Esempio n. 1
    def get_free_energy_for_minimize(grid_points):
        Calculates total elastic energy for given radius and pressure.
        global free_energy_elastic_stretching, \
        free_energy_elastic_bending, \
        free_energy_elastic_tail, \
        free_energy_external, \
        u_coef = grid_points[:N_COEF_U]
        h_coef = grid_points[N_COEF_U:]
        u = Chebyshev(u_coef, domain=[0, radius])
        h = Chebyshev(h_coef, domain=[0, radius])
        r = Chebyshev([radius/2, radius/2], domain=[0, radius])
        dh_dr = h.deriv(m=1)
        d2h_dr2 = h.deriv(m=2)
        du_dr = u.deriv(m=1)
        current_volume = get_volume_from_h_coefs(h, radius)
        psi_str_to_integrate = \
        (du_dr ** 2 + du_dr * dh_dr ** 2 \
         + 0.25 * dh_dr ** 4 \
         + (u // r) ** 2) * r
        free_energy_elastic_stretching = np.pi * YOUNGS_MODULUS \
        * (psi_str_to_integrate.integ()(radius) \
           - psi_str_to_integrate.integ()(0.0))
        free_energy_elastic_tail = np.pi * YOUNGS_MODULUS * u(radius) ** 2
        psi_bend_to_integrate = \
        (d2h_dr2 ** 2 + (dh_dr // r) ** 2) * r
        free_energy_elastic_bending = RIGIDITY * np.pi \
        * (psi_bend_to_integrate.integ()(radius) \
           - psi_bend_to_integrate.integ()(0.0))
#        free_energy_elastic_bending = 0.0
        free_energy_external = -current_volume * pressure        

        return free_energy_elastic_stretching \
               + free_energy_elastic_bending \
               + free_energy_elastic_tail \
               + free_energy_external
Esempio n. 2
 def h_constraint(grid_points):
     Boundary condition h(r) = 0.
     h_coef = grid_points[N_COEF_U:]
     h = Chebyshev(h_coef, domain=[0, radius])    
     return h(radius)
Esempio n. 3
 def u_constraint_zero(grid_points):
     Boundary condition u(0) = 0.
     u_coef = grid_points[:N_COEF_U]
     u = Chebyshev(u_coef, domain=[0, radius])
     return u(0.0)
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self, n):
        self.x0 = (1 + np.arange(n)) / (n + 1)
        specs = []
        super(ChebyshevQuadrature, self).__init__(n, n, specs)

        cp = Chebyshev(1)
        self.T_all = [cp.basis(i + 1, domain=[0.0, 1.0]) for i in range(n)]
Esempio n. 5
def interpolate_cheb_from_col(cheb_column, bands, wave):
    bluest = np.min(bands)  #effective wavelength of bluest filter
    reddest = np.max(bands)  #effective wavelength of reddest filter
    if len(cheb_column) != len(wave):
            "wave must be an array with the same number of elements as cheb_column"
        funcs = {
            n: Chebyshev(cheb_column[n], domain=[bluest, reddest])
            for n in range(len(cheb_column))

        polynom = np.zeros(len(cheb_column))
        for i in range(len(cheb_column)):
            if cheb_column[i][0] != -99:
                polynom[i] = funcs[i](wave[i])
                if wave[i] >= reddest or wave[i] <= bluest:
                        "The wavelength at which you're interpolating the Chebyshev polynomial for index:"
                        + str(i) +
                        " is outside the wavelength range of the used bands")
                polynom[i] = -99

    return polynom
Esempio n. 6
 def h_constraint_der_zero(grid_points):
     Boundary condition h'(0) = 0.
     h_coef = grid_points[N_COEF_U:]
     h = Chebyshev(h_coef, domain=[0, radius])
     return h.deriv(m=1)(0.0)
Esempio n. 7
File: Progetto: shawsa/m565
def cheb_series(x):
    sum = 0
    alpha = np.sqrt(2) - 1
    coef = np.zeros(11 * 2 + 1)
    for i in range(11):
        coef[2 * i + 1] = 1
        sum += (-1)**i / (2 * i + 1) * alpha**(2 * i + 1) * Chebyshev(coef)(x)
        coef[2 * i + 1] = 0
    return 2 * sum
    def get_mode_cheb_coeffs(self, mode_index, cheb_order):
        Cheb coeffs of a mode.
        The projection process is performed on [0,1]^dim.

        import scipy.special as sps

        cheby_nodes, _, cheby_weights = \
            sps.chebyt(cheb_order).weights.T  # pylint: disable=E1136,E0633
        window = [0, 1]

        cheby_nodes = cheby_nodes * (window[1] -
                                     window[0]) / 2 + np.mean(window)
        cheby_weights = cheby_weights * (window[1] - window[0]) / 2

        mode = self.get_template_mode(mode_index)
        grid = np.meshgrid(*[cheby_nodes for d in range(self.dim)],
        mvals = mode(*grid)

        from numpy.polynomial.chebyshev import Chebyshev

        coef_scale = 2 * np.ones(cheb_order) / cheb_order
        coef_scale[0] /= 2
        basis_1d = np.array([
            Chebyshev(coef=_orthonormal(cheb_order, i),
                      domain=window)(cheby_nodes) for i in range(cheb_order)

        from itertools import product

        if self.dim == 1:
            basis_set = basis_1d

        elif self.dim == 2:
            basis_set = np.array([
                b1.reshape([cheb_order, 1]) * b2.reshape([1, cheb_order])
                for b1, b2 in product(*[basis_1d for d in range(self.dim)])

        elif self.dim == 3:
            basis_set = np.array([
                b1.reshape([cheb_order, 1, 1]) *
                b2.reshape([1, cheb_order, 1]) * b3.reshape([1, 1, cheb_order])
                for b1, b2, b3 in product(*[basis_1d for d in range(self.dim)])

        mode_cheb_coeffs = np.array([
            np.sum(mvals * basis) for basis in basis_set
        ]) * _self_tp(coef_scale, self.dim).reshape(-1)

        # purge small coeffs whose magnitude are less than 8 times machine epsilon
        mode_cheb_coeffs[np.abs(mode_cheb_coeffs) < 8 *
                         np.finfo(mode_cheb_coeffs.dtype).eps] = 0

        return mode_cheb_coeffs
Esempio n. 9
 def background(self, two_theta, intensities):
     n_deg = 5
     spline = Chebyshev(coef=np.ones((5,)))
     red_two_theta, red_intensities = self.remove_peaks(
         two_theta, self.smooth_data(intensities))
     # Fit the background using the reduced dataset
     spline =, red_intensities, n_deg)
     # Return the predicted background
     background = np.array(spline(two_theta))
     return background
Esempio n. 10
def get_volume_from_h_coefs(h, radius):
    Returns volum of the bubble.
    h is Chebyshev polynomial coefficients for shape.
    radius is radius in A.
    r = Chebyshev([radius/2, radius/2], domain=[0, radius])   
    pol_to_integrate = h * r
    return 2.0 * np.pi * (pol_to_integrate.integ()(radius) \
                          - pol_to_integrate.integ()(0.0))
Esempio n. 11
def chebyshev(coefs, time, domain):
    """Evaluate a Chebyshev Polynomial.

        coefs (list, np.array): Coefficients defining the polynomial
        time (int, float): Time where to evaluate the polynomial
        domain (list, tuple): Domain (or time interval) for which the polynomial is defined: [left, right]
    Reference: Appendix A in the MSG Level 1.5 Image Data Format Description.

    return Chebyshev(coefs, domain=domain)(time) - 0.5 * coefs[0]
Esempio n. 12
def interpolate_cheb(cheb, bands, wave):
    bluest = np.min(bands)  #effective wavelength of bluest filter
    reddest = np.max(bands)  #effective wavelength of reddest filter
    if wave[i] >= reddest or wave[i] <= bluest:
            "The wavelength at which you're interpolating the Chebyshev polynomial is outside the wavelength range of the used bands"

    func = Chebyshev(cheb,
                     domain=[bluest, reddest
                             ])  # This evaluates the Chebyshev polynomial
    return func(wave)
Esempio n. 13
def fit_func(f):
    fn = 'fits/%s/fit%s.fits' % (f, f)
    if os.path.exists(fn):
        r = {}
        d = pyfits.getdata('fits/%s/fit%s.fits' % (f, f), 'fit_info')[0]
        ref = d.field('refwlband')
        low = d.field('lowdwlband') + ref
        high = d.field('highdwlband') + ref
        d = pyfits.getdata('fits/%s/fit%s.fits' % (f, f), 'final_cheb')
        for n in d.names:
            r[n] = Chebyshev(d.field(n), (low, high))
        r = None
    return r
Esempio n. 14
def cheb_polys():
    resolution = 513
    X = np.linspace(-1, 1, resolution + 1)
    n = 6
    coeffs = np.zeros(n)
    ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1)
    for i in xrange(n):
        coeffs[i] = 1
        f = Chebyshev(coeffs)
        plt.plot(X, f(X), label="$T_" + str(i) + "$")
        coeffs[i] = 0
    plt.ylim((-1.2, 1.2))
    handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
    ax.legend(handles, labels, loc="upper right")
Esempio n. 15
def runge_plot():
    a, b = -1, 1
    resolution = 513
    runge = lambda x: 1 / (1 + 25 * x**2)
    X2 = np.linspace(a, b, resolution)
    ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1)
    plt.plot(X2, runge(X2), label="$\\frac{1}{1+25x^2}$")
    for order in [5, 10, 15, 25]:
        X = nodes(a, b, order)
        Y = runge(X)
        C = get_coefs(Y)
        f = Chebyshev(C)
        plt.plot(X2, f(X2), label="Order " + str(order))
    handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
    ax.legend(handles, labels, loc="upper right")
Esempio n. 16
    def roots(self):
        """Utilises Boyd's O(n^2) recursive subdivision algorithm.

        The chebfun
        is recursively subsampled until it is successfully represented to
        machine precision by a sequence of piecewise interpolants of degree
        100 or less. A colleague matrix eigenvalue solve is then applied to
        each of these pieces and the results are concatenated.
        J. P. Boyd, Computing zeros on a real interval through Chebyshev
        expansion and polynomial rootfinding, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 40
        (2002), pp. 1666–1682.
        if self.size() == 1:
            return np.array([])

        elif self.size() <= 100:
            ak = self.coefficients()
            v = np.zeros_like(ak[:-1])
            v[1] = 0.5
            C1 = toeplitz(v)
            C2 = np.zeros_like(C1)
            C1[0, 1] = 1.
            C2[-1, :] = ak[:-1]
            C = C1 - .5 / ak[-1] * C2
            eigenvalues = eigvals(C)
            roots = [
                eig.real for eig in eigenvalues if
                np.allclose(eig.imag, 0, atol=1e-10) and np.abs(eig.real) <= 1
            scaled_roots = self._ui_to_ab(np.array(roots))
            return scaled_roots
                # divide at a close-to-zero split-point
                split_point = self._ui_to_ab(0.0123456789)
                return np.concatenate(
                    (self.restrict([self._domain[0], split_point]).roots(),
                     self.restrict([split_point, self._domain[1]]).roots()))
                # Seems to have many fake roots for high degree fits
                coeffs = self.coefficients()
                domain = self._domain
                possibilities = Chebyshev(coeffs, domain).roots()
                return np.array(
                    [float(i.real) for i in possibilities if i.imag == 0.0])
Esempio n. 17
def cos_interp():
    a = -1
    b = 1
    order = 20
    resolution = 501
    X = nodes(a, b, resolution)
    F = lambda x: np.cos(x)
    A = F(X)
    cfs = get_coefs(A)
    print "number of coefficients for cos that are greater than 1E-14: ", (
        np.absolute(cfs) > 1E-14).sum()
    f = Chebyshev(cfs)
    X2 = np.linspace(a, b, resolution)
    ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1)
    plt.plot(X2, F(X2), label="$\\cos x$")
    plt.plot(X2, f(X2), label="Chebyshev Interpolant")
    handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
    ax.legend(handles, labels, loc="upper right")
Esempio n. 18
 def refine_background(self, scattering_lengths, intensities, s=None, k=4):
     """Fit a univariate spline to the background data.
     - scattering_lengths : Array of scattering vector lengths, q.
     - intensities : Array of intensity values at each q position
     - s : Smoothing factor passed to the spline. Default is
         the variance of the background.
     - k : Degree of the spline (default quartic spline).
     # Remove pre-indexed peaks for background fitting
     phase_list = self.phases + self.background_phases
     q, I = scattering_lengths, intensities
     for phase in phase_list:
         for reflection in phase.reflection_list:
             q, I = remove_peak_from_df(x=q, y=I, xrange=reflection.qrange)
     # Get an estimate for s from the non-peak data
     if s is None:
         s = np.std(I)
     # Smoothing for background fitting
     smoothI = savgol_filter(I, window_length=15, polyorder=5)
     # Determine a background line from the noise without peaks
     # self.spline = UnivariateSpline(
     #     x=q,
     #     y=I,
     #     s=s / 25,
     #     k=k,
     # )
     self.spline = Chebyshev(coef=np.ones((20,)))
     self.spline =, smoothI, 10)
     # background = self.spline.cast(scattering_lengths)
     # self.spline = splrep(q, I)
     # Extrapolate the background for the whole pattern
     # background = self.spline(scattering_lengths)
     background = self.spline(scattering_lengths)
     return background
Esempio n. 19
def crazy_interp():
    # This one takes a little time to run
    a = -1
    b = 1
    order = 100000
    resolution = 100001
    # Where to sample.
    X = nodes(a, b, order)
    F = lambda x: np.sin(1. / x) * np.sin(1. / np.sin(1. / x))
    A = F(X)
    cfs = get_coefs(A)
    print "The last 10 coeffients are: ", cfs[-10:]
    f = Chebyshev(cfs)
    # Sample values for plot.
    X2 = np.linspace(a, b, resolution)
    ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1)
    plt.plot(X2, f(X2), label="Chebyshev Interpolant")
             label="$\\sin\\frac{1}{x} \\sin\\frac{1}{\\sin\\frac{1}{x}}$")
    handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
    ax.legend(handles, labels, loc="upper right")
Esempio n. 20

def debye_fn(x):
    Evaluate the Debye function.  Takes the parameter
    xi = Debye_T/T
    sol = integrate.quad(lambda xi: pow(xi, 3.) / (np.exp(xi) - 1.), 0.0,
                         x)  # EQ B3
    return 3. * sol[0] / pow(x, 3.)

from numpy.polynomial.chebyshev import Chebyshev
chebyshev_representation = Chebyshev( [ 2.707737068327440945/2.0, 0.340068135211091751, -0.12945150184440869e-01, \
                                     0.7963755380173816e-03, -0.546360009590824e-04, 0.39243019598805e-05, \
                                    -0.2894032823539e-06, 0.217317613962e-07, -0.16542099950e-08, \
                                     0.1272796189e-09, -0.987963460e-11, 0.7725074e-12, -0.607797e-13, \
                                     0.48076e-14, -0.3820e-15, 0.305e-16, -0.24e-17] )
eps = np.finfo(np.float).eps
sqrt_eps = np.sqrt(np.finfo(np.float).eps)
log_eps = np.log(np.finfo(np.float).eps)

def debye_fn_cheb(x):
    Evaluate the Debye function using a Chebyshev series expansion coupled with 
    asymptotic solutions of the function.  Shamelessly adapted from the GSL implementation
    of the same function (Itself adapted from Collected Algorithms from ACM).  
    Should give the same result as debye_fn(x) to near machine-precision.
    val_infinity = 19.4818182068004875
Esempio n. 21
    def solve(
        n = self.n
        k = self.k

        if lambd is None:
            lambd = np.zeros(self.k)

        H = np.zeros(shape=(k, k))
        fpoly = None

        for i_step in range(self.n_steps):
            if fpoly is None:
                fvals = np.exp(
                cs = fit_cheby(fvals)
                fpoly = Chebyshev(cs)

            e_mu = np.array([
                for i in range(2*k)
            grad = e_mu[:k] - d_mus
            grad_norm = np.linalg.norm(grad)

            grad_norm_old = grad_norm
            Pval_old = e_mu[0] -

            if self.verbose:
                print("Step: {}, Grad: {}, P: {}".format(
                    i_step, grad_norm, Pval_old
            if grad_norm < self.grad_tol:

            for i in range(k):
                for j in range(k):
                    H[i, j] = (e_mu[i+j] + e_mu[abs(i-j)]) / 2
            step = -np.linalg.solve(H, grad)
            dfdx =

            stepScaleFactor = 1.0
            newX = lambd + stepScaleFactor * step
            alpha = .3
            beta = .25

            while True:
                fvals = np.exp(
                cs = fit_cheby(fvals)
                fpoly = np.polynomial.chebyshev.Chebyshev(cs)

                e_mu = np.array([
                    (fpoly * cb(i)).integ(lbnd=-1)(1)
                    for i in range(2 * k)
                grad = e_mu[:k] - d_mus
                grad_norm = np.linalg.norm(grad)

                Pval_new = fpoly.integ(lbnd=-1)(1) -
                delta_change = Pval_old + alpha * stepScaleFactor * dfdx - Pval_new

                # if (delta_change > -1e-6 and grad_norm < grad_norm_old) or stepScaleFactor < 1e-5:
                if (delta_change > -1e-6 or stepScaleFactor < 1e-5):
                    stepScaleFactor *= beta
                if self.verbose:
                    print("step: {}, delta: {}".format(stepScaleFactor, delta_change))
                newX = lambd + stepScaleFactor * step

            lambd = newX

        self.lambd = lambd
        self.f_poly = self.get_fpoly(lambd)
        self.cdf_poly = self.f_poly.integ(lbnd=-1)
Esempio n. 22
 def __init__(self, x0):
     super(ChebyshevQuadrature, self).__init__(11, 11, 2.799761e-03, x0)
     cp = Chebyshev(1)
     self.T_all = [cp.basis(i, domain=[0.0, 1.0]) for i in range(11)]
Esempio n. 23
        'input should be the wavelength value at which the polynomial will be evaluated'
        help='input should be comma separated wavelengths of the used bands')

    args = parser.parse_args()

    cheb = list(map(float, args.cheb.split(',')))
    cheb = [float(i) for i in cheb]

    bands = list(map(float, args.bands.split(',')))
    bands = [float(i) for i in bands]

    wave = list(map(float, args.wave))
    wave = [float(i) for i in wave]

    bluest = np.min(bands)  #effective wavelength of bluest filter
    reddest = np.max(bands)  #effective wavelength of reddest filter

    func = Chebyshev(cheb, domain=[bluest, reddest])
    polynom = np.zeros(len(wave))
    for i in range(len(wave)):
        polynom[i] = func(wave[i])  # This evaluates the Chebyshev polynomial
        print('At wavelength ' + str(wave[i]) + ' : ' + str(polynom[i]) + '\n')
Esempio n. 24
def minimize_for_pressure(radius, density, mass):
    For given radius and pressure calculates solution of equation
    of elastisity of membranes. Then extract Chebyshev's polynomial 
    coefficients. Pressure is evaluated from EOS.
    Returns volume, u and h coefficients. pressure deveoped by membrane, 
    density of trapped ssubstance, and mass.
    global count_iterations
    pressure = pressure_from_density(density)
    pressure_ev = pressure / 160217.66208
    get_free_energy_for_minimize = get_free_energy_wrapper(radius, 
#    print('{:>6} {:<20} {:<20} {:<20} {:<20} {:<20}'.format('Step',
#                                                            'Total',
#                                                            'Elastic str inside',
#                                                            'Elastic tail',
#                                                            'Elastic bend',
#                                                            '-PV'
#                                                            ))

    count_iterations = 1
    u_initial = np.zeros(N_COEF_U)
    h_initial = np.zeros(N_COEF_H)
    h_initial[0] = 5 / 8 * 0.15 * radius
    h_initial[1] = -0.15 * radius / 2
    h_initial[2] = -1 / 8 * 0.15 * radius
    h_constraint = h_constraint_wrapper(radius)
    h_constraint_der_zero = h_constraint_der_zero_wrapper(radius)
    u_constraint_zero = u_constraint_zero_wrapper(radius)
    cons = [{'type':'eq', 'fun': h_constraint},
            {'type':'eq', 'fun': h_constraint_der_zero},
            {'type':'eq', 'fun': u_constraint_zero}

    res_minimize = minimize(get_free_energy_for_minimize, 
                            np.append(u_initial, h_initial),
                            options={'disp' : True,
                                    'maxiter' : MAX_ITER_IN_OPTIMIZATOR,
    u_coef= res_minimize.x[:N_COEF_U]
    h_coef = res_minimize.x[N_COEF_U:]
    h = Chebyshev(h_coef, domain=[0, radius])
    print('H: {}, R: {}, H/R: {}'.format(h(0.0), radius, h(0.0) / radius))
    print('Volume: {}, pressure: {}, density: {}'.format(current_volume, 
    print('{:<14}: {}'.format('Mass', mass))
    print('{:<14}: {}'.format('Current mass', current_volume * density))
    print('Running time: {} seconds'.format(time.time() - start_time))
    return current_volume, u_coef, h_coef, pressure, density, \
           current_volume * density
Esempio n. 25
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial.chebyshev import Chebyshev, cheb2poly

mindeg, maxdeg = 0, 5

cmap = plt.get_cmap('rainbow')
colors = cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, maxdeg - mindeg + 1))

l = list(np.zeros(mindeg, int)) + [1]
xx = np.linspace(-1, 1, 100)
tx = 0.2
for i, col in zip(range(mindeg, maxdeg + 1), colors):
    c = Chebyshev(l)
    print('T({}) = {}'.format(i, cheb2poly(c.coef)))
    yy = [c(x) for x in xx]
    #col = colors.pop()
    plt.gcf().text(tx, 0.9, 'T({})'.format(i), color=col)
    tx += 0.1
    plt.plot(xx, yy, color=col)
    l.insert(0, 0)  # increment the degree
Esempio n. 26
 def _derivative(c, m):
     cheb = Chebyshev(c)
     dcheb = cheb.deriv(m=m)
     return dcheb.coef
Esempio n. 27
    def energy_for_radius(radius):
        Calculates total energy as sum of elastic energy, energy of 
        trapped substance and vdW energy.
        start_time = time.time()
        return_shapes = find_shapes_for_radius(mass, radius)
        if return_shapes == -1:
            return -1
        if return_shapes == -2:
            return -2
        u_coef, h_coef, pressure, density = return_shapes
        h = Chebyshev(h_coef, domain=[0, radius])
        volume = get_volume_from_h_coefs(h, radius)

        free_energy_fluid = get_fluid_energy(density, volume)
        free_energy_vdw = np.pi * radius ** 2 * 0.0175 \
                          - np.pi * radius ** 2 * gamma_gb(density) \
                          - get_surface_from_h_coefs(h, radius) * gamma_gb(density)
        total_elastic = free_energy_elastic_stretching \
                        + free_energy_elastic_bending \
                        + free_energy_elastic_tail
        total_energy = total_elastic + free_energy_fluid + free_energy_vdw
        print('{:<16}: {:<24}'.format('Elastic energy',
        print('{:<16}: {:<24}'.format('Fluid energy',
        print('{:<16}: {:<24}'.format('vdW energy',
        print('{:<16}: {:<24}'.format('Total energy',
        print('H: {}, R: {}, H/R: {}'.format(h(0.0), radius, h(0.0) / radius))
        print('Pressure: {}'.format(pressure))
        print('Density: {}'.format(density))
        print('Mass: {}'.format(mass))
        print('volume * density: {}'.format(density * current_volume))
        print('Running time: {} seconds'.format(time.time() - start_time))
        return total_energy, \
               free_energy_vdw, \
               free_energy_elastic_stretching, \
               free_energy_elastic_bending, \
               free_energy_elastic_tail, \
               free_energy_fluid, \
               u_coef, \
               h_coef, \
               current_volume, \
               density, \
               pressure, \
               radius, \
               h(0.0), \