def newModelAtRandom(data, P, K, featVar, latFeatVar, vocabPrior=VocabPrior, dtype=DTYPE): ''' Creates a new CtmModelState for the given training set and the given number of topics. Everything is instantiated purely at random. This contains all parameters independent of of the dataset (e.g. learnt priors) Param: data - the dataset of words, features and links of which only words and features are used in this model P - The size of the latent feature-space P << F K - the number of topics featVar - the prior variance of the feature-space: this is a scalar used to scale an identity matrix featVar - the prior variance of the latent feature-space: this is a scalar used to scale an identity matrix Return: A ModelState object ''' assert K > 1, "There must be at least two topics" base = newCtmModelAtRandom(data, K, vocabPrior, dtype) _,F = data.feats.shape Y = rd.random((K,P)).astype(dtype) * 50 R_Y = latFeatVar * np.eye(P,P, dtype=dtype) V = rd.random((P,F)).astype(dtype) * 50 A = R_A = featVar * np.eye(F,F, dtype=dtype) return ModelState(F, P, K, A, R_A, featVar, Y, R_Y, latFeatVar, V, base.sigT, base.vocab, base.vocabPrior, base.A, dtype, MODEL_NAME)
def PSO_global(self): _list = [rd.uniform(self.low_bound, self.up_bound, self.dimension) for x in range(0, self.particles_count, 1)] g_best = _list[0] position = _list vel = [] for x in position: if self.function(x) < self.function(g_best): g_best = x vel.append(rd.uniform(-(abs(self.up_bound - self.low_bound)), abs(self.up_bound -self. low_bound), self.dimension)) count = 0 while count < self.stop_case: for x in range(len(_list)): for y in xrange(self.dimension): r_g, r_p = rd.random(1), rd.random(1) vel[x][y] = self.w * vel[x][y] + self.especial_param_p * r_p * (position[x][y] - _list[x][y]) + self.especial_param_g \ * r_g * ( g_best[y] - _list[x][y]) _list[x] += vel[x] if self.function(_list[x]) < self.function(position[x]): position[x] = _list[x] if self.function(position[x]) < self.function(g_best): g_best = position[x] count += 1 return g_best
def spline_iterator(): from modules.sandSpline import SandSpline splines = [] for _ in range(30): guide = f(0.5,0.5) pnum = randint(15,100) a = random()*TWOPI + linspace(0, TWOPI, pnum) # a = linspace(0, TWOPI, pnum) path = column_stack((cos(a), sin(a))) * (0.1+random()*0.4) scale = arange(pnum).astype('float')*STP s = SandSpline( guide, path, INUM, scale ) splines.append(s) itt = 0 while True: for w, s in enumerate(splines): xy = next(s) itt += 1 yield itt, w, xy
def randimage(pertsize): a0 = random.random([3,3]) for iter in range(len(pertsize)): a0[0,:] = 0.0 a0[-1,:] = 0.0 a0[:,0] = 0.0 a0[:,-1] = 0.0 newsize = [a0.shape[0]*2-1, a0.shape[1]*2-1] p = random.random(newsize) - 0.5 # for i = 1:0 # p[2:2:end,:) = (p(1:2:end-1,:) + 2*p(2:2:end,:) + p(3:2:end,:)) / 4 a = zeros(newsize) a[0::2, 0::2] = a0 a[0::2, 1::2] = (a[0::2, 0:-1:2] + a[0::2, 2::2]) / 2.0 a[1::2, 0::2] = (a[0:-1:2, 0::2] + a[2::2, 0::2]) / 2.0 a[1::2, 1::2] = (a[1::2, 0:-1:2] + a[1::2, 2::2]) / 2.0 a = a + p * 0.5**iter * pertsize[iter] a[0::2, 0::2] = a0 a0 = a a = (a - a.min()) / (a.max() - a.min()) return a
def _create_plot_component(): # Create some data numpts = 5000 x = sort(random(numpts)) y = random(numpts) # Create a plot data obect and give it this data pd = ArrayPlotData() pd.set_data("index", x) pd.set_data("value", y) # Create the plot plot = Plot(pd) plot.plot(("index", "value"), type="scatter", marker="circle", index_sort="ascending", color="orange", marker_size=3, bgcolor="white") # Tweak some of the plot properties plot.title = "Scatter Plot" plot.line_width = 0.5 plot.padding = 50 # Attach some tools to the plot, constrain_key="shift")) zoom = ZoomTool(component=plot, tool_mode="box", always_on=False) plot.overlays.append(zoom) return plot
def polynomial_mutation(problem, individual, configuration): from numpy.random import random eta_m_ = configuration["NSGAIII"]["ETA_M_DEFAULT_"] distributionIndex_ = eta_m_ output = jmoo_individual(problem, individual.decisionValues) probability = 1/len(problem.decisions) for var in xrange(len(problem.decisions)): if random() <= probability: y = individual.decisionValues[var] yU = problem.decisions[var].up yL = problem.decisions[var].low delta1 = (y - yL)/(yU - yL) delta2 = (yU - y)/(yU - yL) rnd = random() mut_pow = 1.0/(eta_m_ + 1.0) if rnd < 0.5: xy = 1.0 - delta1 val = 2.0 * rnd + (1 - 2 * rnd) * (xy ** (distributionIndex_ + 1.0)) deltaq = val ** mut_pow - 1 else: xy = 1.0 - delta2 val = 2.0 * (1.0-rnd) + 2.0 * (rnd-0.5) * (xy ** (distributionIndex_+1.0)) deltaq = 1.0 - (val ** mut_pow) y += deltaq * (yU - yL) if y < yL: y = yL if y > yU: y = yU output.decisionValues[var] = y return output
def _create_plot_component(): pd = ArrayPlotData(x=random(100), y=random(100)) # Create some line plots of some of the data plot = Plot(pd) # Create a scatter plot and get a reference to it (separate from the # Plot object) because we'll need it for the regression tool below. scatterplot = plot.plot(("x", "y"), color="blue", type="scatter")[0] # Tweak some of the plot properties plot.padding = 50 # Attach some tools to the plot, drag_button="right")) plot.overlays.append(ZoomTool(plot)) # Add the regression tool and overlay. These need to be added # directly to the scatterplot instance (and not the Plot instance). regression = RegressionLasso(scatterplot, selection_datasource=scatterplot.index) scatterplot.overlays.append(RegressionOverlay(scatterplot, lasso_selection=regression)) return plot
def test_hfft(self): x = random(14) + 1j*random(14) x_herm = np.concatenate((random(1), x, random(1))) x = np.concatenate((x_herm, x[::-1].conj())) assert_array_almost_equal(np.fft.fft(x), np.fft.hfft(x_herm)) assert_array_almost_equal(np.fft.hfft(x_herm) / np.sqrt(30), np.fft.hfft(x_herm, norm="ortho"))
def test_ifftn(self): x = random((30, 20, 10)) + 1j*random((30, 20, 10)) assert_array_almost_equal( np.fft.ifft(np.fft.ifft(np.fft.ifft(x, axis=2), axis=1), axis=0), np.fft.ifftn(x)) assert_array_almost_equal(np.fft.ifftn(x) * np.sqrt(30 * 20 * 10), np.fft.ifftn(x, norm="ortho"))
def _create_plot_component(): # Create some data numpts = 400 x = sort(random(numpts)) y = random(numpts) xs = ArrayDataSource(x, sort_order='ascending') ys = ArrayDataSource(y) vectorlen = 15 vectors = array((random(numpts)*vectorlen,random(numpts)*vectorlen)).T vector_ds = MultiArrayDataSource(vectors) xrange = DataRange1D() xrange.add(xs) yrange = DataRange1D() yrange.add(ys) quiverplot = QuiverPlot(index = xs, value = ys, vectors = vector_ds, index_mapper = LinearMapper(range=xrange), value_mapper = LinearMapper(range=yrange), bgcolor = "white") add_default_axes(quiverplot) add_default_grids(quiverplot) # Attach some tools to the plot, constrain_key="shift")) zoom = ZoomTool(quiverplot) quiverplot.overlays.append(zoom) container = OverlayPlotContainer(quiverplot, padding=50) return container
def test_toeplitz_real_sym(self): src = random(50) - 0.5 rsp = random(50) - 0.5 toep = scipy.linalg.toeplitz(src) x =, rsp) # compare to scipy.linalg x2 = rf.deconvolve._toeplitz_real_sym(src, rsp) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(x, x2, decimal=3)
def wrap(render): global np_coords global np_vert_coords global grains ## if fn is a path each image will be saved to that path if not render.steps%3: f = else: f = None grains += (-1)**floor(2*random()) print(grains) if grains<0: grains = 0 res = steps(DF) render.set_front(FRONT) coord_num = DF.np_get_edges_coordinates(np_coords) sandstroke(render,np_coords[:coord_num,:],grains,f) if not random()<0.1: vert_num = DF.np_get_vert_coordinates(np_vert_coords) dots(render,np_vert_coords[:vert_num,:],None) return res
def newQueryState(data, modelState, withLdaTopics=None): ''' Creates a new CTM Query state object. This contains all parameters and random variables tied to individual datapoints. Param: data - the dataset of words, features and links of which only words are used in this model modelState - the model state object withLdaQuery - if not null, this is used to instantiate the initial topics. IT IS ALSO USED TO MUTATE THE MODEL REturn: A CtmQueryState object ''' if INIT_WITH_CTM: return _newQueryStateFromCtm(data, modelState) elif withLdaTopics is not None: return _newQueryStateFromLda(data, modelState, withLdaTopics) K, vocab, dtype = modelState.K, modelState.vocab, modelState.dtype D,T = data.words.shape assert T == vocab.shape[1], "The number of terms in the document-term matrix (" + str(T) + ") differs from that in the model-states vocabulary parameter " + str(vocab.shape[1]) docLens = np.squeeze(np.asarray(data.words.sum(axis=1))) outMeans = normalizerows_ip(rd.random((D,K)).astype(dtype)) outVarcs = np.ones((D,K), dtype=dtype) inMeans = normalizerows_ip(outMeans + 0.1 * rd.random((D,K)).astype(dtype)) inVarcs = np.ones((D,K), dtype=dtype) inDocCov = np.ones((D,), dtype=dtype) return QueryState(outMeans, outVarcs, inMeans, inVarcs, inDocCov, docLens)
def push_back_students(self): more_pushing = True students_to_kick = {} while more_pushing: more_pushing = False self.sorted_section_indices.sort(key = lambda sec_ind: -self.section_capacities[sec_ind]) for sec_ind in self.sorted_section_indices: students_to_push = numpy.transpose(numpy.nonzero((self.enroll_orig[:, sec_ind, self.section_schedules[sec_ind,:]].any(axis=1) * (True - self.enroll_final[:,:,self.section_schedules[sec_ind,:]].any(axis=(1,2)))))) more_pushing |= bool(len(students_to_push)) for student_ind in students_to_push: self.enroll_final[student_ind, sec_ind, self.section_schedules[sec_ind,:]] = True if self.section_capacities[sec_ind] > 0: self.section_capacities[sec_ind] -= 1 else: if not sec_ind in students_to_kick.keys(): students_to_kick[sec_ind] = numpy.transpose(numpy.nonzero((self.enroll_final*self.request)[:, sec_ind, self.section_schedules[sec_ind,:]].any(axis=1))) pq = Queue.PriorityQueue() random.shuffle(students_to_kick[sec_ind]) for [student] in students_to_kick[sec_ind]: old_sections = numpy.transpose(numpy.nonzero(self.enroll_orig[student, :, self.section_schedules[sec_ind,:]].any(axis=1))) if not len(old_sections): pq.put((0, random.random(), student), False) for [old_section] in old_sections: pq.put((self.section_scores[old_section], random.random(), student), False) students_to_kick[sec_ind] = pq try: self.enroll_final[students_to_kick[sec_ind].get(False)[2], sec_ind, self.section_schedules[sec_ind,:]] = False except Queue.Empty: pass
def ConnectIzhikevichNetworkLayers(CIJ, NExcitoryLayer, NInhibitoryLayer): Dmax = 20 # Maximum Delay network = IzNetwork([NExcitoryLayer, NInhibitoryLayer], Dmax) NTotalNeurons = NExcitoryLayer + NInhibitoryLayer # Set neuron parameters for excitory layer rand = rn.rand(NExcitoryLayer) network.layer[0].N = NExcitoryLayer network.layer[0].a = 0.02 * np.ones(NExcitoryLayer) network.layer[0].b = 0.20 * np.ones(NExcitoryLayer) network.layer[0].c = -65 + 15*(rand**2) network.layer[0].d = 8 - 6*(rand**2) ## Factor and delay network.layer[0].factor[0] = 17 network.layer[0].factor[1] = 2 network.layer[0].delay[0] = rn.randint(1,21,size=[NExcitoryLayer,NExcitoryLayer]) network.layer[0].delay[1] = np.ones([NExcitoryLayer, NInhibitoryLayer]) ## Connectivity matrix (synaptic weights) # layer[i].S[j] is the connectivity matrix from layer j to layer i # S(i,j) is the strength of the connection from neuron j to neuron i # excitory-to-excitory synaptic weights network.layer[0].S[0] = CIJ[0] # inhibtory-to-excitory synaptic weights network.layer[0].S[1] = CIJ[1] # inhibtory-to-excitory weights rand_array = -1 * rn.random(NInhibitoryLayer*NExcitoryLayer).reshape(NExcitoryLayer,NInhibitoryLayer) network.layer[0].S[1] = np.multiply(network.layer[0].S[1],rand_array) # Set neuron parameters for inhibitory layer rand = rn.rand(NInhibitoryLayer) network.layer[1].N = NInhibitoryLayer network.layer[1].a = 0.02 + 0.08*rand network.layer[1].b = 0.25 - 0.05*rand network.layer[1].c = -65 * np.ones(NInhibitoryLayer) network.layer[1].d = 2 * np.ones(NInhibitoryLayer) ## Factor and delay network.layer[1].factor[0] = 50 network.layer[1].factor[1] = 1 network.layer[1].delay[0] = np.ones([NInhibitoryLayer, NExcitoryLayer]) network.layer[1].delay[1] = np.ones([NInhibitoryLayer, NInhibitoryLayer]) ## Connectivity matrix (synaptic weights) # layer[i].S[j] is the connectivity matrix from layer j to layer i # S(i,j) is the strength of the connection from neuron j to neuron i # excitory-to-inhibtory synaptic weights network.layer[1].S[0] = CIJ[2] # inhibtory-to-excitory synaptic weights network.layer[1].S[1] = CIJ[3] # excitory-to-inhibtory weights rand_array = rn.random(NInhibitoryLayer*NExcitoryLayer).reshape(NInhibitoryLayer,NExcitoryLayer) network.layer[1].S[0] = np.multiply(network.layer[1].S[0],rand_array) # inhibtory-to-inhibtory weights rand_array = -1 * rn.random(NInhibitoryLayer*NInhibitoryLayer).reshape(NInhibitoryLayer,NInhibitoryLayer) network.layer[1].S[1] = np.multiply(network.layer[1].S[1],rand_array) return(network)
def prob4(): result = np.array([]) full_data = np.array([]) n = 5000 data = = r.random((n, 2)) * 2 - 1 y = np.sin(data * np.pi) for i in range(5000): d = np.mat(r.random(2) * 2 - 1) full_data = np.append(full_data, d) d = d.T y = np.sin(d * np.pi) #print(y) a = np.linalg.inv(d.T * d) * d.T * y result = np.append(result, a) #print(a) #print(result) gbar = np.mean(result) var_array = np.array([]) for i, d in enumerate(np.array_split(full_data, 5000)): y = result[i] dvar = np.mean((d * y - d * gbar) ** 2) var_array = np.append(var_array, dvar) expected_bias = np.mean((gbar * full_data - np.sin(full_data * np.pi)) ** 2) expected_var = np.mean(var_array) print("bias {} var {} gbar {}".format(expected_bias,expected_var, gbar))
def sample1d(self, nrand): """ Get random |g| from the 1d distribution parameters ---------- nrand: int Number to generate """ if not hasattr(self,'maxval1d'): self.set_maxval1d() g = zeros(nrand) ngood=0 nleft=nrand while ngood < nrand: # generate total g**2 in [0,1) grand = random.random(nleft) # now finally the height from [0,maxval) h = self.maxval1d*random.random(nleft) pvals = self.prior1d(grand) w,=where(h < pvals) if w.size > 0: g[ngood:ngood+w.size] = grand[w] ngood += w.size nleft -= w.size return g
def test_random_overdet(self): for dtype in REAL_DTYPES: for (n,m) in ((20,15), (200,2)): for lapack_driver in TestLstsq.lapack_drivers: for overwrite in (True, False): a = np.asarray(random([n,m]), dtype=dtype) for i in range(m): a[i,i] = 20 * (0.1 + a[i,i]) for i in range(4): b = np.asarray(random([n,3]), dtype=dtype) # Store values in case they are overwritten later a1 = a.copy() b1 = b.copy() try: out = lstsq(a1, b1, lapack_driver=lapack_driver, overwrite_a=overwrite, overwrite_b=overwrite) except LstsqLapackError: if lapack_driver is None: mesg = ('LstsqLapackError raised with ' 'lapack_driver being None.') raise AssertionError(mesg) else: # can't proceed, skip to the next iteration continue x = out[0] r = out[2] assert_(r == m, 'expected efficient rank %s, got ' '%s' % (m, r)) assert_allclose(x, direct_lstsq(a, b, cmplx=0), rtol=25 * _eps_cast(a1.dtype), atol=25 * _eps_cast(a1.dtype), err_msg="driver: %s" % lapack_driver)
def test_random_complex_overdet(self): for dtype in COMPLEX_DTYPES: for (n, m) in ((20, 15), (200, 2)): for lapack_driver in TestLstsq.lapack_drivers: for overwrite in (True, False): a = np.asarray(random([n, m]) + 1j*random([n, m]), dtype=dtype) for i in range(m): a[i, i] = 20 * (0.1 + a[i, i]) for i in range(2): b = np.asarray(random([n, 3]), dtype=dtype) # Store values in case they are overwritten # later a1 = a.copy() b1 = b.copy() out = lstsq(a1, b1, lapack_driver=lapack_driver, overwrite_a=overwrite, overwrite_b=overwrite) x = out[0] r = out[2] assert_(r == m, 'expected efficient rank %s, got ' '%s' % (m, r)) assert_allclose(x, direct_lstsq(a, b, cmplx=1), rtol=25 * _eps_cast(a1.dtype), atol=25 * _eps_cast(a1.dtype), err_msg="driver: %s" % lapack_driver)
def __init__(self): self.NUM_CIRCLES = 4 lux.register(Parameter( name = "simple_rate", description = "0..1 controls the rate of spinning cubes", default_value = 1.0 )) self.scale = 2.0 self.max_segments = 20 #tweak according to openlase calibration parameters; too high can cause ol to crash self.max_cycles = 2 # set high (~50) for maximum glitch factor self.time_scale = 0.4 self.R = 0.25 # big steps self.R_frequency = 1/100 self.r = 0.08 # little steps self.r_frequency = 1/370 self.p = 0.5 # size of the ring self.p_frequency = 1/2000 self.color_time_frequency = 1/10 self.color_length_frequency = 0 #3/240 #set to 0 to calibrate color self.color_angle_frequency = 0.1 self.spatial_resonance = 3 #ok why is this 5 and not 4? self.spatial_resonance_amplitude = 0.1 self.spatial_resonance_offset = 0.25 self.color_phases = random(self.NUM_CIRCLES)*6 self.z_rotations = random(self.NUM_CIRCLES) * 0.22 self.y_rotations = random(self.NUM_CIRCLES) * 0.24 self.x_rotations = random(self.NUM_CIRCLES) * 0.33 self.r_prime = 3 #37 self.g_prime = 2 #23 self.b_prime = 1 #128 self.scale = 2 self.width = self.scale self.height = self.scale self.bass = 1 # plz hack this to do fft power binning kthx
def test_random_complex_exact(self): for dtype in COMPLEX_DTYPES: for n in (20, 200): for lapack_driver in TestLstsq.lapack_drivers: for overwrite in (True, False): a = np.asarray(random([n, n]) + 1j*random([n, n]), dtype=dtype) for i in range(n): a[i, i] = 20 * (0.1 + a[i, i]) for i in range(2): b = np.asarray(random([n, 3]), dtype=dtype) # Store values in case they are overwritten later a1 = a.copy() b1 = b.copy() out = lstsq(a1, b1, lapack_driver=lapack_driver, overwrite_a=overwrite, overwrite_b=overwrite) x = out[0] r = out[2] assert_(r == n, 'expected efficient rank %s, got ' '%s' % (n, r)) if dtype is np.complex64: assert_allclose(dot(a, x), b, rtol=400 * _eps_cast(a1.dtype), atol=400 * _eps_cast(a1.dtype), err_msg="driver: %s" % lapack_driver) else: assert_allclose(dot(a, x), b, rtol=1000 * _eps_cast(a1.dtype), atol=1000 * _eps_cast(a1.dtype), err_msg="driver: %s" % lapack_driver)
def sandstroke_orthogonal(self,xys,height=None,steps=10,grains=10): pix = self.pix rectangle = self.ctx.rectangle fill = self.ctx.fill if not height: height = pix*10 dx = xys[:,2] - xys[:,0] dy = xys[:,3] - xys[:,1] aa = arctan2(dy,dx) directions = column_stack([cos(aa),sin(aa)]) dd = sqrt(square(dx)+square(dy)) aa_orth = aa + pi*0.5 directions_orth = column_stack([cos(aa_orth),sin(aa_orth)]) for i,d in enumerate(dd): xy_start = xys[i,:2] + \ directions[i,:]*random((steps,1))*d for xy in xy_start: points = xy + \ directions_orth[i,:]*random((grains,1))*height for x,y in points: rectangle(x,y,pix,pix) fill()
def __init__(self): self.big_geoip_noise_fraction = 0.2 self.big_geoip_noise_distance = 10 self.wifi_fraction = 0.10 self.wifi_latency_mu = 10 self.wifi_latency_sigma = 200 self.wifi_granurality = 18 self.max_normal_wifi_latency = 900 self.router_router_speed = 7.5e4 self.peer_router_speed = 2.0e3 self.wi_latency_mu = 5 self.wi_latency_sigma = 10 self.isp_number = 7 self.end_router_per_isp = 2000 #self.global_router_number = 1000 self.end_router_map = numpy.zeros([self.isp_number * self.end_router_per_isp,self.isp_number * self.end_router_per_isp]) self.router_coordinates = [] for _ in xrange(self.isp_number * self.end_router_per_isp): lat_ = 180 * random.random() - 90 long_ = 360 * random.random() -180 self.router_coordinates.append((lat_,long_))
def spawn(self, ratio, age=None): num = self.num self.potential[:num,0] = self.tmp[:num,0]<self.max_capacity inds = self.potential[:num,0].nonzero()[0] if age is not None: mask = self.age[inds,0]>self.itt-age inds = inds[mask] selected = inds[random(len(inds))<ratio] new_num = len(selected) if new_num>0: new_xy = self.xy[selected,:] theta = random(new_num)*TWOPI offset = column_stack([cos(theta), sin(theta)])*self.node_rad*0.5 self.xy[num:num+new_num,:] = new_xy+offset self.num += new_num self.age[num:num+new_num] = self.itt if age is not None: self.decay(age) return 0
def sample_sphere3d(radius=1., n_samples=1): """ Sample points from 3D sphere. @param radius: radius of the sphere @type radius: float @param n_samples: number of samples to return @type n_samples: int @return: n_samples times random cartesian coordinates inside the sphere @rtype: numpy array """ from numpy.random import random from numpy import arccos, transpose, cos, sin, pi, power r = radius * power(random(n_samples), 1 / 3.) theta = arccos(2. * (random(n_samples) - 0.5)) phi = 2 * pi * random(n_samples) x = cos(phi) * sin(theta) * r y = sin(phi) * sin(theta) * r z = cos(theta) * r return transpose([x, y, z])
def init_params(K, L, M, N, X1, X2, no_obs, train_I, train_J): # TO DO : need a way to make initialization of sigma in such a way that in the beginning not too much of r gets even out because of this or gets neglected # (update r log exp problem) alphas = [random(K,),random(L,)] alphas[0] = alphas[0]/np.sum(alphas[0]) alphas[1] = alphas[1]/np.sum(alphas[1]) gammas = [randint(low = 50, high = 500, size = (M,K)) + random((M,K)), randint(low = 1.46, high = 3, size = (N,L)) + random((N,L))] beta_shape = (K,L,1 + X1.shape[1] + X2.shape[1]) sigmaY_shape = (K,L) #randint(low = -1, high = 1, size = beta_shape) + betas = [random(beta_shape), randint(low = 10, high = 50, size = sigmaY_shape) + random(sigmaY_shape)] r1 = dirichlet(alphas[0], no_obs) r1[r1<1e-4] = 1e-4 #r1[r1>0.99] = 0.9 r2 = dirichlet(alphas[1], no_obs) r2[r2<1e-6] = 1e-6 #r2[r2>0.9] = 0.9 r = [r1,r2] ones = np.ones((len(train_I),)) mu = sp.csr_matrix((ones, (train_I,train_J)), shape=(M,N)).sum(1) mv = sp.csr_matrix((ones, (train_I,train_J)), shape=(M,N)).sum(0) mu[mu<1] = 1 mv[mv<1] = 1 for k in range(K): gammas[0][:,k] = alphas[0][k] + np.array(np.divide(sp.csr_matrix((r1[:,k],(train_I,train_J)),shape=(M,N)).sum(1),mu).flatten())[0] # M x K for l in range(L): gammas[1][:,l] = alphas[1][l] + np.array(np.divide(sp.csr_matrix((r2[:,l],(train_I,train_J)),shape=(M,N)).sum(0),mv).transpose().flatten())[0] # N x L return alphas, gammas, betas, r
def second_try(size, nbcolors, board, solution): indices1 = board[0][1] essai1 = board[0][0] essai2 = [-1] * size noirs = indices1.count(2) blancs = indices1.count(1) for i in xrange(noirs): essai2[i] = essai1[i] for i in xrange(noirs, noirs + blancs): if i + 1 > (size - 1): next_indice = noirs else: next_indice = i + 1 essai2[next_indice] = essai1[i] for a in essai2: if a == -1: if size < nbcolors: essai2[essai2.index(a)] = int((nbcolors - size) * random.random() + size + 1) else: essai2[essai2.index(a)] = int((nbcolors - 1) * random.random() + 1) indices2 = generate_indices(size, nbcolors, essai2, solution) return [essai2, indices2];
def next_generation(self): # limit selection to best fraction of pop survivor_count = int(self.survival_rate * self.pop_size) self.population = self.population[:survivor_count] # get elite and remove from old population new_pop = [self.population.pop(0)] ind_generator = self.selector(self.population) # ind_generator = tournament_selector(self.population) while len(new_pop) < self.pop_size: pa = ma = if nprand.random() < self.xover_rate: # get it on! new_ind = crossover(pa, ma) else: # insert ma or pa, unmodified if nprand.rand() < .5: new_ind = pa else: new_ind = ma if nprand.random() < self.mut_rate: # mutate new individual new_ind = mutate(new_ind) new_pop.append(new_ind) #steady_state_reinserter(new_ind, self.population, new_pop) # update population to new generation self.population = new_pop
def __init__(self,X,k=20): ''''' k is the length of vector ''' self.X=np.array(X) self.k=k self.ave=np.mean(self.X[:,2]) print "the input data size is ",self.X.shape{} self.bu={} self.qi={} self.pu={} self.movie_user={} self.user_movie={} for i in range(self.X.shape[0]): uid=self.X[i][0] mid=self.X[i][1] rat=self.X[i][2] self.movie_user.setdefault(mid,{}) self.user_movie.setdefault(uid,{}) self.movie_user[mid][uid]=rat self.user_movie[uid][mid]=rat,0) self.bu.setdefault(uid,0) self.qi.setdefault(mid,random((self.k,1))/10*(np.sqrt(self.k))) self.pu.setdefault(uid,random((self.k,1))/10*(np.sqrt(self.k)))
def _mapCols(e, params): from numpy import random from disco.core import Params m, n = params.m, params.n output = [] if n > 0: elems = e.split(",") l = range(0, m) random.shuffle(l) for elem in elems: retVal = [] j = int(elem) nnz = m * (1.0 - params.sparsity) stepSize = int(m / nnz) k = int(random.random() * (m % nnz)) while k<m: i = l[k] k += stepSize val = + ( * random.random() retVal.append("%d,%d,%.14f" % (i,j,val)) # break output into tuples so reduce can distribute the load if len(retVal) > 1000: output += [(";".join(retVal), "")] retVal = [] if len(retVal) > 0: output += [(";".join(retVal), "")] return output
#print(audData) #for p in audData: print p[0] signalOne = [] signalTwo = [] signalThree = [] signalFour = [] for x in range(5000, 8000): #print audData[x][0] signalOne.append(audDataOne[x][0]) signalTwo.append(audDataTwo[x][0]) signalThree.append(audDataThree[x][0]) signalFour.append(audDataFour[x][0]) #training_set_inputs = array([[0, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1]]) training_set_inputs = array([signalOne, signalTwo, signalFour]) training_set_outputs = array([[1, 0, 1]]).T random.seed(1) synaptic_weights = 2 * random.random((3000, 1)) - 1 for iteration in xrange(10000): output = 1 / (1 + exp(-(dot(training_set_inputs, synaptic_weights)))) synaptic_weights += dot(training_set_inputs.T, (training_set_outputs - output) * output * (1 - output)) print 1 / (1 + exp(-(dot(array(signalThree), synaptic_weights))))
def test_dict(tmpdir): for _ in range(100): helper({str(idx): round(random(), 5) for idx in range(100)}, 'dict', tmpdir)
def test_float(tmpdir): """floats should be handled correctly.""" for _ in range(100): helper(round(random(), 5), 'float', tmpdir)
Copyright (C) lockheedphoenix """ from __future__ import division import graph_tool.all as gt import numpy.random as np import scipy as sp File = 'RG.xml.gz' G = gt.load_graph(File) k= 0 G = gt.load_graph(File) for k in range(-20,1): p = sp.power(10, k/5) for e in G.edges(): if np.random() < p: v = e.source() G.remove_edge(e) j = np.randint(0, G.num_vertices()) while j == G.vertex_index[v] or gt.shortest_distance(G,v,G.vertex(j)) == 1: # no parallel edges j = np.randint(0, G.num_vertices()) G.add_edge(v, G.vertex(j))'SW.xml.gz')
trainingLabels = trainingLabels[:320] # 设置网络参数 layer = [2, 3, 1] # 设置层数和节点数 Lambda = 0.005 # 正则化系数 alpha = 0.2 # 学习速率 num_passes = 10000 # 迭代次数 m = len(trainingSet) # 样本数量 # 建立网络 # 网络采用列表存储每层的网络结构,网络的层数和各层节点数都可以自由设定 b = [] # 偏置元,共layer-1个元素,b[0]代表第一个隐藏层的偏置元(向量形式) W = [] for i in range(len(layer) - 1): W.append(random.random( size=(layer[i + 1], layer[i]))) # W[i]表示网络第i层到第i+1层的转移矩阵(NumPy数组),输入层是第0层 b.append(np.array([0.1] * layer[i + 1])) # 偏置元,b[i]的规模是1*第i+1个隐藏层节点数 a = [np.array(0)] * (len(W) + 1 ) # a[0] = x,即输入,a[1]=f(z[0]),a[len(W)+1] = 最终输出 z = [np.array(0)] * len(W) # 注意z[0]表示是网络输入层的输出,即未被激活的第一个隐藏层 W = np.array(W) def costfunction(predict, labels): # 不加入正则化项的代价函数 # 输入参数格式为numpy的向量 return sum((predict - labels)**2)
def ApplyDistort(in_img): prob = npr.random() if prob > 0.5: # Do random brightness distortion. out_img = RandomBrightness(in_img, cfg.TRAIN.brightness_prob, cfg.TRAIN.brightness_delta) # cv2.imshow('0 RandomBrightness',out_img.astype(np.uint8)) # Do random contrast distortion. out_img = RandomContrast(out_img, cfg.TRAIN.contrast_prob, cfg.TRAIN.contrast_lower, cfg.TRAIN.contrast_upper) # cv2.imshow('1 RandomContrast',out_img.astype(np.uint8)) # Do random saturation distortion. out_img = RandomSaturation(out_img, cfg.TRAIN.saturation_prob, cfg.TRAIN.saturation_lower, cfg.TRAIN.saturation_upper) # cv2.imshow('2 RandomSaturation',out_img.astype(np.uint8)) # Do random exposure distortion. out_img = RandomExposure(out_img, cfg.TRAIN.exposure_prob, cfg.TRAIN.exposure_lower, cfg.TRAIN.exposure_upper) # cv2.imshow('3 RandomExposure',out_img.astype(np.uint8)) # Do random hue distortion. out_img = RandomHue(out_img, cfg.TRAIN.hue_prob, cfg.TRAIN.hue_delta) # cv2.imshow('4 RandomHue',out_img.astype(np.uint8)) # Do random reordering of the channels. out_img = RandomOrderChannels(out_img, cfg.TRAIN.random_order_prob) # cv2.imshow('5 RandomOrderChannels',out_img.astype(np.uint8)) else: # Do random brightness distortion. out_img = RandomBrightness(in_img, cfg.TRAIN.brightness_prob, cfg.TRAIN.brightness_delta) # cv2.imshow('0 RandomBrightness',out_img.astype(np.uint8)) # Do random saturation distortion. out_img = RandomSaturation(out_img, cfg.TRAIN.saturation_prob, cfg.TRAIN.saturation_lower, cfg.TRAIN.saturation_upper) # cv2.imshow('1 RandomSaturation',out_img.astype(np.uint8)) # Do random exposure distortion. out_img = RandomExposure(out_img, cfg.TRAIN.exposure_prob, cfg.TRAIN.exposure_lower, cfg.TRAIN.exposure_upper) # cv2.imshow('2 RandomExposure',out_img.astype(np.uint8)) # Do random hue distortion. out_img = RandomHue(out_img, cfg.TRAIN.hue_prob, cfg.TRAIN.hue_delta) # cv2.imshow('3 RandomHue',out_img.astype(np.uint8)) # Do random contrast distortion. out_img = RandomContrast(out_img, cfg.TRAIN.contrast_prob, cfg.TRAIN.contrast_lower, cfg.TRAIN.contrast_upper) # cv2.imshow('4 RandomContrast',out_img.astype(np.uint8)) # Do random reordering of the channels. out_img = RandomOrderChannels(out_img, cfg.TRAIN.random_order_prob) # cv2.imshow('5 RandomOrderChannels',out_img.astype(np.uint8)) return out_img
def Fluctuation(f, t): return np.sin(2*np.pi*(f*t+rd.random()))/np.sqrt(f)
def genetic_operators(population, sample_size, prob_of_mutation=.3): return sorted( imap(apply, imap(operators.__getitem__, random(sample_size) < prob_of_mutation), repeat((population,))), key=fitness_function, reverse=True )
# # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create four plots in the same figure. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from numpy.random import random t = np.linspace(0, 1, 101) plt.figure() plt.subplot(2, 2, 1) plt.hist(random(20)) plt.subplot(2, 2, 2) plt.plot(t, t**2, t, t**3 - t) plt.subplot(2, 2, 3) plt.plot(random(20), random(20), 'r*') plt.subplot(2, 2, 4) plt.plot(t * np.cos(10 * t), t * np.sin(10 * t))
def anderson(site): if random() * 100 <= c: return U * (random() - 0.5) return 0.0
def __init__(self, f, x0, ranges=None, accelerator=StandardPSO, emax=1e-5, imax=1000): ''' Initializes the optimizer. :Parameters: f A multivariable function to be evaluated. It must receive only one parameter, a multidimensional line-vector with the same dimensions of the range list (see below) and return a real value, a scalar. x0 A population of first estimates. This is a list, array or tuple of one-dimension arrays, each one corresponding to an estimate of the position of the minimum. The population size of the algorithm will be the same as the number of estimates in this list. Each component of the vectors in this list are one of the variables in the function to be optimized. ranges A range of values might be passed to the algorithm, but it is not necessary. If this parameter is not supplied, then the ranges will be computed from the estimates, but be aware that this might not represent the complete search space. If supplied, this parameter should be a list of ranges for each variable of the objective function. It is specified as a list of tuples of two values, ``(x0, x1)``, where ``x0`` is the start of the interval, and ``x1`` its end. Obviously, ``x0`` should be smaller than ``x1``. It can also be given as a list with a simple tuple in the same format. In that case, the same range will be applied for every variable in the optimization. accelerator An acceleration method, please consult the documentation on ``acc`` module. Defaults to StandardPSO, that is, velocities change based on local and global bests. emax Maximum allowed error. The algorithm stops as soon as the error is below this level. The error is absolute. imax Maximum number of iterations, the algorithm stops as soon this number of iterations are executed, no matter what the error is at the moment. ''' list.__init__(self, []) self.__fx = [] for x in x0: x = array(x).ravel() self.append(x) self.__fx.append(f(x)) self.__f = f # Determine ranges of the variables if ranges is None: ranges = zip(amin(self, axis=0), amax(self, axis=1)) else: ranges = list(ranges) if len(ranges) == 1: ranges = array(ranges * len(x0[0])) else: ranges = array(ranges) self.ranges = ranges '''Holds the ranges for every variable. Although it is a writable property, care should be taken in changing parameters before ending the convergence.''' # Randomly computes the initial velocities s = len(self) d = len(x0[0]) r = self.ranges self.__v = (random((s, d)) - 0.5) * (r[:, 1] - r[:, 0]) / 10. # Verifies the validity of the acceleration method try: issubclass(accelerator, Accelerator) accelerator = accelerator(self) except TypeError: pass if not isinstance(accelerator, Accelerator): raise TypeError, 'not a valid acceleration method' else: self.__acc = accelerator self.__emax = emax self.__imax = imax
def anneal(self, state, Tmax, Tmin, steps, updates=0): """Minimizes the energy of a system by simulated annealing. Keyword arguments: state -- an initial arrangement of the system Tmax -- maximum temperature (in units of energy) Tmin -- minimum temperature (must be greater than zero) steps -- the number of steps requested updates -- the number of updates to print during annealing Returns the best state and energy found.""" step = 0 start = time.time() def update(T, E, acceptance, improvement): """Prints the current temperature, energy, acceptance rate, improvement rate, elapsed time, and remaining time. The acceptance rate indicates the percentage of moves since the last update that were accepted by the Metropolis algorithm. It includes moves that decreased the energy, moves that left the energy unchanged, and moves that increased the energy yet were reached by thermal excitation. The improvement rate indicates the percentage of moves since the last update that strictly decreased the energy. At high temperatures it will include both moves that improved the overall state and moves that simply undid previously accepted moves that increased the energy by thermal excititation. At low temperatures it will tend toward zero as the moves that can decrease the energy are exhausted and moves that would increase the energy are no longer thermally accessible.""" elapsed = time.time() - start if step == 0: print ' Temperature Energy Accept Improve Elapsed Remaining' print '%12.2f %12.2f %s ' % \ (T, E, time_string(elapsed) ) else: remain = (steps - step) * (elapsed / step) print '%12.2f %12.2f %7.2f%% %7.2f%% %s %s' % \ (T, E, 100.0*acceptance, 100.0*improvement, time_string(elapsed), time_string(remain)) # Precompute factor for exponential cooling from Tmax to Tmin if Tmin <= 0.0: print 'Exponential cooling requires a minimum temperature greater than zero.' sys.exit() Tfactor = -math.log(float(Tmax) / Tmin) # Note initial state T = Tmax E = #prevState = copy.deepcopy(state) prevState = state[:] prevEnergy = E #bestState = copy.deepcopy(state) bestState = state[:] bestEnergy = E trials, accepts, improves = 0, 0, 0 if updates > 0: updateWavelength = float(steps) / updates update(T, E, None, None) # Attempt moves to new states while step < steps: step += 1 T = Tmax * math.exp(Tfactor * step / steps) self.move(state) E = dE = E - prevEnergy trials += 1 if dE > 0.0 and math.exp(-dE / T) < random.random(): # Restore previous state #state = copy.deepcopy(prevState) state = prevState[:] E = prevEnergy else: # Accept new state and compare to best state accepts += 1 if dE < 0.0: improves += 1 #prevState = copy.deepcopy(state) prevState = state[:] prevEnergy = E if E < bestEnergy: #bestState = copy.deepcopy(state) bestState = state[:] bestEnergy = E if updates > 1: if step // updateWavelength > (step - 1) // updateWavelength: update(T, E, float(accepts) / trials, float(improves) / trials) trials, accepts, improves = 0, 0, 0 # Return best state and energy return bestState, bestEnergy
epsilon = INITIAL_EPSILON t = 0 else: ####### if you continue to run: with open('mem.pickle', 'rb') as f: (t, epsilon, mem) = pickle.load(f) from keras.models import load_model model = load_model('model.h5') ################################## g = jump_API(MIN_MS, MAX_MS, ACTIONS, MASK) #initialize an API to the game s_t = g.first_step() while True: # start to loop print('*********************************') print('t=%i,epsilon=%f' % (t, epsilon), end=' ') if random.random() <= epsilon: print('RANDOM MOVE!') a_t = random.choice(ACTIONS) else: print('Move by model.') qs = model.predict(s_t) a_t = np.argmax(qs) # forward one step print('Moving...', end=' ') s_t1, r_t, die = g.next_step(a_t) print('Done.') # save it to memory print('=========') print('NEW Memory: \na_t=%i,r_t=%i,die=%i' % (a_t, r_t, die)) if die:
import pylab from numpy import zeros, random, arange import os #Imports the modules and functions required m = zeros(10, float) #Sets up an array of zeros, but as floats instead of integers for i in range( 1000 ): #Iterates the code 1000 times - chooses 1000 random floatss from 0 - 1 x = random.random() #Randomly generates a float between 0 and 1 if 0.0 <= x and x < 0.1: m[0] = m[0] + 1 if 0.1 <= x and x < 0.2: m[1] = m[1] + 1 if 0.2 <= x and x < 0.3: m[2] = m[2] + 1 if 0.3 <= x and x < 0.4: m[3] = m[3] + 1 if 0.4 <= x and x < 0.5: m[4] = m[4] + 1 if 0.5 <= x and x < 0.6: m[5] = m[5] + 1 if 0.6 <= x and x < 0.7: m[6] = m[6] + 1 if 0.7 <= x and x < 0.8: m[7] = m[7] + 1 if 0.8 <= x and x < 0.9: m[8] = m[8] + 1 if 0.9 <= x and x < 1.0: m[9] = m[ 9] + 1 #IF statements check which limits the float fits in and adds 1 to the value in the appropriate element in the array print m #Prints the array full of values of the count of each bin, 1, 0.1), m, width=0.1) #Plots the bars pylab.xlabel('Bin Number') pylab.ylabel('Count') #Axis labels pylab.title('Count of each Bin Number') #Title of graph
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Wed Dec 19 19:55:30 2018 @author: alfred_mac """ import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy.linalg as la import numpy.random as rand import pFit import pEval d = 100 x = 2 * rand.random(d) - 1 # Test 1 - Function is 1/(1+x) f = 1 / (1 + x) p = pFit.pFit(x, f) fp = pEval.pEval(x, p) # Test 2 - Function is e^x f = np.exp(x) p = pFit.pFit(x, f) fp = pEval.pEval(x, p) # Test 3 - Function is tan(x^3) f = np.tan(x**3) p = pFit.pFit(x, f) fp = pEval.pEval(x, p)
i = i + 1 return x, e class PSO(ParticleSwarmOptimizer): ''' PSO is an alias to ``ParticleSwarmOptimizer`` ''' pass ################################################################################ # Test if __name__ == "__main__": def f(xy): x, y = xy return (1 - x)**2 + (y - x * x)**2 i = 0 x0 = random((5, 2)) * 2 #p = ParticleSwarmOptimizer(f, x0, [ (0., 2.), (0., 2.) ]) p = ParticleSwarmOptimizer(f, x0) while p.fbest > 5e-7: print p print print p.fbest p.step() i = i + 1 print '-' * 50 print i,, p.fbest
import numpy as np import numpy.random as nr import matplotlib.pyplot as plt n = 500000 ls = nr.random(n) lt = nr.random(n) lr = [] for x in ls: lr.append(np.sqrt(-2 * np.log(x))) lp = [] for i in lt: lp.append(2 * np.pi * i) #print(lr) #print(lp) lx1 = [] lx2 = [] for i in range(n): lx1.append(-5.6 + 2.5 * lr[i] * np.cos(lp[i])) lx2.append(-5.6 + 2.5 * lr[i] * np.sin(lp[i])) lx = lx1 + lx2 #print(lx) hist = []
def mytext(x, y, textstr): text(x, y, text=textstr, angle=0, text_color="#449944", text_align="center", text_font_size="10pt") N = 10 hold() myscatter(random(N) + 2, random(N) + 1, "circle") myscatter(random(N) + 4, random(N) + 1, "square") myscatter(random(N) + 6, random(N) + 1, "triangle") myscatter(random(N) + 8, random(N) + 1, "asterisk") myscatter(random(N) + 2, random(N) + 4, "circle_x") myscatter(random(N) + 4, random(N) + 4, "square_x") myscatter(random(N) + 6, random(N) + 4, "inverted_triangle") myscatter(random(N) + 8, random(N) + 4, "x") myscatter(random(N) + 2, random(N) + 7, "circle_cross") myscatter(random(N) + 4, random(N) + 7, "square_cross") myscatter(random(N) + 6, random(N) + 7, "diamond") myscatter(random(N) + 8, random(N) + 7, "cross") mytext([2.5], [0.5], "circle / o")
def blow(self, n, xy): a = random(size=n) * TWOPI dxy = column_stack((cos(a), sin(a))) new_nodes = self._add_nodes(xy) self._add_fracs(dxy, new_nodes)
colors_dic[counter] = i counter += 1 print('********Pixel Canvas********') print('Colors :') for i in sorted(colors_dic): print(str(i) + ' --> ' + str(colors_dic[i])) color = int(input('Pick a color : ')) x_dimension = input('Enter x dimension (Default = 10):') y_dimension = input('Enter y dimension (Default = 10):') save_file = input('Do you want to save the image? [Y/n] :') if(x_dimension != '' and y_dimension != ''): Z = random.random((int(x_dimension),int(y_dimension))) else: Z = random.random((10,10)) fig = plt.figure(frameon=False) ax = plt.Axes(fig, [0., 0., 1., 1.]) ax.set_axis_off() fig.add_axes(ax) if(save_file == 'Y' or save_file == 'y' or save_file == ''): file_format = input('Enter file format : ') path = input('Enter Path to save file : ') dpi = int(input('Enter dpi : ')) imshow(Z, cmap=get_cmap(colors_dic[color]), interpolation='nearest') fig.savefig('{}.{}'.format(path,file_format), format='{}'.format(file_format), dpi=dpi) show() else: imshow(Z, cmap=get_cmap(colors_dic[color]), interpolation='nearest')
def eval(self, values, x): values[0] = 1.0 * random() + 0.25 values[1] = 1.0 * random() + 0.25
def frac_front(self, factor, angle, dbg=False): inds = (random(self.anum) < factor).nonzero()[0] n = len(inds) if n < 1: return 0 cand_aa =[inds, 0] cand_ii = self.fid_node[cand_aa, 1] num = self.num fnum = self.fnum anum = self.anum xy = self.xy[:num, :] visited = self.visited[:num, 0] new = arange(fnum, fnum + n) orig_dxy = self.dxy[cand_aa, :] diff_theta = (-1)**randint(2, size=n) * HPI + (0.5 - random(n)) * angle theta = arctan2(orig_dxy[:, 1], orig_dxy[:, 0]) + diff_theta fid_node = column_stack((new, cand_ii)) cand_dxy = column_stack((cos(theta), sin(theta))) nactive = arange(n) tmp_dxy = self.tmp_dxy[:n, :] self.update_zone_map() self.cuda_calc_stp( npint(, npint(self.zone_leap), npint(num), npint(n), npint(n), npfloat(self.frac_dot), npfloat(self.frac_dst), npfloat(self.frac_stp), npint(self.ignore_fracture_sources), drv.In(visited), drv.In(fid_node), drv.In(nactive), drv.Out(self.tmp[:n, :]), drv.In(xy), drv.In(cand_dxy), drv.Out(tmp_dxy), drv.In(self.zone_num), drv.In(self.zone_node), block=(self.threads, 1, 1), grid=(int(n // self.threads + 1), 1 ) # this cant be a numpy int for some reason ) mask = tmp_dxy[:, 0] >= -1.0 n = mask.sum() if n < 1: return 0 nodes = cand_ii[mask] self._add_fracs(cand_dxy[mask, :], nodes) if dbg: self.print_debug(num, fnum, anum, meta='new: {:d}'.format(n)) return n
winneNo = np.argsort(drawRmses)[0] winner = draw[winneNo] # append winnerIdx into mate pool, and delete it from single pool try: winnerIdx = singlepool.index(winner) singlepool = list(np.delete(singlepool, winnerIdx)) except ValueError: raise ValueError('The winner {} is not in pre-defined list: {}'.fromat( winner, singlepool)) return [winner] + tournament(rmses, singlepool, tagetSize - 1, tourSize)[:] if __name__ == '__main__': random.seed(0) rmses = [round(random.random(), 3) for i in range(10)] singleNum = len(rmses) print 'rms ranking ...' for i in range(11): print rms_ranking(rmses, range(singleNum), i) print '\nlinear ranking ...' for i in range(11): random.seed(0) print linear_ranking(rmses, range(singleNum), i, 1.5) print '\ntournament ranking ...' for i in range(11): random.seed(0) print tournament(rmses, range(singleNum), i, 2)
import numpy.random as random import numpy as np from ase import Atoms from ase.neighborlist import NeighborList from import bulk atoms = Atoms(numbers=range(10), cell=[(0.2, 1.2, 1.4), (1.4, 0.1, 1.6), (1.3, 2.0, -0.1)]) atoms.set_scaled_positions(3 * random.random((10, 3)) - 1) def count(nl, atoms): c = np.zeros(len(atoms), int) R = atoms.get_positions() cell = atoms.get_cell() d = 0.0 for a in range(len(atoms)): i, offsets = nl.get_neighbors(a) for j in i: c[j] += 1 c[a] += len(i) d += (((R[i] +, cell) - R[a])**2).sum(1)**0.5).sum() return d, c for sorted in [False, True]: for p1 in range(2): for p2 in range(2): for p3 in range(2): # print(p1, p2, p3) atoms.set_pbc((p1, p2, p3))
import numpy as np import numpy.random as rand a, b, c = 1, 30, 2 us = rand.random(100 * 1000) vs = rand.random(100 * 1000) ths = 2 * np.pi * us phis = np.arccos(2 * vs - 1) def r(th, phi): return np.sqrt(1 / (np.cos(th)**2*np.sin(phi)**2 / a**2 + np.sin(th)**2*np.sin(phi)**2 / b**2 + np.cos(phi)**2 / c**2)) print 4 * np.pi / 3 * a * b * c rs = r(ths, phis) rs = rs**3 print 4 * np.pi / 3 * np.mean(rs)
def __init__(self, number_of_neurons, number_of_inputs_per_neuron): self.synaptic_weights = 2 * random.random( (number_of_inputs_per_neuron, number_of_neurons)) - 1
encode_input = Reshape((int(adjusted_hd / embed_dim), embed_dim))(net) # Transformer Block (Output 1D segment prediction tensor) model = get_model_ne(token_num=unique_segments, embed_dim=embed_dim, encode_input=encode_input, encode_start=acous_input, encoder_num=2, decoder_num=2, head_num=4, hidden_dim=100, attention_activation='relu', feed_forward_activation='relu', dropout_rate=0.05, embed_trainable=True, embed_weights=random((unique_segments, embed_dim))) reflatten = [item for sublist in collapsed for item in sublist] class_weights = [1, 1, 1] + class_weight.compute_class_weight( 'balanced', classes=unique(reflatten), y=reflatten).tolist() # Custom function to compute sparse categorical cross-entropy with class imbalance def weighted_loss(weights): def loss(y_true, y_pred): class_weights = tf.constant(weights) loss_weights = tf.gather(class_weights, tf.cast(y_true, 'int32')) unweighted_losses = tf.keras.losses.sparse_categorical_crossentropy( y_true, y_pred) weighted_losses = unweighted_losses * loss_weights[:, :, 0] return weighted_losses
#print("Shruti Kaushik Class Exercise Lecture 5") #Part 1 Create your data: #2 - Work only with these imports: import numpy as np from numpy import matrix, array, min, max, random from matplotlib import pylab as plb, pyplot as plt #from math import pi #3 - create a list A with 600 random numbers bound between (0:10) #A = random.randint(0,10,600) # my solution will only generate integer numbers #but we will need to make it float later for avg. A = list(random.random(600) * 10) #AIlieve solution #print(A) #4 - create an array B with 500 elements bound in the range(-3*pi : 2*pi) #B = np.random.uniform(-3*plb.pi,2*plb.pi,500) # my solution B = plb.linspace(-plb.pi * 3, plb.pi * 2, 500) #AIlieve solution #print(B) #5 - using if/for/while loop, create a function that ovwerwites every element in A that falls #outside of the interval[2:9] and overwrite that element with the average between #the smallest and largest element in A def overwrite_A(A): #A = A.astype(float) # convert A to float as the average is a float number #print(A)
if __name__ == "__main__": from numpy.random import random Ns = list(range(1, 22)) adolc_times = [] adolc_taping_times = [] adolc_num_operations = [] adolc_num_locations = [] algopy_times = [] for N in Ns: print('N=', N) A = random((N, N)) #A = array([ #[0.018 ,0.0085 ,0.017 ,0.017], #[0.02 ,0.0042 ,0.0072 ,0.016], #[0.006 ,0.012 ,0.01 ,0.014], #[0.0078 ,0.011 ,0.02 ,0.02]], dtype= float64) # with ADOL-C # ----------- N = shape(A)[0] t_start = time() aA = array([[adouble(A[n, m]) for m in range(N)] for n in range(N)]) trace_on(0) for n in range(N):
def main(): ensure_dir(PATH) rds = redis.Redis(host=HOST, port=PORT) MC = MultiCanvas(redis.Redis(host=HOST,port=PORT),\ CANVAS_SIZE,GRID_SIZE,PATH,BACK) X = zeros(NUM, 'float') Y = zeros(NUM, 'float') SX = zeros(NUM, 'float') SY = zeros(NUM, 'float') R = zeros((NUM, NUM), 'float') A = zeros((NUM, NUM), 'float') F = zeros((NUM, NUM), 'byte') C = get_colors(COLOR_PATH) for i in xrange(NUM): the = random() * TWOPI x = RAD * sin(the) y = RAD * cos(the) X[i] = 0.5 + x Y[i] = 0.5 + y try: for itt in xrange(STEPS): try: set_distances(X, Y, A, R) SX[:] = 0. SY[:] = 0. for i in xrange(NUM): xF = logical_not(F[i, :]) d = R[i, :] a = A[i, :] near = d > NEARL near[xF] = False far = d < FARL far[near] = False near[i] = False far[i] = False speed = FARL - d[far] SX[near] += cos(a[near]) SY[near] += sin(a[near]) SX[far] -= speed * cos(a[far]) SY[far] -= speed * sin(a[far]) X += SX * STP Y += SY * STP if random() < FRIENDSHIP_INITIATE_PROB: k = randint(NUM) make_friends(k, F, R) connections(MC, itt, C, X, Y, F, A, R) if not itt % 100: print 'itteration:', itt if not itt % DRAW_ITT: if itt > 0: MC.write_all(itt) except KeyboardInterrupt: MC.stop_now(itt) break except Exception, e: raise