Esempio n. 1
    def kalman_filter(self):
        # for plotting
        self.plotter = Plotter(self.times)

        self.plotter.save_iteration_data(self, 0, None)
        self.plotter.x_cov_vals.append(self.sigma[1 , 1])
        for timestep in range(1,self.control_inputs.size):

            c_input = self.control_inputs[0 , timestep]
            c_input = np.reshape(c_input, (1,1))
            z = self.measurements[0 , timestep]

            # prediction
            mu_bar = mm(self.A, + mm(self.B, c_input)
            sigma_bar = mm(self.A, mm(self.sigma, np.transpose(self.A))) + self.R
            self.plotter.x_cov_vals.append(sigma_bar[1 , 1])
            # correction
            c_transpose = np.transpose(self.C)
            matrix_one = mm(sigma_bar, c_transpose)
            matrix_two = mat_inv(mm(self.C, mm(sigma_bar, c_transpose)) + self.Q)
            k = mm(matrix_one, matrix_two)
            mu = mu_bar + mm(k, z - mm(self.C, mu_bar))
            sigma = mm(np.identity(k.shape[0]) - mm(k, self.C), sigma_bar)

            # update the model's belief for the next filter iteration
   = mu
            self.sigma = sigma

            self.plotter.save_iteration_data(self, timestep, k)
            self.plotter.x_cov_vals.append(sigma[1 , 1])
Esempio n. 2
def calc_prefilter(a_mat, b_mat, c_mat, k_mat=None):
    Calculate the prefilter matrix

    .. math::
        \\boldsymbol{V} = - \\left[\\boldsymbol{C} \\left(\\boldsymbol{A} -

        a_mat (:obj:`numpy.ndarray`): system matrix
        b_mat (:obj:`numpy.ndarray`): input matrix
        c_mat (:obj:`numpy.ndarray`): output matrix
        k_mat (:obj:`numpy.ndarray`): control matrix

        :obj:`numpy.ndarray`: Prefilter matrix
    a_mat = np.atleast_2d(a_mat)
    b_mat = np.atleast_2d(b_mat)
    c_mat = np.atleast_2d(c_mat)
    k_mat = np.atleast_2d(k_mat)

    # check dimension of matrices A, B and C
    if a_mat.shape[0] != a_mat.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError("A is not square")
    if a_mat.shape[0] != b_mat.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError("Dimension of A and B does not match")
    if a_mat.shape[0] < b_mat.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError("Dimension of A and B does not match")
    if a_mat.shape[0] != c_mat.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError("Dimension of A and C does not match")
    if a_mat.shape[0] < c_mat.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError("Dimension of A and C does not match")

    if k_mat[0, 0] is not None:
            # prefilter: V = -[C(A-BK)^-1*B]^-1
            v = -mat_inv(c_mat @ (mat_inv(a_mat - b_mat @ k_mat) @ b_mat))
        except np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError:
            raise ValueError("Cannot calculate V due to singularity.")
        v = np.array([[1]])

    return v
Esempio n. 3
def calc_prefilter(a_mat, b_mat, c_mat, k_mat=None):
    Calculate the prefilter matrix

    .. math::
        \\boldsymbol{V} = - \\left[\\boldsymbol{C} \\left(\\boldsymbol{A} -

        a_mat (:obj:`numpy.ndarray`): system matrix
        b_mat (:obj:`numpy.ndarray`): input matrix
        c_mat (:obj:`numpy.ndarray`): output matrix
        k_mat (:obj:`numpy.ndarray`): control matrix

        :obj:`numpy.ndarray`: Prefilter matrix
    a_mat = np.atleast_2d(a_mat)
    b_mat = np.atleast_2d(b_mat)
    c_mat = np.atleast_2d(c_mat)
    k_mat = np.atleast_2d(k_mat)

    # check dimension of matrices A, B and C
    if a_mat.shape[0] != a_mat.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError("A is not square")
    if a_mat.shape[0] != b_mat.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError("Dimension of A and B does not match")
    if a_mat.shape[0] < b_mat.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError("Dimension of A and B does not match")
    if a_mat.shape[0] != c_mat.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError("Dimension of A and C does not match")
    if a_mat.shape[0] < c_mat.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError("Dimension of A and C does not match")

    if k_mat[0, 0] is not None:
            # prefilter: V = -[C(A-BK)^-1*B]^-1
            v = -mat_inv(c_mat @ (mat_inv(a_mat - b_mat @ k_mat) @ b_mat))
        except np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError:
            raise ValueError("Cannot calculate V due to singularity.")
        v = np.array([[1]])

    return v
Esempio n. 4
 def __getitem__(self, index):
     start = self.batch_size * index
     end = min(len(, start + self.batch_size)
     size = end - start
     a = np.zeros((size, ) + config.img_shape, dtype=K.floatx())
     b = np.zeros((size, 4), dtype=K.floatx())
     for i, (p, coords) in enumerate([start:end]):
         img, trans = read_for_training(p)
         coords = coord_transform(coords, mat_inv(trans))
         x0, y0, x1, y1 = bounding_rectangle(coords, img.shape)
         a[i, :, :, :] = img
         b[i, 0] = x0
         b[i, 1] = y0
         b[i, 2] = x1
         b[i, 3] = y1
     return a, b
Esempio n. 5
        return a, b

    def __len__(self):
        return (len(train) + self.batch_size - 1) // self.batch_size

val_a = np.zeros((len(val), ) + img_shape,
                 dtype=K.floatx())  # Preprocess validation images
val_b = np.zeros((len(val), 4), dtype=K.floatx())  # Preprocess bounding boxes
for i, (p, coords) in enumerate(tqdm(val)):
        img, trans = read_for_validation(p)
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print("file not found")
    coords = coord_transform(coords, mat_inv(trans))
    x0, y0, x1, y1 = bounding_rectangle(coords)
    val_a[i, :, :, :] = img
    val_b[i, 0] = x0
    val_b[i, 1] = y0
    val_b[i, 2] = x1
    val_b[i, 3] = y1

def build_model(with_dropout=True):
    kwargs = {'activation': 'relu', 'padding': 'same'}
    conv_drop = 0.2
    dense_drop = 0.5
    inp = Input(shape=img_shape)

    x = inp
Esempio n. 6
def main():
    data = get_train_data()

    # Train data
    train, val = train_test_split(data, test_size=200, random_state=1)
    train += train
    train += train
    train += train

    # Valid data
    val_a = np.zeros((len(val),)+config.img_shape,
                     dtype=K.floatx()) # Preprocess validation images
    val_b = np.zeros((len(val),4),dtype=K.floatx()) # Preprocess bounding boxes
    for i,(p,coords) in enumerate(tqdm(val)):
        img,trans      = read_for_validation(p)
        coords         = coord_transform(coords, mat_inv(trans))
        x0,y0,x1,y1    = bounding_rectangle(coords, img.shape)
        val_a[i,:,:,:] = img
        val_b[i,0]     = x0
        val_b[i,1]     = y0
        val_b[i,2]     = x1
        val_b[i,3]     = y1

    # Train using cyclic learning rate
    for num in range(1, 4):
        model_name = 'cropping-%01d.h5' % num
    model = build_model()
    model.compile(Adam(lr=0.032), loss='mean_squared_error')
        TrainingData(train), epochs=50, max_queue_size=12, workers=4, verbose=1,
        validation_data=(val_a, val_b),
            EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', patience=9, min_delta=0.1, verbose=1),
            ReduceLROnPlateau(monitor='val_loss', patience=3, min_delta=0.1, factor=0.25, min_lr=0.002, verbose=1),
            ModelCheckpoint(model_name, save_best_only=True, save_weights_only=True),
    model.evaluate(val_a, val_b, verbose=0)

    # Now choose which model to use
    loss1 = model.evaluate(val_a, val_b, verbose=0)
    loss2 = model.evaluate(val_a, val_b, verbose=0)
    loss3 = model.evaluate(val_a, val_b, verbose=0)
    model_name = 'cropping-1.h5'
    if loss2 <= loss1 and loss2 < loss3: model_name = 'cropping-2.h5'
    if loss3 <= loss1 and loss3 <= loss2: model_name = 'cropping-3.h5'

    # Variance normalization
    model2 = build_model(with_dropout=False)
    model2.compile(Adam(lr=0.002), loss='mean_squared_error')
    model2.evaluate(val_a, val_b, verbose=0)

    # Recompute the mean and variance running average without dropout
    for layer in model2.layers:
        if not isinstance(layer, BatchNormalization):
            layer.trainable = False
    model2.compile(Adam(lr=0.002), loss='mean_squared_error')
    model2.fit_generator(TrainingData(), epochs=1, max_queue_size=12, workers=6, verbose=1, validation_data=(val_a, val_b))
    for layer in model2.layers:
        if not isinstance(layer, BatchNormalization):
            layer.trainable = True
    model2.compile(Adam(lr=0.002), loss='mean_squared_error')'cropping.model')

    # Generate bounding boxes
    tagged = [p for _,p,_ in pd.read_csv(config.train_csv).to_records()]
    submit = [p for _,p,_ in pd.read_csv(config.sample_submission).to_records()]
    join = tagged + submit

    # If the picture is part of the bounding box dataset, use the golden value.
    p2bb = {}
    for i,(p,coords) in enumerate(data): p2bb[p] = bounding_rectangle(coords, read_raw_image(p).size)

    # For other pictures, evaluate the model.
    p2bb = {}
    for p in tqdm(join):
        if p not in p2bb:
            img,trans         = read_for_validation(p)
            a                 = np.expand_dims(img, axis=0)
            x0, y0, x1, y1    = model2.predict(a).squeeze()
            (u0, v0),(u1, v1) = coord_transform([(x0,y0),(x1,y1)], trans)
            img               = read_raw_image(p)
            u0 = max(u0, 0)
            v0 = max(v0, 0)
            u1 = min(u1, img.size[0])
            v1 = min(v1, img.size[1])
            p2bb[p]           = (u0, v0, u1, v1)

    with open('./input/cropping.csv', 'w') as f:
        f.write('Image, x0, y0, x1, y1\n')
        for p in p2bb:
            u0, v0, u1, v1 = p2bb[p]
Esempio n. 7
 if not seen_lm[lm_idx, k]:
     seen_lm[lm_idx, k] = True
     # initialize mean
     r = z_tr[0, 0]
     bearing = z_tr[1, 0]
     lm_x_bar = bel_x + (r * cos(bearing + bel_theta))
     lm_y_bar = bel_y + (r * sin(bearing + bel_theta))
     lm_loc_estimates_x[lm_idx, k] = lm_x_bar
     lm_loc_estimates_y[lm_idx, k] = lm_y_bar
     # calculate jacobian
     diff_x = lm_x_bar - bel_x
     diff_y = lm_y_bar - bel_y
     H = np.array([[r * diff_x, r * diff_y], [-diff_y, diff_x]])
     H *= 1 / (r * r)
     # initialize covariance
     H_inv = mat_inv(H)
     sigma = mm(H_inv, mm(Q_t, np.transpose(H_inv)))
     lm_sig_i = 2 * lm_idx
     p_sig_i = 2 * k
     lm_uncertanties[lm_sig_i:lm_sig_i + 2,
                     p_sig_i:p_sig_i + 2] = sigma
     # default importance weight
     weight *= p0
     # measurement prediction
     lm_x_bar = lm_loc_estimates_x[lm_idx, k]
     lm_y_bar = lm_loc_estimates_y[lm_idx, k]
     diff_x = lm_x_bar - bel_x
     diff_y = lm_y_bar - bel_y
     q = (diff_x * diff_x) + (diff_y * diff_y)
     r = np.sqrt(q)
Esempio n. 8

            # (get the true measurement for the given landmark)
            true_x = x_pos_true[0, t_step]
            true_y = y_pos_true[0, t_step]
            true_theta = theta_true[0, t_step]
            z_true = np.zeros(z_hat.shape)
            x_diff = lm_x[i] - true_x
            y_diff = lm_y[i] - true_y
            q = (x_diff * x_diff) + (y_diff * y_diff)
            z_true[0, 0] = np.sqrt(q) + randn(scale=std_dev_range)
            z_true[1, 0] = arctan2(
                y_diff, x_diff) - true_theta + randn(scale=std_dev_bearing)

            # update mean (belief) and covariance
            K_t = mm(sigma_t, mat_inv(S_t))
            mu = mu_bar + mm(K_t, z_true - z_hat)
            sigma = sigma_bar - mm(K_t, mm(S_t, np.transpose(K_t)))

        # save belief, covariances and kalman gains for plot later
        mu_x[0, t_step] = mu[0, 0]
        mu_y[0, t_step] = mu[1, 0]
        mu_theta[0, t_step] = mu[2, 0]
        bound_x.append(np.sqrt(sigma[0, 0]) * 2)
        bound_y.append(np.sqrt(sigma[1, 1]) * 2)
        bound_theta.append(np.sqrt(sigma[2, 2]) * 2)
        k_r_x.append(K_t[0, 0])
        k_r_y.append(K_t[1, 0])
        k_r_theta.append(K_t[2, 0])
        k_b_x.append(K_t[0, 1])
        k_b_y.append(K_t[1, 1])
Esempio n. 9
    state = np.array([[-5], [0], [np.pi / 2]])
    x_pred = [state[0, 0]]
    y_pred = [state[1, 0]]
    th_pred = [state[2, 0]]

    # initial uncertainty & lists of parameter uncertanties (95% confidence interval)
    sigma = np.array([
        [1, 0, 0],  # x
        [0, 1, 0],  # y
        [0, 0, .1]  # theta
    bound_x = [np.sqrt(sigma[0, 0]) * 2]
    bound_y = [np.sqrt(sigma[1, 1]) * 2]
    bound_theta = [np.sqrt(sigma[2, 2]) * 2]

    info_matrix = mat_inv(sigma)
    info_vector = mm(info_matrix, state)

    # noise for control inputs
    std_dev_v = .15  # m/s
    std_dev_om = .1  # rad/s

    # noise for measurement
    std_dev_range = .2  # m
    std_dev_bearing = .1  # rad
    var_range = std_dev_range * std_dev_range
    var_bearing = std_dev_bearing * std_dev_bearing
    Q_t = np.array([[var_range, 0], [0, var_bearing]])

    # information vector information
    info_x = [info_vector[0, 0]]
Esempio n. 10
            diff_y = m_j_y - real_y
            q_true = (diff_x**2) + (diff_y**2)
            z_true = np.array([[np.sqrt(q_true)],
                               [arctan2(diff_y, diff_x) - real_theta]])
            z_true += make_noise(Q_t)

            # figure out kalman gain for the given landmark and then update belief
            diff_x = m_j_x - bel_x
            diff_y = m_j_y - bel_y
            q = (diff_x**2) + (diff_y**2)
            z_hat = np.array([[np.sqrt(q)],
                              [arctan2(diff_y, diff_x) - bel_theta]])
            H_t = np.array([[-diff_x / np.sqrt(q), -diff_y / np.sqrt(q), 0],
                            [diff_y / q, -diff_x / q, -1]])
            S_t = mm(H_t, mm(sigma_bar, np.transpose(H_t))) + Q_t
            K_t = mm(sigma_bar, mm(np.transpose(H_t), mat_inv(S_t)))
            mu_bar = mu_bar + mm(K_t, z_true - z_hat)
            sigma_bar = mm((np.identity(sigma_bar.shape[0]) - mm(K_t, H_t)),

        # update belief
        mu = mu_bar
        sigma = sigma_bar
        mu_x[0, i] = mu[0, 0]
        mu_y[0, i] = mu[1, 0]
        mu_theta[0, i] = mu[2, 0]

        # save covariances and kalman gains for plot later
        bound_x.append(np.sqrt(sigma[0, 0]) * 2)
        bound_y.append(np.sqrt(sigma[1, 1]) * 2)
        bound_theta.append(np.sqrt(sigma[2, 2]) * 2)