def zoomToAll(self): if self.m_nImgs < 1: return posA=N.array(self.m_imgPosArr) sizA=N.array(self.m_imgSizeArr) a=N.array([N.minimum.reduce(posA), N.maximum.reduce(posA+sizA), ]) from .all import U MC = N.array([0.5, 0.5]) # mosaic viewer's center (0.5, 0.5) a -= MC hypot = N.array((N.hypot(a[0][0], a[0][1]), N.hypot(a[1][0], a[1][1]))) theta = N.array((N.arctan2(a[0][1], a[0][0]), N.arctan2(a[1][1], a[1][0]))) # radians phi = theta + U.deg2rad(self.m_rot) mimXY = N.array((hypot[0]*N.cos(phi[0]), hypot[0]*N.sin(phi[0]))) maxXY = N.array((hypot[1]*N.cos(phi[1]), hypot[1]*N.sin(phi[1]))) a = N.array((mimXY, maxXY)) a.sort(0) if self.m_aspectRatio == -1: a = N.array(([a[0][0],-a[1][1]],[a[1][0],-a[0][1]])) self.zoomToRect(x0=a[0][0], y0=a[0][1], x1=a[-1][0],y1=a[-1][1])
def align_magnetism(m, vectors): """ Rotates a matrix, to align its components with the direction of the magnetism """ if not len(m) == 2 * len(vectors): # stop if they don't have # compatible dimensions raise # pauli matrices from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix, bmat sx = csc_matrix([[0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0]]) sy = csc_matrix([[0.0, -1j], [1j, 0.0]]) sz = csc_matrix([[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, -1.0]]) n = len(m) / 2 # number of sites R = [[None for i in range(n)] for j in range(n)] # rotation matrix from scipy.linalg import expm # exponenciate matrix for (i, v) in zip(range(n), vectors): # loop over sites vv = np.sqrt( # norm of v if vv > 0.000001: # if nonzero scale u = v / vv else: # if zero put to zero u = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) # rot = u[0]*sx + u[1]*sy + u[2]*sz uxy = np.sqrt(u[0] ** 2 + u[1] ** 2) # component in xy plane phi = np.arctan2(u[1], u[0]) theta = np.arctan2(uxy, u[2]) r1 = phi * sz / 2.0 # rotate along z r2 = theta * sy / 2.0 # rotate along y # a factor 2 is taken out due to 1/2 of S rot = expm(1j * r2) * expm(1j * r1) R[i][i] = rot # save term R = bmat(R) # convert to full sparse matrix mout = R * csc_matrix(m) * R.H # rotate matrix return mout.todense() # return dense matrix
def test_euler(self): """Test axis-angle and euler representation conversions.""" q1 = Quaternion([0,0,0,0], np.float64) #q1.from_euler(0, 0, 0) #print(q1) #self.assertEqual(q1, Quaternion([1,0,0,0])) for i in range(100): (phi, theta, psi) = self.rand_euler() q1.from_euler(phi, theta, psi) q_phi = np.arctan2(q1[0]*q1[2] + q1[1]*q1[3],-(q1[1]*q1[2]-q1[0]*q1[3])) q_theta = np.arccos(-q1[0]**2 -q1[1]**2 + q1[2]**2 + q1[3]**2) q_psi = np.arctan2(q1[0]*q1[2] - q1[1]*q1[3], q1[1]*q1[2] + q1[0]*q1[3]) # Convert between different conventions if q_phi < 0: q_phi += 2 * np.pi #if q_theta < 0: #q_theta += 2 * np.pi if q_psi < 0: q_psi += 2 * np.pi r1 = m.matrix([phi, theta, psi]) r1q = m.matrix([q_phi, q_theta, q_psi]) #print(r1- r1q) self.assertTrue(np.linalg.norm(r1 - r1q) < 1e-10)
def reconstruct_common(cls, t, x, y, z=None, initial=None): """Reconstruct angles from 3 detections This function converts the coordinates to be suitable for the algorithm. :param t: arrival times in detector 0, 1 and 2 in ns. :param x,y: positions of detector 0, 1 and 2 in m. :param z: height of detectors 0, 1 and 2 is ignored. :param initial: dictionary containing values from previous reconstructions is ignored. """ if len(t) > 3 or len(x) > 3 or len(y) > 3: warning_only_three() dt = make_relative(t) dx = make_relative(x) dy = make_relative(y) r1 = vector_length(dx[1], dy[1]) r2 = vector_length(dx[2], dy[2]) phi1 = arctan2(dy[1], dx[1]) phi2 = arctan2(dy[2], dx[2]) return cls.reconstruct(dt[1], dt[2], r1, r2, phi1, phi2)
def nominal_q(sx, sy, az_in, el_in, az_out, el_out, dz): nx, ny = sx + dz * tan(az_in), sy + dz * tan(el_in) nd = sqrt( (nx-sx)**2 + (ny-sy)**2 + dz**2 ) #plt.subplot(131); plot(nx/5,ny/5,'G: direct flight beam center') px, py = sx + dz * tan(az_out), sy + dz * tan(el_out) pd = sqrt( (px-sx)**2 + (py-sy)**2 + dz**2 ) #plt.subplot(122); plot(px/5,py/5,'G: direct flight scattered beam') if 0: # Correction to move px,py into the q normal plane. This is # insignificant for small angle scattering. nx_hat, ny_hat, nz_hat = (nx-sx)/nd, (ny-sy)/nd, dz/nd px_hat, py_hat, pz_hat = (px-sx)/pd, (py-sy)/pd, dz/pd d = nd / (px_hat*nx_hat + py_hat*ny_hat + pz_hat*nz_hat) px, py = sx + px_hat*d, sy + py_hat*d #plt.subplot(122); plot((px)/5,(py)/5,'G: scattered beam on q normal plane') # Note: px,py is the location of the scattered neutron relative to the # beam center without gravity in detector coordinates, not the qx,qy vector # in inverse coordinates. This allows us to compute the scattered angle at # the sample, returning theta and phi. qd = sqrt((px-nx)**2 + (py-ny)**2) theta, phi = arctan2(qd, nd)/2, arctan2(py-ny, px-nx) return theta, phi
def cart2sph(z, y, x): """Convert from cartesian coordinates (x,y,z) to spherical (elevation, azimuth, radius). Output is in degrees. usage: array3xN[el,az,rad] = cart2sph(array3xN[x,y,z]) OR elevation, azimuth, radius = cart2sph(x,y,z) If working in DKL space, z = Luminance, y = S and x = LM""" width = len(z) elevation = numpy.empty([width,width]) radius = numpy.empty([width,width]) azimuth = numpy.empty([width,width]) radius = numpy.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2) azimuth = numpy.arctan2(y, x) #Calculating the elevation from x,y up elevation = numpy.arctan2(z, numpy.sqrt(x**2+y**2)) #convert azimuth and elevation angles into degrees azimuth *=(180.0/numpy.pi) elevation *=(180.0/numpy.pi) sphere = numpy.array([elevation, azimuth, radius]) sphere = numpy.rollaxis(sphere, 0, 3) return sphere
def get_UDP(self, Npackets, LO_freq, skip_packets=2, channels = None): #Npackets = * self.accum_freq) I_buffer = np.empty((Npackets + skip_packets, len(channels))) Q_buffer = np.empty((Npackets + skip_packets, len(channels))) self.fpga.write_int('pps_start', 1) count = 0 while count < Npackets + skip_packets: packet = self.s.recv(8192) data = np.fromstring(packet,dtype = '<i').astype('float') data /= 2.0**17 data /= (self.accum_len/512.) ts = (np.fromstring(packet[-4:],dtype = '<i').astype('float')/ self.fpga_samp_freq)*1.0e3 # ts in ms odd_chan = channels[1::2] even_chan = channels[0::2] I_odd = data[1024 + ((odd_chan - 1) / 2)] Q_odd = data[1536 + ((odd_chan - 1) /2)] I_even = data[0 + (even_chan/2)] Q_even = data[512 + (even_chan/2)] even_phase = np.arctan2(Q_even,I_even) odd_phase = np.arctan2(Q_odd,I_odd) if len(channels) % 2 > 0: I = np.hstack(zip(I_even[:len(I_odd)], I_odd)) Q = np.hstack(zip(Q_even[:len(Q_odd)], Q_odd)) I = np.hstack((I, I_even[-1])) Q = np.hstack((Q, Q_even[-1])) I_buffer[count] = I Q_buffer[count] = Q else: I = np.hstack(zip(I_even, I_odd)) Q = np.hstack(zip(Q_even, Q_odd)) I_buffer[count] = I Q_buffer[count] = Q count += 1 return I_buffer[skip_packets:],Q_buffer[skip_packets:]
def rotzyx_angles(H): """Returns the angles such that `H[0:3, 0:3] = R_z(a_z) R_y(a_y) R_x(a_x)` :param H: homogeneous matrix :type H: 4x4 ndarray :rtype: 3-tuple **Example:** >>> angles = array((3.14/3, 3.14/6, 1)) >>> (rotzyx_angles(rotzyx(*angles)) == angles).all() True """ assert ishomogeneousmatrix(H) if abs(H[0,0])<tol and abs(H[1,0])<tol: # singularity az = 0 ay = arctan2(-H[2,0], H[0,0]) ax = arctan2(-H[1,2], H[1,1]) else: az= arctan2(H[1,0],H[0,0]) sz = sin(az) cz = cos(az) ay = arctan2(-H[2,0], cz*H[0,0] + sz*H[1,0]) ax = arctan2(sz*H[0,2] - cz*H[1,2], cz*H[1,1] - sz*H[0,1]) return (az, ay, ax)
def main(): book = xlrd.open_workbook('sense_hat.xlsx') sheet = book.sheet_by_index(0) g_deg_x =0 g_deg_y =0 g_deg_z =0 a_deg_x =0 a_deg_y =0 a_deg_z =0 g_deg_x_l = [] a_deg_x_l = [] num = [] for row in range(1, sheet.nrows-1): data = [] for col in range(0, sheet.ncols-2): data.append(sheet.cell(row,col).value) g_deg_x += np.degrees(data[0])*0.1 g_deg_y += np.degrees(data[1])*0.1 g_deg_z += np.degrees(data[2])*0.1 a_deg_x = np.degrees(np.arctan2(data[3], np.sqrt(data[4]**2 + data[5]**2) )) a_deg_y = np.degrees(np.arctan2(data[4], np.sqrt(data[3]**2 + data[5]**2) )) a_deg_z = np.degrees(np.arctan2(data[5], np.sqrt(data[3]**2 + data[4]**2) )) g_deg_x_l.append(g_deg_x) a_deg_x_l.append(a_deg_x) num.append(row-1) plt.plot(num,g_deg_x_l, 'r-', label='Gyro') plt.plot(num,a_deg_x_l, 'b-', label='Accel') plt.legend()
def getgeodesicpts(m): """ computes the lat/lon values of the points on the surface of the sphere corresponding to a twenty-sided (icosahedral) geodesic. @param m: the number of points on the edge of a single geodesic triangle. There are 10*(m-1)**2+2 total geodesic points, including the poles. @return: C{B{lats, lons}} - rank 1 numpy float32 arrays containing the latitudes and longitudes of the geodesic points (in degrees). These points are nearly evenly distributed on the surface of the sphere. """ x,y,z = _spherepack.ihgeod(m) # convert cartesian coords to lat/lon. rad2dg = 180./math.pi r1 = x*x+y*y r = numpy.sqrt(r1+z*z) r1 = numpy.sqrt(r1) xtmp = numpy.where(numpy.logical_or(x,y),x,numpy.ones(x.shape,numpy.float32)) ztmp = numpy.where(numpy.logical_or(r1,z),z,numpy.ones(z.shape,numpy.float32)) lons = rad2dg*numpy.arctan2(y,xtmp)+180. lats = rad2dg*numpy.arctan2(r1,ztmp)-90. lat = numpy.zeros(10*(m-1)**2+2,numpy.float32) lon = numpy.zeros(10*(m-1)**2+2,numpy.float32) # first two points are poles. lat[0] = 90; lat[1] = -90. lon[0] = 0.; lon[1] = 0. lat[2:] = lats[0:2*(m-1),0:m-1,:].flatten() lon[2:] = lons[0:2*(m-1),0:m-1,:].flatten() return lat,lon
def lombscargle(ages, signal, ofac=4, hifac=1): r"""Calculates Lomb-Scargle Periodogram. Enter `signal` at times `ages` to compute the periodogram, with oversampling factor `ofac` and up to frequencies `hifac` * Nyquist. Return frequencies considered `freq`, the associated spectral `power`, and estimated significance of the power values `prob`. Note: the significance returned is the false alarm probability of the null hypothesis, i.e. that the data is composed of independent Gaussian random variables. Low probability values indicate a high degree of significance in the associated periodic signal.""" N, T = len(signal), ages.ptp() # Mean and variance. mu, s2 = signal.mean(), signal.var() # Calculate sampling frequencies. start = 1.0 / (T * ofac) stop = hifac * N / (2.0 * T) dt = 1.0 / (T * ofac) # Interval for the frequencies. Can be tweaked. freq = np.arange(start, stop + dt, dt) # Angular frequencies and constant offsets. w = 2.0 * np.pi * freq dot =[:, None], ages[None, :]) A = np.sum(np.sin(2.0 * dot), axis=1) B = np.sum(np.cos(2.0 * dot), axis=1) tau = np.arctan2(A, B) / (2.0 * w) # Spectral power. cterm = np.cos(dot - (w * tau)[:, None]) sterm = np.sin(dot - (w * tau)[:, None]) ry = (np.sum(, np.diag(signal - mu)), axis=1) ** 2.0 / np.sum(cterm ** 2, axis=1)) iy = (np.sum(, np.diag(signal - mu)), axis=1) ** 2.0 / np.sum(sterm ** 2, axis=1)) # TODO: Phase (untested!) phLS = np.arctan2(ry, iy) power = (np.sum(, np.diag(signal - mu)), axis=1) ** 2.0 / np.sum(cterm ** 2, axis=1) + np.sum(, np.diag(signal - mu)), axis=1) ** 2.0 / np.sum(sterm ** 2, axis=1)) power /= (2.0 * s2) # Estimate of the number of independent frequencies. M = 2.0 * len(freq) / ofac # Statistical significant of power. prob = M * np.exp(-power) inds = prob > 0.01 prob[inds] = 1.0 - (1.0 - np.exp(-power[inds])) ** M return freq, power, prob, phLS
def fourier(self): """ Generate a profile of fourier coefficients, amplitudes and phases """ if pynbody.config['verbose'] : print 'Profile: fourier()' f = {'c': np.zeros((7, self.nbins),dtype=complex), 'amp': np.zeros((7, self.nbins)), 'phi': np.zeros((7, self.nbins))} for i in range(self.nbins): if self._profiles['n'][i] > 100: phi = np.arctan2(self.sim['y'][self.binind[i]], self.sim['x'][self.binind[i]]) mass = self.sim['mass'][self.binind[i]] hist, binphi = np.histogram(phi,weights=mass,bins=100) binphi = .5*(binphi[1:]+binphi[:-1]) for m in range(7) : f['c'][m,i] = np.sum(hist*np.exp(-1j*m*binphi)) f['c'][:,self['mass']>0] /= self['mass'][self['mass']>0] f['amp'] = np.sqrt(np.imag(f['c'])**2 + np.real(f['c'])**2) f['phi'] = np.arctan2(np.imag(f['c']), np.real(f['c'])) return f
def twistUpdate(self): if self.goal is None: w = 0 v = 0 else: errX = self.goal.position.x-self.pose.position.x errY = self.goal.position.y-self.pose.position.y if errX*errX<0.01 and errY*errY<0.01: self.goal = None w = 0 v = 0 errYaw = 0 else: euler = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion([self.pose.orientation.x,self.pose.orientation.y,self.pose.orientation.z,self.pose.orientation.w]) goalYaw = numpy.arctan2(errY,errX) errYaw = goalYaw-euler[2] errYaw = numpy.arctan2(numpy.sin(errYaw),numpy.cos(errYaw)) w = -self.Kp*errYaw if abs(w)>self.w_max: w = self.w_max*(abs(w)/w) if abs(errYaw)<0.75: v = self.v_max / ( abs(w) + 1 )**0.5 else: v = 0 rospy.logdebug("%s pX:%f pY:%f eX:%f eY:%f eYaw:%f -> w:%f v:%f" , self.nodeName,self.pose.position.x,self.pose.position.y,errX,errY,errYaw,w,v ) self.twist.linear.x = v self.twist.angular.z = w
def lambet(self): """Ecliptic longitude and latitude.""" from astropy.coordinates import Angle lam = np.arctan2(self._rot.T[1], self._rot.T[0]) bet = np.arctan2(self._rot.T[2], np.sqrt(self._rot.T[0]**2 + self._rot.T[1]**2)) return Angle(np.degrees(lam) * u.deg), Angle(np.degrees(bet) * u.deg)
def get_params(A): """This is a copy of spm's spm_imatrix where we already know the rotations and translations matrix, shears and zooms (as outputs from fsl FLIRT/avscale) Let A = the 4x4 rotation and translation matrix R = [ c5*c6, c5*s6, s5] [-s4*s5*c6-c4*s6, -s4*s5*s6+c4*c6, s4*c5] [-c4*s5*c6+s4*s6, -c4*s5*s6-s4*c6, c4*c5] """ import numpy as np def rang(b): a = min(max(b, -1), 1) return a Ry = np.arcsin(A[0,2]) #Rx = np.arcsin(A[1,2]/np.cos(Ry)) #Rz = np.arccos(A[0,1]/np.sin(Ry)) if (abs(Ry)-np.pi/2)**2 < 1e-9: Rx = 0 Rz = np.arctan2(-rang(A[1,0]), rang(-A[2,0]/A[0,2])) else: c = np.cos(Ry) Rx = np.arctan2(rang(A[1,2]/c), rang(A[2,2]/c)) Rz = np.arctan2(rang(A[0,1]/c), rang(A[0,0]/c)) rotations = [Rx, Ry, Rz] translations = [A[0,3], A[1,3], A[2,3]] return rotations, translations
def rz_2_lq(str,stz): ''' convert radial/Z component to max P/ max S component find maximum P wave amplitude to determine incidence angle for every trace ''' stl = stz.copy() stq = str.copy() for idx,tr in enumerate(str): R =,['P'],(-10,10)).data.min() Z =[idx],['P'],(-10,10)).data.min() if R < 0 and Z < 0: R*=-1 Z*=-1 deg = np.arctan2(R,Z) elif R < 0 and Z > 0: deg = np.arctan2(R,Z) else: deg = -1*np.arctan2(R,Z) stq[idx].data = np.cos(deg)**stz[idx].data stl[idx].data = np.sin(deg)**stz[idx].data stq[idx] = 'BHS' stl[idx] = 'BHP' return stl, stq
def _lambet(self): """Lower overhead ecliptic longitude and latitude. [deg]""" from astropy.coordinates import Angle lam = np.arctan2(self._rot.T[1], self._rot.T[0]) bet = np.arctan2(self._rot.T[2], np.sqrt(self._rot.T[0]**2 + self._rot.T[1]**2)) return np.degrees(lam), np.degrees(bet)
def __iter__(self): MAX_X,MAX_Y = self.dimensions MIN_V, MAX_V = self.velocity wt_min = 0. if self.init_stationary: x, y, x_waypoint, y_waypoint, velocity, wt = \ init_random_waypoint(self.nr_nodes, MAX_X, MAX_Y, MIN_V, MAX_V, wt_min, (self.wt_max if self.wt_max is not None else 0.)) else: NODES = np.arange(self.nr_nodes) print NODES x = U(0, MAX_X, NODES) y = U(0, MAX_Y, NODES) x_waypoint = U(0, MAX_X, NODES) y_waypoint = U(0, MAX_Y, NODES) wt = np.zeros(self.nr_nodes) velocity = U(MIN_V, MAX_V, NODES) theta = np.arctan2(y_waypoint - y, x_waypoint - x) costheta = np.cos(theta) sintheta = np.sin(theta) while True: # update node position x += velocity * costheta y += velocity * sintheta # calculate distance to waypoint d = np.sqrt(np.square(y_waypoint-y) + np.square(x_waypoint-x)) # update info for arrived nodes arrived = np.where(np.logical_and(d<=velocity, wt<=0.))[0] # step back for nodes that surpassed waypoint x[arrived] = x_waypoint[arrived] y[arrived] = y_waypoint[arrived] if self.wt_max: velocity[arrived] = 0. wt[arrived] = U(0, self.wt_max, arrived) # update info for paused nodes wt[np.where(velocity==0.)[0]] -= 1. # update info for moving nodes arrived = np.where(np.logical_and(velocity==0., wt<0.))[0] if arrived.size > 0: x_waypoint[arrived] = U(0, MAX_X, arrived) y_waypoint[arrived] = U(0, MAX_Y, arrived) velocity[arrived] = U(MIN_V, MAX_V, arrived) theta[arrived] = np.arctan2(y_waypoint[arrived] - y[arrived], x_waypoint[arrived] - x[arrived]) costheta[arrived] = np.cos(theta[arrived]) sintheta[arrived] = np.sin(theta[arrived]) self.velocity = velocity self.wt = wt yield np.dstack((x,y))[0]
def inverse_kepler_2d(xv, m, t): """Compute the Keplerian parameters for the osculating orbit. No partial derivatives are computed (even though it would be much easier) because you can use the partials for kepler_2d and invert the matrix. The value of t0 computed is the value within one half-period of t. """ mu = G*m #a_guess = np.hypot(xv[0], xv[1]) h = (xv[0]*xv[3]-xv[1]*xv[2]) r = np.hypot(xv[0], xv[1]) eps2, eps1 = np.array([xv[3], -xv[2]])*h/mu - xv[:2]/r e = np.hypot(eps1, eps2) p = h**2/mu a = p/(1-e**2) pb = 2*np.pi*(a**3/mu)**(0.5) om = np.arctan2(eps1, eps2) true_anomaly = np.arctan2(xv[1], xv[0])-om eccentric_anomaly = np.arctan2(np.sqrt(1-e**2)*np.sin(true_anomaly), e+np.cos(true_anomaly)) mean_anomaly = eccentric_anomaly - e*np.sin(eccentric_anomaly) true_anomaly_0 = -om eccentric_anomaly_0 = np.arctan2(np.sqrt(1-e**2)*np.sin(true_anomaly_0), e+np.cos(true_anomaly_0)) mean_anomaly_0 = eccentric_anomaly_0 - e*np.sin(eccentric_anomaly_0) return Kepler2DParameters(a=a, pb=pb, eps1=eps1, eps2=eps2, t0=t-(mean_anomaly-mean_anomaly_0)*pb/(2*np.pi))
def get_polar_line(self, line, odom): """ Transforms a line from [x1 y1 x2 y2] from the world frame to the vehicle frame using odomotrey [x y ang]. Returns [range theta] """ # Line points x1 = line[0] y1 = line[1] x2 = line[2] y2 = line[3] # Compute line (a, b, c) and range line = np.array([y1 - y2, x2 - x1, x1 * y2 - x2 * y1]) pt = np.array([odom[0], odom[1], 1]) dist =, line) / np.linalg.norm(line[:2]) # Compute angle if dist > 0: ang = np.arctan2(line[1], line[0]) else: ang = np.arctan2(-line[1], -line[0]) # Return in the vehicle frame return np.array([np.abs(dist), angle_wrap(ang - odom[2])])
def __call__(self, ra, dec, inverse=False): """Convert RA/Dec into map coordinates, or the reverse. Args: ra: float or array of floats dec: float or array of floats inverse: if True, convert from map coordinates to RA/Dec Returns: x,y with the same format as ra/dec """ if not inverse: ra_ = self._wrapRA(ra) # Snyder 1987, eq 16-1 to 16-4 theta = self.n * ra_ rho = self._rho(dec) return rho*np.sin(theta * self.deg2rad), self.rho_0 - rho*np.cos(theta * self.deg2rad) else: # ra/dec actually x/y # Snyder 1987, eq 14-10 to 14-11 rho = np.sqrt(ra**2 + (self.rho_0 - dec)**2) * np.sign(self.n) if self.n >= 0: theta = np.arctan2(ra, self.rho_0 - dec) / self.deg2rad else: theta = np.arctan2(-ra, -(self.rho_0 - dec)) / self.deg2rad return self.ra_0 - theta/self.n, (self.G - rho)/ self.deg2rad
def _cart_to_sph(x, y, z): """Aux function""" hypotxy = np.hypot(x, y) r = np.hypot(hypotxy, z) elev = np.arctan2(z, hypotxy) az = np.arctan2(y, x) return az, elev, r
def car2sph(xyz): ptsnew = numpy.zeros(xyz.shape) xy = xyz[:,0]**2 + xyz[:,1]**2 ptsnew[:,0] = numpy.sqrt(xy + xyz[:,2]**2) # r ptsnew[:,1] = numpy.arctan2(numpy.sqrt(xy), xyz[:,2]) # tetha ptsnew[:,2] = numpy.arctan2(xyz[:,1], xyz[:,0]) # phi return ptsnew
def R(r, t): xaccel = np.cos(np.arctan2(r[3], r[1])) * (C / (r[1]**2 + r[3]**2)**.5); xvel = r[0]; yaccel = np.sin(np.arctan2(r[3], r[1])) * C / (r[1]**2 + r[3]**2)**.5; yvel = r[2]; return np.array([xaccel, xvel, yaccel, yvel])
def pintadubing(lsec,color = 'b'): ''' This function draws a complete dubing trajectory, departing for a list of primary and secundary waypoint such as those generated by secnwayp() waypoints and trayectory are draw in blue circles are draw in dashed black ''' currutaca = lsec[0][1] for i in lsec: pintacirculo(i[0]) #Circles involved in Dubbing trajectory for j in i: pl.plot(j[0],j[1],'o'+color) #waypoint pl.plot([currutaca[0],i[1][0]],[currutaca[1],i[1][1]],color) print i #draw the arc covered is radius > 0... if i[0][2]>0: print i, 'paso' currutaca = i[2] ang = [np.arctan2(i[1][1]-i[0][1],i[1][0]-i[0][0])\ ,np.arctan2(i[2][1]-i[0][1],i[2][0]-i[0][0])] print ang ang[1] = ang[1] - i[0][3]*((ang[1]>ang[0])*(i[0][3]>0.)+\ (ang[1]<ang[0])*(i[0][3]<0.))*2*np.pi print ang, '\n' pintacirculo(i[0],ang,color,1) if (lsec[0][0][2] > 0.) and (lsec[-1][0][2]>0.): pl.plot([lsec[-1][2][0],lsec[0][1][0]],\ [lsec[-1][2][1],lsec[0][1][1]],color)
def cv_coord(a,b,c,fr=None,to=None,degr=False): if degr: degrad = deg2rad raddeg = rad2deg else: degrad = lambda x: x raddeg = lambda x: x if fr=='sph': x=c*cos(degrad(a))*cos(degrad(b)) y=c*sin(degrad(a))*cos(degrad(b)) z=c*sin(degrad(b)) elif fr=='rect': x=a y=b z=c elif fr is None: raise Exception('You must specify the input coordinate system') else: raise Exception('Unknown input coordinate system') if to=='rect': return (x,y,z) elif to=='sph': ra = raddeg(arctan2(y,x)) dec = raddeg(arctan2(z,sqrt(x**2+y**2))) rad = sqrt(x**2+y**2+z**2) return (ra,dec,rad) elif to is None: raise Exception('You must specify the output coordinate system') else: raise Exception('Unknown output coordinate system')
def inv_kin(p, ga, l=[100,100,100]): w = np.array([0]*4,dtype=float) #horizontal coordinate z = np.array([0]*4,dtype=float) #vertical coordinate gripper_angle=ga w[3] = np.sqrt ( np.square ( p[2] ) + np.square ( p[0] )) z[3] = p[1] w[2] = w[3] - l[2] * np.cos(gripper_angle) z[2] = z[3] - l[2] * np.sin(gripper_angle) l12 = np.sqrt ( np.square ( w[2] ) + np.square ( z[2] )) a12 = np.arctan2(z[2], w[2]) a = [0]*4 a[0] = np.arctan2(p[0],p[2]) a[1] = np.arccos ( ( np.square( l[0] ) + np.square ( l12 ) - np.square ( l[1])) / (2 * l[0] * l12 )) + a12 w[1] = l[0] * np.cos(a[1]) z[1] = l[0] * np.sin(a[1]) a[2] = np.arctan2 ( ( z[2] - z[1] ) , ( w[2] - w[1] ) ) - a[1] a[3] = gripper_angle - a[1] - a[2] a[1]=a[1]-np.pi/2 return a
def test_arctan2_invalid(self): with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError) as exc: np.arctan2(np.array([1, 2, 3]) * u.N, 1. * u.s) assert "compatible dimensions" in exc.value.args[0] with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError) as exc: np.arctan2(np.array([1, 2, 3]) * u.N, 1.) assert "dimensionless quantities when other arg" in exc.value.args[0]
def new_model(self): base_sphere=uniform_unit_sphere(self.targetN,base_grid=self.base_grid) x_uni,y_uni,z=base_sphere.make_xyz() self.actualN=len(x_uni) rad=numpy.sqrt(x_uni**2 + y_uni**2) phi=numpy.arctan2(y_uni,x_uni) n_vec=2000 phi_new_vec=numpy.linspace(-numpy.pi, numpy.pi, n_vec) phi_old_vec=phi_new_vec + self.rho_peturb*(numpy.sin(2.*phi_new_vec)/2.) phi_new=numpy.interp(phi,phi_old_vec,phi_new_vec) x=rad*numpy.cos(phi_new) y=rad*numpy.sin(phi_new) rad=numpy.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) phi=numpy.arctan2(y,x)*rad vx=-vel*numpy.sin(phi) vy= vel*numpy.cos(phi) vz=0. mass=numpy.ones_like(x)/self.actualN Ep=3./5 self.internalE=Ep*self.ethep_ratio internal_energy=numpy.ones_like(x)*self.internalE return (mass,x,y,z,vx,vy,vz,internal_energy)
def find_best_new(self): x, y, th = np.unravel_index(self.posecells.argmax(), self.posecells.shape) mx = self.posecells[x,y,th] # get the sums for each axis x_sums = np.zeros(PC_DIM_XY) y_sums = np.zeros(PC_DIM_XY) z_sums = np.zeros(PC_DIM_TH) for i in range(x - PC_CELLS_TO_AVG, x + PC_CELLS_TO_AVG + 1): for j in range(y - PC_CELLS_TO_AVG, y + PC_CELLS_TO_AVG + 1): for k in range(th - PC_CELLS_TO_AVG, th + PC_CELLS_TO_AVG + 1): # Use modulo for wrapping im = i % PC_DIM_XY jm = j % PC_DIM_XY km = k % PC_DIM_TH x_sums[im] += self.posecells[im ,jm, km] y_sums[jm] += self.posecells[im ,jm, km] z_sums[km] += self.posecells[im ,jm, km] # now find the (x, y, th) using population vector decoding to handle the wrap around sum_x1 = 0 sum_x2 = 0 sum_y1 = 0 sum_y2 = 0 for i in range(PC_DIM_XY): sum_x1 += PC_XY_SUM_SIN_LOOKUP[i] * x_sums[i] sum_x2 += PC_XY_SUM_COS_LOOKUP[i] * x_sums[i] sum_y1 += PC_XY_SUM_SIN_LOOKUP[i] * y_sums[i] sum_y2 += PC_XY_SUM_COS_LOOKUP[i] * y_sums[i] x = np.arctan2(sum_x1, sum_x2) * PC_DIM_XY / (2.0 * np.pi) - 1.0 while x < 0: x += PC_DIM_XY while x > PC_DIM_XY: x -= PC_DIM_XY y = np.arctan2(sum_y1, sum_y2) * PC_DIM_XY / (2.0 * np.pi) - 1.0 while y < 0: y += PC_DIM_XY while x > PC_DIM_XY: y -= PC_DIM_XY sum_x1 = 0 sum_x2 = 0 for i in range(PC_DIM_TH): sum_x1 += PC_TH_SUM_SIN_LOOKUP[i] * z_sums[i] sum_x2 += PC_TH_SUM_COS_LOOKUP[i] * z_sums[i] th = np.arctan2(sum_x1, sum_x2) * PC_DIM_TH / (2.0 * np.pi) - 1.0 while th < 0: th += PC_DIM_TH while x > PC_DIM_TH: th -= PC_DIM_TH self.best_x = x self.best_y = y self.best_th = th
def cartToPol(x, y): x = np.array(x) y = np.array(y) return np.arctan2(y, x), np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
def fetch(db, stations, phasors=False, parm="Gain:0:0", direction=None, asPolar=True): """ Fetch the value of a complex, station bound, parameter from a LOFAR parameter database. The parameter values for all station given in "stations" should be defined on the same grid. db: A lofar.parmdb.parmdb instance. stations: List of stations for which to retrieve the associated value (will be added as an infix / suffix to the parameter base name). phasors: (default False) If set to true, use "Ampl", "Phase" infix instead of "Real", "Imag". parm: (default "Gain:0:0") Base name of parameter to fetch. direction: (default None) Source name added to the parameter name as a suffix. asPolar: (default True) Return value as (amplitude, phase) if set to True, (real, imaginary) otherwise. Conversion is performed as needed, depending on the value of 'phasors'. """ suffix = "" if direction: suffix = ":%s" % direction infix = ("Real", "Imag") if phasors: infix = ("Ampl", "Phase") el0 = [] el1 = [] for station in stations: fqname = "%s:%s:%s%s" % (parm, infix[0], station, suffix) el0.append(__fetch_value(db, fqname)) fqname = "%s:%s:%s%s" % (parm, infix[1], station, suffix) el1.append(__fetch_value(db, fqname)) el0 = numpy.array(el0) el1 = numpy.array(el1) if phasors and not asPolar: re = numpy.zeros(el0.shape) im = numpy.zeros(el1.shape) for i in range(0, len(stations)): re[i] = el0[i] * numpy.cos(el1[i]) im[i] = el0[i] * numpy.sin(el1[i]) return (re, im) if not phasors and asPolar: ampl = numpy.zeros(el0.shape) phase = numpy.zeros(el1.shape) for i in range(0, len(stations)): ampl[i] = numpy.sqrt(numpy.power(el0[i], 2) + numpy.power(el1[i], 2)) phase[i] = numpy.arctan2(el1[i], el0[i]) return (ampl, phase) return (el0, el1)
# define parameters related to calculation maxl = 10 _,beam_sig,del_bl,num_bl = sys.argv beam_sig=float(beam_sig); del_bl=float(del_bl);num_bl=int(num_bl) fqs = n.arange(50,91,2)*0.001 savekey = 'grid_del_bl_{0:.2f}_num_bl_{1}_beam_sig_{2:.2f}'.format(del_bl,num_bl,beam_sig) #global tx,ty,tz,dOmega,theta,phi,amp im = a.img.Img(size=200, res=.5) #make an image of the sky to get sky coords tx,ty,tz = im.get_top(center=(200,200)) #get coords of the zenith? dOmega = get_dOmega(tx,ty) valid = n.logical_not(tx.mask) tx,ty,tz,dOmega = tx.flatten(),ty.flatten(),tz.flatten(),dOmega.flatten() theta = n.arctan2(ty,tx) # using math convention of theta=[0,2pi], phi=[0,pi] phi = n.arccos(n.sqrt(1-tx*tx-ty*ty)) amp = uf.gaussian(beam_sig,n.zeros_like(theta),phi) baselines = agg.make_pos_array(del_bl,num_bl) num0,num1 = len(baselines),(maxl+1)*(maxl+1) print "num baselines = {0}\nnum lms = {1}".format(num0,num1) lms = n.zeros([num1,2]) ii=0 for ll in range(maxl+1): for mm in range(-ll,ll+1): lms[ii] = n.array([ll,mm]) ii+=1 matrix = n.zeros([num0,num1,len(fqs)],dtype=n.complex) assignment_matrix = n.arange(num0*num1).reshape((num0,num1))
def get_altitude_azimuth(utc_time, lon, lat): """Returns sun altitude and azimuth from utc_time, lon, and lat. """ lon = np.deg2rad(lon) lat = np.deg2rad(lat) ra_, dec = sun_ra_dec(utc_time) h__ = local_hour_angle(utc_time, lon, ra_) return (np.arcsin(np.sin(lat) * np.sin(dec) + np.cos(lat) * np.cos(dec) * np.cos(h__)),np.arctan2(-np.sin(h__), (np.cos(lat) * np.tan(dec) - np.sin(lat) * np.cos(h__))))
def log(self): norm = abs(self.normalized()) imgs = norm.imaginaries lens = np.sqrt(np.sum(imgs**2, axis=-1)) lens = np.arctan2(lens, norm.reals) / (lens + 1e-10) return imgs * lens[...,np.newaxis]
def cart2sph(x, y, z): hxy = np.hypot(x, y) r = np.hypot(hxy, z) elevation = np.arctan2(z, hxy)*180/math.pi azimuth = np.arctan2(y, x)*180/math.pi return r[2], azimuth[2], elevation[2]
def ephemeris(time, latitude, longitude, pressure=101325, temperature=12): """ Python-native solar position calculator. The accuracy of this code is not guaranteed. Consider using the built-in spa_c code or the PyEphem library. Parameters ---------- time : pandas.DatetimeIndex latitude : float longitude : float pressure : float or Series, default 101325 Ambient pressure (Pascals) temperature : float or Series, default 12 Ambient temperature (C) Returns ------- DataFrame with the following columns: * apparent_elevation : apparent sun elevation accounting for atmospheric refraction. * elevation : actual elevation (not accounting for refraction) of the sun in decimal degrees, 0 = on horizon. The complement of the zenith angle. * azimuth : Azimuth of the sun in decimal degrees East of North. This is the complement of the apparent zenith angle. * apparent_zenith : apparent sun zenith accounting for atmospheric refraction. * zenith : Solar zenith angle * solar_time : Solar time in decimal hours (solar noon is 12.00). References ----------- .. [1] Grover Hughes' class and related class materials on Engineering Astronomy at Sandia National Laboratories, 1985. See also -------- pyephem, spa_c, spa_python """ # Added by Rob Andrews (@Calama-Consulting), Calama Consulting, 2014 # Edited by Will Holmgren (@wholmgren), University of Arizona, 2014 # Most comments in this function are from PVLIB_MATLAB or from # pvlib-python's attempt to understand and fix problems with the # algorithm. The comments are *not* based on the reference material. # This helps a little bit: # # the inversion of longitude is due to the fact that this code was # originally written for the convention that positive longitude were for # locations west of the prime meridian. However, the correct convention (as # of 2009) is to use negative longitudes for locations west of the prime # meridian. Therefore, the user should input longitude values under the # correct convention (e.g. Albuquerque is at -106 longitude), but it needs # to be inverted for use in the code. Latitude = latitude Longitude = -1 * longitude Abber = 20 / 3600. LatR = np.radians(Latitude) # the SPA algorithm needs time to be expressed in terms of # decimal UTC hours of the day of the year. # if localized, convert to UTC. otherwise, assume UTC. try: time_utc = time.tz_convert('UTC') except TypeError: time_utc = time # strip out the day of the year and calculate the decimal hour DayOfYear = time_utc.dayofyear DecHours = (time_utc.hour + time_utc.minute/60. + time_utc.second/3600. + time_utc.microsecond/3600.e6) # np.array needed for pandas > 0.20 UnivDate = np.array(DayOfYear) UnivHr = np.array(DecHours) Yr = np.array(time_utc.year) - 1900 YrBegin = 365 * Yr + np.floor((Yr - 1) / 4.) - 0.5 Ezero = YrBegin + UnivDate T = Ezero / 36525. # Calculate Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time (GMST) GMST0 = 6 / 24. + 38 / 1440. + ( 45.836 + 8640184.542 * T + 0.0929 * T ** 2) / 86400. GMST0 = 360 * (GMST0 - np.floor(GMST0)) GMSTi = np.mod(GMST0 + 360 * (1.0027379093 * UnivHr / 24.), 360) # Local apparent sidereal time LocAST = np.mod((360 + GMSTi - Longitude), 360) EpochDate = Ezero + UnivHr / 24. T1 = EpochDate / 36525. ObliquityR = np.radians( 23.452294 - 0.0130125 * T1 - 1.64e-06 * T1 ** 2 + 5.03e-07 * T1 ** 3) MlPerigee = 281.22083 + 4.70684e-05 * EpochDate + 0.000453 * T1 ** 2 + ( 3e-06 * T1 ** 3) MeanAnom = np.mod((358.47583 + 0.985600267 * EpochDate - 0.00015 * T1 ** 2 - 3e-06 * T1 ** 3), 360) Eccen = 0.01675104 - 4.18e-05 * T1 - 1.26e-07 * T1 ** 2 EccenAnom = MeanAnom E = 0 while np.max(abs(EccenAnom - E)) > 0.0001: E = EccenAnom EccenAnom = MeanAnom + np.degrees(Eccen)*np.sin(np.radians(E)) TrueAnom = ( 2 * np.mod(np.degrees(np.arctan2(((1 + Eccen) / (1 - Eccen)) ** 0.5 * np.tan(np.radians(EccenAnom) / 2.), 1)), 360)) EcLon = np.mod(MlPerigee + TrueAnom, 360) - Abber EcLonR = np.radians(EcLon) DecR = np.arcsin(np.sin(ObliquityR)*np.sin(EcLonR)) RtAscen = np.degrees(np.arctan2(np.cos(ObliquityR)*np.sin(EcLonR), np.cos(EcLonR))) HrAngle = LocAST - RtAscen HrAngleR = np.radians(HrAngle) HrAngle = HrAngle - (360 * ((abs(HrAngle) > 180))) SunAz = np.degrees(np.arctan2(-np.sin(HrAngleR), np.cos(LatR)*np.tan(DecR) - np.sin(LatR)*np.cos(HrAngleR))) SunAz[SunAz < 0] += 360 SunEl = np.degrees(np.arcsin( np.cos(LatR) * np.cos(DecR) * np.cos(HrAngleR) + np.sin(LatR) * np.sin(DecR))) SolarTime = (180 + HrAngle) / 15. # Calculate refraction correction Elevation = SunEl TanEl = pd.Series(np.tan(np.radians(Elevation)), index=time_utc) Refract = pd.Series(0, index=time_utc) Refract[(Elevation > 5) & (Elevation <= 85)] = ( 58.1/TanEl - 0.07/(TanEl**3) + 8.6e-05/(TanEl**5)) Refract[(Elevation > -0.575) & (Elevation <= 5)] = ( Elevation * (-518.2 + Elevation*(103.4 + Elevation*(-12.79 + Elevation*0.711))) + 1735) Refract[(Elevation > -1) & (Elevation <= -0.575)] = -20.774 / TanEl Refract *= (283/(273. + temperature)) * (pressure/101325.) / 3600. ApparentSunEl = SunEl + Refract # make output DataFrame DFOut = pd.DataFrame(index=time_utc) DFOut['apparent_elevation'] = ApparentSunEl DFOut['elevation'] = SunEl DFOut['azimuth'] = SunAz DFOut['apparent_zenith'] = 90 - ApparentSunEl DFOut['zenith'] = 90 - SunEl DFOut['solar_time'] = SolarTime DFOut.index = time return DFOut
def angle(self): angle = np.arctan2(self.end.y - self.start.y, self.end.x - self.start.x) return angle if angle >= 0 else angle + 2 * np.pi
# this is for calculating wind speed radius_earth = 6373000.0 # radius earth wind_speed = [] for counter, i in enumerate(df.latitude): try: lat1 = np.radians(df.latitude[counter]) lat2 = np.radians(df.latitude[counter + 1]) lon1 = np.radians(df.longitude[counter]) lon2 = np.radians(df.longitude[counter + 1]) dlat = lat2 - lat1 dlon = lon2 - lon1 a = np.sin(dlat / 2)**2 + np.cos(lat1) * np.cos(lat2) * np.sin( dlon / 2)**2 c = 2 * np.arctan2(np.sqrt(a), np.sqrt(1 - a)) distance = radius_earth * c time_difference = df.timedelay[counter] except: True if distance > 10: distance = 0 wind_speed.append(distance / time_difference) # for plotting temperature, pressure and wind speed fig, ax = plt.subplots(4, figsize=(16, 9)) ax[0].plot(timelist, df.temperature, color='red') ax[0].set_xlabel('time (s)') ax[0].set_ylabel('temperature (℃)')
def angle(x): x=x.flatten() return arctan2(x[1],x[0])
def main(argv): # The Initial condition for the star orbiting a black hole # The black holes' collective mass is given by the 'mass', # Newton's constant by 'G', the star's initial position by # (x0, y0, z0), the star's initial velocity by (vx, vy, vz) # and q is the mass ratio between the black holes. # Initializing default parameters # Default mass, G, and q values kwargs = {'mass': 1.0, 'G': 1.0, 'q': 1.0} x0 = 4.0 y0 = 0.0 z0 = 0.0 vx0 = 0.0 vy0 = 0.5 vz0 = 0.0 # dt is the timestep. The error will be proportional to dt**4 dt = 1.0e-2 # start time t = 0.0 # max time tmax = 100 # Black Hole 1's initial position BH1x = 1.0 BH1y = 0.0 BH1z = 0.0 # Black Hole 2's initial position BH2x = -1.0 BH2y = 0.0 BH2z = 0.0 # Processing command line arguments # This will possibly change some of the default values i = 0 record_comment = False use_RK_45 = False if len(argv) == 0: print('# Running with default settings') # for better options menu while i < len(argv): # while there are unprocessed arguments if argv[i] == '--star': i += 1 while i < len(argv): # while there are unprocessed star #print('Star arguments') if argv[i] == '--x0' or argv[i] == '-x': i += 1 x0 = float(argv[i]) #print('X position changed') elif argv[i] == '--y0' or argv[i] == '-y': i += 1 y0 = float(argv[i]) #print('Y position changed') elif argv[i] == '--z0' or argv[i] == '-z': i += 1 z0 = float(argv[i]) #print('Z position changed') elif argv[i] == '--vx0' or argv[i] == '-vx': i += 1 vx0 = float(argv[i]) #print('Velocity x vector changed') elif argv[i] == '--vy0' or argv[i] == '-vy': i += 1 vy0 = float(argv[i]) #print('Velocity y vector changed') elif argv[i] == '--vz0' or argv[i] == '-vz': i += 1 vz0 = float(argv[i]) #print('Velocity z vector changed') else: # If the *current* argument is not for a star, counter the *next* increment i -= 1 break # move to the next argument i += 1 elif argv[i] == '--tstep' or argv[i] == '-ts': i += 1 dt = float(argv[i]) #print('Time step changed') elif argv[i] == '--tmax' or argv[i] == '-tm': i += 1 tmax = float(argv[i]) #print('Maximum run time changed') elif argv[i] == '--mratio' or argv[i] == '-q': i += 1 kwargs['q'] = float(argv[i]) #print('Mass ratio changed') elif argv[i] == '--sep' or argv[i] == '-s': i += 1 BH1x = float(argv[i]) / 2 BH2x = -1.0 * BH1x # Print('Seperation distance of black holes changes) elif argv[i] == '--help' or argv[i] == '-h': print_help() exit(0) elif argv[i] == '--default' or argv[i] == '-d': print_default() exit(0) elif argv[i] == '-r' or argv[i] == '--record': record_comment = True elif argv[i] == '-45' or argv[i] == '--rk45': use_RK_45 = True else: print('\n "', argv[i], '" is not an option!!') print_help() exit(1) i += 1 # Calculate initial star position initial_position = np.array((x0, y0, z0), dtype=np.float64) # Calculate initial star velocity initial_velocity = np.array((vx0, vy0, vz0), dtype=np.float64) # Calculate initial star angle(phi) # TODO: need to check if this is the right initialization initial_phi = np.array(np.arctan2(y0, x0), dtype=np.float64) # Concatanate star parameters Y = np.concatenate((initial_position, initial_velocity)) Y = np.append(Y, initial_phi) # Puts blach hole 1 position parameters into an array initial_bh1_pos = np.array((BH1x, BH1y, BH1z), dtype=np.float64) BH1 = initial_bh1_pos # Puts black hole 2 position parameters into an array initial_bh2_pos = np.array((BH2x, BH2y, BH2z), dtype=np.float64) BH2 = initial_bh2_pos kwargs['bh1'] = BH1 kwargs['bh2'] = BH2 omega, BH_dist = calc_omega(kwargs['mass'], kwargs['G'], BH1, BH2) kwargs['omega'] = omega kwargs['BH_dist'] = BH_dist if record_comment: print('# Star Position: x:', x0, ' y:', y0, ' z:', z0) print('# Star Velocity Components: vx0: ', vx0, ' vy0:', vy0, ' vz0:', vz0) print('# Time Step:', dt, '\tRun Time max:', tmax) print('# Black hole separation:', abs(BH1x) * 2) print('') #phi_list = np.zeros(shape=2, dtype=np.float64) #phi_list[1] = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(Y[0:3], Y[3:])) /\ #(np.linalg.norm(Y[0:3]) ** 2) star_x_min_max = [Y[0], Y[0]] star_y_min_max = [Y[1], Y[1]] star_z_min_max = [Y[2], Y[2]] while t < tmax: pos_r = np.linalg.norm(Y[0:3]) # phi_list[0] = phi_list[1] # #phi_list[1] = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(Y[0:3], Y[3:])) / (pos_r ** 2) # phi_list[1] = np.arctan2(Y[1], Y[0]) # phi_list = np.unwrap(phi_list) BH1 = kwargs['bh1'] BH2 = kwargs['bh2'] print(t, Y[0], Y[1], Y[2], BH1[0], BH1[1], BH1[2], BH2[0], BH2[1], BH2[2], pos_r, Y[6]) # The Runge-Kutta routine returns the new value of Y, t, and a # possibly updated value of dt if use_RK_45: # fine-tunes the dt t, Y, dt = RK45_Step(t, Y, dt, Keppler_Binary_RHS, **kwargs) else: # does not change the dt t, Y, dt = RK4_Step(t, Y, dt, Keppler_Binary_RHS, **kwargs) update_min_max(star_x_min_max, Y, 0) update_min_max(star_y_min_max, Y, 1) update_min_max(star_z_min_max, Y, 2) print("# Xmin\tXmax\tYmin\tYmax\tZmin\tZmax") print("#", star_x_min_max[0], " ", star_x_min_max[1], " ", star_y_min_max[0], " ", star_y_min_max[1], " ", star_z_min_max[0], " ", star_z_min_max[1])
def plot_histogram(values, fig=None, ax=None, weighted=False, divided_by_bin_size=False, hist_scale=1.0, bins='auto', log_x=False, log_y=False, vmin=None, vmax=None, plot_type='steps', horizontal=False, fit_limits=None, extra_artists=[], color='k', lw=1.0, ls='-', alpha=1.0, x_lims=None, y_lims=None, label=None, legend_loc=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, xlabel_color='k', ylabel_color='k', minorticks_on=False, output_path=None, fig_kwargs={}, render_now=True): if fig is None or ax is None: fig, ax = create_2d_subplots(**fig_kwargs) hist, bin_edges, bin_centers = compute_histogram( values, weights=None, bins=bins, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, decide_bins_in_log_space=(log_y if horizontal else log_x)) hist = np.asfarray(hist) bin_sizes = bin_edges[1:] - bin_edges[:-1] if divided_by_bin_size: hist /= bin_sizes if weighted: hist *= bin_centers*bin_sizes if hist_scale != 1.0: hist *= hist_scale if plot_type == 'steps': if horizontal: ax.step(hist, bin_edges[:-1], c=color, ls=ls, lw=lw, label=label) else: ax.step(bin_edges[:-1], hist, c=color, ls=ls, lw=lw, label=label) elif plot_type == 'bar': if horizontal: ax.barh(bin_edges[:-1], hist, align='edge', height=bin_sizes, log=log_x, color=color, alpha=alpha, linewidth=lw, label=label) else:[:-1], hist, align='edge', width=bin_sizes, log=log_y, color=color, alpha=alpha, linewidth=lw, label=label) elif plot_type == 'fillstep': if horizontal: ax.fill_betweenx(bin_edges[:-1], hist, step='pre', color=color, alpha=alpha) else: ax.fill_between(bin_edges[:-1], hist, step='pre', color=color, alpha=alpha) if horizontal: ax.step(hist, bin_edges[:-1], c=color, ls=ls, lw=lw, label=label) else: ax.step(bin_edges[:-1], hist, c=color, ls=ls, lw=lw, label=label) elif plot_type == 'fill': if horizontal: ax.fill_betweenx(bin_centers, hist, color=color, alpha=alpha, label=label) else: ax.fill_between(bin_centers, hist, color=color, alpha=alpha, label=label) if horizontal: ax.plot(hist, bin_centers, c=color, ls=ls, lw=lw, alpha=alpha, label=label) else: ax.plot(bin_centers, hist, c=color, ls=ls, lw=lw, alpha=alpha, label=label) elif plot_type == 'points': if horizontal: ax.plot(hist, bin_centers, c=color, ls=ls, lw=lw, alpha=alpha, marker='o') else: ax.plot(bin_centers, hist, c=color, ls=ls, lw=lw, alpha=alpha, marker='o') else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid plot type {plot_type}') if extra_artists is not None: for artist in extra_artists: ax.add_artist(artist) if log_x: ax.set_xscale('log') if log_y: ax.set_yscale('log') if fit_limits is not None: start_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(bin_centers - fit_limits[0])) end_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(bin_centers - fit_limits[1])) coefs = np.polyfit( np.log10(bin_centers[start_idx:end_idx]) if log_x else bin_centers[start_idx:end_idx], np.log10(hist[start_idx:end_idx]) if log_y else hist[start_idx:end_idx], 1) print(f'Slope of fitted line: {coefs[0]}') fit_values = np.poly1d(coefs)( np.log10(bin_centers) if log_x else bin_centers) if log_y: fit_values = 10**fit_values ax.plot(bin_centers, fit_values, 'k--', alpha=0.3, lw=1.0) shift = 3 xylabel = ((bin_centers[shift] + bin_centers[shift + 1])/2, (fit_values[shift] + fit_values[shift + 1])/2) p1 = ax.transData.transform_point( (bin_centers[shift], fit_values[shift])) p2 = ax.transData.transform_point( (bin_centers[shift + 1], fit_values[shift + 1])) dy = (p2[1] - p1[1]) dx = (p2[0] - p1[0]) rotn = np.degrees(np.arctan2(dy, dx)) ax.annotate(f'{coefs[0]:.1f}', xy=xylabel, ha='center', va='center', rotation=rotn, backgroundcolor='w', alpha=0.5, fontsize='x-small') if minorticks_on: ax.minorticks_on() set_2d_plot_extent(ax, x_lims, y_lims) set_2d_axis_labels(ax, xlabel, ylabel, xcolor=xlabel_color, ycolor=ylabel_color) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelcolor=xlabel_color) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor=ylabel_color) if legend_loc: ax.legend(loc=legend_loc) if render_now: render(fig, output_path=output_path) return fig, ax
def get_angle_at_time(planet, t): pos_vec = planet_positions[:, planet, t] print pos_vec return np.arctan2(pos_vec[1], pos_vec[0])
def cartesion_to_spherical(x, y, z): r3 = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2) phi = np.arctan2(y, x) theta = np.arccos(z/r3) return r3, theta, phi
def apparent_rightascension(t='now'): """Returns the apparent right ascension of the Sun.""" y = np.cos(apparent_obliquity_of_ecliptic(t)) * np.sin(apparent_longitude(t)) x = np.cos(apparent_longitude(t)) app_ra = np.arctan2(y, x) return Longitude(
def msg_callback(car_state, target_info): global mu_0 global mu_t_1 global sigma_t_1 global N global it global max_tg1 global min_tg1 global max_tg2 global min_tg2 # Parameter initialization vehicle_pose_ = [car_state.PosX, car_state.PosY] vehicle_pose__ = [-1*car_state.PosX, car_state.PosY] vehicle_poses_.append(vehicle_pose__) heading_ = car_state.heading target1_ = [target_info.targetPosX1, target_info.targetPosY1] target2_ = [target_info.targetPosX2, target_info.targetPosY2] velocity_ = car_state.velocity dt = car_state.yaw_rate_dt yaw_rate = car_state.yaw_rate vehicle_pose, heading, target1, target2 = changing_avm_coordinate(vehicle_pose_, heading_, target1_, target2_) avm_vehicle_pose, avm_heading, t1, t2 = changing_avm_coordinate([target_info.PosX, target_info.PosY], target_info.heading, [0,0], [0,0]) avm_vehicle_poses.append(avm_vehicle_pose) if len(targets_origin) is 0 : result = [(target1[0] + target2[0]) / 2, (target1[1] + target2[1]) / 2] targets_origin.append(result) tg1 = [target1[0] - result[0], target1[1] - result[1]] tg2 = [target2[0] - result[0], target2[1] - result[1]] target_origin_poses.append(tg1) target_origin_poses.append(tg2) vehicle_poses.append(vehicle_pose) # EKF SLAM print('\n\n********************\n[%d] iteration\n********************' % it) if it == 0: # initialization mu_t_1, sigma_t_1 = EKF_SLAM.initialization(N, avm_vehicle_pose, avm_heading, FVC(target1), FVC(target2)) mu_0 = mu_t_1 # initialization/ it = it + 1 # update dt = car_state.yaw_rate_dt # 0.02 # car_state.sampling_time # Not yet v_t_1 = car_state.velocity / 3.6 w_t_1 = car_state.yaw_rate + 1e-10 # 1 + 0.05 * np.random.randn() + 0 # car_state.yaw_rate # Not yet w_t_1 = np.deg2rad(w_t_1) map_id1 = 1 # fix map_id2 = 2 # fix # eg coord. x_t_1 = vehicle_pose[0] y_t_1 = vehicle_pose[1] theta_t_1 = heading map_x1 = FVC(target1)[0] map_y1 = FVC(target1)[1] map_x2 = FVC(target2)[0] map_y2 = FVC(target2)[1] # eg coord./ u_t = np.array([v_t_1, w_t_1]) z_t = np.array([[np.sqrt(pow(map_x1-x_t_1, 2)+pow(map_y1-y_t_1, 2)), np.sqrt(pow(map_x2-x_t_1, 2)+pow(map_y2-y_t_1, 2))], [np.arctan2(map_y1-y_t_1, map_x1-x_t_1) - theta_t_1, np.arctan2(map_y2-y_t_1, map_x2-x_t_1) - theta_t_1], [map_id1, map_id2]]) # check/ c_t = [map_id1, map_id2] # fix y_t = np.array([[x_t_1], [y_t_1], [theta_t_1], [map_x1], [map_y1], [map_x2], [map_y2]]) # update/ mu_t, sigma_t = EKF_SLAM.EKF_SLAM(mu_t_1, sigma_t_1, u_t, z_t, c_t, dt, N) # test print('\nreal state >>') print(y_t) print('\nmu_t >>') print(mu_t) print('\nsigma_t >>') print(sigma_t) # test/ # update mu_t_1 = mu_t sigma_t_1 = sigma_t # update/ # EKF SLAM/ ekf_pose = mu_t[0:3] ekf_target1 = mu_t[3:5] ekf_target2 = mu_t[5:7] slam_vehicle_poses.append(ekf_pose) # EKF SLAM/ # < For visualization > # raw t_state = vs.draw_t(vehicle_pose, heading, FVC(target1), FVC(target2), blue, skyblue) #vs.draw_path(t_state, vehicle_poses_, yello) vs.draw_path(t_state, vehicle_poses, green) vs.draw_point(t_state, target_origin_poses[0], target_origin_poses[1], white, 3, 0) # raw + EKF-SLAM vs.draw_path(t_state, slam_vehicle_poses, yello) vs.draw_point(t_state, ekf_target1, ekf_target2, magenta, 2, -1) vs.draw_vehicle(t_state, ekf_pose[0:2], ekf_pose[2], red, 2) vs.draw_vehicle(t_state, avm_vehicle_pose, avm_heading, orange, 2) vs.draw_path(t_state, avm_vehicle_poses, blue) # Meaning of color t_state_meaning = [['< Vehicle >', white], ['< Path >', white], ['< Target points >', white]] t_state_color_meaning = [['Blue : Invehicle odometry', blue], ['Red : EKF-SLAM odometry', red], ['Orange : AVM odometry', orange], ['Green : Invehicle path', green], ['Yello : EKF-SLAM path', yello], ['Blue : AVM path', blue], ['White : First frame points', white], ['Skyblue : Raw points', skyblue], ['Magenta : EKF-SLAM points', magenta]] t_state = cv2.flip(t_state, 1) t_state = vs.color_meaning_print(t_state, t_state_meaning, t_state_color_meaning) # Only EKF-SLAM result slam_coord_system = vs.draw_t(ekf_pose[0:2], ekf_pose[2], ekf_target1, ekf_target2, red, magenta) vs.draw_path(slam_coord_system, slam_vehicle_poses, yello) vs.draw_point(slam_coord_system, target_origin_poses[0], target_origin_poses[1], white, 3, 0) # AVM raw vs.draw_vehicle(slam_coord_system, avm_vehicle_pose, avm_heading, orange, 2) vs.draw_path(slam_coord_system, avm_vehicle_poses, blue) # Meaning of color ekf_state_meaning = [['< Vehicle >', white], ['< Path >', white], ['< Target points >', white]] ekf_state_color_meaning = [['Red : EKF-SLAM odometry', red], ['Orange : AVM odometry', orange], ['Yello : EKF-SLAM path', yello], ['Blue : AVM path', blue], ['Magenta : EKF-SLAM points', magenta], ['Skyblue : AVM points', skyblue]] slam_coord_system = cv2.flip(slam_coord_system, 1) slam_coord_system = vs.color_meaning_print(slam_coord_system, ekf_state_meaning, ekf_state_color_meaning) slam_pub.publish(bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(t_state, "bgr8")) ekf_slam_pub.publish(bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(slam_coord_system, "bgr8"))
def voronoi_finite_polygons_2d(self, vor): """ Reconstruct infinite voronoi regions in a 2D diagram to finite regions. based on Parameters ---------- vor : Voronoi Input diagram Returns ------- regions : list of tuples Indices of vertices in each revised Voronoi regions. vertices : list of tuples Coordinates for revised Voronoi vertices. Same as coordinates of input vertices, with 'points at infinity' appended to the end. """ new_regions = [] orig_vertices = vor.vertices.tolist() new_vertices = list(orig_vertices) # list of tuple of indices in orig_vertices, each describing a ridge # made by a pair of returned vertices ridge_vertices = vor.ridge_vertices # list of tuples, each two indices in points. They describe a ridge # perpendicular to their line ridge_points = vor.ridge_points assert len(ridge_vertices) == len(ridge_points) # list of tuple, each a point passed by the user points = vor.points # for each point in points, it's the index in regions that contains it point_region = vor.point_region assert len(points) == len(point_region) # list of lists, each is indices in orig_vertices making the polygon regions = vor.regions assert len(points) == len([r for r in regions if r]) center = vor.points.mean(axis=0) w, h = self.screen_size radius = 100 * max(w, h) # Construct a map containing all ridges for a given point # for every point it lists all counter points and vertices between them all_ridges = defaultdict(list) for (p1, p2), (v1, v2) in zip(ridge_points, ridge_vertices): # points p1, p2 will have the same vertices between them all_ridges[p1].append((p1, p2, v1, v2)) all_ridges[p2].append((p1, p2, v1, v2)) # compute the polygons for each region for p1, region in enumerate(point_region): # The region polygon. First get all vertices for the region within # the screen region_vertices = [] for v in regions[region]: # skip infinite vertices if v < 0: continue # skip vertices outside the screen # x, y = orig_vertices[v] # if not (0 <= x <= w - 1 and 0 <= y <= h - 1): # continue region_vertices.append( [(None, None), None, v, orig_vertices[v]]) # all the ridges that make the region for p1_, p2_, v1, v2 in all_ridges[p1]: # if the second point of the ridge is infinite, # one and only one of the vertex indices will be -1 if v2 < 0: v1, v2 = v2, v1 if v1 >= 0: assert v2 >= 0 # x1, y1 = orig_vertices[v1] # x2, y2 = orig_vertices[v2] # # # assume that if a vertex is outside the screen, # # the other vertex must be on the other side of the p1-p2 # # perpendicular # if not (0 <= x1 <= w - 1 and 0 <= y1 <= h - 1): # region_vertices.append( # [[x2, y2], [x1 - x2, y1 - y2], None, [x1, y1]]) # if not (0 <= x2 <= w - 1 and 0 <= y2 <= h - 1): # region_vertices.append( # [[x1, y1], [x2 - x1, y2 - y1], None, [x2, y2]]) continue # assume that if there's an infinite point, the pair will be # within the screen boundary assert v2 >= 0 # Compute the missing endpoint of an infinite ridge t = vor.points[p2_] - vor.points[p1_] # tangent t /= np.linalg.norm(t) # normal, facing to the left of the line between p1 - p2 n = np.array([-t[1], t[0]]) # find midpoint between the two points midpoint = vor.points[[p1_, p2_]].mean(axis=0) # find whether the normal points in the same direction as the # line made by the center of the voronoi points with midpoint. # If it faces the opposite direction, reorient to face from # the center to midpoint direction (i.e. away from the center) # It will be the same for p1, and p2 when we encounter each # this ensures that we get the same far point for each direction = np.sign( - center, n)) * n # add a point very far from the last point far_point = orig_vertices[v2] + direction * radius region_vertices.append( [orig_vertices[v2], direction, None, far_point]) # for (x1, y1), direction, v, (x2, y2) in temp_vertices: # if v is not None: # assert x2 >= 0 and y2 >= 0 # finish vs = np.asarray([v[3] for v in region_vertices]) c = vs.mean(axis=0) angles = np.arctan2(vs[:, 1] - c[1], vs[:, 0] - c[0]) region_vertices = [region_vertices[i] for i in np.argsort(angles)] region_verts_i = [] for i, item in enumerate(region_vertices): if item[1] is None: region_verts_i.append(item[2]) else: region_verts_i.append(len(new_vertices)) new_vertices.append(item[3]) new_regions.append(region_verts_i) # region is sorted according to points order new_vertices = np.asarray(new_vertices) return new_regions, new_vertices
def update_controls(self): ###################################################### # RETRIEVE SIMULATOR FEEDBACK ###################################################### x = self._current_x y = self._current_y yaw = self._current_yaw v = self._current_speed self.update_desired_speed() v_desired = self._desired_speed t = self._current_timestamp waypoints = self._waypoints throttle_output = 0 steer_output = 0 brake_output = 0 ###################################################### ###################################################### # MODULE 7: DECLARE USAGE VARIABLES HERE ###################################################### ###################################################### """ Use 'self.vars.create_var(<variable name>, <default value>)' to create a persistent variable (not destroyed at each iteration). This means that the value can be stored for use in the next iteration of the control loop. Example: Creation of 'v_previous', default value to be 0 self.vars.create_var('v_previous', 0.0) Example: Setting 'v_previous' to be 1.0 self.vars.v_previous = 1.0 Example: Accessing the value from 'v_previous' to be used throttle_output = 0.5 * self.vars.v_previous """ self.vars.create_var('v_previous', 0.0) # Skip the first frame to store previous values properly if self._start_control_loop: """ Controller iteration code block. Controller Feedback Variables: x : Current X position (meters) y : Current Y position (meters) yaw : Current yaw pose (radians) v : Current forward speed (meters per second) t : Current time (seconds) v_desired : Current desired speed (meters per second) (Computed as the speed to track at the closest waypoint to the vehicle.) waypoints : Current waypoints to track (Includes speed to track at each x,y location.) Format: [[x0, y0, v0], [x1, y1, v1], ... [xn, yn, vn]] Example: waypoints[2][1]: Returns the 3rd waypoint's y position waypoints[5]: Returns [x5, y5, v5] (6th waypoint) Controller Output Variables: throttle_output : Throttle output (0 to 1) steer_output : Steer output (-1.22 rad to 1.22 rad) brake_output : Brake output (0 to 1) """ ###################################################### ###################################################### # MODULE 7: IMPLEMENTATION OF LONGITUDINAL CONTROLLER ###################################################### ###################################################### """ Implement a longitudinal controller here. """ # PID Parameters Ts = 0.033 # Sample time kp = 0.5 # Proportional Gain (10) ki = 0.42 # Integral Gain (5) kd = 0.12 # Derivative Gain (5) # Constants calculation q0 = kp + ((Ts * ki) / 2) + (kd / Ts) q1 = ((Ts * ki) / 2) - kp - ((2 * kd) / Ts) q2 = kd / Ts # Errors calculation self.err2 = self.err1 self.err1 = self.err self.err = v_desired - v # Output calculation self.u1 = self.u self.u = self.u1 + (q0 * self.err) + (q1 * self.err1) + (q2 * self.err2) # Change these outputs with the longitudinal controller. Note that # brake_output is optional and is not required to pass the # assignment, as the car will naturally slow down over time. if (self.u > 0): throttle_output = self.u brake_output = 0 else: throttle_output = 0 brake_output = -self.u ###################################################### ###################################################### # MODULE 7: IMPLEMENTATION OF LATERAL CONTROLLER ###################################################### ###################################################### """ Implement a lateral controller here. """ # Angle conversion to work within: (0, -pi) or (0, -180) yaw = -np.pi - yaw # Front axle coordinates calculation xf = x + (1.5 * np.cos(yaw)) yf = y - (1.5 * np.sin(yaw)) # Distance between the front axle and the closest waypoint ex0 = self.rx - xf ey0 = self.ry - yf # Distance between the front axle and the current waypoint ex1 = waypoints[0][0] - xf ey1 = waypoints[0][1] - yf # Error to the closes waypoint de0 = np.sqrt((ex0**2) + (ey0**2)) # Error to the curret waypoint de1 = np.sqrt((ex1**2) + (ey1**2)) # Conditions to find the cross track error if de0 < de1: # Keep the closest distance and its keypoints self.cterr = de0 else: # Keep the current distance and its keypoints self.cterr = de1 self.rx = waypoints[0][0] self.ry = waypoints[0][1] # Distance calculation between two consecutive waypoints pathangx = waypoints[1][0] - waypoints[0][ 0] # (Siguiente - Actual) pathangy = waypoints[0][1] - waypoints[1][ 1] # (Siguiente - Actual) # Angle calculation between the two keypoints: (0, -180) pathang = np.arctan2(pathangy, pathangx) - np.pi headerror = (pathang - yaw) * -1 pathd = pathang * (180 / np.pi) # Conditions to determine the correct sign of the cross track error if pathd > -170: if (ex0 < 0) or (ex1 < 0): self.cterr = -self.cterr else: self.cterr = self.cterr elif pathd < -190: if (ex0 < 0) or (ex1 < 0): self.cterr = self.cterr else: self.cterr = -self.cterr elif (pathd >= -190) and (pathd <= -170): if (ey0 < 0) or (ey1 < 0): self.cterr = -self.cterr else: self.cterr = self.cterr # Cross track error coefficient ksteer = 2 * self.cterr corsteer = np.arctan2(ksteer, v) if self.cterr < 0: errorcor = -np.absolute(corsteer) else: errorcor = np.absolute(corsteer) # Steering angle calculation steer = headerror + errorcor # Maximum and minimum steering angle if steer > 1.22: steer = 1.22 elif steer < -1.22: steer = -1.22 steer_output = steer ###################################################### # SET CONTROLS OUTPUT ###################################################### self.set_throttle(throttle_output) # in percent (0 to 1) self.set_steer(steer_output) # in rad (-1.22 to 1.22) self.set_brake(brake_output) # in percent (0 to 1) ###################################################### ###################################################### # MODULE 7: STORE OLD VALUES HERE (ADD MORE IF NECESSARY) ###################################################### ###################################################### """ Store old values """ self.vars.v_previous = v # Store forward speed to be used in next step
bw = img.mean(axis=2) Hx = np.array([ [-1, 0, 1], [-2, 0, 2], [-1, 0, 1]], dtype=np.float32) Hy = Hx.T Gx = convolve2d(bw, Hx) plt.imshow(Gx, cmap='gray') Gy = convolve2d(bw, Hy) plt.imshow(Gy, cmap='gray') G = np.sqrt(Gx*Gx + Gy*Gy) theta = np.arctan2(Gx, Gy) plt.imshow(G, cmap='gray') plt.imshow(theta, cmap='gray') # #
def getAngleABC(A, B, C): ba = np.arctan2(A[1] - B[1], A[0] - B[0]) bc = np.arctan2(C[1] - B[1], C[0] - B[0]) return ba - bc
def cart2pol(x, y): rho = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) phi = np.arctan2(y, x) return(rho, phi)
def get_profile(file,pxsize,PA_disk,inc,d,size,padir,widir,dr,**kwargs): ############################################################ # # Extract a radial cut of the brightness along diffent # position angles. # # file: the fits file of the observation # pxsize: pixel scale (arcsec/px) # PA_aperture: position angle of the aperture measured east-north (deg) # inc: disk's inclination (deg) # d: distance to the source (pc) # size: semi-major axis of the disk (AU) # padir: position angle of the desired direction (deg) # widir: width of the cone along the desired direction (deg) # dr: width of the annulus (AU) # # The ouput is a matrix whose the rows and columns represent # the position angle and the radial distance of the flux # measurement. # ############################################################ ############################################################ # Load ALMA data if kwargs['type']=='obs': data_obs=hdulist[0].data[0][0] """ xc=hdulist[0].header['CRPIX1'] yc=hdulist[0].header['CRPIX2'] """ xc=data_obs.shape[1]*0.5 yc=data_obs.shape[0]*0.5 elif kwargs['type']=='mod': data_obs=hdulist[0].data xc=data_obs.shape[0]*0.5 yc=data_obs.shape[1]*0.5 ############################################################ # Derived properties angle_annulus=((PA_disk-90.0)*units.deg).to(units.rad).value if padir<270.0: padir=padir+90.0 else: padir=padir-270.0 e=np.sin((inc*units.deg).to(units.rad).value) d_au=(d*units.pc).to( xc_array=[] yc_array=[] ############################################################ # Creating elliptical aperture linear_lim=2*(size) # AU angular_lim=linear_lim/d_au # rad angular_lim=(angular_lim*units.rad).to(units.arcsec).value # arcsec pixel_lim=int(round(angular_lim/pxsize)) dr=topx(dr,pxsize,d) # width of each annular aperture a_in_array=[] for i in np.arange(yc+dr,yc+0.5*pixel_lim,dr): a_in_array.append(i-xc) a_out_array=[i+dr for i in a_in_array] b_out_array=[i*(1-e**2)**0.5 for i in a_out_array] a_in_array=np.array(a_in_array) a_out_array=np.array(a_out_array) apertures=[EllipticalAnnulus((yc,xc),a_in=ain,a_out=aout,b_out=bout,theta=angle_annulus) for (ain,aout,bout) in zip(a_in_array,a_out_array,b_out_array)] print("Number of annular apertures: %d"%len(apertures)) """ # Do a check? plt.imshow(data_obs) apertures[-1].plot(color='red',lw=1) """ ############################################################ # Determine Nbins Nbins=round(360.0/widir) ############################################################ # Define class "Bin" class Bin: def __init__(self,ID,theta_min,theta_max,plist): self.ID=ID self.theta_min=theta_min self.theta_max=theta_max self.plist=plist def showFlux(self): i=0 for pixel in self.plist: print(i,aperture_data[pixel[0],pixel[1]]) i+=1 def getArea(self,aperture): value=aperture.area/Nbins return value def getFlux(self): flux=0.0 for pixel in self.plist: flux+=aperture_data[pixel[0],pixel[1]] return flux def getTheta(self): value=(self.theta_max-self.theta_min)*0.5+self.theta_min return value def getError_beam(self,aperture): beam_x=0.074 # arcsec beam_y=0.057 # arcsec flux_array=[] for pixel in self.plist: flux_array.append(aperture_data[pixel[0],pixel[1]]) area=aperture.area/Nbins flux_array=np.array(flux_array)#/area sigma=np.std(flux_array) beam_area=np.pi*(beam_x)*(beam_y)/(4*np.log(2)) Nbeam=((aperture.area*pxsize**2)/Nbins)/beam_area return sigma/(Nbeam)**0.5 def getError_pixel(self,aperture): flux_array=[] for pixel in self.plist: flux_array.append(aperture_data[pixel[0],pixel[1]]) area=aperture.area/Nbins flux_array=np.array(flux_array)/area sigma=np.std(flux_array) Npixel=len(self.plist) return sigma/(Npixel)**0.5 M=[] E_beam=[] E_pixel=[] a_in_array=[i*pxsize*d for i in a_in_array] a_out_array=[i*pxsize*d for i in a_out_array] a_mid=np.array([(j-i)*0.5+i for (j,i) in zip(a_out_array,a_in_array)]) meanpxn=[] for ii in range(0,len(apertures)): ############################################################ # Creating bin sbin=Bin(ii,padir-0.5*widir,padir+0.5*widir,[]) ############################################################ # Creating aperture mask mask=apertures[ii].to_mask(method="center") """ # Do a check? plt.imshow(mask) plt.colorbar() """ ############################################################ # Extracting pixels located inside the aperture aperture_data=mask.multiply(data_obs) """ # Do a check? plt.imshow(aperture_data) plt.colorbar() """ ############################################################ # Creating array of pixel's index within the aperture # relative to the star pixel_list=[] ycc=int(aperture_data.shape[0]*0.5) xcc=int(aperture_data.shape[1]*0.5) for i in range(0,aperture_data.shape[1]): # Over columns for j in range(0,aperture_data.shape[0]): # Over rows if aperture_data[j,i]!=0.0: pixel_list.append((j-ycc,i-xcc)) ############################################################ # Filling in sbin data for point in pixel_list: phi=np.arctan2(point[0],point[1]) if phi<0.0: phi=2*np.pi+phi phi=phi*180.0/np.pi if sbin.theta_min<=phi<sbin.theta_max: pixel=(int(point[0]+ycc),int(point[1]+xcc)) sbin.plist.append(pixel) ############################################################ # Writing result #value.showFlux() M.append(sbin.getFlux()/sbin.getArea(apertures[ii])) E_beam.append(sbin.getError_beam(apertures[ii])) E_pixel.append(sbin.getError_pixel(apertures[ii])) meanpxn.append(len(sbin.plist)) #print("I have %.1f pixels"%(len(sbin.plist))) #print(np.mean(meanpxn)) M=np.array(M) E_beam=np.array(E_beam) E_pixel=np.array(E_pixel) print() print("Max value (Jy/beam/bin_area): %.1e"%(max(M))) print("Max error (per beam): %.1e"%(np.nanmax(E_beam))) print("Max error (per pixel): %.1e"%(np.nanmax(E_pixel))) """ ############################################################ # Plotting fig=plt.figure(figsize=(5,12)) ax=plt.axes() ax.errorbar(a_mid,M,yerr=E_beam,marker=".",fmt="-",color="red",capsize=2,elinewidth=0.5) # ax.tick_params(labelleft=False,left=False) # ax.set_ylabel(r"%.1f"%((midtheta[i]*units.rad).to(units.deg).value)) ax.set_xlabel(r"$r$(AU)") #ax.set_ylim(0,0.0175) """ return a_mid,M,E_beam,E_pixel
def reflect(self, r, nslits, wave=None, order=1): """ Propagate an input ray for a given wavelength and order. wave is in angstroms ruling is in mm^-1 If more than one wave provided, wavelength samples are ordered along the first axis. Taken from xidl/DEEP2/spec2d/pro/model/ Args: r (numpy.ndarray): Rays to propagate. nslits (:obj:`int`): Number of slits wave (`numpy.ndarray`_): The wavelengths in angstroms for the propagated coordinates. order (:obj:`int`): The grating order. Returns: Rays reflected off the grating """ if wave is None and self.central_wave is None: msgs.error('Must define a wavelength for the calculation.') if wave is None:'Using central wavelength for calculation.') _wave = numpy.array([self.central_wave ]) if wave is None else numpy.atleast_1d(wave) if _wave.ndim > 1: raise NotImplementedError( 'Input wavelength must be one number or a vector.') nwave = _wave.size _wave_arr = numpy.tile(_wave, (nslits, 1)) _r = numpy.atleast_2d(r) if _r.ndim > 2: raise NotImplementedError( 'Rays must be 1D for a single ray, or 2D for multiple.') # Transform into the grating conjugate surface _r = OpticalModel.conjugate_surface_transform(_r, self.transform, forward=True) # Get the grating input angles alpha = -numpy.arctan2(-_r[:, 1], -_r[:, 2]) gamma = numpy.arctan2( _r[:, 0], numpy.sqrt(numpy.square(_r[:, 1]) + numpy.square(_r[:, 2]))) # Use the grating equation to get the output angle (minus sign # in front of sin(alpha) is for reflection) beta = (numpy.arcsin((order * 1e-7 * self.ruling * _wave_arr.ravel() / numpy.cos(gamma)) - numpy.sin(alpha))).reshape( _wave_arr.shape).T # Revert to ray vectors wavesign = 1 - 2 * (_wave_arr.T < 0) _r = numpy.array([ numpy.sin(gamma), numpy.sin(-beta * wavesign).T.flatten() * numpy.cos(gamma), numpy.cos(-beta * wavesign).T.flatten() * numpy.cos(gamma) ]).T #if nwave == 1: # # Flatten if only one wave provided # _r = _r[0] # Return vectors transformed out of the grating conjugate surface return OpticalModel.conjugate_surface_transform(_r, self.transform)
def compute_iso2(self, points, lst_points, A, B, no_go_zones, safe_zones, nb_secteurs=200): A = np.array((A[0], A[1])).reshape(1, -1) B = np.array((B[0], B[1])).reshape(1, -1) points = self.sort_dist(points, A, B, coeff_min=1) # on determine tous les angles entre les pts et A angles = np.arctan2(points[:, 1] - A[0, 1], points[:, 0] - A[0, 0]).reshape(-1, 1) % (2 * np.pi) #angles = np.arctan2(points[:, 1] - B[0, 1], points[:, 0] - B[0, 0]).reshape(-1, 1)%(2*np.pi) points = np.hstack((points, angles)) points2 = np.zeros((1, 3)) angleAB = np.arctan2(B[0, 1] - A[0, 1], B[0, 0] - A[0, 0]) angles2 = (angles + np.pi - angleAB) % (2 * np.pi) angle_min, angle_m, angle_max = min(angles2), np.mean(angles), max( angles2) # print(angle_min, angle_m, angle_max) angle_min, angle_max = (angle_min - np.pi + angleAB), (angle_max - np.pi + angleAB) # if not angle_min < angle_m < angle_max: # angle_max = angle_max - 2*np.pi # print(angle_min, angle_m, angle_max) secteurs = np.linspace(angle_min, angle_max, nb_secteurs) secteurs = secteurs % (2 * np.pi) for i in range(nb_secteurs - 1): pts = points[secteurs[i] < points[:, 3], :] pts = pts[pts[:, 3] < secteurs[i + 1]] # plt.scatter(points[:, 0], points[:, 1]) # plt.scatter(pts[:, 0], pts[:, 1]) # plt.scatter(A[0], A[1]) #pts = self.sort_dist(pts[:, :-1], A, d_min=d_mean*0.5) if len(pts) != 0: #if cdist(C, pts[-1, :2].reshape(1, -1)) < r : ok = True cur_pt = (pts[-1, 0], pts[-1, 1]) j = int(pts[-1, 2]) lst_pt = (lst_points[j, 0], lst_points[j, 1]) if deep_DEBUG: plt.plot([cur_pt[0], lst_pt[0]], [cur_pt[1], lst_pt[1]]) if LineString((cur_pt, lst_pt)).crosses(no_go_zones) or ( (not LineString((cur_pt, lst_pt)).within(safe_zones)) and not safe_zones.is_empty): ok = False if ok: pts = pts[-1, :] if points2.shape[0] == 1: points2 = pts else: points2 = np.vstack((points2, pts)) if deep_DEBUG: plt.scatter(points[:, 0], points[:, 1]) plt.scatter(points2[:, 0], points2[:, 1]) plt.scatter(A[0, 0], A[0, 1]) plt.scatter(B[0, 0], B[0, 1]) plt.plot(*safe_zones.exterior.xy) r = 500 # angles = [angles.min(), angles.max()] for a in secteurs: plt.plot((A[0, 0], A[0, 0] + r * np.cos(a)), (A[0, 1], A[0, 1] + r * np.sin(a))) points = points2 return points
def raytrace(model, nimgs=None, ipeps=None, speps=None, initial_guess=None, verbose=False, viz=False): """Find the positions of images by raytracing back to the source. ipeps - Radius on the image plane to consider two image as one. speps - Radius on the source plane to determine if a pixel maps near to the source """ global fig obj,ps,src_index = model # if len(model) == 2: # [obj,ps], src_index = model # else: # obj_index, src_index = model[1:] # obj,ps = model[0]['obj,data'][obj_index] ploc = obj.basis.ploc src = ps['src'][src_index] zcap = obj.sources[src_index].zcap srcdiff = None #zcap=1 if ipeps is None: #ipeps = 2 * obj.basis.top_level_cell_size ipeps = 0.01 * obj.basis.mapextent if speps is None: speps = obj.basis.top_level_cell_size #/ sqrt(2) #speps = 0.01 * obj.basis.mapextent #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # (1) Make an initial guess where the images are. # # srcdiff is a matrix giving the distance between the src and the point on # the source plane where each pixel maps back to. Taking the n pixels with # the smallest of those differences gives a good estimate for the image # positions. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if not initial_guess: srcdiff = obj.basis.srcdiff(ps, src_index) initial_guess = [] asort = argsort(srcdiff) for j in asort: if srcdiff[j] > speps: break initial_guess.append(ploc[j]) # if not initial_guess: # initial_guess = [] # for i in range(20): # r = obj.basis.mapextent * random() # t = 2 * np.pi * random() # sx = r * np.cos(t) # sy = r * np.sin(t) # initial_guess.append(complex(sx,sy)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # for ii in initial_guess: # if abs(ploc[j] - ii) <= eps: break # else: # if len(initial_guess) >= nimgs: break # raw_input() # #figure(f.number) # figure() # if not any(abs(ploc[j] - ploc[asort[:i]]) <= eps): # srcdiff[j] = 10 # initial_guess.append(ploc[j]) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # (2) Minimize the lens equation beginning from each of the initial guesses. # Only those images that truly satisfy the equation are accepted. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- initial_guess.append(src) if verbose: print 'Initial guesses', initial_guess def lenseq(theta0): theta = complex(*theta0) r = src - theta + obj.basis.deflect(theta, ps) / zcap return r.real, r.imag def lenseq_prime(theta0): theta = complex(*theta0) dist = theta - obj.basis.ploc dxdx = -1 + dot(ps['kappa'], (poten_dxdx(dist,obj.basis.cell_size))) / zcap dydy = -1 + dot(ps['kappa'], (poten_dydy(dist,obj.basis.cell_size))) / zcap dxdy = -1 + dot(ps['kappa'], (poten_dxdy(dist,obj.basis.cell_size))) / zcap dydx = -1 + dot(ps['kappa'], (poten_dydx(dist,obj.basis.cell_size))) / zcap return [ [dxdx, dydx], [dxdy, dydy] ] xs = [] #if obj.shear: s1,s2 = ps['shear'] for img in initial_guess: #x,_,ier,mesg = fsolve(lenseq, [img.real,img.imag], fprime=lenseq_prime, full_output=True) #, xtol=1e-12) x,_,ier,mesg = fsolve(lenseq, [img.real,img.imag], full_output=True, xtol=1e-12) #x = fmin(lenseq, [img.real,img.imag], full_output=False, disp=False, xtol=1e-10, ftol=1e-10) if not ier: print mesg continue r = complex(*x) # if an initial guess was poor then the minimum will not be near zero. # Only accept solutions that are very close to zero. leq = abs(complex(*lenseq(x))) if leq < 2e-10: #print leq xs.append([img, r, leq]) else: #print 'Image at %s rejected. %e' % (r, leq) pass #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # (3) Sort by how well we were able to minimize each function. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- xs.sort(lambda x,y: -1 if x[2] < y[2] else 1 if x[2] > y[2] else 0) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # (4) Only accept a solution if it is distinct from previous solutions. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- imgs0 = [] for img,r0,t0 in xs: for r,t in imgs0: if abs(r0-r) < ipeps: break else: tau = abs(r0-src)**2 / 2 tau *= zcap tau -= dot(ps['kappa'], poten(r0 - obj.basis.ploc, obj.basis.cell_size, obj.basis.maprad)) tau -= np.sum( [ ps[] * e.poten(r0).T for e in obj.extra_potentials ] ) #print tau #print '!!', poten(i - obj.basis.ploc, obj.basis.cell_size)[0] #print '!!', dot(ps['kappa'], poten(complex(1,0) - obj.basis.ploc, obj.basis.cell_size)) imgs0.append([r0,tau]) if viz: if fig == None: fig = pl.figure() if srcdiff is None: srcdiff = obj.basis.srcdiff(ps, src_index) #print obj.sources reorder = empty_like(srcdiff) reorder.put(obj.basis.pmap, srcdiff) sd = zeros((2*obj.basis.pixrad+1)**2) sd[obj.basis.insideL] = reorder #sd[:len(srcdiff)] = srcdiff #reorder sd = sd.reshape((2*obj.basis.pixrad+1,2*obj.basis.pixrad+1)) R = obj.basis.mapextent kw = {'extent': [-R,R,-R,R], 'interpolation': 'nearest', 'aspect': 'equal', 'origin': 'upper', #'cmap': cm.terrain, 'fignum': False, #'vmin': -1, #'vmax': 1 } pl.cla() pl.matshow(sd, **kw) #pl.colorbar() # print '??' # for i in initial_guess: print i # print '??' #arrival_plot({'obj,data':[[obj,ps]]}, src_index=src_index, clevels=150) xs = [r.real for r in initial_guess] ys = [r.imag for r in initial_guess] pl.scatter(xs,ys) # print '**' # for i in obj.sources[src_index].images: print i # print '**' # xs = [r.pos.real for r in obj.sources[src_index].images] # ys = [r.pos.imag for r in obj.sources[src_index].images] # pl.scatter(xs,ys, color='r', s=40) xs = [r.real for r,tau in imgs0] ys = [r.imag for r,tau in imgs0] pl.scatter(xs,ys, color='g') pl.draw() print '*'*80 print 'PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE' print '*'*80 raw_input() #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # (5) Determine magnification information #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- from scipy.linalg import det imgs = [] for img in imgs0: #print 'tau', tau r, tau = img theta = arctan2(r.imag, r.real) * 180/pi A = zcap*identity(2) - obj.basis.magnification(r, theta, ps) detA = det(A) trA = A.trace() mu = 1. / detA # magnification factor parity = ['sad', 'sad', 'max', 'min'][(detA > 0)*2 + (trA > 0)] print mu imgs.append(img + [ [mu, A], parity ]) #Mavg = average(map(lambda x: (x[3] != 'max') * x[2][3], imgs)) #imgs = filter(lambda x: abs(x[2][3]) > Mavg*0.8, imgs) #print imgs #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # (6) Sort by arrival time #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- imgs.sort(lambda x,y: -1 if x[1] < y[1] else 1 if x[1] > y[1] else 0) # if fig == None: # fig = figure() # f = pl.gcf() ## figure() #fig.number) ## reorder = empty_like(srcdiff) ## reorder.put(obj.basis.pmap, srcdiff) ## sd = zeros((2*obj.basis.pixrad+1)**2) ## sd[obj.basis.insideL] = reorder ## #sd[:len(srcdiff)] = srcdiff #reorder ## sd = sd.reshape((2*obj.basis.pixrad+1,2*obj.basis.pixrad+1)) ## R = obj.basis.mapextent ## kw = {'extent': [-R,R,-R,R], ## 'interpolation': 'nearest', ## 'aspect': 'equal', ## 'origin': 'upper', ## 'cmap': cm.terrain, ## 'fignum': False, ## 'vmin': 0, ## 'vmax': R} ## matshow(sd, **kw) #, fignum=fig.number) ## kw.pop('cmap') ## over(contour, sd, 100, extend='both', colors='w', alpha=1.0, **kw) # #figure(f.number) # figure() #print imgs return imgs
x0 = psfc_min_ds.x.values y0 = psfc_min_ds.y.values xrel = ds.x.values - x0 + 1e-13 # hack to avoid zero-division for now yrel = ds.y.values - y0 # meshgrid X, Y = np.meshgrid(xrel, yrel) # calc r and theta r = np.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2) # since we are using gridpt-wise min instead of interpolating, # we need to ignore that grid point for the theta calc is_center = (X == 0) & (Y == 0) # assert np.count_nonzero(is_center) == 1 theta = np.zeros(ds.psfc.shape) theta[~is_center] = np.arctan2(Y[~is_center], X[~is_center]) # ^ arctan2 chooses correct quadrants for you # Calculate tangential wind speed (positive cyclonic) and radial windspeed (positive inward) # The below does work but uses more steps! # uh = np.sqrt(ds.u**2 + ds.v**2) # horizontal wind magnitude # theta_wind = np.arctan2(ds.v.values, ds.u.values) # wind vector angle (direction) # urad = -uh*np.cos(theta_wind - theta) # radial wind # vtan = uh*np.sin(theta_wind - theta) # tangential wind # from Kelly, fewer steps way # note that cos(theta) is equivalent to x/r and sin(theta) to y/r, # so we could've gotten away with not calculating theta at all vtan = np.cos(theta) * ds.v - np.sin(theta) * ds.u urad = -(np.cos(theta) * ds.u + np.sin(theta) * ds.v) # note also that if we already had u_h, we only really need to calculate one,
def _computeDirection(self, dx, dy): return np.arctan2(dy, dx)
def select_input(self, x_rand, x_near): return np.arctan2(x_rand[1] - x_near[1], x_rand[0] - x_near[0])
def cart2pol(x, y): theta = np.arctan2(y, x) rho = np.hypot(x, y) return (theta, rho)
def convert(slope): angle = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(slope, 1)) answer = 90 - angle return round(answer)