Esempio n. 1
def decode_linear_code(c, g, syndrome_table):
    function to decode codeword encoded with linear_code

    c : list or np.ndarray
    g : numpy.Polynominal
        generator polynominal, used to create code_vector.
    syndrome_table : list of error_vectors
        if codeword contains an error, syndrome_table is used to correct wrong bit.


    q, r = divmod(Poly(c), g)
    q = np.r_[q.coef % 2, np.zeros(len(c) - len(q) - len(g) + 1)]
    r = np.r_[r.coef % 2, np.zeros(len(g) - len(r))]
    syndrome_index = np.sum([int(a * 2**i) for i, a in enumerate(r)])
    while syndrome_index > 0:
        c = c ^ syndrome_table[syndrome_index]
        q, r = divmod(Poly(c), g)
        q = np.r_[q.coef % 2, np.zeros(len(c) - len(q) - len(g) + 1)]
        r = np.r_[r.coef % 2, np.zeros(len(g) - len(r))]
        syndrome_index = np.sum([int(a * 2**i) for i, a in enumerate(r)])
    return np.array(q, dtype=int)
Esempio n. 2
 def move(self, x_new, y_new, z_new):
     move the crankshaft into the commanded node orientation
     :param x_new: float, new x coordinate of the crankshaft node
     :param y_new: float, new y coordinate of the crankshaft node
     :param z_new: float, new z coordinate of the crankshaft node
     self._node['x'] = x_new
     self._node['y'] = y_new
     self._node['z'] = z_new
     node_local = self._node_loc_local(
     )  # local x, y and z for the platform
     x = node_local['x']
     y = node_local['y']
     z = node_local['z']
     k_sq = self._crank.length**2 - self._link.length**2 + x**2 + y**2 + z**2
     a = 1 + (x / z)**2  # x^2 term
     b = -(k_sq * x) / (z**2)  # x term
     c = (k_sq / (2 * z))**2 - self._crank.length**2  # constant term
     c_local_x = Poly([c, b, a]).roots()[1]  # ax^2 + bx + c = 0
     if np.iscomplex(c_local_x):
         print("You cannot complete this move!")
         self.incompatible = True
         self.incompatible = False
     c_local_z = k_sq / (2 * z) - (c_local_x * x / z)
     self._crank.move({'x': c_local_x, 'z': c_local_z})
     self._connector = self._con_loc_global()
Esempio n. 3
def create_syndrome_table(n, g):
    create syndrome table for correcting errors in linear code

    n : int
        len of linear-code code_vector.
    g : numpy.Polinominal
        generator polynominal used by linear-code-encoder.

    list of error_vectors, one per syndrome. 
        get the corresponding error_vector by using the value represented by your syndrome as index of this list.

    zeros = np.zeros(n, dtype=int)
    syndrome_table = [0 for i in range(n + 1)]
    syndrome_table[0] = zeros  #when syndrome = 0, no bit-error to correct
    for i in range(n):
        faulty_vector = zeros.copy()
        faulty_vector[i] = 1
        q, r = divmod(Poly(faulty_vector), g)
        r = np.r_[r.coef % 2, np.zeros(len(g) - len(r))]
        index = np.sum([int(a * 2**i) for i, a in enumerate(r)])
        syndrome_table[index] = faulty_vector
    return np.array(syndrome_table)
Esempio n. 4
    def __read_file(self, bhm_out_name):
        """Read the file and fill relevant object variables"""

        with open(bhm_out_name, "r") as bhm_out:
            # skip initial comment lines
            while True:
                line = bhm_out.readline()
                if line[0] != '#': break

            order, n_pieces = np.fromstring(line, sep=" ")
            self._order = int(order)
            n_pieces = int(n_pieces)

            line = bhm_out.readline()
            self._knots = np.fromstring(line, sep=" ")
            if self._knots.size != n_pieces + 1:
                raise ValueError("Incorrect number of knots %d" %

            self._spline_pieces = []
            self._errorbar_pieces = []
            for i in range(0, n_pieces):
                header = bhm_out.readline()  # discarded

                line = bhm_out.readline()
                coeffs = np.fromstring(line, sep=" ")
                if coeffs.size != self._order + 1:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Spline piece #%d: incorrect number of coefficients %d"
                        % (i, coeffs.size))

                line = bhm_out.readline()
                # self._bar_coeff[i,:] = np.fromstring(line, sep=" ")
                bar_coeffs = np.fromstring(line, sep=" ")
                if bar_coeffs.size != 2 * self._order + 1:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Spline piece #%d: incorrect number of error bar coefficients %d"
                        % (i, bar_coeffs.size))

Esempio n. 5
    def findCurve(self):
        #self.evaluating = True

        gradient = self.getGradient()
        C0 = self.getC0()

        self._dynamic_ax.plot(gradient.get_xdata(), gradient.get_ydata())
        roots = self.getRoots(gradient)

        self._dynamic_ax.scatter(roots[0, :], roots[1, :])
        curveDegree = len(roots[0, :]) + 1
        start_Coefficients = np.ones(curveDegree)
        start_Coefficients[0] = C0
        polynom = Poly(start_Coefficients)

        prediction = polynom(self.dataPoints.get_xdata())

        self._dynamic_ax.plot(gradient.get_xdata(), prediction)

Esempio n. 6
 def __init__(self, coef, omega):
     self.h = Poly(coef) = omega
Esempio n. 7
        char=np.sum([b*2**i for i, b in enumerate(blocks[i])]) + \
            np.sum([b*2**(i+4) for i, b in enumerate(blocks[i+1])])
        string += chr(char)
    return string

if __name__ == '__main__':

    #shared attributes:
    n = 7
    k = 4
    t = 1

    #private key(s):
    g = Poly(
        [1, 1, 0, 1]
    )  #generator polynom for 7/4 linear code (from table, 1.0 + 1.0·x¹ + 0.0·x² + 1.0·x³)
    P_M = gen_perm_M(n)  #create permutation matrix
    G_M = create_linear_code_matrix(n, k, g)  #linear code generator matrix
    S_M, S_inv = create_rand_bin_M(k,
                                   True)  #random binary matrix and its inverse
    P_M_inv = P_M.T  #inverse permutation matrix

    syndrome_table = create_syndrome_table(n, g)  #part of linear-code decoder
    linear_code_decoder = lambda c: decode_linear_code(c, g, syndrome_table)

    #public key:
    pub_key = (P_M @ G_M @ S_M) % 2

    msg_tx = 'Hello World?'