Esempio n. 1
    def interpolate_to_grid(self, time_new: np.ndarray, height_new: np.ndarray) -> list:
        """Interpolate beta using nearest neighbor."""
        max_height = 100.0  # m
        max_time = 1.0  # min

        # Remove completely masked profiles from the interpolation
        beta =["beta"][:]
        indices = []
        for ind, b in enumerate(beta):
            if not ma.all(b) is ma.masked:
        assert self.height is not None
        beta_interpolated = interpolate_2d_nearest(
            self.time[indices], self.height, beta[indices, :], time_new, height_new

        # Filter profiles and range gates having data gap
        max_time /= 60  # to fraction hour
        bad_time_indices = _get_bad_indices(self.time[indices], time_new, max_time)
        bad_height_indices = _get_bad_indices(self.height, height_new, max_height)
        if bad_time_indices:
            logging.warning(f"Unable to interpolate lidar for {len(bad_time_indices)} time steps")
        beta_interpolated[bad_time_indices, :] = ma.masked
        if bad_height_indices:
            logging.warning(f"Unable to interpolate lidar for {len(bad_height_indices)} altitudes")
        beta_interpolated[:, bad_height_indices] = ma.masked["beta"].data = beta_interpolated
        return bad_time_indices
Esempio n. 2
def test_old_style_process_class(mp_tmpdir, cleantopo_tl, old_style_process_py):
    """Test correct processing using MapcheteProcess class."""
    config = cleantopo_tl.dict
    with as mp:
        for zoom in range(6):
            tiles = []
            for tile in mp.get_process_tiles(zoom):
                output = mp.execute(tile)
                tiles.append((tile, output))
                assert isinstance(output, ma.MaskedArray)
                assert output.shape == output.shape
                assert not ma.all(output.mask)
                mp.write(tile, output)
            mosaic, mosaic_affine = create_mosaic(tiles)
                temp_vrt = os.path.join(mp_tmpdir, str(zoom)+".vrt")
                gdalbuildvrt = "gdalbuildvrt %s %s/%s/*/*.tif > /dev/null" % (
                    temp_vrt, mp_tmpdir, zoom)
                with, "r") as testfile:
                    for file_item, mosaic_item in zip(
                        testfile.meta["transform"], mosaic_affine
                        assert file_item == mosaic_item
                    band =, masked=True)
                    assert band.shape == mosaic.shape
                    assert ma.allclose(band, mosaic)
                    assert ma.allclose(band.mask, mosaic.mask)
                shutil.rmtree(mp_tmpdir, ignore_errors=True)
Esempio n. 3
    def check_sum(self):
        The method checks to make sure that the probabilities add up to
        1 across choices.

        self.num_agents = self.probabilities.shape[0]
        self.num_choices = self.probabilities.shape[-1]
        #print 'OLD CUM SUM'
        #cumsum_across_rows = self.probabilities.cumsum(-1)[:,-1]
        #print cumsum_across_rows
        #print 'NEW CUM SUM'
        cumsum_across_rows = self.probabilities.sum(-1)
        #print cumsum_across_rows
        diff_from_unity = abs(cumsum_across_rows - 1)
        #print self.probabilities
        #print diff_from_unity
        #print diff_from_unity
        #rowsId = diff_from_unity < 1e-6
        #a = array(range(self.probabilities.shape[0]))+1

        #print self.probabilities[~rowsId], a[~rowsId]

        if not ma.all(diff_from_unity < 1e-6):
            raise ProbabilityError, """probability values do not add up """ \
                """to one across rows"""
Esempio n. 4
def test_processing():
    """Test correct processing (read and write) outputs."""
    for cleantopo_process in [
            "testdata/cleantopo_tl.mapchete", "testdata/cleantopo_br.mapchete"
        mp =, cleantopo_process))
        for zoom in range(6):
            tiles = []
            for tile in mp.get_process_tiles(zoom):
                output = mp.execute(tile)
                assert isinstance(output, BufferedTile)
                assert isinstance(, ma.MaskedArray)
                assert == output.shape
                assert not ma.all(
            mosaic, mosaic_affine = create_mosaic(tiles)
                temp_vrt = os.path.join(OUT_DIR, str(zoom) + ".vrt")
                gdalbuildvrt = "gdalbuildvrt %s %s/%s/*/*.tif > /dev/null" % (
                    temp_vrt, OUT_DIR, zoom)
                with, "r") as testfile:
                    for file_item, mosaic_item in zip(
                            testfile.meta["transform"], mosaic_affine):
                        assert file_item == mosaic_item
                    band =, masked=True)
                    assert band.shape == mosaic.shape
                    assert ma.allclose(band, mosaic)
                    assert ma.allclose(band.mask, mosaic.mask)
                shutil.rmtree(OUT_DIR, ignore_errors=True)
Esempio n. 5
def test_processing(mp_tmpdir, cleantopo_br, cleantopo_tl):
    """Test correct processing (read and write) outputs."""
    for cleantopo_process in [cleantopo_br.path, cleantopo_tl.path]:
        with as mp:
            for zoom in range(6):
                tiles = []
                for tile in mp.get_process_tiles(zoom):
                    output = mp.execute(tile)
                    tiles.append((tile, output))
                    assert isinstance(output, ma.MaskedArray)
                    assert output.shape == output.shape
                    assert not ma.all(output.mask)
                    mp.write(tile, output)
                mosaic = create_mosaic(tiles)
                    temp_vrt = os.path.join(mp_tmpdir, str(zoom)+".vrt")
                    gdalbuildvrt = "gdalbuildvrt %s %s/%s/*/*.tif > /dev/null" % (
                        temp_vrt, mp.config.output.path, zoom)
                    with, "r") as testfile:
                        for file_item, mosaic_item in zip(
                            testfile.meta["transform"], mosaic.affine
                            assert file_item == mosaic_item
                        band =, masked=True)
                        assert band.shape ==
                        assert ma.allclose(band,
                        assert ma.allclose(band.mask,
                    shutil.rmtree(mp_tmpdir, ignore_errors=True)
    def check_sum(self):
        The method checks to make sure that the probabilities add up to 
        1 across choices.
        self.num_agents = self.probabilities.shape[0]
        self.num_choices = self.probabilities.shape[-1]
        #print 'OLD CUM SUM'
        #cumsum_across_rows = self.probabilities.cumsum(-1)[:,-1]
        #print cumsum_across_rows
        #print 'NEW CUM SUM'
        cumsum_across_rows = self.probabilities.sum(-1)
        #print cumsum_across_rows
        diff_from_unity = abs(cumsum_across_rows - 1)
        #print self.probabilities
        #print diff_from_unity
        #print diff_from_unity
	#rowsId = diff_from_unity < 1e-6
	#a = array(range(self.probabilities.shape[0]))+1

	#print self.probabilities[~rowsId], a[~rowsId]

        if not ma.all(diff_from_unity < 1e-6):
            raise ProbabilityError, """probability values do not add up """ \
                """to one across rows"""    
Esempio n. 7
    def format_and_clean_data_main(self):
        Main function to format and clean data based on choices by the user.
        # Check if over missing_bound percent or missing_bound number of values are missing
        too_many_missing = self.has_too_many_missing(self.init_perc_remove)
        if ma.any(too_many_missing):
            idx, = ma.where(too_many_missing)
            self.xs[idx] = ma.mask_rows(self.xs[idx])

        # Check array to see if it is filled with values or empty
        if ma.all(self.check_for_all()):
            return self.xs

        # Clean outliers

        # Take average of neighbor values to fill up to a given missing value gap length
        if ma.all(ma.count_masked(self.xs[:, :-self.keep_n_values], axis=1)[np.newaxis,:] == 0):
            return self.xs # if no masked values remain in values before recent ones

        # Remove values if they start the array and are then followed by too many masked values
        start_idx = self.find_new_starting_value()

        # If there are over x% blank values left in the original data after above changes,
        # check to see if x% of the blanks fall after the new start year
        too_many_missing = self.has_too_many_missing(self.second_perc_remove) # boolean array
        if ma.any(too_many_missing):
            n_masked = np.array([ma.count_masked(self.xs[i,s_idx:])
                                 for i, s_idx in enumerate(start_idx)]) / self.N > self.perc_remove_after_start_idx
            if ma.any(n_masked):
                idx, = ma.where(n_masked)
                self.xs[idx] = ma.mask_rows(self.xs[idx])

        # To fill in remaining values, run linear regression on non-zero values

        # If linear regression left negative or zero values, then use linear space to fill in middle gaps
        if ma.any(ma.masked_less_equal(self.xs, 0.)):
Esempio n. 8
def ComputeFobsSqPink(refl, iref):
    yp = np.zeros(len(x))  # not masked
    refl8im = 0
    Wd, fmin, fmax = G2pwd.getWidthsTOF(refl[5 + im], refl[12 + im],
                                        refl[13 + im], refl[6 + im] / 1.e4,
                                        refl[7 + im] / 100.)
    iBeg = max(xB, np.searchsorted(x, refl[5 + im] - fmin))
    iFin = max(xB, min(np.searchsorted(x, refl[5 + im] + fmax), xF))
    if not iBeg + iFin:  #peak below low limit - skip peak
        return 0
    if ma.all(xMask[iBeg:iFin]):  #peak entirely masked - skip peak
        return -1
    elif not iBeg - iFin:  #peak above high limit - done
        return -2
    if iBeg < iFin:
        yp[iBeg:iFin] = refl[11 + im] * refl[9 + im] * G2pwd.getEpsVoigt(
            refl[5 + im], refl[12 + im], refl[13 + im], refl[6 + im] / 1.e4,
            refl[7 + im] / 100., x[iBeg:iFin])
    refl8im = np.sum(
        np.where(ratio[iBeg:iFin] > 0.,
                 yp[iBeg:iFin] * ratio[iBeg:iFin] / refl[11 + im], 0.0))
    return refl8im, refl[11 + im] * refl[9 + im]
Esempio n. 9
def test_dereference(full_testfile):
    fh, (a, b, c) = full_testfile

    sel = slice(0, 10)
    ref = fh[f'{a}/ref/{b}/ref']
    dset = fh[f'{b}/data']
    region = fh[f'{a}/ref/{b}/ref_region']

    data_no_reg = dereference(sel, ref, dset)

    data_reg = dereference(sel, ref, dset, region=region)

    data_idx = dereference(sel, ref, dset, region=region, indices_only=True)

    data_list = dereference(sel, ref, dset, region=region, as_masked=False)

    assert ma.all(data_no_reg == data_reg)
    assert data_reg.shape == (10, 10)
    assert data_reg.shape == data_idx.shape
    assert np.sum(data_reg.mask) == 0
    assert len(data_list) == 10
    assert isinstance(data_list, list)
    assert all([len(a) == 10 for a in data_list])
Esempio n. 10
def test_dereference_chain(full_testfile):
    fh, (a, b, c) = full_testfile

    sel = slice(0, 10)
    refs = [fh[f'{a}/ref/{b}/ref'], fh[f'{c}/ref/{b}/ref']]
    dset = fh[f'{c}/data']
    regions = [fh[f'{a}/ref/{b}/ref_region'], fh[f'{b}/ref/{c}/ref_region']]
    ref_dir = [(0, 1), (1, 0)]

    data_no_reg = dereference_chain(sel, refs, dset)

    data_reg = dereference_chain(sel, refs, dset, regions=regions)

    data_idx = dereference_chain(sel,

    assert ma.all(data_no_reg == data_reg)
    assert data_reg.shape == (10, 10, 1)
    assert data_reg.shape == data_idx.shape
    assert np.sum(data_reg.mask) == 0
Esempio n. 11
def _mark_gaps(time: np.ndarray,
               data: ma.MaskedArray,
               max_allowed_gap: float = 1) -> tuple:
    assert time[0] >= 0
    assert time[-1] <= 24
    max_gap = max_allowed_gap / 60
    if not ma.is_masked(data):
        mask_new = np.zeros(data.shape)
    elif ma.all(data.mask) is ma.masked:
        mask_new = np.ones(data.shape)
        mask_new = np.copy(data.mask)
    data_new = ma.copy(data)
    time_new = np.copy(time)
    gap_indices = np.where(np.diff(time) > max_gap)[0]
    temp_array = np.zeros((2, data.shape[1]))
    temp_mask = np.ones((2, data.shape[1]))
    time_delta = 0.001
    for ind in np.sort(gap_indices)[::-1]:
        ind += 1
        data_new = np.insert(data_new, ind, temp_array, axis=0)
        mask_new = np.insert(mask_new, ind, temp_mask, axis=0)
        time_new = np.insert(time_new, ind, time[ind] - time_delta)
        time_new = np.insert(time_new, ind, time[ind - 1] + time_delta)
    if (time[0] - 0) > max_gap:
        data_new = np.insert(data_new, 0, temp_array, axis=0)
        mask_new = np.insert(mask_new, 0, temp_mask, axis=0)
        time_new = np.insert(time_new, 0, time[0] - time_delta)
        time_new = np.insert(time_new, 0, time_delta)
    if (24 - time[-1]) > max_gap:
        ind = mask_new.shape[0]
        data_new = np.insert(data_new, ind, temp_array, axis=0)
        mask_new = np.insert(mask_new, ind, temp_mask, axis=0)
        time_new = np.insert(time_new, ind, 24 - time_delta)
        time_new = np.insert(time_new, ind, time[-1] + time_delta)
    data_new.mask = mask_new
    return time_new, data_new
Esempio n. 12
def ComputeFobsSqCW(refl, iref):
    yp = np.zeros(len(x))  # not masked
    sInt = 0
    refl8im = 0
    Wd, fmin, fmax = G2pwd.getWidthsCW(refl[5 + im], refl[6 + im],
                                       refl[7 + im], shl)
    iBeg = max(xB, np.searchsorted(x, refl[5 + im] - fmin))
    iFin = max(xB, min(np.searchsorted(x, refl[5 + im] + fmax), xF))
    iFin2 = iFin
    if not iBeg + iFin:  #peak below low limit - skip peak
        return 0
    if ma.all(xMask[iBeg:iFin]):  #peak entirely masked - skip peak
        return -1
    elif not iBeg - iFin:  #peak above high limit - done
        return -2
    elif iBeg < iFin:
        yp[iBeg:iFin] = refl[11 + im] * refl[9 + im] * G2pwd.getFCJVoigt3(
            refl[5 + im], refl[6 + im], refl[7 + im], shl, x[iBeg:iFin])
        sInt = refl[11 + im] * refl[9 + im]
        if Ka2:
            pos2 = refl[5 + im] + lamRatio * tand(
                refl[5 + im] / 2.0)  # + 360/pi * Dlam/lam * tan(th)
            Wd, fmin, fmax = G2pwd.getWidthsCW(pos2, refl[6 + im],
                                               refl[7 + im], shl)
            iBeg2 = max(xB, np.searchsorted(x, pos2 - fmin))
            iFin2 = min(np.searchsorted(x, pos2 + fmax), xF)
            if iFin2 > iBeg2:
                yp[iBeg2:iFin2] += refl[11 + im] * refl[
                    9 + im] * kRatio * G2pwd.getFCJVoigt3(
                        pos2, refl[6 + im], refl[7 + im], shl, x[iBeg2:iFin2])
                sInt *= 1. + kRatio
    refl8im = np.sum(
            ratio[iBeg:iFin2] > 0., yp[iBeg:iFin2] * ratio[iBeg:iFin2] /
            (refl[11 + im] * (1. + kRatio)), 0.0))
    return refl8im, sInt
Esempio n. 13
 def test_testMaPut(self):
     (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf, s) = self.d
     m = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1]
     i = np.nonzero(m)[0]
     put(ym, i, zm)
     assert_(all(take(ym, i, axis=0) == zm))
Esempio n. 14
 def test_testMaPut(self):
     (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf, s) = self.d
     m = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1]
     i = np.nonzero(m)[0]
     put(ym, i, zm)
     assert_(all(take(ym, i, axis=0) == zm))
Esempio n. 15
 def _calc_z_power_min() -> float:
     if ma.all(z_power.mask):
         return 0
     return np.percentile(z_power.compressed(), 0.1)
Esempio n. 16
    if args.exzp:
        with open(args.exzp) as f:
            lista2 =
        standards = get_image_data(lista2)
        standards = standards.group_by(['dayobs', 'shortname', 'instrument', 'filter', 'zcol1', 'zcol2'])
        targets[['zcol1', 'z1', 'dz1', 'c1', 'dc1', 'zcol2', 'z2', 'dz2', 'c2', 'dc2']].mask = True
        for group in standards.groups:
            matches_in_targets = ((targets['dayobs'] == group['dayobs'][0]) & (targets['shortname'] == group['shortname'][0])
                                   & (targets['instrument'] == group['instrument'][0]) & (targets['filter'] == group['filter'][0]))
            if not np.any(matches_in_targets):
            targets['zcol1'][matches_in_targets] = group['zcol1'][0]
            targets['zcol2'][matches_in_targets] = group['zcol2'][0]
            targets['z1'][matches_in_targets], targets['dz1'][matches_in_targets] = average_in_flux(group['z1'], group['dz1'])
            targets['z2'][matches_in_targets], targets['dz2'][matches_in_targets] = average_in_flux(group['z2'], group['dz2'])
            if np.all(group['dc1']):
                dc1 = np.sum(group['dc1']**-2)**-0.5
                targets['c1'][matches_in_targets] = np.sum(group['c1'] * group['dc1']**-2) * dc1**2
                targets['dc1'][matches_in_targets] = dc1
                targets['c1'][matches_in_targets] = np.mean(group['c1'])
                targets['dc1'] = 0.
            if np.all(group['dc2']):
                dc2 = np.sum(group['dc2']**-2)**-0.5
                targets['c2'][matches_in_targets] = np.sum(group['c2'] * group['dc2']**-2) * dc2**2
                targets['dc2'][matches_in_targets] = dc2
                targets['c2'][matches_in_targets] = np.mean(group['c2'])
                targets['dc2'] = 0.

    # generate average colors for each night at each site
Esempio n. 17
    q.levels = [nf(val) for val in q.levels]
    plt.clabel(q, q.levels[::2], inline=1, fmt=fmt, fontsize=25)
    # Add diabatic layer depth
    PI = c.mnc('', "LaPs1TH").mean(axis=2)
    PI = ma.masked_array(PI, PI < 0.95)
    # Depths
    th = c.mnc('', "LaHs1TH").mean(axis=2)
    depths = np.cumsum(th[::-1], axis=0)[::-1]
    DDL = np.zeros(len(c.yc))
    psi = c.get_psi_iso()
    for jj in range(len(c.yc)):
        if ma.all(PI[:, jj] == 1) or np.all(
                psi[:, jj] == -0) or PI[:, jj].mask.all():
        indx = ma.nonzero(PI[:, jj] < 0.9999999999)[0]
        a = indx[np.nonzero(indx > 3)[0]][0]
        if a < 41 and depths[a - 1, jj] - depths[a, jj] > 150:
            DDL[jj] = (depths[a - 1, jj] + depths[a, jj]) / 2
            DDL[jj] = depths[a, jj]

    r = ax.plot(c.yc / 1000,
                SG.savitzky_golay(-DDL / 1000, 21, 1),
    # Lables
    ax.set_title(str(Figletter[Runs[i]]) + str(tau[Runs[i]]) + 'day',
Esempio n. 18
def condorcet_irv(ratings_list, ids):
    Rank games by condorcet method.
    Takes a list of dicts with user-rating as key-value pairs and a list of game ids.
    Returns a list of average ratings among common users between all lists.

    num_games = len(ratings_list)
    users = list({user for u in ratings_list for user in list(u.keys())})
    ranks = []

    # Get info for IRV tiebreaker.
    irv = np.zeros((num_games, ),
                   dtype=[("top_rating", "<i4"), ("votes", "<i4"),
                          ("year", "<i4"), ("id", "<i4")])
    game_info = get_game_info(ids)
    for i, info in enumerate(game_info):
        irv[i]["year"] = info.find("yearpublished")["value"]
        irv[i]["id"] = int(ids[i])

    # Create matrix of all games/users.
    user_game_mat = np.zeros((num_games, len(users)))
    for i, ratings in enumerate(ratings_list):
        irv[i]["votes"] = len(ratings)
        for j, user in enumerate(users):
            user_game_mat[i, j] = ratings.get(user, np.nan)

    # Generate matrix showing how many times game was favored in pairwise comparison.
    cond_mat = np.apply_along_axis(
        lambda x: np.apply_along_axis(np.sum, 1, x > user_game_mat), 1,

    # For IRV tiebreaker, how many times game was a user's top ranked game.
    top_ratings = np.max(user_game_mat, 0)
    irv[:]["top_rating"] = np.apply_along_axis(
        lambda x: np.sum(top_ratings == x), 1, user_game_mat)

    # Subtract columns from rows to show pairwise difference between games.
    diff_mat = cond_mat - cond_mat.T
    np.fill_diagonal(diff_mat, 1)

    # Get tiebreak order, inverting years and ids for uniform sort order.
    max_year = np.max(irv[:]["year"])
    irv[:]["year"] = max_year - irv[:]["year"]
    max_id = np.max(irv[:]["id"])
    irv[:]["id"] = max_id - irv[:]["id"]

    # Rank by condorcet-IRV method.
    while len(irv):
        # Create masked array copies to hide tiebreak losers.
        masked_mat = ma.masked_array(diff_mat)
        masked_irv = ma.masked_array(irv)
        # Find condorcet winner.
        winners = []
        while not len(winners):
            # Winning rows are all positive.
            winners = ma.where(ma.all(masked_mat > 0, axis=1))[0]
            assert len(winners) <= 1, "multiple winners found"
            if len(winners):
                temp_id = irv[winners]["id"][0]
                game_id = -(temp_id - max_id)  # Convert back to original id.
                diff_mat = np.delete(diff_mat, winners, axis=0)
                diff_mat = np.delete(diff_mat, winners, axis=1)
                irv = np.delete(irv, winners)
                # Remove plurality loser.
                tiebreak = np.argsort(masked_irv,
                                      order=("top_rating", "votes", "year",
                loser = tiebreak[0]
                masked_irv[loser] = ma.masked
                masked_mat[loser, :] = ma.masked
                masked_mat[:, loser] = ma.masked

    return ranks
Esempio n. 19
 matches_in_targets = (
     (targets['dayobs'] == group['dayobs'][0]) &
     (targets['shortname'] == group['shortname'][0])
     & (targets['instrument'] == group['instrument'][0]) &
     (targets['filter'] == group['filter'][0]))
 if not np.any(matches_in_targets):
 targets['zcol1'][matches_in_targets] = group['zcol1'][0]
 targets['zcol2'][matches_in_targets] = group['zcol2'][0]
 targets['z1'][matches_in_targets], targets['dz1'][
     matches_in_targets] = average_in_flux(group['z1'],
 targets['z2'][matches_in_targets], targets['dz2'][
     matches_in_targets] = average_in_flux(group['z2'],
 if np.all(group['dc1']):
     dc1 = np.sum(group['dc1']**-2)**-0.5
     targets['c1'][matches_in_targets] = np.sum(
         group['c1'] * group['dc1']**-2) * dc1**2
     targets['dc1'][matches_in_targets] = dc1
     targets['c1'][matches_in_targets] = np.mean(group['c1'])
     targets['dc1'] = 0.
 if np.all(group['dc2']):
     dc2 = np.sum(group['dc2']**-2)**-0.5
     targets['c2'][matches_in_targets] = np.sum(
         group['c2'] * group['dc2']**-2) * dc2**2
     targets['dc2'][matches_in_targets] = dc2
     targets['c2'][matches_in_targets] = np.mean(group['c2'])
     targets['dc2'] = 0.