will be placed. If None, as default axesd will be created resizing the current aqxes to make room for it. If not None, the supplied axes will be used and the other axes positions will be unchanged. orientation is the colorbar orientation: one of 'vertical' | 'horizontal' return value is the colorbar axes instance """ if orientation not in ('horizontal', 'vertical'): raise ValueError('Orientation must be horizontal or vertical') if isinstance(mappable, FigureImage) and cax is None: raise TypeError( 'Colorbars for figure images currently not supported unless you provide a colorbar axes in cax' ) ax = self.gca() cmap = mappable.cmap norm = mappable.norm if norm.vmin is None or norm.vmax is None: mappable.autoscale() cmin = norm.vmin cmax = norm.vmax if cax is None: l, b, w, h = ax.get_position() if orientation == 'vertical': neww = 0.8 * w ax.set_position((l, b, neww, h)) cax = self.add_axes([l + 0.9 * w, b, 0.1 * w, h]) else: newh = 0.8 * h ax.set_position((l, b + 0.2 * h, w, newh)) cax = self.add_axes([l, b, w, 0.1 * h]) else: if not isinstance(cax, Axes): raise TypeError('Expected an Axes instance for cax') N = cmap.N c = linspace(cmin, cmax, N) C = array([c, c]) if orientation == 'vertical': C = transpose(C) if orientation == 'vertical': extent = (0, 1, cmin, cmax) else: extent = (cmin, cmax, 0, 1) coll = cax.imshow(C, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap=cmap, norm=norm, extent=extent) mappable.add_observer(coll) mappable.set_colorbar(coll, cax) if orientation == 'vertical': cax.set_xticks([]) cax.yaxis.tick_right() cax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter(tickfmt)) else: cax.set_yticks([]) cax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter(tickfmt)) return cax
def idwt2(coeffs, wavelet, mode='sym'): """ 2D Inverse Discrete Wavelet Transform. Reconstruct data from coefficients arrays. coeffs - four 2D coefficients arrays arranged as follows (in the same way as dwt2 output -- see dwt2 description for details): (approximation, (horizontal details, vertical details, diagonal details) ) wavelet - wavelet to use (Wavelet object or name string) mode - signal extension mode, see MODES """ if len(coeffs) != 2 or len(coeffs[1]) != 3: raise ValueError("Invalid coeffs param") # L -low-pass data, H - high-pass data LL, (LH, HL, HH) = coeffs if not LL is None: LL = transpose(LL) if not LH is None: LH = transpose(LH) if not HL is None: HL = transpose(HL) if not HH is None: HH = transpose(HH) all_none = True for arr in (LL, LH, HL, HH): if arr is not None: all_none = False if len(arr.shape) != 2: raise TypeError("All input coefficients arrays must be 2D.") del arr if all_none: raise ValueError( "At least one input coefficients array must not be None.") if not isinstance(wavelet, Wavelet): wavelet = Wavelet(wavelet) mode = MODES.from_object(mode) # idwt columns L = [] append_L = L.append if LL is None and LH is None: L = None else: if LL is None: LL = cycle([ None ]) # IDWT can handle None input values - equals to zero-array if LH is None: LH = cycle([ None ]) # IDWT can handle None input values - equals to zero-array for rowL, rowH in izip(LL, LH): append_L(idwt(rowL, rowH, wavelet, mode, 1)) del LL, LH H = [] append_H = H.append if HL is None and HH is None: H = None else: if HL is None: HL = cycle([ None ]) # IDWT can handle None input values - equals to zero-array if HH is None: HH = cycle([ None ]) # IDWT can handle None input values - equals to zero-array for rowL, rowH in izip(HL, HH): append_H(idwt(rowL, rowH, wavelet, mode, 1)) del HL, HH if L is not None: L = transpose(L) if H is not None: H = transpose(H) # idwt rows data = [] append_data = data.append if L is None: L = cycle( [None]) # IDWT can handle None input values - equals to zero-array if H is None: H = cycle( [None]) # IDWT can handle None input values - equals to zero-array for rowL, rowH in izip(L, H): append_data(idwt(rowL, rowH, wavelet, mode, 1)) return array(data, default_dtype)
def swt2(data, wavelet, level, start_level=0): """ 2D Stationary Wavelet Transform. data - 2D array with input data wavelet - wavelet to use (Wavelet object or name string) level - how many decomposition steps to perform start_level - the level at which the decomposition will start Returns list of approximation and details coefficients: [ (cA_n, (cH_n, cV_n, cD_n) ), (cA_n+1, (cH_n+1, cV_n+1, cD_n+1) ), ..., (cA_n+level, (cH_n+level, cV_n+level, cD_n+level) ) ] where cA is approximation, cH is horizontal details, cV is vertical details, cD is diagonal details and n is start_level. """ data = as_float_array(data) if len(data.shape) != 2: raise ValueError("Expected 2D data array") if not isinstance(wavelet, Wavelet): wavelet = Wavelet(wavelet) ret = [] for i in range(start_level, start_level + level): # filter rows H, L = [], [] for row in data: cA, cD = swt(row, wavelet, level=1, start_level=i)[0] L.append(cA) H.append(cD) del data # filter columns H = transpose(H) L = transpose(L) LL, LH = [], [] for row in L: cA, cD = swt( array(row, default_dtype), wavelet, level=1, start_level=i )[0] LL.append(cA) LH.append(cD) del L HL, HH = [], [] for row in H: cA, cD = swt( array(row, default_dtype), wavelet, level=1, start_level=i )[0] HL.append(cA) HH.append(cD) del H # build result structure # (approx., (horizontal, vertical, diagonal)) approx = transpose(LL) ret.append((approx, (transpose(LH), transpose(HL), transpose(HH)))) # for next iteration data = approx # noqa return ret