Esempio n. 1
def matrixCheby2D_7(x, y):
    '''Create and return a 2D array of Tx_i, Ty_j ordered as needed for use
    with cure distortion solutions.

    x, y : numbers or ndarray-like
        values of x and y where to compute the Ts

    two dimensional array with len(x) rows and 36 columns

    T0x, T1x, T2x, T3x, T4x, T5x, T6x, T7x = chebvander(x, 7).T
    T0y, T1y, T2y, T3y, T4y, T5y, T6y, T7y = chebvander(y, 7).T

    return np.vstack(
        np.broadcast_arrays(T7x, T6x, T5x, T4x, T3x, T2x, T1x, T7y, T6y, T5y,
                            T4y, T3y, T2y, T1y, T6x * T1y, T1x * T6y,
                            T5x * T2y, T2x * T5y, T4x * T3y, T3x * T4y,
                            T5x * T1y, T1x * T5y, T4x * T2y, T2x * T4y,
                            T3x * T3y, T4x * T1y, T1x * T4y, T3x * T2y,
                            T2x * T3y, T3x * T1y, T1x * T3y, T2x * T2y,
                            T2x * T1y, T1x * T2y, T1x * T1y, T0x)).T
def orthpoly_coef(f, f_weighting, n_deg, **kwarg):
    Compute expension coefficients of f(x) under orthogonal polynomial basis
    with respect to weighting function f_weighting(x).
    Assume f and f_weighting is defined on (-1,1).

    f   : The function to expended, defined in (-1,1).
        Need to accept vector input.
        If None, return Vandermonde matrix and interpolation points.
    f_weighting : weighting function for the inner product.
    if f_weighting == 'chebyshev':
        x_sample = chebyshev_roots(n_deg + 1)
        V = cheb.chebvander(x_sample, n_deg)
        # Note: seems that cond(V) -> sqrt(2)
    elif f_weighting == 'legendre':
        x_sample = legendre_roots(n_deg + 1)
        V = sqrt(arange(n_deg + 1) + 0.5) * lege.legvander(x_sample, n_deg)
        # Note: seems that cond(V) -> sqrt(n_deg)
        x_sample = legendre_roots(n_deg + 1)
        basis_repr_coef = get_orthpoly(n_deg, f_weighting, 100, **kwarg)
        V = dot(cheb.chebvander(x_sample, n_deg), basis_repr_coef)

    if f == None:
        # Return Pseudo-Vandermonde matrix and interpolation points.
        return V, x_sample

    y_sample = f(x_sample)
    coef = np.linalg.solve(V, y_sample)
    return coef
Esempio n. 3
 def init(self, N):
     self.points, self.weights = self.points_and_weights(N)
     k = self.wavenumbers(N)
     # Build Vandermonde matrix. Note! N points in real space gives N-3 bases in spectral space
     self.V = n_cheb.chebvander(self.points, N - 3).T - (
         (k / (k + 2))**2)[:, np.newaxis] * n_cheb.chebvander(
             self.points, N - 1)[:, 2:].T
     self.V = self.V[1:, :]
Esempio n. 4
 def init(self, N):
     self.points, self.weights = self.points_and_weights(N)
     k = self.wavenumbers(N)
     # Build Vandermonde matrix. Note! N points in real space gives N-3 bases in spectral space
     self.V = (
         n_cheb.chebvander(self.points, N - 3).T
         - ((k / (k + 2)) ** 2)[:, np.newaxis] * n_cheb.chebvander(self.points, N - 1)[:, 2:].T
     self.V = self.V[1:, :]
Esempio n. 5
 def init(self, N):
     self.points, self.weights = self.points_and_weights(N)
     k = self.wavenumbers(N)
     # Build Vandermonde matrix.
     self.V = n_cheb.chebvander(
         self.points, N -
         5).T - (2 * (k + 2) / (k + 3))[:, np.newaxis] * n_cheb.chebvander(
             self.points, N - 3)[:, 2:].T + (
                 (k + 1) / (k + 3))[:, np.newaxis] * n_cheb.chebvander(
                     self.points, N - 1)[:, 4:].T
Esempio n. 6
 def test_chebvander(self):
     # check for 1d x
     x = np.arange(3)
     v = ch.chebvander(x, 3)
     assert_(v.shape == (3, 4))
     for i in range(4):
         coef = [0] * i + [1]
         assert_almost_equal(v[..., i], ch.chebval(x, coef))
     # check for 2d x
     x = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]])
     v = ch.chebvander(x, 3)
     assert_(v.shape == (3, 2, 4))
     for i in range(4):
         coef = [0] * i + [1]
         assert_almost_equal(v[..., i], ch.chebval(x, coef))
Esempio n. 7
 def test_chebvander(self) :
     # check for 1d x
     x = np.arange(3)
     v = ch.chebvander(x, 3)
     assert_(v.shape == (3,4))
     for i in range(4) :
         coef = [0]*i + [1]
         assert_almost_equal(v[...,i], ch.chebval(x, coef))
     # check for 2d x
     x = np.array([[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]])
     v = ch.chebvander(x, 3)
     assert_(v.shape == (3,2,4))
     for i in range(4) :
         coef = [0]*i + [1]
         assert_almost_equal(v[...,i], ch.chebval(x, coef))
Esempio n. 8
    def spec_calibration(self, theta=None, obs=None, spec=None, **kwargs):
        """Implements a Chebyshev polynomial calibration model. This uses
        least-squares to find the maximum-likelihood Chebyshev polynomial of a
        certain order describing the ratio of the observed spectrum to the model
        spectrum, conditional on all other parameters, using least squares. If
        emission lines are being marginalized out, they are excluded from the
        least-squares fit.

        :returns cal:
           A polynomial given by :math:`\Sum_{m=0}^M a_{m} * T_m(x)`.
        if theta is not None:

        # norm = self.params.get('spec_norm', 1.0)
        polyopt = ((self.params.get('polyorder', 0) > 0) &
                   (obs.get('spectrum', None) is not None))
        if polyopt:
            order = self.params['polyorder']

            # generate mask
            # remove region around emission lines if doing analytical marginalization
            mask = obs.get('mask', np.ones_like(obs['wavelength'],
            if self.params.get('marginalize_elines', False):
                mask[self._eline_wavelength_mask] = 0

            # map unmasked wavelengths to the interval -1, 1
            # masked wavelengths may have x>1, x<-1
            x = self.wave_to_x(obs["wavelength"], mask)
            y = (obs['spectrum'] / spec)[mask] - 1.0
            yerr = (obs['unc'] / spec)[mask]
            yvar = yerr**2
            A = chebvander(x[mask], order)
            ATA =, A / yvar[:, None])
            reg = self.params.get('poly_regularization', 0.)
            if np.any(reg > 0):
                ATA += reg**2 * np.eye(order)
            ATAinv = np.linalg.inv(ATA)
            c =,, y / yvar))
            Afull = chebvander(x, order)
            poly =, c)
            self._poly_coeffs = c
            poly = np.zeros_like(self._outwave)

        return (1.0 + poly)
Esempio n. 9
def optimal_polynomial(wave, model, obs, unc, order=10, mask=slice(None)):
    :param wave: 
        Wavelengths, ndarray of shape (nw,)

    :param model: 
        Model spectrum, same shape as `wave`

    :param obs: 
        Observed spectrum, same shape as `wave`

    :param unc: 
        1sigma uncertainties on the observed spectrum, same shape as `wave`

    :param mask: 
        A boolean array with `True` for good pixels and `False` for bad pixels,
        ndarray of same shape as `wave`

    :param order: 
        order of the polynomial

    :returns poly:
        The optimal polynomial vector, ndarray of same shape as `wave`

    :returns coeffs:
        Coefficients of the Chabyshev polynomial.  Note these are only valid
        when used with the wavelength vector transformed into `x`

    # map unmasked wavelengths to the interval -1, 1
    # masked wavelengths may have x>1, x<-1
    x = wave - wave[mask].min()
    x = 2.0 * (x / (x[mask]).max()) - 1.0
    y = (obs / model)[mask]
    yerr = (unc / model)[mask]
    yvar = yerr**2
    A = chebvander(x[mask], order)
    ATA =, A / yvar[:, None])
        ATAinv = np.linalg.inv(ATA)
        c =,, y / yvar))
        Afull = chebvander(x, order)
        poly =, c)
        return poly, c
        #handle it
        return None, None
Esempio n. 10
def chebinterp(x,f,y):
    """ Interpolate a function f on a set of points x onto a set of points y
        x and y should must be in [-1,1]"""
    n = len(x)
    Tx = chebvander(x,n-1)
    a = solve(Tx,f)
    p = chebval(y,a)
    return p
Esempio n. 11
def chebinterp(x, f, y):
    """ Interpolate a function f on a set of points x onto a set of points y
        x and y should must be in [-1,1]"""
    n = len(x)
    Tx = chebvander(x, n - 1)
    a = solve(Tx, f)
    p = chebval(y, a).T
    return p
Esempio n. 12
    def vandermonde(self, x):
        """Return Chebyshev Vandermonde matrix

            x : array
                points for evaluation

        return n_cheb.chebvander(x, self.N-1)
Esempio n. 13
    def spec_calibration(self, theta=None, obs=None, **kwargs):
        """Implements a Chebyshev polynomial calibration model. This uses
        least-squares to find the maximum-likelihood Chebyshev polynomial of a
        certain order describing the ratio of the observed spectrum to the
        model spectrum, conditional on all other parameters, using least
        squares.  The first coefficient is always set to 1, as the overall
        normalization is controlled by ``spec_norm``.

        :returns cal:
           A polynomial given by 'spec_norm' * (1 + \Sum_{m=1}^M
           a_{m} * T_m(x)).
        if theta is not None:

        norm = self.params.get('spec_norm', 1.0)
        polyopt = ((self.params.get('polyorder', 0) > 0) &
                   (obs.get('spectrum', None) is not None)) 
        if polyopt:
            order = self.params['polyorder']
            mask = obs.get('mask', slice(None))
            # map unmasked wavelengths to the interval -1, 1
            # masked wavelengths may have x>1, x<-1
            x = self.wave_to_x(obs["wavelength"], mask)
            y = (obs['spectrum'] / self._spec)[mask] / norm - 1.0
            yerr = (obs['unc'] / self._spec)[mask] / norm
            yvar = yerr**2
            A = chebvander(x[mask], order)[:, 1:]
            ATA =, A / yvar[:, None])
            reg = self.params.get('poly_regularization', 0.)
            if np.any(reg > 0):
                ATA += reg**2 * np.eye(order)
            ATAinv = np.linalg.inv(ATA)
            c =,, y / yvar))
            Afull = chebvander(x, order)[:, 1:]
            poly =, c)
            self._poly_coeffs = c
            poly = 0.0

        return (1.0 + poly) * norm
Esempio n. 14
    def spec_calibration(self, theta=None, obs=None, **kwargs):
        """Implements a Chebyshev polynomial calibration model. This uses
        least-squares to find the maximum-likelihood Chebyshev polynomial of a
        certain order describing the ratio of the observed spectrum to the
        model spectrum, conditional on all other parameters, using least
        squares.  The first coefficient is always set to 1, as the overall
        normalization is controlled by ``spec_norm``.

        :returns cal:
           A polynomial given by 'spec_norm' * (1 + \Sum_{m=1}^M
           a_{m} * T_m(x)).
        if theta is not None:

        norm = self.params.get('spec_norm', 1.0)
        polyopt = ((self.params.get('polyorder', 0) > 0) &
                   (obs.get('spectrum', None) is not None)) 
        if polyopt:
            order = self.params['polyorder']
            mask = obs.get('mask', slice(None))
            # map unmasked wavelengths to the interval -1, 1
            # masked wavelengths may have x>1, x<-1
            x = obs['wavelength'] - (obs['wavelength'][mask]).min()
            x = 2.0 * (x / (x[mask]).max()) - 1.0
            y = (obs['spectrum'] / self._spec)[mask] / norm - 1.0
            yerr = (obs['unc'] / self._spec)[mask] / norm
            yvar = yerr**2
            A = chebvander(x[mask], order)[:, 1:]
            ATA =, A / yvar[:, None])
            reg = self.params.get('poly_regularization', 0.)
            if np.any(reg > 0):
                ATA += reg**2 * np.eye(order)
            ATAinv = np.linalg.inv(ATA)
            c =,, y / yvar))
            Afull = chebvander(x, order)[:, 1:]
            poly =, c)
            poly = 0.0

        return (1.0 + poly) * norm
Esempio n. 15
def chebVander4d(locations, deg):
    # stolen straight from legvander3d and mondified
    n = locations.shape[1]
    ideg = [int(d) for d in deg]
    is_valid = [id == d and id >= 0 for id, d in zip(ideg, deg)]
    if is_valid != [
    ] * n:
        raise ValueError("degrees must be non-negative integers")

    vi = [cheb.chebvander(locations[:, i], deg[i]) for i in range(n)]
    v = vi[0][..., None, None, None] * vi[1][..., None, :, None, None] * vi[2][
        ..., None, None, :, None] * vi[3][..., None, None, None, :]
    return v.reshape(v.shape[:-n] + (-1, ))
Esempio n. 16
 def test_modal_to_nodal_matrix_chebyshev(self):
     for quadrature in [Quadrature.Gauss, Quadrature.GaussLobatto]:
         for num_coll_points in range(2, 13):
             mesh = Mesh1D(num_coll_points, Basis.Chebyshev, quadrature)
             coll_points = collocation_points(mesh)
             mtn_numpy = chebyshev.chebvander(coll_points,
                                              num_coll_points - 1)
             mtn_spectre = modal_to_nodal_matrix(mesh)
             np.testing.assert_allclose(mtn_spectre, mtn_numpy, 1e-12,
             ntm_spectre = nodal_to_modal_matrix(mesh)
             np.testing.assert_allclose(np.matmul(mtn_spectre, ntm_spectre),
                                        np.identity(num_coll_points), 1e-12,
def get_orthpoly(n_deg,
    Get orthogonal polynomials with respect to the weighting (f_weighting).
    The polynomials are represented by coefficients of Chebyshev polynomials.
    Evaluate it as:, n_deg), repr_coef)
    See for validation of this algorithm.
    n_sampling = n_deg + 1 + n_extra_point
    # Do the intergration by discrete sampling at good points.
    if integral_method == 'chebyshev':
        # Here we use (first kind) Chebyshev points.
        x_sampling = chebyshev_roots(n_sampling)
        # Put together the weighting and the weighting of the Gauss-Chebyshev quadrature.
        diag_weight = np.array(
            [f_weighting(x) / cheb.chebweight(x)
             for x in x_sampling]) * (pi / n_sampling)
    elif integral_method == 'legendre':
        # Use Gauss-Legendre quadrature.
        x_sampling, int_weight = lege.leggauss(n_sampling)
        diag_weight = np.array(
            [f_weighting(x) * w for x, w in zip(x_sampling, int_weight)])

    if representation == 'chebyshev':
        V = cheb.chebvander(x_sampling, n_deg)
        V = lege.legvander(x_sampling, n_deg)

    # Get basis from chol of the Gramian matrix.

#    inner_prod_matrix = dot(V.T, diag_weight[:, np.newaxis] * V)
#    repr_coef = inv(cholesky(inner_prod_matrix).T)
# QR decomposition should give more accurate result.
    repr_coef = inv(qr(sqrt(diag_weight[:, np.newaxis]) * V, mode='r'))
    repr_coef = repr_coef * sign(sum(repr_coef, axis=0))

    if return_coef:
        return repr_coef
        if representation == 'chebyshev':
            polys = [cheb.Chebyshev(repr_coef[:, i]) for i in range(n_deg + 1)]
            polys = [lege.Legendre(repr_coef[:, i]) for i in range(n_deg + 1)]
        return polys
Esempio n. 18
def genericChebVander(locations, deg):
    # stolen straight from legvander3d and modified
    n = locations.shape[1]
    ideg = [int(d) for d in deg]
    is_valid = [id == d and id >= 0 for id, d in zip(ideg, deg)]
    if is_valid != [
    ] * n:
        raise ValueError("degrees must be non-negative integers")

    vi = [cheb.chebvander(locations[:, i], deg[i]) for i in range(n)]
    indexingTuples = []
    raise NotImplementedError
    # v = vx[..., None, None]*vy[..., None,:, None]*vz[..., None, None,:]
    return v.reshape(v.shape[:-n] + (-1, ))
Esempio n. 19
    def test_100(self):
        x, w = cheb.chebgauss(100)

        # test orthogonality. Note that the results need to be normalized,
        # otherwise the huge values that can arise from fast growing
        # functions like Laguerre can be very confusing.
        v = cheb.chebvander(x, 99)
        vv = * w, v)
        vd = 1/np.sqrt(vv.diagonal())
        vv = vd[:, None] * vv * vd
        assert_almost_equal(vv, np.eye(100))

        # check that the integral of 1 is correct
        tgt = np.pi
        assert_almost_equal(w.sum(), tgt)
Esempio n. 20
    def test_100(self):
        x, w = cheb.chebgauss(100)

        # test orthogonality. Note that the results need to be normalized,
        # otherwise the huge values that can arise from fast growing
        # functions like Laguerre can be very confusing.
        v = cheb.chebvander(x, 99)
        vv = * w, v)
        vd = 1/np.sqrt(vv.diagonal())
        vv = vd[:,None] * vv * vd
        assert_almost_equal(vv, np.eye(100))

        # check that the integral of 1 is correct
        tgt = np.pi
        assert_almost_equal(w.sum(), tgt)
Esempio n. 21
def recovery_matrix_cheb_Strassen(C_tilda, N, m, n, saved_nodes, l, p):
    x = np.arange(1, N + 1)
    x = np.cos((2 * x - 1) * np.pi / 2 / N)

    chebvander = cheb.chebvander(x, m * n - 1).astype(np.float64)

    H = generate_matrix_H(m, n)

    chebvander_pinv = np.linalg.pinv((chebvander @ H)[saved_nodes])

    C_tilda_reshaped = np.hstack([C_tilda[i::l] for i in range(l)])
    C_rec_reshaped = chebvander_pinv @ C_tilda_reshaped

    C_rec = C_rec_reshaped[::m + 1]
    C_rec = np.vstack([np.split(c, l) for c in C_rec])

    return C_rec
Esempio n. 22
def euler_error(outputs, all_seq, input_n, dim_used, N):

    :param outputs:
    :param all_seq:
    :param input_n:
    :param dim_used:
    n, seq_len, dim_full_len =
    dim_used_len = len(dim_used)

    t = np.arange(1, N + 1, 1)
    A = chebyshev.chebvander(t, N - 1)
    A = Variable(torch.from_numpy(A)).float().cuda()
    outputs_t =, outputs.view(-1, N).transpose(0, 1))
    outputs_exp = outputs_t.transpose(0, 1).view(-1, dim_used_len,
                                                 seq_len).transpose(1, 2)

    pred_expmap = all_seq.clone()
    dim_used = np.array(dim_used)
    pred_expmap[:, :, dim_used] = outputs_exp

    pred_expmap = pred_expmap[:,
                              input_n:, :].contiguous().view(-1, dim_full_len)
    targ_expmap = all_seq[:, input_n:, :].clone().contiguous().view(
        -1, dim_full_len)

    # pred_expmap[:, 0:6] = 0
    # targ_expmap[:, 0:6] = 0
    pred_expmap = pred_expmap.view(-1, 3)
    targ_expmap = targ_expmap.view(-1, 3)

    pred_eul = data_utils.rotmat2euler_torch(
    pred_eul = pred_eul.view(-1, dim_full_len)

    targ_eul = data_utils.rotmat2euler_torch(
    targ_eul = targ_eul.view(-1, dim_full_len)
    mean_errors = torch.mean(torch.norm(pred_eul - targ_eul, 2, 1))

    return mean_errors
Esempio n. 23
def sen_loss(outputs, all_seq, dim_used, N):
    :param outputs: N * (seq_len*dim_used_len)
    :param all_seq: N * seq_len * dim_full_len
    :param input_n:
    :param dim_used:
    n, seq_len, dim_full_len =
    dim_used_len = len(dim_used)
    dim_used = np.array(dim_used)
    t = np.arange(1, N + 1, 1)
    A = chebyshev.chebvander(t, N - 1)
    A = Variable(torch.from_numpy(A)).float().cuda()
    predict =, outputs.view(-1, N).t())
    pred_expmap = predict.t().view(-1, dim_used_len, seq_len).permute(0, 2, 1)
    targ_expmap = all_seq.clone()[:, :, dim_used]

    loss = torch.mean(
        torch.sum(torch.abs(pred_expmap - targ_expmap), dim=2).view(-1))
    return loss
Esempio n. 24
def mpjpe_error(outputs, all_seq, input_n, dim_used, N):

    :param outputs:
    :param all_seq:
    :param input_n:
    :param dim_used:
    :param data_mean:
    :param data_std:

    n, seq_len, dim_full_len =  # batch, N, 99
    dim_used_len = len(dim_used)  # 48

    t = np.arange(1, N + 1, 1)
    A = chebyshev.chebvander(t, N - 1)
    A = Variable(torch.from_numpy(A)).float().cuda()
    outputs_t =, outputs.view(-1, N).transpose(0, 1))
    outputs_exp = outputs_t.transpose(0, 1).view(-1, dim_used_len,
                                                 seq_len).transpose(1, 2)

    pred_expmap = all_seq.clone()
    dim_used = np.array(dim_used)
    pred_expmap[:, :, dim_used] = outputs_exp
    pred_expmap = pred_expmap[:, input_n:, :].contiguous().view(
        -1, dim_full_len).clone()
    targ_expmap = all_seq[:, input_n:, :].clone().contiguous().view(
        -1, dim_full_len)

    pred_expmap[:, 0:6] = 0
    targ_expmap[:, 0:6] = 0

    targ_p3d = data_utils.expmap2xyz_torch(targ_expmap).view(-1, 3)

    pred_p3d = data_utils.expmap2xyz_torch(pred_expmap).view(-1, 3)
    mean_3d_err = torch.mean(torch.norm(targ_p3d - pred_p3d, 2, 1))

    return mean_3d_err
 def ValFun(x):
     scale = -1 + 2 * (x - θ_min) / (θ_max - θ_min)
     p_fun =, order - 1), c)
     return -p_fun
 def p_fun2(x):
     scale = -1 + 2 * (x[1] - θ_min) / (θ_max - θ_min)
     p_fun = - (u(x[0],mbar) \
         + self.β *, order - 1), c))
     return p_fun
    def solve_bellman(self,
        Continuous Method to solve the Bellman equation in section 25.3
        mbar = self.mbar

        # Utility and production functions
        uc = lambda c: np.log(c)
        uc_p = lambda c: 1 / c
        v = lambda m: 1 / 500 * (mbar * m - 0.5 * m**2)**0.5
        v_p = lambda m: 0.5 / 500 * (mbar * m - 0.5 * m**2)**(-0.5) * (mbar - m
        u = lambda h, m: uc(f(h, m)) + v(m)

        def f(h, m):
            x = m * (h - 1)
            f = 180 - (0.4 * x)**2
            return f

        def θ(h, m):
            x = m * (h - 1)
            θ = uc_p(f(h, m)) * (m + x)
            return θ

        # Bounds for Maximization
        lb1 = np.array([self.h_min, 0, θ_min])
        ub1 = np.array([self.h_max, self.mbar - 1e-5, θ_max])
        lb2 = np.array([self.h_min, θ_min])
        ub2 = np.array([self.h_max, θ_max])

        # Initialize Value Function coefficients
        # Calculate roots of Chebyshev polynomial
        k = np.linspace(order, 1, order)
        roots = np.cos((2 * k - 1) * np.pi / (2 * order))
        # Scale to approximation space
        s = θ_min + (roots - -1) / 2 * (θ_max - θ_min)
        # Create a basis matrix
        Φ = cheb.chebvander(roots, order - 1)
        c = np.zeros(Φ.shape[0])

        # Function to minimize and constraints
        def p_fun(x):
            scale = -1 + 2 * (x[2] - θ_min) / (θ_max - θ_min)
            p_fun = - (u(x[0], x[1]) \
                + self.β *, order - 1), c))
            return p_fun

        def p_fun2(x):
            scale = -1 + 2 * (x[1] - θ_min) / (θ_max - θ_min)
            p_fun = - (u(x[0],mbar) \
                + self.β *, order - 1), c))
            return p_fun

        cons1 = ({
            lambda x: uc_p(f(x[0], x[1])) * x[1] *
            (x[0] - 1) + v_p(x[1]) * x[1] + self.β * x[2] - θ
        }, {
            'type': 'eq',
            'fun': lambda x: uc_p(f(x[0], x[1])) * x[0] * x[1] - θ
        cons2 = ({
            lambda x: uc_p(f(x[0], mbar)) * mbar *
            (x[0] - 1) + v_p(mbar) * mbar + self.β * x[1] - θ
        }, {
            'type': 'eq',
            'fun': lambda x: uc_p(f(x[0], mbar)) * x[0] * mbar - θ

        bnds1 = np.concatenate([lb1.reshape(3, 1), ub1.reshape(3, 1)], axis=1)
        bnds2 = np.concatenate([lb2.reshape(2, 1), ub2.reshape(2, 1)], axis=1)

        # Bellman Iterations
        diff = 1
        iters = 1

        while diff > tol:
            # 1. Maximization, given value function guess
            p_iter1 = np.zeros(order)
            for i in range(order):
                θ = s[i]
                res = minimize(p_fun,
                               lb1 + (ub1 - lb1) / 2,
                if res.success == True:
                    p_iter1[i] = -p_fun(res.x)
                res = minimize(p_fun2,
                               lb2 + (ub2 - lb2) / 2,
                if -p_fun2(res.x) > p_iter1[i] and res.success == True:
                    p_iter1[i] = -p_fun2(res.x)

            # 2. Bellman updating of Value Function coefficients
            c1 = np.linalg.solve(Φ, p_iter1)
            # 3. Compute distance and update
            diff = np.linalg.norm(c - c1)
            if bool(disp == True):
            c = np.copy(c1)
            iters = iters + 1
            if iters > maxiters:
                    'Convergence failed after {} iterations'.format(maxiters))

        self.θ_grid = s
        self.p_iter = p_iter1
        self.Φ = Φ
        self.c = c
        print('Convergence achieved after {} iterations'.format(iters))

        # Check residuals
        θ_grid_fine = np.linspace(θ_min, θ_max, 100)
        resid_grid = np.zeros(100)
        p_grid = np.zeros(100)
        θ_prime_grid = np.zeros(100)
        m_grid = np.zeros(100)
        h_grid = np.zeros(100)
        for i in range(100):
            θ = θ_grid_fine[i]
            res = minimize(p_fun,
                           lb1 + (ub1 - lb1) / 2,
            if res.success == True:
                p = -p_fun(res.x)
                p_grid[i] = p
                θ_prime_grid[i] = res.x[2]
                h_grid[i] = res.x[0]
                m_grid[i] = res.x[1]
            res = minimize(p_fun2,
                           lb2 + (ub2 - lb2) / 2,
            if -p_fun2(res.x) > p and res.success == True:
                p = -p_fun2(res.x)
                p_grid[i] = p
                θ_prime_grid[i] = res.x[1]
                h_grid[i] = res.x[0]
                m_grid[i] = self.mbar
            scale = -1 + 2 * (θ - θ_min) / (θ_max - θ_min)
            resid_grid[i] =, order - 1), c) - p

        self.resid_grid = resid_grid
        self.θ_grid_fine = θ_grid_fine
        self.θ_prime_grid = θ_prime_grid
        self.m_grid = m_grid
        self.h_grid = h_grid
        self.p_grid = p_grid
        self.x_grid = m_grid * (h_grid - 1)

        # Simulate
        θ_series = np.zeros(31)
        m_series = np.zeros(30)
        h_series = np.zeros(30)

        # Find initial θ
        def ValFun(x):
            scale = -1 + 2 * (x - θ_min) / (θ_max - θ_min)
            p_fun =, order - 1), c)
            return -p_fun

        res = minimize(ValFun, (θ_min + θ_max) / 2, bounds=[(θ_min, θ_max)])
        θ_series[0] = res.x

        # Simulate
        for i in range(30):
            θ = θ_series[i]
            res = minimize(p_fun,
                           lb1 + (ub1 - lb1) / 2,
            if res.success == True:
                p = -p_fun(res.x)
                h_series[i] = res.x[0]
                m_series[i] = res.x[1]
                θ_series[i + 1] = res.x[2]
            res2 = minimize(p_fun2,
                            lb2 + (ub2 - lb2) / 2,
            if -p_fun2(res2.x) > p and res2.success == True:
                h_series[i] = res2.x[0]
                m_series[i] = self.mbar
                θ_series[i + 1] = res2.x[1]

        self.θ_series = θ_series
        self.m_series = m_series
        self.h_series = h_series
        self.x_series = m_series * (h_series - 1)
Esempio n. 28
def chebvander(x, deg) :
    from numpy.polynomial.chebyshev import chebvander
    return chebvander(x, deg)
Esempio n. 29
# Choices
banded = True
fast_transform = False

N = 20
k = np.arange(N - 2)
# Get points and weights for Chebyshev weighted integrals
points = n_cheb.chebpts2(N)[::-1]
weights = np.zeros((N)) + np.pi / (N - 1)
weights[0] /= 2
weights[-1] /= 2

# Note! N points in real space gives N-2 bases in spectral space

# Build Vandermonde matrix for Lobatto points and weights
V = n_cheb.chebvander(points, N - 3).T - n_cheb.chebvander(points, N - 1)[:, 2:].T

# Gauss-Chebyshev quadrature to compute rhs
fj = np.array([f.subs(x, j) for j in points], dtype=float)  # Get f on quad points

def fastChebScalar(fj):
    return dct(fj, 1) * np.pi / (2 * (len(fj) - 1))

def fastChebTrans(fj):
    cj = dct(fj, 1) / (len(fj) - 1)
    cj[0] /= 2
    cj[-1] /= 2
    return cj
Esempio n. 30
def chebyshev_interp(x, y):
    X = chebyshev.chebvander(x, len(x) - 1)
    return np.linalg.solve(X, y)
Esempio n. 31
 def init(self, N):
     """Vandermonde matrix is used just for verification"""
     self.points, self.weights = self.points_and_weights(N)
     # Build Vandermonde matrix.
     self.V = n_cheb.chebvander(self.points, N-1).T
fl = lambdify(x, f, "numpy")
ul = lambdify(x, u, "numpy")

n = 32
domain = sys.argv[-1] if len(sys.argv) == 2 else "C1"

# Chebyshev-Gauss nodes and weights
from spectralDNS.shen.shentransform import ChebyshevTransform
CT = ChebyshevTransform(quad="GL")
points, w = CT.points_and_weights(n+1, CT.quad)

#points, w = n_cheb.chebgauss(n+1)
#points = -points

# Chebyshev Vandermonde matrix
V = n_cheb.chebvander(points, n)

# First derivative matrix zero padded to (n+1)x(n+1)
D1 = np.zeros((n+1,n+1))
D1[:-1,:] = n_cheb.chebder(np.eye(n+1), 1, scl=scl)

# Second derivative matrix zero padded to (n+1)x(n+1)
D2 = np.zeros((n+1,n+1))
D2[:-2,:] = n_cheb.chebder(np.eye(n+1), 2, scl=scl)

Vx  =, D1)
Vxx =, D2)

# Matrix of trial functions
P = np.zeros((n+1,n+1))
Esempio n. 33
import numpy.polynomial.chebyshev as chebyshev
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as linalg

N = 20
x = np.arange(1, N + 1, 1)
A1 = A2 = chebyshev.chebvander(x, N - 1)
y1 = np.array([
y2 = np.array([
    0.3230213, 0.3259532, 0.3294488, 0.3234509, 0.3262547, 0.3266671,
Esempio n. 34
# Choices
banded = True
fast_transform = False

N = 20
k = np.arange(N-2)
# Get points and weights for Chebyshev weighted integrals
points = n_cheb.chebpts2(N)[::-1]
weights = np.zeros((N))+np.pi/(N-1)
weights[0] /= 2
weights[-1] /= 2

# Note! N points in real space gives N-2 bases in spectral space

# Build Vandermonde matrix for Lobatto points and weights
V = n_cheb.chebvander(points, N-3).T - n_cheb.chebvander(points, N-1)[:, 2:].T

# Gauss-Chebyshev quadrature to compute rhs
fj = np.array([f.subs(x, j) for j in points], dtype=float)     # Get f on quad points

def fastChebScalar(fj):
    return dct(fj, 1)*np.pi/(2*(len(fj)-1))

def fastChebTrans(fj):
    cj = dct(fj, 1)/(len(fj)-1)
    cj[0] /= 2
    cj[-1] /= 2
    return cj

def ifastChebTrans(fj):
    cj = 0.5*dct(fj, 1)
Esempio n. 35
 def vandermonde(self, x):
     return n_cheb.chebvander(x, self.N-1)
Esempio n. 36
fl = lambdify(x, f, "numpy")
ul = lambdify(x, u, "numpy")

n = 32
domain = sys.argv[-1] if len(sys.argv) == 2 else "C1"

# Chebyshev-Gauss nodes and weights
from spectralDNS.shen.shentransform import ChebyshevTransform
CT = ChebyshevTransform(quad="GL")
points, w = CT.points_and_weights(n + 1, CT.quad)

#points, w = n_cheb.chebgauss(n+1)
#points = -points

# Chebyshev Vandermonde matrix
V = n_cheb.chebvander(points, n)

scl = 1.0
# First derivative matrix zero padded to (n+1)x(n+1)
D1 = np.zeros((n + 1, n + 1))
D1[:-1, :] = n_cheb.chebder(np.eye(n + 1), 1, scl=scl)

# Second derivative matrix zero padded to (n+1)x(n+1)
D2 = np.zeros((n + 1, n + 1))
D2[:-2, :] = n_cheb.chebder(np.eye(n + 1), 2, scl=scl)

Vx =, D1)
Vxx =, D2)

# Matrix of trial functions
P = np.zeros((n + 1, n + 1))
Esempio n. 37
# Use sympy to compute a rhs, given an analytical solution
x = Symbol("x")
u = cos(np.pi * x)
f = u.diff(x, 2)

N = 50
k = np.arange(N - 2).astype(np.float)
# Get points and weights for Chebyshev weighted integrals
points = n_cheb.chebpts2(N)[::-1]
weights = np.zeros((N)) + np.pi / (N - 1)
weights[0] /= 2
weights[-1] /= 2

# Build Vandermonde matrix for Lobatto points and weights
V = n_cheb.chebvander(points, N - 3).T - (
    (k /
     (k + 2))**2)[:, np.newaxis] * n_cheb.chebvander(points, N - 1)[:, 2:].T
V = V[1:, :]  # Not using k=0

def fastShenTransNeumann(fj):
    """Fast Shen transform on cos(j*pi/N).
    cj = fastShenScalarNeumann(fj)
    ck = np.ones(N - 3)
    ck[-1] = 2  # Note not the first since basis phi_0 is not included
    a = np.ones(N - 5) * (-np.pi / 2) * (k[1:-2] / (k[1:-2] + 2))**2
    b = np.pi / 2 * (1 + (k[1:] / (k[1:] + 2))**4)
    c = a.copy()
    cj = TDMA.TDMA_1D(a, b, c, cj)
Esempio n. 38
                eph1957.evaluate('RAJ',m)/15., eph1957.evaluate('DECJ',m),
                int(m), m-int(m), 1, 0.)['frac']

        import matplotlib.pylab as plt
        #plt.plot(t.utc.mjd, delay-rf_delay-d_orb)
        plt.plot(t.utc.mjd, d_earth-rf_delay)
        #plt.plot(t.utc.mjd, (rv-rf_rv-v_orb)*

    if False:
        for utc, tdb1, tdb2 in zip(t.utc.mjd, t.tdb.jd1, t.tdb.jd2):
            rf_tdb = rf_ephem.utc_to_tdb(int(utc), utc-int(utc))['tdb']
            print utc, tdb, rf_tdb, tdb1-0.5-int(tdb1-0.5)+tdb2-rf_tdb
    if False:
        tdb = np.linspace(0.,1.,5)
        index = 10*np.ones(len(tdb),
        import numpy.polynomial.chebyshev as chebyshev
        coefficient_sets = jpleph.load('earthmoon')
        number_of_sets, axis_count, coefficient_count = coefficient_sets.shape
        coefficients = np.rollaxis(coefficient_sets[index], 1)

        T = np.empty((coefficient_count, len(tdb)))
        T[0] = 1.0
        T[1] = t1 = 2.0 * tdb - 1.0
        twot1 = t1 + t1
        for i in range(2, coefficient_count):
            T[i] = twot1 * T[i-1] - T[i-2]
        result = (T.T * coefficients).sum(axis=2)
        V = chebyshev.chebvander(t1, coefficient_count-1)
 def init(self, N):
     self.points, self.weights = self.points_and_weights(N)
     k  = self.wavenumbers(N)
     ak, bk = self.shenCoefficients(k, self.BC)
     # Build Vandermonde matrix. Note! N points in real space gives N-2 bases in spectral space
     self.V = n_cheb.chebvander(self.points, N-3).T + ak[:, np.newaxis]*n_cheb.chebvander(self.points, N-2)[:, 1:].T + bk[:, np.newaxis]*n_cheb.chebvander(self.points, N-1)[:, 2:].T
Esempio n. 40
# Use sympy to compute a rhs, given an analytical solution
x = Symbol("x")
u = cos(np.pi*x)
f = u.diff(x, 2) 

N = 50
k = np.arange(N-2).astype(np.float)
# Get points and weights for Chebyshev weighted integrals
points = n_cheb.chebpts2(N)[::-1]
weights = np.zeros((N))+np.pi/(N-1)
weights[0] /= 2
weights[-1] /= 2

# Build Vandermonde matrix for Lobatto points and weights
V = n_cheb.chebvander(points, N-3).T - ((k/(k+2))**2)[:, np.newaxis]*n_cheb.chebvander(points, N-1)[:, 2:].T
V = V[1:, :] # Not using k=0

def fastShenTransNeumann(fj):
    """Fast Shen transform on cos(j*pi/N).
    cj = fastShenScalarNeumann(fj)
    ck = np.ones(N-3); ck[-1] = 2 # Note not the first since basis phi_0 is not included
    a = np.ones(N-5)*(-np.pi/2)*(k[1:-2]/(k[1:-2]+2))**2
    b = np.pi/2*(1+(k[1:]/(k[1:]+2))**4)
    c = a.copy()
    cj = TDMA.TDMA_1D(a, b, c, cj)
    return cj

def ifastShenTransNeumann(fj):
    """Inverse fast Shen transform on cos(j*pi/N).
Esempio n. 41
 def init(self, N):
     """Vandermonde matrix is used just for verification"""
     self.points, self.weights = self.points_and_weights(N)
     # Build Vandermonde matrix. Note! N points in real space gives N-2 bases in spectral space
     self.V = n_cheb.chebvander(self.points, N-3).T - n_cheb.chebvander(self.points, N-1)[:, 2:].T
Esempio n. 42
def chebvander(x, deg):
    from numpy.polynomial.chebyshev import chebvander
    return chebvander(x, deg)
Esempio n. 43
 def init(self, N):
     self.points, self.weights = self.points_and_weights(N)
     k = self.wavenumbers(N)
     # Build Vandermonde matrix.
     self.V = n_cheb.chebvander(self.points, N-5).T - (2*(k+2)/(k+3))[:, np.newaxis]*n_cheb.chebvander(self.points, N-3)[:, 2:].T + ((k+1)/(k+3))[:, np.newaxis]*n_cheb.chebvander(self.points, N-1)[:, 4:].T