Esempio n. 1
def kabsch(mol0, mol1):
    # translate to align centroids with origin
    mol0, d0 = setPdistance(mol0, mol0.centersym(), [0, 0, 0], 0)
    mol1, d1 = setPdistance(mol1, mol1.centersym(), [0, 0, 0], 0)
    # get coordinates and matrices P,Q
    P, Q = [], []
    for atom0, atom1 in zip(mol0.getAtoms(), mol1.getAtoms()):
    # Computation of the covariance matrix
    C = dot(transpose(P), Q)
    # Computation of the optimal rotation matrix
    # This can be done using singular value decomposition (SVD)
    # Getting the sign of the det(V)*(W) to decide
    # whether we need to correct our rotation matrix to ensure a
    # right-handed coordinate system.
    # And finally calculating the optimal rotation matrix U
    # see
    V, S, W = svd(C)
    d = (det(V) * det(W)) < 0.0
    # Create Rotation matrix U
    if d:
        S[-1] = -S[-1]
        V[:, -1] = -V[:, -1]
    U = dot(V, W)
    # Rotate P
    P = dot(P, U)
    # write back coordinates
    for i, atom in enumerate(mol0.getAtoms()):
    return mol0, U.tolist(), d0, d1
Esempio n. 2
def plot_Peierls_Hubbard_green(u=0.0):
	''' plot the Det(G) in the plane dt-w'''
	L = 6
	num = 51
	d_num = 20
	ws = np.linspace(-3,3,num)
	Gd = np.zeros((num, d_num), dtype=np.complex)
	for j, d in enumerate(np.linspace(-1,1,d_num)):
		H = Peierls_Hubbard(L, t=1., dt=d, U=u, pbc=False)
		evals, evecs = func.solve_hamiltonian(H)

		Gwk = np.zeros(num, dtype=np.complex)
		Gij_up =, op.fermion_up(), L, evals, evecs)
		Gij_down =, op.fermion_down(), L, evals, evecs)
		for i in range(num):
			Gwk[i] =  det(Gij_up[i])*det(Gij_down[i])
		Gd[:,j] = Gwk

		# plt.figure("Green u=%.2f"%d)
		# plt.plot(ws, np.real(Gwk),'o-')
		# plt.ylim([-1,1])
		# print np.min( np.imag(Gwk) ), np.max( np.imag(Gwk) )

	fig = plt.imshow(np.real(Gd), interpolation='nearest', aspect=0.4)
	plt.xticks([0.5,d_num/2.,d_num-0.5], [-1,0,1], fontsize=20)
	plt.yticks([0.5,num/2.,num-0.5], [3,0,-3], fontsize=20)
	plt.xlabel('d', fontsize=20)
	plt.ylabel('w', fontsize=20)
Esempio n. 3
def ComputeIndexLda(proj, data, dataLabels): 
# takken from page 31 of book on GGOBI
# diane cook "integrative and dynamic graphics for data analysis
    ndim = proj.shape[0]

    A = matrix(proj)
    B = matrix(zeros((ndim, ndim)))
    W = matrix(zeros((ndim, ndim)))
    grand_mean = mean(data , axis = 0).astype(matrix)
    for c in unique(dataLabels):
        ind = dataLabels ==c
        group_mean = mean(data[ind, :], axis = 0).astype(matrix)
        d = group_mean - grand_mean
        B += ind[ind].size*dot(d[:,newaxis], d[newaxis, :])
        # find better:
        d = data[ind, :] - group_mean
        for j in range(data[ind, :].shape[0]):
            W+=dot(d[j,:, newaxis], d[j,newaxis,:])
    #~ print 'A', A, A.size
    #~ print 'B', B, B.size
    #~ print 'W', W, W.size

    lda = 1 -  linalg.det(A.T*W*A) / linalg.det(A.T*(W+B)*A)
    return lda
 def update(self, x, y):
     tmp_X = self.X
     tmp_y = self.y
     tmp_reg_K = self.reg_K
     self.X = vstack((self.X, x))
     self.y = hstack((self.y, y))
     n = self.X.shape[0]
     if (n <= th):
         if (n != 1):
             row = zeros((1, n-1))
             col = zeros((n, 1))
             self.reg_K = vstack((self.reg_K, row))
             self.reg_K = hstack((self.reg_K, col))
         self.add_b(x, n)
         if det(self.reg_K) == 0:
             self.X = tmp_X
             self.y = tmp_y
             self.reg_K = tmp_reg_K
         self.reg_K_inv = self.reg_K.getI()
         self.X = delete(self.X, 0, 0)
         self.y = delete(self.y, 0, 0)
         if det(self.reg_K) is 0:
             self.X = tmp_X
             self.y = tmp_y
             self.reg_K = temp_reg_K
Esempio n. 5
def dkl_wishart(a1,B1,a2,B2):
    returns the KL divergence bteween two Wishart distribution of
    parameters (a1,B1) and (a2,B2),
    where a1 and a2 are degrees of freedom
    B1 and B2 are scale matrices
    from scipy.special import psi,gammaln
    from numpy.linalg import det,pinv
    tiny = 1.e-15
    # fixme: check size
    dim = B1.shape[0]
    d1 = max(det(B1),tiny)
    d2 = max(det(B2),tiny)
    lgc = dim*(dim-1)*np.log(np.pi)/4
    lg1 = lgc
    lg2 = lgc
    lw1 = -np.log(d1) + dim*np.log(2)
    lw2 = -np.log(d2) + dim*np.log(2)
    for i in range(dim):
        lg1 += gammaln((a1-i)/2)
        lg2 += gammaln((a2-i)/2)
        lw1 += psi((a1-i)/2)
        lw2 += psi((a2-i)/2)
    lz1 = 0.5*a1*dim*np.log(2)-0.5*a1*np.log(d1)+lg1
    lz2 = 0.5*a2*dim*np.log(2)-0.5*a2*np.log(d2)+lg2
    dkl = (a1-dim-1)*lw1-(a2-dim-1)*lw2-a1*dim
    dkl += a1*np.trace(,pinv(B1)))
    dkl /=2
    dkl += (lz2-lz1)
    return dkl
Esempio n. 6
def genGraph(S_actual, S_est, S_previous, empCov_set, nodeID, e1, e2, e3, e4, display = False):
    D = np.where(S_est != 0)[0].shape[0]#len(numpy.where(S_est == 0)[0])
    T = np.where(S_actual != 0)[0].shape[0]
#            print np.where(S_actual != 0)[0]
    TandD = float(np.where(np.logical_and(S_actual,S_est) == True)[0].shape[0])
    P = TandD/D
    R = TandD/T
    offDiagDiff = S_actual - S_est
    offDiagDiff = offDiagDiff - np.diag(np.diag(offDiagDiff))
    S_diff = (S_est - S_previous)  
    S_diff = S_diff - np.diag(np.diag(S_diff))
    ind = (S_diff < 1e-2) & (S_diff > - 1e-2)
    S_diff[ind] = 0    
    K = np.count_nonzero(S_diff)
    e1.append(-np.log(alg.det(S_est)) + np.trace(, empCov_set[nodeID])) + K)
#    e1.append( alg.norm(offDiagDiff, 'fro'))
    e2.append(2* P*R/(P+R))
    K = float(np.where(np.logical_and((S_est>0) != (S_previous>0), S_est>0) == True)[0].shape[0])
    e3.append(-np.log(alg.det(S_est)) + np.trace(, empCov_set[nodeID])) + K)
    e4.append(alg.norm(S_est -  S_previous, 'fro'))

    if display == True:
        if (nodeID >timeShift -10) and (nodeID < timeShift + 10):
            print 'nodeID = ', nodeID
            print 'S_true = ', S_actual,'\nS_est', S_est
#            print 'S_error = ',S_actual - S_est, '\n its Fro error = ', alg.norm(S_actual - S_est, 'fro')
            print 'D = ',D,'T = ', T,'TandD = ', TandD,'K = ', K,'P = ', P,'R = ', R,'Score = ', 2* P*R/(P+R)
    return e1, e2, e3, e4
Esempio n. 7
def findmin(M,B,run): #normal routine for varying a single element at a time. 
    '''Finds minimum cost for the lattice by varying the integers of m, in the element that gives steepest descent
    The 'run' indicates the cost function to use'''
    maxsteps = 10000
    istep = 1
    M = minkM(M,B)#;print'Mink reduced M'; print M
    while istep<maxsteps:

#        sys.exit('stop')
        bestindex = changewhich(M,B,run)
        if bestindex[2]==0:#found minimum
#            newcost = cost(M,B,run)
            M[bestindex[0],bestindex[1]] += bestindex[2]
#            newcost = cost(M,B,run)
            if run == 'minsvsym' and B.Nmesh/float(det(M))>1.2: M = M*2 # open up search space when when det(M) gets too low
#            print; print M;print newcost

        istep += 1
    if istep < maxsteps:
#        print 'Found minimum after %i steps' % istep
#        print 'Best M'; print M
        K = lattice();K.vecs = trimSmall(dot(B.vecs,inv(M)));K.det = abs(det(K.vecs)); K.Nmesh = B.det/K.det             
        print 'Ended without minimum after maximum %i steps' % istep
    return [trimSmall(M),K]
    def InitializeElectrons(self):
        if self.N_up == 0 and self.N_down == 0:
            print 'Error: no electrons to initialize'
            return []
            # generate array of electron positions, normally distributed from the origin with Bohr radius
            n = self.N_up+self.N_down
            self.e_positions = np.random.randn(n,3) * GSF.a_B # generate array of electron positions
            print 'init e_pos',self.e_positions
            # Store displacements and distances
            self.e_disp = np.zeros((n,n,3)) # store the displacements in a 3D matrix to make indexing easier
            self.e_dist = np.zeros((n,n)) # the electron matrices should only be upper diagonal
            self.atom_disp = np.zeros((n,len(self.atom_list),3))
            self.atom_dist = np.zeros((n,len(self.atom_list)))
            index = 0
            for i in range(n):
                self.e_disp[i,i+1:] = self.e_positions[i] - self.e_positions[i+1:]
                self.e_dist[i,i+1:] = np.sqrt(np.sum(self.e_disp[i,i+1:]**2,1))
                self.atom_disp[i] = self.e_positions[i] - self.ion_positions
                self.atom_dist[i,:] = np.sqrt(np.sum(self.atom_disp[i,:]**2,1))
 	      #Once the e_position is initialize, the slater matrix and its deteriminant and inverse are all initialized. 
        self.slater_matrix_up = SlaterMatrix(self.e_positions[0:self.N_up],self.psi_up)
        self.slater_matrix_down = SlaterMatrix(self.e_positions[self.N_up:],self.psi_down)
        print 'slater_matrix',self.slater_matrix_up
        if self.N_up>0: 
            self.inverse_SD_up = LA.inv(self.slater_matrix_up)
            self.slater_det_up = LA.det(self.slater_matrix_up)			
        if self.N_down>0: 
            self.inverse_SD_down = LA.inv(self.slater_matrix_down) 
            self.slater_det_down = LA.det(self.slater_matrix_down)
        self.J = self.Jastrow()
        print 'slater_inv',self.inverse_SD_up
        return self.e_positions
Esempio n. 9
def naiveBayes():
    global tSRiver, tSLand, im, outimg
    covRiver, covLand = cov(tSRiver, rowvar=0), cov(tSLand, rowvar=0)
    icr, icl= inv(covRiver), inv(covLand)
    meanRiver, meanLand = mean(tSRiver, axis=0), mean(tSLand, axis=0)

    for i in range(512):
        for j in range(512):
            devRiver, devLand = subtract(im[i,j], meanRiver), subtract(im[i,j], meanLand)
            rivClass = dot(dot(devRiver, icr), devRiver.T)
            nrivClass = dot(dot(devLand, icl), devLand.T)

                p1 = Decimal(-0.5)/Decimal(m.sqrt(det(covRiver))) * Decimal(m.exp(rivClass))
            except OverflowError:
                outimg[i,j] = 255
                continue# as e: print(e, 'Variable in exp: ', rivClass)
                p2 = Decimal(-0.5)/Decimal(m.sqrt(det(covLand))) * Decimal(m.exp(nrivClass))
            except OverflowError: continue# as e:
#                print(e, 'Variable in exp: ', rivClass, ' Setting pixel to 0')
            class1 = Decimal(P1)*p1
            class2 = Decimal(P2)*p2

            if class1 >= class2: outimg[i,j] = 255
Esempio n. 10
def diwishart (X,v,S,return_log=False):
    k = X.ndim
    if not return_log: 
        return np.exp(-0.5*(S*la.inv(X)).trace()) * pow(la.det(X),(-(v+k+1)/2.0)) * pow(la.det(S),(v/2.0)) / ( pow(2,(v*k/2.0)) * pow(pi,(k*(k-1)/4.0))* gamma((v+1-np.array(range(1,k)))/2.0).prod())
        return -0.5*(S*la.inv(X)).trace() + np.log(la.det(X))*(-(v+k+1)/2.) +np.log(la.det(S))*(v/2.0) - np.log(2)*(v*k/2.0) -np.log(pi)*(k*(k-1)/4.0) - lgamma((v+1-np.array(range(1,k)))/2.0).sum()
 def _calculate_log_likelihood(self):
     #if self.m == None:
     #    Give error message
     R = zeros((self.n, self.n))
     X,Y = array(self.X), array(self.Y)
     thetas = 10.**self.thetas
     for i in range(self.n):
         for j in arange(i+1,self.n):
             R[i,j] = (1-self.nugget)*e**(-sum(thetas*(X[i]-X[j])**2.)) #weighted distance formula
     R = R + R.T + eye(self.n)
     self.R = R
     one = ones(self.n)
         self.R_fact = cho_factor(R)
         rhs = vstack([Y, one]).T
         R_fact = (self.R_fact[0].T,not self.R_fact[1])
         cho = cho_solve(R_fact, rhs).T
          = dot(one,cho[0])/dot(one,cho[1])
         self.sig2 = dot(Y-dot(one,,cho_solve(self.R_fact,(Y-dot(one,
         #self.log_likelihood = -self.n/2.*log(self.sig2)-1./2.*log(abs(det(self.R)+1.e-16))-sum(thetas)
         self.log_likelihood = -self.n/2.*log(self.sig2)-1./2.*log(abs(det(self.R)+1.e-16))
     except (linalg.LinAlgError,ValueError):
         self.R_fact = None #reset this to none, so we know not to use cholesky
         #self.R = self.R+diag([10e-6]*self.n) #improve conditioning[Booker et al., 1999]
         rhs = vstack([Y, one]).T
         lsq = lstsq(self.R.T,rhs)[0].T = dot(one,lsq[0])/dot(one,lsq[1])
         self.sig2 = dot(Y-dot(one,,lstsq(self.R,Y-dot(one,[0])/self.n
         self.log_likelihood = -self.n/2.*log(self.sig2)-1./2.*log(abs(det(self.R)+1.e-16))
Esempio n. 12
    def from_fsl(cls, xfm, infile, reffile):
        Converts fsl transform xfm (estimated FROM infile TO reffile) 
        to a pycortex COORD transform. 
        ## Adapted from dipy.external.fsl.flirt2aff#############################
        import nibabel
        import numpy.linalg as npl
            inIm = nibabel.load(infile)
        except AttributeError:
            inIm = infile
        refIm = nibabel.load(reffile)
        in_hdr = inIm.get_header()
        ref_hdr = refIm.get_header()
        # get_zooms gets the positive voxel sizes as returned in the header
        inspace = np.diag(in_hdr.get_zooms()[:3] + (1,))
        refspace = np.diag(ref_hdr.get_zooms()[:3] + (1,))
        # Since FSL does not use the full transform info in the nifti header, 
        # determine whether the transform indicates that the X axis should be 
        # flipped; if so, flip the X axis (for both infile and reffile)
        if npl.det(in_hdr.get_best_affine())>=0:
            inspace =, _x_flipper(in_hdr.get_data_shape()[0]))
        if npl.det(ref_hdr.get_best_affine())>=0:
            refspace =, _x_flipper(ref_hdr.get_data_shape()[0]))

        inAffine = inIm.get_affine()
        inv = np.linalg.inv
        coord =,,,inv(inAffine))))
        return cls(coord, refIm)
Esempio n. 13
 def marginal(self, X, a, B, c, m):
     d = float(X.shape[0])
     px1 = (c / (math.pi * (1 + c)))**(d/2)
     px2 = det(B + c/(1+c) * (X - m) * (X - m).T)**(-(a+1)/2) / det(B)**(-a/2)
     px3 = math.exp(np.sum( math.log(gamma( (a+1)/2 + (1 - np.arange(1.0, d))/2 )) - math.log(gamma( a/2 + (1 - np.arange(1.0, d))/2 )) ))
     px = px1 * px2 * px3
     return px
Esempio n. 14
def circleFromPoints(p1, p2, p3):
    This function takes three points in the image and returns the center and radius of the circle passing through these 
    three points
    x1, y1 = p1
    x2, y2 = p2
    x3, y3 = p3
    centerx = det(np.array(([x1**2+y1**2,y1,1],[x2**2+y2**2,y2,1],[x3**2+y3**2,y3,1]))) / float(2*det(np.array(([x1,y1,1],[x2,y2,1],[x3,y3,1]))))
    centery = det(np.array(([x1,x1**2+y1**2,1],[x2,x2**2+y2**2,1],[x3,x3**2+y3**2,1]))) / float(2*det(np.array(([x1,y1,1],[x2,y2,1],[x3,y3,1]))))
    radius = sqrt( pow(x2 - centerx, 2) + pow(y2-centery, 2))
    # Alternative:
    # offset = pow(x2, 2) +pow(y2, 2)
    # bc = ( pow(x1, 2) + pow(y1, 2) - offset )/2.0
    # cd = (offset - pow(x3, 2) - pow(y3, 2))/2.0
    # det = (x1 - x2) * (y2 - y3) - (x2 - x3)* (y1 - y2) 
    # TOL = 0.0000001
    # if (abs(det) < TOL):
    #     print "POINTS TOO CLOSE"
    #     return ((0, 0), 0) 
    # idet = 1/det
    # centerx =  (bc * (y2 - y3) - cd * (y1 - y2)) * idet
    # centery =  (cd * (x1 - x2) - bc * (x2 - x3)) * idet
    # print centerx, centery, radius
    return ((centerx, centery), radius)
Esempio n. 15
    def to_fsl(self, infile):
        Converts a pycortex transform to an FSL transform.
        The resulting FSL transform goes FROM the space of the "infile" input
        TO the space of the reference nifti stored in the pycortex transform.

        This should ONLY be used for "coord" transforms! Will fail hard for 
        "magnet" transforms!
        import nibabel
        import numpy.linalg as npl

            inIm = nibabel.load(infile)
        except AttributeError:
            inIm = infile
        in_hdr = inIm.get_header()
        ref_hdr = self.reference.get_header()
        # get_zooms gets the positive voxel sizes as returned in the header
        inspace = np.diag(in_hdr.get_zooms()[:3] + (1,))
        refspace = np.diag(ref_hdr.get_zooms()[:3] + (1,))
        # Since FSL does not use the full transform info in the nifti header, 
        # determine whether the transform indicates that the X axis should be 
        # flipped; if so, flip the X axis (for both infile and reffile)
        if npl.det(in_hdr.get_best_affine())>=0:
            print("Determinant is > 0: FLIPPING!")
            inspace =, _x_flipper(in_hdr.get_data_shape()[0]))
        if npl.det(ref_hdr.get_best_affine())>=0:
            print("Determinant is > 0: FLIPPING!")
            refspace =, _x_flipper(ref_hdr.get_data_shape()[0]))

        inAffine = inIm.get_affine()
        inv = np.linalg.inv
        fslx =,,,inv(inspace))))
        return fslx
Esempio n. 16
def circum_center_radius_plane(xy1, xy2, xy3):
    x1, y1 = xy1
    x2, y2 = xy2
    x3, y3 = xy3
    xxyy1 = x1**2 + y1**2
    xxyy2 = x2**2 + y2**2
    xxyy3 = x3**2 + y3**2

    a =    det( np.array([[x1,y1,1],
                          [x3,y3,1]]) )

    if fne(a,0):
        bx = - det( np.array([[xxyy1,y1,1],
                              [xxyy3,y3,1]]) )

        by =   det( np.array([[xxyy1,x1,1],
                              [xxyy3,x3,1]]) )

        c = -  det( np.array([[xxyy1,x1,y1],
                              [xxyy3,x3,y3]]) )

        center = (-bx/(2*a), -by/(2*a))
        radius = sqrt(bx**2+by**2-4*a*c)/(2*fabs(a))
        return center, radius

        return None, None
Esempio n. 17
def marginal_log_likelihood(y, A,Q,C,R, _x,_P):
    compute the marginal log likelihood
    given the learned model parameters
    and the learned expected sufficient statistics

    C must be invertible (:= square and non-singular)
    eg aint no inverse to a f*****g projection

    p(y|params) = ...

    if True: return 0

    T,p = y.shape
    _,d = _x.shape
    Cy = mul(inv(C), tp(y))
    CRC = inv(mul(tp(C),inv(R),C))

    Z_swap = (1/2) * (log(det(2*pi*CRC)) - log(det(2*pi*R)))

    covar = CRC+identity(d)
    Z_merge = log(2*pi*det(covar))**(-d/2) - (1/2)*mul(tp(Cy), covar, Cy)

    for t in r(1,T-1):
        mean  = _x[t+1]
        covar = CRC + _P[t+1]
        Z_merge += log(2*pi*det(covar))**(-d/2) - (1/2)*mul(tp(Cy-mean), covar, (Cy-mean))

    return sum(T*Z_swap + Z_merge)
def read_data_inhomogeneous(iom, blockid=0):
    :param iom: An :py:class:`IOManager` instance providing the simulation data.
    :param blockid: The data block from which the values are read.
    parameters = iom.load_parameters()
    timegrid = iom.load_inhomogwavepacket_timegrid(blockid=blockid)
    dt = parameters["dt"] if "dt" in parameters else 1.0
    # Filter
    time = timegrid * dt
    time = where(timegrid < 0, nan, time)

    Pis = iom.load_inhomogwavepacket_parameters(blockid=blockid)

    # List with Pi time evolutions
    Phist = []
    Qhist = []
    Shist = []
    phist = []
    qhist = []

    for q, p, Q, P, S in Pis:
        qhist.append(array([norm(q[i, :]) for i in range(q.shape[0])]).reshape(-1))
        phist.append(array([norm(p[i, :]) for i in range(p.shape[0])]).reshape(-1))
        Qhist.append(array([det(Q[i, :, :]) for i in range(Q.shape[0])]).reshape(-1))
        Phist.append(array([det(P[i, :, :]) for i in range(P.shape[0])]).reshape(-1))

    return (time, qhist, phist, Qhist, Phist, Shist)
Esempio n. 19
def Wishart_eval(n,V,W):
    Evaluation of the  probability of W under Wishart(n,V)

    n (scalar) = the number of degrees of freedom (dofs)
    V = array of shape (n,n) the scale matrix
    W: array of shape (n,n): the Wishart draw

    (float) the density
    # check that shape(V)==shape(W)
    from numpy.linalg import det,pinv
    from scipy.special import gammaln
    p = V.shape[0]
    ldW = np.log(det(W))*(n-p-1)/2
    ltr = - np.trace(,W))/2
    la = ( n*p*np.log(2) + np.log(det(V))*n )/2
    lg = np.log(np.pi)*p*(p-1)/4
    for j in range(p):
        lg += gammaln((n-j)/2)
    lt = ldW + ltr -la -lg
    return np.exp(lt)
Esempio n. 20
def nk_bhatta(X1, X2, eta):
    # Returns the non-kernelized Bhattacharrya
    #I.e. fits normal distributions in input space and calculates Bhattacharrya overlap between them
    (n1, d1) = X1.shape
    (n2, d ) = X2.shape
    assert d1 == d
    mu1 = mat.sum(X1,0) / n1
    mu2 = mat.sum(X2,0) / n2
    X1c = X1 - mat.tile(mu1, (n1,1))
    X2c = X2 - mat.tile(mu2, (n2,1))
    Eta = mat.eye(d) * eta
    S1 = X1c.T * X1c / n1 + Eta
    S2 = X2c.T * X2c / n2 + Eta

    mu3 = .5 * (S1.I * mu1.T + S2.I * mu2.T).T
    S3  = 2  * (S1.I + S2.I).I

    d1 = la.det(S1) ** -.25
    d2 = la.det(S2) ** -.25
    d3 = la.det(S3) ** .5
    dterm = d1 * d2 * d3

    e1 = -.25 * mu1 * S1.I * mu1.T
    e2 = -.25 * mu2 * S2.I * mu2.T
    e3 = .5   * mu3 * S3   * mu3.T

    eterm = math.exp(e1 + e2 + e3)

    return float(dterm * eterm)
Esempio n. 21
def compDklgaussian(mu1, C1, mu2, C2):
    mu1 and C1 specify a multidimensional gaussian. mu2 and C2 specify another
    one (of the same dimension). Return is a float giving the KL divergence
    between the two Gaussians.

    Inputs have to be matrix instances, and the mu inputs should be in row
    vector shape (mu.shape[0] = 1, mu.shape[1] > 1)

    n = mu1.size
    b = mu2 - mu1
    C2inv = la.inv(C2)
    C1sqrt = np.mat(sqrtPSDm(C1))
    Term1 = C1sqrt * C2inv * C1sqrt
    Term2 = b.transpose() * C2inv * b
    det1 = la.det(C1)
    det2 = la.det(C2)
    tol = 1e8
    if (la.cond(C1) > tol) | (la.cond(C2) > tol):
        print('Determinants not non-zero. Ignoring determinants.')
        Term3 = 0
        Term3 = .5 * np.log(det2 / det1)
    d = .5 * np.trace(Term1) + .5 * Term2 - .5 * n + Term3
    return d[0, 0]
Esempio n. 22
    def __init__(self, mean, sigma):
        @param mean: mean of Gaussian density 
        @type mean: float or array of type 'd'

        @param sigma: sigma of Gaussian density
        @type sigma: float or array of type 'd'
        if type(mean)==FloatType and type(sigma)==FloatType:
            # 1D Gaussian
            # Multidimensional Gaussian
            self.b=1.0/(power(2*pi, self.dim/2.0)*sq_det)
Esempio n. 23
 def eval_g(self, x):
     Q = self.eval_Q(x)
     R = self.eval_R(x)
     g_Q = la.det(Q)
     g_R = la.det(R)
     g_dual = self.eval_dual_obj(x)
     return np.array([g_Q, g_R, g_dual])
Esempio n. 24
def make_orthogonal_cd(wcs):
    """ Create a perfect (square, orthogonal, undistorted) CD matrix from the
        input WCS.
    # get determinant of the CD matrix:
    cd = wcs.celestial.pixel_scale_matrix

    if hasattr(wcs, 'idcv2ref') and wcs.idcv2ref is not None:
        # Convert the PA_V3 orientation to the orientation at the aperture
        # This is for the reference chip only - we use this for the
        # reference tangent plane definition
        # It has the same orientation as the reference chip
        pv = updatewcs.makewcs.troll(wcs.pav3,wcs.wcs.crval[1],wcs.idcv2ref,wcs.idcv3ref)
        # Add the chip rotation angle
        if wcs.idctheta:
            pv += wcs.idctheta
        cs = np.cos(np.deg2rad(pv))
        sn = np.sin(np.deg2rad(pv))
        pvmat =[[cs,sn],[-sn,cs]]),wcs.parity)
        rot = np.arctan2(pvmat[0,1],pvmat[1,1])
        scale = wcs.idcscale/3600.

        det = linalg.det(wcs.parity)


        det = linalg.det(cd)

        # find pixel scale:
        if hasattr(wcs, 'idcscale'):
            scale = (wcs.idcscale) / 3600. # HST pixel scale provided
            scale = np.sqrt(np.abs(det)) # find as sqrt(pixel area)

        # find Y-axis orientation:
        if hasattr(wcs, 'orientat') and not ignoreHST:
            rot = np.deg2rad(wcs.orientat) # use HST ORIENTAT
            rot = np.arctan2([0,1],[1,1]) # angle of the Y-axis

    par = -1 if det < 0.0 else 1

    # create a perfectly square, orthogonal WCS
    sn = np.sin(rot)
    cs = np.cos(rot)
    orthogonal_cd = scale * np.array([[par*cs, sn], [-par*sn, cs]])

    lin_wcsobj = pywcs.WCS() = orthogonal_cd
    lin_wcsobj.orientat = arctan2([0,1],[1,1]) * 180./np.pi
    lin_wcsobj.pscale = sqrt([0,0]**2 +[1,0]**2)*3600.
    lin_wcsobj.wcs.crval = np.array([0.,0.])
    lin_wcsobj.wcs.crpix = np.array([0.,0.])
    lin_wcsobj.wcs.ctype = ['RA---TAN', 'DEC--TAN']

    return lin_wcsobj
Esempio n. 25
def _logdet(matrix, use_tk_adjustment=True):
    """returns the LogDet from a diversity matrix
        - use_tk_adjustment: when True, unequal state frequencies are allowed
    invalid = None, None, None, None
    total = matrix.sum()
    diffs = total - sum(matrix[i,i] for i in range(matrix.shape[0]))
    if total == 0:
        return invalid
    p = diffs / total
    if diffs == 0: # seqs identical
        return total, p, 0.0, None
    # we replace missing diagonal states with a frequency of 0.5,
    # then normalise
    frequency = matrix.copy()
    unobserved = where(frequency.diagonal() == 0)[0]
    for index in unobserved:
        frequency[index, index] = 0.5
    frequency /= frequency.sum()
    # the inverse matrix of frequency, every element is squared
    M_matrix = inv(frequency)**2
    freqs_1 = frequency.sum(axis = 0)
    freqs_2 = frequency.sum(axis = 1)
    if use_tk_adjustment:
        mean_state_freqs = (freqs_1 + freqs_2) / 2
        coeff = (norm(mean_state_freqs)**2 - 1) / (matrix.shape[0] - 1)
        coeff = -1 / matrix.shape[0]
    FM_1 = diag(freqs_1)
    FM_2 = diag(freqs_2)
        d_xy = coeff * log(det(frequency) / sqrt(det(FM_1 * FM_2)))
    except FloatingPointError:
        return invalid
    if det(frequency) <= 0: #if the result is nan
        return invalid
    var_term = dot(M_matrix, frequency).transpose()[0].sum()
    var_denom = 16 * total
    if use_tk_adjustment:
        var = (var_term - (1 / sqrt(freqs_1 * freqs_2)).sum()) / var_denom
        # variance formula for TK adjustment is false
        var = (var_term - 1) / var_denom
    var = d_xy - 2 * var
    return total, p, d_xy, var
Esempio n. 26
  def crystal(self):
    """ Output structure, CRYSTAL format. 
        Creates a structure from the output, including any atomic and
        cell-shape movements.
    from numpy import dot, identity, abs, array, any, all
    from numpy.linalg import inv, det
    from ..crystal import into_voronoi
    from .geometry import DisplaceAtoms, Elastic
    # Check whether this is a geometry optimization run.
    if not self._is_optgeom: return self.input_crystal

    # Structure is not simplified, since that could change the number of
    # symmetry operations, unless done carefully. Should be done somewhere
    # else.
    incrys, instruct = self.input_crystal, self.input_structure

    # create strain -- CRYSTAL allows pure rotations to creep into the lattice
    # during optimization.
    inv_in = inv(instruct.cell)
    epsilon = dot(self.structure.cell, inv_in) - identity(3, dtype='float64')
    cell = dot(identity(3) + epsilon, instruct.cell)
    inv_out = inv(cell)

    # create field displacement
    isbreaksym = self.params.optgeom.breaksym
    field = [ dot(cell, dot(inv_out, a.pos) - dot(inv_in, b.pos))
              for a, b in zip(self.structure, instruct)
              if a.asymmetric or isbreaksym]
    field = [into_voronoi(u, cell, inv_out) for u in field]
    field = array(field)

    # check if changes:
    if all(abs(epsilon) < 1e-8) and all(abs(field.flatten()) < 1e-8): 
      return self.input_crystal

    result = incrys.copy()
    # check whether we need to add breaksym or keepsym
    if incrys.is_breaksym != isbreaksym:
      result.append('breaksym' if isbreaksym else 'keepsymm')
    # check whether we need to add 'angstrom'
    if not result.is_angstrom: result.append('angstrom')
    # add cell shape changes
    if any(abs(epsilon) > 1e-8): 
      a = Elastic()
      a.matrix = epsilon
      a.is_epsilon = True
      a.const_volume = abs(det(cell) - det(instruct.cell)) < 1e-8
    # Add displacements 
    if any(abs(field.flatten()) > 1e-8):
      a = DisplaceAtoms()
      atoms = [u for u in instruct if u.asymmetric or isbreaksym]
      for atom, disp in zip(atoms, field):
        if any(abs(disp) > 1e-8): a.add_atom(type=atom.label, pos=disp)
    return result
Esempio n. 27
def modMatInv(A, p):  # Finds the inverse of matrix A mod p
    n = len(A)
    A = matrix(A)
    adj = numpy.zeros(shape=(n, n))
    for i in range(0, n):
        for j in range(0, n):
            adj[i][j] = ((-1) ** (i + j) * int(round(linalg.det(minor(A, j, i))))) % p
    return (modInv(int(round(linalg.det(A))), p) * adj) % p
Esempio n. 28
def true_kldiv(m0, m1, s0, s1):
    k = m0.shape[0]
    first = np.trace(, s0))
    mdiff = m1 - m0
    second =,, mdiff))
    third = np.log(det(s0) / det(s1))

    return .5 * (first + second - third - k)
Esempio n. 29
def bentler(X):
    X2 = X ** 2
    M = cross_product(X2, X2)
    D = np.diag(np.diag(M))

    return -L * ( - la.inv(D))), \
        -(np.log(la.det(M)) - np.log(la.det(D))) / 4, \
        'Bentler\'s criterion'
Esempio n. 30
 def eval_g(self, x):
     Q = eval_Q(x, self.n, self.y, self.eta)
     R = eval_R(x, self.n)
     g_Q = np.array([la.det(Q[:I, :I]) for I in xrange(1, self.n+2)])
     g_R = np.array([la.det(R[:I, :I]) for I in xrange(1, self.n+2)])
     g_dual = np.array([eval_dual_obj(x,, self.P, self.s)])
     g = np.concatenate([g_Q, g_R, g_dual])
     return g
Esempio n. 31
def ln_B(W,nu):
  ln_num = -0.5*nu*np.log(det(W))
  ln_det_1 = 0.5*nu*D*np.log(2) - D*(D-1)*0.25*np.log(np.pi)
  ln_det_2 = np.sum(gammaln(np.array([0.5*(nu+1-i) for i in range(D)])))
  return  ln_num - ln_det_1 - ln_det_2
Esempio n. 32
    def reset(self, x0):
		Puts the optimizer in its initial state and sets the initial point to 
		be the 1-dimensional array or list *x0*. The length of the array 
		becomes the dimension of the optimization problem 
		(:attr:`ndim` member). 
		The initial simplex is built around *x0* by calling the 
		:meth:`buildSimplex` method with default values for the *rel* and *abs* 
		If *x0* is a 2-dimensional array or list of size 
		(*ndim*+1) times *ndim* it specifies the initial simplex. 
		The initial value of the natural logarithm of the simplex side vectors 
		determinant is calculated and stored. This value gets updated at every 
		simplex algorithm step. The only time it needs to be reevaluated is at 
		reshape. But that is also quite simple because the reshaped simplex 
		is orthogonal. The only place where a full determinant needs to be 
		calculated is here. 
        # Debug message
        if self.debug:
            DbgMsgOut("SDNMOPT", "Resetting.")

        # Make it an array
        x0 = array(x0)

        # Is x0 a point or a simplex?
        if x0.ndim == 1:
            # Point
            # Set x now
            NelderMead.reset(self, x0)

            if self.debug:
                          "Generating initial simplex from initial point.")

            sim = self.buildSimplex(x0)
            # Simplex or error (handled in _setSimplex())

            if self.debug:
                DbgMsgOut("SDNMOPT", "Using specified initial simplex.")

            # Set x to first point in simplex after it was checked in _setSimplex()
            Optimizer.reset(self, x0[0, :])

        # Reset point moves counter
        self.simplexmoves = zeros(self.ndim + 1)

        # Calculate log(n! det([v])) where [v] are the n side vectors
        # arranged as columns of a matrix
        (v, l) = self.sortedSideVectors()
        self.logDet = log(abs(det(v)))

        # Initial h
        self.h = 1.0

        # Make x tolerance an array
        self.xtol = array(self.xtol)
Esempio n. 33
def three_tri(node1, node2, node3, node4):
    [x1, y1, z1, d1] = node1
    [x2, y2, z2, d2] = node2
    [x3, y3, z3, d3] = node3
    [x4, y4, z4, d4] = node4

    #3-D trilateration. 4 anchor nodes
    # x1 = x coordinate of anchor 1
    # y1 = y coordinate of anchor 1
    # z1 = z coordinate of anchor 1
    # d1 = distance from point to anchor 1
    d11 = 2 * (x2 - x1)
    d21 = 2 * (x3 - x1)
    d31 = 2 * (x4 - x1)
    d12 = 2 * (y2 - y1)
    d22 = 2 * (y3 - y1)
    d32 = 2 * (y4 - y1)
    d13 = 2 * (z2 - z1)
    d23 = 2 * (z3 - z1)
    d33 = 2 * (z4 - z1)
    #bringing M together into [3, 3] matrix
    d = np.array([[d11, d12, d13], [d21, d22, d23], [d31, d32, d33]])

    #x_numerator elements
    x_n11 = (d1**2 - d2**2) - (x1**2 - x2**2) - (y1**2 - y2**2) - (
        z1**2 - z2**2)  #sigma
    x_n21 = (d1**2 - d3**2) - (x1**2 - x3**2) - (y1**2 - y3**2) - (
        z1**2 - z3**2)  #beta
    x_n31 = (d1**2 - d4**2) - (x1**2 - x4**2) - (y1**2 - y4**2) - (
        z1**2 - z4**2)  #phi
    x_n12 = 2 * (y2 - y1)
    x_n22 = 2 * (y3 - y1)
    x_n32 = 2 * (y4 - y1)
    x_n13 = 2 * (z2 - z1)
    x_n23 = 2 * (z3 - z1)
    x_n33 = 2 * (z4 - z1)

    #bringing numerator together for x
    x_n = np.array([[x_n11, x_n12, x_n13], [x_n21, x_n22, x_n23],
                    [x_n31, x_n32, x_n33]])
    #finding x by dividing matrix operation and then determinant
    x = r_divide(x_n, d)
    x = det(x)
    #individual y elements
    y_n11 = 2 * (x2 - x1)
    y_n21 = 2 * (x3 - x1)
    y_n31 = 2 * (x4 - x1)
    y_n12 = x_n11  #sigma
    y_n22 = x_n21  #beta
    y_n32 = x_n31  #phi
    y_n13 = 2 * (z2 - z1)
    y_n23 = 2 * (z3 - z1)
    y_n33 = 2 * (z4 - z1)
    #bringing numerator together for y
    y_n = np.array([[y_n11, y_n12, y_n13], [y_n21, y_n22, y_n23],
                    [y_n31, y_n32, y_n33]])
    #finding y by dividing matrix operation and then determinant
    y = r_divide(y_n, d)
    y = det(y)
    #individual z elements
    z_n11 = 2 * (x2 - x1)
    z_n21 = 2 * (x3 - x1)
    z_n31 = 2 * (x4 - x1)
    z_n12 = 2 * (y2 - y1)
    z_n22 = 2 * (y3 - y1)
    z_n32 = 2 * (y4 - y1)
    z_n13 = x_n11  #sigma
    z_n23 = x_n21  #beta
    z_n33 = x_n31  #phi
    #bringing z numerator together
    z_n = np.array([[z_n11, z_n12, z_n13], [z_n21, z_n22, z_n23],
                    [z_n31, z_n32, z_n33]])
    #finding z by dividing matrix operation and then determinant
    z = r_divide(z_n, d)
    z = det(z)

    return x, y, z
Esempio n. 34
    def multivar_regress(self, Y, predef_var='', list_variates=[]):
        The method is the multi-variate-regression that simultaniously fit 
        multiple variates (x1,x2,....) in one single regression to derive
        the best fitting line to represent the original data (Y)
            Y: np.array 
              the original data value (Vector of responses)
            list_variates: list, 
                list of variates used for the regression
                [var1, var2, .....] to form the design matrix
                    Design matrix = X and Vector of response Y

                        /  1  x11 x21 ... xn1 \          / y1 \
                        |  1  x12 x22 ... xn2 |          | y2 |
                        |  .   .   .       .  |          |  . |
                    X = |  .   .   .       .  |      Y = |  . |
                        |  .   .   .       .  |          |  . |
                        \  1  x1p x2p ... xnp /          \ yp /

            predef_var: string,
                kwarg to call for predefined variates 
                options - semisea_sea_lin, semisea_sea_lin_quad, fort13_fort14_lin}

                the coefficients (dim = num of variates) that relate to each variate
                It's order is following the order of variates in the list_variates
                the errors that makes the linear combined regression value to deviate 
                from the original data (Y)
                                 / beta0 \          / e1 \
                                 | beta1 |          | e2 |
                                 |   .   |          |  . |
                          beta = |   .   |    err = |  . |
                                 |   .   |          |  . |
                                 \ betan /          \ ep /
         Mathematical expression:

              R^2= sum (Y-beta*X)   
              find the minimum of the equation => first order differential = 0
              first order diffferential equation is  X'Y=(X'X) (beta)
              so  beta = (X'X)^-1 (X'Y)
              where prime means transpose of matrix, ^-1 means inversion of matrix

              to solve the weighted system
              R^2= sum W(Y-beta*X)   
              find the minimum of the equation => first order differential = 0
              first order diffferential equation is  X'WY=(X'WX) (beta)
              so  beta = (X'WX)^-1 (X'WY)
                        /1/E^2  0    0   ...  0   \
                        |  0  1/E^2  0   ...  0   |
                        |  0    0  1/E^2 ...  0   |
                    W = |  .    .    .            |
                        |  .    .    .            |
                        \  0    0    0   ...1/E^2 /
              the matrix representing the reciprical of the error square 
              at each observed value (can be different at each time step)
              The weighted regression propogate the measurement error in 
              the observation to the regression [Schuckmann et al., 2011,
              Llovel et al., 2014]

        #-- reshape the Y array to column
        Y = np.reshape(Y, [Y.shape[0], 1])
        # determine the design matrix
        X = self.def_vars(predef_var=predef_var, list_variates=list_variates)

        #-- determine to perform weighted regression or not
        if self.err_weight.upper() in ['Y']:
            ww = np.zeros(
                len(time)) + 1. / self.err**2  # the variance of obs. error
            W = np.diag(ww)
            term1 =,, X))  #(X'WX)
            term1 =, X)  #(X'X)

        #-- calculate the determinant for matrix inverse
        detterm1 = la.det(term1)
        if detterm1 == np.float64(0.):
            print "Error64: No inverse of (X'X) or (X'WX) "

        #-- calculate the matrix inverse
        term1_1 = la.inv(term1)  #(X'X)^-1 or (X'WX)^-1

        #-- calculate the right hand side
        if self.err_weight.upper() in ['Y']:
            term2 =,, Y))  #(X'WY)
            term2 =, Y)  #(X'Y)

        #-- matrix multiplication of RHS and inverse matrix
        beta =, term2)  #(X'X)^-1(X'Y) or (X'WX)^-1(X'WY)

        #-- store attribute in the regression
        self.nvars = X.shape[1]  # store number of variates
        self.dof = len(
            self.axis) - self.nvars  # store degree of freedom in the regress

        #-- calculate uncertainties
        # the diag of rmse*sqrt(X_var)^-1 represents the std of uncertainty
        # in the regression for each variate
        Yreg =, np.reshape(
            beta, [beta.shape[0], 1]))  # (X) dot (beta) => regression model
        Yreg = np.reshape(Yreg, [Yreg.shape[0], 1])
        misfit = Y - Yreg
        rmse = np.sqrt(np.sum(misfit**2) /
                       (self.dof))  # RMSE between the model and obs.
        X_var =, X)
        se = rmse * np.sqrt(np.diag(la.inv(X_var)))

        #-- output the design matrix in the form of list_variates
        if list_variates == []:
            list_variates = [X[:, i] for i in range(X.shape[1])]

        return {
            'beta': beta[:, 0],
            'se': se,
            'rmse': rmse,
            'model': Yreg[:, 0],
            'list_variates': list_variates
Esempio n. 35
 def valid_bin_params(self, vectors, extents, nbins):
     return (extents[-1, :] - extents[0, :] > 0).all() and sum(
         nbins > 1) == 1 and not isclose(det(vectors), 0.0)
Esempio n. 36
 def numeric(self, values):
     return np.log(LA.det(values[0]))
Esempio n. 37
def Gaussian_Distribution(x, D, mean, sigma):
    E = np.exp((-1/2)*dot((x-mean).T,(inv(sigma)),(x-mean)))
    y = (1/((2*np.pi)**(D/2)))*(1/((det(sigma))**(1/2)))*E        
    return y
Esempio n. 38
    def fer(self, combo_name='Combo 1'):
        Returns the quadrilateral's local fixed end reaction vector (zero's for
        now until surface loads get added).

        combo_name : string
            The name of the load combination to get the consistent load vector

        Hw = lambda r, s: 1 / 4 * array([[(1 + r) * (1 + s), 0, 0, (1 - r) *
                                          (1 + s), 0, 0, (1 - r) *
                                          (1 - s), 0, 0, (1 + r) *
                                          (1 - s), 0, 0]])

        # Initialize the fixed end reaction vector
        fer = zeros((12, 1))

        # Get the requested load combination
        combo = self.LoadCombos[combo_name]

        # Define the gauss point used for numerical integration
        gp = 1 / 3**0.5

        # Loop through each load case and factor in the load combination
        for case, factor in combo.factors.items():

            p = 0

            # Sum the pressures
            for pressure in self.pressures:

                # Check if the current pressure corresponds to the current load case
                if pressure[1] == case:

                    # Sum the pressures
                    p -= factor * pressure[0]

        fer = (Hw(-gp, -gp).T * p * det(self.J(-gp, -gp)) +
               Hw(-gp, gp).T * p * det(self.J(-gp, gp)) +
               Hw(gp, gp).T * p * det(self.J(gp, gp)) +
               Hw(gp, -gp).T * p * det(self.J(gp, -gp)))

        # At this point `fer` only contains terms for the degrees of freedom
        # associated with membrane action. Expand `fer` to include zero terms for
        # the degrees of freedom related to bending action. This will allow
        # the bending and membrane vectors to be summed directly
        # later on. `numpy` has an `insert` function that can be used to
        # insert rows and columns of zeros one at a time, but it is very slow
        # as it makes a temporary copy of the vector term by term each time
        # it's called. The algorithm used here accomplishes the same thing
        # much faster. Terms are copied only once.

        # Initialize the expanded vector to all zeros
        fer_exp = zeros((24, 1))

        # Step through each term in the unexpanded vector
        # i = Unexpanded vector row
        for i in range(12):

            # Find the corresponding term in the expanded vector

            # m = Expanded vector row
            if i in [0, 3, 6, 9]:  # indices associated with deflection in z
                m = 2 * i + 2
            if i in [1, 4, 7, 10]:  # indices associated with rotation about x
                m = 2 * i + 1
            if i in [2, 5, 8, 11]:  # indices associated with rotation about y
                m = 2 * i

            # Ensure the index is an integer rather than a float
            m = round(m)

            # Add the term from the unexpanded vector into the expanded vector
            fer_exp[m, 0] = fer[i, 0]

        return fer_exp
Esempio n. 39
    def band_structure(self, path_kc, modes=False, born=False, verbose=True):
        """Calculate phonon dispersion along a path in the Brillouin zone.

        The dynamical matrix at arbitrary q-vectors is obtained by Fourier
        transforming the real-space force constants. In case of negative
        eigenvalues (squared frequency), the corresponding negative frequency
        is returned.

        Eigenvalues and modes are in units of eV and Ang/sqrt(amu),

        path_kc: ndarray
            List of k-point coordinates (in units of the reciprocal lattice
            vectors) specifying the path in the Brillouin zone for which the
            dynamical matrix will be calculated.
        modes: bool
            Returns both frequencies and modes when True.
        born: bool
            Include non-analytic part given by the Born effective charges and
            the static part of the high-frequency dielectric tensor. This
            contribution to the force constant accounts for the splitting
            between the LO and TO branches for q -> 0.
        verbose: bool
            Print warnings when imaginary frequncies are detected.

        assert self.D_N is not None
        if born:
            assert self.Z_avv is not None
            assert self.eps_vv is not None

        # Lattice vectors -- ordered as illustrated in class docstring
        R_cN = self.lattice_vectors()

        # Dynamical matrix in real-space
        D_N = self.D_N
        # Lists for frequencies and modes along path
        omega_kl = []
        u_kl = []

        # Reciprocal basis vectors for use in non-analytic contribution
        reci_vc = 2 * pi * la.inv(self.atoms.cell)
        # Unit cell volume in Bohr^3
        vol = abs(la.det(self.atoms.cell)) / units.Bohr**3

        for q_c in path_kc:
            # Add non-analytic part
            if born:
                # q-vector in cartesian coordinates
                q_v =, q_c)
                # Non-analytic contribution to force constants in atomic units
                qdotZ_av =, self.Z_avv).ravel()
                C_na = 4 * pi * np.outer(qdotZ_av, qdotZ_av) / \
             ,, q_v)) / vol
                self.C_na = C_na / units.Bohr**2 * units.Hartree                
                # Add mass prefactor and convert to eV / (Ang^2 * amu)
                M_inv = np.outer(self.m_inv_x, self.m_inv_x)                
                D_na = C_na * M_inv / units.Bohr**2 * units.Hartree
                self.D_na = D_na
                D_N = self.D_N + D_na / 

            ## if == 1:
            ##     q_av = np.tile(q_v, len(self.indices))
            ##     q_xx = np.vstack([q_av]*len(self.indices)*3)
            ##     D_m += q_xx

            # Evaluate fourier sum
            phase_N = np.exp(-2.j * pi *, R_cN))
            D_q = np.sum(phase_N[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] * D_N, axis=0)

            if modes:
                omega2_l, u_xl = la.eigh(D_q, UPLO='U')
                # Sort eigenmodes according to eigenvalues (see below) and 
                # multiply with mass prefactor
                u_lx = (self.m_inv_x[:, np.newaxis] * 
                        u_xl[:, omega2_l.argsort()]).T.copy()
                u_kl.append(u_lx.reshape((-1, len(self.indices), 3)))
                omega2_l = la.eigvalsh(D_q, UPLO='U')

            # Sort eigenvalues in increasing order
            # Use dtype=complex to handle negative eigenvalues
            omega_l = np.sqrt(omega2_l.astype(complex))

            # Take care of imaginary frequencies
            if not np.all(omega2_l >= 0.):
                indices = np.where(omega2_l < 0)[0]

                if verbose:
                    print ("WARNING, %i imaginary frequencies at "
                           "q = (% 5.2f, % 5.2f, % 5.2f) ; (omega_q =% 5.3e*i)"
                           % (len(indices), q_c[0], q_c[1], q_c[2],
                omega_l[indices] = -1 * np.sqrt(np.abs(omega2_l[indices].real))


        # Conversion factor: sqrt(eV / Ang^2 / amu) -> eV
        s = units._hbar * 1e10 / sqrt(units._e * units._amu)
        omega_kl = s * np.asarray(omega_kl)
        if modes:
            return omega_kl, np.asarray(u_kl)
        return omega_kl
Esempio n. 40
     outf.tprint('%d %g %d' % (i + 1, Sk[k - 1, 0], k))
     marg1d[i] = Sk[k - 1, 0]
 S1 = marg1d.sum()
 outf.tprint("# First-order entropy (sum of 1D marginal entropies):")
 outf.tprint("%f" % (S1))
 if a.order in ['1.5', '2']:  # first-order plus correlations
     corrmat = corrcoef(X, rowvar=0)
     estmi = 0.0  # mutual info estimated from corr coef
     for i in range(d - 1):
         for j in range(i + 1, d):
             estmi = estmi - 0.5 * log(1.0 - corrmat[i, j]**2)
     outf.tprint('# Estimated mutual info from linear correlations:')
     outf.tprint('%f' % (estmi * ufac))
     # also calculate "quasi-harmonic mutual info"
     CX = cov(Xfull, rowvar=0)
     Iqh = 0.5 * (log(diag(CX)).sum() - log(la.det(CX)))
     outf.tprint('# Quasiharmonic mutual info:')
     outf.tprint('%f' % (Iqh * ufac))
         '# First-order entropy corrected by estimated / quasiharm. mut.inf'
     outf.tprint('%f %f' % (S1 - estmi * ufac, S1 - Iqh * ufac))
 if a.order == '2':
     I2 = 0.0
     outf.tprint("# 2-dimensional joint (marginal) entropies")
         "# variable 1, variable 2, joint entropy, number of components, "
         + "mutual information")
     for i in range(d - 1):
         for j in range(i + 1, d):
             (W, M, R, Tlogl, Sk) = em(X[:, [i, j]],
Esempio n. 41
def em(X, Y, kmax, nr_of_cand, stop, Sdelta, emthresh, ufac, overfit,
    #function [W,M,R,Tlogl,Sk] = myem(X,T,kmax,nr_of_cand,plo,dia,Sdelta,emthresh)
    # em - EM algorithm for adaptive multivariate Gaussian mixtures
    #[W,M,R,Tlogl] = em(X,T,kmax,nr_of_cand,plo,dia)
    #  X     - (n x d) d-dimensional zero-mean unit-variance data
    #  Y     - (m x d) test data for cross-validation (optional, set [] if none)
    #  kmax  - maximum number of components allowed
    #  nr_of_cand - number of candidates per component, zero gives non-greedy EM
    #  plo   - if 1 then plot ellipses for 2-d data
    #  dia   - if 1 then print diagnostics
    #  Sdelta - stop if change in entropy is < Sdelta J/K/mol (added by A. Szilagyi)
    #  emthresh - threshold for EM optimization
    #  overfit - nr of components to calculate after stopping crit is met
    #  W - (k x 1) vector of mixing weights
    #  M - (k x d) matrix of components means
    #  R - (k x d^2) matrix of Cholesky submatrices of components covariances
    #      in vector reshaped format. To get the covariance of component k:
    #      Rk = reshape(R(k,:),d,d); S = Rk'*Rk;
    #  Tlogl -  average log-likelihood of test data
    #  Sk - entropy history (added by A. Szilagyi)
    # Nikos Vlassis & Sjaak Verbeek, oct 2002
    # see greedy-EM paper at

    n, d = X.shape

    converged = False

    #n1 = ones((n,1))
    #d1 = ones((1,d))

    Sk = zeros((kmax, 1))

    THRESHOLD = emthresh

    if nr_of_cand > 0:
        k = 1
        logging.debug('Greedy EM initialization')
        k = kmax
        logging.debug('Non-greedy EM initialization')

    (W, M, R, P, sigma) = em_init_km(X, k, 0)
    oldW, oldM, oldR = W, M, R

    # do autoscaling of the data to prevent numerical overflows/underflows
    llcorrection = 0.0
    if k == 1:
        Rj = reshape(R, (d, d), order='F').copy()
        Rj = reshape(R[0, :], (d, d), order='F').copy()
    detrj = la.det(Rj)  # determinant of covariance matrix
    if detrj > 1e20:
        scalingf = (1.0e20 / detrj)**(1.0 / d)
        X = scalingf * X
        Y = scalingf * Y
        llcorrection = d * log(scalingf)
        logging.debug('# autoscaling data by a scaling factor: %g' % scalingf)
        (W, M, R, P, sigma) = em_init_km(X, k, 0)
        oldW, oldM, oldR = W, M, R
    elif detrj < 1.0:
        scalingf = (1.0 / detrj)**(1.0 / d)
        X = scalingf * X
        Y = scalingf * Y
        llcorrection = d * log(scalingf)
        logging.debug('# autoscaling data by a scaling factor: %g' % scalingf)
        (W, M, R, P, sigma) = em_init_km(X, k, 0)
        oldW, oldM, oldR = W, M, R


    sigma = sigma**2

    oldlogl = -REALMAX
    oldYlogl = -REALMAX
    oldentropy = REALMAX
    oldAIC = REALMAX

    while 1:
        # apply EM steps to the complete mixture until convergence
        logging.debug('EM steps on complete mixture...')
        while 1:
            (W, M, R) = em_step(X, W, M, R, P)
            # likelihoods L (n x k) for all inputs and all components
            L = em_gauss(X, M, R)
            # mixture F (n x 1) and average log-likelihood
            F =
            toosmall = len((F < REALMIN).nonzero()[0])
            F[F < REALMIN] = REALMIN
            logl = mean(log(F))

            # posteriors P (n x k) and their sums
            P = L * (ones((n, 1)).dot(W.T)) /, k)))

            if abs(logl / oldlogl - 1) < THRESHOLD:
                logging.debug('Logl = %g' % (logl))
            oldlogl = logl

        # for cross-validation, calculate loglikelihood for Y set
        if stop == 'cv':
            Fy = dot(em_gauss(Y, M, R), W)
            logging.debug('Fy nonzero: %d' % count_nonzero(F < REALMIN))
            Fy[Fy < REALMIN] = REALMIN
            Ylogl = mean(log(Fy))
            logging.debug('oldYlogl=%f Ylogl=%f' % (oldYlogl, Ylogl))
            if Ylogl < oldYlogl:
                if not converged:
                    converged = True
                    kconv = k
                    outf.tprint('# Calculation converged')
            if converged and k >= kconv + overfit:
                logging.debug('Ylogl decreased, stopping')
                outf.tprint('# Stopping due to Ylogl decrease')
                return (oldW, oldM, oldR, oldYlogl, Sk)
            oldYlogl = Ylogl
            oldW = W
            oldM = M
            oldR = R

        newentropy = -logl - llcorrection
        if stop == 'cv':
            newentropy2 = -Ylogl - llcorrection
        logging.debug("with %d components S=%f J/K/mol (%f cal/K/mol)" %
                      (k, 8.314472 * newentropy, 1.9858775 * newentropy))

        # calculate Akaike Information Criterion
        if stop == 'aicsd':
            npar = k - 1 + d * k + k * d * (
                d + 1) / 2  # number of parameters of the mixture
            AIC = 2 * npar - 2 * n * (logl + llcorrection)
            logging.debug("AIC = %f" % (AIC))

        if stop == 'cv':
            newentropy2 = -Ylogl - llcorrection
            #Sk[k-1] = ufac*(newentropy+newentropy2)/2
            Sk[k - 1] = ufac * newentropy
            Sk[k - 1] = ufac * newentropy

        if toosmall:
                "%d out of %d likelihoods are too small. The following result may "
                + "not be valid. Use fewer dimensions.") % (toosmall, len(F)))

        if stop == 'aicsd':  # use AIC+sdelta as stopping criterion
            if AIC > oldAIC:
                if not converged:
                    converged = True
                    kconv = k
                    outf.tprint('# Calculation converged by AIC')
            if converged and k >= kconv + overfit:
                logging.debug('Stopping as AIC has increased')
                logging.debug('%d %g' % (k, Sk[k - 1]))
                outf.tprint('# Stopping due to AIC increase')
                return (oldW, oldM, oldR, logl, Sk)  # return previous values
            oldW, oldM, oldR = W, M, R

        if printout:
            if stop == 'cv':
                outf.tprint("%d %g %g" % (k, Sk[k - 1], ufac * newentropy2))
                outf.tprint("%d %g" % (k, Sk[k - 1]))
        if stop == 'aicsd':  # use sdelta as stopping criterion
            if abs(newentropy - oldentropy) < Sdelta / ufac:
                if not converged:
                    converged = True
                    kconv = k
                    outf.tprint('# Calculation converged by Sdelta')
            if converged and k >= kconv + overfit:
                logging.debug('Stopping %f %f' %
                              (ufac * newentropy, ufac * oldentropy))
                outf.tprint('# Stopping due to reaching Sdelta')
                return (W, M, R, logl, Sk)
        oldentropy = newentropy
        if stop == 'aicsd':
            oldAIC = AIC

        # stop if kmax is reached
        if k == kmax:
            return (W, M, R, logl, Sk)

        # try to add another component
        logging.debug('Trying component allocation')
        ntries = 100  # repeat candidate search this many times maximum
        for itry in range(ntries):
            (Mnew, Rnew, alpha,
             returnstatus) = rand_split(P, X, M, R, sigma, F, W, nr_of_cand)
            if alpha != 0:
                if returnstatus == 'split_impossible':
                elif itry < ntries - 1:
                        'No appropriate candidate found. Trying more candidates...'
        if alpha == 0:
                'Failed to find candidates. Result has not converged.')
            if returnstatus == 'split_impossible':
                logging.warning('A larger sample is needed.')
                logging.warning('Try to use a larger ncand.')
            return (W, M, R, logl, Sk)

        K = em_gauss(X, Mnew, Rnew)
        PP = F * (1 - alpha) + K * alpha
        LOGL = mean(log(PP))

        # optimize new mixture with partial EM steps updating only Mnew,Rnew
        veryoldlogl = logl
        oldlogl = LOGL
        done_here = False

        Pnew = (K * (ones((n, 1)) * alpha)) / PP
        while not done_here:
            (alpha, Mnew, Rnew) = em_step(X, alpha, Mnew, Rnew, Pnew)
            K = em_gauss(X, Mnew, Rnew)
            Fnew = F * (1 - alpha) + K * alpha
            Pnew = K * alpha / Fnew
            logl = mean(log(Fnew))
            if abs(logl / oldlogl - 1) < THRESHOLD:
                done_here = True
            oldlogl = logl

        # check if log-likelihood increases with insertion
        if logl <= veryoldlogl:
                'Mixture uses only %d components, logl=%g oldlogl=%g veryoldlogl=%g '
                + 'llcorrection=%f') %
                          (k, logl, oldlogl, veryoldlogl, llcorrection))
            return (W, M, R, logl, Sk)
        # allocate new component
        M = vstack((M, Mnew))
        R = vstack((R, Rnew))
        W = vstack(((1 - alpha) * W, alpha))
        k = k + 1
        logging.debug(' k = %d' % (k))
        logging.debug('LogL = %g (%g after correction)' %
                      (logl, logl + llcorrection))
        # prepare next EM step
        L = em_gauss(X, M, R)
        F = dot(L, W)
        F[F < REALMIN] = REALMIN
        P = L * dot(ones((n, 1)), W.T) / dot(F, ones((1, k)))
Esempio n. 42
def orthdef(latt): #columns as vectors
    od = norm(latt[:,0])*norm(latt[:,1])*norm(latt[:,2])/det(latt)
    return od
Esempio n. 43

# 2) умножение матрицы на вектор
matrix = numpy.arange(2 * 3).reshape((3, 2))
vector = numpy.array([1, -1], dtype=float)
print('Матрица:\n', matrix)
print('Вектор:\n', second_matrix)
print('Умножение матрицы на вектор: ', matrix @ vector)

# 3) решение произвольной системы линейных уравнений
# x - y = 7
# 3x + 2y = 16
matrix = numpy.array([[1., -1.], [3., 2.]])
vector = numpy.array([7., 16.])
print('Система:\nx - y = 7\n3x + 2y = 16')
answer = numpy.linalg.solve(matrix, vector)
print('x: ', answer[0], 'y: ', answer[1])

# 4) расчет определителя матрицы
matrix = numpy.arange(5 * 5).reshape((5, 5))
print('Матрица: ', matrix, '\n', 'Определитель: ', det(matrix))

# 5) получение обратной и транспонированной матриц
a = numpy.array([[0, 4, 2], [4, 6, 6], [7, 9, 10]])
print('Исходная матрица:\n', a)
print('Обратаня матрица:\n', inv(a))
print('Транспонированная матрица:\n', a.transpose())
Esempio n. 44
    def step(self, action_dict):
        obs_dict = {}
        reward_dict = {}
        done_dict = {'__all__': False}
        info_dict = {}

        # Targets move (t -> t+1)
        for n in range(self.nb_targets):
            self.belief_targets[n].predict()  # Belief state at t+1
        # Agents move (t -> t+1) and observe the targets
        for ii, agent_id in enumerate(action_dict):
            obs_dict[self.agents[ii].agent_id] = []
            reward_dict[self.agents[ii].agent_id] = []
            done_dict[self.agents[ii].agent_id] = []

            action_vw = self.action_map[action_dict[agent_id]]

            # Locations of all targets and agents in order to maintain a margin between them
            margin_pos = [t.state[:2] for t in self.targets[:self.nb_targets]]
            for p, ids in enumerate(action_dict):
                if agent_id != ids:
            _ = self.agents[ii].update(action_vw, margin_pos)
            # _ = self.agents[ii].update(action_vw, [t.state[:2] for t in self.targets[:self.nb_targets]])

            observed = np.zeros(self.nb_targets, dtype=bool)
            obstacles_pt = (self.sensor_r, np.pi)
            # Update beliefs of all targets
            for jj in range(self.nb_targets):
                # Observe
                obs, z_t = self.observation(self.targets[jj], self.agents[ii])
                observed[jj] = obs

                if obs:  # if observed, update the target belief.
                    self.belief_targets[jj].update(z_t, self.agents[ii].state)

            # obstacles_pt = map_utils.get_closest_obstacle(self.MAP, self.agents[ii].state)

            # if obstacles_pt is None:

            # Calculate beliefs on only assigned targets
            # for kk in range(self.nb_targets):
                r_b, alpha_b = util.relative_distance_polar(
                r_dot_b, alpha_dot_b = util.relative_velocity_polar(
                    self.agents[ii].state[:2], self.agents[ii].state[-1],
                    action_vw[0], action_vw[1])
                    r_b, alpha_b, r_dot_b, alpha_dot_b,
                    float(obs), obstacles_pt[0], obstacles_pt[1]
            obs_dict[agent_id] = np.asarray(obs_dict[agent_id])
        # Get all rewards after all agents and targets move (t -> t+1)
        reward, done, mean_nlogdetcov = self.get_reward(
            obstacles_pt, observed, self.is_training)
        reward_dict['__all__'], done_dict['__all__'], info_dict[
            'mean_nlogdetcov'] = reward, done, mean_nlogdetcov
        return obs_dict, reward_dict, done_dict, info_dict
Esempio n. 45
    def rhs(self, t, y, sw):
        The right-hand-side function (rhs) for the integrator
        P = y[0]
        T = y[1]
        V = y[3]
        a = (V / (4. * np.pi / 3))**(1. / 3.)
        self.radius = a
        eruption = sw[4]  # This tells whether eruption is yes or no
        if t > self.tcurrent:
            self.dt = t - self.tcurrent
            self.dt_counter += self.dt
            self.tcurrent = t
            self.P_list.update(P - self.plith)
            self.T_list.update(T - self.param['T_S'])
            self.T_out, self.P_out, self.sigma_rr, self.sigma_theta, self.T_der = self.crust_analy_params.Analytical_sol_cavity_T_Use(
      [:self.max_count], self.radius,
            self.max_count += 1
            self.T_out -= self.initial_T_out * np.exp(
                -t / self.t0 / self.param['relax_press_init'])
            self.P_out -= self.initial_P_out * np.exp(
                -t / self.t0 / self.param['relax_press_init'])
            self.sigma_rr -= self.initial_sigma_rr * np.exp(
                -t / self.t0 / self.param['relax_press_init'])
            self.sigma_theta -= self.initial_sigma_theta * np.exp(
                -t / self.t0 / self.param['relax_press_init'])
            self.P_out_all = np.vstack([self.P_out_all, self.P_out])
            self.T_out_all = np.vstack([self.T_out_all, self.T_out])
            self.sigma_rr_all = np.vstack([self.sigma_rr_all, self.sigma_rr])
            self.sigma_theta_all = np.vstack(
                [self.sigma_theta_all, self.sigma_theta])
            #self.sigma_eff_rr_all = np.vstack([self.sigma_eff_rr_all,self.sigma_rr + self.P_out])
            #self.sigma_eff_theta_all = np.vstack([self.sigma_eff_theta_all,self.sigma_theta+self.P_out])
            self.dt = 0.
        eps_g = y[2]
        dV_dP = V / self.param['beta_r']
        dV_dT = -V * self.param['alpha_r']
        rho_m = y[4]
        drho_m_dP = rho_m / self.param['beta_m']
        drho_m_dT = -rho_m * self.param['alpha_m']
        rho_x = y[5]
        drho_x_dP = rho_x / self.param['beta_x']
        drho_x_dT = -rho_x * self.param['alpha_x']
        eps_x, deps_x_dT, deps_x_deps_g = self.input_functions.melting_curve(
            T, P, eps_g)
        rho_g, drho_g_dP, drho_g_dT = self.input_functions.gas_density(T, P)

        rho = (1. - eps_g - eps_x) * rho_m + eps_g * rho_g + eps_x * rho_x
        drho_dP = (1. - eps_g -
                   eps_x) * drho_m_dP + eps_g * drho_g_dP + eps_x * drho_x_dP
        drho_dT = (1. - eps_g -
                   eps_x) * drho_m_dT + eps_g * drho_g_dT + eps_x * drho_x_dT
        drho_deps_g = -rho_m + rho_g
        drho_deps_x = -rho_m + rho_x

        # % exsolution
        m_eq, dm_eq_dP, dm_eq_dT = self.input_functions.solubulity_curve(T, P)
        c = ((1. - eps_g - eps_x) * rho_m * self.param['c_m'] + eps_g * rho_g *
             self.param['c_g'] + eps_x * rho_x * self.param['c_x']) / rho
        dc_dP = (1. / rho) * (
            (1 - eps_g - eps_x) * self.param['c_m'] * drho_m_dP +
            eps_g * self.param['c_g'] * drho_g_dP +
            eps_x * self.param['c_x'] * drho_x_dP) - (c / rho) * drho_dP
        dc_dT = (1. / rho) * (
            (1 - eps_g - eps_x) * self.param['c_m'] * drho_m_dT +
            eps_g * self.param['c_g'] * drho_g_dT +
            eps_x * self.param['c_x'] * drho_x_dT) - (c / rho) * drho_dT
        dc_deps_g = (1. / rho) * (-rho_m * self.param['c_m'] + rho_g *
                                  self.param['c_g']) - (c / rho) * drho_deps_g
        dc_deps_x = (1. / rho) * (-rho_m * self.param['c_m'] + rho_x *
                                  self.param['c_x']) - (c / rho) * drho_deps_x

        #% boundary conditions
        eps_x_in, _, _ = self.input_functions.melting_curve(
            self.param['T_in'], self.plith, self.param['eps_g_in'])
        rho_g_in, _, _ = self.input_functions.gas_density(
            self.param['T_in'], P)

        rho_m_in = self.param['rho_m_inp']  # rho_m
        rho_x_in = self.param['rho_x_inp']  # rho_x
        rho_in = (
            1 - self.param['eps_g_in'] - eps_x_in
        ) * rho_m_in + self.param['eps_g_in'] * rho_g_in + eps_x_in * rho_x_in
        c_in = ((1 - self.param['eps_g_in'] - eps_x_in) * rho_m_in *
                self.param['c_m'] +
                self.param['eps_g_in'] * rho_g_in * self.param['c_g'] +
                eps_x_in * rho_x_in * self.param['c_x']) / rho_in  #;%c;

        Mdot_in = self.param['Mdot_in']
        Mdot_v_in = self.param['m_eq_in'] * rho_m_in * (
            1. - self.param['eps_g_in'] -
            eps_x_in) * Mdot_in / rho_in + rho_g_in * self.param[
                'eps_g_in'] * Mdot_in / rho_in
        Hdot_in = c_in * self.param['T_in'] * Mdot_in

        P_buoyancy = -(rho - self.param['crustal_density']
                       ) * const.g_earth * a  # delta_rho*g*h
        # tmp_val =  (P-self.plith + P_buoyancy) - self.param['delta_Pc']*0.95
        # if tmp_val > 0 :
        #     value_diking = True
        # else :
        #     value_diking = False

        indx_use_P = np.where(
            self.R_outside <= (1. + self.param['frac_rad_press']) * a)
        indx_use_T = np.where(
            self.R_outside <= (1. + self.param['frac_rad_Temp']) * a)
        indx_use_visc = np.where(
            self.R_outside <= (1. + self.param['frac_rad_visc']) * a)
        mean_T_der_out = np.mean(self.T_der[indx_use_T])
        mean_T_out = np.mean(self.T_out[indx_use_T]) + self.param['T_S']
        mean_P_out = np.mean(self.P_out[indx_use_P]) + self.plith
        # self.T_fluid_mean = mean_T_out
        # self.crust_analy_params.set_viscosity(self.T_fluid_mean,mean_P_out)
        # self.crust_analy_params.set_constants(self.param['material'],self.permeability)
        mean_sigma_rr_out = -np.mean(self.sigma_rr[indx_use_visc]) + self.plith
        visc_gas = self.crust_analy_params.visc
        # #############################################################
        # ###########################################################
        if self.param['heat_cond'] == 1.:
            if t < 30e7:  # Initially the gradients are kind of large .. so may be unstable ..
                small_q = -self.param['k_crust'] * (mean_T_out - T) / (
                    self.param['frac_rad_Temp'] * a)
                small_q = -self.param['k_crust'] * mean_T_der_out
            small_q2 = -self.param['k_crust'] * (300. - self.param['T_S']) / (
                self.param['depth'])  # conductive heat loss to the surface
            surface_area_chamber = 4. * np.pi * a**2.
            Q_out = small_q * surface_area_chamber + self.param[
                'frac_cond_cool'] * small_q2 * surface_area_chamber
        elif self.param['heat_cond'] == 0.:
            Q_out = 0.
            raise NotImplementedError('heat_cond not specified')
        if np.isnan(Q_out):
            raise ValueError('Q_out is NaN')
        # #############################################################
        # #############################################################
        if eruption == False:
            if self.param['vol_degass'] == 1.:
                surface_area_chamber_degassing = 4. * np.pi * a**2. * self.param[
                delta_P_grad = (P - mean_P_out) / a / self.param['frac_length']
                ################## Flux out of the chamber due to pressure gradient in the crust ..
                # Note that there is no buoyancy term since the fluid is in equilbrium (Pressure is perturbation oer bkg)
                U_og2 = (self.permeability / visc_gas) * (delta_P_grad)
                Mdot_out = eps_g * rho_g * surface_area_chamber_degassing * U_og2
                degass_hdot_water = self.param['c_g'] * T * Mdot_out
                ################## Flux out of the chamber -- given the permeability of the chamber ..
                # U_og = self.input_functions.func_Uog(eps_g,eps_x,m_eq,rho_m,rho_g,T,delta_P_grad)
                # Mdot_out1 = eps_g*rho_g*surface_area_chamber_degassing*U_og
                # degass_hdot_water1 = self.param['c_g']*T*Mdot_out1
                # if np.abs(Mdot_out2) > 5 :
                #     pdb.set_trace()
                # print(Mdot_out2)
                # tmp1_sign = np.sign(Mdot_out1/Mdot_out2)
                # if (tmp1_sign == 1.0) :
                #     if (np.abs(Mdot_out2) > np.abs(Mdot_out1)) :
                #         Mdot_out =  Mdot_out2
                #         degass_hdot_water = degass_hdot_water2
                #         Q_fluid_flux_out = 0.
                #     else :
                #         Mdot_out =  Mdot_out1
                #         degass_hdot_water = degass_hdot_water1
                #         Q_fluid_flux_out = (Mdot_out - Mdot_out2)/surface_area_chamber_degassing/rho_g # extra term for the pressure equation .., m/s (i.e a velocity )
                # else :
                #         Mdot_out =  Mdot_out2 + Mdot_out1
                #         degass_hdot_water = degass_hdot_water2 +degass_hdot_water1
                #         Q_fluid_flux_out = Mdot_out1/surface_area_chamber_degassing/rho_g # extra term for the pressure equation .., m/s (i.e a velocity )
                QH_fluid_flux_out = np.copy(
                ) / surface_area_chamber_degassing  # W/m^2
                Mdot_out = 0.
                degass_hdot_water = 0.
                QH_fluid_flux_out = 0.
                # Q_fluid_flux_out = 0.
                # QH_fluid_flux_out = 0.
            Mdot_v_out = np.copy(Mdot_out)  # mass loss = water loss rate
            Hdot_out = Q_out + degass_hdot_water
        elif eruption == True:
            if self.param['vol_degass'] == 1.:
                # Note that there is no buoyancy term since the fluid is in equilbrium
                # (Pressure is perturbation over bkg)
                surface_area_chamber_degassing = 4. * np.pi * a**2. * self.param[
                delta_P_grad = (P - mean_P_out) / a / self.param['frac_length']
                U_og2 = (self.permeability / visc_gas) * (delta_P_grad)
                Mdot_out2 = eps_g * rho_g * surface_area_chamber_degassing * U_og2
                degass_hdot_water = self.param['c_g'] * T * Mdot_out2
                QH_fluid_flux_out = np.copy(
                ) / surface_area_chamber_degassing  # W/m^2
                Mdot_out2 = 0.
                degass_hdot_water = 0.
                QH_fluid_flux_out = 0.
            # if value_diking :
            Mdot_out1 = self.input_functions.crit_outflow\
                 self.param['S'],(P-self.plith + P_buoyancy),
            Mdot_v_out = m_eq * rho_m * (
                1. - eps_g - eps_x
            ) * Mdot_out1 / rho + rho_g * eps_g * Mdot_out1 / rho + Mdot_out2
            Mdot_out = Mdot_out1 + Mdot_out2
            Hdot_out = c * T * Mdot_out1 + Q_out + degass_hdot_water
            # else :
            #     surface_area_chamber_degassing = 4. * np.pi * a ** 2. * self.param['degass_frac_chm']
            #     delta_P_grad = (P - mean_P_out) / a / self.param['frac_length']
            #     U_og1 = (self.permeability_frac/ visc_gas) * (delta_P_grad)
            #     Mdot_out1 = eps_g * rho_g * surface_area_chamber_degassing * U_og1
            #     degass_hdot_water1 = self.param['c_g'] * T * Mdot_out2
            #     Mdot_v_out = Mdot_out1 + Mdot_out2
            #     Mdot_out   = Mdot_out1 + Mdot_out2
            #     Hdot_out   = degass_hdot_water1 + Q_out + degass_hdot_water
            raise NotImplementedError('eruption not specified')
        # #############################################################
        #% viscous relaxation -         #% crustal viscosity (Pa s)
        eta_r_new = self.input_functions.crustal_viscosity(
            self.T_out[indx_use_visc], self.R_outside[indx_use_visc])
        if self.param['visc_relax'] == 1.:
            # P_loss1 = (P-self.plith)/eta_r_new
            P_loss1 = (P - mean_sigma_rr_out) / eta_r_new
        elif self.param['visc_relax'] == 0.:
            P_loss1 = 0.
            raise NotImplementedError('visc_relax not specified')
        # #############################################################
        # Pore Pressure relaxation -
        if self.param['press_relax'] == 1:
            # Set that the P_loss2 is only when eps_g > 0.02
            P_loss2 = np.tanh(
                (eps_g / self.param['critical_eps_press_relax']) *
                2.) * (self.permeability / visc_gas) * (P - mean_P_out) / (
                    self.param['frac_rad_press'] * a)**2.
        elif self.param['press_relax'] == 0:
            P_loss2 = 0
            raise NotImplementedError('press_relax not specified')
        # #############################################################
        # #############################################################
        P_loss = P_loss1 + P_loss2
        self.sigma_rr_eff = -(self.sigma_rr + self.P_out)  # in Pa
        self.mean_sigma_rr_eff = np.mean(
            self.sigma_rr_eff[indx_use_P])  # effective stress total ..
        self.min_sigma_rr_eff = np.min(
            self.sigma_rr_eff)  # effective stress total ..
        value4 = (
            self.min_sigma_rr_eff + self.param['delta_Pc']
        )  ## This is positive if max tensile stress is less than delta_Pc
        if value4 < 0.:
            print('Reached min_sigma_rr_eff threshold, t = {}'.format(
                t / np.pi / 1e7))
        # #############################################################
        # #############################################################
        #  coefficients in the system of unknowns Ax = B, here x= [dP/dt dT/dt dphi/dt ...]
        #  values matrix A
        #  conservation of (total) mass
        a11 = (1 / rho) * drho_dP + (1 / V) * dV_dP
        a12 = (1. / rho) * drho_dT + (1. / V) * dV_dT + (
            1. / rho) * drho_deps_x * deps_x_dT
        a13 = (1 / rho) * drho_deps_g + (1 / rho) * drho_deps_x * deps_x_deps_g
        # conservation of volatile mass
        a21 = (1/rho_g)*drho_g_dP + (1/V)*dV_dP \
            + (m_eq*rho_m*(1-eps_g-eps_x))/(rho_g*eps_g)*((1/m_eq)*dm_eq_dP + (1/rho_m)*drho_m_dP + (1/V)*dV_dP)
        a22 = (1/rho_g)*drho_g_dT + (1/V)*dV_dT \
            + (m_eq*rho_m*(1-eps_g-eps_x))/(rho_g*eps_g)*((1/m_eq)*dm_eq_dT + (1/rho_m)*drho_m_dT + (1/V)*dV_dT \
            - deps_x_dT/(1-eps_g-eps_x))
        a23 = 1 / eps_g - (1 + deps_x_deps_g) * m_eq * rho_m / (rho_g * eps_g)
        # conservation of (total) enthalpy
        a31 = (1/rho)*drho_dP      + (1/c)*dc_dP + (1/V)*dV_dP \
            + (self.param['L_e']*rho_g*eps_g)/(rho*c*T)*((1/rho_g)*drho_g_dP + (1/V)*dV_dP) \
            - (self.param['L_m']*rho_x*eps_x)/(rho*c*T)*((1/rho_x)*drho_x_dP + (1/V)*dV_dP)
        a32 = (1/rho)*drho_dT      + (1/c)*dc_dT + (1/V)*dV_dT + 1/T \
            + (self.param['L_e']*rho_g*eps_g)/(rho*c*T)*((1/rho_g)*drho_g_dT  + (1/V)*dV_dT) \
            - (self.param['L_m']*rho_x*eps_x)/(rho*c*T)*((1/rho_x)*drho_x_dT + (1/V)*dV_dT)  \
            + ((1/rho)*drho_deps_x + (1/c)*dc_deps_x - (self.param['L_m']*rho_x)/(rho*c*T))*deps_x_dT
        a33 = (1/rho)*drho_deps_g  + (1/c)*dc_deps_g \
            + (self.param['L_e']*rho_g)/(rho*c*T) \
            + ((1/rho)*drho_deps_x + (1/c)*dc_deps_x - (self.param['L_m']*rho_x)/(rho*c*T))*deps_x_deps_g
        # values vector B
        # conservation of (total) mass
        b1 = (Mdot_in - Mdot_out) / (rho * V) - P_loss
        # conservation of volatile mass
        b2 = (Mdot_v_in - Mdot_v_out) / (rho_g * eps_g *
                                         V) - P_loss * (1 +
                                                        (m_eq * rho_m *
                                                         (1 - eps_g - eps_x)) /
                                                        (rho_g * eps_g))
        # conservation of (total) enthalpy
        b3 = (Hdot_in - Hdot_out) / (rho * c * T * V) - P_loss * (
            1 - (self.param['L_m'] * rho_x * eps_x) / (rho * c * T) +
            (self.param['L_e'] * rho_g * eps_g) / (rho * c * T) - P /
            (rho * c * T))
        # set up matrices to solve using Cramer's rule
        A = np.array([[a11, a12, a13], [a21, a22, a23], [a31, a32, a33]])
        A_P = np.array([[b1, a12, a13], [b2, a22, a23], [b3, a32, a33]])
        A_T = np.array([[a11, b1, a13], [a21, b2, a23], [a31, b3, a33]])
        A_eps_g = np.array([[a11, a12, b1], [a21, a22, b2], [a31, a32, b3]])
        det_A = det(A)
        dP_dt = det(A_P) / det_A
        dT_dt = det(A_T) / det_A
        deps_g_dt = det(A_eps_g) / det_A
        dV_dt = dV_dP * dP_dt + dV_dT * dT_dt + V * P_loss
        drho_m_dt = drho_m_dP * dP_dt + drho_m_dT * dT_dt
        drho_x_dt = drho_x_dP * dP_dt + drho_x_dT * dT_dt
        dydz = np.zeros(6)
        # column vector
        dydz[0] = dP_dt
        dydz[1] = dT_dt
        dydz[2] = deps_g_dt
        dydz[3] = dV_dt
        dydz[4] = drho_m_dt
        dydz[5] = drho_x_dt
        return dydz
Esempio n. 46
    def k_m(self):
        Returns the local stiffness matrix for membrane (in-plane) stresses.

        Plane stress is assumed

        t = self.t
        C = self.C()

        # Define the gauss point for numerical integration
        gp = 1 / 3**0.5

        # Get the membrane B matrices for each gauss point
        # Doing this now will save us from doing it twice below
        B1 = self.B_m(gp, gp)
        B2 = self.B_m(-gp, gp)
        B3 = self.B_m(-gp, -gp)
        B4 = self.B_m(gp, -gp)

        # See reference 1 at the bottom of page 353, and reference 2 page 466
        k = t * (matmul(B1.T, matmul(C, B1)) * det(self.J(gp, gp)) +
                 matmul(B2.T, matmul(C, B2)) * det(self.J(-gp, gp)) +
                 matmul(B3.T, matmul(C, B3)) * det(self.J(-gp, -gp)) +
                 matmul(B4.T, matmul(C, B4)) * det(self.J(gp, -gp)))

        # At this point `k` only contains terms for the degrees of freedom
        # associated with membrane action. Expand `k` to include zero terms for
        # the degrees of freedom related to bending forces. This will allow
        # the bending and membrane stiffness matrices to be summed directly
        # later on. `numpy` has an `insert` function that can be used to
        # insert rows and columns of zeros one at a time, but it is very slow
        # as it makes a temporary copy of the matrix term by term each time
        # it's called. The algorithm used here accomplishes the same thing
        # much faster. Terms are copied only once.
        k_exp = zeros((24, 24))

        # Step through each term in the unexpanded stiffness matrix

        # i = Unexpanded matrix row
        for i in range(8):

            # j = Unexpanded matrix column
            for j in range(8):

                # Find the corresponding term in the expanded stiffness
                # matrix

                # m = Expanded matrix row
                if i in [0, 2, 4,
                         6]:  # indices associated with displacement in x
                    m = i * 3
                if i in [1, 3, 5,
                         7]:  # indices associated with displacement in y
                    m = i * 3 - 2

                # n = Expanded matrix column
                if j in [0, 2, 4,
                         6]:  # indices associated with displacement in x
                    n = j * 3
                if j in [1, 3, 5,
                         7]:  # indices associated with displacement in y
                    n = i * 3 - 2

                # Ensure the indices are integers rather than floats
                m, n = round(m), round(n)

                # Add the term from the unexpanded matrix into the expanded
                # matrix
                k_exp[m, n] = k[i, j]

        return k_exp
Esempio n. 47
def neff(line,
      line: which line to send to galsimcat *NOTE: using 0 for line will draw all galaxies in region 
      inname: [string] the input dat filename to send to galsimcat
      outname: [string] the output filename
      flux_norm: total flux in ADU for one exposure of a typical galaxy of AB mag 24
      skylevel: the skylevel to send to galsimcat and used in calculating neff, default is i-band
                NOTE: average sky level is (ADU/pixel in ONE exposure)
      pixel_scale: the size of each pixel in arcsec
      height/width: pixel size of image (0.2 arcsec/pixel)
      x/y: center of image in degrees
      N_exp: number of exposures (i & r band will have 460 (15 sec. each) exposures in 10 yr. span)
    os.system('./ --stamps --partials -i ' + str(inname) + ' -o' +
              str(outname) + ' --only-line ' + str(line) + ' --flux-norm ' +
              str(flux_norm) + ' --sky-level ' + str(skylevel) +
              ' --pixel-scale ' + str(pixel_scale) + ' --width ' + str(width) +
              ' --height ' + str(height) + ' --margin 5.0 -x ' + str(x) +
              ' -y ' + str(y) + ' --no-trim')
    #first entry in 7x7 (or 6x6 if no bulge) matrix is flux which we
    #can get from nominal
    n_eff = 0.0
    hdulist = + '_stamps.fits', memmap=False)
    N_gal = n.shape(hdulist)[0]
    #make a txt file to write neff to
    os.system('touch ' + str(outname) + '.txt')
    f = open(str(outname) + '.txt', 'w')
    for k in range(1, N_gal):
        scidata = hdulist[k].data
        nominal = scidata[0].flatten()
        xc = scidata[3].flatten()
        yc = scidata[4].flatten()
        hlr_d = scidata[5].flatten()
        hlr_b = scidata[6].flatten()
        g1 = scidata[7].flatten()
        g2 = scidata[8].flatten()
        cube = list()
        if n.sum(hlr_d) != 0.0 and n.sum(hlr_b) != 0.0:
            mat_size = 7
            MAT = matrix(n.zeros((7, 7)))
            #MAT = matrix([[0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.],[0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.],[0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.],[0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.],[0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.],[0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.],[0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.]])

        if n.sum(hlr_d) == 0.0 and n.sum(hlr_b) != 0.0:
            mat_size = 6
            MAT = matrix(n.zeros((6, 6)))
            #MAT = matrix([[0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.],[0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.],[0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.],[0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.],[0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.],[0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.]])

        if n.sum(hlr_d) != 0.0 and n.sum(hlr_b) == 0.0:
            mat_size = 6
            MAT = matrix(n.zeros((6, 6)))

        #need to calculate the parameter crosscorelation
        #the variance in each pixel is equal to the sky_level + pixel flux
        sigma_SN = 0.25
        holder = n.copy(nominal) * 0.0
        for i in range(mat_size):
            for j in range(mat_size):
                MAT[i, j] = n.sum((cube[i] * cube[j]) / (skylevel + cube[0]))

        if linalg.det(MAT) != 0.0:
            #invert the matrix
            IMAT = MAT.I
        if linalg.det(MAT) == 0.0:
            print 'Singular matrix encountered skipping line:', k
        #find the determinant of the sub matrix {e1,e2}
        SUBM = matrix([[
            IMAT[(mat_size - 2), (mat_size - 2)], IMAT[(mat_size - 2),
                                                       (mat_size - 1)]
                           IMAT[(mat_size - 1), (mat_size - 2)],
                           IMAT[(mat_size - 1), (mat_size - 1)]
        variance_m = (SUBM[0, 0] + SUBM[1, 1]) / 2.0
        #At this stage I wont bother with writing out the galaxy id,
        #as it can be found in the matching ..._catalog.dat file
        f.write(str(variance_m) + '\n')  # python will convert \n to os.linesep

        #print 'neff(',k,'):', sigma_SN**2/(sigma_SN**2 + variance_m)

        n_eff += sigma_SN**2 / (sigma_SN**2 + (variance_m / N_exp))
    #on the last line print the total neff
    f.write(str(n_eff) + '\n')
    return n_eff
Esempio n. 48
    def k_b(self):
        Returns the local stiffness matrix for bending stresses

        Cb = self.Cb()
        Cs = self.Cs()

        # Define the gauss point for numerical integration
        gp = 1 / 3**0.5

        # Get the determinant of the Jacobian matrix for each gauss pointing
        # Doing this now will save us from doing it twice below
        J1 = det(self.J(gp, gp))
        J2 = det(self.J(-gp, gp))
        J3 = det(self.J(-gp, -gp))
        J4 = det(self.J(gp, -gp))

        # Get the bending B matrices for each gauss point
        B1 = self.B_kappa(gp, gp)
        B2 = self.B_kappa(-gp, gp)
        B3 = self.B_kappa(-gp, -gp)
        B4 = self.B_kappa(gp, -gp)

        # Create the stiffness matrix with bending stiffness terms
        # See Reference 1, Equation 5.94
        k = (matmul(B1.T, matmul(Cb, B1)) * J1 +
             matmul(B2.T, matmul(Cb, B2)) * J2 +
             matmul(B3.T, matmul(Cb, B3)) * J3 +
             matmul(B4.T, matmul(Cb, B4)) * J4)

        # Get the shear B matrices for each gauss point
        B1 = self.B_gamma_MITC4(gp, gp)
        B2 = self.B_gamma_MITC4(-gp, gp)
        B3 = self.B_gamma_MITC4(-gp, -gp)
        B4 = self.B_gamma_MITC4(gp, -gp)

        # Add shear stiffness terms to the stiffness matrix
        k += (matmul(B1.T, matmul(Cs, B1)) * J1 +
              matmul(B2.T, matmul(Cs, B2)) * J2 +
              matmul(B3.T, matmul(Cs, B3)) * J3 +
              matmul(B4.T, matmul(Cs, B4)) * J4)

        # Calculate the stiffness of a weak spring for the drilling degree of freedom (rotation about local z)
        k_rz = min(abs(k[1, 1]), abs(k[2, 2]), abs(k[4, 4]), abs(k[5, 5]),
                   abs(k[7, 7]), abs(k[8, 8]), abs(k[10, 10]), abs(
                       k[11, 11])) / 1000

        # At this point `k` only contains terms for the degrees of freedom
        # associated with bending action. Expand `k` to include zero terms for
        # the degrees of freedom related to membrane forces. This will allow
        # the bending and membrane stiffness matrices to be summed directly
        # later on. `numpy` has an `insert` function that can be used to
        # insert rows and columns of zeros one at a time, but it is very slow
        # as it makes a temporary copy of the matrix term by term each time
        # it's called. The algorithm used here accomplishes the same thing
        # much faster. Terms are copied only once.

        # Initialize the expanded stiffness matrix to all zeros
        k_exp = zeros((24, 24))

        # Step through each term in the unexpanded stiffness matrix

        # i = Unexpanded matrix row
        for i in range(12):

            # j = Unexpanded matrix column
            for j in range(12):

                # Find the corresponding term in the expanded stiffness
                # matrix

                # m = Expanded matrix row
                if i in [0, 3, 6,
                         9]:  # indices associated with deflection in z
                    m = 2 * i + 2
                if i in [1, 4, 7,
                         10]:  # indices associated with rotation about x
                    m = 2 * i + 1
                if i in [2, 5, 8,
                         11]:  # indices associated with rotation about y
                    m = 2 * i

                # n = Expanded matrix column
                if j in [0, 3, 6,
                         9]:  # indices associated with deflection in z
                    n = 2 * j + 2
                if j in [1, 4, 7,
                         10]:  # indices associated with rotation about x
                    n = 2 * j + 1
                if j in [2, 5, 8,
                         11]:  # indices associated with rotation about y
                    n = 2 * j

                # Ensure the indices are integers rather than floats
                m, n = round(m), round(n)

                # Add the term from the unexpanded matrix into the expanded
                # matrix
                k_exp[m, n] = k[i, j]

        # Instead of the nested loops above, the rows of zeros could have been
        # inserted directly into `k` as shown in these next lines, but it
        # would be a slower process.

        # k = insert(k, 12, 0, axis=0)
        # k = insert(k, 12, 0, axis=1)

        # k = insert(k, 9, 0, axis=0)
        # k = insert(k, 9, 0, axis=1)
        # k = insert(k, 9, 0, axis=0)
        # k = insert(k, 9, 0, axis=1)

        # k = insert(k, 9, 0, axis=0)
        # k = insert(k, 9, 0, axis=1)

        # k = insert(k, 6, 0, axis=0)
        # k = insert(k, 6, 0, axis=1)
        # k = insert(k, 6, 0, axis=0)
        # k = insert(k, 6, 0, axis=1)

        # k = insert(k, 6, 0, axis=0)
        # k = insert(k, 6, 0, axis=1)

        # k = insert(k, 3, 0, axis=0)
        # k = insert(k, 3, 0, axis=1)
        # k = insert(k, 3, 0, axis=0)
        # k = insert(k, 3, 0, axis=1)

        # k = insert(k, 3, 0, axis=0)
        # k = insert(k, 3, 0, axis=1)

        # k = insert(k, 0, 0, axis=0)
        # k = insert(k, 0, 0, axis=1)
        # k = insert(k, 0, 0, axis=0)
        # k = insert(k, 0, 0, axis=1)

        # Add the drilling degree of freedom's weak spring
        k_exp[5, 5] = k_rz
        k_exp[11, 11] = k_rz
        k_exp[17, 17] = k_rz
        k_exp[23, 23] = k_rz

        return k_exp
Esempio n. 49
    def setLatBase(self, base):
        """Set matrix of unit cell base vectors and calculate corresponding
        lattice parameters and stdbase, baserot and metrics tensors.

        Return self.
        self.base = numpy.array(base)
        detbase = numalg.det(self.base)
        if abs(detbase) < 1.0e-8:
            emsg = "base vectors are degenerate"
            raise LatticeError(emsg)
        elif detbase < 0.0:
            emsg = "base is not right-handed"
            raise LatticeError(emsg)
        self.a = numpy.sqrt([0, :], self.base[0, :]))
        self.b = numpy.sqrt([1, :], self.base[1, :]))
        self.c = numpy.sqrt([2, :], self.base[2, :]))
        ca = ca =[1, :],
                            self.base[2, :]) / (self.b * self.c)
        cb = cb =[0, :],
                            self.base[2, :]) / (self.a * self.c)
        cg = cg =[0, :],
                            self.base[1, :]) / (self.a * self.b)
        sa = sa = numpy.sqrt(1.0 - ca**2)
        sb = sb = numpy.sqrt(1.0 - cb**2)
        sg = sg = numpy.sqrt(1.0 - cg**2)
        (, = (ca, sa)
        (self.cb, = (cb, sb)
        (, = (cg, sg)
        self.alpha = math.degrees(math.acos(ca))
        self.beta = math.degrees(math.acos(cb))
        self.gamma = math.degrees(math.acos(cg))
        # Vunit is a volume of unit cell with a=b=c=1
        Vunit = math.sqrt(1.0 + 2.0 * ca * cb * cg - ca * ca - cb * cb -
                          cg * cg)
        # reciprocal lattice = sa / (self.a * Vunit) = sb / (self.b * Vunit) = sg / (self.c * Vunit)
        car = (cb * cg - ca) / (sb * sg)
        sar = math.sqrt(1.0 - car**2)
        cbr = (ca * cg - cb) / (sa * sg)
        sbr = math.sqrt(1.0 - cbr**2)
        cgr = (ca * cb - cg) / (sa * sb)
        sgr = math.sqrt(1.0 - cgr**2)
        (, self.sar) = (car, sar)
        (self.cbr, self.sbr) = (cbr, sbr)
        (self.cgr, self.sgr) = (cgr, sgr)
        self.alphar = math.degrees(math.acos(car))
        self.betar = math.degrees(math.acos(cbr))
        self.gammar = math.degrees(math.acos(cgr))
        # standard orientation of lattice vectors
        self.stdbase = numpy.array(
            [[1.0 /, -cgr / sgr /, cb * self.a],
             [0.0, self.b * sa, self.b * ca], [0.0, 0.0, self.c]],
        # calculate unit cell rotation matrix,  base = stdbase*baserot
        self.baserot =, self.base)
        self.recbase = numalg.inv(self.base)
        # bases normalized to unit reciprocal vectors
        self.normbase = numpy.array([
            self.base[0, :] *, self.base[1, :] *,
            self.base[2, :] *
        self.recnormbase = numpy.array(self.recbase)
        self.recnormbase[:, 0] /=
        self.recnormbase[:, 1] /=
        self.recnormbase[:, 2] /=
        # update metrics tensor
        self.metrics = numpy.array(
            [[self.a * self.a, self.a * self.b * cg, self.a * self.c * cb],
             [self.b * self.a * cg, self.b * self.b, self.b * self.c * ca],
             [self.c * self.a * cb, self.c * self.b * ca, self.c * self.c]],
        return self
Esempio n. 50
    def B_gamma_MITC4(self, r, s):
        Returns the [B] matrix for shear.

        MITC stands for mixed interpolation tensoral components. MITC elements
        are used in many programs and are known to perform well for thick and
        thin plates, and for distorted plate geometries.

        # Get the local coordinates for the element
        x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 = self.x1, self.y1, self.x2, self.y2, self.x3, self.y3, self.x4, self.y4
        x_axis = array([1, 0, 0])
        y_axis = array([0, 1, 0])

        # Reference 1, Equations 5.105
        Ax = x1 - x2 - x3 + x4
        Bx = x1 - x2 + x3 - x4
        Cx = x1 + x2 - x3 - x4
        Ay = y1 - y2 - y3 + y4
        By = y1 - y2 + y3 - y4
        Cy = y1 + y2 - y3 - y4

        # Find the angles between the axes of the natural coordinate system and
        # the local x-axis.
        r_axis = array([(x1 + x4) / 2 - (x2 + x3) / 2,
                        (y1 + y4) / 2 - (y2 + y3) / 2, 0]).T
        s_axis = array([(x1 + x2) / 2 - (x3 + x4) / 2,
                        (y1 + y2) / 2 - (y3 + y4) / 2, 0]).T

        r_axis = r_axis / norm(r_axis)
        s_axis = s_axis / norm(s_axis)

        alpha = arccos(dot(r_axis, x_axis))
        beta = arccos(dot(s_axis, x_axis))

        # Reference 1, Equations 5.103 and 5.104 (p. 426)
        det_J = det(self.J(r, s))

        gr = ((Cx + r * Bx)**2 + (Cy + r * By)**2)**0.5 / (8 * det_J)
        gs = ((Ax + s * Bx)**2 + (Ay + s * By)**2)**0.5 / (8 * det_J)

        # See Jupyter Notebook derivation for this next part
        gamma_rz = gr / 4 * array([[
            2 *
            (s + 1), -s * y1 + s * y2 - y1 + y2, s * x1 - s * x2 + x1 - x2, 2 *
            (-s - 1), -s * y1 + s * y2 - y1 + y2, s * x1 - s * x2 + x1 - x2,
            2 *
            (s - 1), -s * y3 + s * y4 + y3 - y4, s * x3 - s * x4 - x3 + x4, 2 *
            (1 - s), -s * y3 + s * y4 + y3 - y4, s * x3 - s * x4 - x3 + x4
        gamma_sz = gs / 4 * array([[
            2 *
            (r + 1), -r * y1 + r * y4 - y1 + y4, r * x1 - r * x4 + x1 - x4, 2 *
            (1 - r), r * y2 - r * y3 - y2 + y3, -r * x2 + r * x3 + x2 - x3, 2 *
            (r - 1), r * y2 - r * y3 - y2 + y3, -r * x2 + r * x3 + x2 - x3, 2 *
            (-r - 1), -r * y1 + r * y4 - y1 + y4, r * x1 - r * x4 + x1 - x4

        # Reference 1, Equations 5.102
        B_gamma_MITC4 = zeros((2, 12))
        B_gamma_MITC4[0, :] = gamma_rz * sin(beta) - gamma_sz * sin(alpha)
        B_gamma_MITC4[1, :] = -gamma_rz * cos(beta) + gamma_sz * cos(alpha)

        # Return the [B] matrix for shear
        return B_gamma_MITC4
Esempio n. 51
 def func(theta):
     K = rq_kernel(X_train, X_train, l=theta[0], sigma_f=theta[1],alpha=theta[2]) + noise**2 * np.eye(len(X_train))
     return 0.5 * np.log(det(K)) + 0.5 * + 0.5 * len(X_train) * np.log(2*np.pi)
Esempio n. 52
def ppca_mv(Ye, d, dia):

    N, D = Ye.shape  # N observations in D dimensions
    threshold = 10**(
        -4)  # minimal relative change in objective funciton to continue
    hidden = np.isnan(Ye)
    missing = np.count_nonzero(hidden)

    M = np.zeros((1, D), dtype=np.float64)  # compute data mean and center data
    if missing:
        for i in range(0, D):
            M[0, i] = np.mean(Ye[~hidden[:, i], i])
        M = np.mean(Ye)
    print Ye.shape
    print npML.repmat(M, N, 1).shape
    print N
    Ye = Ye - npML.repmat(M, N, 1)

    if missing:
        Ye[hidden] = 0

    # =======     Initialization    ======
    C = np.random.randn(D, d)
    CtC = C.transpose().dot(C)
    X =
    recon =
    recon[hidden] = 0
    ss = np.sum(np.sum(np.square(recon - Ye))) / (N * D - missing)

    count = 1
    old = np.inf
    while count:  #  ============ EM iterations  ==========

        Sx = LA.inv(np.eye(d) +
                    CtC / ss)  # ====== E-step, (co)variances   =====
        ss_old = ss
        if missing:
            proj =
            Ye[hidden] = proj[hidden]
        X = / ss))  # ==== E step: expected values  ====

        SumXtX = X.transpose().dot(X)  # ======= M-step =====
        C = Ye.transpose().dot(X).dot(LA.inv(SumXtX + N * Sx))
        CtC = C.transpose().dot(C)
        ss = (np.sum(np.sum(np.square( - Ye))) +
              N * np.sum(np.sum(np.multiply(CtC, Sx))) +
              missing * ss_old) / (N * D)

        objective = N * D + N * (D * np.log(ss) + np.trace(Sx) - np.log(
            LA.det(Sx))) + np.trace(SumXtX) - missing * np.log(ss_old)

        rel_ch = np.absolute(1 - objective / old)
        old = objective

        count = count + 1
        if rel_ch < threshold and count > 5:
            count = 0
        if dia:
            print('Objective:  %.2f    relative change: %.5f \n') % (objective,

#  ============ EM iterations  ==========
    C = sciLA.orth(C)
    vals, vecs = LA.eig(np.cov(

    order = vals.argsort()[::-1]
    vals = vals[order]
    vecs = vecs[:, order]

    C =
    X =

    # add data mean to expected complete data
    Ye = Ye + npML.repmat(M, N, 1)
    return C, ss, M, X, Ye
Esempio n. 53
from numpy import *
from numpy.linalg import svd,eig,det,inv


u,s,v = svd(a)
#print u
print "singular values,",s
#print v
#print dot(dot(u,diag(s)),v)
#print dot(u,v)

print "det", det(a)

e,v= eig(a)
print "eigen values,",e
print "eigen vectos,",v 
print "inv vectors,", iv
print "a:", dot(dot(v,diag(e)),iv)

print dot(dot(iv,a),v)

print dot(dot(dot(dot(v,v),v),v),v)

### Codes for graphs and vertex and ants from
Esempio n. 54
def E_ln_lam_k(k, nu, W):
  return np.sum(digamma(nu[k]+1-np.arange(D)+1)) + D*np.log(2) + np.log(det(W[k]))
Esempio n. 55
norm1 = la.norm(c, 1, axis=0)  # 1范数为模之和
norm2 = la.norm(c, 2, axis=0)  # 2范数

# 06.
# cond(...)
# la.cond(A): computes condition number of matrix A.
cond = la.cond(c)
print(np.mean(cond))   # condition number == mean value of matrix C

# 07.
# det(...)
# la.det(A): computes the determinant-- 行列式 of a square matrix A. 方阵
det = la.det(c)
print(np.floor(det))  # 向下取整

# 08.
# inv(...)
# la.inv(A): computes the inverse of a square matrix A. 方阵
# Be careful about the shapes an sizes.
trans = c.T   # 方阵(矩阵)转置
inv = la.inv(c)  # 方阵求逆矩阵

# 09.
# solve(...)
# la.solve(A,b): solves Ax = b for square matrix A.
Esempio n. 56
    def post_analyze(self,analyzer):
        if not self.has_generic_input():
            calctypes = self.input.get_output_info('calctypes')
            opt_run = calctypes!=None and 'opt' in calctypes
            if opt_run:
                opt_file = analyzer.results.optimization.optimal_file
                if opt_file is None:
                    self.failed = True
                #end if
            #end if
            exc_run = 'excitation' in self
            if exc_run:
                exc_failure = False

                edata = self.read_einspline_dat()
                exc_input = self.excitation

                exc_spin,exc_type,exc_spins,exc_types,exc1,exc2 = check_excitation_type(exc_input)

                elns = self.input.get_electron_particle_set()
                    # Band Index 'tw1 band1 tw2 band2'. Eg., '0 45 3 46'
                    # Check that tw1,band1 is no longer in occupied set
                    tw1,bnd1 = exc2.split()[0:2]
                    tw2,bnd2 = exc2.split()[2:4]
                    if exc1 in ('up','down'):
                        spin_channel = exc1
                        dsc = edata[spin_channel]
                        for idx,(tw,bnd) in enumerate(zip(dsc.TwistIndex,dsc.BandIndex)):
                            if tw == int(tw1) and bnd == int(bnd1):
                                # This orbital should no longer be in the set of occupied orbitals
                                if idx<elns.groups[spin_channel[0]].size:
                                    msg  = 'WARNING: You requested \'{}\' excitation of type \'{}\',\n'
                                    msg += '         however, the first orbital \'{} {}\' is still occupied (see einspline file).\n'
                                    msg += '         Please check your input.'
                                    msg = msg.format(spin_channel,exc_input[1],tw1,bnd1)
                                    exc_failure = True
                                #end if
                            elif tw == int(tw2) and bnd == int(bnd2):
                                # This orbital should be in the set of occupied orbitals
                                if idx>=elns.groups[spin_channel[0]].size:
                                    msg  = 'WARNING: You requested \'{}\' excitation of type \'{}\',\n'
                                    msg += '         however, the second orbital \'{} {}\' is not occupied (see einspline file).\n'
                                    msg += '         Please check your input.'
                                    msg = msg.format(spin_channel,exc_input[1],tw2,bnd2)
                                    exc_failure = True
                                #end if
                            #end if
                        #end for
                        self.warn('No check for \'{}\' excitation of type \'{}\' was done. When this path is possible, then a check should be written.'.format(exc_input[0],exc_input[1]))
                    #end if
                elif exc_type in (,exc_types.lowest):
                    # Lowest or Energy Index '-orbindex1 +orbindex2'. Eg., '-4 +5'
                    if exc_type==exc_types.lowest:
                        if exc_spin==exc_spins.down:
                            orb1 = elns.groups.d.size
                            orb1 = elns.groups.u.size
                        #end if
                        orb2 = orb1+1 
                        orb1 = int(exc_input[1].split()[0][1:])
                        orb2 = int(exc_input[1].split()[1][1:])
                    #end if
                    if exc1 in ('up','down'):

                        spin_channel = exc1
                        nelec = elns.groups[spin_channel[0]].size
                        eigs_spin = edata[spin_channel].Energy

                        # Construct the correct set of occupied orbitals by hand based on
                        # orb1 and orb2 values that were input by the user
                        excited = eigs_spin
                        order = eigs_spin.argsort()
                        ground = excited[order]
                        # einspline orbital ordering for excited state
                        excited = excited[:nelec]
                        # hand-crafted orbital order for excited state
                        hc_excited = np.array(list(ground[:orb1-1])+[ground[orb2-1]]+list(ground[orb1:nelec]))
                        etol = 1e-6
                        if np.abs(hc_excited-excited).max() > etol:
                            msg  = 'WARNING: You requested \'{}\' excitation of type \'{}\',\n'
                            msg += '         however, the second orbital \'{}\' is not occupied (see einspline file).\n'
                            msg += '         Please check your input.'
                            msg = msg.format(spin_channel,exc_input[1],orb1)
                            exc_failure = True
                        #end if

                    elif exc1 in ('singlet','triplet'):
                        wf = self.input.get('wavefunction')
                        occ = wf.determinantset.multideterminant.detlist.csf.occ
                        if occ[int(orb1)-1]!='1':
                            msg  = 'WARNING: You requested \'{}\' excitation of type \'{}\',\n'
                            msg += '         however, this is inconsistent with the occupations in detlist \'{}\'.\n'
                            msg += '         Please check your input.'
                            msg = msg.format(spin_channel,exc_input[1],occ)
                            exc_failure = True
                        #end if
                        if occ[int(orb2)-1]!='1':
                            msg  = 'WARNING: You requested \'{}\' excitation of type \'{}\',\n'
                            msg += '         however, this is inconsistent with the occupations in detlist \'{}\'.\n'
                            msg += '         Please check your input.'
                            msg = msg.format(spin_channel,exc_input[1],occ)
                            exc_failure = True
                        #end if
                    #end if

                    # The format is: 'gamma vb z cb'
                    if exc1 in ('singlet','triplet'):
                        self.warn('No check for \'{}\' excitation of type \'{}\' was done. When this path is possible, then a check should be written.'.format(exc_input[0],exc_input[1]))

                        # assume excitation of form 'gamma vb k cb' or 'gamma vb-1 k cb+1'
                        excitation = exc2.upper().split(' ')
                        k_1, band_1, k_2, band_2 = excitation
                        tilematrix = self.system.structure.tilematrix()
                        wf = self.input.get('wavefunction')
                        if exc_spin==exc_spins.up:
                            sdet =  wf.determinantset.get('updet')
                            sdet =  wf.determinantset.get('downdet')
                        #end if
                        from numpy import linalg,where,isclose
                        vb = int(sdet.size / abs(linalg.det(tilematrix))) -1  # Separate for each spin channel
                        cb = vb+1
                        # Convert band_1, band_2 to band indexes
                        bands = [band_1, band_2]
                        for bnum, b in enumerate(bands):
                            b = b.lower()
                            if 'cb' in b:
                                if '-' in b:
                                    b = b.split('-')
                                    bands[bnum] = cb - int(b[1])
                                elif '+' in b:
                                    b = b.split('+')
                                    bands[bnum] = cb + int(b[1])
                                    bands[bnum] = cb
                                #end if
                            elif 'vb' in b:
                                if '-' in b:
                                    b = b.split('-')
                                    bands[bnum] = vb - int(b[1])
                                elif '+' in b:
                                    b = b.split('+')
                                    bands[bnum] = vb + int(b[1])
                                    bands[bnum] = vb
                                #end if
                                QmcpackInput.class_error('{0} in excitation has the wrong formatting'.format(b))
                            #end if
                        #end for
                        band_1, band_2 = bands
                        # Convert k_1 k_2 to wavevector indexes
                        structure = self.system.structure.get_smallest().copy()

                        from structure import get_kpath
                        kpath       = get_kpath(structure=structure)
                        kpath_label = array(kpath['explicit_kpoints_labels'])
                        kpath_rel   = kpath['explicit_kpoints_rel']
                        k1_in = k_1
                        k2_in = k_2
                        if k_1 in kpath_label and k_2 in kpath_label:   
                            k_1 = kpath_rel[where(kpath_label == k_1)][0]
                            k_2 = kpath_rel[where(kpath_label == k_2)][0]

                            kpts = structure.kpoints_unit()
                            found_k1 = False
                            found_k2 = False
                            for knum, k in enumerate(kpts):
                                if isclose(k_1, k).all():
                                    k_1 = knum
                                    found_k1 = True
                                #end if
                                if isclose(k_2, k).all():
                                    k_2 = knum
                                    found_k2 = True
                                #end if
                            #end for
                            if not found_k1 or not found_k2:
                                QmcpackInput.class_error('Requested special kpoint is not in the tiled cell\nRequested "{}", present={}\nRequested "{}", present={}\nAvailable kpoints: {}'.format(k1_in,found_k1,k2_in,found_k2,sorted(set(kpath_label))))
                            #end if
                            QmcpackInput.class_error('Excitation wavevectors are not found in the kpath\nlabels requested: {} {}\nlabels present: {}'.format(k_1,k_2,sorted(set(kpath_label))))
                        #end if

                        tw1,bnd1 = (k_1,band_1)
                        tw2,bnd2 = (k_2,band_2)
                        spin_channel = exc1
                        dsc = edata[spin_channel]
                        for idx,(tw,bnd) in enumerate(zip(dsc.TwistIndex,dsc.BandIndex)):
                            if tw == int(tw1) and bnd == int(bnd1):
                                # This orbital should no longer be in the set of occupied orbitals
                                if idx<elns.groups[spin_channel[0]].size:
                                    msg  = 'WARNING: You requested \'{}\' excitation of type \'{}\',\n'
                                    msg += '         however, the first orbital \'{} {}\' is still occupied (see einspline file).\n'
                                    msg += '         Please check your input.'
                                    msg = msg.format(spin_channel,exc_input[1],tw1,bnd1)
                                    exc_failure = True
                                #end if
                            elif tw == int(tw2) and bnd == int(bnd2):
                                # This orbital should be in the set of occupied orbitals
                                if idx>=elns.groups[spin_channel[0]].size:
                                    msg  = 'WARNING: You requested \'{}\' excitation of type \'{}\',\n'
                                    msg += '         however, the second orbital \'{} {}\' is not occupied (see einspline file).\n'
                                    msg += '         Please check your input.'
                                    msg = msg.format(spin_channel,exc_input[1],tw2,bnd2)
                                    exc_failure = True
                                #end if
                            #end if
                        #end for

                #end if

                if exc_failure:
                    self.failed = True
                    filename = self.identifier+'_errors.txt'
Esempio n. 57
 def integrand(y):
     VRot = np.array([[-2 * Vup, 0], [0, -2 * Vdown]])
     g = np.array([[Dyson(GF(y), Vup)[2, 2], 0],
                   [0, Dyson(GF(y), Vdown)[2, 2]]])
     return 1.0 / pi * log(det(np.eye(2) -
Esempio n. 58
#natoms = 3
#nkppra = 10000
#nk = int(nkppra/natoms)
Nmesh=200   #(a - b) (-b^2 + a c) for BCT 
#start b = 0 and c = a
#M = zeros((3,3),dtype=np_int)
print 'Target N kpoints', Nmesh
a = int(rint(Nmesh**(1/3.0)));
c = a
b = 0
params = [a,b]
M = Mfill(params)
print 'Starting M'
print 'Det M', det(M)
print M
B =  lattice()

##############BCT lattice
alat = 2*sqrt(2)
ca = 4/3.
clat = alat*ca
B.vecs = matrix((  
  [   -alat/2,  alat/2,   alat/2],
  [   alat/2,  -alat/2,   alat/2],
  [   clat/2,   clat/2,   -clat/2]
  ), dtype=float)
#print 'B vectors before inverse and transpose';print B.vecs
#B.vecs = trimSmall(inv(B.vecs)).T
#############End BCT lattice
Esempio n. 59
def driftRigid(X, Y, w=0.5):
    from numpy.linalg import svd, det
    from numpy import trace, eye, full, asarray, zeros
    from .geometry import pairwiseDistanceSquared, RigidXform

    if not (X.ndim == Y.ndim == 2):
        raise ValueError("Expecting 2D input data, got {}D and {}D".format(
            X.ndim, Y.ndim))
    if X.shape[1] != Y.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError(
            "Expecting points with matching dimensionality, got {} and {}".
            format(X.shape[1:], Y.shape[1:]))

    D = X.shape[1]
    N = len(X)
    M = len(Y)

    norms = list(map(RigidXform.normalize, [X, Y]))
    X, Y = map(op.matmul, norms, [X, Y])

    R = eye(D)
    s = 1.0
    t = zeros(D)

    if isinstance(w, float):
        if not (0 <= w <= 1):
            raise ValueError("w must be in the range [0..1], got {}".format(w))
        prior = full((N, M), (1 - w) / M, dtype='double')
        prior = asarray(w)

    sigma_squared = pairwiseDistanceSquared(
        RigidXform(R, t, s) @ Y).sum() / (D * M * N)
    while True:
        # E-step
        P = eStep(X, RigidXform(R, t, s) @ Y, prior, sigma_squared)

        # M-step
        N_p = P.sum()
        mu_x = 1 / N_p * X.T @ P.sum(axis=1)
        mu_y = 1 / N_p * Y.T @ P.sum(axis=0)
        X_hat = X - mu_x.T
        Y_hat = Y - mu_y.T

        # This part is different to driftAffine
        A = X_hat.T @ P @ Y_hat
        U, _, VT = svd(A)
        C = eye(D)
        C[-1, -1] = det(U @ VT)
        R = U @ C @ VT
        s = trace(A.T @ R) / trace(
            (Y_hat.T * P.sum(axis=0, keepdims=True)) @ Y_hat)
        t = mu_x - s * R @ mu_y
        old_sigma_squared = sigma_squared
        sigma_squared = (trace(
            (X_hat.T * P.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True).T) @ X_hat) -
                         s * trace(A.T @ R)) / (N_p * D)
        yield P, norms[0].inverse @ RigidXform(R, t, s) @ norms[1]
        if abs(sigma_squared) < 1e-12 or abs(old_sigma_squared -
                                             sigma_squared) < 1e-12:
            # Sigma squared == 0 on positive fit, but occasionally ~= -1e17
Esempio n. 60
    vol_obj = VolumeMetrics.VolumeMetrics()
    volume_ablation_eav = vol_obj.get_volume_ml(dcm_img)
    print('Éffective Ablation Volume with spacing into account [ml]:',

    rx_outer, ry_outer, rz_outer = get_radii_from_matrix(A_outer)
    vol_formula_outer = volume_ellipsoid(rx_outer, ry_outer, rz_outer)
    vol_spacing_outer = volume_ellipsoid_spacing(rx_outer, ry_outer, rz_outer,
    print('Outer Ellipsoid volume:', vol_formula_outer)
    print('Outer Ellipsoid volume with spacing ellipsoid scikit-image:',

    # rx_inner, ry_inner, rz_inner = B_inner[0, 0], B_inner[1, 1], B_inner[2,2]
    vol_formula_inner = np.sqrt(la.det(B_inner) / 1000) * 4.19
    # vol_spacing_inner = volume_ellipsoid_spacing(rx_inner, ry_inner, rz_inner, spacing)
    print('Inner Ellipsoid volume:', vol_formula_inner)

    #%% PLOT
    fig = plt.figure()
    # ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    # ax.scatter(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], points[:, 2], c='blue', label='Ablation Segmentation')
    plot_ellipsoid(A_outer, centroid_outer, 'green', ax)
    # plot_ellipsoid(B_inner, centroid_inner, 'orange', ax)

    # timestr = time.strftime("%H%M%S-%Y%m%d")
    # file_dir = r"C:\develop\segmentation-eval\figures"
    # filepath = os.path.join(file_dir, 'ellipsoid_' + timestr)