Esempio n. 1
def put(arr, ids, values):
    The opposite of `take`.  The values of `arr` at the locations
    specified by `ids` are set to the corresponding value of `values`.

    The following is to test improvments to puts with masked arrays.
    Places in the code were assuming incorrect put behavior.

       >>> maskValue = 999999

       >>> arr = zeros(3, 'l')
       >>> ids = MA.masked_values((2, maskValue), maskValue)
       >>> values = MA.masked_values((4, maskValue), maskValue)
       >>> put(arr, ids, values) ## this should work 
       >>> print arr
       [0 0 4]

       >>> arr = MA.masked_values((maskValue, 5, 10), maskValue)
       >>> ids = MA.masked_values((2, maskValue), maskValue)
       >>> values = MA.masked_values((4, maskValue), maskValue)
       >>> put(arr, ids, values) 
       >>> print arr ## works as expected
       [-- 5 4]
       >>> arr = MA.masked_values((maskValue, 5, 10), maskValue)
       >>> ids = MA.masked_values((maskValue, 2), maskValue)
       >>> values = MA.masked_values((4, maskValue), maskValue)
       >>> put(arr, ids, values)
       >>> print arr ## should be [-- 5 --] maybe??
       [-- 5 999999]

    if _isPhysical(arr):
        arr.put(ids, values)
    elif MA.isMaskedArray(arr):
        if NUMERIX.sometrue(MA.getmaskarray(ids)):
            if numpy_version == 'old':
                pvalues = MA.array(values, mask=MA.getmaskarray(ids))
                pvalues = MA.array(values.filled(), mask=MA.getmaskarray(ids))
            MA.put(arr, ids.compressed(), pvalues.compressed())
            MA.put(arr, ids, values)
    elif MA.isMaskedArray(ids):
        NUMERIX.put(arr, ids.compressed(),
                    MA.array(values, mask=MA.getmaskarray(ids)).compressed())
        NUMERIX.put(arr, ids, values)
Esempio n. 2
def put(arr, ids, values):
    The opposite of `take`.  The values of `arr` at the locations
    specified by `ids` are set to the corresponding value of `values`.

    The following is to test improvments to puts with masked arrays.
    Places in the code were assuming incorrect put behavior.

       >>> maskValue = 999999

       >>> arr = zeros(3, 'l')
       >>> ids = MA.masked_values((2, maskValue), maskValue)
       >>> values = MA.masked_values((4, maskValue), maskValue)
       >>> put(arr, ids, values) ## this should work 
       >>> print arr
       [0 0 4]

       >>> arr = MA.masked_values((maskValue, 5, 10), maskValue)
       >>> ids = MA.masked_values((2, maskValue), maskValue)
       >>> values = MA.masked_values((4, maskValue), maskValue)
       >>> put(arr, ids, values) 
       >>> print arr ## works as expected
       [-- 5 4]
       >>> arr = MA.masked_values((maskValue, 5, 10), maskValue)
       >>> ids = MA.masked_values((maskValue, 2), maskValue)
       >>> values = MA.masked_values((4, maskValue), maskValue)
       >>> put(arr, ids, values)
       >>> print arr ## should be [-- 5 --] maybe??
       [-- 5 999999]

    if _isPhysical(arr):
        arr.put(ids, values)
    elif MA.isMaskedArray(arr):
        if NUMERIX.sometrue(MA.getmaskarray(ids)):
            if numpy_version == 'old':
                pvalues = MA.array(values, mask=MA.getmaskarray(ids))
                pvalues = MA.array(values.filled(), mask=MA.getmaskarray(ids))
            MA.put(arr, ids.compressed(), pvalues.compressed())
            MA.put(arr, ids, values)
    elif MA.isMaskedArray(ids):
        NUMERIX.put(arr, ids.compressed(), MA.array(values, mask=MA.getmaskarray(ids)).compressed())
        NUMERIX.put(arr, ids, values)
Esempio n. 3
def take(a, indices, axis=0, fill_value=None):
    Selects the elements of `a` corresponding to `indices`.
    if _isPhysical(a):
        taken = a.take(indices, axis=axis)   
    elif type(indices) is type(MA.array((0))):
        ## Replaces `MA.take`. `MA.take` does not always work when
        ## `indices` is a masked array.
        taken = MA.take(a, MA.filled(indices, 0), axis=axis)
        mask = MA.getmask(indices)
        if mask is not MA.nomask:
            mask = MA.getmaskarray(indices)
            if taken.shape != mask.shape:
                mask = MA.repeat(mask[NewAxis, ...], taken.shape[0], axis=0)
                mask = MA.mask_or(MA.getmask(taken), mask)

        if mask is not MA.nomask:
            taken = MA.array(data=taken, mask=mask)
            if MA.getmask(taken) is MA.nomask and numpy_version == 'old':
                # numpy 1.1 returns normal array when masked array is filled
                taken = taken.filled()

    elif type(a) in (type(array((0))), type(()), type([])):
        taken = NUMERIX.take(a, indices, axis=axis)
    elif type(a) is type(MA.array((0))):
        taken = MA.take(a, indices, axis=axis)
        raise TypeError, 'cannot take from %s object: %s' % (type(a), `a`)
    if fill_value is not None and type(taken) is type(MA.array((0))):
        taken = taken.filled(fill_value=fill_value)
    return taken
Esempio n. 4
def take(a, indices, axis=0, fill_value=None):
    Selects the elements of `a` corresponding to `indices`.

    if _isPhysical(a):
        taken = a.take(indices, axis=axis)
    elif type(indices) is type(MA.array((0))):
        ## Replaces `MA.take`. `MA.take` does not always work when
        ## `indices` is a masked array.
        taken = MA.take(a, MA.filled(indices, 0), axis=axis)

        mask = MA.getmask(indices)

        if mask is not MA.nomask:
            mask = MA.getmaskarray(indices)
            if taken.shape != mask.shape:
                mask = MA.repeat(mask[NewAxis, ...], taken.shape[0], axis=0)
                mask = MA.mask_or(MA.getmask(taken), mask)

        if mask is not MA.nomask:
            taken = MA.array(data=taken, mask=mask)
            if MA.getmask(taken) is MA.nomask and numpy_version == 'old':
                # numpy 1.1 returns normal array when masked array is filled
                taken = taken.filled()

    elif type(a) in (type(array((0))), type(()), type([])):
        taken = NUMERIX.take(a, indices, axis=axis)
    elif type(a) is type(MA.array((0))):
        taken = MA.take(a, indices, axis=axis)
        raise TypeError, 'cannot take from %s object: %s' % (type(a), ` a `)

    if fill_value is not None and type(taken) is type(MA.array((0))):
        taken = taken.filled(fill_value=fill_value)

    return taken