def filter_params(io, rsh, rs, ee, isc):
    # Function filter_params identifies bad parameter sets. A bad set contains
    # Nan, non-positive or imaginary values for parameters; Rs > Rsh; or data
    # where effective irradiance Ee differs by more than 5% from a linear fit
    # to Isc vs. Ee

    badrsh = np.logical_or(rsh < 0., np.isnan(rsh))
    negrs = rs < 0.
    badrs = np.logical_or(rs > rsh, np.isnan(rs))
    imagrs = ~(np.isreal(rs))
    badio = np.logical_or(~(np.isreal(rs)), io <= 0)
    goodr = np.logical_and(~badrsh, ~imagrs)
    goodr = np.logical_and(goodr, ~negrs)
    goodr = np.logical_and(goodr, ~badrs)
    goodr = np.logical_and(goodr, ~badio)

    matrix = np.vstack((ee / 1000., np.zeros(len(ee)))).T
    eff = np.linalg.lstsq(matrix, isc)[0][0]
    pisc = eff * ee / 1000
    pisc_error = np.abs(pisc - isc) / isc
    # check for departure from linear relation between Isc and Ee
    badiph = pisc_error > .05

    u = np.logical_and(goodr, ~badiph)
    return u
Esempio n. 2
def findSigT(xIn, yIn):
    ## Added to check their sig test. Yes I know it is paranoid rjel
    ##   regPoints are the number of points going into the
    ##    regression calculation.
    ## Check that there are some points not masked out first. Else you
    ##        get horrible errors.
    if np.any(np.isreal(((xIn <= 1.0) & (np.isreal(yIn))))):
        rPoints = int(((xIn <= 1.0) & np.isreal(yIn)).sum())
        rPoints = 0
    ##    print( 'There are ', regPoints,' points in the calculation')
    ## Find the value in the ttest table corresponding to n and
    ##    the p value of interest. The table I downloaded had 1-100
    ##        points then more than 100
    if (rPoints < 103) & (rPoints > 2):
        nIndex = rPoints - 2
    ## if there are less than 2 points don't bother
    elif rPoints <= 2:
        return 3000.0, rPoints
        nIndex = 101
    ## The first line of the t-table file has the p values in it
    ##  so we can search a split first line for the column
    ##   that contains a given p-value
    pIndex = tTable[0].index(str(1.0 - p.pVal))
    sigLocal = tTable[nIndex][pIndex]

    return sigLocal, rPoints
Esempio n. 3
 def update_data(self, attr, old, new):
     mat = matrix(self.a_slider.value, self.b_slider.value,
                  self.c_slider.value, self.d_slider.value)
     evals, evecs = np.linalg.eig(mat)
     ev0, ev1 = evals
     evec0 = evecs.T[0]
     evec1 = evecs.T[1]
     trans0 = mat @ evec0
     trans1 = mat @ evec1
     self.eigen0.text = "eigen0 = " + \
         str(ev0) if np.isreal(ev0) else "eigen0 = None"
     self.eigen1.text = "eigen1 = " + \
         str(ev1) if np.isreal(ev1) else "eigen1 = None"
     transXs, transYs = mat @ np.array([self.Xs, self.Ys]) = dict(Xs=self.Xs, Ys=self.Ys,
                             transXs=transXs, transYs=transYs)
     data0x = [0, evec0[0]] if np.isreal(ev0) else [0, 0]
     data0y = [0, evec0[1]] if np.isreal(ev0) else [0, 0]
     data1x = [0, evec1[0]] if np.isreal(ev1) else [0, 0]
     data1y = [0, evec1[1]] if np.isreal(ev1) else [0, 0]
     trans0x = [0, trans0[0]] if np.isreal(ev0) else [0, 0]
     trans0y = [0, trans0[1]] if np.isreal(ev0) else [0, 0]
     trans1x = [0, trans1[0]] if np.isreal(ev1) else [0, 0]
     trans1y = [0, trans1[1]] if np.isreal(ev1) else [0, 0] = dict(ev0x=data0x, ev0y=data0y,
                               ev1x=data1x, ev1y=data1y,
                               transev0x=trans0x, transev0y=trans0y,
                               transev1x=trans1x, transev1y=trans1y)
Esempio n. 4
    def idct(self, X):
        '''Compute inverse discrete cosine transform of a 1-d array X'''
        N = len(X)
        w = np.sqrt(2*N)*np.exp(1j*np.arange(N)*np.pi/(2.*N))

        if (N%2==1) or (any(np.isreal(X))== False):
            w[0] = w[0] * np.sqrt(2)
            yy = np.zeros(2*N)
            yy[0:N] = w * X
            yy[N+1:2*N] = -1j * w[1:N] * X[1:N][::-1]
            y = fftpack.ifft(yy)
            x = y[0:N]
            w[0] = w[0]/np.sqrt(2)
            yy = X *w
            y = fftpack.ifft(yy)
            x = np.zeros(N)
            x[0:N:2] = y[0:N/2]
            x[1:N:2] = y[N:(N/2)-1:-1]

        if all(np.isreal(x)):
            x = np.real(x)

        return x
Esempio n. 5
def kurt(x, opt):
    if opt=='kurt2':
        if np.all(x==0):
            return K
        x = x - np.mean(x)
        E = np.mean(np.abs(x)**2)
        if E < eps:
            return K
        K = np.mean(np.abs(x)**4)/E**2
        if np.all(np.isreal(x)):
            K = K - 3
            K = K - 2
    if opt=='kurt1':
        if np.all(x==0):
            return K
        x = x - np.mean(x)
        E = np.mean(np.abs(x))
        if E < eps:
            return K
        K = np.mean(np.abs(x)**2)/E**2
        if np.all(np.isreal(x)):
    return K
Esempio n. 6
    def dct(self, x):
        '''Compute discrete cosine transform of 1-d array x'''

        #probably don't need this here anymore since it is in fftpack now    

        N = len(x)
        #calculate DCT weights
        w = (np.exp(-1j*np.arange(N)*np.pi/(2*N))/np.sqrt(2*N))
        w[0] = w[0]/np.sqrt(2)

        #test for odd or even function 
        if (N%2==1) or (any(np.isreal(x)) == False):
            y = np.zeros(2*N)
            y[0:N] = x
            y[N:2*N] = x[::-1]
            yy = fftpack.fft(y)
            yy = yy[0:N]
            y = np.r_[(x[0:N:2], x[N:0:-2])]
            yy = fftpack.fft(y)
            w = 2*w

        #apply weights
        X = w * yy

        if all(np.isreal(x)):
            X = np.real(X)

        return X
Esempio n. 7
def is_nan(x):
        if type(x) == str:
            raise TypeError()
        return np.array([e == NA_character_ or (np.isreal(e) and np.isnan(e)) for e in x], dtype=bool)
    except TypeError:
        return x == NA_character_ or (np.isreal(x) and np.isnan(x))
Esempio n. 8
def test_multib0_dsi():
    data, gtab = dsi_voxels()
    # Create a new data-set with a b0 measurement:
    new_data = np.concatenate([data, data[..., 0, None]], -1)
    new_bvecs = np.concatenate([gtab.bvecs, np.zeros((1, 3))])
    new_bvals = np.concatenate([gtab.bvals, [0]])
    new_gtab = gradient_table(new_bvals, new_bvecs)
    ds = DiffusionSpectrumModel(new_gtab)
    sphere = get_sphere('repulsion724')
    dsfit =
    pdf = dsfit.pdf()
    assert_equal(new_data.shape[:-1] + (17, 17, 17), pdf.shape)
    assert_equal(np.alltrue(np.isreal(pdf)), True)

    # And again, with one more b0 measurement (two in total):
    new_data = np.concatenate([data, data[..., 0, None]], -1)
    new_bvecs = np.concatenate([gtab.bvecs, np.zeros((1, 3))])
    new_bvals = np.concatenate([gtab.bvals, [0]])
    new_gtab = gradient_table(new_bvals, new_bvecs)
    ds = DiffusionSpectrumModel(new_gtab)
    dsfit =
    pdf = dsfit.pdf()
    assert_equal(new_data.shape[:-1] + (17, 17, 17), pdf.shape)
    assert_equal(np.alltrue(np.isreal(pdf)), True)
Esempio n. 9
def is_finite(x):
        if type(x) == str:
            return False
        return np.array([np.isreal(e) and np.isfinite(e) for e in x], dtype=bool)
    except TypeError:
        return np.isreal(x) and np.isfinite(x)
Esempio n. 10
def read_matrix_sparse(filename, dtype=float, comments='#'):
    coo=np.loadtxt(filename, comments=comments, dtype=dtype)
    """Check if coo is (M, 3) ndarray"""
    if len(coo.shape)==2 and coo.shape[1]==3:
        row=coo[:, 0]
        col=coo[:, 1]
        values=coo[:, 2]

        """Check if imaginary part of row and col is zero"""
        if np.all(np.isreal(row)) and np.all(np.isreal(col)):

            """Check if first and second column contain only integer entries"""
            if np.all(is_integer(row)) and np.all(is_integer(col)):           

                """Convert row and col to int"""

                """Create coo-matrix"""
                A=scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((values,(row, col)))
                return A
                raise ValueError('File contains non-integer entries for row and col.')        
            raise ValueError('File contains complex entries for row and col.')
        raise ValueError('Given file is not a sparse matrix in coo-format.')
Esempio n. 11
def bezier_curve_y_out(shift_angle, P0, P1, P2, P3, second_of_day=None):
    For a cubic Bezier segment described by the 2-tuples P0, ..., P3, return
    the y-value associated with the given x-value.

    Ex: getYfromXforBezSegment((10,0), (5,-5), (5,5), (0,0), 3.2)
    seconds_per_day = 24*60*60

    # Check if the second of the day is provided.
    # If provided, calculate y of the Bezier curve with that x
    # Otherwise, use the current second of the day
    if second_of_day is None:
        now =
        dt = datetime.timedelta(hours=now.hour, minutes=now.minute, seconds=now.second)
        seconds = dt.total_seconds()
        seconds = second_of_day

    # Shift the entire graph using 0 - 360 to determine the degree
    if shift_angle:
        percent_angle = shift_angle/360
        angle_seconds = percent_angle*seconds_per_day
        if seconds+angle_seconds > seconds_per_day:
            seconds_shifted = seconds+angle_seconds-seconds_per_day
            seconds_shifted = seconds+angle_seconds
        percent_of_day = seconds_shifted/seconds_per_day
        percent_of_day = seconds/seconds_per_day

    x = percent_of_day*(P0[0]-P3[0])

    # First, get the t-value associated with x-value, where t is the
    # parameterization of the Bezier curve and ranges from 0 to 1.
    # We need the coefficients of the polynomial describing cubic Bezier
    # (cubic polynomial in t)
    coefficients = [-P0[0] + 3*P1[0] - 3*P2[0] + P3[0],
                    3*P0[0] - 6*P1[0] + 3*P2[0],
                    -3*P0[0] + 3*P1[0],
                    P0[0] - x]
    # Find roots of the polynomial to determine the parameter t
    roots = np.roots(coefficients)
    # Find the root which is between 0 and 1, and is also real
    correct_root = None
    for root in roots:
        if np.isreal(root) and 0 <= root <= 1:
            correct_root = root
    # Check a valid root was found
    if correct_root is None:
        print('Error, no valid root found. Are you sure your Bezier curve '
              'represents a valid function when projected into the xy-plane?')
    param_t = correct_root
    # From the value for the t parameter, find the corresponding y-value
    # using the formula for cubic Bezier curves
    y = (1-param_t)**3*P0[1] + 3*(1-param_t)**2*param_t*P1[1] + 3*(1-param_t)*param_t**2*P2[1] + param_t**3*P3[1]
    assert np.isreal(y)
    # Typecast y from np.complex128 to float64   
    y = y.real
    return y
Esempio n. 12
File: Progetto: conkr/SCA
def sp_bin_by_space_and_time(data, frameTime, xybin=8, counterTime=40.0e-9):
    """Takes a dataset collected by the SSI photon counting fast camera and bins
    the data in time and xy.

        data - data to bin.  This is an (N, 4) array where N is the number of
        frameTime - Amout of time between bins.  Measured in seconds
        xybin - amount to bin in x and y.  defaults to 8, which is a 512x512
        counterTime - clock time of the camera. Anton Tremsin says its 40 ns.

        binnedData - a 3-dimension array (frames, y, x) of the binned data.
    assert isinstance(data, np.ndarray), "data must be an ndarray"
    assert data.shape[1] == 4, "Second dimension must be 4."
    assert np.isreal(frameTime), "frameTime (%s) must be real" % repr(frameTime)
    assert np.isreal(counterTime), "counterTime (%s) must be real" % repr(counterTime)
    # TODO: This could be accelerated if written for a GPU

    firsttime = data[:,3].min()
    lasttime = data[:, 3].max()
    datalen = len(data[:, 0])
    nbins = int(np.ceil(float(lasttime - firsttime)*counterTime/frameTime))
    xybinnedDim = int(np.ceil(SP_MAX_SIZE/xybin))

    binnedData = np.zeros((nbins, xybinnedDim, xybinnedDim), dtype='int')
    bin_edges = np.linspace(firsttime, lasttime, nbins+1)
    # slightly increase the last bin.  For some reason the last bin is slightly too small, and the photons on the edges are not included
    bin_edges[-1] = bin_edges[-1]*1.01

    # If the frameTime is larger than the total acq time, then sum up everything
    if frameTime >= (lasttime-firsttime)*counterTime:
        histfn = lambda a,b: (len(a), b)
        # this is the default; bin data using histogram
        histfn = np.histogram

    for i in range(xybinnedDim):
        x = data[:, 0]
        y = data[:, 1]
        xc = np.argwhere( (i*xybin <= x) & (x < (i+1)*xybin) )
        idx_to_delete = np.array([])
        for j in range(xybinnedDim):
            yc = np.argwhere( (j*xybin <= y) & (y < (j+1)*xybin) )
            isect, a, b = intersect(xc, yc, assume_unique=True)
            if len(isect) != 0:
                binned, bin_edges = histfn(data[isect,3]+0.5, bin_edges)
                binnedData[:, i, j] = binned
            idx_to_delete = np.append(idx_to_delete, isect)
        data = np.delete(data, idx_to_delete, axis=0)

    if binnedData.sum() != datalen:
        print "warning: # of binned data photons (%d) do not match original dataset (%d)" % (binnedData.sum(), datalen)

    return binnedData
Esempio n. 13
 def test_it(self):
     self.assertTrue(np.isreal(ef.return_real_part(1 + 0j)))
     self.assertTrue(np.isreal(ef.return_real_part(1 + 1e-20j)))
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, ef.return_real_part, None)
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, ef.return_real_part, (1, 2.0, 2 + 2j))
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, ef.return_real_part, [None, 2.0, 2 + 2j])
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, ef.return_real_part, [1, 2.0, 2 + 2j])
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, ef.return_real_part, 1 + 1e-10j)
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, ef.return_real_part, 1j)
Esempio n. 14
def symmNormalization(MPS, chir, chic):
    omega, R = getLargestW(MPS, 'R')
    R = fixPhase(R)
    if np.isreal(R).all(): omega, R = omega.real, R.real
    print "wR", omega, np.isreal(R).all(), "R\n", R

    assym = np.linalg.norm(R - R.T.conj())
    print "assym R", assym

    Rvals, Rvecs = spla.eigh(R)
    Rvals_s = np.sqrt(abs(Rvals))
    Rvals_si = 1. / Rvals_s
    print "Rvals", Rvals

    Rs =,, Rvecs.T.conj()))
    ARs = np.tensordot(MPS, Rs, axes=([1,0]))
    Rsi =,, Rvecs.T.conj()))
    A1 = np.tensordot(Rsi, ARs, axes=([1,0]))
    A1 = np.transpose(A1, (0, 2, 1))

    omega, L = getLargestW(A1, 'L')
    L = fixPhase(L)
    if np.isreal(L).all(): omega, L = omega.real, L.real
    print "wL", omega, np.isreal(L).all(), "L\n", L

    assym = np.linalg.norm(L - L.T.conj())
    print "assym L", assym

    Lambda2, U = spla.eigh(L)
    A1U = np.tensordot(A1, U, axes=([1,0]))
    A2 = np.tensordot(U.T.conj(), A1U, axes=([1,0]))
    A2 = np.transpose(A2, (0, 2, 1))
    print "Lambda**2", Lambda2#, "\n", U

    Lambda = np.sqrt(abs(Lambda2))
    Lambdas = np.sqrt(Lambda)
    Lambdasi = 1. / Lambdas
    A2Lsi = np.tensordot(A2, np.diag(Lambdasi), axes=([1,0]))
    A3 = np.tensordot(np.diag(Lambdas), A2Lsi, axes=([1,0]))
    A3 = np.transpose(A3, (0, 2, 1))
    print "Lambda", Lambda

    nMPS = A3 / np.sqrt(omega)
    RealLambda = fixPhase(np.diag(Lambda))
    #print "nMPS", nMPS.shape, "\n", nMPS
    print "RealLambda", RealLambda.shape, "\n", RealLambda

    ######### CHECKING RESULT #########
    Trace = np.linalg.norm(RealLambda)
    ELambda = linearOpForR(nMPS, RealLambda).reshape(chir, chic)
    LambdaE = linearOpForL(nMPS, RealLambda).reshape(chir, chic)
    print "Trace(RealLambda)", Trace, "\nE|r)\n", ELambda, "\n(l|E\n", LambdaE

    return RealLambda, nMPS
Esempio n. 15
 def _finalize_limits(self, axis, view, subplots, ranges):
     # Extents
     extents = self.get_extents(view, ranges)
     if extents and not self.overlaid:
         coords = [coord if np.isreal(coord) else np.NaN for coord in extents]
         if isinstance(view, Element3D) or self.projection == '3d':
             l, b, zmin, r, t, zmax = coords
             if not np.NaN in (zmin, zmax) and not zmin==zmax: axis.set_zlim((zmin, zmax))
             l, b, r, t = [coord if np.isreal(coord) else np.NaN for coord in extents]
         if not np.NaN in (l, r) and not l==r: axis.set_xlim((l, r))
         if not np.NaN in (b, t) and not b==t: axis.set_ylim((b, t))
Esempio n. 16
def radialUndistort(rpp, k, quot=False, der=False):
    takes distorted radius and returns the radius undistorted
    optioally it returns the undistortion quotient rp = rpp * q
    # polynomial coeffs, grade 7
    # # (k1,k2,p1,p2[,k3[,k4,k5,k6[,s1,s2,s3,s4[,τx,τy]]]])
    # polynomial coeffs, grade 7
    # # (k1,k2,p1,p2[,k3[,k4,k5,k6[,s1,s2,s3,s4[,τx,τy]]]])
    k.shape = -1
    poly = [[k[4], # k3
             k[1], # k2
             k[0], # k1
             -r] for r in rpp]
    # calculate roots
    rootsPoly = array([roots(p) for p in poly])
    # return flag, True if there is a suitable (real AND positive) solution
    rPRB = isreal(rootsPoly) & (0 <= real(rootsPoly))  # real Positive Real Bool
    retVal = any(rPRB, axis=1)
    rp = empty_like(rpp)
    if any(~ retVal): # if at least one case of non solution
        # calculate extrema of polyniomial
        rExtrema = roots([7*k[4], 0, 5*k[1], 0, 3*k[0], 0, 1])
        # select real extrema in positive side, keep smallest
        rRealPos = min(rExtrema.real[isreal(rExtrema) & (0<=rExtrema.real)])
        # assign to problematic values
        rp[~retVal] = rRealPos
    # choose minimum positive roots
    rp[retVal] = [min(rootsPoly[i, rPRB[i]].real)
                   for i in arange(rpp.shape[0])[retVal]]
    if der:
        # derivada de la directa
        q, dQdP, dQdK = radialDistort(rp, k, der=True)

        if quot:
            return q, retVal, dQdP, dQdK
            return rp, retVal, dQdP, dQdK
        if quot:
            return rp / rpp, retVal
            return rp, retVal
Esempio n. 17
def kurt(x, opt):
    Calculates kurtosis of a signal according to the option chosen

    :param x: signal
    :param opt: ['kurt1' | 'kurt2']
        * 'kurt1' = variance of the envelope magnitude
        * 'kurt2' = kurtosis of the complex envelope

    :type x: numpy array
    :type opt: string

    :rtype: float
    :returns: Kurtosis
    if opt == 'kurt2':
        if np.all(x == 0):
            K = 0
            E = 0
            return K
        x = x - np.mean(x)
        E = np.mean(np.abs(x)**2)
        if E < eps:
            K = 0
            return K

        K = np.mean(np.abs(x)**4)/E**2

        if np.all(np.isreal(x)):
            K = K - 3
            K = K - 2

    if opt == 'kurt1':
        if np.all(x == 0):
            K = 0
            E = 0
            return K
        x = x - np.mean(x)
        E = np.mean(np.abs(x))
        if E < eps:
            K = 0
            return K

        K = np.mean(np.abs(x)**2)/E**2

        if np.all(np.isreal(x)):
            K = K-1.57
            K = K-1.27

    return K
Esempio n. 18
def radialUndistort(rpp, k, quot=False, der=False):
    takes distorted radius and returns the radius undistorted
    optionally it returns the distortion quotioent rpp = rp * q
    # polynomial coeffs, grade 7
    # # (k1,k2,p1,p2[,k3[,k4,k5,k6[,s1,s2,s3,s4[,τx,τy]]]])
    # polynomial coeffs, grade 7
    # # (k1,k2,p1,p2[,k3[,k4,k5,k6[,s1,s2,s3,s4[,τx,τy]]]])
    k.shape = -1
    poly = [[k[3], 0, k[2], 0, k[1], 0, k[0], 0, 1, -r] for r in rpp]
    # calculate roots
    rootsPoly = array([roots(p) for p in poly])
    # return flag, True if there is a suitable (real AND positive) solution
    rPRB = isreal(rootsPoly) & (0 <= real(rootsPoly))  # real Positive Real Bool
    retVal = any(rPRB, axis=1)
    thetap = empty_like(rpp)
    if any(~retVal): # if at least one case of non solution
        # calculate extrema of polyniomial
        thExtrema = roots([9*k[3], 0, 7*k[2], 0, 5*k[1], 0, 3*k[0], 0, 1])
        # select real extrema in positive side, keep smallest
        thRealPos = min(thExtrema.real[isreal(thExtrema) & (0<=thExtrema.real)])
        # assign to problematic values
        thetap[~retVal] = thRealPos
    # choose minimum positive roots
    thetap[retVal] = [min(rootsPoly[i, rPRB[i]].real)
                   for i in arange(rpp.shape[0])[retVal]]
    rp = abs(tan(thetap))  # correct negative values
    # if theta angle is greater than pi/2, retVal=False
    retVal[thetap >= pi/2] = False
    if der:
        # derivada de la directa
        q, dQdP, dQdK = radialDistort(rp, k, quot, der)
        if quot:
            return q, retVal, dQdP, dQdK
            return rp, retVal, dQdP, dQdK
        if quot:
            # returns q
            return rpp / rp, retVal
            return rp, retVal
Esempio n. 19
def quantize(sig, partition, varargin):

    if sig.size == 0 or not np.isreal(sig).all() or sig.shape[0] != 1:

    if len(partition) == 0 or not np.isreal(partition).all() or type(partition) != list:

    nrows, ncols = np.shape(sig)
    indx = np.zeros((nrows, ncols))

    for i in range(len(partition)):
        indx += (sig > partition[i])

    return indx
Esempio n. 20
    def multiply(self,x,mode):
        op1 = self.children[0]
        if np.isreal(x).all():
            # Purely real
            y = np.real(op1.applyMultiply(x,mode))
        elif np.isreal(1j*x).all():
            # Purely imaginary
            y = np.real(op1.applyMultiply(np.imag(x),mode)) * 1j
            # Mixed
            y = np.real(op1.applyMultiply(np.real(x),mode)) + np.real(op1.applyMultiply(np.imag(x),mode)) * 1j
        return y

Esempio n. 21
 def computeStationaryCovariance(self, ls):
     '''Compute the asymptotic covariance for a given linear system.
     (Eq. 104-106)
     A, H, G, Q, M, R = map(np.mat, [ls.getA(), ls.getH(), ls.getG(),
                                     ls.getQ(), ls.getM(), ls.getR()])
         Pprd = np.mat(dare(A.T, H.T, G * Q * G.T, M * R * M.T))
         raise AssertionError("Dare Unsolvable: "
                       + "The given system state is not stable/observable.")
     assert np.all(np.isreal(Pprd)) and np.all(Pprd == Pprd.T)
     Pest = Pprd - (Pprd * H.T) * (H * Pprd * H.T + M * R * M.T).I * (Pprd * H.T).T
     assert np.all(np.isreal(Pest)) and np.all(Pest == Pest.T)
     return Pest
Esempio n. 22
 def y(self, value):
     if value is None:
         self._y = value
     elif np.isscalar(value) and np.isreal(value):
         self._y = value
         raise TypeError("y should be a scalar floating point value")
Esempio n. 23
    def splitBimodal(self, x, y, largepoly=30):
        p = np.polyfit(x, y, largepoly) # polynomial coefficients for fit

        extrema = np.roots(np.polyder(p))
        extrema = extrema[np.isreal(extrema)]
        extrema = extrema[(extrema - x[1]) * (x[-2] - extrema) > 0] # exclude the endpoints due false maxima during fitting
            root_vals = [sum([p[::-1][i]*(root**i) for i in range(len(p))]) for root in extrema]
            peaks = extrema[np.argpartition(root_vals, -2)][-2:] # find two peaks of bimodal distribution

            mid, = np.where((x - peaks[0])* (peaks[1] - x) > 0)
             # want data points between the peaks
            warnings.warn("Peak finding failed!")
            return None

            p_mid = np.polyfit(x[mid], y[mid], 2) # fit middle section to a parabola
            midpoint = np.roots(np.polyder(p_mid))[0]
            warnings.warn("Polynomial fit between peaks of distribution poorly conditioned. Falling back on using the minimum! May result in inaccurate split determination.")
            if len(mid) == 0:
                return None

            midx = np.argmin(y[mid])
            midpoint = x[mid][midx]

        return midpoint
Esempio n. 24
	def getPosteriorMeanAndVar(self, diagKTestTest, KtrainTest, post, intercept=0):
		L = post['L']
		if (np.size(L) == 0): raise Exception('L is an empty array') #possible to compute it here
		Lchol = np.all((np.all(np.tril(L, -1)==0, axis=0) & (np.diag(L)>0)) & np.isreal(np.diag(L)))
		ns = diagKTestTest.shape[0]
		nperbatch = 5000
		nact = 0
		#allocate mem
		fmu = np.zeros(ns)	#column vector (of length ns) of predictive latent means
		fs2 = np.zeros(ns)	#column vector (of length ns) of predictive latent variances
		while (nact<(ns-1)):
			id = np.arange(nact, np.minimum(nact+nperbatch, ns))
			kss = diagKTestTest[id]		
			Ks = KtrainTest[:, id]
			if (len(post['alpha'].shape) == 1):
				try: Fmu = intercept[id] +['alpha'])
				except: Fmu = intercept +['alpha'])
				fmu[id] = Fmu
				try: Fmu = intercept[id][:, np.newaxis] +['alpha'])
				except: Fmu = intercept +['alpha'])
				fmu[id] = Fmu.mean(axis=1)
			if Lchol:
				V = la.solve_triangular(L, Ks*np.tile(post['sW'], (id.shape[0], 1)).T, trans=1, check_finite=False, overwrite_b=True)
				fs2[id] = kss - np.sum(V**2, axis=0)                       #predictive variances						
				fs2[id] = kss + np.sum(Ks * (, axis=0)		   #predictive variances
			fs2[id] = np.maximum(fs2[id],0)  #remove numerical noise i.e. negative variances		
			nact = id[-1]    #set counter to index of last processed data point
		return fmu, fs2
Esempio n. 25
    def UpdateKappaSigmaSq(self,it):
        for ii in range(self.T-1):
            new_kappa_sigma_sq = self.kappa_sigma_sq[ii]+(2*np.ceil(2*np.random.random())-3)*(np.random.geometric(1.0/(1+np.exp(self.log_kappa_sigma_sqq[ii])))-1)

            if new_kappa_sigma_sq <0:
                accept = 0
                lam1 = 1.0*self.lambda_sigma + self.kappa_sigma_sq[ii]
                gam1 = 1.0*self.lambda_sigma/self.mu_sigma + 1.0*self.rho_sigma/(1-self.rho_sigma)*self.lambda_sigma/self.mu_sigma
                loglike = lam1*np.log(gam1)-math.lgamma(lam1)+(lam1-1)*np.log(self.sigma_sq[ii+1])
                pnmean = self.sigma_sq[ii]*self.rho_sigma/(1-self.rho_sigma)*self.lambda_sigma/self.mu_sigma
                loglike = loglike + self.kappa_sigma_sq[ii]*np.log(pnmean)- math.lgamma(1.0*self.kappa_sigma_sq[ii]+1)

                lam1 = 1.0*self.lambda_sigma + new_kappa_sigma_sq
                gam1 = 1.0*self.lambda_sigma/self.mu_sigma + self.rho_sigma/(1-self.rho_sigma)*self.lambda_sigma/self.mu_sigma
                new_loglike = lam1*np.log(gam1)-math.lgamma(lam1)+(lam1-1)*np.log(self.sigma_sq[ii+1])
                pnmean = self.sigma_sq[ii]*self.rho_sigma/(1-self.rho_sigma)*self.lambda_sigma/self.mu_sigma
                new_loglike = new_loglike + new_kappa_sigma_sq*np.log(pnmean)-math.lgamma(1.0*new_kappa_sigma_sq+1)
                log_accept = new_loglike - loglike
                accept =1
                if np.isnan(log_accept) or np.isinf(log_accept):
                    accept = 0
                elif log_accept <0:
                    accept = np.exp(log_accept)

            self.kappa_lambda_sigma_accept = self.kappa_lambda_sigma_accept + accept
            self.kappa_sigma_sq_count = self.kappa_sigma_sq_count +1
            if np.random.random()<accept :
                self.kappa_sigma_sq[ii] = new_kappa_sigma_sq
            self.log_kappa_sigma_sqq[ii] = self.log_kappa_sigma_sqq[ii]+1.0/it**0.55*(accept-0.3)

            if np.isnan(self.kappa_sigma_sq[ii]) or np.isreal(self.kappa_sigma_sq[ii]) == 0:
def sMCI(x, y, ksize):
    Memoryless Cross Intensity kernel (mCI)
          x: (N1x1) numpy array of sorted spike times
          y: (N2x1) numpy array of sorted spike times
          ksize: kernel size
          y_neg_cum_sum_exp = sum_j exp(-y[-j]/ksize) 
          y_pos_cum_sum_exp = sum_j exp(y[j]/ksize)
         v: sum_i sum_j exp(-|x[i] - y[j]|/ksize)
    v = 0.
    x = check_spike_train(x)
    y = check_spike_train(y)
    if x.shape[0]==0 or y.shape[0]==0:
        return v

    assert (ksize>0. and np.isreal(ksize)), "Kernel size must be non-negative real"

    #v = pairwise_l1(x, y)
    #v = np.exp(-v/ksize)
    #v = v.sum()
    v = fs.mci(x, y, ksize)
    return v
def get_fixed_point(I=0., eps=0.1, a=2.0):
    """Computes the fixed point of the FitzHugh Nagumo model
    as a function of the input current I.

    We solve the 3rd order poylnomial equation:
    v**3 + V + a - I0 = 0

        I: Constant input [mV]
        eps: Inverse time constant of the recovery variable w [1/ms]
        a: Offset of the w-nullcline [mV]

        tuple: (v_fp, w_fp) fixed point of the equations

    # Use poly1d function from numpy to compute the
    # roots of 3rd order polynomial
    P = np.poly1d([1, 0, 1, (a - I)], variable="x")

    # take only the real root
    v_fp = np.real(P.r[np.isreal(P.r)])[0]
    w_fp = 2. * v_fp + a

    return (v_fp, w_fp)
Esempio n. 28
def test_SparseValsOnly():
    Sparse eigvals only Hermitian.
    H = rand_herm(10)
    spvals = H.eigenenergies(sparse=True)
    assert_equal(len(spvals), 10)
    # check that sorting is lowest eigval first
    assert_equal(spvals[0] <= spvals[-1], True)
    # check that spvals equal expect vals
    for k in range(10):
        # check that ouput is real for Hermitian operator
        assert_equal(isreal(spvals[k]), True)
    spvals = H.eigenenergies(sparse=True, sort='high')
    # check that sorting is lowest eigval first
    assert_equal(spvals[0] >= spvals[-1], True)
    spvals = H.eigenenergies(sparse=True, sort='high', eigvals=4)
    assert_equal(len(spvals), 4)

    U = rand_unitary(10)
    spvals = U.eigenenergies(sparse=True)
    assert_equal(len(spvals), 10)
    # check that sorting is lowest eigval first
    assert_equal(spvals[0] <= spvals[-1], True)
    # check that spvals equal expect vals
    for k in range(10):
        # check that ouput is real for Hermitian operator
        assert_equal(iscomplex(spvals[k]), True)
    spvals = U.eigenenergies(sparse=True, sort='high')
    # check that sorting is lowest eigval first
    assert_equal(spvals[0] >= spvals[-1], True)
    spvals = U.eigenenergies(sparse=True, sort='high', eigvals=4)
    assert_equal(len(spvals), 4)
Esempio n. 29
def validate_scalar(name, value, domain=None, physical_type=None):

    validate_physical_type(name, value, physical_type)

    if not physical_type:
        if np.isscalar(value) or not np.isreal(value):
            raise TypeError("{0} should be a scalar floating point value".format(name))

    if domain == 'positive':
        if value < 0.:
            raise ValueError("{0} should be positive".format(name))
    elif domain == 'strictly-positive':
        if value <= 0.:
            raise ValueError("{0} should be strictly positive".format(name))
    elif domain == 'negative':
        if value > 0.:
            raise ValueError("{0} should be negative".format(name))
    elif domain == 'strictly-negative':
        if value >= 0.:
            raise ValueError("{0} should be strictly negative".format(name))
    elif type(domain) in [tuple, list] and len(domain) == 2:
        if value < domain[0] or value > domain[-1]:
            raise ValueError("{0} should be in the range [{1}:{2}]".format(name, domain[0], domain[-1]))

    return value
Esempio n. 30
    def UpdateKappa(self, it):
        for ii in xrange(self.T-1):
            for jj in xrange(self.p):

                new_kappa = self.kappa[ii][jj]+(2*np.ceil(2*np.random.random())-3)*(np.random.geometric(1.0/(1+np.exp(self.log_kappa_q[ii][jj])))-1)

                if new_kappa < 0:
                    accept = 0
                    lam1 = self.lambda_[jj] + 1.0*self.kappa[ii][jj]
                    gam1 = self.lambda_[jj]/[jj] +[jj]
                    loglike = lam1*np.log(gam1) - math.lgamma(lam1)+(lam1-1)*np.log(self.psi[ii+1][jj])
                    pnmean = self.psi[ii][jj] *[jj]
                    loglike = loglike + 1.0*self.kappa[ii][jj]*np.log(pnmean) - math.lgamma(1.0*self.kappa[ii][jj]+1)

                    lam1 = self.lambda_[jj] + 1.0*new_kappa
                    gam1 = self.lambda_[jj]/[jj] +[jj]
                    new_loglike = lam1*np.log(gam1) - math.lgamma(lam1)+(lam1-1)*np.log(self.psi[ii+1][jj])
                    pnmean = self.psi[ii][jj]*[jj]
                    new_loglike = new_loglike + new_kappa*np.log(pnmean)-math.lgamma(1.0*new_kappa+1)
                    log_accept = new_loglike - loglike
                    accept =1
                    if np.isnan(log_accept) or np.isinf(log_accept):
                        accept =0
                    elif log_accept <0:
                        accept = np.exp(log_accept)

                self.kappa_accept = self.kappa_accept + accept
                self.kappa_count = self.kappa_count +1

                if np.random.random() < accept:
                    self.kappa[ii][jj] = new_kappa
                self.log_kappa_q[ii][jj] = self.log_kappa_q[ii][jj] + 1.0/it**0.55*(accept-0.3)
                if np.isnan(self.kappa[ii][jj]) or np.isreal(self.kappa[ii][jj]) ==False:
Esempio n. 31
def levinson_1d(r, order):
    """Levinson-Durbin recursion, to efficiently solve symmetric linear systems
    with toeplitz structure.

    r : array-like
        input array to invert (since the matrix is symmetric Toeplitz, the
        corresponding pxp matrix is defined by p items only). Generally the
        autocorrelation of the signal for linear prediction coefficients
        estimation. The first item must be a non zero real.

    This implementation is in python, hence unsuitable for any serious
    computation. Use it as educational and reference purpose only.

    Levinson is a well-known algorithm to solve the Hermitian toeplitz

                       _          _
        -R[1] = R[0]   R[1]   ... R[p-1]    a[1]
         :      :      :          :      *  :
         :      :      :          _      *  :
        -R[p] = R[p-1] R[p-2] ... R[0]      a[p]
    with respect to a (  is the complex conjugate). Using the special symmetry
    in the matrix, the inversion can be done in O(p^2) instead of O(p^3).
    r = np.atleast_1d(r)
    if r.ndim > 1:
        raise ValueError("Only rank 1 are supported for now.")

    n = r.size
    if n < 1:
        raise ValueError("Cannot operate on empty array !")
    elif order > n - 1:
        raise ValueError("Order should be <= size-1")

    if not np.isreal(r[0]):
        raise ValueError("First item of input must be real.")
    elif not np.isfinite(1 / r[0]):
        raise ValueError("First item should be != 0")

    # Estimated coefficients
    a = np.empty(order + 1, r.dtype)
    # temporary array
    t = np.empty(order + 1, r.dtype)
    # Reflection coefficients
    k = np.empty(order, r.dtype)

    a[0] = 1.
    e = r[0]

    for i in xrange(1, order + 1):
        acc = r[i]
        for j in range(1, i):
            acc += a[j] * r[i - j]
        k[i - 1] = -acc / e
        a[i] = k[i - 1]

        for j in range(order):
            t[j] = a[j]

        for j in range(1, i):
            a[j] += k[i - 1] * np.conj(t[i - j])

        e *= 1 - k[i - 1] * np.conj(k[i - 1])

    return a, e, k
 def to_real(x):
     return x.real if np.isreal(x) else x
Esempio n. 33
def infer_kaldi_data_type(obj):
    '''Infer the appropriate kaldi data type for this object

    The following map is used (in order):

    | Object                       | KaldiDataType       |
    | an int                       | Int32               |
    | a boolean                    | Bool                |
    | a float*                     | Base                |
    | str                          | Token               |
    | 2-dim numpy array float32    | FloatMatrix         |
    | 1-dim numpy array float32    | FloatVector         |
    | 2-dim numpy array float64    | DoubleMatrix        |
    | 1-dim numpy array float64    | DoubleVector        |
    | 1-dim numpy array of int32   | Int32Vector         |
    | 2-dim numpy array of int32*  | Int32VectorVector   |
    | (matrix-like, float or int)  | WaveMatrix**        |
    | an empty container           | BaseMatrix          |
    | container of str             | TokenVector         |
    | 1-dim py container of ints   | Int32Vector         |
    | 2-dim py container of ints*  | Int32VectorVector   |
    | 2-dim py container of pairs  | BasePairVector      |
    | of floats                    |                     |
    | matrix-like python container | DoubleMatrix        |
    | vector-like python container | DoubleVector        |

    *The same data types could represent a `Double` or an
    `Int32PairVector`, respectively. Care should be taken in these cases.

    **The first element is the wave data, the second its sample
    frequency. The wave data can be a 2d numpy float array of the same
    precision as ``KaldiDataType.BaseMatrix``, or a matrix-like python
    container of floats and/or ints.

    ------- or None
    if isinstance(obj, int):
        return KaldiDataType.Int32
    elif isinstance(obj, bool):
        return KaldiDataType.Bool
    elif isinstance(obj, float):
        return KaldiDataType.Base
    elif isinstance(obj, str) or isinstance(obj, text):
        return KaldiDataType.Token
    # the remainder are expected to be containers
    if not hasattr(obj, '__len__'):
        return None
    # numpy array or wav tuple?
        if len(obj.shape) == 1:
            if obj.dtype == np.float32:
                return KaldiDataType.FloatVector
            elif obj.dtype == np.float64:
                return KaldiDataType.DoubleVector
            elif obj.dtype == np.int32:
                return KaldiDataType.Int32Vector
        elif len(obj.shape) == 2:
            if obj.dtype == np.float32:
                return KaldiDataType.FloatMatrix
            elif obj.dtype == np.float64:
                return KaldiDataType.DoubleMatrix
            elif obj.dtype == np.int32:
                return KaldiDataType.Int32Vector
        elif len(obj) == 2 and \
                len(obj[0].shape) == 2 and \
                (obj[0].dtype == np.float32 and \
                    not KaldiDataType.BaseMatrix.is_double) or \
                (obj[0].dtype == np.float64 and \
                    KaldiDataType.BaseMatrix.is_double) and \
                (isinstance(obj[1], int) or isinstance(obj[1], float)):
            return KaldiDataType.WaveMatrix
    except AttributeError:
    if not len(obj):
        return KaldiDataType.BaseMatrix
    elif all(isinstance(x, str) or isinstance(x, text) for x in obj):
        return KaldiDataType.TokenVector
    elif all(isinstance(x, int) for x in obj):
        return KaldiDataType.Int32Vector
    elif all(hasattr(x, '__len__') and hasattr(x, '__getitem__') for x in obj):
        if all(all(isinstance(y, int) for y in x) for x in obj):
            return KaldiDataType.Int32VectorVector
            if all(len(x) == 2 and all(np.isreal(y) for y in x) for x in obj):
                return KaldiDataType.BasePairVector
            elif len(np.array(obj).astype(np.float64).shape) == 2:
                return KaldiDataType.DoubleMatrix
        except ValueError:
            if len(np.array(obj).astype(np.float64).shape) == 1:
                return KaldiDataType.DoubleVector
        except ValueError:
    return None
Esempio n. 34
def hashkey(block, Qangle, W):
    # gradient
    gy, gx = np.gradient(block)

    # 將 2D 矩陣轉換為 1D 數組
    gx = gx.ravel()
    gy = gy.ravel()

    # SVD
    G = np.vstack((gx, gy)).T
    GTWG =
    w, v = np.linalg.eig(GTWG)

    # 確保 V 和 D 僅有實數
    nonzerow = np.count_nonzero(np.isreal(w))
    nonzerov = np.count_nonzero(np.isreal(v))
    if nonzerow != 0:
        w = np.real(w)
    if nonzerov != 0:
        v = np.real(v)

    # 根據 w 的降序對 w 和 v 進行排序
    idx = w.argsort()[::-1]
    w = w[idx]
    v = v[:, idx]

    # theta
    theta = atan2(v[1, 0], v[0, 0])
    if theta < 0:
        theta += pi

    # lamda
    lamda = w[0]

    # u
    sqrtlamda1 = np.sqrt(w[0])
    sqrtlamda2 = np.sqrt(w[1])  # bug
    if sqrtlamda1 + sqrtlamda2 == 0:
        u = 0
        u = (sqrtlamda1 - sqrtlamda2) / (sqrtlamda1 + sqrtlamda2)

    # 量化
    angle = floor(theta / pi * Qangle)
    if lamda < 0.0001:
        strength = 0
    elif lamda > 0.001:
        strength = 2
        strength = 1
    if u < 0.25:
        coherence = 0
    elif u > 0.5:
        coherence = 2
        coherence = 1

    # 將輸出綁定到所需範圍
    if angle > 23:
        angle = 23
    elif angle < 0:
        angle = 0
    return angle, strength, coherence
Esempio n. 35
def parallel_coordinates(frame,
    """Parallel coordinates plotting.

    frame: DataFrame
    class_column: str
        Column name containing class names
    cols: list, optional
        A list of column names to use
    ax: matplotlib.axis, optional
        matplotlib axis object
    color: list or tuple, optional
        Colors to use for the different classes
    use_columns: bool, optional
        If true, columns will be used as xticks
    xticks: list or tuple, optional
        A list of values to use for xticks
    colormap: str or matplotlib colormap, default None
        Colormap to use for line colors.
    axvlines: bool, optional
        If true, vertical lines will be added at each xtick
    axvlines_kwds: keywords, optional
        Options to be passed to axvline method for vertical lines
    sort_labels: bool, False
        Sort class_column labels, useful when assigning colors

        .. versionadded:: 0.20.0

    kwds: keywords
        Options to pass to matplotlib plotting method

    ax: matplotlib axis object

    >>> from pandas import read_csv
    >>> from import parallel_coordinates
    >>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    >>> df = read_csv(''
    >>> parallel_coordinates(df, 'Name', color=('#556270',
                             '#4ECDC4', '#C7F464'))
    if axvlines_kwds is None:
        axvlines_kwds = {'linewidth': 1, 'color': 'black'}
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    n = len(frame)
    classes = frame[class_column].drop_duplicates()
    class_col = frame[class_column]

    if cols is None:
        df = frame.drop(class_column, axis=1)
        df = frame[cols]

    used_legends = set([])

    ncols = len(df.columns)

    # determine values to use for xticks
    if use_columns is True:
        if not np.all(np.isreal(list(df.columns))):
            raise ValueError('Columns must be numeric to be used as xticks')
        x = df.columns
    elif xticks is not None:
        if not np.all(np.isreal(xticks)):
            raise ValueError('xticks specified must be numeric')
        elif len(xticks) != ncols:
            raise ValueError('Length of xticks must match number of columns')
        x = xticks
        x = lrange(ncols)

    if ax is None:
        ax = plt.gca()

    color_values = _get_standard_colors(num_colors=len(classes),

    if sort_labels:
        classes = sorted(classes)
        color_values = sorted(color_values)
    colors = dict(zip(classes, color_values))

    for i in range(n):
        y = df.iloc[i].values
        kls = class_col.iat[i]
        label = pprint_thing(kls)
        if label not in used_legends:
            ax.plot(x, y, color=colors[kls], label=label, **kwds)
            ax.plot(x, y, color=colors[kls], **kwds)

    if axvlines:
        for i in x:
            ax.axvline(i, **axvlines_kwds)

    ax.set_xlim(x[0], x[-1])
    ax.legend(loc='upper right')
    return ax
Esempio n. 36
def create_target_list(p_elg=1., p_lbg=1., p_qso=1., nobs=1):
    This function creates target list files for the Fiber-to-Target Allocator.

    :param p_elg: priority score for the ELGs, either a scalar float to give all ELGs the same score, or a string to force random scores
    :param p_lbg: same as p_elg but for the LBGs
    :param p_qso: same as p_elg but for the QSOs
    :param nobs: number of observations required (more than 1 to test dithering or multiple iterations for instance)
    :return: nothing, it just writes files

    # Read full KiDS catalog from Christophe (7,303,813 entries too)
    hdul ='TARGETS/kids_dr4_171ra190_23.0r24.5.01Apr2020.fits')
    cat = hdul[1].data

    # Get coordinates
    ra = cat['RAJ2000']
    dec = cat['DECJ2000']
    # Get mask
    mask = cat['MASK']
    # Get magnitudes
    umag, gmag, rmag = cat['MAG_GAAP_u'], cat['MAG_GAAP_g'], cat['MAG_GAAP_r']
    imag, zmag, ymag = cat['MAG_GAAP_i'], cat['MAG_GAAP_z'], cat['MAG_GAAP_y']
    jmag, hmag, kmag = cat['MAG_GAAP_J'], cat['MAG_GAAP_H'], cat['MAG_GAAP_Ks']
    # Get magnitudes errors
    umag_err, gmag_err, rmag_err = cat['MAGERR_GAAP_u'], cat[
        'MAGERR_GAAP_g'], cat['MAGERR_GAAP_r']
    imag_err, zmag_err, ymag_err = cat['MAGERR_GAAP_i'], cat[
        'MAGERR_GAAP_Z'], cat['MAGERR_GAAP_Y']
    jmag_err, hmag_err, kmag_err = cat['MAGERR_GAAP_J'], cat[
        'MAGERR_GAAP_H'], cat['MAGERR_GAAP_Ks']
    # Compute colors
    u_g = umag - gmag
    g_r = gmag - rmag
    r_i = rmag - imag
    r_J = rmag - jmag
    r_H = rmag - hmag
    r_Ks = rmag - kmag
    # Galaxy/star selection (0 for galaxies, 1 for stars ... in between most of the time?)
    sgclass = cat['CLASS_STAR']
    # Selection star
    star = (sgclass > 0.985) & (rmag < 23.5) & (rmag_err < 0.2)
    # for bit in [1, 2, 3]: star &= ((mask & 2 ** bit) == 0)

    # Compute coverage
    area = (np.sin(np.min(dec) / 180 * np.pi) -
            np.sin(np.max(dec) / 180 * np.pi)) * (np.min(ra / 180 * np.pi) -
                                                  np.max(ra / 180 * np.pi))
    area *= (180 / np.pi)**2  # square degrees

    # LBG selection
    color_box_lbg = (u_g > 0.0) & (g_r < 1.0) & ((u_g > 2 * g_r + 0.6) |
                                                 (g_r < 0))
    sel_lbg = color_box_lbg & (rmag > 23.0) & (rmag < 24.5) & (rmag_err < 0.4)
    # ELG selection
    color_box_elg = (u_g < 0.5) & (g_r > 0.0) & (g_r < 0.3) & (r_i < 0.3)
    sel_elg = color_box_elg & (rmag > 23.0) & (rmag < 23.74) & (rmag_err < 0.4)
    # Ly-a QSO selection
    #    Parameters defined by X. Fan
    c1 = 0.95 * u_g + 0.31 * g_r + 0.11 * r_i
    c2 = 0.07 * u_g - 0.49 * g_r + 0.87 * r_i
    c3 = -0.39 * u_g + 0.79 * g_r + 0.47 * r_i
    #    All criteria together
    color_box_qso = (u_g > 0.3) & (c3 < 0.7 - 0.5 * c1) & (c1 > 0.3) & (g_r <
    nir_color = (r_J < 1.0) & (r_J > -0.5) & (r_H > -0.3) & (r_Ks > -0.2)
    psf_object = (sgclass > 0.93)
    sel_qso = color_box_qso & (rmag > 19.0) & (rmag < 24.0) & (
        rmag_err < 0.2) & psf_object & nir_color

    # apply photometric mask
    for bit in [1, 2, 3]:
        sel_lbg &= ((mask & 2**bit) == 0)
        sel_elg &= ((mask & 2**bit) == 0)
        sel_qso &= ((mask & 2**bit) == 0)

    # number of ELG number of LBG
    print(f"{len(ra[sel_lbg])} LBG total, "
          f"{len(ra[sel_lbg]) / area} LBG per sq.deg, "
          f"{len(ra[sel_lbg]) / area * 1.5} LBG per FoV")
    print(f"{len(ra[sel_elg])} ELG total, "
          f"{len(ra[sel_elg]) / area} ELG per sq.deg, "
          f"{len(ra[sel_elg]) / area * 1.5} ELG per FoV")
    print(f"{len(ra[sel_qso])} QSO total, "
          f"{len(ra[sel_qso]) / area} QSO per sq.deg, "
          f"{len(ra[sel_qso]) / area * 1.5} QSO per FoV")

    # make lists for small and large field
    #   (RA, DEC, Nexp, Nrep, umag, gmag, rmag, imag, zmag, Jmag, Hmag, priority, spriority)
    names = [
        'PID', 'RAJ2000', 'DECJ2000', 'spectro', 'umag', 'gmag', 'rmag',
        'imag', 'zmag', 'Jmag', 'Hmag', 'Nobsreq', 'Nrepeat', 'priority',
        'surveypriority', 'Nobsdone'
    for i in range(2):
        if i == 0:
            # make a list within a 2 by 2 box
            sel_lbg = sel_lbg & (ra > 178.) & (ra < 180) & (dec < 1) & (dec >
            sel_elg = sel_elg & (ra > 178.) & (ra < 180) & (dec < 1) & (dec >
            sel_qso = sel_qso & (ra > 178.) & (ra < 180) & (dec < 1) & (dec >
            file = 'large'
            # make a list within a 200 by 200 sq.arcsec box
            sel_lbg = sel_lbg & (ra > 178.9) & (ra < 179) & (dec < .1) & (dec >
            sel_elg = sel_elg & (ra > 178.9) & (ra < 179) & (dec < .1) & (dec >
            sel_qso = sel_qso & (ra > 178.9) & (ra < 179) & (dec < .1) & (dec >
            file = 'small'

        # Deal with random priorities
        if not np.isreal(p_lbg):
            p_lbg_n = np.random.randint(1, 10, len(sel_lbg[sel_lbg])) * 1.
            # rng.choice([0.25, 0.42, 0.69, 0.6, 1., 1.67, 1.44, 2.4, 4], size=len(sel_lbg[sel_lbg]))
            p_lbg_n = np.ones_like(range(len(sel_lbg[sel_lbg]))) * p_lbg
        if not np.isreal(p_elg):
            p_elg_n = np.random.randint(1, 10, len(sel_elg[sel_elg])) * 1.
            p_elg_n = np.ones_like(range(len(sel_elg[sel_elg]))) * p_elg
        if not np.isreal(p_qso):
            p_qso_n = np.random.randint(1, 10, len(sel_qso[sel_qso])) * 1.
            p_qso_n = np.ones_like(range(len(sel_qso[sel_qso]))) * p_qso

        # create Table for LBG
        PID = ['cosmo_lbg' for i in range(len(sel_lbg[sel_lbg]))]
        lr = ['LR' for i in range(len(sel_lbg[sel_lbg]))]
        data_lbg = Table([
            PID, ra[sel_lbg], dec[sel_lbg], lr, umag[sel_lbg], gmag[sel_lbg],
            rmag[sel_lbg], imag[sel_lbg], zmag[sel_lbg], jmag[sel_lbg],
            hmag[sel_lbg], ra[sel_lbg] * 0 + nobs, ra[sel_lbg] * 0 + 1,
            ra[sel_lbg] * 0 + p_lbg_n, ra[sel_lbg] * 0 + 1, ra[sel_lbg] * 0
        # add ELG
        PID = ['cosmo_elg' for i in range(len(sel_elg[sel_elg]))]
        lr = ['LR' for i in range(len(sel_elg[sel_elg]))]
        data_elg = Table([
            PID, ra[sel_elg], dec[sel_elg], lr, umag[sel_elg], gmag[sel_elg],
            rmag[sel_elg], imag[sel_elg], zmag[sel_elg], jmag[sel_elg],
            hmag[sel_elg], ra[sel_elg] * 0 + nobs, ra[sel_elg] * 0 + 1,
            ra[sel_elg] * 0 + p_elg_n, ra[sel_elg] * 0 + 1, ra[sel_elg] * 0
        # add QSO
        PID = ['cosmo_qso' for i in range(len(sel_qso[sel_qso]))]
        lr = ['LR' for i in range(len(sel_qso[sel_qso]))]
        data_qso = Table([
            PID, ra[sel_qso], dec[sel_qso], lr, umag[sel_qso], gmag[sel_qso],
            rmag[sel_qso], imag[sel_qso], zmag[sel_qso], jmag[sel_qso],
            hmag[sel_qso], ra[sel_qso] * 0 + nobs, ra[sel_qso] * 0 + 1,
            ra[sel_qso] * 0 + p_qso_n, ra[sel_qso] * 0 + 1, ra[sel_qso] * 0

        # concatenate tables and save into file
        vstack([data_lbg, data_elg,
                data_qso]).write('TARGETS/cosmo_targets_' + file + '_new.csv',
Esempio n. 37
File: Progetto: carise/thor
def gaussIOD(coords,
             iterator="state transition",
    Compute up to three intial orbits using three observations in angular equatorial
    coords : `~numpy.ndarray` (3, 2)
        RA and Dec of three observations in units of degrees.
    observation_times : `~numpy.ndarray` (3)
        Times of the three observations in units of decimal days (MJD or JD for example).
    coords_obs : `~numpy.ndarray` (3, 2)
        Heliocentric position vector of the observer at times t in units of AU.
    velocity_method : {'gauss', gibbs', 'herrick+gibbs'}, optional
        Which method to use for calculating the velocity at the second observation.
        [Default = 'gibbs']
    light_time : bool, optional
        Correct for light travel time. 
        [Default = True]
    iterate : bool, optional
        Iterate initial orbit using universal anomaly to better approximate the 
        Lagrange coefficients. 
    mu : float, optional
        Gravitational parameter (GM) of the attracting body in units of 
        AU**3 / d**2. 
    max_iter : int, optional
        Maximum number of iterations over which to converge to solution.
    tol : float, optional
        Numerical tolerance to which to compute chi using the Newtown-Raphson 
    epochs : `~numpy.ndarry` (<3)
        Epochs in units of decimal days at which preliminary orbits are
    orbits : `~numpy.ndarray` ((<3, 6) or (0))
        Up to three preliminary orbits (as cartesian state vectors).
    coords = np.array([np.ones(len(coords)), coords[:, 0],
                       coords[:, 1]]).T.copy()
    rho = transformCoordinates(coords,
    rho1_hat = rho[0, :]
    rho2_hat = rho[1, :]
    rho3_hat = rho[2, :]
    q1 = coords_obs[0, :]
    q2 = coords_obs[1, :]
    q3 = coords_obs[2, :]
    q2_mag = np.linalg.norm(q2)

    # Make sure rhohats are unit vectors
    rho1_hat = rho1_hat / np.linalg.norm(rho1_hat)
    rho2_hat = rho2_hat / np.linalg.norm(rho2_hat)
    rho3_hat = rho3_hat / np.linalg.norm(rho3_hat)

    t1 = observation_times[0]
    t2 = observation_times[1]
    t3 = observation_times[2]
    t31 = t3 - t1
    t21 = t2 - t1
    t32 = t3 - t2

    A = _calcA(q1, q2, q3, rho1_hat, rho3_hat, t31, t32, t21)
    B = _calcB(q1, q3, rho1_hat, rho3_hat, t31, t32, t21)
    V = _calcV(rho1_hat, rho2_hat, rho3_hat)
    coseps2 =, rho2_hat) / q2_mag
    C0 = V * t31 * q2_mag**4 / B
    h0 = -A / B

    if np.isnan(C0) or np.isnan(h0):
        return np.array([])

    # Find roots to eighth order polynomial
    all_roots = roots([
        C0**2, 0, -q2_mag**2 * (h0**2 + 2 * C0 * h0 * coseps2 + C0**2), 0, 0,
        2 * q2_mag**5 * (h0 + C0 * coseps2), 0, 0, -q2_mag**8

    # Keep only positive real roots (which should at most be 3)
    r2_mags = np.real(all_roots[np.isreal(all_roots)
                                & (np.real(all_roots) >= 0)])
    num_solutions = len(r2_mags)
    if num_solutions == 0:
        return np.array([])

    orbits = []
    epochs = []
    for r2_mag in r2_mags:
        lambda1, lambda3 = _calcLambdas(r2_mag, t31, t32, t21)
        rho1, rho2, rho3 = _calcRhos(lambda1, lambda3, q1, q2, q3, rho1_hat,
                                     rho2_hat, rho3_hat, V)

        # Test if we get the same rho2 as using equation 22 in Milani et al. 2008
        rho2_mag = (h0 - q2_mag**3 / r2_mag**3) * q2_mag / C0
        #np.testing.assert_almost_equal(, rho2_hat), rho2)

        r1 = q1 + rho1
        r2 = q2 + rho2
        r3 = q3 + rho3

        if velocity_method == "gauss":
            v2 = calcGauss(r1, r2, r3, t1, t2, t3)
        elif velocity_method == "gibbs":
            v2 = calcGibbs(r1, r2, r3)
        elif velocity_method == "herrick+gibbs":
            v2 = calcHerrickGibbs(r1, r2, r3, t1, t2, t3)
            raise ValueError(
                "velocity_method should be one of {'gauss', 'gibbs', 'herrick+gibbs'}"

        epoch = t2
        orbit = np.concatenate([r2, v2])

        if iterate == True:
            if iterator == "state transition":
                orbit = iterateStateTransition(orbit,

        #if light_time == True:
        #    rho2_mag = np.linalg.norm(orbit[:3] - q2)
        #    lt = rho2_mag / C
        #    epoch -= lt

        if np.linalg.norm(orbit[3:]) >= C:
            print("Velocity is greater than speed of light!")

        if (np.linalg.norm(orbit[:3]) > 300.) and (np.linalg.norm(orbit[3:]) >


    orbits = np.array(orbits)
    orbits = orbits[~np.isnan(orbits).any(axis=1)]

    epochs = np.array(epochs)
    epochs = epochs[~np.isnan(orbits).any(axis=1)]
    return epochs, orbits
Esempio n. 38
def quadgr(fun, a, b, abseps=1e-5, max_iter=17):
    Gauss-Legendre quadrature with Richardson extrapolation.

    [Q,ERR] = QUADGR(FUN,A,B,TOL) approximates the integral of a function
    FUN from A to B with an absolute error tolerance TOL. FUN is a function
    handle and must accept vector arguments. TOL is 1e-6 by default. Q is
    the integral approximation and ERR is an estimate of the absolute error.

    QUADGR uses a 12-point Gauss-Legendre quadrature. The error estimate is
    based on successive interval bisection. Richardson extrapolation
    accelerates the convergence for some integrals, especially integrals
    with endpoint singularities.

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> Q, err = quadgr(np.log,0,1)
    >>> quadgr(np.exp,0,9999*1j*np.pi)
    (-2.0000000000122662, 2.1933237448479304e-09)

    >>> quadgr(lambda x: np.sqrt(4-x**2),0,2,1e-12)
    (3.1415926535897811, 1.5809575870662229e-13)

    >>> quadgr(lambda x: x**-0.75,0,1)
    (4.0000000000000266, 5.6843418860808015e-14)

    >>> quadgr(lambda x: 1./np.sqrt(1-x**2),-1,1)
    (3.141596056985029, 6.2146261559092864e-06)

    >>> quadgr(lambda x: np.exp(-x**2),-np.inf,np.inf,1e-9) #% sqrt(pi)
    (1.7724538509055152, 1.9722334876348668e-11)

    >>> quadgr(lambda x: np.cos(x)*np.exp(-x),0,np.inf,1e-9)
    (0.50000000000000044, 7.3296813063450372e-11)

    See also
    # Author: [email protected], 2009. license BSD
    # Order limits (required if infinite limits)
    if a == b:
        Q = b - a
        err = b - a
        return Q, err
    elif np.real(a) > np.real(b):
        reverse = True
        a, b = b, a
        reverse = False

    # Infinite limits
    if np.isinf(a) | np.isinf(b):
        # Check real limits
        if ~np.isreal(a) | ~np.isreal(b) | np.isnan(a) | np.isnan(b):
            raise ValueError('Infinite intervals must be real.')

        # Change of variable
        if np.isfinite(a) & np.isinf(b):
            # a to inf
            fun1 = lambda t: fun(a + t / (1 - t)) / (1 - t)**2
            [Q, err] = quadgr(fun1, 0, 1, abseps)
        elif np.isinf(a) & np.isfinite(b):
            # -inf to b
            fun2 = lambda t: fun(b + t / (1 + t)) / (1 + t)**2
            [Q, err] = quadgr(fun2, -1, 0, abseps)
        else:  # -inf to inf
            fun1 = lambda t: fun(t / (1 - t)) / (1 - t)**2
            fun2 = lambda t: fun(t / (1 + t)) / (1 + t)**2
            [Q1, err1] = quadgr(fun1, 0, 1, abseps / 2)
            [Q2, err2] = quadgr(fun2, -1, 0, abseps / 2)
            Q = Q1 + Q2
            err = err1 + err2

        # Reverse direction
        if reverse:
            Q = -Q
        return Q, err

    # Gauss-Legendre quadrature (12-point)
    xq = np.asarray([
        0.12523340851146894, 0.36783149899818018, 0.58731795428661748,
        0.76990267419430469, 0.9041172563704748, 0.98156063424671924
    wq = np.asarray([
        0.24914704581340288, 0.23349253653835478, 0.20316742672306584,
        0.16007832854334636, 0.10693932599531818, 0.047175336386511842
    xq = np.hstack((xq, -xq))
    wq = np.hstack((wq, wq))
    nq = len(xq)
    dtype = np.result_type(fun(a), fun(b))

    # Initiate vectors
    Q0 = zeros(max_iter, dtype=dtype)  # Quadrature
    Q1 = zeros(max_iter, dtype=dtype)  # First Richardson extrapolation
    Q2 = zeros(max_iter, dtype=dtype)  # Second Richardson extrapolation

    # One interval
    hh = (b - a) / 2  # Half interval length
    x = (a + b) / 2 + hh * xq  # Nodes
    # Quadrature
    Q0[0] = hh * np.sum(wq * fun(x), axis=0)

    # Successive bisection of intervals
    for k in range(1, max_iter):

        # Interval bisection
        hh = hh / 2
        x = np.hstack([x + a, x + b]) / 2
        # Quadrature
        Q0[k] = hh * \
            np.sum(wq * np.sum(np.reshape(fun(x), (-1, nq)), axis=0), axis=0)

        # Richardson extrapolation
        if k >= 5:
            Q1[k] = richardson(Q0, k)
            Q2[k] = richardson(Q1, k)
        elif k >= 3:
            Q1[k] = richardson(Q0, k)

        # Estimate absolute error
        if k >= 6:
            Qv = np.hstack((Q0[k], Q1[k], Q2[k]))
            Qw = np.hstack((Q0[k - 1], Q1[k - 1], Q2[k - 1]))
        elif k >= 4:
            Qv = np.hstack((Q0[k], Q1[k]))
            Qw = np.hstack((Q0[k - 1], Q1[k - 1]))
            Qv = np.atleast_1d(Q0[k])
            Qw = Q0[k - 1]

        errors = np.atleast_1d(abs(Qv - Qw))
        j = errors.argmin()
        err = errors[j]
        Q = Qv[j]
        if k >= 2:  # and not iscomplex:
            _val, err1 = dea3(Q0[k - 2], Q0[k - 1], Q0[k])

        # Convergence
        if (err < abseps) | ~np.isfinite(Q):
        warnings.warn('Max number of iterations reached without convergence.')

    if ~np.isfinite(Q):
        warnings.warn('Integral approximation is Infinite or NaN.')

    # The error estimate should not be zero
    err = err + 2 * np.finfo(Q).eps
    # Reverse direction
    if reverse:
        Q = -Q

    return Q, err
Esempio n. 39
    def test_epoch(self, env, nb_episodes=1, action_repetition=1, callbacks=None, visualize=True,
             nb_max_episode_steps=None, nb_max_start_steps=0, start_step_policy=None, verbose=1):
        """Callback that is called before training begins."
        if not self.compiled:
            raise RuntimeError('Your tried to test your agent but it hasn\'t been compiled yet. Please call `compile()` before `test()`.')
        if action_repetition < 1:
            raise ValueError('action_repetition must be >= 1, is {}'.format(action_repetition)) = False
        step = 0

        callbacks = [] if not callbacks else callbacks[:]

        if verbose >= 1:
            callbacks += [TestLogger()]
        if visualize:
            callbacks += [Visualizer()]
        history = History()
        callbacks += [history]
        callbacks = CallbackList(callbacks)
        if hasattr(callbacks, 'set_model'):
        params = {
            'nb_episodes': nb_episodes,
        if hasattr(callbacks, 'set_params'):

        episode_rewards = []

        for episode in range(nb_episodes):
            episode_reward = 0.
            episode_step = 0

            # Obtain the initial observation by resetting the environment.
            observation = deepcopy(env.reset())
            if self.processor is not None:
                observation = self.processor.process_observation(observation)
            assert observation is not None
            for _ in range(self.no_ops):
                action = 0
                if self.processor is not None:
                    action = self.processor.process_action(action)
                observation, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
                observation = deepcopy(observation)
                if self.processor is not None:
                    observation, reward, done, info = self.processor.process_step(observation, reward, done, info)
                if done:
                    warnings.warn('Env ended before {} No-ops could be performed at the start. You should probably lower the no_ops parameter')
                    observation = deepcopy(env.reset())
                    if self.processor is not None:
                        observation = self.processor.process_observation(observation)
            # Perform random starts at beginning of episode and do not record them into the experience.
            # This slightly changes the start position between games.
            nb_random_start_steps = 0 if nb_max_start_steps == 0 else np.random.randint(nb_max_start_steps)
            for _ in range(nb_random_start_steps):
                if start_step_policy is None:
                    action = env.action_space.sample()
                    action = start_step_policy(observation)
                if self.processor is not None:
                    action = self.processor.process_action(action)
                observation, r, done, info = env.step(action)
                observation = deepcopy(observation)
                if self.processor is not None:
                    observation, r, done, info = self.processor.process_step(observation, r, done, info)
                if done:
                    warnings.warn('Env ended before {} random steps could be performed at the start. You should probably lower the `nb_max_start_steps` parameter.'.format(nb_random_start_steps))
                    observation = deepcopy(env.reset())
                    if self.processor is not None:
                        observation = self.processor.process_observation(observation)

            # Run the episode until we're done.
            done = False
            while not done:

                action = self.forward(observation)
                if self.processor is not None:
                    action = self.processor.process_action(action)
                reward = 0.
                accumulated_info = {}
                for _ in range(action_repetition):
                    observation, r, d, info = env.step(action)
                    observation = deepcopy(observation)
                    if self.processor is not None:
                        observation, r, d, info = self.processor.process_step(observation, r, d, info)
                    reward += r
                    for key, value in info.items():
                        if not np.isreal(value):
                        if key not in accumulated_info:
                            accumulated_info[key] = np.zeros_like(value)
                        accumulated_info[key] += value
                    if d:
                        done = True
                if nb_max_episode_steps and episode_step >= nb_max_episode_steps - 1:
                    done = True
                self.backward(reward, terminal=done)
                episode_reward += reward

                step_logs = {
                    'action': action,
                    'observation': observation,
                    'reward': reward,
                    'episode': episode,
                    'info': accumulated_info,
                callbacks.on_step_end(episode_step, step_logs)
                episode_step += 1
                step += 1
            # We are in a terminal state but the agent hasn't yet seen it. We therefore
            # perform one more forward-backward call and simply ignore the action before
            # resetting the environment. We need to pass in `terminal=False` here since
            # the *next* state, that is the state of the newly reset environment, is
            # always non-terminal by convention.
            self.backward(0., terminal=False)

            # Report end of episode.
            episode_logs = {
                'episode_reward': episode_reward,
                'nb_steps': episode_step,
            callbacks.on_episode_end(episode, episode_logs)
        self._on_test_end() = True
        return history, np.mean(episode_rewards)
def predict(seq, aa_cut=-1, percent_peptide=-1, model=None, model_file=None, pam_audit=True, length_audit=False, learn_options_override=None):
    if pam_audit==False, then it will not check for GG in the expected position
    this is useful if predicting on PAM mismatches, such as with off-target
    # assert not (model is None and model_file is None), "you have to specify either a model or a model_file"
    assert isinstance(seq, (np.ndarray)), "Please ensure seq is a numpy array"
    assert len(seq[0]) > 0, "Make sure that seq is not empty"
    assert isinstance(seq[0], str), "Please ensure input sequences are in string format, i.e. 'AGAG' rather than ['A' 'G' 'A' 'G'] or alternate representations"

    if aa_cut is not None:
        assert len(aa_cut) > 0, "Make sure that aa_cut is not empty"
        assert isinstance(aa_cut, (np.ndarray)), "Please ensure aa_cut is a numpy array"
        assert np.all(np.isreal(aa_cut)), "amino-acid cut position needs to be a real number"

    if percent_peptide is not None:
        assert len(percent_peptide) > 0, "Make sure that percent_peptide is not empty"
        assert isinstance(percent_peptide, (np.ndarray)), "Please ensure percent_peptide is a numpy array"
        assert np.all(np.isreal(percent_peptide)), "percent_peptide needs to be a real number"

    if model_file is None:
        azimuth_saved_model_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(azimuth.__file__), 'saved_models')
        if np.any(percent_peptide == -1) or (percent_peptide is None and aa_cut is None):
            #print("No model file specified, using V3_model_nopos")
            model_name = 'V3_model_nopos.pickle'
            #print("No model file specified, using V3_model_full")
            model_name = 'V3_model_full.pickle'

        model_file = os.path.join(azimuth_saved_model_dir, model_name)

    if model is None:
        with open(model_file, 'rb') as f:
            model, learn_options = pickle.load(f)
        model, learn_options = model
    learn_options["V"] = 2

    learn_options = override_learn_options(learn_options_override, learn_options)

    # Y, feature_sets, target_genes, learn_options, num_proc = setup(test=False, order=2, learn_options=learn_options, data_file=test_filename)
    # inputs, dim, dimsum, feature_names = pd.concatenate_feature_sets(feature_sets)

    Xdf = pandas.DataFrame(columns=[u'30mer', u'Strand'], data=zip(seq, ['NA' for x in range(len(seq))]))

    if np.all(percent_peptide != -1) and (percent_peptide is not None and aa_cut is not None):
        gene_position = pandas.DataFrame(columns=[u'Percent Peptide', u'Amino Acid Cut position'], data=zip(percent_peptide, aa_cut))
        gene_position = pandas.DataFrame(columns=[u'Percent Peptide', u'Amino Acid Cut position'], data=zip(np.ones(seq.shape[0])*-1, np.ones(seq.shape[0])*-1))

    feature_sets = feat.featurize_data(Xdf, learn_options, pandas.DataFrame(), gene_position, pam_audit=pam_audit, length_audit=length_audit)
    inputs, dim, dimsum, feature_names = azimuth.util.concatenate_feature_sets(feature_sets)
    #print "CRISPR"
    #import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()

    # call to scikit-learn, returns a vector of predicted values    
    preds = model.predict(inputs)

    # also check that predictions are not 0/1 from a classifier.predict() (instead of predict_proba() or decision_function())
    unique_preds = np.unique(preds)
    ok = False
    for pr in preds:
        if pr not in [0,1]:
            ok = True
    assert ok, "model returned only 0s and 1s"
    return preds
Esempio n. 41
def parallel_coordinates(
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    if axvlines_kwds is None:
        axvlines_kwds = {"linewidth": 1, "color": "black"}

    n = len(frame)
    classes = frame[class_column].drop_duplicates()
    class_col = frame[class_column]

    if cols is None:
        df = frame.drop(class_column, axis=1)
        df = frame[cols]

    used_legends = set()

    ncols = len(df.columns)

    # determine values to use for xticks
    if use_columns is True:
        if not np.all(np.isreal(list(df.columns))):
            raise ValueError("Columns must be numeric to be used as xticks")
        x = df.columns
    elif xticks is not None:
        if not np.all(np.isreal(xticks)):
            raise ValueError("xticks specified must be numeric")
        elif len(xticks) != ncols:
            raise ValueError("Length of xticks must match number of columns")
        x = xticks
        x = list(range(ncols))

    if ax is None:
        ax = plt.gca()

    color_values = _get_standard_colors(
        num_colors=len(classes), colormap=colormap, color_type="random", color=color

    if sort_labels:
        classes = sorted(classes)
        color_values = sorted(color_values)
    colors = dict(zip(classes, color_values))

    for i in range(n):
        y = df.iloc[i].values
        kls = class_col.iat[i]
        label = pprint_thing(kls)
        if label not in used_legends:
            ax.plot(x, y, color=colors[kls], label=label, **kwds)
            ax.plot(x, y, color=colors[kls], **kwds)

    if axvlines:
        for i in x:
            ax.axvline(i, **axvlines_kwds)

    ax.set_xlim(x[0], x[-1])
    ax.legend(loc="upper right")
    return ax
Esempio n. 42
def coeffs2vals(coeffs):
    #COEFFS2VALS   Convert Chebyshev coefficients to values at Chebyshev points
    #of the 2nd kind.
    #   V = COEFFS2VALS(C) returns the values of the polynomial V(i,1) = P(x_i) =
    #   C(1,1)*T_{0}(x_i) + ... + C(N,1)*T_{N-1}(x_i), where the x_i are
    #   2nd-kind Chebyshev nodes.
    #  Input: coeffs is numpy.ndarray 
    #  Output: values is a numpy.ndarray of the same length as coeffs
    # See also VALS2COEFFS, CHEBPTS.

    # Copyright 2016 by The University of Oxford and The Chebfun Developers. 
    # See for Chebfun information.

    # [Developer Note]: This is equivalent to Discrete Cosine Transform of Type I.
    # [Mathematical reference]: Sections 4.7 and 6.3 Mason & Handscomb, "Chebyshev
    # Polynomials". Chapman & Hall/CRC (2003).

    # *Note about symmetries* The code below takes steps to
    # ensure that the following symmetries are enforced:
    # even Chebyshev COEFFS exactly zero ==> VALUES are exactly odd
    # odd Chebychev COEFFS exactly zero ==> VALUES are exactly even
    # These corrections are required because the MATLAB FFT does not
    # guarantee that these symmetries are enforced.

    # Get the length of the input:
    n = len(coeffs)

    # Trivial case (constant or empty):
    if n <= 1:
        values = coeffs.copy()
        return values

    # check for symmetry
    # isEven = max(abs(coeffs(2:2:end,:)),[],1) == 0;
    # isOdd = max(abs(coeffs(1:2:end,:)),[],1) == 0;

    # Scale the interior coefficients by 1/2:
    coeffs[1:n - 1] = coeffs[1:n - 1] / 2

    # Mirror the coefficients (to fake a DCT using an FFT):
    tmp = np.r_[coeffs, coeffs[n - 2:0:-1]]

    if np.isreal(coeffs).all():
        # Real-valued case:
        values = np.fft.fft(tmp).real
    elif np.isreal(1j * coeffs).all():
        # Imaginary-valued case:
        values = 1j * (np.fft.fft(tmp.imag).real)
        # General case:
        values = np.fft.fft(tmp)

    # Flip and truncate:
    values = values[n - 1::-1]

    # [TODO]enforce symmetry
    # values(:,isEven) = (values(:,isEven)+flipud(values(:,isEven)))/2;
    # values(:,isOdd) = (values(:,isOdd)-flipud(values(:,isOdd)))/2;
    return values
Esempio n. 43
def interp_wrapper(vol, coords, interptype='cubic'):
     interp_wrapper(vol, coords, interptype)

     <vol> is a 3D matrix (can be complex-valued)
     <coords> is 3 x N with the matrix coordinates to interpolate at.
       one or more of the entries can be NaN.
     <interptype> (optional) is 'nearest' | 'linear' | 'cubic' | 'wta'.  
        default: 'cubic'.

     this is a convenient wrapper for ba_interp3.  the main problem with
     normal calls to ba_interp3 is that it assigns values to interpolation
     points that lie outside the original data range.  what we do is to
     ensure that coordinates that are outside the original field-of-view
     (i.e. if the value along a dimension is less than 1 or greater than
     the number of voxels in the original volume along that dimension)
     are returned as NaN and coordinates that have any NaNs are returned
     as NaN.

     another feature is 'wta' (winner-take-all). this involves the assumption
     that <vol> contains only discrete integers. each distinct integer is
     mapped as a binary volume (0s and 1s) using linear interpolation to each
     coordinate, the integer with the largest resulting value at that
     coordinate wins, and that coordinate is assigned the winning integer.

     for complex-valued data, we separately interpolate the real and imaginary

     2019/09/01 - ported to python by ian charest

    # input
    if interptype == 'cubic':
        order = 3
    elif interptype == 'linear':
        order = 1
    elif interptype == 'nearest':
        order = 0
    elif interptype == 'wta':
        order = 1  # linear
        raise ValueError('interpolation method not implemented.')

    # convert vol to float (needed)
    # vol = vol.astype(np.float32)

    # bad locations must get set to NaN
    bad = np.any(isnotfinite(coords), axis=0)
    coords[:, bad] = 1

    # out of range must become NaN, too
    bad = np.any(np.c_[bad, coords[0, :] < 1, coords[0, :] > vol.shape[0],
                       coords[1, :] < 1, coords[1, :] > vol.shape[1],
                       coords[2, :] < 1, coords[2, :] > vol.shape[2]],

    # resample the volume
    if not np.any(np.isreal(vol)):
        # we interpolate the real and imaginary parts independently
        transformeddata = map_coordinates(
            mode='nearest') + 1j * map_coordinates(np.nan_to_num(

        # this is the tricky 'wta' case
        if interptype == 'wta':

            # figure out the discrete integer labels
            alllabels = np.unique(vol.ravel())
            assert np.all(np.isfinite(alllabels))
            if len(alllabels) > 1000:
                print('warning: more than 1000 labels are present')

            # loop over each label
            allvols = []
            for c_label in alllabels:
                    map_coordinates(np.nan_to_num(vol == c_label).astype(

            # make into a numpuy stack
            allvols = np.vstack(allvols)

            # which coordinates have no label contribution?
            realbad = np.sum(allvols, axis=0) == 0

            # perform winner-take-all (wta_is is the
            # index relative to alllabels!)
            wta_is = np.argmax(allvols, axis=0)

            # figure out the final labeling scheme
            transformeddata = alllabels[wta_is]

            # fill in NaNs for coordinates with no label
            # contribution and bad coordinates too
            transformeddata[realbad] = np.nan
            transformeddata[bad] = np.nan

        # this is the usual easy case
            # consider using mode constant with a cval.
            transformeddata = map_coordinates(np.nan_to_num(vol).astype(
            transformeddata[bad] = np.nan

    return transformeddata
Esempio n. 44
def parallel_coordinates(model, data, c=None, cols=None, ax=None, colors=None,
                     use_columns=False, xticks=None, colormap=None,
                     target="top", brush=None, zorder=None, **kwds):
    if "axes.facecolor" in mpl.rcParams:
        orig_facecolor = mpl.rcParams["axes.facecolor"]
        mpl.rcParams["axes.facecolor"] = "white"
    df = data.as_dataframe(_combine_keys(model.responses.keys(), cols, c)) #, exclude_dtypes=["object"])
    if brush is not None:
        brush_set = BrushSet(brush)
        assignment = apply_brush(brush_set, data)
        color_map = brush_color_map(brush_set, assignment)
        class_col = pd.DataFrame({"class" : assignment})["class"]
        is_class = True
        if c is None:
            c = df.columns.values[-1]
        class_col = df[c]
        is_class = df.dtypes[c].name == "object"
        color_map = None
        if is_class:
            df = df.drop(c, axis=1)
            if c in cols:
            class_min = class_col.min()
            class_max = class_col.max()
    if cols is not None:
        df = df[cols]
    df_min = df.min()
    df_max = df.max()
    df = (df - df_min) / (df_max - df_min)
    n = len(df)

    used_legends = set([])

    ncols = len(df.columns)
    for i in range(ncols):
        if target == "top":
            if model.responses[df.columns.values[i]].dir == Response.MINIMIZE:
                df.ix[:,i] = 1-df.ix[:,i]
        elif target == "bottom":
            if model.responses[df.columns.values[i]].dir == Response.MAXIMIZE:
                df.ix[:,i] = 1-df.ix[:,i]

    # determine values to use for xticks
    if use_columns is True:
        if not np.all(np.isreal(list(df.columns))):
            raise ValueError('Columns must be numeric to be used as xticks')
        x = df.columns
    elif xticks is not None:
        if not np.all(np.isreal(xticks)):
            raise ValueError('xticks specified must be numeric')
        elif len(xticks) != ncols:
            raise ValueError('Length of xticks must match number of columns')
        x = xticks
        x = range(ncols)

    if ax is None:
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = plt.gca()
        fig = ax.get_figure()

    cmap = plt.get_cmap(colormap)
    if is_class:
        if color_map is None:
            if isinstance(colors, dict):
                cmap = colors
                from import _get_standard_colors
                classes = class_col.drop_duplicates()
                color_values = _get_standard_colors(num_colors=len(classes),
                                                colormap=colormap, color_type='random',
                cmap = dict(zip(classes, color_values))
            cmap = color_map
    if zorder is None:
        indices = range(n)
        indices = [i[0] for i in sorted(enumerate(df[zorder]), key=lambda x : x[1])]

    for i in indices:
        y = df.iloc[i].values
        kls = class_col.iat[i]
        if is_class:
            label = str(kls)
            if label not in used_legends:
                ax.plot(x, y, label=label, color=cmap[kls], **kwds)
                ax.plot(x, y, color=cmap[kls], **kwds)
            ax.plot(x, y, color=cmap((kls - class_min)/(class_max-class_min)), **kwds)

    for i in x:
        ax.axvline(i, linewidth=2, color='black')
        format = "%.2f"
        if target == "top":
            value = df_min[i] if model.responses[df.columns.values[i]].dir == Response.MINIMIZE else df_max[i]
            if model.responses[df.columns.values[i]].dir != Response.INFO:
                format = format + "*"
        elif target == "bottom":
            value = df_max[i] if model.responses[df.columns.values[i]].dir == Response.MINIMIZE else df_min[i]
            value = df_max[i]
            if model.responses[df.columns.values[i]].dir == Response.MAXIMIZE:
                format = format + "*"
        ax.text(i, 1.001, format % value, ha="center", fontsize=10)
        format = "%.2f"
        if target == "top":
            value = df_max[i] if model.responses[df.columns.values[i]].dir == Response.MINIMIZE else df_min[i]
        elif target == "bottom":
            value = df_min[i] if model.responses[df.columns.values[i]].dir == Response.MINIMIZE else df_max[i]
            if model.responses[df.columns.values[i]].dir != Response.INFO:
                format = format + "*"
            value = df_min[i]
            if model.responses[df.columns.values[i]].dir == Response.MINIMIZE:
                format = format + "*"
        ax.text(i, -0.001, format % value, ha="center", va="top", fontsize=10)

    ax.set_xticklabels(df.columns, {"weight" : "bold", "size" : 12})
    ax.set_xlim(x[0]-0.1, x[-1]+0.1)
    ax.tick_params(direction="out", pad=10)
    bbox_props = dict(boxstyle="rarrow,pad=0.3", fc="white", ec="black", lw=2)
    if target == "top":
        ax.text(-0.05, 0.5, "Target", ha="center", va="center", rotation=90, bbox=bbox_props, transform=ax.transAxes)
    elif target == "bottom":
        ax.text(-0.05, 0.5, "Target", ha="center", va="center", rotation=-90, bbox=bbox_props, transform=ax.transAxes)

    if is_class:
        ax.legend(loc='center right', bbox_to_anchor=(1.25, 0.5))
        cax,_ = mpl.colorbar.make_axes(ax)
        cb = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(cax, cmap=cmap, spacing='proportional', norm=mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=class_min, vmax=class_max), format='%.2f')
        cb.set_clim(class_min, class_max)
    mpl.rcParams["axes.facecolor"] = orig_facecolor
    return fig
Esempio n. 45
def stability_analysis(derivatives):
    """Stability analysis of fixed points for low-dimensional system.

  The analysis is referred to [1]_.

  derivatives : float, tuple, list, np.ndarray
      The derivative of the f.

  fp_type : str
      The type of the fixed point.


  .. [1]

    if np.size(derivatives) == 1:  # 1D dynamical system
        if derivatives == 0:
            return SADDLE_NODE
        elif derivatives > 0:
            return UNSTABLE_POINT_1D
            return STABLE_POINT_1D

    elif np.size(derivatives) == 4:  # 2D dynamical system
        a = derivatives[0][0]
        b = derivatives[0][1]
        c = derivatives[1][0]
        d = derivatives[1][1]

        # trace
        p = a + d
        # det
        q = a * d - b * c

        # judgement
        if q < 0:
            return SADDLE_NODE
        elif q == 0:
            if p <= 0:
                return CENTER_MANIFOLD
                return UNSTABLE_LINE_2D
            # parabola
            e = p * p - 4 * q
            if p == 0:
                return CENTER_2D
            elif p > 0:
                if e < 0:
                    return UNSTABLE_FOCUS_2D
                elif e > 0:
                    return UNSTABLE_NODE_2D
                    w = np.linalg.eigvals(derivatives)
                    if w[0] == w[1]:
                        return UNSTABLE_DEGENERATE_2D
                        return UNSTABLE_STAR_2D
                if e < 0:
                    return STABLE_FOCUS_2D
                elif e > 0:
                    return STABLE_NODE_2D
                    w = np.linalg.eigvals(derivatives)
                    if w[0] == w[1]:
                        return STABLE_DEGENERATE_2D
                        return STABLE_STAR_2D

    elif np.size(derivatives) == 9:  # 3D dynamical system
        eigenvalues = np.linalg.eigvals(np.array(derivatives))
        is_real = np.isreal(eigenvalues)
        if is_real.all():
            eigenvalues = np.sort(eigenvalues)
            if eigenvalues[2] < 0:
                return STABLE_NODE_3D
            elif eigenvalues[2] == 0:
                return UNKNOWN_3D
                if eigenvalues[0] > 0:
                    return UNSTABLE_NODE_3D
                elif eigenvalues[0] == 0:
                    return UNKNOWN_3D
                    if eigenvalues[1] < 0:
                        return SADDLE_NODE
                    elif eigenvalues[1] == 0:
                        return UNKNOWN_3D
                        return UNSTABLE_SADDLE_3D
            if is_real.sum() == 1:
                real_id = np.where(is_real)[0]
                non_real_id = np.where(np.logical_not(is_real))[0]
                v0 = eigenvalues[real_id]
                v1 = eigenvalues[non_real_id[0]]
                v2 = eigenvalues[non_real_id[1]]
                v1_real = np.real(v1)
                assert np.conj(v1) == v2
                if v0 < 0:
                    if v1_real < 0:
                        return STABLE_FOCUS_3D
                    elif v1_real == 0:  # 零实部
                        return UNKNOWN_3D
                        return UNSTABLE_FOCUS_3D
                elif v0 == 0:
                    if v1_real <= 0:
                        return UNKNOWN_3D  # 零实部
                        return UNSTABLE_POINT_3D  # TODO
                    if v1_real < 0:
                        return UNSTABLE_FOCUS_3D
                    elif v1_real == 0:
                        return UNSTABLE_CENTER_3D
                        return UNSTABLE_POINT_3D  # TODO
            # else:
            #   raise ValueError()

        eigenvalues = np.real(eigenvalues)
        if np.all(eigenvalues < 0):
            return STABLE_POINT_3D  # TODO
            return UNSTABLE_POINT_3D  # TODO
        raise ValueError('Unknown derivatives, only supports the jacobian '
                         'matrix with the shape of (1), (2, 2), or (3, 3).')
Esempio n. 46
def bezier_curve_y_out(shift_angle, P0, P1, P2, P3, second_of_day):
    For a cubic Bezier segment described by the 2-tuples P0, ..., P3, return
    the y-value associated with the given x-value.

    Ex: getYfromXforBezSegment((10,0), (5,-5), (5,5), (0,0), 3.2)

        import numpy as np
    except ImportError:
        np = None

    if not np:
        return 0

    seconds_per_day = 24 * 60 * 60

    # Check if the second of the day is provided.
    # If provided, calculate y of the Bezier curve with that x
    # Otherwise, use the current second of the day
    if second_of_day is None:
        raise Exception("second_of_day must be specified")
        seconds = second_of_day

    # Shift the entire graph using 0 - 360 to determine the degree
    if shift_angle:
        percent_angle = shift_angle / 360
        angle_seconds = percent_angle * seconds_per_day
        if seconds + angle_seconds > seconds_per_day:
            seconds_shifted = seconds + angle_seconds - seconds_per_day
            seconds_shifted = seconds + angle_seconds
        percent_of_day = seconds_shifted / seconds_per_day
        percent_of_day = seconds / seconds_per_day

    x = percent_of_day * (P0[0] - P3[0])

    # First, get the t-value associated with x-value, where t is the
    # parameterization of the Bezier curve and ranges from 0 to 1.
    # We need the coefficients of the polynomial describing cubic Bezier
    # (cubic polynomial in t)
    coefficients = [
        -P0[0] + 3 * P1[0] - 3 * P2[0] + P3[0],
        3 * P0[0] - 6 * P1[0] + 3 * P2[0], -3 * P0[0] + 3 * P1[0], P0[0] - x
    # Find roots of the polynomial to determine the parameter t
    roots = np.roots(coefficients)
    # Find the root which is between 0 and 1, and is also real
    correct_root = None
    for root in roots:
        if np.isreal(root) and 0 <= root <= 1:
            correct_root = root
    # Check a valid root was found
    if correct_root is None:
        print('Error, no valid root found. Are you sure your Bezier curve '
              'represents a valid function when projected into the xy-plane?')
        return 0
    param_t = correct_root
    # From the value for the t parameter, find the corresponding y-value
    # using the formula for cubic Bezier curves
    y = (1 -
         param_t)**3 * P0[1] + 3 * (1 - param_t)**2 * param_t * P1[1] + 3 * (
             1 - param_t) * param_t**2 * P2[1] + param_t**3 * P3[1]
    if not np.isreal(y):
        raise AssertionError
    # Typecast y from np.complex128 to float64
    y = y.real
    return y
Esempio n. 47
def polyinterp(points, x_min_bound=None, x_max_bound=None, plot=False):
    Gives the minimizer and minimum of the interpolating polynomial over given points
    based on function and derivative information. Defaults to bisection if no critical
    points are valid.

    Based on polyinterp.m Matlab function in minFunc by Mark Schmidt with some slight

    Implemented by: Hao-Jun Michael Shi and Dheevatsa Mudigere
    Last edited 12/6/18.

        points (nparray): two-dimensional array with each point of form [x f g]
        x_min_bound (float): minimum value that brackets minimum (default: minimum of points)
        x_max_bound (float): maximum value that brackets minimum (default: maximum of points)
        plot (bool): plot interpolating polynomial

        x_sol (float): minimizer of interpolating polynomial
        F_min (float): minimum of interpolating polynomial

      . Set f or g to np.nan if they are unknown

    no_points = points.shape[0]
    order = np.sum(1 - np.isnan(points[:,1:3]).astype('int')) - 1

    x_min = np.min(points[:, 0])
    x_max = np.max(points[:, 0])

    # compute bounds of interpolation area
    if(x_min_bound is None):
        x_min_bound = x_min
    if(x_max_bound is None):
        x_max_bound = x_max

    # explicit formula for quadratic interpolation
    if no_points == 2 and order == 2 and plot is False:
        # Solution to quadratic interpolation is given by:
        # a = -(f1 - f2 - g1(x1 - x2))/(x1 - x2)^2
        # x_min = x1 - g1/(2a)
        # if x1 = 0, then is given by:
        # x_min = - (g1*x2^2)/(2(f2 - f1 - g1*x2))

        if(points[0, 0] == 0):
            x_sol = -points[0, 2]*points[1, 0]**2/(2*(points[1, 1] - points[0, 1] - points[0, 2]*points[1, 0]))
            a = -(points[0, 1] - points[1, 1] - points[0, 2]*(points[0, 0] - points[1, 0]))/(points[0, 0] - points[1, 0])**2
            x_sol = points[0, 0] - points[0, 2]/(2*a)

        x_sol = np.minimum(np.maximum(x_min_bound, x_sol), x_max_bound)

    # explicit formula for cubic interpolation
    elif no_points == 2 and order == 3 and plot is False:
        # Solution to cubic interpolation is given by:
        # d1 = g1 + g2 - 3((f1 - f2)/(x1 - x2))
        # d2 = sqrt(d1^2 - g1*g2)
        # x_min = x2 - (x2 - x1)*((g2 + d2 - d1)/(g2 - g1 + 2*d2))
        d1 = points[0, 2] + points[1, 2] - 3*((points[0, 1] - points[1, 1])/(points[0, 0] - points[1, 0]))
        d2 = np.sqrt(d1**2 - points[0, 2]*points[1, 2])
        if np.isreal(d2):
            x_sol = points[1, 0] - (points[1, 0] - points[0, 0])*((points[1, 2] + d2 - d1)/(points[1, 2] - points[0, 2] + 2*d2))
            x_sol = np.minimum(np.maximum(x_min_bound, x_sol), x_max_bound)
            x_sol = (x_max_bound + x_min_bound)/2

    # solve linear system
        # define linear constraints
        A = np.zeros((0, order+1))
        b = np.zeros((0, 1))

        # add linear constraints on function values
        for i in range(no_points):
            if not np.isnan(points[i, 1]):
                constraint = np.zeros((1, order+1))
                for j in range(order, -1, -1):
                    constraint[0, order - j] = points[i, 0]**j
                A = np.append(A, constraint, 0)
                b = np.append(b, points[i, 1])

        # add linear constraints on gradient values
        for i in range(no_points):
            if not np.isnan(points[i, 2]):
                constraint = np.zeros((1, order+1))
                for j in range(order):
                    constraint[0, j] = (order-j)*points[i,0]**(order-j-1)
                A = np.append(A, constraint, 0)
                b = np.append(b, points[i, 2])

        # check if system is solvable
        if(A.shape[0] != A.shape[1] or np.linalg.matrix_rank(A) != A.shape[0]):
            x_sol = (x_min_bound + x_max_bound)/2
            f_min = np.Inf
            # solve linear system for interpolating polynomial
            coeff = np.linalg.solve(A, b)

            # compute critical points
            dcoeff = np.zeros(order)
            for i in range(len(coeff) - 1):
                dcoeff[i] = coeff[i]*(order-i)

            crit_pts = np.array([x_min_bound, x_max_bound])
            crit_pts = np.append(crit_pts, points[:, 0])

            if not np.isinf(dcoeff).any():
                roots = np.roots(dcoeff)
                crit_pts = np.append(crit_pts, roots)

            # test critical points
            f_min = np.Inf
            x_sol = (x_min_bound + x_max_bound)/2 # defaults to bisection
            for crit_pt in crit_pts:
                if np.isreal(crit_pt) and crit_pt >= x_min_bound and crit_pt <= x_max_bound:
                    F_cp = np.polyval(coeff, crit_pt)
                    if np.isreal(F_cp) and F_cp < f_min:
                        x_sol = np.real(crit_pt)
                        f_min = np.real(F_cp)

                x = np.arange(x_min_bound, x_max_bound, (x_max_bound - x_min_bound)/10000)
                f = np.polyval(coeff, x)
                plt.plot(x, f)
                plt.plot(x_sol, f_min, 'x')

    return x_sol
Esempio n. 48
def _zpk2sos(z, p, k, pairing='nearest'):
    Return second-order sections from zeros, poles, and gain of a system

    z : array_like
        Zeros of the transfer function.
    p : array_like
        Poles of the transfer function.
    k : float
        System gain.
    pairing : {'nearest', 'keep_odd'}, optional
        The method to use to combine pairs of poles and zeros into sections.
        See Notes below.

    sos : ndarray
        Array of second-order filter coefficients, with shape
        ``(n_sections, 6)``. See `sosfilt` for the SOS filter format

    See Also

    The algorithm used to convert ZPK to SOS format is designed to
    minimize errors due to numerical precision issues. The pairing
    algorithm attempts to minimize the peak gain of each biquadratic
    section. This is done by pairing poles with the nearest zeros, starting
    with the poles closest to the unit circle.


    The current algorithms are designed specifically for use with digital
    filters. Although they can operate on analog filters, the results may
    be sub-optimal.

    The steps in the ``pairing='nearest'`` and ``pairing='keep_odd'``
    algorithms are mostly shared. The ``nearest`` algorithm attempts to
    minimize the peak gain, while ``'keep_odd'`` minimizes peak gain under
    the constraint that odd-order systems should retain one section
    as first order. The algorithm steps and are as follows:

    As a pre-processing step, add poles or zeros to the origin as
    necessary to obtain the same number of poles and zeros for pairing.
    If ``pairing == 'nearest'`` and there are an odd number of poles,
    add an additional pole and a zero at the origin.

    The following steps are then iterated over until no more poles or
    zeros remain:

    1. Take the (next remaining) pole (complex or real) closest to the
       unit circle to begin a new filter section.

    2. If the pole is real and there are no other remaining real poles [#]_,
       add the closest real zero to the section and leave it as a first
       order section. Note that after this step we are guaranteed to be
       left with an even number of real poles, complex poles, real zeros,
       and complex zeros for subsequent pairing iterations.

    3. Else:

        1. If the pole is complex and the zero is the only remaining real
           zero*, then pair the pole with the *next* closest zero
           (guaranteed to be complex). This is necessary to ensure that
           there will be a real zero remaining to eventually create a
           first-order section (thus keeping the odd order).

        2. Else pair the pole with the closest remaining zero (complex or

        3. Proceed to complete the second-order section by adding another
           pole and zero to the current pole and zero in the section:

            1. If the current pole and zero are both complex, add their

            2. Else if the pole is complex and the zero is real, add the
               conjugate pole and the next closest real zero.

            3. Else if the pole is real and the zero is complex, add the
               conjugate zero and the real pole closest to those zeros.

            4. Else (we must have a real pole and real zero) add the next
               real pole closest to the unit circle, and then add the real
               zero closest to that pole.

    .. [#] This conditional can only be met for specific odd-order inputs
           with the ``pairing == 'keep_odd'`` method.


    Design a 6th order low-pass elliptic digital filter for a system with a
    sampling rate of 8000 Hz that has a pass-band corner frequency of
    1000 Hz.  The ripple in the pass-band should not exceed 0.087 dB, and
    the attenuation in the stop-band should be at least 90 dB.

    In the following call to `signal.ellip`, we could use ``output='sos'``,
    but for this example, we'll use ``output='zpk'``, and then convert to SOS
    format with `zpk2sos`:

    >>> from scipy import signal
    >>> z, p, k = signal.ellip(6, 0.087, 90, 1000/(0.5*8000), output='zpk')

    Now convert to SOS format.

    >>> sos = _zpk2sos(z, p, k)

    The coefficents of the numerators of the sections:

    >>> sos[:, :3]
    array([[ 0.0014154 ,  0.00248707,  0.0014154 ],
           [ 1.        ,  0.72965193,  1.        ],
           [ 1.        ,  0.17594966,  1.        ]])

    The symmetry in the coefficients occurs because all the zeros are on the
    unit circle.

    The coefficients of the denominators of the sections:

    >>> sos[:, 3:]
    array([[ 1.        , -1.32543251,  0.46989499],
           [ 1.        , -1.26117915,  0.6262586 ],
           [ 1.        , -1.25707217,  0.86199667]])

    The next example shows the effect of the `pairing` option.  We have a
    system with three poles and three zeros, so the SOS array will have
    shape (2, 6).  The means there is, in effect, an extra pole and an extra
    zero at the origin in the SOS representation.

    >>> z1 = np.array([-1, -0.5-0.5j, -0.5+0.5j])
    >>> p1 = np.array([0.75, 0.8+0.1j, 0.8-0.1j])

    With ``pairing='nearest'`` (the default), we obtain

    >>> _zpk2sos(z1, p1, 1)
    array([[ 1.  ,  1.  ,  0.5 ,  1.  , -0.75,  0.  ],
           [ 1.  ,  1.  ,  0.  ,  1.  , -1.6 ,  0.65]])

    The first section has the zeros {-0.5-0.05j, -0.5+0.5j} and the poles
    {0, 0.75}, and the second section has the zeros {-1, 0} and poles
    {0.8+0.1j, 0.8-0.1j}.  Note that the extra pole and zero at the origin
    have been assigned to different sections.

    With ``pairing='keep_odd'``, we obtain:

    >>> _zpk2sos(z1, p1, 1, pairing='keep_odd')
    array([[ 1.  ,  1.  ,  0.  ,  1.  , -0.75,  0.  ],
           [ 1.  ,  1.  ,  0.5 ,  1.  , -1.6 ,  0.65]])

    The extra pole and zero at the origin are in the same section.
    The first section is, in effect, a first-order section.

    # TODO in the near future:
    # 1. Add SOS capability to `filtfilt`, `freqz`, etc. somehow (#3259).
    # 2. Make `decimate` use `sosfilt` instead of `lfilter`.
    # 3. Make sosfilt automatically simplify sections to first order
    #    when possible. Note this might make `sosfiltfilt` a bit harder (ICs).
    # 4. Further optimizations of the section ordering / pole-zero pairing.
    # See the wiki for other potential issues.

    valid_pairings = ['nearest', 'keep_odd']
    if pairing not in valid_pairings:
        raise ValueError('pairing must be one of %s, not %s' %
                         (valid_pairings, pairing))
    if len(z) == len(p) == 0:
        return np.array([[k, 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.]])

    # ensure we have the same number of poles and zeros, and make copies
    p = np.concatenate((p, np.zeros(max(len(z) - len(p), 0))))
    z = np.concatenate((z, np.zeros(max(len(p) - len(z), 0))))
    n_sections = (max(len(p), len(z)) + 1) // 2
    sos = np.zeros((n_sections, 6))

    if len(p) % 2 == 1 and pairing == 'nearest':
        p = np.concatenate((p, [0.]))
        z = np.concatenate((z, [0.]))
    assert len(p) == len(z)

    # Ensure we have complex conjugate pairs
    # (note that _cplxreal only gives us one element of each complex pair):
    z = np.concatenate(_cplxreal(z))
    p = np.concatenate(_cplxreal(p))

    p_sos = np.zeros((n_sections, 2), np.complex128)
    z_sos = np.zeros_like(p_sos)
    for si in range(n_sections):
        # Select the next "worst" pole
        p1_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(1 - np.abs(p)))
        p1 = p[p1_idx]
        p = np.delete(p, p1_idx)

        # Pair that pole with a zero

        if np.isreal(p1) and np.isreal(p).sum() == 0:
            # Special case to set a first-order section
            z1_idx = _nearest_real_complex_idx(z, p1, 'real')
            z1 = z[z1_idx]
            z = np.delete(z, z1_idx)
            p2 = z2 = 0
            if not np.isreal(p1) and np.isreal(z).sum() == 1:
                # Special case to ensure we choose a complex zero to pair
                # with so later (setting up a first-order section)
                z1_idx = _nearest_real_complex_idx(z, p1, 'complex')
                assert not np.isreal(z[z1_idx])
                # Pair the pole with the closest zero (real or complex)
                z1_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(p1 - z))
            z1 = z[z1_idx]
            z = np.delete(z, z1_idx)

            # Now that we have p1 and z1, figure out what p2 and z2 need to be
            if not np.isreal(p1):
                if not np.isreal(z1):  # complex pole, complex zero
                    p2 = p1.conj()
                    z2 = z1.conj()
                else:  # complex pole, real zero
                    p2 = p1.conj()
                    z2_idx = _nearest_real_complex_idx(z, p1, 'real')
                    z2 = z[z2_idx]
                    assert np.isreal(z2)
                    z = np.delete(z, z2_idx)
                if not np.isreal(z1):  # real pole, complex zero
                    z2 = z1.conj()
                    p2_idx = _nearest_real_complex_idx(p, z1, 'real')
                    p2 = p[p2_idx]
                    assert np.isreal(p2)
                else:  # real pole, real zero
                    # pick the next "worst" pole to use
                    idx = np.where(np.isreal(p))[0]
                    assert len(idx) > 0
                    p2_idx = idx[np.argmin(np.abs(np.abs(p[idx]) - 1))]
                    p2 = p[p2_idx]
                    # find a real zero to match the added pole
                    assert np.isreal(p2)
                    z2_idx = _nearest_real_complex_idx(z, p2, 'real')
                    z2 = z[z2_idx]
                    assert np.isreal(z2)
                    z = np.delete(z, z2_idx)
                p = np.delete(p, p2_idx)
        p_sos[si] = [p1, p2]
        z_sos[si] = [z1, z2]
    assert len(p) == len(z) == 0  # we've consumed all poles and zeros
    del p, z

    # Construct the system, reversing order so the "worst" are last
    p_sos = np.reshape(p_sos[::-1], (n_sections, 2))
    z_sos = np.reshape(z_sos[::-1], (n_sections, 2))
    gains = np.ones(n_sections)
    gains[0] = k
    for si in range(n_sections):
        x = zpk2tf(z_sos[si], p_sos[si], gains[si])
        sos[si] = np.concatenate(x)
    return sos
Esempio n. 49
def isLegal(v):
    return (np.all(np.isreal(v)) and not np.any(np.isnan(v))
            and not np.any(np.isinf(v)))
Esempio n. 50
 def test_isreal(self):
     o = np.isreal(Masked([1. + 1j], mask=False))
     assert not o.unmasked and not o.mask
     o = np.isreal(Masked([1. + 1j], mask=True))
     assert not o.unmasked and o.mask
Esempio n. 51
def ut_linci(X, Y, sigX, sigY):
    # UT_LINCI()
    # current ellipse parameter uncertainties from cosine/sine coefficient
    # uncertainties, by linearized relations w/ correlations presumed zero
    # inputs: (two-dim case complex, one-dim case real)
    # X = Xu + i*Xv
    # Y = Yu + i*Yv
    # for Xu =real(X) = u cosine coeff; Yu =real(Y) = u sine coeff
    # Xv =imag(X) = v cosine coeff; Yv =imag(Y) = v sine coeff
    # sigX = sigXu + i*sigXv
    # sigY = sigYu + i*sigYv
    # for sigXu =real(sigX) =stddev(Xu); sigYu =real(sigY) =stddev(Yu)
    # sigXv =imag(sigX) =stddev(Xv); sigYv =imag(sigY) =stddev(Yv)
    # outputs:
    # two-dim case, complex
    # sig1 = sig_Lsmaj +1i*sig_Lsmin [same units as inputs]
    # sig2 = sig_g + 1i*sig_theta [degrees]
    # one-dim case, real
    # sig1 = sig_A [same units as inputs]
    # sig2 = sig_g [degrees]
    # UTide v1p0 9/2011 [email protected]
    # (adapted from errell.m of t_tide, Pawlowicz et al 2002)

    X = np.array([X])
    Y = np.array([Y])
    sigX = np.array([sigX])
    sigY = np.array([sigY])
    Xu = np.real(X[:])
    sigXu = np.real(sigX)
    Yu = np.real(Y[:])
    sigYu = np.real(sigY)

    Xv = np.imag(X[:])
    sigXv = np.imag(sigX[:])
    Yv = np.imag(Y[:])
    sigYv = np.imag(sigY[:])

    rp = 0.5 * np.sqrt((Xu + Yv)**2 + (Xv - Yu)**2)
    rm = 0.5 * np.sqrt((Xu - Yv)**2 + (Xv + Yu)**2)
    sigXu2 = sigXu**2
    sigYu2 = sigYu**2
    sigXv2 = sigXv**2
    sigYv2 = sigYv**2

    ex = (Xu + Yv) / rp
    fx = (Xu - Yv) / rm
    gx = (Yu - Xv) / rp
    hx = (Yu + Xv) / rm

    # major axis
    dXu2 = (0.25 * (ex + fx))**2
    dYu2 = (0.25 * (gx + hx))**2
    dXv2 = (0.25 * (hx - gx))**2
    dYv2 = (0.25 * (ex - fx))**2
    sig1 = np.sqrt(dXu2 * sigXu2 + dYu2 * sigYu2 + dXv2 * sigXv2 +
                   dYv2 * sigYv2)

    # phase
    rn = 2 * (Xu * Yu + Xv * Yv)
    rd = Xu**2 - Yu**2 + Xv**2 - Yv**2
    den = rn**2 + rd**2
    dXu2 = ((rd * Yu - rn * Xu) / den)**2
    dYu2 = ((rd * Xu + rn * Yu) / den)**2
    dXv2 = ((rd * Yv - rn * Xv) / den)**2
    dYv2 = ((rd * Xv + rn * Yv) / den)**2
    sig2 = (180 / np.pi) * np.sqrt(dXu2 * sigXu2 + dYu2 * sigYu2 +
                                   dXv2 * sigXv2 + dYv2 * sigYv2)

    # if ~isreal(X)
    if not np.isreal(X):
        # Minor axis.
        dXu2 = (0.25 * (ex - fx))**2
        dYu2 = (0.25 * (gx - hx))**2
        dXv2 = (0.25 * (hx + gx))**2
        dYv2 = (0.25 * (ex + fx))**2
        sig1 = sig1 + 1j * np.sqrt(dXu2 * sigXu2 + dYu2 * sigYu2 +
                                   dXv2 * sigXv2 + dYv2 * sigYv2)

        # Orientation.
        rn = 2.0 * (Xu * Xv + Yu * Yv)
        rd = Xu**2 + Yu**2 - (Xv**2 + Yv**2)
        den = rn**2 + rd**2
        dXu2 = ((rd * Xv - rn * Xu) / den)**2
        dYu2 = ((rd * Yv - rn * Yu) / den)**2
        dXv2 = ((rd * Xu + rn * Xv) / den)**2
        dYv2 = ((rd * Yu + rn * Yv) / den)**2
        sig2 = sig2 + 1j * (180 / np.pi) * np.sqrt(
            dXu2 * sigXu2 + dYu2 * sigYu2 + dXv2 * sigXv2 + dYv2 * sigYv2)

    return sig1, sig2
 def format_sign(x):
     return x.real if np.isreal(x) else x
Esempio n. 53
def run(f, X, args=(), length=None, red=1.0, verbose=False):
    This is a function that performs unconstrained
    gradient based optimization using nonlinear conjugate gradients. 

    The function is a straightforward Python-translation of Carl Rasmussen's
    Matlab-function minimize.m
    INT = 0.1
    # don't reevaluate within 0.1 of the limit of the current bracket
    EXT = 3.0
    # extrapolate maximum 3 times the current step-size
    MAX = 20
    # max 20 function evaluations per line search
    RATIO = 10
    # maximum allowed slope ratio
    SIG = 0.1
    RHO = SIG / 2
    # SIG and RHO are the constants controlling the Wolfe-
    #Powell conditions. SIG is the maximum allowed absolute ratio between
    #previous and new slopes (derivatives in the search direction), thus setting
    #SIG to low (positive) values forces higher precision in the line-searches.
    #RHO is the minimum allowed fraction of the expected (from the slope at the
    #initial point in the linesearch). Constants must satisfy 0 < RHO < SIG < 1.
    #Tuning of SIG (depending on the nature of the function to be optimized) may
    #speed up the minimization; it is probably not worth playing much with RHO.

    SMALL = 10.**-16  #minimize.m uses matlab's realmin
    i = 0  # zero the run length counter
    ls_failed = 0  # no previous line search has failed
    result = f(X, *args)
    f0 = result[0]  # get function value and gradient
    df0 = result[1]
    fX = [f0]
    i = i + (length < 0)  # count epochs?!
    s = -df0
    d0 = -dot(s, s)  # initial search direction (steepest) and slope
    x3 = red / (1.0 - d0)  # initial step is red/(|s|+1)

    while i < abs(length):  # while not finished
        i = i + (length > 0)  # count iterations?!

        X0 = X
        F0 = f0
        dF0 = df0  # make a copy of current values
        if length > 0:
            M = MAX
            M = min(MAX, -length - i)
        while 1:  # keep extrapolating as long as necessary
            x2 = 0
            f2 = f0
            d2 = d0
            f3 = f0
            df3 = df0
            success = 0
            while (not success) and (M > 0):
                    M = M - 1
                    i = i + (length < 0)  # count epochs?!
                    result3 = f(X + x3 * s, *args)
                    f3 = result3[0]
                    df3 = result3[1]
                    if isnan(f3) or isinf(f3) or any(isnan(df3) + isinf(df3)):
                    success = 1
                except:  # catch any error which occured in f
                    x3 = (x2 + x3) / 2  # bisect and try again
            if f3 < F0:
                X0 = X + x3 * s
                F0 = f3
                dF0 = df3  # keep best values
            d3 = dot(df3, s)  # new slope
            if d3 > SIG * d0 or f3 > f0 + x3 * RHO * d0 or M == 0:
                # are we done extrapolating?
            x1 = x2
            f1 = f2
            d1 = d2  # move point 2 to point 1
            x2 = x3
            f2 = f3
            d2 = d3  # move point 3 to point 2
            A = 6 * (f1 - f2) + 3 * (d2 + d1) * (x2 - x1
                                                 )  # make cubic extrapolation
            B = 3 * (f2 - f1) - (2 * d1 + d2) * (x2 - x1)
            Z = B + sqrt(complex(B * B - A * d1 * (x2 - x1)))
            if Z != 0.0:
                x3 = x1 - d1 * (x2 - x1)**2 / Z  # num. error possible, ok!
                x3 = inf
            if (not isreal(x3)) or isnan(x3) or isinf(x3) or (x3 < 0):
                # num prob | wrong sign?
                x3 = x2 * EXT  # extrapolate maximum amount
            elif x3 > x2 * EXT:  # new point beyond extrapolation limit?
                x3 = x2 * EXT  # extrapolate maximum amount
            elif x3 < x2 + INT * (
                    x2 - x1):  # new point too close to previous point?
                x3 = x2 + INT * (x2 - x1)
            x3 = real(x3)

        while (abs(d3) > -SIG * d0 or f3 > f0 + x3 * RHO * d0) and M > 0:
            # keep interpolating
            if (d3 > 0) or (f3 > f0 + x3 * RHO * d0):  # choose subinterval
                x4 = x3
                f4 = f3
                d4 = d3  # move point 3 to point 4
                x2 = x3
                f2 = f3
                d2 = d3  # move point 3 to point 2
            if f4 > f0:
                x3 = x2 - (0.5 * d2 * (x4 - x2)**2) / (f4 - f2 - d2 *
                                                       (x4 - x2))
                # quadratic interpolation
                A = 6 * (f2 - f4) / (x4 - x2) + 3 * (d4 + d2
                                                     )  # cubic interpolation
                B = 3 * (f4 - f2) - (2 * d2 + d4) * (x4 - x2)
                if A != 0:
                    x3 = x2 + (sqrt(B * B - A * d2 * (x4 - x2)**2) - B) / A
                    # num. error possible, ok!
                    x3 = inf
            if isnan(x3) or isinf(x3):
                x3 = (x2 + x4) / 2  # if we had a numerical problem then bisect
            x3 = max(min(x3, x4 - INT * (x4 - x2)), x2 + INT * (x4 - x2))
            # don't accept too close
            result3 = f(X + x3 * s, *args)
            f3 = result3[0]
            df3 = result3[1]
            if f3 < F0:
                X0 = X + x3 * s
                F0 = f3
                dF0 = df3  # keep best values
            M = M - 1
            i = i + (length < 0)  # count epochs?!
            d3 = dot(df3, s)  # new slope

        if abs(
        ) < -SIG * d0 and f3 < f0 + x3 * RHO * d0:  # if line search succeeded
            X = X + x3 * s
            f0 = f3
            fX.append(f0)  # update variables
            s = (dot(df3, df3) - dot(df0, df3)) / dot(df0, df0) * s - df3
            # Polack-Ribiere CG direction
            df0 = df3  # swap derivatives
            d3 = d0
            d0 = dot(df0, s)
            if d0 > 0:  # new slope must be negative
                s = -df0
                d0 = -dot(s, s)  # otherwise use steepest direction
            x3 = x3 * min(RATIO, d3 /
                          (d0 - SMALL))  # slope ratio but max RATIO
            ls_failed = 0  # this line search did not fail
            X = X0
            f0 = F0
            df0 = dF0  # restore best point so far
            if ls_failed or (i >
                             abs(length)):  # line search failed twice in a row
                break  # or we ran out of time, so we give up
            s = -df0
            d0 = -dot(s, s)  # try steepest
            x3 = 1 / (1 - d0)
            ls_failed = 1  # this line search failed

    if verbose: print "\n"
    #print fX
    return X, fX, i
Esempio n. 54
def lanbpro(A, K, RO, Opts = [], U = [], B_k = [], V = []):
#	LANBPRO Lanczos bidiagonalization with partial reorthogonalization.
#   LANBPRO computes the Lanczos bidiagonalization of a real 
#   matrix using the  with partial reorthogonalization. 
#   [U_k,B_k,V_k,R,ierr,work] = LANBPRO(A,K,R0,OPTIONS,U_old,B_old,V_old) 
#   [U_k,B_k,V_k,R,ierr,work] = LANBPRO('Afun','Atransfun',M,N,K,R0, ...
#                                       OPTIONS,U_old,B_old,V_old) 
#   Computes K steps of the Lanczos bidiagonalization algorithm with partial 
#   reorthogonalization (BPRO) with M-by-1 starting vector R0, producing a 
#   lower bidiagonal K-by-K matrix B_k, an N-by-K matrix V_k, an M-by-K 
#   matrix U_k and an M-by-1 vector R such that
#        A*V_k = U_k*B_k + R
#   Partial reorthogonalization is used to keep the columns of V_K and U_k
#   semiorthogonal:
#         MAX(DIAG((EYE(K) - V_K'*V_K))) <= 
#   and 
#         MAX(DIAG((EYE(K) - U_K'*U_K))) <=
#   B_k = LANBPRO(...) returns the bidiagonal matrix only.
#   The first input argument is either a real matrix, or a string
#   containing the name of an M-file which applies a linear operator 
#   to the columns of a given matrix. In the latter case, the second 
#   input must be the name of an M-file which applies the transpose of 
#   the same linear operator to the columns of a given matrix,  
#   and the third and fourth arguments must be M and N, the dimensions 
#   of then problem.
#   The OPTIONS structure is used to control the reorthogonalization:
#  Desired level of orthogonality 
#                     (default = sqrt(eps/K)).
#     OPTIONS.eta  :  Level of orthogonality after reorthogonalization 
#                     (default = eps^(3/4)/sqrt(K)).
#     OPTIONS.cgs  :  Flag for switching between different reorthogonalization
#                     algorithms:
#                      0 = iterated modified Gram-Schmidt  (default)
#                      1 = iterated classical Gram-Schmidt 
#     OPTIONS.elr  :  If OPTIONS.elr = 1 (default) then extended local
#                     reorthogonalization is enforced.
#     OPTIONS.onesided
#                  :  If OPTIONS.onesided = 0 (default) then both the left
#                     (U) and right (V) Lanczos vectors are kept 
#                     semiorthogonal. 
#                     OPTIONS.onesided = 1 then only the columns of U are
#                     are reorthogonalized.
#                     OPTIONS.onesided = -1 then only the columns of V are
#                     are reorthogonalized.
#     OPTIONS.waitbar
#                  :  The progress of the algorithm is display graphically.
#   If both R0, U_old, B_old, and V_old are provided, they must
#   contain a partial Lanczos bidiagonalization of A on the form
#        A V_old = U_old B_old + R0 .  
#   In this case the factorization is extended to dimension K x K by
#   continuing the Lanczos bidiagonalization algorithm with R0 as a 
#   starting vector.
#   The output array work contains information about the work used in
#   reorthogonalizing the u- and v-vectors.
#      work = [ RU  PU ]
#             [ RV  PV ] 
#   where
#      RU = Number of reorthogonalizations of U.
#      PU = Number of inner products used in reorthogonalizing U.
#      RV = Number of reorthogonalizations of V.
#      PV = Number of inner products used in reorthogonalizing V.

# References: 
# R.M. Larsen, Ph.D. Thesis, Aarhus University, 1998.
# G. H. Golub & C. F. Van Loan, "Matrix Computations",
# 3. Ed., Johns Hopkins, 1996.  Section 9.3.4.
# B. N. Parlett, ``The Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem'', 
# Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1980.
# H. D. Simon, ``The Lanczos algorithm with partial reorthogonalization'',
# Math. Comp. 42 (1984), no. 165, 115--142.

# Rasmus Munk Larsen, DAIMI, 1998.
# Python Implementation: Matt Dioso, Seattle University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2018
# NOTE: Purposely omitting the Atrans option. don't think it applies in Python implementation
# Ref:

	global MU
	global NU 
	global MUTRUE
	global NUTRUE
	global MU_AFTER
	global NU_AFTER

	if len(locals()) < 1 or len(locals()) < 2:
		print("[LANBPRO] Not enough input arguments")

	narg = len(locals())

	if not np.isreal(A):
		print("[LANPRO] A must be real")
	m, n = A.shape

	if narg >= 3:
		p = RO
		p = np.random.rand(m, 1) - 0.5

	anorm = []

	if math.min(m, n) == 0:
		U = []
		B_k = []
		V = []
		p = []
		ierr = 0
		work = np.zeros(2,2)
		return U, B_k, V, p, ierr, work
	elif math.min(m, n) == 1:
		U = 1
		B_k = A
		V = 1
		p = 0
		ierr = 0
		work = np.zeros(2, 2)
		return U, B_k, V, p, ierr, work

	m2 = 3/2
	n2 = 3/2
	delta = math.sqrt(np.spacing(1)/K)
	eta = np.spacing(1) ** (3/4)/math.sqrt(K)
	cgs = 0
	elr = 2

	gamma = 1/math.sqrt(2)
	onesided = 0
	t = 0
	waitb = 0

	if not opts and isinstance(opts, dict):
		c = opts.keys()
		if "delta" in c:
			delta = opts.get("delta")
		if "eta" in c:
			eta = opts.get("eta")
		if "cgs" in c:
			cgs = opts.get("cgs")
		if "elr" in c:
			elr = opts.get("elr")
		if "gamma" in c:
			gamma = opts.get("gamma")
		if "onesided" in c:
			onesided = opts.get("onsided")
		if "waitbar" in c:
			waitb = 1

	#if waitb:

	if not anorm:
		anorm = []
		est_anorm = 1
		est_anorm = 0

	FUDGE = 1.01

	npu = 0
	npv = 0
	ierr = 0
	p = p[:]

	if not U:
		V = np.zeros(n, K)
		U = np.zeros(m, K)
		beta = np.zeros(K+1, 1)
		alpha = np.zeros(K, 1)
		beta[0] = np.linalg.norm(p)
		nu = np.zeros(K, 1)
		mu = np.zeros(K+1, 1)
		mu[0] = 1
		nu[0] = 1

		numax = np.zeros(K, 1)
		mumax = np.zeros(K, 1)
		force_reorth = 0
		nreorthu = 0
		nreorthv = 0
		j0 = 1
		j = U.shape[1]

		U = np.append(U, np.zeros(m, K-j))
		V = np.append(V, np.zeros(n, K-j))
		alpha = np.zeros(K+1, 1)
		beta = np.zeros(K+1, 1)
		alpha[0:j] = np.diag(B_k)
		if j > 1:
			beta[1:j] = np.diag(B_k, -1)
		beta[j+1] = np.linalg.norm(p)

		if j<K and beta[j+1] * delta < anorm * np.spacing(1):
			fro = 1
			ierr = j

		int = [0:j].conj().transpose
		p, beta[j+1], rr = reorth(U, p, beta[j+1], int, gamma, cgs) #IMPLEMENT REORTH
		npu = rr*j
		nreorthu = 1
		force_reorth = 1

		if est_anorm:
			anorm = FUDGE * math.sqrt(np.linalg.norm(B_k.conj().transpose * B_k, 1))

		mu = m2*np.spacing(1) * np.ones(K+1, 1)
		nu = np.zeros(K, 1)
		numax = np.zeros(K, 1)
		mumax = np.zeros(K, 1)
		force_reorth = 1
		nreorthu = 0
		nreorthv = 0
		j0 = j+1

	At = A.conj().transpose()

	if delta == 0:
		fro = 1
		fro = 0

		MUTRUE = np.zeros(K, K)
		NUTRUE = np.zeros(K-1, K-1)
		MU = np.zeros(K, K)
		NU = np.zeros(K-1, K-1)

		MUTRUE_AFTER = np.zeros(K, K)
		NUTRUE_AFTER = np.zeros(K-1, K-1)
		MU_AFTER = np.zeros(K, K)
		NU_AFTER = np.zeros(K-1, K-1)

	for j in range(j0, K):
		if beta[j] != 0:
			U[:, j] = p/beta[j]
			U[:, j] = p

		if j == 6:
			B = np.append(np.diag(alpha[0:j-1])+np.diag(beta[1:j-1], -1), np.append(np.zeros(1, j-1), beta[j]))
			anorm = FUDGE * np.linalg.norm(B)
			est_anorm = 0

		if j == 1:
			r = At*U[:, 1]
			alpha[1] = np.linalg.norm(r)
			if est_anorm:
				anorm = FUDGE * alpha[1]

			r - At*U[:, j] - beta[j]*V[:, j-1]
			alpha[j] = np.linalg.norm(r)

			if alpha[j] < gamma*beta[j] and elr and not fro:
				normold = alpha[j]
				stop = 0
				while not stop:
					t = V[:, j-1].conj().transpose() * r
					r = r - V[:, j-1] * t
					alpha[j] = np.linalg.norm(r)
					if beta[j] != 0:
						beta[j] = beta[j] + t

					if alpha[j] >= gamma*normold:
						stop = 1
						normold = alpha[j]

			if est_anorm:
				if j==2:
					anorm = math.max(anorm, FUDGE*math.sqrt(alpha[0]**2 + beta[1]**2 + alpha[1]*beta[1]))
					anorm = math.max(anorm, FUDGE* math.sqrt(alpha(j-1)**2 + beta[j]**2+alpha[j-1]*beta[j-1] + alpha[j]*beta[j]))

			if not fro and alpha[j] != 0:
				nu = update_nu(nu, mu, j, alpha, beta, anorm)
				numax[j] = math.max(math.abs(nu[1:j-1]))

			if j>1 and LANBPRO_TRUTH:
				NU[0:j-1, j-1] = nu[0:j-1]
				NUTRUE[0:j-1, j-1] = V[:, 1:j-1].conj().transpose()*r/alpha[j]

			if elr > 0:
				nu[j-1] = n2*np.spacing(1)

			if onsided != -1 and (fro or numax[j] > delta or force_reorth) and alpha[j] != 0:
				if fro or eta == 0:
					int = [0:j-1].conj().transpose()
				elif force_reorth == 0:
					int = compute_int(nu, j-1, delta, eta, 0, 0, 0)

				r, alpha[j], rr = reorth(V, r, alpha[j], int, gamma, cgs)
				npv = npv + rr*len(int)
				nu[int] = n2*np.spacing(1)

				if force_reorth == 0:
					force_reorth = 1
					force_reorth = 0

				nreorthv = nreorthv + 1

		if alpha[j] < math.max(n,m)*anorm*np.spacing(1) and j < k:
			alpha[j] = 0
			bailout = 1
			for i in range(0, 2):
				r = np.random.rand(m, 1)-0.5
				r = At * r

				nrm = math.sqrt((r.conj().transpose()) * r)
				int = [1:j-1].conj().transpose()
				r, nrmnew, rr = reorth(V, r, nrm, int, gamma, cgs)
				npv = npv + rr*len(int[:])
				nreorthv = nreorthv + 1
				nu[int] = n2 * np.spacing(1)
				if nrmnew > 0:
					bailout = 0

			if bailout:
				ierr = -j
				r = r/nrmnew
				force_reorth = 1
				if delta > 0:
					fro =0
		elif j<l and not fro and anorm*np.spacing(1) > delta*alpha[j]:
			fro =1
			ierr = j

		if J>1 and LANBPRO_TRUTH:
			NU_AFTER[0:j-1, j-1] = nu[0:j-1]
			NUTRUE_AFTER[1:j-1, j-1] = (V[:, 0:j-1].conj().transpose)*r/alpha[j]

		if alpha[j] != 0:
			V[:, j] = r/alpha[j]
			V[:,j] = r

		p = A * V[:, j] - alpha[j]*U[:,j]
		beta[J+1] = np.linalg.norm(p)

		if beta[j+1] < gamma*alpha[j] and elr and not fro:
			normold = beta[j+1]
			stop = 0
			while not stop:
				t = U[:, j].conj().transpose() * p
				p = p - U[:, j]*t
				beta[j+1] = np.linalg.norm(p)
				if alpha[j] != 0:
					alpha[j] = alpha[j] + t

				if beta[j+1] >= gamma*normold:
					stop = 1
					normold = beta[j+1]

		if est_anorm:
			if j==1:
				anorm = math.max(anorm, FUDGE*pythag(alpha[0], alpha[1]))
				anorm = math.max(anorm, FUDGE*math.sqrt(alpha[j] ** 2 + alpha[j]*beta[j]))

		if not fro and beta[j+1] != 0:
			mu = update_mu(mu, nu, j, alpha, beta, anorm)
			mumax[j] = math.max(math.abs(mu[1:j])) #i think this is getting the max of an array?

		if LANBPRO_TRUTH == 1:
			MU[0:j, j] = mu[0:j]
			MUTRUE[1:j, j] = U[:, 0:j].conj().transpose() * p/beta[j+1]

		if elr > 0:
			mu[j] = m2 * np.spacing(1)

		if onesided != 1 and (fro or mumax[j] > delta or force_reorth) and beta[j+1] != 0:
			if fro or eta ==1:
				int = [0:j].conj().transpose()
			elif force_reorth == 0:
				int = compute_int(mu, j, delta, eta, 0, 0, 0)
				int = [int; max[int]+1]

			p, beta[j+1], rr = reorth(U, p, beta[j+1], int, gamma, cgs)
			nppu = npu + rr*len(int)
			nreorthu = nreorthu + 1

			mu[int] = m2 * np.spacing(1)

			if force_reorth == 0:
				force_reorth =1
				force_reorth = 0

		if beta[j + 1] < math.max(m, n) * anorm * np.spacing(1) and j<k:
			beta[j+1] = 0
			bailout = 1
			for i in range(0, 2):
				p = np.random.rand(n, 1) - 0.5
				p = A * p
				nrm = math.sqrt((p.conj().transpose) * p)
				int = [0:j].conj().transpose()
				p, nrmnew, rr = reorth(U, p, nrm, int, gamma, cgs)
				npu = npu + rr*len(int[:])
				nreorthu = nreorthu + 1
				mu[int] = m2 * np.spacing(1)

				if nrmnew > 0:
					bailout = 0

			if bailout: 
				ierr = -j
				p = p/nrmnew
				force_reorth = 1
				if delta > 0:
					fro = 0
		elif j<k and not fro and anorm*np.spacing(1) > delta*beta[j+1]:
			fro = 1
			ierr = j

		if LANBPRO_TRUTH == 1:
			MU_AFTER[0:j, j] = mu[0:j]
			MUTRUE_AFTER[0:j, j] = (U[:, 0:j].conj().transpose())*p/beta[j+1]

	if j<K:

	B_k = scipy.sparse.spdiags([alpha[1:K]; [beta[1:K]; 0]], [0, -1], K, K)

	if K != U.shape(1) or K != V.shape(1):
		U = U[:, 0:K]
		V = V[:, 0:K]

	work = [[nreorthu, npu]; [nreorthv, npv]]

	return U, B_k, V, p, ierr, work
Esempio n. 55
    def fit(self,
        """Trains the agent on the given environment.

        # Arguments
            env: (`Env` instance): Environment that the agent interacts with. See [Env](#env) for details.
            nb_steps (integer): Number of training steps to be performed.
            action_repetition (integer): Number of times the agent repeats the same action without
                observing the environment again. Setting this to a value > 1 can be useful
                if a single action only has a very small effect on the environment.
            callbacks (list of `keras.callbacks.Callback` or `rl.callbacks.Callback` instances):
                List of callbacks to apply during training. See [callbacks](/callbacks) for details.
            verbose (integer): 0 for no logging, 1 for interval logging (compare `log_interval`), 2 for episode logging
            visualize (boolean): If `True`, the environment is visualized during training. However,
                this is likely going to slow down training significantly and is thus intended to be
                a debugging instrument.
            nb_max_start_steps (integer): Number of maximum steps that the agent performs at the beginning
                of each episode using `start_step_policy`. Notice that this is an upper limit since
                the exact number of steps to be performed is sampled uniformly from [0, max_start_steps]
                at the beginning of each episode.
            start_step_policy (`lambda observation: action`): The policy
                to follow if `nb_max_start_steps` > 0. If set to `None`, a random action is performed.
            log_interval (integer): If `verbose` = 1, the number of steps that are considered to be an interval.
            nb_max_episode_steps (integer): Number of steps per episode that the agent performs before
                automatically resetting the environment. Set to `None` if each episode should run
                (potentially indefinitely) until the environment signals a terminal state.

        # Returns
            A `keras.callbacks.History` instance that recorded the entire training process.
        if not self.compiled:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Your tried to fit your agent but it hasn\'t been compiled yet. Please call `compile()` before `fit()`.'
        if action_repetition < 1:
            raise ValueError('action_repetition must be >= 1, is {}'.format(
                action_repetition)) = True

        callbacks = [] if not callbacks else callbacks[:]

        if verbose == 1:
            callbacks += [TrainIntervalLogger(interval=log_interval)]
        elif verbose > 1:
            callbacks += [TrainEpisodeLogger()]
        if visualize:
            callbacks += [Visualizer()]
        history = History()
        callbacks += [history]
        callbacks = CallbackList(callbacks)
        if hasattr(callbacks, 'set_model'):
        params = {
            'nb_steps': nb_steps,
        if hasattr(callbacks, 'set_params'):

        episode = np.int16(0)
        self.step = np.int16(0)
        observation = None
        episode_reward = None
        episode_step = None
        did_abort = False

        # open workbook to store result
        workbook = xlwt.Workbook()
        sheet = workbook.add_sheet('DQN')
        sheet_step = workbook.add_sheet('step')

            while self.step < nb_steps:
                if observation is None:  # start of a new episode
                    episode_step = np.int16(0)
                    episode_reward = np.float32(0)

                    # Obtain the initial observation by resetting the environment.
                    observation = deepcopy(env.reset())
                    if self.processor is not None:
                        observation = self.processor.process_observation(
                    assert observation is not None

                    # Perform random starts at beginning of episode and do not record them into the experience.
                    # This slightly changes the start position between games.
                    nb_random_start_steps = 0 if nb_max_start_steps == 0 else np.random.randint(
                    for _ in range(nb_random_start_steps):
                        if start_step_policy is None:
                            action = env.action_space.sample()
                            action = start_step_policy(observation)
                        if self.processor is not None:
                            action = self.processor.process_action(action)
                        observation, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
                        observation = deepcopy(observation)
                        if self.processor is not None:
                            observation, reward, done, info = self.processor.process_step(
                                observation, reward, done, info)
                        if done:
                                'Env ended before {} random steps could be performed at the start. You should probably lower the `nb_max_start_steps` parameter.'
                            observation = deepcopy(env.reset())
                            if self.processor is not None:
                                observation = self.processor.process_observation(

                # At this point, we expect to be fully initialized.
                assert episode_reward is not None
                assert episode_step is not None
                assert observation is not None

                # Run a single step.
                # This is were all of the work happens. We first perceive and compute the action
                # (forward step) and then use the reward to improve (backward step).
                action = self.forward(observation)
                if self.processor is not None:
                    action = self.processor.process_action(action)
                reward = np.float32(0)
                accumulated_info = {}
                done = False
                for _ in range(action_repetition):
                    observation, r, done, info = env.step(action)
                    # print(observation, r, done, info)
                    observation = deepcopy(observation)
                    if self.processor is not None:
                        observation, r, done, info = self.processor.process_step(
                            observation, r, done, info)
                    for key, value in info.items():
                        if not np.isreal(value):
                        if key not in accumulated_info:
                            accumulated_info[key] = np.zeros_like(value)
                        accumulated_info[key] += value
                    reward += r
                    if done:
                if nb_max_episode_steps and episode_step >= nb_max_episode_steps - 1:
                    # Force a terminal state.
                    done = True
                metrics = self.backward(reward[0], terminal=done)
                episode_reward += reward

                step_logs = {
                    'action': action,
                    'observation': observation,
                    'reward': reward[0],
                    'metrics': metrics,
                    'episode': episode,
                    'info': accumulated_info,
                callbacks.on_step_end(episode_step, step_logs)
                episode_step += 1
                self.step += 1

                if done:
                    # We are in a terminal state but the agent hasn't yet seen it. We therefore
                    # perform one more forward-backward call and simply ignore the action before
                    # resetting the environment. We need to pass in `terminal=False` here since
                    # the *next* state, that is the state of the newly reset environment, is
                    # always non-terminal by convention.
                    self.backward(0., terminal=False)

                    # This episode is finished, report and reset.
                    episode_logs = {
                        'episode_reward': episode_reward,
                        'nb_episode_steps': episode_step,
                        'nb_steps': self.step,
                    callbacks.on_episode_end(episode, episode_logs)

                    sheet.write(episode + 1, 0, str(episode))
                    sheet.write(episode + 1, 1, str(episode_reward[0]))
                    sheet.write(episode + 1, 2, str(episode_reward[1]))
                    sheet.write(episode + 1, 3, str(episode_reward[2]))
                    sheet.write(episode + 1, 4, str(episode_reward[3]))

                    episode += 1
                    observation = None
                    episode_step = None
                    episode_reward = None
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            # We catch keyboard interrupts here so that training can be be safely aborted.
            # This is so common that we've built this right into this function, which ensures that
            # the `on_train_end` method is properly called.
            did_abort = True
        callbacks.on_train_end(logs={'did_abort': did_abort})
        file_name = 'result_v' + version + '.xls'
        # if (self.enable_double_dqn):
        #     file_name = 'DDQN_' + file_name
        # if (self.enable_dueling_network):
        #     file_name = 'Dueling_' + file_name'../results/' + file_name)

        return history
Esempio n. 56
def CheckMGRepresentation(alpha, A, prec=None):
    Checks if the given vector and matrix define a valid matrix-
    geometric representation.
    alpha : matrix, shape (1,M)
        Initial vector of the matrix-geometric distribution 
        to check
    A : matrix, shape (M,M)
        Matrix parameter of the matrix-geometric distribution
        to check
    prec : double, optional
        Numerical precision. The default value is 1e-14.
    r : bool
        True, if the matrix is a square matrix, the vector and 
        the matrix have the same size, the dominant eigenvalue
        is positive, less than 1 and real. 
    This procedure does not check the positivity of the density!
    The discrete counterpart of 'CheckMEPositiveDensity' does
    not exist yet (research is needed).

    if prec == None:
        prec = butools.checkPrecision

    if len(alpha.shape) < 2:
        if butools.verbose:
                "CheckMGRepresentation: Initial vector must be a matrix of size (1,N)!"
        return False

    if A.shape[0] != A.shape[1]:
        if butools.verbose:
            print("CheckMGRepresentation: The matrix is not a square matrix!")
        return False

    if alpha.shape[1] != A.shape[0]:
        if butools.verbose:
                "CheckMGRepresentation: The vector and the matrix have different sizes!"
        return False

    if np.sum(alpha) < -prec * alpha.size or np.sum(
            alpha) > 1.0 + prec * alpha.size:
        if butools.verbose:
                "CheckMGRepresentation: The sum of the vector elements is less than zero or greater than one!"
        return False

    ev = la.eigvals(A)
    ix = np.argsort(-np.abs(np.real(ev)))
    maxev = ev[ix[0]]

    if not np.isreal(maxev):
        if butools.verbose:
                "CheckMGRepresentation: The largest eigenvalue of the matrix is complex!"
        return False

    if maxev > 1.0 + prec:
        if butools.verbose:
                "CheckMGRepresentation: The largest eigenvalue of the matrix is greater than 1!"
        return False

    if np.sum(np.abs(ev) == abs(maxev)) > 1 and butools.verbose:
            "CheckMGRepresentation warning: There are more than one eigenvalue with the same absolute value as the largest eigenvalue!"

    return True
Esempio n. 57
    def test(self,
        """Callback that is called before training begins.

        # Arguments
            env: (`Env` instance): Environment that the agent interacts with. See [Env](#env) for details.
            nb_episodes (integer): Number of episodes to perform.
            action_repetition (integer): Number of times the agent repeats the same action without
                observing the environment again. Setting this to a value > 1 can be useful
                if a single action only has a very small effect on the environment.
            callbacks (list of `keras.callbacks.Callback` or `rl.callbacks.Callback` instances):
                List of callbacks to apply during training. See [callbacks](/callbacks) for details.
            verbose (integer): 0 for no logging, 1 for interval logging (compare `log_interval`), 2 for episode logging
            visualize (boolean): If `True`, the environment is visualized during training. However,
                this is likely going to slow down training significantly and is thus intended to be
                a debugging instrument.
            nb_max_start_steps (integer): Number of maximum steps that the agent performs at the beginning
                of each episode using `start_step_policy`. Notice that this is an upper limit since
                the exact number of steps to be performed is sampled uniformly from [0, max_start_steps]
                at the beginning of each episode.
            start_step_policy (`lambda observation: action`): The policy
                to follow if `nb_max_start_steps` > 0. If set to `None`, a random action is performed.
            log_interval (integer): If `verbose` = 1, the number of steps that are considered to be an interval.
            nb_max_episode_steps (integer): Number of steps per episode that the agent performs before
                automatically resetting the environment. Set to `None` if each episode should run
                (potentially indefinitely) until the environment signals a terminal state.

        # Returns
            A `keras.callbacks.History` instance that recorded the entire training process.
        if not self.compiled:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Your tried to test your agent but it hasn\'t been compiled yet. Please call `compile()` before `test()`.'
        if action_repetition < 1:
            raise ValueError('action_repetition must be >= 1, is {}'.format(
                action_repetition)) = False
        self.step = 0

        callbacks = [] if not callbacks else callbacks[:]

        if verbose >= 1:
            callbacks += [TestLogger()]
        if visualize:
            callbacks += [Visualizer()]
        history = History()
        callbacks += [history]
        callbacks = CallbackList(callbacks)
        if hasattr(callbacks, 'set_model'):
        params = {
            'nb_episodes': nb_episodes,
        if hasattr(callbacks, 'set_params'):

        for episode in range(nb_episodes):
            episode_reward = 0.
            episode_step = 0

            # Obtain the initial observation by resetting the environment.
            observation = deepcopy(env.reset())
            if self.processor is not None:
                observation = self.processor.process_observation(observation)
            assert observation is not None

            # Perform random starts at beginning of episode and do not record them into the experience.
            # This slightly changes the start position between games.
            nb_random_start_steps = 0 if nb_max_start_steps == 0 else np.random.randint(
            for _ in range(nb_random_start_steps):
                if start_step_policy is None:
                    action = env.action_space.sample()
                    action = start_step_policy(observation)
                if self.processor is not None:
                    action = self.processor.process_action(action)
                observation, r, done, info = env.step(action)
                observation = deepcopy(observation)
                if self.processor is not None:
                    observation, r, done, info = self.processor.process_step(
                        observation, r, done, info)
                if done:
                        'Env ended before {} random steps could be performed at the start. You should probably lower the `nb_max_start_steps` parameter.'
                    observation = deepcopy(env.reset())
                    if self.processor is not None:
                        observation = self.processor.process_observation(

            # Run the episode until we're done.
            done = False
            while not done:

                action = self.forward(observation)
                if self.processor is not None:
                    action = self.processor.process_action(action)
                reward = 0.
                accumulated_info = {}
                for _ in range(action_repetition):
                    observation, r, d, info = env.step(action)
                    observation = deepcopy(observation)
                    if self.processor is not None:
                        observation, r, d, info = self.processor.process_step(
                            observation, r, d, info)
                    reward += r
                    for key, value in info.items():
                        if not np.isreal(value):
                        if key not in accumulated_info:
                            accumulated_info[key] = np.zeros_like(value)
                        accumulated_info[key] += value
                    if d:
                        done = True
                if nb_max_episode_steps and episode_step >= nb_max_episode_steps - 1:
                    done = True
                self.backward(reward, terminal=done)
                episode_reward += reward

                step_logs = {
                    'action': action,
                    'observation': observation,
                    'reward': reward,
                    'episode': episode,
                    'info': accumulated_info,
                callbacks.on_step_end(episode_step, step_logs)
                episode_step += 1
                self.step += 1

            # We are in a terminal state but the agent hasn't yet seen it. We therefore
            # perform one more forward-backward call and simply ignore the action before
            # resetting the environment. We need to pass in `terminal=False` here since
            # the *next* state, that is the state of the newly reset environment, is
            # always non-terminal by convention.
            self.backward(0., terminal=False)

            # Report end of episode.
            episode_logs = {
                'episode_reward': episode_reward,
                'nb_steps': episode_step,
            callbacks.on_episode_end(episode, episode_logs)

        return history
Esempio n. 58
import numpy as np
a = np.array([1+1j, 1+0j, 4.5, 3, 2, 2j])
print("Original array")
print("Checking for complex number:")
print("Checking for real number:")
print("Checking for scalar type:")
Esempio n. 59
 lambda x: x.reshape((x.shape[0] * x.shape[1], x.shape[2])),
 # Rechunking here is required, see
 lambda x: (x.rechunk(x.shape)).reshape((x.shape[1], x.shape[0], x.shape[2])),
 lambda x: x.reshape((x.shape[0], x.shape[1], x.shape[2] / 2, x.shape[2] / 2)),
 lambda x: abs(x),
 lambda x: x > 0.5,
 lambda x: x.rechunk((4, 4, 4)),
 lambda x: x.rechunk((2, 2, 1)),
     lambda x: da.einsum("ijk,ijk", x, x),
 lambda x: np.isneginf(x),
 lambda x: np.isposinf(x),
     lambda x: np.isreal(x),
         not IS_NEP18_ACTIVE, reason="NEP-18 support is not available in NumPy"
     lambda x: np.iscomplex(x),
         not IS_NEP18_ACTIVE, reason="NEP-18 support is not available in NumPy"
     lambda x: np.real(x),
         not IS_NEP18_ACTIVE, reason="NEP-18 support is not available in NumPy"
Esempio n. 60
    fwhm_lo,fwhm_hi = np.zeros(len(k)),np.zeros(len(k))
    tgb = np.zeros(len(k))
    spt = np.zeros(len(k),dtype=object)

    print 'Staring distances'

    for i in range(len(k)):
        ############### compute distance:
        # establish the coefficients of the mode-finding polynomial:
        coeff = np.array([(1./L),(-2),((p[i]/1000.)/((pe[i]/1000.)**2)),-(1./((pe[i]/1000.)**2))])
        # use numpy to find the roots:
        g = np.roots(coeff)
        # Find the number of real roots:
        reals = np.isreal(g)
        realsum = np.sum(reals)
        # If there is one real root, that root is the  mode:
        if realsum == 1:
            gd = np.real(g[np.where(reals)[0]])
        # If all roots are real:
        elif realsum == 3:
            if p[i] >= 0:
                # Take the smallest root:
                gd = np.min(g)
            elif p[i] < 0:
                # Take the positive root (there should be only one):
                gd = g[np.where(g>0)[0]]
        d[i] = gd
    print 'That took ',(end-start1)/60/60,' hrs'