Esempio n. 1
def eig(a):
    Compute eigenvalues and right eigenvectors of an array.

    a : array_like, shape (M, M)
        A complex or real 2-D array.

    w : ndarray, shape (M,)
        The eigenvalues, each repeated according to its multiplicity.
        The eigenvalues are not necessarily ordered, nor are they
        necessarily real for real matrices.
    v : ndarray, shape (M, M)
        The normalized eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue ``w[i]`` is
        the column ``v[:,i]``.

        If the eigenvalue computation does not converge.

    See Also
    eigvalsh : eigenvalues of symmetric or Hemitiean arrays.
    eig : eigenvalues and right eigenvectors for non-symmetric arrays
    eigvals : eigenvalues of non-symmetric array.

    This is a simple interface to the LAPACK routines dgeev and zgeev
    that compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of general real and
    complex arrays respectively.

    The number `w` is an eigenvalue of a if there exists a vector `v`
    satisfying the equation ``dot(a,v) = w*v``. Alternately, if `w` is
    a root of the characteristic equation ``det(a - w[i]*I) = 0``, where
    `det` is the determinant and `I` is the identity matrix. The arrays
    `a`, `w`, and `v` satisfy the equation ``dot(a,v[i]) = w[i]*v[:,i]``.

    The array `v` of eigenvectors may not be of maximum rank, that is, some
    of the columns may be dependent, although roundoff error may
    obscure that fact. If the eigenvalues are all different, then theoretically
    the eigenvectors are independent. Likewise, the matrix of eigenvectors
    is unitary if the matrix `a` is normal, i.e., if
    ``dot(a, a.H) = dot(a.H, a)``.

    The left and right eigenvectors are not necessarily the (Hermitian)
    transposes of each other.

    a, wrap = _makearray(a)
    a, t, result_t = _convertarray(a) # convert to double or cdouble type
    real_t = _linalgRealType(t)
    n = a.shape[0]
    dummy = zeros((1,), t)
    if isComplexType(t):
        # Complex routines take different arguments
        lapack_routine = lapack_lite.zgeev
        w = zeros((n,), t)
        v = zeros((n, n), t)
        lwork = 1
        work = zeros((lwork,), t)
        rwork = zeros((2*n,), real_t)
        results = lapack_routine('N', 'V', n, a, n, w,
                                 dummy, 1, v, n, work, -1, rwork, 0)
        lwork = int(abs(work[0]))
        work = zeros((lwork,), t)
        results = lapack_routine('N', 'V', n, a, n, w,
                                 dummy, 1, v, n, work, lwork, rwork, 0)
        lapack_routine = lapack_lite.dgeev
        wr = zeros((n,), t)
        wi = zeros((n,), t)
        vr = zeros((n, n), t)
        lwork = 1
        work = zeros((lwork,), t)
        results = lapack_routine('N', 'V', n, a, n, wr, wi,
                                  dummy, 1, vr, n, work, -1, 0)
        lwork = int(work[0])
        work = zeros((lwork,), t)
        results = lapack_routine('N', 'V', n, a, n, wr, wi,
                                  dummy, 1, vr, n, work, lwork, 0)
        if all(wi == 0.0):
            w = wr
            v = vr
            result_t = _realType(result_t)
            w = wr+1j*wi
            v = array(vr, w.dtype)
            ind = flatnonzero(wi != 0.0)      # indices of complex e-vals
            for i in range(len(ind)/2):
                v[ind[2*i]] = vr[ind[2*i]] + 1j*vr[ind[2*i+1]]
                v[ind[2*i+1]] = vr[ind[2*i]] - 1j*vr[ind[2*i+1]]
            result_t = _complexType(result_t)

    if results['info'] > 0:
        raise LinAlgError, 'Eigenvalues did not converge'
    vt = v.transpose().astype(result_t)
    return w.astype(result_t), wrap(vt)
Esempio n. 2
def assert_array_compare(comparison, x, y, err_msg='', verbose=True,
    from numpy.core import array, isnan, isinf, isna, any, all, inf
    x = array(x, copy=False, subok=True)
    y = array(y, copy=False, subok=True)

    def isnumber(x):
        return x.dtype.char in '?bhilqpBHILQPefdgFDG'

    def chk_same_position(x_id, y_id, hasval='nan'):
        """Handling nan/inf: check that x and y have the nan/inf at the same
            assert_array_equal(x_id, y_id)
        except AssertionError:
            msg = build_err_msg([x, y],
                                err_msg + '\nx and y %s location mismatch:' \
                                % (hasval), verbose=verbose, header=header,
                                names=('x', 'y'))
            raise AssertionError(msg)

        cond = (x.shape==() or y.shape==()) or x.shape == y.shape
        if not cond:
            msg = build_err_msg([x, y],
                                + '\n(shapes %s, %s mismatch)' % (x.shape,
                                verbose=verbose, header=header,
                                names=('x', 'y'))
            if not cond :
                raise AssertionError(msg)

        if isnumber(x) and isnumber(y):
            x_isna, y_isna = isna(x), isna(y)
            x_isnan, y_isnan = isnan(x), isnan(y)
            x_isinf, y_isinf = isinf(x), isinf(y)

            # Remove any NAs from the isnan and isinf arrays
            if x.ndim == 0:
                if x_isna:
                    x_isnan = False
                    x_isinf = False
                x_isnan[x_isna] = False
                x_isinf[x_isna] = False
            if y.ndim == 0:
                if y_isna:
                    y_isnan = False
                    y_isinf = False
                y_isnan[y_isna] = False
                y_isinf[y_isna] = False

            # Validate that the special values are in the same place
            if any(x_isnan) or any(y_isnan):
                chk_same_position(x_isnan, y_isnan, hasval='nan')
            if any(x_isinf) or any(y_isinf):
                # Check +inf and -inf separately, since they are different
                chk_same_position(x == +inf, y == +inf, hasval='+inf')
                chk_same_position(x == -inf, y == -inf, hasval='-inf')
            if any(x_isna) or any(y_isna):
                chk_same_position(x_isna, y_isna, hasval='NA')

            # Combine all the special values
            x_id, y_id = x_isnan, y_isnan
            x_id |= x_isinf
            y_id |= y_isinf
            x_id |= x_isna
            y_id |= y_isna

            # Only do the comparison if actual values are left
            if all(x_id):

            if any(x_id):
                val = comparison(x[~x_id], y[~y_id])
                val = comparison(x, y)
        # field-NA isn't supported yet, so skip struct dtypes for this
        elif (not x.dtype.names and not y.dtype.names) and \
                    (any(isna(x)) or any(isna(y))):
            x_isna, y_isna = isna(x), isna(y)

            if any(x_isna) or any(y_isna):
                chk_same_position(x_isna, y_isna, hasval='NA')

            if all(x_isna):
            val = comparison(x[~x_isna], y[~y_isna])
            val = comparison(x,y)

        if isinstance(val, bool):
            cond = val
            reduced = [0]
            reduced = val.ravel()
            cond = reduced.all()
            reduced = reduced.tolist()
        if not cond:
            match = 100-100.0*reduced.count(1)/len(reduced)
            msg = build_err_msg([x, y],
                                + '\n(mismatch %s%%)' % (match,),
                                verbose=verbose, header=header,
                                names=('x', 'y'))
            if not cond :
                raise AssertionError(msg)
    except ValueError, e:
        import traceback
        efmt = traceback.format_exc()
        header = 'error during assertion:\n\n%s\n\n%s' % (efmt, header)

        msg = build_err_msg([x, y], err_msg, verbose=verbose, header=header,
                            names=('x', 'y'))
        raise ValueError(msg)
Esempio n. 3
def eigvals(a):
    Compute the eigenvalues of a general matrix.

    a : array_like, shape (M, M)
        A complex or real matrix whose eigenvalues and eigenvectors
        will be computed.

    w : ndarray, shape (M,)
        The eigenvalues, each repeated according to its multiplicity.
        They are not necessarily ordered, nor are they necessarily
        real for real matrices.

        If the eigenvalue computation does not converge.

    See Also
    eig : eigenvalues and right eigenvectors of general arrays
    eigvalsh : eigenvalues of symmetric or Hemitiean arrays.
    eigh : eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetric/Hermitean arrays.

    This is a simple interface to the LAPACK routines dgeev and zgeev
    that sets the flags to return only the eigenvalues of general real
    and complex arrays respectively.

    The number w is an eigenvalue of a if there exists a vector v
    satisfying the equation dot(a,v) = w*v. Alternately, if w is a root of
    the characteristic equation det(a - w[i]*I) = 0, where det is the
    determinant and I is the identity matrix.

    a, wrap = _makearray(a)
    t, result_t = _commonType(a)
    real_t = _linalgRealType(t)
    a = _fastCopyAndTranspose(t, a)
    n = a.shape[0]
    dummy = zeros((1,), t)
    if isComplexType(t):
        lapack_routine = lapack_lite.zgeev
        w = zeros((n,), t)
        rwork = zeros((n,), real_t)
        lwork = 1
        work = zeros((lwork,), t)
        results = lapack_routine('N', 'N', n, a, n, w,
                                 dummy, 1, dummy, 1, work, -1, rwork, 0)
        lwork = int(abs(work[0]))
        work = zeros((lwork,), t)
        results = lapack_routine('N', 'N', n, a, n, w,
                                 dummy, 1, dummy, 1, work, lwork, rwork, 0)
        lapack_routine = lapack_lite.dgeev
        wr = zeros((n,), t)
        wi = zeros((n,), t)
        lwork = 1
        work = zeros((lwork,), t)
        results = lapack_routine('N', 'N', n, a, n, wr, wi,
                                 dummy, 1, dummy, 1, work, -1, 0)
        lwork = int(work[0])
        work = zeros((lwork,), t)
        results = lapack_routine('N', 'N', n, a, n, wr, wi,
                                 dummy, 1, dummy, 1, work, lwork, 0)
        if all(wi == 0.):
            w = wr
            result_t = _realType(result_t)
            w = wr+1j*wi
            result_t = _complexType(result_t)
    if results['info'] > 0:
        raise LinAlgError, 'Eigenvalues did not converge'
    return w.astype(result_t)
Esempio n. 4
def eigvals(a):
    Compute the eigenvalues of a general matrix.

    a : array_like, shape (M, M)
        A complex or real matrix whose eigenvalues and eigenvectors
        will be computed.

    w : ndarray, shape (M,)
        The eigenvalues, each repeated according to its multiplicity.
        They are not necessarily ordered, nor are they necessarily
        real for real matrices.

        If the eigenvalue computation does not converge.

    See Also
    eig : eigenvalues and right eigenvectors of general arrays
    eigvalsh : eigenvalues of symmetric or Hemitiean arrays.
    eigh : eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetric/Hermitean arrays.

    This is a simple interface to the LAPACK routines dgeev and zgeev
    that sets the flags to return only the eigenvalues of general real
    and complex arrays respectively.

    The number w is an eigenvalue of a if there exists a vector v
    satisfying the equation dot(a,v) = w*v. Alternately, if w is a root of
    the characteristic equation det(a - w[i]*I) = 0, where det is the
    determinant and I is the identity matrix.

    a, wrap = _makearray(a)
    t, result_t = _commonType(a)
    real_t = _linalgRealType(t)
    a = _fastCopyAndTranspose(t, a)
    n = a.shape[0]
    dummy = zeros((1, ), t)
    if isComplexType(t):
        lapack_routine = lapack_lite.zgeev
        w = zeros((n, ), t)
        rwork = zeros((n, ), real_t)
        lwork = 1
        work = zeros((lwork, ), t)
        results = lapack_routine('N', 'N', n, a, n, w, dummy, 1, dummy, 1,
                                 work, -1, rwork, 0)
        lwork = int(abs(work[0]))
        work = zeros((lwork, ), t)
        results = lapack_routine('N', 'N', n, a, n, w, dummy, 1, dummy, 1,
                                 work, lwork, rwork, 0)
        lapack_routine = lapack_lite.dgeev
        wr = zeros((n, ), t)
        wi = zeros((n, ), t)
        lwork = 1
        work = zeros((lwork, ), t)
        results = lapack_routine('N', 'N', n, a, n, wr, wi, dummy, 1, dummy, 1,
                                 work, -1, 0)
        lwork = int(work[0])
        work = zeros((lwork, ), t)
        results = lapack_routine('N', 'N', n, a, n, wr, wi, dummy, 1, dummy, 1,
                                 work, lwork, 0)
        if all(wi == 0.):
            w = wr
            result_t = _realType(result_t)
            w = wr + 1j * wi
            result_t = _complexType(result_t)
    if results['info'] > 0:
        raise LinAlgError, 'Eigenvalues did not converge'
    return w.astype(result_t)
Esempio n. 5
def eig(a):
    Compute eigenvalues and right eigenvectors of an array.

    a : array_like, shape (M, M)
        A complex or real 2-D array.

    w : ndarray, shape (M,)
        The eigenvalues, each repeated according to its multiplicity.
        The eigenvalues are not necessarily ordered, nor are they
        necessarily real for real matrices.
    v : ndarray, shape (M, M)
        The normalized eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue ``w[i]`` is
        the column ``v[:,i]``.

        If the eigenvalue computation does not converge.

    See Also
    eigvalsh : eigenvalues of symmetric or Hemitiean arrays.
    eig : eigenvalues and right eigenvectors for non-symmetric arrays
    eigvals : eigenvalues of non-symmetric array.

    This is a simple interface to the LAPACK routines dgeev and zgeev
    that compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of general real and
    complex arrays respectively.

    The number `w` is an eigenvalue of a if there exists a vector `v`
    satisfying the equation ``dot(a,v) = w*v``. Alternately, if `w` is
    a root of the characteristic equation ``det(a - w[i]*I) = 0``, where
    `det` is the determinant and `I` is the identity matrix. The arrays
    `a`, `w`, and `v` satisfy the equation ``dot(a,v[i]) = w[i]*v[:,i]``.

    The array `v` of eigenvectors may not be of maximum rank, that is, some
    of the columns may be dependent, although roundoff error may
    obscure that fact. If the eigenvalues are all different, then theoretically
    the eigenvectors are independent. Likewise, the matrix of eigenvectors
    is unitary if the matrix `a` is normal, i.e., if
    ``dot(a, a.H) = dot(a.H, a)``.

    The left and right eigenvectors are not necessarily the (Hermitian)
    transposes of each other.

    a, wrap = _makearray(a)
    a, t, result_t = _convertarray(a)  # convert to double or cdouble type
    real_t = _linalgRealType(t)
    n = a.shape[0]
    dummy = zeros((1, ), t)
    if isComplexType(t):
        # Complex routines take different arguments
        lapack_routine = lapack_lite.zgeev
        w = zeros((n, ), t)
        v = zeros((n, n), t)
        lwork = 1
        work = zeros((lwork, ), t)
        rwork = zeros((2 * n, ), real_t)
        results = lapack_routine('N', 'V', n, a, n, w, dummy, 1, v, n, work,
                                 -1, rwork, 0)
        lwork = int(abs(work[0]))
        work = zeros((lwork, ), t)
        results = lapack_routine('N', 'V', n, a, n, w, dummy, 1, v, n, work,
                                 lwork, rwork, 0)
        lapack_routine = lapack_lite.dgeev
        wr = zeros((n, ), t)
        wi = zeros((n, ), t)
        vr = zeros((n, n), t)
        lwork = 1
        work = zeros((lwork, ), t)
        results = lapack_routine('N', 'V', n, a, n, wr, wi, dummy, 1, vr, n,
                                 work, -1, 0)
        lwork = int(work[0])
        work = zeros((lwork, ), t)
        results = lapack_routine('N', 'V', n, a, n, wr, wi, dummy, 1, vr, n,
                                 work, lwork, 0)
        if all(wi == 0.0):
            w = wr
            v = vr
            result_t = _realType(result_t)
            w = wr + 1j * wi
            v = array(vr, w.dtype)
            ind = flatnonzero(wi != 0.0)  # indices of complex e-vals
            for i in range(len(ind) / 2):
                v[ind[2 * i]] = vr[ind[2 * i]] + 1j * vr[ind[2 * i + 1]]
                v[ind[2 * i + 1]] = vr[ind[2 * i]] - 1j * vr[ind[2 * i + 1]]
            result_t = _complexType(result_t)

    if results['info'] > 0:
        raise LinAlgError, 'Eigenvalues did not converge'
    vt = v.transpose().astype(result_t)
    return w.astype(result_t), wrap(vt)
Esempio n. 6
def assert_array_compare(comparison, x, y, err_msg="", verbose=True, header=""):
    from numpy.core import array, isnan, isinf, any, all, inf

    x = array(x, copy=False, subok=True)
    y = array(y, copy=False, subok=True)

    def isnumber(x):
        return x.dtype.char in "?bhilqpBHILQPefdgFDG"

    def chk_same_position(x_id, y_id, hasval="nan"):
        """Handling nan/inf: check that x and y have the nan/inf at the same
            assert_array_equal(x_id, y_id)
        except AssertionError:
            msg = build_err_msg(
                [x, y],
                err_msg + "\nx and y %s location mismatch:" % (hasval),
                names=("x", "y"),
            raise AssertionError(msg)

        cond = (x.shape == () or y.shape == ()) or x.shape == y.shape
        if not cond:
            msg = build_err_msg(
                [x, y],
                err_msg + "\n(shapes %s, %s mismatch)" % (x.shape, y.shape),
                names=("x", "y"),
            if not cond:
                raise AssertionError(msg)

        if isnumber(x) and isnumber(y):
            x_isnan, y_isnan = isnan(x), isnan(y)
            x_isinf, y_isinf = isinf(x), isinf(y)

            # Validate that the special values are in the same place
            if any(x_isnan) or any(y_isnan):
                chk_same_position(x_isnan, y_isnan, hasval="nan")
            if any(x_isinf) or any(y_isinf):
                # Check +inf and -inf separately, since they are different
                chk_same_position(x == +inf, y == +inf, hasval="+inf")
                chk_same_position(x == -inf, y == -inf, hasval="-inf")

            # Combine all the special values
            x_id, y_id = x_isnan, y_isnan
            x_id |= x_isinf
            y_id |= y_isinf

            # Only do the comparison if actual values are left
            if all(x_id):

            if any(x_id):
                val = comparison(x[~x_id], y[~y_id])
                val = comparison(x, y)
            val = comparison(x, y)

        if isinstance(val, bool):
            cond = val
            reduced = [0]
            reduced = val.ravel()
            cond = reduced.all()
            reduced = reduced.tolist()
        if not cond:
            match = 100 - 100.0 * reduced.count(1) / len(reduced)
            msg = build_err_msg(
                [x, y], err_msg + "\n(mismatch %s%%)" % (match,), verbose=verbose, header=header, names=("x", "y")
            if not cond:
                raise AssertionError(msg)
    except ValueError as e:
        import traceback

        efmt = traceback.format_exc()
        header = "error during assertion:\n\n%s\n\n%s" % (efmt, header)

        msg = build_err_msg([x, y], err_msg, verbose=verbose, header=header, names=("x", "y"))
        raise ValueError(msg)
__all__ = ['matrix_power', 'solve', 'tensorsolve', 'tensorinv', 'inv',
'cholesky', 'eigvals', 'eigvalsh', 'pinv', 'slogdet', 'det',
'svd', 'eig', 'eigh', 'lstsq', 'norm', 'qr', 'cond', 'matrix_rank',
'LinAlgError', 'multi_dot']; import functools
import operator
import warnings; from numpy.core import (
array, asarray, zeros, empty, empty_like, intc, single, double,
csingle, cdouble, inexact, complexfloating, newaxis, all, Inf, dot,
add, multiply, sqrt, fastCopyAndTranspose, sum, isfinite,
finfo, errstate, geterrobj, moveaxis, amin, amax, product, abs,
atleast_2d, intp, asanyarray, object_, matmul,
swapaxes, divide, count_nonzero, isnan, sign
); from numpy.core.multiarray import normalize_axis_index; from numpy.core.overrides import set_module; from numpy.core import overrides; from numpy.lib.twodim_base import triu, eye; from numpy.linalg import lapack_lite, _umath_linalg; array_function_dispatch = functools.partial(
overrides.array_function_dispatch, module='numpy.linalg'); _N = b'N'; _V = b'V'; _A = b'A'; _S = b'S'; _L = b'L' fortran_int = intc @set_module('numpy.linalg') class LinAlgError(Exception): def _determine_error_states(): errobj = geterrobj() bufsize = errobj[0] with errstate(invalid='call', over='ignore', divide='ignore', under='ignore'): invalid_call_errmask = geterrobj()[1] return [bufsize, invalid_call_errmask, None]; _linalg_error_extobj = _determine_error_states(); del _determine_error_states; def _raise_linalgerror_singular(err, flag): raise LinAlgError("Singular matrix"); def _raise_linalgerror_nonposdef(err, flag): raise LinAlgError("Matrix is not positive definite"); def _raise_linalgerror_eigenvalues_nonconvergence(err, flag): raise LinAlgError("Eigenvalues did not converge"); def _raise_linalgerror_svd_nonconvergence(err, flag): raise LinAlgError("SVD did not converge"); def _raise_linalgerror_lstsq(err, flag): raise LinAlgError("SVD did not converge in Linear Least Squares"); def get_linalg_error_extobj(callback): extobj = list(_linalg_error_extobj); extobj[2] = callback; return extobj; def _makearray(a): new = asarray(a); wrap = getattr(a, "__array_prepare__", new.__array_wrap__); return new, wrap; def isComplexType(t): return issubclass(t, complexfloating); _real_types_map = {single: single,; double: double,; csingle: single,; cdouble: double}; _complex_types_map = {single: csingle,; double: cdouble,; csingle: csingle,; cdouble: cdouble}; def _realType(t, default=double): return _real_types_map.get(t, default); def _complexType(t, default=cdouble): return _complex_types_map.get(t, default); def _linalgRealType(t): """Cast the type t to either double or cdouble."""; return double; def _commonType(*arrays): result_type = single; is_complex = False; for a in arrays: if issubclass(a.dtype.type, inexact): if isComplexType(a.dtype.type): is_complex = True; rt = _realType(a.dtype.type, default=None); if rt is None: raise TypeError("array type %s is unsupported in linalg" %; (,)); else: rt = double; if rt is double: result_type = double; if is_complex: t = cdouble; result_type = _complex_types_map[result_type]; else: t = double; return t, result_type;  _fastCT = fastCopyAndTranspose; def _to_native_byte_order(*arrays): ret = []; for arr in arrays: if arr.dtype.byteorder not in ('=', '|'): ret.append(asarray(arr, dtype=arr.dtype.newbyteorder('='))); else: ret.append(arr); if len(ret) == 1: return ret[0]; else: return ret; def _fastCopyAndTranspose(type, *arrays): cast_arrays = (); for a in arrays: if a.dtype.type is type: cast_arrays = cast_arrays + (_fastCT(a),); else: cast_arrays = cast_arrays + (_fastCT(a.astype(type)),); if len(cast_arrays) == 1: return cast_arrays[0]; else: return cast_arrays; def _assert_2d(*arrays): for a in arrays: if a.ndim != 2: raise LinAlgError('%d-dimensional array given. Array must be '; 'two-dimensional' % a.ndim); def _assert_stacked_2d(*arrays): for a in arrays: if a.ndim < 2: raise LinAlgError('%d-dimensional array given. Array must be '; 'at least two-dimensional' % a.ndim); def _assert_stacked_square(*arrays): for a in arrays: m, n = a.shape[-2:]; if m != n: raise LinAlgError('Last 2 dimensions of the array must be square'); def _assert_finite(*arrays): for a in arrays: if not isfinite(a).all(): raise LinAlgError("Array must not contain infs or NaNs"); def _is_empty_2d(arr): return arr.size == 0 and product(arr.shape[-2:]) == 0; def transpose(a): a, wrap = _makearray(a); b = asarray(b); an = a.ndim; if axes is not None: allaxes = list(range(0, an)); for k in axes: allaxes.remove(k); allaxes.insert(an, k); a = a.transpose(allaxes); oldshape = a.shape[-(an-b.ndim):]; prod = 1; for k in oldshape: prod *= k; a = a.reshape(-1, prod); b = b.ravel(); res = wrap(solve(a, b)); res.shape = oldshape; return res; def _solve_dispatcher(a, b): return (a, b); @array_function_dispatch(_solve_dispatcher); def solve(a, b):  a, _ = _makearray(a); _assert_stacked_2d(a); _assert_stacked_square(a); b, wrap = _makearray(b); t, result_t = _commonType(a, b); if b.ndim == a.ndim - 1: gufunc = _umath_linalg.solve1; else: gufunc = _umath_linalg.solve; signature = 'DD->D' if isComplexType(t) else 'dd->d'; extobj = get_linalg_error_extobj(_raise_linalgerror_singular); r = gufunc(a, b, signature=signature, extobj=extobj); return wrap(r.astype(result_t, copy=False)); def _tensorinv_dispatcher(a, ind=None): return (a,); @array_function_dispatch(_tensorinv_dispatcher); def tensorinv(a, ind=2): a = asarray(a); oldshape = a.shape; prod = 1; if ind > 0: invshape = oldshape[ind:] + oldshape[:ind]; for k in oldshape[ind:]: prod *= k; else: raise ValueError("Invalid ind argument."); a = a.reshape(prod, -1); ia = inv(a); return ia.reshape(*invshape); def _unary_dispatcher(a): return (a,); @array_function_dispatch(_unary_dispatcher); def inv(a): a, wrap = _makearray(a); _assert_stacked_2d(a); _assert_stacked_square(a); t, result_t = _commonType(a); signature = 'D->D' if isComplexType(t) else 'd->d'; extobj = get_linalg_error_extobj(_raise_linalgerror_singular); ainv = _umath_linalg.inv(a, signature=signature, extobj=extobj); return wrap(ainv.astype(result_t, copy=False)); def _matrix_power_dispatcher(a, n): return (a,); @array_function_dispatch(_matrix_power_dispatcher); def matrix_power(a, n): a = asanyarray(a); _assert_stacked_2d(a); _assert_stacked_square(a); try: n = operator.index(n); except TypeError: raise TypeError("exponent must be an integer"); if a.dtype != object: fmatmul = matmul; elif a.ndim == 2: fmatmul = dot; else: raise NotImplementedError(; "matrix_power not supported for stacks of object arrays"); if n == 0: a = empty_like(a); a[...] = eye(a.shape[-2], dtype=a.dtype); return a; elif n < 0: a = inv(a); n = abs(n); if n == 1: return a; elif n == 2: return fmatmul(a, a); elif n == 3: return fmatmul(fmatmul(a, a), a); z = result = None; while n > 0: z = a if z is None else fmatmul(z, z); n, bit = divmod(n, 2); if bit: result = z if result is None else fmatmul(result, z); return result; @array_function_dispatch(_unary_dispatcher); def cholesky(a): extobj = get_linalg_error_extobj(_raise_linalgerror_nonposdef); gufunc = _umath_linalg.cholesky_lo; a, wrap = _makearray(a); _assert_stacked_2d(a); _assert_stacked_square(a); t, result_t = _commonType(a); signature = 'D->D' if isComplexType(t) else 'd->d'; r = gufunc(a, signature=signature, extobj=extobj); return wrap(r.astype(result_t, copy=False)); def _qr_dispatcher(a, mode=None): return (a,); @array_function_dispatch(_qr_dispatcher); def qr(a, mode='reduced'): if mode not in ('reduced', 'complete',x 'r', 'raw'): if mode in ('f', 'full'): msg = "".join((; "The 'full' option is deprecated in favor of 'reduced'.\n",; "For backward compatibility let mode default.")); warnings.warn(msg, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3); mode = 'reduced'; elif mode in ('e', 'economic'): msg = "The 'economic' option is deprecated."; warnings.warn(msg, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3); mode = 'economic'; else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized mode '%s'" % mode); a, wrap = _makearray(a); _assert_2d(a); m, n = a.shape; t, result_t = _commonType(a); a = _fastCopyAndTranspose(t, a); a = _to_native_byte_order(a); mn = min(m, n); tau = zeros((mn,), t); if isComplexType(t): lapack_routine = lapack_lite.zgeqrf; routine_name = 'zgeqrf'; else: lapack_routine = lapack_lite.dgeqrf; routine_name = 'dgeqrf'; lwork = 1; work = zeros((lwork,), t); results = lapack_routine(m, n, a, max(1, m), tau, work, -1, 0); if results['info'] != 0: raise LinAlgError('%s returns %d' % (routine_name, results['info'])); lwork = max(1, n, int(abs(work[0]))); work = zeros((lwork,), t); results = lapack_routine(m, n, a, max(1, m), tau, work, lwork, 0); if results['info'] != 0: raise LinAlgError('%s returns %d' % (routine_name, results['info'])); if mode == 'r': r = _fastCopyAndTranspose(result_t, a[:, :mn]); return wrap(triu(r)); if mode == 'raw': return a, tau; if mode == 'economic': if t != result_t : a = a.astype(result_t, copy=False); return wrap(a.T); if mode == 'complete' and m > n: mc = m; q = empty((m, m), t); else: mc = mn; q = empty((n, m), t); q[:n] = a; if isComplexType(t): lapack_routine = lapack_lite.zungqr; routine_name = 'zungqr'; else: lapack_routine = lapack_lite.dorgqr; routine_name = 'dorgqr'; lwork = 1; work = zeros((lwork,), t); results = lapack_routine(m, mc, mn, q, max(1, m), tau, work, -1, 0); if results['info'] != 0: raise LinAlgError('%s returns %d' % (routine_name, results['info'])); lwork = max(1, n, int(abs(work[0]))); work = zeros((lwork,), t); results = lapack_routine(m, mc, mn, q, max(1, m), tau, work, lwork, 0); if results['info'] != 0: raise LinAlgError('%s returns %d' % (routine_name, results['info'])); q = _fastCopyAndTranspose(result_t, q[:mc]); r = _fastCopyAndTranspose(result_t, a[:, :mc]); return wrap(q), wrap(triu(r)); @array_function_dispatch(_unary_dispatcher); def eigvals(a): a, wrap = _makearray(a); _assert_stacked_2d(a); _assert_stacked_square(a); _assert_finite(a); t, result_t = _commonType(a); extobj = get_linalg_error_extobj(; _raise_linalgerror_eigenvalues_nonconvergence); signature = 'D->D' if isComplexType(t) else 'd->D'; w = _umath_linalg.eigvals(a, signature=signature, extobj=extobj); if not isComplexType(t): if all(w.imag == 0): w = w.real; result_t = _realType(result_t); else: result_t = _complexType(result_t); return w.astype(result_t, copy=False); def _eigvalsh_dispatcher(a, UPLO=None): return (a,); @array_function_dispatch(_eigvalsh_dispatcher); def eigvalsh(a, UPLO='L'): UPLO = UPLO.upper(); if UPLO not in ('L', 'U'): raise ValueError("UPLO argument must be 'L' or 'U'"); extobj = get_linalg_error_extobj(; _raise_linalgerror_eigenvalues_nonconvergence); if UPLO == 'L': gufunc = _umath_linalg.eigvalsh_lo; else: gufunc = _umath_linalg.eigvalsh_up; a, wrap = _makearray(a); _assert_stacked_2d(a); _assert_stacked_square(a); t, result_t = _commonType(a); signature = 'D->d' if isComplexType(t) else 'd->d'; w = gufunc(a, signature=signature, extobj=extobj); return w.astype(_realType(result_t), copy=False); def _convertarray(a): t, result_t = _commonType(a); a = _fastCT(a.astype(t)); return a, t, result_t; def eig(a): a, wrap = _makearray(a); _assert_stacked_2d(a); _assert_stacked_square(a); _assert_finite(a); t, result_t = _commonType(a); extobj = get_linalg_error_extobj(; _raise_linalgerror_eigenvalues_nonconvergence); signature = 'D->DD' if isComplexType(t) else 'd->DD'; w, vt = _umath_linalg.eig(a, signature=signature, extobj=extobj); if not isComplexType(t) and all(w.imag == 0.0): w = w.real; vt = vt.real; result_t = _realType(result_t); else: result_t = _complexType(result_t); vt = vt.astype(result_t, copy=False); return w.astype(result_t, copy=False), wrap(vt); @array_function_dispatch(_eigvalsh_dispatcher); def eigh(a, UPLO='L'): UPLO = UPLO.upper(); if UPLO not in ('L', 'U'): raise ValueError("UPLO argument must be 'L' or 'U'"); a, wrap = _makearray(a); _assert_stacked_2d(a); _assert_stacked_square(a); t, result_t = _commonType(a); extobj = get_linalg_error_extobj(; _raise_linalgerror_eigenvalues_nonconvergence); if UPLO == 'L': gufunc = _umath_linalg.eigh_lo; else: gufunc = _umath_linalg.eigh_up; signature = 'D->dD' if isComplexType(t) else 'd->dd'; w, vt = gufunc(a, signature=signature, extobj=extobj); w = w.astype(_realType(result_t), copy=False); vt = vt.astype(result_t, copy=False); return w, wrap(vt); def _svd_dispatcher(a, full_matrices=None, compute_uv=None, hermitian=None): return (a,); @array_function_dispatch(_svd_dispatcher); def svd(a, full_matrices=True, compute_uv=True, hermitian=False): a, wrap = _makearray(a); if hermitian: if compute_uv: s, u = eigh(a); s = s[..., ::-1]; u = u[..., ::-1]; vt = transpose(u * sign(s)[..., None, :]).conjugate(); s = abs(s); return wrap(u), s, wrap(vt); else: s = eigvalsh(a); s = s[..., ::-1]; s = abs(s); return s; _assert_stacked_2d(a); t, result_t = _commonType(a); extobj = get_linalg_error_extobj(_raise_linalgerror_svd_nonconvergence); m, n = a.shape[-2:]; if compute_uv: if full_matrices: if m < n: gufunc = _umath_linalg.svd_m_f; else: gufunc = _umath_linalg.svd_n_f; else: if m < n: gufunc = _umath_linalg.svd_m_s; else: gufunc = _umath_linalg.svd_n_s; signature = 'D->DdD' if isComplexType(t) else 'd->ddd'; u, s, vh = gufunc(a, signature=signature, extobj=extobj); u = u.astype(result_t, copy=False); s = s.astype(_realType(result_t), copy=False); vh = vh.astype(result_t, copy=False); return wrap(u), s, wrap(vh); else: if m < n: gufunc = _umath_linalg.svd_m; else: gufunc = _umath_linalg.svd_n; signature = 'D->d' if isComplexType(t) else 'd->d'; s = gufunc(a, signature=signature, extobj=extobj); s = s.astype(_realType(result_t), copy=False); return s; def _cond_dispatcher(x, p=None): return (x,); @array_function_dispatch(_cond_dispatcher); def cond(x, p=None): x = asarray(x); if _is_empty_2d(x): raise LinAlgError("cond is not defined on empty arrays"); if p is None or p == 2 or p == -2: s = svd(x, compute_uv=False); with errstate(all='ignore'): if p == -2: r = s[..., -1] / s[..., 0]; else: r = s[..., 0] / s[..., -1]; else: _assert_stacked_2d(x); _assert_stacked_square(x); t, result_t = _commonType(x); signature = 'D->D' if isComplexType(t) else 'd->d'; with errstate(all='ignore'): invx = _umath_linalg.inv(x, signature=signature); r = norm(x, p, axis=(-2, -1)) * norm(invx, p, axis=(-2, -1)); r = r.astype(result_t, copy=False); r = asarray(r); nan_mask = isnan(r); if nan_mask.any(): nan_mask &= ~isnan(x).any(axis=(-2, -1)); if r.ndim > 0: r[nan_mask] = Inf; elif nan_mask: r[()] = Inf; if r.ndim == 0: r = r[()]; return r; def _matrix_rank_dispatcher(M, tol=None, hermitian=None): return (M,); @array_function_dispatch(_matrix_rank_dispatcher); def matrix_rank(M, tol=None, hermitian=False): M = asarray(M); if M.ndim < 2: return int(not all(M==0)); S = svd(M, compute_uv=False, hermitian=hermitian); if tol is None: tol = S.max(axis=-1, keepdims=True) * max(M.shape[-2:]) * finfo(S.dtype).eps; else: tol = asarray(tol)[..., newaxis]; return count_nonzero(S > tol, axis=-1); def pinv(a, rcond=1e-15, hermitian=False): a, wrap = _makearray(a); rcond = asarray(rcond); if _is_empty_2d(a): m, n = a.shape[-2:]; res = empty(a.shape[:-2] + (n, m), dtype=a.dtype); return wrap(res); a = a.conjugate(); u, s, vt = svd(a, full_matrices=False, hermitian=hermitian); cutoff = rcond[..., newaxis] * amax(s, axis=-1, keepdims=True); large = s > cutoff; s = divide(1, s, where=large, out=s); s[~large] = 0; res = matmul(transpose(vt), multiply(s[..., newaxis], transpose(u))); return wrap(res); def slogdet(a): a = asarray(a); _assert_stacked_2d(a); _assert_stacked_square(a); t, result_t = _commonType(a); real_t = _realType(result_t); signature = 'D->Dd' if isComplexType(t) else 'd->dd'; sign, logdet = _umath_linalg.slogdet(a, signature=signature); sign = sign.astype(result_t, copy=False); logdet = logdet.astype(real_t, copy=False); return sign, logdet; @array_function_dispatch(_unary_dispatcher); def det(a): a = asarray(a); _assert_stacked_2d(a); _assert_stacked_square(a); t, result_t = _commonType(a); signature = 'D->D' if isComplexType(t) else 'd->d'; r = _umath_linalg.det(a, signature=signature); r = r.astype(result_t, copy=False); return r; def lstsq(a, b, rcond="warn"): a, _ = _makearray(a); b, wrap = _makearray(b); is_1d = b.ndim == 1; if is_1d: b = b[:, newaxis]; _assert_2d(a, b); m, n = a.shape[-2:]; m2, n_rhs = b.shape[-2:]; if m != m2: raise LinAlgError('Incompatible dimensions'); t, result_t = _commonType(a, b); real_t = _linalgRealType(t); result_real_t = _realType(result_t); if rcond == "warn": warnings.warn("`rcond` parameter will change to the default of "; "machine precision times ``max(M, N)`` where M and N "; "are the input matrix dimensions.\n"; "To use the future default and silence this warning "; "we advise to pass `rcond=None`, to keep using the old, "; "explicitly pass `rcond=-1`.",; FutureWarning, stacklevel=3); rcond = -1; if rcond is None: rcond = finfo(t).eps * max(n, m); if m <= n: gufunc = _umath_linalg.lstsq_m; else: gufunc = _umath_linalg.lstsq_n; signature = 'DDd->Ddid' if isComplexType(t) else 'ddd->ddid'; extobj = get_linalg_error_extobj(_raise_linalgerror_lstsq); if n_rhs == 0: b = zeros(b.shape[:-2] + (m, n_rhs + 1), dtype=b.dtype); x, resids, rank, s = gufunc(a, b, rcond, signature=signature, extobj=extobj); if m == 0: x[...] = 0; if n_rhs == 0: x = x[..., :n_rhs]; resids = resids[..., :n_rhs]; if is_1d: x = x.squeeze(axis=-1); if rank != n or m <= n: resids = array([], result_real_t); s = s.astype(result_real_t, copy=False); resids = resids.astype(result_real_t, copy=False); x = x.astype(result_t, copy=True); return wrap(x), wrap(resids), rank, s; def _multi_svd_norm(x, row_axis, col_axis, op): y = moveaxis(x, (row_axis, col_axis), (-2, -1)); result = op(svd(y, compute_uv=False), axis=-1); return result; def _norm_dispatcher(x, ord=None, axis=None, keepdims=None): return (x,); @array_function_dispatch(_norm_dispatcher); def norm(x, ord=None, axis=None, keepdims=False): x = asarray(x); if not issubclass(x.dtype.type, (inexact, object_)): x = x.astype(float); if axis is None: ndim = x.ndim; if ((ord is None) or; (ord in ('f', 'fro') and ndim == 2) or; (ord == 2 and ndim == 1)): x = x.ravel(order='K'); if isComplexType(x.dtype.type): sqnorm = dot(x.real, x.real) + dot(x.imag, x.imag); else: sqnorm = dot(x, x); ret = sqrt(sqnorm); if keepdims: ret = ret.reshape(ndim*[1]); return ret; nd = x.ndim; if axis is None: axis = tuple(range(nd)); elif not isinstance(axis, tuple): try: axis = int(axis); except Exception: raise TypeError("'axis' must be None, an integer or a tuple of integers"); axis = (axis,); if len(axis) == 1: if ord == Inf: return abs(x).max(axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims); elif ord == -Inf: return abs(x).min(axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims); elif ord == 0: return (x != 0).astype(x.real.dtype).sum(axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims); elif ord == 1: return add.reduce(abs(x), axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims); elif ord is None or ord == 2: s = (x.conj() * x).real; return sqrt(add.reduce(s, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)); else: try: ord + 1; except TypeError: raise ValueError("Invalid norm order for vectors."); absx = abs(x); absx **= ord; ret = add.reduce(absx, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims); ret **= (1 / ord); return ret; elif len(axis) == 2: row_axis, col_axis = axis; row_axis = normalize_axis_index(row_axis, nd); col_axis = normalize_axis_index(col_axis, nd); if row_axis == col_axis: raise ValueError('Duplicate axes given.'); if ord == 2: ret =_multi_svd_norm(x, row_axis, col_axis, amax); elif ord == -2: ret = _multi_svd_norm(x, row_axis, col_axis, amin); elif ord == 1: if col_axis > row_axis: col_axis -= 1; ret = add.reduce(abs(x), axis=row_axis).max(axis=col_axis); elif ord == Inf: if row_axis > col_axis: row_axis -= 1; ret = add.reduce(abs(x), axis=col_axis).max(axis=row_axis); elif ord == -1: if col_axis > row_axis: col_axis -= 1; ret = add.reduce(abs(x), axis=row_axis).min(axis=col_axis); elif ord == -Inf: if row_axis > col_axis: row_axis -= 1; ret = add.reduce(abs(x), axis=col_axis).min(axis=row_axis); elif ord in [None, 'fro', 'f']: ret = sqrt(add.reduce((x.conj() * x).real, axis=axis)); elif ord == 'nuc': ret = _multi_svd_norm(x, row_axis, col_axis, sum); else: raise ValueError("Invalid norm order for matrices."); if keepdims: ret_shape = list(x.shape); ret_shape[axis[0]] = 1; ret_shape[axis[1]] = 1; ret = ret.reshape(ret_shape); return ret; else: raise ValueError("Improper number of dimensions to norm."); def multi_dot(arrays): n = len(arrays); if n < 2: raise ValueError("Expecting at least two arrays."); elif n == 2: return dot(arrays[0], arrays[1]); arrays = [asanyarray(a) for a in arrays]; ndim_first, ndim_last = arrays[0].ndim, arrays[-1].ndim; if arrays[0].ndim == 1: arrays[0] = atleast_2d(arrays[0]); if arrays[-1].ndim == 1: arrays[-1] = atleast_2d(arrays[-1]).T; _assert_2d(*arrays)
if n == 3: result = _multi_dot_three(arrays[0], arrays[1], arrays[2])
else: order = _multi_dot_matrix_chain_order(arrays)
result = _multi_dot(arrays, order, 0, n - 1)
if ndim_first == 1 and ndim_last == 1: return result[0, 0]
elif ndim_first == 1 or ndim_last == 1: return result.ravel()
else: return result; def _multi_dot_three(A, B, C): a0, a1b0 = A.shape
b1c0, c1 = C.shape; cost1 = a0 * b1c0 * (a1b0 + c1); cost2 = a1b0 * c1 * (a0 + b1c0); if cost1 < cost2: return dot(dot(A, B), C); else: return dot(A, dot(B, C)); def _multi_dot_matrix_chain_order(arrays, return_costs=False): n = len(arrays); p = [a.shape[0] for a in arrays] + [arrays[-1].shape[1]]; m = zeros((n, n), dtype=double); s = empty((n, n), dtype=intp); for l in range(1, n): for i in range(n - l): j = i + l; m[i, j] = Inf; for k in range(i, j): q = m[i, k] + m[k+1, j] + p[i]*p[k+1]*p[j+1]; if q < m[i, j]: m[i, j] = q; s[i, j] = k; if i == j: return arrays[i]; else: return dot(_multi_dot(arrays, order, i, order[i, j]),; _multi_dot(arrays, order, order[i, j] + 1, j))
Esempio n. 8
def assert_array_compare(comparison, x, y, err_msg='', verbose=True,
    from numpy.core import array, isnan, isinf, any, all, inf
    x = array(x, copy=False, subok=True)
    y = array(y, copy=False, subok=True)

    def isnumber(x):
        return x.dtype.char in '?bhilqpBHILQPefdgFDG'

    def chk_same_position(x_id, y_id, hasval='nan'):
        """Handling nan/inf: check that x and y have the nan/inf at the same
            assert_array_equal(x_id, y_id)
        except AssertionError:
            msg = build_err_msg([x, y],
                                err_msg + '\nx and y %s location mismatch:' \
                                % (hasval), verbose=verbose, header=header,
                                names=('x', 'y'))
            raise AssertionError(msg)

        cond = (x.shape==() or y.shape==()) or x.shape == y.shape
        if not cond:
            msg = build_err_msg([x, y],
                                + '\n(shapes %s, %s mismatch)' % (x.shape,
                                verbose=verbose, header=header,
                                names=('x', 'y'))
            if not cond :
                raise AssertionError(msg)

        if isnumber(x) and isnumber(y):
            x_isnan, y_isnan = isnan(x), isnan(y)
            x_isinf, y_isinf = isinf(x), isinf(y)

            # Validate that the special values are in the same place
            if any(x_isnan) or any(y_isnan):
                chk_same_position(x_isnan, y_isnan, hasval='nan')
            if any(x_isinf) or any(y_isinf):
                # Check +inf and -inf separately, since they are different
                chk_same_position(x == +inf, y == +inf, hasval='+inf')
                chk_same_position(x == -inf, y == -inf, hasval='-inf')

            # Combine all the special values
            x_id, y_id = x_isnan, y_isnan
            x_id |= x_isinf
            y_id |= y_isinf

            # Only do the comparison if actual values are left
            if all(x_id):

            if any(x_id):
                val = comparison(x[~x_id], y[~y_id])
                val = comparison(x, y)
            val = comparison(x,y)

        if isinstance(val, bool):
            cond = val
            reduced = [0]
            reduced = val.ravel()
            cond = reduced.all()
            reduced = reduced.tolist()
        if not cond:
            match = 100-100.0*reduced.count(1)/len(reduced)
            msg = build_err_msg([x, y],
                                + '\n(mismatch %s%%)' % (match,),
                                verbose=verbose, header=header,
                                names=('x', 'y'))
            if not cond :
                raise AssertionError(msg)
    except ValueError as e:
        import traceback
        efmt = traceback.format_exc()
        header = 'error during assertion:\n\n%s\n\n%s' % (efmt, header)

        msg = build_err_msg([x, y], err_msg, verbose=verbose, header=header,
                            names=('x', 'y'))
        raise ValueError(msg)
Esempio n. 9
def eig(a):
    """Eigenvalues and right eigenvectors of a general matrix.

    A simple interface to the LAPACK routines dgeev and zgeev that compute the
    eigenvalues and eigenvectors of general real and complex arrays


        a : 2-d array
            A complex or real 2-d array whose eigenvalues and eigenvectors
            will be computed.


        w : 1-d double or complex array
            The eigenvalues. The eigenvalues are not necessarily ordered, nor
            are they necessarily real for real matrices.

        v : 2-d double or complex double array.
            The normalized eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue w[i] is
            the column v[:,i].


        - eigvalsh : eigenvalues of symmetric or Hemitiean arrays.
        - eig : eigenvalues and right eigenvectors for non-symmetric arrays
        - eigvals : eigenvalues of non-symmetric array.


        The number w is an eigenvalue of a if there exists a vector v
        satisfying the equation dot(a,v) = w*v. Alternately, if w is a root of
        the characteristic equation det(a - w[i]*I) = 0, where det is the
        determinant and I is the identity matrix. The arrays a, w, and v
        satisfy the equation dot(a,v[i]) = w[i]*v[:,i].

        The array v of eigenvectors may not be of maximum rank, that is, some
        of the columns may be dependent, although roundoff error may obscure
        that fact. If the eigenvalues are all different, then theoretically the
        eigenvectors are independent. Likewise, the matrix of eigenvectors is
        unitary if the matrix a is normal, i.e., if dot(a, a.H) = dot(a.H, a).

        The left and right eigenvectors are not necessarily the (Hemitian)
        transposes of each other.

    a, wrap = _makearray(a)
    a, t, result_t = _convertarray(a)  # convert to double or cdouble type
    real_t = _linalgRealType(t)
    n = a.shape[0]
    dummy = zeros((1, ), t)
    if isComplexType(t):
        # Complex routines take different arguments
        lapack_routine = lapack_lite.zgeev
        w = zeros((n, ), t)
        v = zeros((n, n), t)
        lwork = 1
        work = zeros((lwork, ), t)
        rwork = zeros((2 * n, ), real_t)
        results = lapack_routine('N', 'V', n, a, n, w, dummy, 1, v, n, work,
                                 -1, rwork, 0)
        lwork = int(abs(work[0]))
        work = zeros((lwork, ), t)
        results = lapack_routine('N', 'V', n, a, n, w, dummy, 1, v, n, work,
                                 lwork, rwork, 0)
        lapack_routine = lapack_lite.dgeev
        wr = zeros((n, ), t)
        wi = zeros((n, ), t)
        vr = zeros((n, n), t)
        lwork = 1
        work = zeros((lwork, ), t)
        results = lapack_routine('N', 'V', n, a, n, wr, wi, dummy, 1, vr, n,
                                 work, -1, 0)
        lwork = int(work[0])
        work = zeros((lwork, ), t)
        results = lapack_routine('N', 'V', n, a, n, wr, wi, dummy, 1, vr, n,
                                 work, lwork, 0)
        if all(wi == 0.0):
            w = wr
            v = vr
            result_t = _realType(result_t)
            w = wr + 1j * wi
            v = array(vr, w.dtype)
            ind = flatnonzero(wi != 0.0)  # indices of complex e-vals
            for i in range(len(ind) / 2):
                v[ind[2 * i]] = vr[ind[2 * i]] + 1j * vr[ind[2 * i + 1]]
                v[ind[2 * i + 1]] = vr[ind[2 * i]] - 1j * vr[ind[2 * i + 1]]
            result_t = _complexType(result_t)

    if results['info'] > 0:
        raise LinAlgError, 'Eigenvalues did not converge'
    vt = v.transpose().astype(result_t)
    return w.astype(result_t), wrap(vt)
Esempio n. 10
def eig(a):
    """Eigenvalues and right eigenvectors of a general matrix.

    A simple interface to the LAPACK routines dgeev and zgeev that compute the
    eigenvalues and eigenvectors of general real and complex arrays


        a : 2-d array
            A complex or real 2-d array whose eigenvalues and eigenvectors
            will be computed.


        w : 1-d double or complex array
            The eigenvalues. The eigenvalues are not necessarily ordered, nor
            are they necessarily real for real matrices.

        v : 2-d double or complex double array.
            The normalized eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue w[i] is
            the column v[:,i].


        - eigvalsh : eigenvalues of symmetric or Hemitiean arrays.
        - eig : eigenvalues and right eigenvectors for non-symmetric arrays
        - eigvals : eigenvalues of non-symmetric array.


        The number w is an eigenvalue of a if there exists a vector v
        satisfying the equation dot(a,v) = w*v. Alternately, if w is a root of
        the characteristic equation det(a - w[i]*I) = 0, where det is the
        determinant and I is the identity matrix. The arrays a, w, and v
        satisfy the equation dot(a,v[i]) = w[i]*v[:,i].

        The array v of eigenvectors may not be of maximum rank, that is, some
        of the columns may be dependent, although roundoff error may obscure
        that fact. If the eigenvalues are all different, then theoretically the
        eigenvectors are independent. Likewise, the matrix of eigenvectors is
        unitary if the matrix a is normal, i.e., if dot(a, a.H) = dot(a.H, a).

        The left and right eigenvectors are not necessarily the (Hemitian)
        transposes of each other.

    a, wrap = _makearray(a)
    a, t, result_t = _convertarray(a) # convert to double or cdouble type
    real_t = _linalgRealType(t)
    n = a.shape[0]
    dummy = zeros((1,), t)
    if isComplexType(t):
        # Complex routines take different arguments
        lapack_routine = lapack_lite.zgeev
        w = zeros((n,), t)
        v = zeros((n, n), t)
        lwork = 1
        work = zeros((lwork,), t)
        rwork = zeros((2*n,), real_t)
        results = lapack_routine('N', 'V', n, a, n, w,
                                 dummy, 1, v, n, work, -1, rwork, 0)
        lwork = int(abs(work[0]))
        work = zeros((lwork,), t)
        results = lapack_routine('N', 'V', n, a, n, w,
                                 dummy, 1, v, n, work, lwork, rwork, 0)
        lapack_routine = lapack_lite.dgeev
        wr = zeros((n,), t)
        wi = zeros((n,), t)
        vr = zeros((n, n), t)
        lwork = 1
        work = zeros((lwork,), t)
        results = lapack_routine('N', 'V', n, a, n, wr, wi,
                                  dummy, 1, vr, n, work, -1, 0)
        lwork = int(work[0])
        work = zeros((lwork,), t)
        results = lapack_routine('N', 'V', n, a, n, wr, wi,
                                  dummy, 1, vr, n, work, lwork, 0)
        if all(wi == 0.0):
            w = wr
            v = vr
            result_t = _realType(result_t)
            w = wr+1j*wi
            v = array(vr, w.dtype)
            ind = flatnonzero(wi != 0.0)      # indices of complex e-vals
            for i in range(len(ind)/2):
                v[ind[2*i]] = vr[ind[2*i]] + 1j*vr[ind[2*i+1]]
                v[ind[2*i+1]] = vr[ind[2*i]] - 1j*vr[ind[2*i+1]]
            result_t = _complexType(result_t)

    if results['info'] > 0:
        raise LinAlgError, 'Eigenvalues did not converge'
    vt = v.transpose().astype(result_t)
    return w.astype(result_t), wrap(vt)