def read_surface(fname, verbose=None): """Load a Freesurfer surface mesh in triangular format Parameters ---------- fname : str The name of the file containing the surface. verbose : bool, str, int, or None If not None, override default verbose level (see mne.verbose). Returns ------- rr : array, shape=(n_vertices, 3) Coordinate points. tris : int array, shape=(n_faces, 3) Triangulation (each line contains indexes for three points which together form a face). """ with open(fname, "rb", buffering=0) as fobj: # buffering=0 for np bug magic = _fread3(fobj) if (magic == 16777215) or (magic == 16777213): # Quad file or new quad nvert = _fread3(fobj) nquad = _fread3(fobj) coords = np.fromfile(fobj, ">i2", nvert * 3).astype(np.float) coords = coords.reshape(-1, 3) / 100.0 quads = _fread3_many(fobj, nquad * 4) quads = quads.reshape(nquad, 4) # # Face splitting follows # faces = np.zeros((2 * nquad, 3), nface = 0 for quad in quads: if (quad[0] % 2) == 0: faces[nface] = quad[0], quad[1], quad[3] nface += 1 faces[nface] = quad[2], quad[3], quad[1] nface += 1 else: faces[nface] = quad[0], quad[1], quad[2] nface += 1 faces[nface] = quad[0], quad[2], quad[3] nface += 1 elif magic == 16777214: # Triangle file create_stamp = fobj.readline() _ = fobj.readline() # analysis:ignore vnum = np.fromfile(fobj, ">i4", 1)[0] fnum = np.fromfile(fobj, ">i4", 1)[0] #raise RuntimeError coords = np.fromfile(fobj, ">f4", vnum * 3).reshape(vnum, 3) faces = np.fromfile(fobj, ">i4", fnum * 3).reshape(fnum, 3) else: raise ValueError("%s does not appear to be a Freesurfer surface" % fname)'Triangle file: %s nvert = %s ntri = %s' % (create_stamp.strip(), len(coords), len(faces))) coords = coords.astype(np.float) # XXX: due to mayavi bug on mac 32bits return coords, faces
def _read_frame(self, file_num, frame_num, raw_flag): pdict = self.flist[file_num] with open(pdict['fname'], 'rb') as fptr: num_data = np.fromfile(fptr, dtype='i4', count=1)[0] accum = [pdict['ones_accum'], pdict['multi_accum']] offset = [0, 0] size = [0, 0] if frame_num == 0: size = [accum[0][frame_num], accum[1][frame_num]] else: offset = [accum[0][frame_num-1], accum[1][frame_num-1]] size[0] = accum[0][frame_num] - accum[0][frame_num - 1] size[1] = accum[1][frame_num] - accum[1][frame_num - 1] + num_data*8 + offset[0]*4, 0) place_ones = np.fromfile(fptr, dtype='i4', count=size[0]) + num_data*8 + accum[0][-1]*4 + offset[1]*4, 0) place_multi = np.fromfile(fptr, dtype='i4', count=size[1]) + num_data*8 + accum[0][-1]*4 + accum[1][-1]*4 + offset[1]*4, 0) count_multi = np.fromfile(fptr, dtype='i4', count=size[1]) frame = np.zeros(pdict['num_pix'], dtype='i4'), place_ones, 1), place_multi, count_multi) frame *= pdict['geom'].unassembled_mask if not raw_flag: frame = self._assemble_frame(frame, file_num) return frame
def mnist(ntrain=60000,ntest=10000,onehot=True): data_dir = os.path.join(datasets_dir,'mnist/') fd = open(os.path.join(data_dir,'train-images.idx3-ubyte')) loaded = np.fromfile(file=fd,dtype=np.uint8) trX = loaded[16:].reshape((60000,28*28)).astype(float) fd = open(os.path.join(data_dir,'train-labels.idx1-ubyte')) loaded = np.fromfile(file=fd,dtype=np.uint8) trY = loaded[8:].reshape((60000)) fd = open(os.path.join(data_dir,'t10k-images.idx3-ubyte')) loaded = np.fromfile(file=fd,dtype=np.uint8) teX = loaded[16:].reshape((10000,28*28)).astype(float) fd = open(os.path.join(data_dir,'t10k-labels.idx1-ubyte')) loaded = np.fromfile(file=fd,dtype=np.uint8) teY = loaded[8:].reshape((10000)) trX = trX/255. teX = teX/255. trX = trX[:ntrain] trY = trY[:ntrain] teX = teX[:ntest] teY = teY[:ntest] if onehot: trY = one_hot(trY, 10) teY = one_hot(teY, 10) else: trY = np.asarray(trY) teY = np.asarray(teY) return trX,teX,trY,teY
def loadlocal_mnist(images_path, labels_path): """ Read MNIST from ubyte files. Parameters ---------- images_path : str path to the test or train MNIST ubyte file labels_path : str path to the test or train MNIST class labels file Returns -------- images : [n_samples, n_pixels] numpy.array Pixel values of the images. labels : [n_samples] numpy array Target class labels """ with open(labels_path, 'rb') as lbpath: magic, n = struct.unpack('>II', labels = np.fromfile(lbpath, dtype=np.uint8) with open(images_path, 'rb') as imgpath: magic, num, rows, cols = struct.unpack(">IIII", images = np.fromfile(imgpath, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(len(labels), 784) return images, labels
def getCoincidences(fTimes, fChans, gate, radius, heraldChan): bufRes = 156.25e-12 gate = int(gate/bufRes) radius = int(radius/bufRes) coin = np.zeros([8,8], dtype = np.uint64) times = np.fromfile(fTimes, dtype = np.uint64) chans = np.fromfile(fChans, dtype = np.uint8) #print "len(times), len(chans)", len(times), len(chans) for chan in range(8,16): colIdx = np.where(chans==chan)[0] for idx in colIdx: #print "chans[idx]: %d"%chans[idx] #print "few chans: ",chans[idx-3:idx+3] #print "few times: ",times[idx-3:idx+3] j = idx + 1 while (j < len(times)) and (chans[j]==heraldChan) and (times[j] - gate <= times[idx]): i = idx - 1 while (i >= 0): if (times[i] + radius >= times[idx]) and (chans[idx] != chans[i]) and chans[i] < 8: row = chans[i] col = chans[idx] % 8 coin[row, col] += 1 break elif (times[i] + radius <= times[idx]): row = heraldChan % 8 #works even if for some reason we had the rows plugged into channels 8-15 of the tagger col = chans[idx] % 8 coin[row, col] += 1 break i -= 1 j += 1 return coin """
def read_morph_data(filepath): """Read a Freesurfer morphometry data file. This function reads in what Freesurfer internally calls "curv" file types, (e.g. ?h. curv, ?h.thickness), but as that has the potential to cause confusion where "curv" also refers to the surface curvature values, we refer to these files as "morphometry" files with PySurfer. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Path to morphometry file Returns ------- curv : numpy array Vector representation of surface morpometry values """ with open(filepath, "rb") as fobj: magic = _fread3(fobj) if magic == 16777215: vnum = np.fromfile(fobj, ">i4", 3)[0] curv = np.fromfile(fobj, ">f4", vnum) else: vnum = magic _fread3(fobj) curv = np.fromfile(fobj, ">i2", vnum) / 100 return curv
def Read(self): #return numpy.ones((256, 819)).astype('float32'), numpy.ones(256).astype('int32') with open(self.featureFile,"rb") as f: dt = numpy.dtype([('numSamples',(numpy.int32,1)),('sampPeriod',(numpy.int32,1)),('sampSize',(numpy.int16,1)),('sampKind',(numpy.int16,1))]) header = numpy.fromfile(f,dt.newbyteorder('>' if self.byteOrder==ByteOrder.BigEndian else '<'),count=1) numSamples = header[0]['numSamples'] sampPeriod = header[0]['sampPeriod'] sampSize = header[0]['sampSize'] sampKind = header[0]['sampKind'] # print 'Num samples = {}'.format(numSamples) # print 'Sample period = {}'.format(sampPeriod) # print 'Sample size = {}'.format(sampSize) # print 'Sample kind = {}'.format(sampKind) dt = numpy.dtype([('sample',(numpy.float32,sampSize/4))]) samples = numpy.fromfile(f,dt.newbyteorder('>' if self.byteOrder==ByteOrder.BigEndian else '<'),count=numSamples) self._markDone() if self.labelFile is None: labels = None else: labels = ReadLabel(self.labelFile) return samples[:]['sample'], labels
def _read_volume_info(fobj): """An implementation of, since old versions of nibabel (<=2.1.0) don't have it. """ volume_info = dict() head = np.fromfile(fobj, '>i4', 1) if not np.array_equal(head, [20]): # Read two bytes more head = np.concatenate([head, np.fromfile(fobj, '>i4', 2)]) if not np.array_equal(head, [2, 0, 20]): warnings.warn("Unknown extension code.") return volume_info volume_info['head'] = head for key in ['valid', 'filename', 'volume', 'voxelsize', 'xras', 'yras', 'zras', 'cras']: pair = fobj.readline().decode('utf-8').split('=') if pair[0].strip() != key or len(pair) != 2: raise IOError('Error parsing volume info.') if key in ('valid', 'filename'): volume_info[key] = pair[1].strip() elif key == 'volume': volume_info[key] = np.array(pair[1].split()).astype(int) else: volume_info[key] = np.array(pair[1].split()).astype(float) # Ignore the rest return volume_info
def _load_ahf_particle_block(self, f): """Load the particles for the next halo described in particle file f""" ng = len(self.base.gas) nds = len(self.base.dark) + len( nparts = int(f.readline().split()[0]) if self.isnew: if isinstance(f, file): data = (np.fromfile( f, dtype=int, sep=" ", count=nparts*2).reshape(nparts, 2))[:, 0] else: # unfortunately with gzipped files there does not # seem to be an efficient way to load nparts lines data = np.zeros(nparts, dtype=int) for i in xrange(nparts): data[i] = int(f.readline().split()[0]) if self._use_iord : data = self._iord_to_fpos[data] else : hi_mask = data >= nds data[np.where(hi_mask)] -= nds data[np.where(~hi_mask)] += ng else: if isinstance(f, file): data = np.fromfile(f, dtype=int, sep=" ", count=nparts) else: # see comment above on gzipped files data = np.zeros(nparts, dtype=int) for i in xrange(nparts): data[i] = int(f.readline()) data.sort() return data
def train_generator(): random.seed(seedvalue) valtruth = list() valdata = list() endflag = False for i in range(0,len(events)): for j in range(0,len(truthfiles)): filename = events[i]+truthfiles[j] try: truth = np.fromfile(filename,dtype=np.short) truth = truth.reshape(len(truth)//wirelength,wirelength) for k in range(0,len(datafiles[j])): filename = events[i]+datafiles[j][k] try: data = np.fromfile(filename,dtype=np.short) data = data.reshape(len(data)//wirelength,wirelength) data = np.concatenate((padarray,data,padarray),axis=0) for l in range(batchsize,len(truth)+1,batchsize): if i>=len(events)-1 and j>=len(truthfiles)-1 and k>=len(datafiles[j])-1 and l>=len(truth): endflag=True if random.uniform(0,1) > droptrainingwires or endflag: start = l - batchsize end = l t = list() for m in range(start,end): t.append((np_utils.to_categorical(truth[m],numlabels))) d = parse_attributes(data[start:end+numattributes-1]) if random.uniform(0,1) < reservevalidation and not endflag: valtruth.extend(t) valdata.extend(d) else: yield np.asarray(d), np.asarray(t), np.asarray(valdata), np.asarray(valtruth), endflag except IOError: print 'No file named',filename except IOError: print 'No truth file for',events[i]
def read_lgal_input_fulltrees_withids(folder,lastsnap,file,verbose): firstfile = file lastfile = file nTrees = 0 nHalos = 0 nTreeHalos = numpy.array([],dtype=numpy.int32) output_Halos = numpy.array([],dtype=struct_lgalinput) output_HaloIDs = numpy.array([],dtype=struct_lgaldbidsinput) ifile = file filename = folder+'/trees_'+"%03d"%(lastsnap)+'.'+"%d"%(ifile) f = open(filename,"rb") this_nTrees = numpy.fromfile(f,numpy.int32,1)[0] nTrees += this_nTrees this_nHalos = numpy.fromfile(f,numpy.int32,1)[0] nHalos += this_nHalos if(verbose): print "File ", ifile," nHalos = ",this_nHalos nTreeHalos = numpy.fromfile(f,numpy.int32,this_nTrees) output_Halos = numpy.fromfile(f,struct_lgalinput,this_nHalos) f.close() filename = folder+'/tree_dbids_'+"%03d"%(lastsnap)+'.'+"%d"%(ifile) f = open(filename,"rb") output_HaloIDs = numpy.fromfile(f,struct_lgaldbidsinput,this_nHalos) f.close() return (nTrees,nHalos,nTreeHalos,output_Halos,output_HaloIDs)
def __parse_data(self): print 'Reading ', self._filepath f = open(self._filepath, 'rb') samp_per_segment = 64 bytes_per_sample = 2 channels = 2 tcd_dtype= 'int16' f_size = os.path.getsize(self._filepath) segments = f_size / ( samp_per_segment * bytes_per_sample * channels ) self._progress_bar.setMinimum(0) self._progress_bar.setMaximum(segments) self._value = 0 self._progress_bar.setValue(self._value) chan1 = numpy.array([], dtype=tcd_dtype) chan2 = numpy.array([], dtype=tcd_dtype) data = numpy.zeros((samp_per_segment), dtype=tcd_dtype) for seg in xrange(segments): self._value = self._value + 1 self._progress_bar.setValue(self._value) data = numpy.fromfile(f, dtype=tcd_dtype, count=samp_per_segment) chan1 = numpy.concatenate((chan1, data.copy()) ) data = numpy.fromfile(f, dtype=tcd_dtype, count=samp_per_segment) chan2 = numpy.concatenate((chan2, data.copy()) ) f.close() chan1 = chan1.astype(float) / 2.0**11 * self._prf/2.0 *154000.0 / self._doppler_freq_1/10**3 chan2 = chan2.astype(float) / 2.0**11 * self._prf/2.0 *154000.0 / self._doppler_freq_2/ 10**3 self.chan1 = chan1 self.chan2 = chan2
def openDATfile(filename,ftype,srate=25000): fh = open(filename,'r') if ftype == 'amp': data = np.fromfile(fh, dtype=np.int16) fh.close() data = np.double(data) data *= 0.195 # according the Intan, the output should be multiplied by 0.195 to be converted to micro-volts elif ftype == 'adc': data = np.fromfile(fh, dtype=np.uint16) fh.close() data = np.double(data) data *= 0.000050354 # according the Intan, the output should be multiplied by 0.195 to be converted to micro-volts data -= np.mean(data) elif ftype == 'aux': data = np.fromfile(fh, dtype=np.uint16) fh.close() data = np.double(data) data *= 0.0000748 # according the Intan, the output should be multiplied by 0.195 to be converted to micro-volts elif ftype == 'time': data = np.fromfile(fh, dtype=np.int32) fh.close() data = np.double(data) data /= srate # according the Intan, the output should be multiplied by 0.195 to be converted to micro-volts return data
def load_matrix_csr(path, verbose=False): t_start = time.time() data = np.fromfile( open( os.path.join( path, "")), dtype=np.float32) col_ind = np.fromfile( open( os.path.join( path, "bigrams.col_ind.bin")), dtype=np.int64) row_ptr = np.fromfile( open( os.path.join( path, "bigrams.row_ptr.bin")), dtype=np.int64) dim = row_ptr.shape[0] - 1 cooccurrence = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix( (data, col_ind, row_ptr), shape=( dim, dim), dtype=np.float32) t_end = time.time() if verbose: print("Matrix loaded in {0:0.2f} sec".format(t_end - t_start)) print_stats(cooccurrence) return cooccurrence
def read_from_file(self, filename): ''' Read data from file. Sets the instance variables self.raw_velocity and self.kmsrho8 Parameters: * filename (string): the file to read from. Returns: Nothing ''' print_msg('Reading velocity file: %s...' % filename) self.filename = filename #Read raw data from velocity file f = open(filename, 'rb') temp_mesh = np.fromfile(f, count=3, dtype='int32') self.mesh_x, self.mesh_y, self.mesh_z = temp_mesh self.raw_velocity = np.fromfile(f, dtype='float32').astype('float64') f.close() self.raw_velocity = self.raw_velocity.reshape((3, self.mesh_x, self.mesh_y, self.mesh_z), order='F') #Store the redshift from the filename try: import os.path name = os.path.split(filename)[1] self.z = float(name.split('v_')[0]) except: print_msg('Could not determine redshift from file name') self.z = -1 #Convert to kms/s*(rho/8) self.kmsrho8 = self.raw_velocity*conv.velconvert(z = self.z) print_msg('...done')
def read(digits, dataset = "training", path = "."): """ Python function for importing the MNIST data set. """ if dataset is "training": fname_img = os.path.join(path, 'MNIST_data/train-images-idx3-ubyte') fname_lbl = os.path.join(path, 'MNIST_data/train-labels-idx1-ubyte') elif dataset is "testing": fname_img = os.path.join(path, 'MNIST_data/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte') fname_lbl = os.path.join(path, 'MNIST_data/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte') else: raise ValueError, "dataset must be 'testing' or 'training'" flbl = open(fname_lbl, 'rb') magic_nr, size = struct.unpack(">II", lbl = np.fromfile(flbl, dtype=np.int8) flbl.close() fimg = open(fname_img, 'rb') magic_nr, size, rows, cols = struct.unpack(">IIII", img = np.fromfile(fimg, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(len(lbl), rows, cols) fimg.close() ind = [ k for k in xrange(size) if lbl[k] in digits ] images = np.zeros((len(ind),rows,cols)) labels = np.zeros((len(ind),1)) for i in xrange(len(ind)): images[i, :] = img[ ind[i],:,:] labels[i] = lbl[ind[i]] return images, labels
def test_masked_gauss(self): data = numpy.ones((50, 10)) data[:, 5:] = 2 lons = numpy.fromfunction(lambda y, x: 3 + x, (50, 10)) lats = numpy.fromfunction(lambda y, x: 75 - y, (50, 10)) swath_def = geometry.SwathDefinition(lons=lons, lats=lats) mask = numpy.ones((50, 10)) mask[:, :5] = 0 masked_data =, mask=mask) res = kd_tree.resample_gauss(swath_def, masked_data.ravel(), self.area_def, 50000, 25000, segments=1) expected_mask = numpy.fromfile(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test_files', 'mask_test_mask.dat'), sep=' ').reshape((800, 800)) expected_data = numpy.fromfile(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test_files', 'mask_test_data.dat'), sep=' ').reshape((800, 800)) expected = expected_data.sum() cross_sum = self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(expected_mask, res.mask), msg='Gauss resampling of swath mask failed') self.assertAlmostEqual(cross_sum, expected, places=3, msg='Gauss resampling of swath masked data failed')
def _array_from_file(infile, dtype, count, sep): """Create a numpy array from a file or a file-like object.""" if isfile(infile): global CHUNKED_FROMFILE if CHUNKED_FROMFILE is None: if (sys.platform == 'darwin' and LooseVersion(platform.mac_ver()[0]) < LooseVersion('10.9')): CHUNKED_FROMFILE = True else: CHUNKED_FROMFILE = False if CHUNKED_FROMFILE: chunk_size = int(1024 ** 3 / dtype.itemsize) # 1Gb to be safe if count < chunk_size: return np.fromfile(infile, dtype=dtype, count=count, sep=sep) else: array = np.empty(count, dtype=dtype) for beg in range(0, count, chunk_size): end = min(count, beg + chunk_size) array[beg:end] = np.fromfile(infile, dtype=dtype, count=end - beg, sep=sep) return array else: return np.fromfile(infile, dtype=dtype, count=count, sep=sep) else: # treat as file-like object with "read" method; this includes gzip file # objects, because numpy.fromfile just reads the compressed bytes from # their underlying file object, instead of the decompressed bytes read_size = np.dtype(dtype).itemsize * count s = return np.fromstring(s, dtype=dtype, count=count, sep=sep)
def _RunWebRtcApmVad(self, wav_file_path): # Create temporary output path. tmp_path = tempfile.mkdtemp() output_file_path_probs = os.path.join( tmp_path, os.path.split(wav_file_path)[1] + '_vad_probs.tmp') output_file_path_rms = os.path.join( tmp_path, os.path.split(wav_file_path)[1] + '_vad_rms.tmp') # Call WebRTC VAD. try:[ self._VAD_WEBRTC_APM_PATH, '-i', wav_file_path, '-o_probs', output_file_path_probs, '-o_rms', output_file_path_rms ], cwd=self._VAD_WEBRTC_PATH) # Parse annotations. self._apm_vad_probs = np.fromfile(output_file_path_probs, np.double) self._apm_vad_rms = np.fromfile(output_file_path_rms, np.double) assert len(self._apm_vad_rms) == len(self._apm_vad_probs) except Exception as e: logging.error('Error while running the WebRTC APM VAD (' + e.message + ')') finally: if os.path.exists(tmp_path): shutil.rmtree(tmp_path)
def parseDataFile(self, uLong, precision, encoding, dataFile): assert uLong in ['uint32', 'uint64'] assert precision in ['single', 'double'] assert encoding in ['BigEndian', 'LittleEndian'] require_numpy() fd = file(dataFile, 'rb') byteorder = {'LittleEndian': '<', 'BigEndian': '>'}[encoding] unsignedLongTypeString = {'uint32': 'u4', 'uint64': 'u8'}[uLong] realTypeString = {'single': 'f4', 'double': 'f8'}[precision] ulongDType = numpy.dtype(byteorder + unsignedLongTypeString) floatDType = numpy.dtype(byteorder + realTypeString) independentGeometry = [] for independentVariable in self.independentVariables: size = numpy.fromfile(fd, dtype=ulongDType, count=1) independentGeometry.append(size) assert size == independentVariable['length'] a = numpy.fromfile(fd, dtype=floatDType, count=size) independentVariable['array'] = a if len(independentGeometry) == 0: independentGeometry.append(1) for dependentVariable in self.dependentVariables: size = numpy.fromfile(fd, dtype=ulongDType, count=1) a = numpy.fromfile(fd, dtype=floatDType, count=size) assert a.size == size, "Data file %s has incorrect size. Variable '%s' wasn't written completely." % (dataFile, dependentVariable['name']) dependentVariable['array'] = a.reshape(*independentGeometry)
def read_record(self, dtype='b1'): """ Read and return a record of numpy type dtype from the current file. If the record is a single value, it is returned. Otherwise, a numpy.ndarray is returned. dtype is the data type to read (Python type or numpy dtype or string identifier). """ if self._mode != 'r' and self._mode != 'rb': raise FortranIOException('Not in read mode') dtype = np.dtype(dtype) nbytes = self._read_control() nitems = nbytes // dtype.itemsize if nbytes % dtype.itemsize != 0: raise FortranIOException('Record size not valid for data type') if nitems > 1: data = np.fromfile(self._file, dtype, nitems) else: data = np.fromfile(self._file, dtype, nitems)[0] nbytes2 = self._read_control() if nbytes != nbytes2: raise FortranIOException('Record head and tail mismatch') return data
def load_ply(fn): f = open(fn, 'rb') prop_to_dtype = { 'float' : np.float32, 'int' : np.int32, 'uchar' : np.uint8 } header = [] while True: s = f.readline().split() header.append(s) if s[0] == 'end_header': break it = iter(header) s = elements = {} while True: if s[0] == 'end_header': break if s[0] == 'element': el_name, el_len = s[1], int(s[2]) el_props = [] s = while s[0] == 'property': el_props.append( s ) s = if el_name == 'face': el_type = np.dtype( [('count', np.uint8), ('idx', np.int32, 3)] ) elements[el_name] = np.fromfile(f, el_type, el_len)['idx'].copy() else: el_type = np.dtype( [(name, np.dtype(prop_to_dtype[tp])) for _, tp, name in el_props] ) elements[el_name] = np.fromfile(f, el_type, el_len) continue s = return elements
def __init__(self, filename, verbose = False): super(SpeReader, self).__init__(filename, verbose = verbose) # open the file & read the header self.header_size = 4100 self.fileptr = open(filename, "rb") self.image_width = int(numpy.fromfile(self.fileptr, numpy.uint16, 1)[0]) self.image_height = int(numpy.fromfile(self.fileptr, numpy.uint16, 1)[0]) self.number_frames = int(numpy.fromfile(self.fileptr, numpy.uint32, 1)[0]) image_mode = int(numpy.fromfile(self.fileptr, numpy.uint16, 1)[0]) if (image_mode == 0): self.image_size = 4 * self.image_width * self.image_height self.image_mode = numpy.float32 elif (image_mode == 1): self.image_size = 4 * self.image_width * self.image_height self.image_mode = numpy.uint32 elif (image_mode == 2): self.image_size = 2 * self.image_width * self.image_height self.image_mode = numpy.int16 elif (image_mode == 3): self.image_size = 2 * self.image_width * self.image_height self.image_mode = numpy.uint16 else: print("unrecognized spe image format: ", image_mode)
def parseData(dataset='testing', path='.'): ''' parseData - Parses a file into matrices Input - the name of file to be parsed Output - The data in matrix representation ''' if dataset == 'training': image_file = os.path.join(path, 'train-images-idx3-ubyte') label_file = os.path.join(path, 'train-labels-idx1-ubyte') elif dataset == 'testing': image_file = os.path.join(path, 't10k-images-idx3-ubyte') label_file = os.path.join(path, 't10k-labels-idx1-ubyte') else: raise(ValueError, "'dataset' must be in testing or 'training'") # get the matrix for image data f_img = open(image_file, 'rb') magic_nr, size = struct.unpack(">II", # parse the magic number, & size of dataset dim_x, dim_y = struct.unpack(">II", # get the dimensions of each handwritten num X = np.fromfile(f_img, dtype=np.dtype('B')) X = X.reshape(size, dim_x * dim_y) # get the matrix for label data f_lbl = open(label_file, 'rb') magic_nr, size = struct.unpack(">II", # only magic # and size of dataset y = np.fromfile(f_lbl, dtype=np.dtype('B')) #X[X > 1] = 1 return X, y
def __init__(self, filename, xml): DataReader.__init__(self, filename, xml) # Open the file & read the header. self.header_size = 4100 self.fileptr = open(filename, "rb") # FIXME: Should check that these match the XML file. self.image_width = int(numpy.fromfile(self.fileptr, numpy.uint16, 1)[0]) self.image_height = int(numpy.fromfile(self.fileptr, numpy.uint16, 1)[0]) self.number_frames = int(numpy.fromfile(self.fileptr, numpy.uint32, 1)[0]) image_mode = int(numpy.fromfile(self.fileptr, numpy.uint16, 1)[0]) if (image_mode == 0): self.image_size = 4 * self.image_width * self.image_height self.image_mode = numpy.float32 elif (image_mode == 1): self.image_size = 4 * self.image_width * self.image_height self.image_mode = numpy.uint32 elif (image_mode == 2): self.image_size = 2 * self.image_width * self.image_height self.image_mode = numpy.int16 elif (image_mode == 3): self.image_size = 2 * self.image_width * self.image_height self.image_mode = numpy.uint16 else: print "unrecognized spe image format: ", image_mode
def getPressureData(fullFileName): itemsize = os.path.getsize(fullFileName)/8/2 fp = open(fullFileName, 'r') time = np.fromfile(fp, dtype='Float64', count=itemsize); pressure = np.fromfile(fp, dtype='Float64', count=itemsize); fp.close() return (time, pressure)
def readFlowFile(file_name,flip=False): data2D=None with open(file_name,'rb') as f: magic = np.fromfile(f, np.float32, count=1) if 202021.25 != magic: print 'Magic number incorrect. Invalid .flo file' else: w = np.fromfile(f, np.int32, count=1) h = np.fromfile(f, np.int32, count=1) if w.size==0 or h.size==0: # print type(w),type(h),w,h data2D=None; else: # print (w, h) data = np.fromfile(f, np.float32, count=2*w*h) # Reshape data into 3D array (columns, rows, bands) # if flip is True: # data2D = np.resize(data, (w, h, 2)) # data2D = data2D. # data2D = np.reshape(data, (h, w, 2)) # # ,order='F') # else: data2D = np.reshape(data, (h, w, 2)) # print data2D.shape return data2D
def sorted_indexes(filename,data_type=np.uint32): if os.path.exists(filename): curfilename = filename elif os.path.exists(filename+".0"): curfilename = filename+".0" else: print "file not found:", filename sys.exit() f=open(curfilename,'rb') number_of_files=np.fromfile(f,dtype=np.uint32,count=1)[0] dims=np.fromfile(f,dtype=np.uint32,count=1)[0] dims3=dims**3 total_size=np.fromfile(f,dtype=data_type,count=dims3) total_array=[] for j in range(dims3): total_array.append(np.empty(total_size[j],dtype=data_type)) f.close() total_array=np.array(total_array) offset=np.zeros(dims3,dtype=data_type) for i in range(number_of_files): curfilename=filename+'.'+str(i) f=open(curfilename,'rb')*(2+dims3),os.SEEK_CUR) for j in range(dims3): size=np.fromfile(f,dtype=data_type,count=1)[0] array=np.fromfile(f,dtype=data_type,count=size) total_array[j][offset[j]:offset[j]+size]=array offset[j]+=size f.close() return total_array
def readFLO(path): f = open(path, 'rb') # Read magic number ("PIEH" in ASCII = float 202021.25) magic = np.fromfile(f, np.float32, count=1) if magic != 202021.25: raise Exception('Invalid .flo file') # Read width w = np.fromfile(f, np.int32, count=1) # Read height h = np.fromfile(f, np.int32, count=1) # Read (u,v) coordinates data = np.fromfile(f, np.float32, count=w*h*2) # Close file (.flo) f.close() # Reshape data into 3D array (columns, rows, bands) dataM = np.resize(data, (h, w, 2)) # Extract u and v coordinates u = dataM[:,:,0] v = dataM[:,:,1] return w,h,u,v
def read(dataset = "training", path = "."): """ Python function for importing the MNIST data set. It returns an iterator of 2-tuples with the first element being the label and the second element being a numpy.uint8 2D array of pixel data for the given image. """ if dataset is "training": fname_img = os.path.join(path, 'train-images-idx3-ubyte') fname_lbl = os.path.join(path, 'train-labels-idx1-ubyte') elif dataset is "testing": fname_img = os.path.join(path, 't10k-images-idx3-ubyte') fname_lbl = os.path.join(path, 't10k-labels-idx1-ubyte') else: raise ValueError, "dataset must be 'testing' or 'training'" # Load everything in some numpy arrays with open(fname_lbl, 'rb') as flbl: magic, num = struct.unpack(">II", lbl = np.fromfile(flbl, dtype=np.int8) with open(fname_img, 'rb') as fimg: magic, num, rows, cols = struct.unpack(">IIII", img = np.fromfile(fimg, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(len(lbl), rows, cols) get_img = lambda idx: (lbl[idx], img[idx]) # Create an iterator which returns each image in turn for i in xrange(len(lbl)): yield get_img(i)
def my_fread(*x, **y): return np.fromfile(*x, **y)[0]
def read_geometry(filepath, read_metadata=False, read_stamp=False): """Read a triangular format Freesurfer surface mesh. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Path to surface file. read_metadata : bool, optional If True, read and return metadata as key-value pairs. Valid keys: * 'head' : array of int * 'valid' : str * 'filename' : str * 'volume' : array of int, shape (3,) * 'voxelsize' : array of float, shape (3,) * 'xras' : array of float, shape (3,) * 'yras' : array of float, shape (3,) * 'zras' : array of float, shape (3,) * 'cras' : array of float, shape (3,) read_stamp : bool, optional Return the comment from the file Returns ------- coords : numpy array nvtx x 3 array of vertex (x, y, z) coordinates. faces : numpy array nfaces x 3 array of defining mesh triangles. volume_info : OrderedDict Returned only if `read_metadata` is True. Key-value pairs found in the geometry file. create_stamp : str Returned only if `read_stamp` is True. The comment added by the program that saved the file. """ volume_info = OrderedDict() TRIANGLE_MAGIC = 16777214 QUAD_MAGIC = 16777215 NEW_QUAD_MAGIC = 16777213 with open(filepath, "rb") as fobj: magic = _fread3(fobj) if magic in (QUAD_MAGIC, NEW_QUAD_MAGIC): # Quad file nvert = _fread3(fobj) nquad = _fread3(fobj) (fmt, div) = (">i2", 100.) if magic == QUAD_MAGIC else (">f4", 1.) coords = np.fromfile(fobj, fmt, nvert * 3).astype(np.float64) / div coords = coords.reshape(-1, 3) quads = _fread3_many(fobj, nquad * 4) quads = quads.reshape(nquad, 4) # # Face splitting follows # faces = np.zeros((2 * nquad, 3), dtype=int) nface = 0 for quad in quads: if (quad[0] % 2) == 0: faces[nface] = quad[0], quad[1], quad[3] nface += 1 faces[nface] = quad[2], quad[3], quad[1] nface += 1 else: faces[nface] = quad[0], quad[1], quad[2] nface += 1 faces[nface] = quad[0], quad[2], quad[3] nface += 1 elif magic == TRIANGLE_MAGIC: # Triangle file create_stamp = fobj.readline().rstrip(b'\n').decode('utf-8') fobj.readline() vnum = np.fromfile(fobj, ">i4", 1)[0] fnum = np.fromfile(fobj, ">i4", 1)[0] coords = np.fromfile(fobj, ">f4", vnum * 3).reshape(vnum, 3) faces = np.fromfile(fobj, ">i4", fnum * 3).reshape(fnum, 3) if read_metadata: volume_info = _read_volume_info(fobj) else: raise ValueError("File does not appear to be a Freesurfer surface") coords = coords.astype(np.float64) # XXX: due to mayavi bug on mac 32bits ret = (coords, faces) if read_metadata: if len(volume_info) == 0: warnings.warn('No volume information contained in the file') ret += (volume_info, ) if read_stamp: ret += (create_stamp, ) return ret
def load_velo_scan(file): '''Load and parse a velodyne binary file''' scan = np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.float32) return scan.reshape((-1, 4))
def readsu(filename,nx,ny,nz,timeslice): ff=open(filename,mode='rb')*timeslice*nx*ny*nz) field = np.fromfile(ff,dtype='float64',count=nx*ny*nz).reshape(field,(nx,ny,nz),order='F') ff.close() return field
def __init__(self, basedir, snapnum, long_ids=False, swap=False, SFR=False, read_IDs=True, prefix='/groups_'): if long_ids: format = np.uint64 else: format = np.uint32 exts = ('000' + str(snapnum))[-3:] ################# READ TAB FILES ################# fnb, skip, Final = 0, 0, False dt1 = np.dtype((np.float32, 3)) dt2 = np.dtype((np.float32, 6)) prefix = basedir + prefix + exts + "/group_tab_" + exts + "." while not (Final): f = open(prefix + str(fnb), 'rb') self.Ngroups = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.int32, count=1)[0] self.TotNgroups = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.int32, count=1)[0] self.Nids = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.int32, count=1)[0] self.TotNids = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.uint64, count=1)[0] self.Nfiles = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.uint32, count=1)[0] TNG, NG = self.TotNgroups, self.Ngroups if fnb == 0: self.GroupLen = np.empty(TNG, dtype=np.int32) self.GroupOffset = np.empty(TNG, dtype=np.int32) self.GroupMass = np.empty(TNG, dtype=np.float32) self.GroupPos = np.empty(TNG, dtype=dt1) self.GroupVel = np.empty(TNG, dtype=dt1) self.GroupTLen = np.empty(TNG, dtype=dt2) self.GroupTMass = np.empty(TNG, dtype=dt2) if SFR: self.GroupSFR = np.empty(TNG, dtype=np.float32) if NG > 0: locs = slice(skip, skip + NG) self.GroupLen[locs] = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.int32, count=NG) self.GroupOffset[locs] = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.int32, count=NG) self.GroupMass[locs] = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.float32, count=NG) self.GroupPos[locs] = np.fromfile(f, dtype=dt1, count=NG) self.GroupVel[locs] = np.fromfile(f, dtype=dt1, count=NG) self.GroupTLen[locs] = np.fromfile(f, dtype=dt2, count=NG) self.GroupTMass[locs] = np.fromfile(f, dtype=dt2, count=NG) if SFR: self.GroupSFR[locs] = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.float32, count=NG) skip += NG if swap: self.GroupLen.byteswap(True) self.GroupOffset.byteswap(True) self.GroupMass.byteswap(True) self.GroupPos.byteswap(True) self.GroupVel.byteswap(True) self.GroupTLen.byteswap(True) self.GroupTMass.byteswap(True) if SFR: self.GroupSFR.byteswap(True) curpos = f.tell(), os.SEEK_END) if curpos != f.tell(): raise Exception( "Warning: finished reading before EOF for tab file", fnb) f.close() fnb += 1 if fnb == self.Nfiles: Final = True ################# READ IDS FILES ################# if read_IDs: fnb, skip = 0, 0 Final = False while not (Final): fname = basedir + "/groups_" + exts + "/group_ids_" + exts + "." + str( fnb) f = open(fname, 'rb') Ngroups = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.uint32, count=1)[0] TotNgroups = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.uint32, count=1)[0] Nids = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.uint32, count=1)[0] TotNids = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.uint64, count=1)[0] Nfiles = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.uint32, count=1)[0] Send_offset = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.uint32, count=1)[0] if fnb == 0: self.GroupIDs = np.zeros(dtype=format, shape=TotNids) if Ngroups > 0: if long_ids: IDs = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.uint64, count=Nids) else: IDs = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.uint32, count=Nids) if swap: IDs = IDs.byteswap(True) self.GroupIDs[skip:skip + Nids] = IDs[:] skip += Nids curpos = f.tell(), os.SEEK_END) if curpos != f.tell(): raise Exception( "Warning: finished reading before EOF for IDs file", fnb) f.close() fnb += 1 if fnb == Nfiles: Final = True
def get_sensor_data(self, query): idx = query read_test_image = False if isinstance(query, dict): assert "lidar" in query idx = query["lidar"]["idx"] read_test_image = "cam" in query info = self._nusc_infos[idx] res = { "lidar": { "type": "lidar", "points": None, }, "metadata": { "token": info["token"], "scene_token": info["scene_token"], }, } lidar_path = Path(info['lidar_path']) points = np.fromfile(str(lidar_path), dtype=np.float32, count=-1).reshape([-1, 5]) points[:, 3] /= 255 points[:, 4] = 0 sweep_points_list = [points] ts = info["timestamp"] / 1e6 for sweep in info["sweeps"]: points_sweep = np.fromfile(str(sweep["lidar_path"]), dtype=np.float32, count=-1).reshape([-1, 5]) sweep_ts = sweep["timestamp"] / 1e6 points_sweep[:, 3] /= 255 points_sweep[:, :3] = points_sweep[:, :3] @ sweep[ "sweep2lidar_rotation"].T points_sweep[:, :3] += sweep["sweep2lidar_translation"] points_sweep[:, 4] = ts - sweep_ts sweep_points_list.append(points_sweep) points = np.concatenate(sweep_points_list, axis=0)[:, [0, 1, 2, 4]] if read_test_image: if Path(info["cam_front_path"]).exists(): with open(str(info["cam_front_path"]), 'rb') as f: image_str = else: image_str = None res["cam"] = { "type": "camera", "data": image_str, "datatype": Path(info["cam_front_path"]).suffix[1:], } res["lidar"]["points"] = points if 'gt_boxes' in info: mask = info["num_lidar_pts"] > 0 gt_boxes = info["gt_boxes"][mask] if self._with_velocity: gt_velocity = info["gt_velocity"][mask] nan_mask = np.isnan(gt_velocity[:, 0]) gt_velocity[nan_mask] = [0.0, 0.0] gt_boxes = np.concatenate([gt_boxes, gt_velocity], axis=-1) res["lidar"]["annotations"] = { 'boxes': gt_boxes, 'names': info["gt_names"][mask], } return res
rate_drop_lstm = 0.15 + np.random.rand() * 0.25 rate_drop_dense = 0.15 + np.random.rand() * 0.25 act = 'relu' re_weight = False # whether to re-weight classes to fit the 17.5% share in test set # NOT FOR THE PROJECT BECAUSE NOT USING TEST STAMP = 'lstm_%d_%d_%.2f_%.2f'%(num_lstm, num_dense, rate_drop_lstm, \ rate_drop_dense) ######################################## ## uploads files ######################################## # upload premade embedding embedded = np.fromfile(EMBEDDING_FILE, dtype=EMBEDDED_TYPE).reshape( (COLUMNS_PREPROCESS, -1)).transpose() # store pair id and duplicate pair_id = list(map(int, embedded[:, -1])) question_id = list(map(int, embedded[:, -2])) labels = np.array(list(map(int, embedded[:, -3]))) # removes unnecessary column from embedding embedded = embedded[:, :-3] data_1 = np.fromfile(Q1_FILE, dtype=EMBEDDED_TYPE).reshape( (-1, MAX_SEQUENCE_LENGTH)) data_2 = np.fromfile(Q2_FILE, dtype=EMBEDDED_TYPE).reshape( (-1, MAX_SEQUENCE_LENGTH)) ######################################## ## sample train/validation data
print 'Reading data in ' + float_type + ' format from ' + infile # the '_' symbol which starts VTK appended data bytecount = struct.unpack('i',[0] #define the expected structure if 'little' in endianness.lower(): float_format = '<' elif 'big' in endianness.lower(): float_format = '>' else: raise Exception("Didn't understand endianness of input: " + endiannness) if '32' in float_type: float_format += 'f' num_count = bytecount / 4 elif '64' in float_type: float_format += 'd' num_count = bytecount / 8 else: raise Exception("Didn't understand float format for points: " + float_type) np_data = np.fromfile(indata, dtype=np.dtype(float_format), count=num_count).reshape((-1, 3)) indata.close() np.savetxt(outfile, np_data, fmt='%16.6f')
import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.animation as animation from scipy import signal import librosa import dft_freq_est import attack_finder from common import normalize def cat_to_cols(x,y): return np.concatenate((x[:,None],y[:,None]),axis=1) do_plot=False sr=16000 x=np.fromfile('/tmp/snd.f64') x=normalize(x) N_W=1024 N_FFT=2048 N_H=2048 n_max=((len(x)-N_W)//N_H)*N_H peak_thresh=-140 # intialize the sinusoidal analyser pa=dft_freq_est.peak_analyzer( N_FFT, N_W, N_H)
def __call__(self, results): """Call functions to load image and get image meta information. Args: results (dict): Result dict from :obj:`mmseg.CustomDataset`. Returns: dict: The dict contains loaded image and meta information. """ if results.get('img_prefix') is not None: filename = osp.join(results['img_prefix'], results['img_info']['filename']) else: filename = results['img_info']['filename'] hdr = dict() with open(filename) as f: for line in f.readlines(): if '=' not in line: continue else: key, value = line.split('=') key = key.strip() value = value.strip() hdr[key] = value assert hdr[ 'file type'] == 'ENVI Standard', 'Require ENVI data: file type = ENVI Standard' assert hdr['byte order'] == '0', 'Require ENVI data: byte order = 0' assert hdr['x start'] == '0', 'Require ENVI data: x start = 0' assert hdr['y start'] == '0', 'Require ENVI data: y start = 0' assert hdr['interleave'].lower( ) == 'bsq', 'Require ENVI data: interleave = bsq' assert int(hdr['data type']) <= len( self.ENVI_data_type) and self.ENVI_data_type[int( hdr['data type'])] != None data_type = int(hdr['data type']) header_offset = int(hdr['header offset']) height = int(hdr['lines']) width = int(hdr['samples']) bands = int(hdr['bands']) if hdr['interleave'].lower() == 'bsq': img_bytes = np.fromfile(filename.replace('.hdr', '.raw'), dtype=self.ENVI_data_type[data_type], offset=header_offset) img_bytes = img_bytes.reshape((bands, height, width)) img_bytes = img_bytes[self.channel_select, :, :] if self.dataset_name == 'cholangiocarcinoma': img_bytes = img_bytes[:, ::-1, :] img_bytes = np.transpose(img_bytes, (1, 2, 0)) else: img_bytes = np.zeros((height, width, bands), dtype=self.ENVI_data_type[data_type]) pass if self.to_float32: img_bytes = img_bytes.astype(np.float32) if self.normalization: img_bytes -= self.mean[..., self.channel_select] img_bytes /= self.std[..., self.channel_select] ############################################3 # img_bytes *= 16 # img_bytes += 128 # img_bytes = img_bytes.astype(np.uint8) # img_bytes = img_bytes.astype(np.float32) # img_bytes -= 128 # img_bytes /= 16 ############################################## if self.median_blur: for band in range(img_bytes.shape[0]): img_bytes[band, :, :] = cv2.medianBlur(img_bytes[band, :, :], ksize=3) results['filename'] = filename.replace('.hdr', '.png') results['ori_filename'] = results['img_info']['filename'].replace( '.hdr', '.png') results['img'] = img_bytes results['img_shape'] = img_bytes.shape results['ori_shape'] = img_bytes.shape # Set initial values for default meta_keys results['pad_shape'] = img_bytes.shape results['scale_factor'] = 1.0 results['channel_select'] = self.channel_select results['channel_to_show'] = self.channel_to_show num_channels = 1 if len(img_bytes.shape) < 3 else img_bytes.shape[2] mean = np.ones(num_channels, dtype=np.float32) * 128 std = np.ones(num_channels, dtype=np.float32) * 16 results['img_norm_cfg'] = dict(mean=mean, std=std, to_rgb=False) return results
def _is_valid(cls, filename, *args, **kwargs): """ Defined for the NMSU file naming scheme. This could differ for other formats. """ f = str(filename) prefix, suffix = filename_pattern["particle_data"] if not os.path.isfile(f): return False if not f.endswith(suffix): return False if "s0" not in f: # ATOMIC.DAT, for instance, passes the other tests, but then dies # during _find_files because it can't be split. return False with open(f, "rb") as fh: try: amr_prefix, amr_suffix = filename_pattern["amr"] possibles = glob.glob(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(f)) + "/*") for possible in possibles: if possible.endswith(amr_suffix): if os.path.basename(possible).startswith(amr_prefix): return False except Exception: pass try: seek = 4 headerstr = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=(str, 45)) # NOQA aexpn = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">f4") # NOQA aexp0 = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">f4") # NOQA amplt = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">f4") # NOQA astep = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">f4") # NOQA istep = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">i4") # NOQA partw = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">f4") # NOQA tintg = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">f4") # NOQA ekin = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">f4") # NOQA ekin1 = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">f4") # NOQA ekin2 = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">f4") # NOQA au0 = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">f4") # NOQA aeu0 = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">f4") # NOQA nrowc = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">i4") # NOQA ngridc = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">i4") # NOQA nspecs = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">i4") # NOQA nseed = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">i4") # NOQA Om0 = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">f4") # NOQA Oml0 = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">f4") # NOQA hubble = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">f4") # NOQA Wp5 = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">f4") # NOQA Ocurv = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">f4") # NOQA wspecies = np.fromfile(fh, count=10, dtype=">f4") # NOQA lspecies = np.fromfile(fh, count=10, dtype=">i4") # NOQA extras = np.fromfile(fh, count=79, dtype=">f4") # NOQA boxsize = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">f4") # NOQA return True except Exception: return False return False
ref_sqrt = numpy.zeros((128, 128)) bg_seq = numpy.zeros((128, 128, positions)) #call .exe file to do imaging[r"qcl-holo-cap.exe", data_dir, '--zstep', str(zstep), '--positions', str(positions), '--frames', str(num_frames), '--laserpower', str(lp), '--inte', str(inte)]) #read in reference image re_dir = r'C:\Users\shihao\Desktop\ir-images\ir-holography\bead5\ref' re_list = os.listdir(re_dir) number_res = len(re_list) if( number_res != 20): print("Error: Reference Image is missing!") else: for i in range(number_res): ref_dir = re_dir + '\\' + re_list[i] ref_data = numpy.fromfile(ref_dir, dtype = numpy.uint16, count = -1, sep = '') ref_data = numpy.reshape(ref_data, (128, 128), order = 'C') ref_seq[:, :, i] = ref_data ref_intensity = sum(ref_seq, axis = 2) / positions ref_sqrt = numpy.sqrt(ref_intensity) #read in background image bgs_dir = r'C:\Users\shihao\Desktop\ir-images\ir-holography\bead5\bg_holo' bgs_list = os.listdir(bgs_dir) number_bgs = len(bgs_list) if( number_bgs != positions): print("Error: Background Image is missing!") else: for i in range(number_bgs): bg_dir = bgs_dir + '\\' + bgs_list[i]
def _parse_parameter_file(self): """ Get the various simulation parameters & constants. """ self.domain_left_edge = np.zeros(3, dtype="float") self.domain_right_edge = np.zeros(3, dtype="float") + 1.0 self.dimensionality = 3 self.refine_by = 2 self._periodicity = (True, True, True) self.cosmological_simulation = True self.parameters = {} self.parameters.update(constants) self.parameters["Time"] = 1.0 # read the amr header with open(self._file_amr, "rb") as f: amr_header_vals = fpu.read_attrs(f, amr_header_struct, ">") n_to_skip = len(("tl", "dtl", "tlold", "dtlold", "iSO")) fpu.skip(f, n_to_skip, endian=">") (self.ncell) = fpu.read_vector(f, "i", ">")[0] # Try to figure out the root grid dimensions est = int(np.rint(self.ncell ** (1.0 / 3.0))) # Note here: this is the number of *cells* on the root grid. # This is not the same as the number of Octs. # domain dimensions is the number of root *cells* self.domain_dimensions = np.ones(3, dtype="int64") * est self.root_grid_mask_offset = f.tell() self.root_nocts = // 8 self.root_ncells = self.root_nocts * 8 mylog.debug( "Estimating %i cells on a root grid side, %i root octs", est, self.root_nocts, ) self.root_iOctCh = fpu.read_vector(f, "i", ">")[: self.root_ncells] self.root_iOctCh = self.root_iOctCh.reshape( self.domain_dimensions, order="F" ) self.root_grid_offset = f.tell() self.root_nhvar = fpu.skip(f, endian=">") self.root_nvar = fpu.skip(f, endian=">") # make sure that the number of root variables is a multiple of # rootcells assert self.root_nhvar % self.root_ncells == 0 assert self.root_nvar % self.root_ncells == 0 self.nhydro_variables = ( self.root_nhvar + self.root_nvar ) / self.root_ncells self.iOctFree, self.nOct = fpu.read_vector(f, "i", ">") self.child_grid_offset = f.tell() # lextra needs to be loaded as a string, but it's actually # array values. So pop it off here, and then re-insert. lextra = amr_header_vals.pop("lextra") amr_header_vals["lextra"] = np.frombuffer(lextra, ">f4") self.parameters.update(amr_header_vals) amr_header_vals = None # estimate the root level float_center, fl, iocts, nocts, root_level = _read_art_level_info( f, [0, self.child_grid_offset], 1, coarse_grid=self.domain_dimensions[0] ) del float_center, fl, iocts, nocts self.root_level = root_level"Using root level of %02i", self.root_level) # read the particle header self.particle_types = [] self.particle_types_raw = () if not self.skip_particles and self._file_particle_header: with open(self._file_particle_header, "rb") as fh: particle_header_vals = fpu.read_attrs(fh, particle_header_struct, ">") n = particle_header_vals["Nspecies"] wspecies = np.fromfile(fh, dtype=">f", count=10) lspecies = np.fromfile(fh, dtype=">i", count=10) # extras needs to be loaded as a string, but it's actually # array values. So pop it off here, and then re-insert. extras = particle_header_vals.pop("extras") particle_header_vals["extras"] = np.frombuffer(extras, ">f4") self.parameters["wspecies"] = wspecies[:n] self.parameters["lspecies"] = lspecies[:n] for specie in range(n): self.particle_types.append("specie%i" % specie) self.particle_types_raw = tuple(self.particle_types) ls_nonzero = np.diff(lspecies)[: n - 1] ls_nonzero = np.append(lspecies[0], ls_nonzero) self.star_type = len(ls_nonzero)"Discovered %i species of particles", len(ls_nonzero)) info_str = "Particle populations: " + "%9i " * len(ls_nonzero), *ls_nonzero) self._particle_type_counts = dict(zip(self.particle_types_raw, ls_nonzero)) for k, v in particle_header_vals.items(): if k in self.parameters.keys(): if not self.parameters[k] == v: "Inconsistent parameter %s %1.1e %1.1e", k, v, self.parameters[k], ) else: self.parameters[k] = v self.parameters_particles = particle_header_vals self.parameters.update(particle_header_vals) self.parameters["ng"] = self.parameters["Ngridc"] self.parameters["ncell0"] = self.parameters["ng"] ** 3 # setup standard simulation params yt expects to see self.current_redshift = self.parameters["aexpn"] ** -1.0 - 1.0 self.omega_lambda = self.parameters["Oml0"] self.omega_matter = self.parameters["Om0"] self.hubble_constant = self.parameters["hubble"] self.min_level = self.parameters["min_level"] self.max_level = self.parameters["max_level"] if self.limit_level is not None: self.max_level = min(self.limit_level, self.parameters["max_level"]) if self.force_max_level is not None: self.max_level = self.force_max_level self.hubble_time = 1.0 / (self.hubble_constant * 100 / 3.08568025e19) self.current_time = self.quan(b2t(self.parameters["t"]), "Gyr") self.gamma = self.parameters["gamma"]"Max level is %02i", self.max_level)
def restore_weights(self, weights_file): """Load previously trained model weights Arguments: weights_file: beginning by project root this is the path where is save your weights; example: "weights/weights_01.h5" """ tf.keras.backend.clear_session() # used to reset layer names # load Darknet original weights to TensorFlow model range1 = 75 if self.version == "yolov3" else 13 range2 = [58, 66, 74] if self.version == "yolov3" else [9, 12] with open(weights_file, 'rb') as wf: major, minor, revision, seen, _ = np.fromfile(wf, dtype=np.int32, count=5) j = 0 for i in range(range1): if i > 0: conv_layer_name = 'conv2d_%d' % i else: conv_layer_name = 'conv2d' if j > 0: bn_layer_name = 'batch_normalization_%d' % j else: bn_layer_name = 'batch_normalization' conv_layer = self.model.get_layer(conv_layer_name) filters = conv_layer.filters k_size = conv_layer.kernel_size[0] in_dim = conv_layer.input_shape[-1] if i not in range2: # darknet weights: [beta, gamma, mean, variance] bn_weights = np.fromfile(wf, dtype=np.float32, count=4 * filters) # tf weights: [gamma, beta, mean, variance] bn_weights = bn_weights.reshape((4, filters))[[1, 0, 2, 3]] bn_layer = self.model.get_layer(bn_layer_name) j += 1 else: conv_bias = np.fromfile(wf, dtype=np.float32, count=filters) # darknet shape (out_dim, in_dim, height, width) conv_shape = (filters, in_dim, k_size, k_size) conv_weights = np.fromfile(wf, dtype=np.float32, count=np.product(conv_shape)) # tf shape (height, width, in_dim, out_dim) conv_weights = conv_weights.reshape(conv_shape).transpose( [2, 3, 1, 0]) if i not in range2: conv_layer.set_weights([conv_weights]) bn_layer.set_weights(bn_weights) else: conv_layer.set_weights([conv_weights, conv_bias]) assert len( == 0, 'failed to read all data'
def readTrc( fName ): """ Reads .trc binary files from LeCroy Oscilloscopes. Decoding is based on LECROY_2_3 template. [More info]( Parameters ----------- fName = filename of the .trc file Returns ----------- x: array with sample times [s], y: array with sample values [V], d: dictionary with metadata M. Betz 09/2015 """ with open(fName, "rb") as fid: data = wdOffset = data.find('WAVEDESC') #------------------------ # Get binary format / endianess #------------------------ if readX( fid, '?', wdOffset + 32 ): #16 or 8 bit sample format? smplFmt = "int16" else: smplFmt = "int8" if readX( fid, '?', wdOffset + 34 ): #Big or little endian? endi = "<" else: endi = ">" #------------------------ # Get length of blocks and arrays: #------------------------ lWAVE_DESCRIPTOR = readX( fid, endi+"l", wdOffset + 36 ) lUSER_TEXT = readX( fid, endi+"l", wdOffset + 40 ) lTRIGTIME_ARRAY = readX( fid, endi+"l", wdOffset + 48 ) lRIS_TIME_ARRAY = readX( fid, endi+"l", wdOffset + 52 ) lWAVE_ARRAY_1 = readX( fid, endi+"l", wdOffset + 60 ) lWAVE_ARRAY_2 = readX( fid, endi+"l", wdOffset + 64 ) d = dict() #Will store all the extracted Metadata #------------------------ # Get Instrument info #------------------------ d["INSTRUMENT_NAME"] = readX( fid, "16s", wdOffset + 76 ).decode().split('\x00')[0] d["INSTRUMENT_NUMBER"]= readX( fid, endi+"l", wdOffset + 92 ) d["TRACE_LABEL"] = readX( fid, "16s", wdOffset + 96 ).decode().split('\x00')[0] #------------------------ # Get Waveform info #------------------------ d["WAVE_ARRAY_COUNT"] = readX( fid, endi+"l", wdOffset +116 ) d["PNTS_PER_SCREEN"] = readX( fid, endi+"l", wdOffset +120 ) d["FIRST_VALID_PNT"] = readX( fid, endi+"l", wdOffset +124 ) d["LAST_VALID_PNT"] = readX( fid, endi+"l", wdOffset +128 ) d["FIRST_POINT"] = readX( fid, endi+"l", wdOffset +132 ) d["SPARSING_FACTOR"] = readX( fid, endi+"l", wdOffset +136 ) d["SEGMENT_INDEX"] = readX( fid, endi+"l", wdOffset +140 ) d["SUBARRAY_COUNT"] = readX( fid, endi+"l", wdOffset +144 ) d["SWEEPS_PER_ACQ"] = readX( fid, endi+"l", wdOffset +148 ) d["POINTS_PER_PAIR"] = readX( fid, endi+"h", wdOffset +152 ) d["PAIR_OFFSET"] = readX( fid, endi+"h", wdOffset +154 ) d["VERTICAL_GAIN"] = readX( fid, endi+"f", wdOffset +156 ) #to get floating values from raw data : d["VERTICAL_OFFSET"] = readX( fid, endi+"f", wdOffset +160 ) #VERTICAL_GAIN * data - VERTICAL_OFFSET d["MAX_VALUE"] = readX( fid, endi+"f", wdOffset +164 ) d["MIN_VALUE"] = readX( fid, endi+"f", wdOffset +168 ) d["NOMINAL_BITS"] = readX( fid, endi+"h", wdOffset +172 ) d["NOM_SUBARRAY_COUNT"]= readX( fid, endi+"h",wdOffset +174 ) d["HORIZ_INTERVAL"] = readX( fid, endi+"f", wdOffset +176 ) #sampling interval for time domain waveforms d["HORIZ_OFFSET"] = readX( fid, endi+"d", wdOffset +180 ) #trigger offset for the first sweep of the trigger, seconds between the trigger and the first data point d["PIXEL_OFFSET"] = readX( fid, endi+"d", wdOffset +188 ) d["VERTUNIT"] = readX( fid, "48s", wdOffset +196 ).decode().split('\x00')[0] d["HORUNIT"] = readX( fid, "48s", wdOffset +244 ).decode().split('\x00')[0] d["HORIZ_UNCERTAINTY"]= readX( fid, endi+"f", wdOffset +292 ) d["TRIGGER_TIME"] = getTimeStamp( fid, endi, wdOffset +296 ) d["ACQ_DURATION"] = readX( fid, endi+"f", wdOffset +312 ) d["RECORD_TYPE"] = ["single_sweep","interleaved","histogram","graph","filter_coefficient","complex","extrema","sequence_obsolete","centered_RIS","peak_detect"][ readX( fid, endi+"H", wdOffset +316 ) ] d["PROCESSING_DONE"] = ["no_processing","fir_filter","interpolated","sparsed","autoscaled","no_result","rolling","cumulative"][ readX( fid, endi+"H", wdOffset +318 ) ] d["RIS_SWEEPS"] = readX( fid, endi+"h", wdOffset +322 ) d["TIMEBASE"] = ['1_ps/div', '2_ps/div', '5_ps/div', '10_ps/div', '20_ps/div', '50_ps/div', '100_ps/div', '200_ps/div', '500_ps/div', '1_ns/div', '2_ns/div', '5_ns/div', '10_ns/div', '20_ns/div', '50_ns/div', '100_ns/div', '200_ns/div', '500_ns/div', '1_us/div', '2_us/div', '5_us/div', '10_us/div', '20_us/div', '50_us/div', '100_us/div', '200_us/div', '500_us/div', '1_ms/div', '2_ms/div', '5_ms/div', '10_ms/div', '20_ms/div', '50_ms/div', '100_ms/div', '200_ms/div', '500_ms/div', '1_s/div', '2_s/div', '5_s/div', '10_s/div', '20_s/div', '50_s/div', '100_s/div', '200_s/div', '500_s/div', '1_ks/div', '2_ks/div', '5_ks/div', 'EXTERNAL'][ readX( fid, endi+"H", wdOffset +324 ) ] d["VERT_COUPLING"] = ['DC_50_Ohms', 'ground', 'DC_1MOhm', 'ground', 'AC,_1MOhm'][ readX( fid, endi+"H", wdOffset +326 ) ] d["PROBE_ATT"] = readX( fid, endi+"f", wdOffset +328 ) d["FIXED_VERT_GAIN"] = ['1_uV/div','2_uV/div','5_uV/div','10_uV/div','20_uV/div','50_uV/div','100_uV/div','200_uV/div','500_uV/div','1_mV/div','2_mV/div','5_mV/div','10_mV/div','20_mV/div','50_mV/div','100_mV/div','200_mV/div','500_mV/div','1_V/div','2_V/div','5_V/div','10_V/div','20_V/div','50_V/div','100_V/div','200_V/div','500_V/div','1_kV/div'][ readX( fid, endi+"H", wdOffset +332 ) ] d["BANDWIDTH_LIMIT"] = ['off', 'on'][ readX( fid, endi+"H", wdOffset +334 ) ] d["VERTICAL_VERNIER"] = readX( fid, endi+"f", wdOffset +336 ) d["ACQ_VERT_OFFSET"] = readX( fid, endi+"f", wdOffset +340 ) d["WAVE_SOURCE"] = readX( fid, endi+"H", wdOffset +344 ) d["USER_TEXT"] = readX( fid, "{0}s".format(lUSER_TEXT), wdOffset + lWAVE_DESCRIPTOR ).decode().split('\x00')[0] #------------------------ # Get main sample data with the help of numpys .fromfile( #------------------------ wdOffset + lWAVE_DESCRIPTOR + lUSER_TEXT + lTRIGTIME_ARRAY + lRIS_TIME_ARRAY ) #Seek to WAVE_ARRAY_1 y = np.fromfile( fid, smplFmt, lWAVE_ARRAY_1 ) if endi == ">": y.byteswap( True ) y = d["VERTICAL_GAIN"] * y - d["VERTICAL_OFFSET"] x = np.arange(1,len(y)+1)*d["HORIZ_INTERVAL"] + d["HORIZ_OFFSET"] return x, y, d
def _parse_parameter_file(self): """ Get the various simulation parameters & constants. """ self.domain_left_edge = np.zeros(3, dtype="float") self.domain_right_edge = np.zeros(3, dtype="float") + 1.0 self.dimensionality = 3 self.refine_by = 2 self._periodicity = (True, True, True) self.cosmological_simulation = True self.parameters = {} self.parameters.update(constants) self.parameters["Time"] = 1.0 self.file_count = 1 self.filename_template = self.parameter_filename # read the particle header self.particle_types = [] self.particle_types_raw = () assert self._file_particle_header with open(self._file_particle_header, "rb") as fh: seek = 4 headerstr ="ascii") aexpn = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">f4") aexp0 = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">f4") amplt = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">f4") astep = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">f4") istep = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">i4") partw = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">f4") tintg = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">f4") ekin = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">f4") ekin1 = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">f4") ekin2 = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">f4") au0 = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">f4") aeu0 = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">f4") nrowc = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">i4") ngridc = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">i4") nspecs = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">i4") nseed = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">i4") Om0 = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">f4") Oml0 = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">f4") hubble = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">f4") Wp5 = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">f4") Ocurv = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">f4") wspecies = np.fromfile(fh, count=10, dtype=">f4") lspecies = np.fromfile(fh, count=10, dtype=">i4") extras = np.fromfile(fh, count=79, dtype=">f4") boxsize = np.fromfile(fh, count=1, dtype=">f4") n = nspecs[0] particle_header_vals = {} tmp = [ headerstr, aexpn, aexp0, amplt, astep, istep, partw, tintg, ekin, ekin1, ekin2, au0, aeu0, nrowc, ngridc, nspecs, nseed, Om0, Oml0, hubble, Wp5, Ocurv, wspecies, lspecies, extras, boxsize, ] for i, arr in enumerate(tmp): a1 = dmparticle_header_struct[0][i] a2 = dmparticle_header_struct[1][i] if a2 == 1: particle_header_vals[a1] = arr[0] else: particle_header_vals[a1] = arr[:a2] for specie in range(n): self.particle_types.append("specie%i" % specie) self.particle_types_raw = tuple(self.particle_types) ls_nonzero = np.diff(lspecies)[: n - 1] ls_nonzero = np.append(lspecies[0], ls_nonzero) self.star_type = len(ls_nonzero)"Discovered %i species of particles", len(ls_nonzero)) info_str = "Particle populations: " + "%9i " * len(ls_nonzero), *ls_nonzero) for k, v in particle_header_vals.items(): if k in self.parameters.keys(): if not self.parameters[k] == v: "Inconsistent parameter %s %1.1e %1.1e", k, v, self.parameters[k], ) else: self.parameters[k] = v self.parameters_particles = particle_header_vals self.parameters.update(particle_header_vals) self.parameters["wspecies"] = wspecies[:n] self.parameters["lspecies"] = lspecies[:n] self.parameters["ng"] = self.parameters["Ngridc"] self.parameters["ncell0"] = self.parameters["ng"] ** 3 self.parameters["boxh"] = self.parameters["boxsize"] self.parameters["total_particles"] = ls_nonzero self.domain_dimensions = np.ones(3, dtype="int64") * 2 # NOT ng # setup standard simulation params yt expects to see # Convert to float to please unyt self.current_redshift = float(self.parameters["aexpn"] ** -1.0 - 1.0) self.omega_lambda = float(particle_header_vals["Oml0"]) self.omega_matter = float(particle_header_vals["Om0"]) self.hubble_constant = float(particle_header_vals["hubble"]) self.min_level = 0 self.max_level = 0 # self.min_level = particle_header_vals['min_level'] # self.max_level = particle_header_vals['max_level'] # if self.limit_level is not None: # self.max_level = min( # self.limit_level, particle_header_vals['max_level']) # if self.force_max_level is not None: # self.max_level = self.force_max_level self.hubble_time = 1.0 / (self.hubble_constant * 100 / 3.08568025e19) self.parameters["t"] = a2b(self.parameters["aexpn"]) self.current_time = self.quan(b2t(self.parameters["t"]), "Gyr") self.gamma = self.parameters["gamma"]"Max level is %02i", self.max_level)
def gen_data_dx(fmap_shape, filter_shape, pad_, stride_, dilation_, expect_file, attrs=None): block_size = 16 in_n, in_c, in_h, in_w = fmap_shape cout, cin, w_h, w_w = filter_shape assert in_c == cin in_c = (in_c + block_size - 1) // block_size * block_size cout = (cout + block_size - 1) // block_size * block_size pad_top, pad_bottom, pad_left, pad_right = pad_ stride_h, stride_w = stride_ dilation_h, dilation_w = dilation_ assert dilation_h == 1 assert dilation_w == 1 x_shape = (in_n, in_c, in_h, in_w) w_shape = (cout, in_c, w_h, w_w) b_shape = (w_shape[0], ) p_top = w_h - pad_top - 1 p_left = w_w - pad_left - 1 p_bottom = in_h + pad_top - stride_h * ( (in_h + pad_top + pad_bottom - w_h) // stride_h + 1) p_right = in_w + pad_left - stride_w * ( (in_w + pad_left + pad_right - w_w) // stride_w + 1) print("Data gen ...") x = random_gaussian(x_shape, miu=1, sigma=0.1).astype(np.float16) w = random_gaussian(w_shape, miu=1, sigma=0.1).astype(np.float16) Ho = (x_shape[2] + pad_top + pad_bottom - w_shape[2]) // stride_h + 1 Wo = (x_shape[3] + pad_left + pad_right - w_shape[3]) // stride_w + 1 out_shape = (x_shape[0], w_shape[0], Ho, Wo) dout = random_gaussian(out_shape, miu=1, sigma=0.1).astype(np.float16) dx_shape = (in_n, in_c // block_size, in_h, in_w, block_size) flag_w = os.environ.get("WRITE_TO_DISK", "No") if (flag_w == "No") and (os.path.exists(expect_file) == True): # read expect from file dx = np.fromfile(expect_file, np.float16).reshape(dx_shape) else: # compute expect data: dx = calculate_conv_backprop_input(x, w, dout, [p_top, p_bottom, p_left, p_right], [stride_h, stride_w]) if flag_w == "Yes": # write expect to file with open(expect_file, "w+") as file: dx.tofile(file) file.close() # reshape C0 = block_size ON, OC, OH, OW = out_shape WN, WC, WH, WW = w_shape dout = dout.reshape(ON, OC // C0, C0, OH, OW).transpose(0, 1, 3, 4, 2).copy() w = w.reshape(WN, WC // C0, C0, WH, WW).transpose(1, 3, 4, 0, 2).copy() return dout, w, dx
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import KleinFunction as Klein image_size = 28 no_of_different_labels = 10 image_pixels = image_size*image_size usebinQ = True if(usebinQ is False): #train_data = np.loadtxt("../../mnist_train.csv",delimiter=",") train_data = np.loadtxt("../../mnist_train_100.csv",delimiter=",") fac = 255 # normalising data values to [0., 1.] train_imgs = np.asfarray(train_data[:, 1:]) / fac train_labels = np.asfarray(train_data[:, :1]) else: train_imgs = np.fromfile("../../mnist_train_imgs_binary.dat").reshape((60000,image_pixels)) train_labels = np.fromfile("../../mnist_train_labels_binary.dat").reshape((60000,1)) test_imgs = np.fromfile("../../mnist_test_imgs_binary.dat").reshape((10000,image_pixels)) test_labels = np.fromfile("../../mnist_test_labels_binary.dat").reshape((10000,1)) no_of_hidden_nodes = 100 accuracy = 0.96 epochs = 100#30 bias = None nAlgorithm = 1 # excluding minibatch run_minibatch = False arr_learning_rate = [0.001,0.002,0.005,0.01,0.02,0.05,0.1,0.2,0.5,1.0] save_frequency = 6000 threshold = 0.0005 arr_momentum_para = [0.,0.9,0.] # 0.9 is for the algorithm with momentum
ebs = [i * 1e-3 for i in range(1, 10, 2)] else: ebs = [i * 1e-2 for i in range(1, 8, 2)] + [0.1] idxrange = [0] pid = str(os.getpid()).strip() data = np.zeros((len(ebs) + 1, len(idxrange) + 1, 9), dtype=np.float32) for i in range(9): data[1:, 0, i] = ebs data[0, 1:, i] = idxrange for i, idx in enumerate(idxrange): filename = "%s.dat.log10" % field filepath = os.path.join(datafolder, filename) a = np.fromfile(filepath, dtype=np.float32) a = a - np.min(a) filepath = filepath + ".positive" a.tofile(filepath) for j, eb in enumerate(ebs): os.system("python3 -c %s -e %f -n %s" % (filepath, eb, field)) zpath = filepath + ".z" dpath = zpath + ".d" dvname = filepath.split("/")[-1] + ".dvalue" dvpath = filepath + ".dvalue" os.system("du -s %s*&>%s.txt" % (filepath, pid)) origsize = 0 compressedsize = 0 with open("%s.txt" % pid, "r") as f: lines =
def load_weights(self, weightfile): #Open the weights file fp = open(weightfile, "rb") #The first 5 values are header information # 1. Major version number # 2. Minor Version Number # 3. Subversion number # 4,5. Images seen by the network (during training) header = np.fromfile(fp, dtype=np.int32, count=5) self.header = torch.from_numpy(header) self.seen = self.header[3] weights = np.fromfile(fp, dtype=np.float32) ptr = 0 for i in range(len(self.module_list)): module_type = self.blocks[i + 1]["type"] #If module_type is convolutional load weights #Otherwise ignore. if module_type == "convolutional": model = self.module_list[i] try: batch_normalize = int(self.blocks[i + 1]["batch_normalize"]) except: batch_normalize = 0 conv = model[0] if (batch_normalize): bn = model[1] #Get the number of weights of Batch Norm Layer num_bn_biases = bn.bias.numel() #Load the weights bn_biases = torch.from_numpy(weights[ptr:ptr + num_bn_biases]) ptr += num_bn_biases bn_weights = torch.from_numpy(weights[ptr:ptr + num_bn_biases]) ptr += num_bn_biases bn_running_mean = torch.from_numpy(weights[ptr:ptr + num_bn_biases]) ptr += num_bn_biases bn_running_var = torch.from_numpy(weights[ptr:ptr + num_bn_biases]) ptr += num_bn_biases #Cast the loaded weights into dims of model weights. bn_biases = bn_biases.view_as( bn_weights = bn_weights.view_as( bn_running_mean = bn_running_mean.view_as(bn.running_mean) bn_running_var = bn_running_var.view_as(bn.running_var) #Copy the data to model bn.running_mean.copy_(bn_running_mean) bn.running_var.copy_(bn_running_var) else: #Number of biases num_biases = conv.bias.numel() #Load the weights conv_biases = torch.from_numpy(weights[ptr:ptr + num_biases]) ptr = ptr + num_biases #reshape the loaded weights according to the dims of the model weights conv_biases = conv_biases.view_as( #Finally copy the data #Let us load the weights for the Convolutional layers num_weights = conv.weight.numel() #Do the same as above for weights conv_weights = torch.from_numpy(weights[ptr:ptr + num_weights]) ptr = ptr + num_weights conv_weights = conv_weights.view_as(
def read_all_images(path_to_data): with open(path_to_data, 'rb') as f: everything = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.uint8) images = np.reshape(everything, (-1, 3, 96, 96)) images = np.transpose(images, (0, 3, 2, 1)) return images
def load_weights(var_list, weights_file): """ Loads and converts pre-trained weights. param: var_list: list of network variables. weights_file: name of the binary file. """ with open(weights_file, "rb") as fp: np.fromfile(fp, dtype=np.int32, count=5) weights = np.fromfile(fp, dtype=np.float32) ptr = 0 i = 0 assign_ops = [] while i < len(var_list) - 1: try: var1 = var_list[i] var2 = var_list[i + 1] # do something only if we process conv layer if 'Conv' in'/')[-2]: # check type of next layer if 'BatchNorm' in'/')[-2]: # load batch norm params gamma, beta, mean, var = var_list[i + 1:i + 5] batch_norm_vars = [beta, gamma, mean, var] for var in batch_norm_vars: shape = var.shape.as_list() num_params = var_weights = weights[ptr:ptr + num_params].reshape(shape) ptr += num_params assign_ops.append(tf.assign(var, var_weights, validate_shape=True)) # we move the pointer by 4, because we loaded 4 variables i += 4 elif 'Conv' in'/')[-2]: # load biases bias = var2 bias_shape = bias.shape.as_list() bias_params = bias_weights = weights[ptr:ptr + bias_params].reshape(bias_shape) ptr += bias_params assign_ops.append(tf.assign(bias, bias_weights, validate_shape=True)) # we loaded 1 variable i += 1 # we can load weights of conv layer shape = var1.shape.as_list() num_params = var_weights = weights[ptr:ptr + num_params].reshape( (shape[3], shape[2], shape[0], shape[1])) # remember to transpose to column-major var_weights = np.transpose(var_weights, (2, 3, 1, 0)) ptr += num_params assign_ops.append( tf.assign(var1, var_weights, validate_shape=True)) i += 1 except ValueError: print("tensor", i) return assign_ops
def read_mrc(path, read_data=True, show_progress=False): path = os.path.realpath(path) with open(path, 'rb') as f: mrc = {} mrc['nx'] = int(struct.unpack('i',[0]) mrc['ny'] = int(struct.unpack('i',[0]) mrc['nz'] = int(struct.unpack('i',[0]) mrc['mode'] = struct.unpack('i',[0] mrc['nxstart'] = struct.unpack('i',[0] mrc['nystart'] = struct.unpack('i',[0] mrc['nzstart'] = struct.unpack('i',[0] mrc['mx'] = struct.unpack('i',[0] mrc['my'] = struct.unpack('i',[0] mrc['mz'] = struct.unpack('i',[0] mrc['xlen'] = struct.unpack('f',[0] mrc['ylen'] = struct.unpack('f',[0] mrc['zlen'] = struct.unpack('f',[0] mrc['alpha'] = struct.unpack('f',[0] mrc['beta'] = struct.unpack('f',[0] mrc['gamma'] = struct.unpack('f',[0] mrc['mapc'] = struct.unpack('i',[0] mrc['mapr'] = struct.unpack('i',[0] mrc['maps'] = struct.unpack('i',[0] mrc['amin'] = struct.unpack('f',[0] mrc['amax'] = struct.unpack('f',[0] mrc['amean'] = struct.unpack('f',[0] mrc['ispg'] = struct.unpack('h',[0] mrc['nsymbt'] = struct.unpack('h',[0] mrc['next'] = struct.unpack('i',[0] mrc['creatid'] = struct.unpack('h',[0] mrc['unused1'] = struct.unpack(('c' * 30),[0] mrc['nint'] = struct.unpack('h',[0] mrc['nreal'] = struct.unpack('h',[0] mrc['unused2'] = struct.unpack(('c' * 28),[0] mrc['idtype'] = struct.unpack('h',[0] mrc['lens'] = struct.unpack('h',[0] mrc['nd1'] = struct.unpack('h',[0] mrc['nd2'] = struct.unpack('h',[0] mrc['vd1'] = struct.unpack('h',[0] mrc['vd2'] = struct.unpack('h',[0] mrc['tiltangles'] = struct.unpack(('f' * 6), * 6))) mrc['xorg'] = struct.unpack('f',[0] mrc['yorg'] = struct.unpack('f',[0] mrc['zorg'] = struct.unpack('f',[0] mrc['cmap'] = struct.unpack(('c' * 4), mrc['stamp'] = struct.unpack(('c' * 4), mrc['rms'] = struct.unpack('f',[0] mrc['nlabl'] = struct.unpack('i',[0] mrc['labl'] = struct.unpack(('c' * 800), size = [mrc['nx'], mrc['ny'], mrc['nz']] n_voxel = extended = {} extended['magnification'] = [0] extended['exp_time'] = [0] extended['pixelsize'] = [0] extended['defocus'] = [0] extended['a_tilt'] = ([0] * mrc['nz']) extended['tiltaxis'] = [0] if (mrc['next'] != 0): nbh = (mrc['next'] / 128) if (nbh == 1024): for lauf in range(nbh): extended['a_tilt'][lauf] = struct.unpack('f',[0] extended['b_tilt'][lauf] = struct.unpack('f',[0] extended['x_stage'][lauf] = struct.unpack('f',[0] extended['y_stage'][lauf] = struct.unpack('f',[0] extended['z_stage'][lauf] = struct.unpack('f',[0] extended['x_shift'][lauf] = struct.unpack('f',[0] extended['y_shift'][lauf] = struct.unpack('f',[0] extended['defocus'][lauf] = struct.unpack('f',[0] extended['exp_time'][lauf] = struct.unpack('f',[0] extended['mean_int'][lauf] = struct.unpack('f',[0] extended['tiltaxis'][lauf] = struct.unpack('f',[0] extended['tiltaxis'][lauf] = struct.unpack('f',[0] extended['pixelsize'][lauf] = struct.unpack( 'f',[0] extended['magnification'][lauf] = struct.unpack( 'f',[0] - 52), whence=1) else:, whence=1) if read_data: slice_voxel_num = (mrc['nx'] * mrc['ny']) v = None for i in range(mrc['nz']): if show_progress: print('\r', i, ' ', end=' ') sys.stdout.flush() if (mrc['mode'] == 0): if (v is None): v = N.zeros(size, dtype=N.int8) data_read = N.fromfile(f, dtype=N.int8, count=slice_voxel_num) elif (mrc['mode'] == 1): if (v is None): v = N.zeros(size, dtype=N.int16) data_read = N.fromfile(f, dtype=N.int16, count=slice_voxel_num) elif (mrc['mode'] == 2): if (v is None): v = N.zeros(size, dtype=N.float32) data_read = N.fromfile(f, dtype=N.float32, count=slice_voxel_num) else: raise Exception( 'Sorry, i cannot read this as an MRC-File !!!') data_read = None if (data_read.size != slice_voxel_num): import pdb pdb.set_trace() v[:, :, i] = N.reshape(data_read, (mrc['nx'], mrc['ny']), order='F') else: v = None h = {} h['Voltage'] = None h['Cs'] = None h['Aperture'] = None h['Magnification'] = extended['magnification'][0] h['Postmagnification'] = None h['Exposuretime'] = extended['exp_time'][0] h['Objectpixelsize'] = (extended['pixelsize'][0] * 1000000000.0) h['Microscope'] = None h['Pixelsize'] = None h['CCDArea'] = None h['Defocus'] = extended['defocus'][0] h['Astigmatism'] = None h['AstigmatismAngle'] = None h['FocusIncrement'] = None h['CountsPerElectron'] = None h['Intensity'] = None h['EnergySlitwidth'] = None h['EnergyOffset'] = None h['Tiltangle'] = extended['a_tilt'][:mrc['nz']] h['Tiltaxis'] = extended['tiltaxis'][0] h['Username'] = None h['Date'] = None h['Size'] = [mrc['nx'], mrc['ny'], mrc['nz']] h['Comment'] = None h['Parameter'] = None h['Fillup'] = None h['Filename'] = path h['Marker_X'] = None h['Marker_Y'] = None h['MRC'] = mrc return { 'header': h, 'value': v, }
def __init__(self, fileName): f = open(fileName, 'rb') a = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.uint64) self.reqTimes = a.reshape((a.shape[0], 1)) f.close()
# set up model model = Sequential() model.add(Conv1D(64, 5, input_shape=(128, 44), activation='relu')) model.add(Dropout(0.2)) model.add(Conv1D(32, 5, activation='relu')) model.add(Dropout(0.2)) model.add(Flatten()) model.add(Dense(1)) model.compile(optimizer='rmsprop', loss='mse') print('done setting up model!') # get training and validation data X = np.load('data/train_frames.npy') y = np.fromfile('data/train.txt', sep=' ')[:-1] idx = np.random.permutation(len(X)) X, y = X[idx], y[idx] X_validate = X[:len(X) // 5] X_train = X[len(X) // 5:] y_validate = y[:len(X) // 5] y_train = y[len(X) // 5:] print('done loading data!'), y_train, epochs=40, batch_size=32) print('done fitting model!') print(model.summary()) y_validate_pred = model.predict(X_validate)
def read_labels(path_to_labels): with open(path_to_labels, 'rb') as f: labels = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.uint8) labels = labels.astype(np.uint8) return labels
def readFromGIAnT(self, h5file, setmaster2zero=None, zfile=None, lonfile=None, latfile=None, filetype='f', incidence=None, heading=None, inctype='onefloat', field='recons', keepnan=False, mask=None, readModel=False): ''' Read the output from a typical GIAnT h5 output file. Args: * h5file : Input h5file Kwargs: * setmaster2zero: If index is provided, master will be replaced by zeros (no substraction) * zfile : File with elevation * lonfile : File with longitudes * latfile : File with latitudes * filetype : type of data in lon, lat and elevation file (default: 'f') * incidence : Incidence angle (degree) * heading : Heading angle (degree) * inctype : Type of the incidence and heading values (see for details). Can be 'onefloat', 'grd', 'binary', 'binaryfloat' * field : Name of the field in the h5 file. * mask : Adds a common mask to the data. mask is an array the same size as the data with nans and 1. It can also be a tuple with a key word in the h5file, a value and 'above' or 'under' * readModel : Reads the model parameters Returns: * None ''' # open the h5file h5in = h5py.File(h5file, 'r') self.h5in = h5in # Get the data data = h5in[field] # Get some sizes nDates = data.shape[0] nLines = data.shape[1] nCols = data.shape[2] # Deal with the mask instructions if mask is not None: if type(mask) is tuple: key = mask[0] value = mask[1] instruction = mask[2] mask = np.ones((nLines, nCols)) if instruction in ('above'): mask[np.where(h5in[key][:]>value)] = np.nan elif instruction in ('under'): mask[np.where(h5in[key][:]<value)] = np.nan else: print('Unknow instruction type for Masking...') sys.exit(1) # Read Lon Lat if lonfile is not None: self.lon = np.fromfile(lonfile, dtype=filetype) if latfile is not None: = np.fromfile(latfile, dtype=filetype) # Compute utm self.x, self.y = self.ll2xy(self.lon, # Elevation if zfile is not None: self.elevation = insar('Elevation', utmzone=self.utmzone, verbose=False, lon0=self.lon0, lat0=self.lat0, ellps=self.ellps) self.elevation.read_from_binary(zfile, lonfile, latfile, incidence=None, heading=None, remove_nan=False, remove_zeros=False, dtype=filetype) self.z = self.elevation.vel # Get the time dates = h5in['dates'] self.time = [] for i in range(nDates): self.time.append(dt.datetime.fromordinal(int(dates[i]))) # Create a list to hold the dates self.timeseries = [] # Iterate over the dates for i in range(nDates): # Get things date = self.time[i] dat = data[i,:,:] # Mask? if mask is not None: dat *= mask # check master date if i is setmaster2zero: dat[:,:] = 0. # Create an insar object sar = insar('{} {}'.format(,date.isoformat()), utmzone=self.utmzone, verbose=False, lon0=self.lon0, lat0=self.lat0, ellps=self.ellps) # Put thing in the insarrate object sar.vel = dat.flatten() sar.lon = self.lon = sar.x = self.x sar.y = self.y # Things should remain None sar.corner = None sar.err = None # Set factor sar.factor = 1.0 # Take care of the LOS if incidence is not None and heading is not None: sar.inchd2los(incidence, heading, origin=inctype) else: sar.los = np.zeros((sar.vel.shape[0], 3)) # Store the object in the list self.timeseries.append(sar) # Keep incidence and heading self.incidence = incidence self.heading = heading self.inctype = inctype # if readVel if readModel: self.readModelFromGIAnT() # Make a common mask if asked if not keepnan: # Create an array checkNaNs = np.zeros(self.lon.shape) checkNaNs[:] = False # Trash the pixels where there is only NaNs for sar in self.timeseries: checkNaNs += np.isfinite(sar.vel) uu = np.flatnonzero(checkNaNs==0) # Keep 'em for sar in self.timeseries: sar.reject_pixel(uu) if zfile is not None: elevation.reject_pixel(uu) self.reject_pixel(uu) h5in.close() # all done return
""" Tally benchmarks """ import os, glob import numpy as np normalize = 0 np_ = [] tt = [] for d in glob.glob( '[0-9]*' ): prm = {} path = os.path.join( d, '' ) exec open( path ) in prm np_ += [ np.product( prm['np3'] ) ] t = np.fromfile( d + '/prof/8step', 'f' ) tt += [ np.sum( t[1:-1] ) / (len(t)-2) ] if normalize: tt = [ t / tt[0] for t in tt ] print 'time cores' for n, t in zip( np_, tt ): print '%4.2f %d' % (t, n) if 0: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt n = len( tt ) ax = plt.plot( tt, 'ko-' )[0].axes ax.hold( True ) ax.plot( [-1, n], [tt[0],tt[0]], 'k--' )
def _read_cells(f, line): # If the line is self-contained, it is merely a declaration of the total number of # points. if line.count("(") == line.count(")"): return None, None out = re.match("\\s*\\(\\s*(|20|30)12\\s*\\(([^\\)]+)\\).*", line) assert out is not None a = [int(num, 16) for num in] if len(a) <= 4: raise ReadError() first_index = a[1] last_index = a[2] num_cells = last_index - first_index + 1 zone_type = a[3] element_type = a[4] if zone_type == 0: # dead zone return None, None key, num_nodes_per_cell = { 0: ("mixed", None), 1: ("triangle", 3), 2: ("tetra", 4), 3: ("quad", 4), 4: ("hexahedron", 8), 5: ("pyramid", 5), 6: ("wedge", 6), }[element_type] # Skip to the opening `(` and make sure that there's no non-whitespace character # between the last closing bracket and the `(`. if line.strip()[-1] != "(": c = None while True: c = if c == "(": break if not re.match("\\s", c): # Found a non-whitespace character before `(`. # Assume this is just a declaration line then and # skip to the closing bracket. _skip_to(f, ")") return None, None if key == "mixed": # From # <>: # # > If a zone is of mixed type (element-type=0), it will have a body that # > lists the element type of each cell. # # No idea where the information other than the element types is stored # though. Skip for now. data = None else: # read cell data if == "": # ASCII cells data = np.empty((num_cells, num_nodes_per_cell), dtype=int) for k in range(num_cells): line = f.readline().decode() dat = line.split() if len(dat) != num_nodes_per_cell: raise ReadError() data[k] = [int(d, 16) for d in dat] else: if key == "mixed": raise ReadError("Cannot read mixed cells in binary mode yet") # binary cells if == "20": dtype = np.int32 else: if != "30": ReadError(f"Expected keys '20' or '30', got {}.") dtype = np.int64 shape = (num_cells, num_nodes_per_cell) count = shape[0] * shape[1] data = np.fromfile(f, count=count, dtype=dtype).reshape(shape) # make sure that the data set is properly closed _skip_close(f, 2) return key, data
def session_plot(file_path, fig_no=1, return_fig=False): '''Plot the states, events and analog data for a pyControl session.''' # Import data file. with open(file_path, 'r') as f: all_lines = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines() if line.strip()] # Import any analog files. file_dir = os.path.dirname(file_path) file_name = os.path.split(file_path)[1] analog_files = [ f for f in os.listdir(file_dir) if file_name.split('.')[0] in f and f != file_name ] analog_data = {} for analog_file in analog_files: analog_name = analog_file[len(file_name.split('.')[0]) + 1:-4] with open(os.path.join(file_dir, analog_file), 'rb') as f: analog_data[analog_name] = np.fromfile(f, dtype='<i').reshape(-1, 2) # Extract state entry and event times. states_dict = eval(next(line for line in all_lines if line[0] == 'S')[2:]) events_dict = eval(next(line for line in all_lines if line[0] == 'E')[2:]) ID2name = {v: k for k, v in {**states_dict, **events_dict}.items()} data_lines = [line[2:].split(' ') for line in all_lines if line[0] == 'D'] event_times = np.array([ int(dl[0]) for dl in data_lines if int(dl[1]) in events_dict.values() ]) / 1000 event_IDs = np.array([ int(dl[1]) for dl in data_lines if int(dl[1]) in events_dict.values() ]) state_times = np.array([ int(dl[0]) for dl in data_lines if int(dl[1]) in states_dict.values() ]) / 1000 state_IDs = np.array([ int(dl[1]) for dl in data_lines if int(dl[1]) in states_dict.values() ]) state_durations = np.diff(state_times) # Plotting fig = plt.figure(fig_no, figsize=[18, 12]) fig.clf() n_subplots = 3 if analog_data else 2 # Plot states. ax1 = plt.subplot(n_subplots, 1, 1) plt.quiver(state_times[:-1], state_IDs[:-1], state_durations, np.zeros(state_durations.shape), state_IDs[:-1], cmap='gist_rainbow', headwidth=1, headlength=0, minlength=0, scale=1, width=10, units='dots', scale_units='xy') ax1.set_yticks(sorted(states_dict.values())) ax1.set_yticklabels([ID2name[ID] for ID in sorted(states_dict.values())]) ax1.set_ylim( min(states_dict.values()) - 0.5, max(states_dict.values()) + 0.5) ax1.set_facecolor('black') # Plot events. ax2 = plt.subplot(n_subplots, 1, 2, sharex=ax1) plt.scatter(event_times, event_IDs, c=event_IDs, s=6, cmap='gist_rainbow') ax2.set_yticks(sorted(events_dict.values())) ax2.set_yticklabels([ID2name[ID] for ID in sorted(events_dict.values())]) ax2.set_ylim( min(events_dict.values()) - 0.5, max(events_dict.values()) + 0.5) ax2.set_facecolor('black') # Plot analog data if analog_data: ax3 = plt.subplot(n_subplots, 1, 3, sharex=ax1) for name, data in analog_data.items(): plt.plot(data[:, 0] / 1000, data[:, 1], label=name) ax3.set_facecolor('black') ax3.set_ylabel('Signal value') ax3.legend() ax1.set_xlim(0, state_times[-1]) plt.xlabel('Time (seconds)') plt.tight_layout() if return_fig: # Return the figure and axes return fig, ax1