Esempio n. 1
 def get_rate_savings(self):
     return (rate(
         self.freq * self.num_of_years,
     ) * self.freq * 100)
def getGrowthRate(nper, pv, fv):
    if isinstance(pv, str):
        pv = float(pv.replace(',', ''))

    if isinstance(fv, str):
        fv = float(fv.replace(',', ''))

    return np.rate(nper - 1, 0, -pv, fv)
Esempio n. 3
 def get_rate_loans(self):
     return (rate(
         self.freq * self.num_of_years,
     ) * self.freq * 100)
Esempio n. 4
def FuturePricing(ticker, data_table, discount_rate, margin_rate):
    df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data_table)

    years = 10
    margin_price = 0
    fv = float(df['Diluted Normalized EPS'].iloc[0])  # last EPS
    pv = float(df['Diluted Normalized EPS'].iloc[-1])  # first EPS

    annual_growth_rate = np.rate(5, 0, -pv, fv)

    future_eps = abs(np.fv(annual_growth_rate, years, 0, pv))

    # Finding the P/E Ratio
    selected_stock_df = dr.DataReader(ticker,
                                      start=( -

    selected_stock_df['year'] = pd.DatetimeIndex(selected_stock_df.index).year
    gframe = selected_stock_df.groupby('year').head(1).set_index(
    df.set_index('Year', inplace=True)

    price_by_year = pd.DataFrame()
    price_by_year['Close'] = gframe['Close']
    price_by_year['EPS'] = df['Diluted Normalized EPS'].astype(float)
    price_by_year['P/E Ratio'] = price_by_year['Close'] / price_by_year['EPS']

    pe_ratio = price_by_year['P/E Ratio'].min()

    FV = future_eps * pe_ratio
    PV = abs(np.pv(discount_rate, years, 0, FV))

    if FV > 0:
        margin_price = PV * (1 - margin_rate)

    last_share_price = selected_stock_df.Close.tail(1).values[0]

    decision = np.where(last_share_price < margin_price, 'COMPRAR', 'VENDER')

    answer = [
        dict(annual_growth_rate=np.round(annual_growth_rate, 2),
             last_eps=np.round(fv, 2),
             future_eps=np.round(future_eps, 2),
             pe_ratio=np.round(pe_ratio, 2),
             FV=np.round(FV, 2),
             PV=np.round(PV, 2),
             margin_price=np.round(margin_price, 2),
             last_share_price=np.round(last_share_price, 2),

    return answer
def BONDS2():
  r = 0.09 # Coupon rate = 9%
  par = 1000 # Par value = $1,000
  C = r * par # Annual coupon = $90
  frequency = 1
  t = 14 # Years left to maturity = 14
  nper = t * frequency
  pv = 850.46 # Selling price = $850.46
  YTM = (np.rate(nper = nper, pmt = C, pv = pv, fv = par))
  print("""Answer 2:
  The Yield to maturity is: {:,.2f}%\n""".format(YTM*100))
Esempio n. 6
def average_capital_plus_interest_by_actualInterest(PV,mouth_rate,nper):
    for i in range(1, nper + 1):
        PPMT = np.ppmt(actual_mouth_rate, i, nper, PV)
        IPMT = np.ipmt(actual_mouth_rate, i, nper, PV)
        yield i,-PPMT,-IPMT,PMT
        if i == nper:
            yield year_actual_Interest,round(EIR,4)
Esempio n. 7
def equal_capital_equal_interest(PV,mouth_rate,nper,Sum_interest=0):
    PPMT = PV / nper
    IPMT = PV * mouth_rate
    EIR = np.rate(nper, -PMT, PV, 0) * 12
    for i in range(1, nper + 1):
        left_capital = PV - PPMT * (i - 1) #求出剩余本金
        Sum_interest += IPMT
        actual_mouth_RATE = IPMT / left_capital
        yield i,round(left_capital,1),round(PPMT,1), round(IPMT,1), round(PMT,1),round(actual_mouth_RATE,4)
        if i == nper:
            yield Sum_interest, round(EIR,4)
Esempio n. 8
    def test_rate_nan(self, number_type):
        # Rate will return NaN, if newton raphson method's change or diff was not able to become
        # less than default tolerance value i.e. 1e-6 in max iterations possible,
        rate = np.rate(number_type(12.0), number_type('400.0'),
                       number_type('10000.0'), number_type(0))
        assert_equal(np.nan, float(rate))
        rate = np.rate(number_type(12.0), number_type('-400.0'),
                       number_type('10000.0'), number_type(20000))
        assert_equal(np.nan, float(rate))

        # begin
        rate = np.rate(number_type(12.0), number_type('400.0'),
                       number_type('10000.0'), number_type(20000), 1)
        assert_equal(np.nan, float(rate))
        rate = np.rate(number_type(12.0), number_type('400.0'),
                       number_type('10000.0'), number_type(20000), 'begin')
        assert_equal(np.nan, float(rate))
        # end

        rate = np.rate(number_type(12.0), number_type('400.0'),
                       number_type('10000.0'), number_type(0))
        assert_equal(np.nan, float(rate))
        rate = np.rate(number_type(12.0), number_type('400.0'),
                       number_type('10000.0'), number_type(0), 'end')
        assert_equal(np.nan, float(rate))
def DCF7():
  m = 30 # duration of mortgage loan = 30 years
  n = m * 12 # Because we are considering monthly payments, we need to multiply m by number of months in a year = 360
  r = 0.8 # interest rate = 80%
  TP = 2800000 # Total Price = $2,800,000
  MP = TP * r # Mortgage loan price = 80% of Total Price = $2,240,000
  P = 17000 # Monthly Payment = $17,000
  rate = np.rate(nper=n,pmt=P,pv=MP,fv=0,when='end')*12
  APR = rate
  EAR = ((1 + (APR/12))**(12))-1
  print("""Answer 7:
  a) The APR on this loan is: {0:,.2f}%
  b) The EAR is: {1:,.2f}%\n""".format(APR*100, EAR*100))
Esempio n. 10
def equal_capital_equal_interest(PV,mouth_rate,nper,Sum_interest=0,returned_capital=0):
    PPMT = PV / nper
    IPMT = PV * mouth_rate
    EIR = np.rate(nper, -PMT, PV, 0) * 12
    for i in range(1, nper + 1):
        returned_capital += PPMT  # 求出已还本金
        left_capital = PV - returned_capital  # 求出剩余本金
        Sum_interest += IPMT
        actual_mouth_rate = IPMT / (left_capital + PPMT)
        Sum_money = PV + Sum_interest
        yield '第'+str(i)+'期',round(PPMT,1), round(IPMT,1), round(PMT,1),round(left_capital,1),"%.2f%%" % (actual_mouth_rate * 100)
        if i == nper:
            yield "还款总额:"+str(round(Sum_money,1)),"总利息:"+str(round(Sum_interest,1)),"年利率:"+str("%.2f%%" % (EIR * 100))
Esempio n. 11
def cal_annual_rate_3(first_money, total_years, per_save, time_interval, last_total_money):
    def rate(nper, pmt, pv, fv, when='end', guess=None, tol=None, maxiter=100):
        参数 —— 计算利率
        nper :期数
        pmt  :每期的存款/贷款金额
        pv   :当前的存款/贷款金额
        fv   :future value
    result = np.rate(total_years * 12 / time_interval, -per_save, -first_money, last_total_money)

    print("初期存款为 {},然后每 {} 个月都会存 {} ,那么 {} 年后能拿到 {},则年化利率为 {}%。".format(first_money, time_interval, per_save, total_years, last_total_money, r(result  * 12 / time_interval * 100)))
Esempio n. 12
def generate_price_df(ticker, financialreportingdf, stockpricedf, discountrate,
    dfprice = pd.DataFrame(
        columns=['ticker', 'annualgrowthrate', 'lasteps', 'futureeps'])
    pd.options.display.float_format = '{:20,.2f}'.format

    # Find EPS Annual Compounded Growth Rate
    # annualgrowthrate =  financialreportingdf.epsgrowth.mean() #growth rate

        annualgrowthrate = np.rate(5, 0, -1 * financialreportingdf.eps.iloc[0],

        # Non Conservative
        lasteps = financialreportingdf.eps.tail(1).values[0]  #presentvalue

        # conservative
        # lasteps = financialreportingdf.eps.mean()

        years = 10  #period
        futureeps = abs(np.fv(annualgrowthrate, years, 0, lasteps))
        dfprice.loc[0] = [ticker, annualgrowthrate, lasteps, futureeps]
        print('eps does not exist')

    dfprice.set_index('ticker', inplace=True)

    dfprice['peratio'] = findMinimumEPS(stockpricedf, financialreportingdf)

    dfprice['FV'] = dfprice['futureeps'] * dfprice['peratio']

    dfprice['PV'] = abs(np.pv(discountrate, years, 0, fv=dfprice['FV']))

    if dfprice['FV'].values[0] > 0:
        dfprice['marginprice'] = dfprice['PV'] * (1 - marginrate)
        dfprice['marginprice'] = 0

    dfprice['lastshareprice'] = stockpricedf.Close.tail(1).values[0]

    dfprice['decision'] = np.where(
        (dfprice['lastshareprice'] < dfprice['marginprice']), 'BUY', 'SELL')

    return dfprice
Esempio n. 13
def npfin_practice():
    # pv:年利率3%,按季度付息,每月付10,5年后获取1376.09633204,求现值
    val_pv = np.pv(rate=0.03 / 4, nper=4 * 5, pmt=-10, fv=1376.09633204)

    # fv:年利率3%,按季度付息,本金1000,每月付10,求5年后的终值
    val_fv = np.fv(rate=0.03 / 4, nper=4 * 5, pmt=-10, pv=-1000)

    # fvals = []
    # for i in range(1, 11):
    #     fvals.append(np.fv(rate=0.03/4, nper=4*i, pmt=-10, pv=-1000))
    # plt.plot(fvals, 'bo')
    # plt.title('年利率3%,按季度付息,本金1000,每月付10,1-10年后的终值')

    # pmt:年利率1%,贷款1000万,求每月的分期付款
    val_pmt = np.pmt(rate=0.01 / 12, nper=12 * 30, pv=10000000)

    # nper:年利率10%,贷款9000,每月付款100,求付款期数
    val_nper = np.nper(rate=0.10 / 12, pmt=-100, pv=9000)

    # irr:现金流[-100, 38, 48, 90, 17, 36],求内部收益率
    val_irr = np.irr(values=[-100, 38, 48, 90, 17, 36])
    print('现金流[-100, 38, 48, 90, 17, 36],内部收益率:\t{:.0f}%'.format(100 *

    # mirr:现金流[-100, 38, 48, 90, 17, 36],投资成本3%,现金再投资收益率3%,求修正内部收益率
    val_mirr = np.mirr(values=[-100, 38, 48, 90, 17, 36],
    print('现金流[-100, 38, 48, 90, 17, 36],投资成本3%,现金再投资收益率3%,求修正内部收益率:\t{:.0f}%'\
          .format(100 * val_mirr))

    # rate:贷款9000,每月付100,贷款167个月,求利率
    val_rate = 12 * np.rate(nper=167, pmt=-100, pv=9000, fv=0)
    print('贷款9000,每月付100,贷款167个月,利率:\t{:.0f}%'.format(100 * val_rate))

    # npv:随机在0-100之间取5个数作为现金流,利率3%,求净现值
    cashflows = np.random.randint(100, size=5)
    cashflows = np.insert(cashflows, 0, -100)
    print('Cashflows: {}'.format(cashflows))
    val_npv = np.npv(rate=0.03, values=cashflows)
Esempio n. 14
    def get_descriptor(self, data):

        contract_connection_model = ContractConnection(eth_conn, MODEL_ADDRESS, ABI_PATH)
        contract_model = contract_connection_model.contract.functions
        loan_data = data.get("loanData")

        descriptor = {}

        descriptor["first_obligation"] = "0"
        descriptor["total_obligation"] = "0"
        descriptor["duration"] = "0"
        descriptor["interest_rate"] = "0"
        descriptor["punitive_interest_rate"] = "0"
        descriptor["frequency"] = "0"
        descriptor["installments"] = "0"

        if loan_data:

            first_obligation_amount, first_obligation_time = contract_model.simFirstObligation(loan_data).call()
            total_obligation = contract_model.simTotalObligation(loan_data).call()
            duration = contract_model.simDuration(loan_data).call()

            descriptor["first_obligation"] = str(first_obligation_amount)
            descriptor["total_obligation"] = str(total_obligation)

            descriptor["duration"] = str(duration)
            descriptor["punitive_interest_rate"] = str(contract_model.simPunitiveInterestRate(loan_data).call())
            descriptor["frequency"] = str(contract_model.simFrequency(loan_data).call())
            descriptor["installments"] = str(contract_model.simInstallments(loan_data).call())

            periodic_rate = np.rate(

            annual_rate = float(periodic_rate) * (86400 * 360) / int(descriptor["frequency"])
            perc_rate = annual_rate * 100
            perc_rate_round = round(perc_rate, 2)

            descriptor["interest_rate"] = str(perc_rate_round)
        return descriptor
Esempio n. 15
    def annual_interest_rate(self, monthly_payment, requested_loan):
        The formula for calculating the annual interest rate is shown below.

        i = n*((r+1)**(p/n)-1)

        i = annual interest rate
        n = 1 for annual compound period
        p = number of payment periods per year
        r is the function call of np.rate

        annual_rate = float(
            ((np.rate(12 * self.years, -monthly_payment, requested_loan, 0) +
              1)**12 - 1) * 100)
        return annual_rate
Esempio n. 16
def hpbymonth(financeamount, flat_interest_perannum, tenor):
    intsallment = round(
        financeamount * (1 + flat_interest_perannum / 12 * tenor) / tenor, 6)
    eir_PerYr = np.rate(tenor, intsallment, -financeamount,
                        fv=0) * 12  # 0.1299999999
    for i in range(tenor + 1):
        if i == 0:
            accuprincpay = round(float(financeamount), 6)
            payschedule.append([i, 0, 0, 0, financeamount, eir_PerYr / 12])
            pp = np.ppmt(eir_PerYr / 12, i, tenor, -financeamount)
            ip = np.ipmt(eir_PerYr / 12, i, tenor, -financeamount)
            accuprincpay = round(accuprincpay - pp, 6)
                [i, pp, ip * 1, intsallment, accuprincpay, eir_PerYr / 12])
    return payschedule
Esempio n. 17
def rate(nper, pmt, pv, fv=0, when=0, guess=0.1, maxiter=100, *args, **kwargs):
    """ The interest rate needed to pay off the loan in full for a given period of time

    :param nper: Number of periods
    :param pmt: Amount paid per period
    :param pv: Present Value
    :param fv: Future Value, if not assigned 0 is assumed
    :param when: 0 or 1. When the payment is made (Default: the payment is made at the end of the period)
    :param guess: An assumption of what you think the rate should be
    :param maxiter: maximum number of iterations
    return np.rate(nper=float(nper),
Esempio n. 18
def generate_price_df(ticker, financialreportingdf, stockpricedf, discountrate,
    dfprice = pd.DataFrame(
        columns=['ticker', 'annualgrowthrate', 'lasteps', 'futureeps'])
    pd.options.display.float_format = '{:20,.2f}'.format

    # Find EPS Annual Compounded Growth Rate
    # annualgrowthrate =  financialreportingdf.epsgrowth.mean() #growth rate
    annualgrowthrate = np.rate(5, 0, -1 * financialreportingdf.eps.iloc[0],
    # Estimate stock price 10 years from now (Stock Price EPS * Average PE)

    # Non Conservative
    lasteps = financialreportingdf.eps.tail(1).values[0]  #presentvalue

    # conservative
    # lasteps = financialreportingdf.eps.mean()

    years = 10  #period
    futureeps = abs(np.fv(annualgrowthrate, years, 0, lasteps))
    dfprice.loc[0] = [ticker, annualgrowthrate, lasteps, futureeps]

    dfprice.set_index('ticker', inplace=True)

    dfprice['lastshareprice'] = stockpricedf.Close.tail(1).values[0]

    # Non conservative
    #dfprice['peratio'] = dfprice['lastshareprice']/dfprice['lasteps']

    dfprice['peratio'] = findMinimumEPS(stockpricedf, financialreportingdf)

    dfprice['futureshareprice'] = dfprice['futureeps'] * dfprice['peratio']

    dfprice['presentshareprice'] = abs(
        np.pv(discountrate, years, 0, fv=dfprice['futureshareprice']))
    dfprice['marginalizedprice'] = dfprice['presentshareprice'] * (1 -

    return dfprice
Esempio n. 19
 def should_refinance(self, new_interest, current_n, costs):
     Return wether or not a loan should be refinance based on:
     -new interest rate
     -current_n = time lapsed since loan origination 
     -cost = the total cost of originating a new lona (title insurance,etc)
     current_payment = self.payment
     current_interest = self.interest
     fv_after_current_n = np.fv(current_interest,current_n,-current_payment,\
     payment_after_refinancing = np.pmt(new_interest,
                                        self.maturity - current_n,
     payment_difference = -current_payment - payment_after_refinancing
     irr = np.rate(self.maturity - current_n, -payment_difference, -costs,
     if irr > new_interest:
         return True
         return False
Esempio n. 20
    def test_when(self):
        # begin
        assert_almost_equal(np.rate(10, 20, -3500, 10000, 1), np.rate(10, 20, -3500, 10000, "begin"), 4)
        # end
        assert_almost_equal(np.rate(10, 20, -3500, 10000), np.rate(10, 20, -3500, 10000, "end"), 4)
        assert_almost_equal(np.rate(10, 20, -3500, 10000, 0), np.rate(10, 20, -3500, 10000, "end"), 4)

        # begin
        assert_almost_equal(np.pv(0.07, 20, 12000, 0, 1), np.pv(0.07, 20, 12000, 0, "begin"), 2)
        # end
        assert_almost_equal(np.pv(0.07, 20, 12000, 0), np.pv(0.07, 20, 12000, 0, "end"), 2)
        assert_almost_equal(np.pv(0.07, 20, 12000, 0, 0), np.pv(0.07, 20, 12000, 0, "end"), 2)

        # begin
        assert_almost_equal(np.fv(0.075, 20, -2000, 0, 1), np.fv(0.075, 20, -2000, 0, "begin"), 4)
        # end
        assert_almost_equal(np.fv(0.075, 20, -2000, 0), np.fv(0.075, 20, -2000, 0, "end"), 4)
        assert_almost_equal(np.fv(0.075, 20, -2000, 0, 0), np.fv(0.075, 20, -2000, 0, "end"), 4)

        # begin
        assert_almost_equal(np.pmt(0.08 / 12, 5 * 12, 15000.0, 0, 1), np.pmt(0.08 / 12, 5 * 12, 15000.0, 0, "begin"), 4)
        # end
        assert_almost_equal(np.pmt(0.08 / 12, 5 * 12, 15000.0, 0), np.pmt(0.08 / 12, 5 * 12, 15000.0, 0, "end"), 4)
        assert_almost_equal(np.pmt(0.08 / 12, 5 * 12, 15000.0, 0, 0), np.pmt(0.08 / 12, 5 * 12, 15000.0, 0, "end"), 4)

        # begin
        assert_almost_equal(np.ppmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 60, 55000, 0, 1), np.ppmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 60, 55000, 0, "begin"), 4)
        # end
        assert_almost_equal(np.ppmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 60, 55000, 0), np.ppmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 60, 55000, 0, "end"), 4)
        assert_almost_equal(np.ppmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 60, 55000, 0, 0), np.ppmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 60, 55000, 0, "end"), 4)

        # begin
        assert_almost_equal(np.ipmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 24, 2000, 0, 1), np.ipmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 24, 2000, 0, "begin"), 4)
        # end
        assert_almost_equal(np.ipmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 24, 2000, 0), np.ipmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 24, 2000, 0, "end"), 4)
        assert_almost_equal(np.ipmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 24, 2000, 0, 0), np.ipmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 24, 2000, 0, "end"), 4)

        # begin
        assert_almost_equal(np.nper(0.075, -2000, 0, 100000.0, 1), np.nper(0.075, -2000, 0, 100000.0, "begin"), 4)
        # end
        assert_almost_equal(np.nper(0.075, -2000, 0, 100000.0), np.nper(0.075, -2000, 0, 100000.0, "end"), 4)
        assert_almost_equal(np.nper(0.075, -2000, 0, 100000.0, 0), np.nper(0.075, -2000, 0, 100000.0, "end"), 4)
Esempio n. 21
# 净现值 = np.npv(利率, 现金流)
# 将1000元以1%的年利率存入银行5年,每年加存100元,
# 相当于一次性存入多少钱?
npv = np.npv(0.01, [-1000, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100])
print(round(npv, 2))
fv = np.fv(0.01, 5, 0, npv)
print(round(fv, 2))
# 内部收益率 = np.irr(现金流)
# 将1000元存入银行5年,以后逐年提现100元、200元、
# 300元、400元、500元,银行利率达到多少,可在最后
# 一次提现后偿清全部本息,即净现值为0元?
irr = np.irr([-1000, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500])
print(round(irr, 2))
npv = np.npv(irr, [-1000, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500])
# 每期支付 = np.pmt(利率, 期数, 现值)
# 以1%的年利率从银行贷款1000元,分5年还清,
# 平均每年还多少钱?
pmt = np.pmt(0.01, 5, 1000)
print(round(pmt, 2))
# 期数 = np.nper(利率, 每期支付, 现值)
# 以1%的年利率从银行贷款1000元,平均每年还pmt元,
# 多少年还清?
nper = np.nper(0.01, pmt, 1000)
# 利率 = np.rate(期数, 每期支付, 现值, 终值)
# 从银行贷款1000元,平均每年还pmt元,nper年还清,
# 年利率多少?
rate = np.rate(nper, pmt, 1000, 0)
print(round(rate, 2))
Esempio n. 22
 def test_rate(self):    
     assert_almost_equal(np.rate(12,-100,1000,100,1,.01), 0.01996455, 3)
Esempio n. 23
def tvmm(pval=None, fval=None, pmt=None, nrate=None, nper=None, due=0, pyr=1, noprint=True):
    """Computes the missing argument (set to ``None``) in a model relating the
    present value, the future value, the periodic payment, the number of
    compounding periods and the nominal interest rate in a cashflow.

        pval (float, list): Present value.
        fval (float, list): Future value.
        pmt (float, list): Periodic payment.
        nrate (float, list): Nominal interest rate per year.
        nper (int, list): Number of compounding periods.
        due (int): When payments are due.
        pyr (int, list): number of periods per year.
        noprint (bool): prints enhanced output

        Argument set to None in the function call.


    The ``tvmmm`` function computes and returns the missing value (``pmt``, ``fval``,
    ``pval``, ``nper``, ``nrate``) in a model relating a finite sequence  of payments
    made at the beginning or at the end of each period, a present value, a future value,
    and a nominal interest rate. The time intervals between consecutive payments are
    assumed to be equal. For internal computations, the effective interest rate per
    period is calculated as ``nrate / pyr``.


    This example shows how to find different values for a loan of 5000, with a
    monthly payment of 130 at the end of the month, a life of 48 periods, and a
    interest rate of 0.94 per month (equivalent to a nominal interest
    rate of 11.32%). For a loan, the future value is 0.

    * Monthly payments: Note that the parameter ``pmt`` is set to ``None``.

    >>> tvmm(pval=5000, nrate=11.32, nper=48, fval=0, pyr=12) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    When the parameter ``noprint`` is set to ``False``, a user friendly table with
    the data computed by the function is print.

    >>> tvmm(pval=5000, nrate=11.32, nper=48, fval=0, pyr=12, noprint=False) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    Present Value: .......  5000.00
    Future Value: ........     0.00
    Payment: .............  -130.01
    Due: .................      END
    No. of Periods: ......    48.00
    Compoundings per Year:    12
    Nominal Rate: .......     11.32
    Effective Rate: .....     11.93
    Periodic Rate: ......      0.94

    * Future value:

    >>> tvmm(pval=5000, nrate=11.32, nper=48, pmt=pmt, fval=None, pyr=12) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    * Present value:

    >>> tvmm(nrate=11.32, nper=48, pmt=pmt, fval = 0.0, pval=None, pyr=12) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    All the arguments support lists as inputs. When a argument is a list and the
    ``noprint`` is set to ``False``, a table with the data is print.

    >>> tvmm(pval=[5, 500, 5], nrate=11.32, nper=48, fval=0, pyr=12, noprint=False) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    #   pval   fval    pmt   nper  nrate  erate  prate due
    0   5.00   0.00  -0.13  48.00  11.32  11.93   0.94 END
    1 500.00   0.00  -0.13  48.00  11.32  11.93   0.94 END
    2   5.00   0.00  -0.13  48.00  11.32  11.93   0.94 END

    * Interest rate:

    >>> tvmm(pval=5000, nper=48, pmt=pmt, fval = 0.0, pyr=12) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    * Number of periods:

    >>> tvmm(pval=5000, nrate=11.32/12, pmt=pmt, fval=0.0) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS


    #pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
    #pylint: disable=too-many-branches

    numnone = 0
    numnone += 1 if pval is None else 0
    numnone += 1 if fval is None else 0
    numnone += 1 if nper is None else 0
    numnone += 1 if pmt is None else 0
    numnone += 1 if nrate is None else 0

    if numnone > 1:
        raise ValueError('One of the params must be set to None')

    if numnone == 0:
        pmt = None

    if pmt == 0.0:
        pmt = 0.0000001

    nrate = numpy.array(nrate)

    if pval is None:
        result = numpy.pv(rate=nrate/100/pyr, nper=nper, fv=fval, pmt=pmt, when=due)
    elif fval is None:
        result = numpy.fv(rate=nrate/100/pyr, nper=nper, pv=pval, pmt=pmt, when=due)
    elif nper is None:
        result = numpy.nper(rate=nrate/100/pyr, pv=pval, fv=fval, pmt=pmt, when=due)
    elif pmt is None:
        result = numpy.pmt(rate=nrate/100/pyr, nper=nper, pv=pval, fv=fval, when=due)
        result = numpy.rate(pv=pval, nper=nper, fv=fval, pmt=pmt, when=due) * 100 * pyr

    if noprint is True:
        if isinstance(result, numpy.ndarray):
            return result.tolist()
        return result

    nrate = nrate.tolist()

    if pval is None:
        pval = result
    elif fval is None:
        fval = result
    elif nper is None:
        nper = result
    elif pmt is None:
        pmt = result
        nrate = result

    params = _vars2list([pval, fval, nper, pmt, nrate])
    pval = params[0]
    fval = params[1]
    nper = params[2]
    pmt = params[3]
    nrate = params[4]

    # raise ValueError(nrate.__repr__())

    erate, prate = iconv(nrate=nrate, pyr=pyr)

    if len(pval) == 1:
        if pval is not None:
            print('Present Value: ....... {:8.2f}'.format(pval[0]))
        if fval is not None:
            print('Future Value: ........ {:8.2f}'.format(fval[0]))
        if pmt is not None:
            print('Payment: ............. {:8.2f}'.format(pmt[0]))
        if due is not None:
            print('Due: .................      {:s}'.format('END' if due == 0 else 'BEG'))
        print('No. of Periods: ...... {:8.2f}'.format(nper[0]))
        print('Compoundings per Year: {:>5d}'.format(pyr))
        print('Nominal Rate: .......  {:8.2f}'.format(nrate[0]))
        print('Effective Rate: .....  {:8.2f}'.format(erate))
        print('Periodic Rate: ......  {:8.2f}'.format(prate))

        if due == 0:
            sdue = 'END'
            txtpmt = []
            for item, _ in enumerate(pval):
            sdue = 'BEG'
            txtpmt = []
            for item, _ in enumerate(pval):

        maxlen = 5
        for value1, value2, value3, value4 in zip(pval, fval, txtpmt, nper):
            maxlen = max(maxlen, len('{:1.2f}'.format(value1)))
            maxlen = max(maxlen, len('{:1.2f}'.format(value2)))
            maxlen = max(maxlen, len('{:1.2f}'.format(value3)))
            maxlen = max(maxlen, len('{:1.2f}'.format(value4)))

        len_aux = len('{:d}'.format(len(pval)))

        fmt_num = ' {:' + '{:d}'.format(maxlen) + '.2f}'
        fmt_num = '{:<' + '{:d}'.format(len_aux) +  'd}' + fmt_num * 7 + ' {:3s}'
        # fmt_shr = '{:' + '{:d}'.format(len_aux) + 's}'
        fmt_hdr = ' {:>' + '{:d}'.format(maxlen) + 's}'
        fmt_hdr = '{:' + '{:d}'.format(len_aux) + 's}' + fmt_hdr * 7 + ' due'

        txt = fmt_hdr.format('#', 'pval', 'fval', 'pmt', 'nper', 'nrate', 'erate', 'prate')
        print('-' * len_aux + '-' * maxlen * 7 + '-' * 7 + '----')
        for item, _ in enumerate(pval):
Esempio n. 24
print "Present value",np.pv(0.03/4,5*4,-10,1376.09633204)
cashflows = np.random.randint(100,size=5)
cashflows = np.insert(cashflows,0,-100)
print "Cashflows",cashflows
print "Net present value",np.npv(0.03,cashflows)
print u"内部收益率"
print "Internal rate of return",np.irr([-100, 38, 48,90 ,17,36])

print u"分期付款"
print "Payment",np.pmt(0.10/12,12*30,100000)
print "Number of payments", np.nper(0.10/12,-100,9000)
print "Interest rate",12*np.rate(167,-100,9000,0)

print u"窗函数"
window = np.bartlett(42)
print "bartlett",window
window = np.blackman(10)
print "blackman",window
# hamming函数返回汉明窗。该函数唯一的参数为输出点的数量。如果数量为0或
# 小于0,则返回一个空数组。
window = np.hamming(42)
print "hamming",window
# kaiser函数返回凯泽窗。该函数的第一个参
# 数为输出点的数量。如果数量为0或小于0,则返回一个空数组。第二个参数为β值。
Esempio n. 25
 def test_rate(self):
     assert_almost_equal(np.rate(48,-50,2000,50,0,0),0.0080529819239056, 16)
Esempio n. 26
    def test_when(self):
        # begin
        assert_equal(np.rate(10, 20, -3500, 10000, 1),
                     np.rate(10, 20, -3500, 10000, 'begin'))
        # end
        assert_equal(np.rate(10, 20, -3500, 10000),
                     np.rate(10, 20, -3500, 10000, 'end'))
        assert_equal(np.rate(10, 20, -3500, 10000, 0),
                     np.rate(10, 20, -3500, 10000, 'end'))

        # begin
        assert_equal(np.pv(0.07, 20, 12000, 0, 1),
                     np.pv(0.07, 20, 12000, 0, 'begin'))
        # end
        assert_equal(np.pv(0.07, 20, 12000, 0),
                     np.pv(0.07, 20, 12000, 0, 'end'))
        assert_equal(np.pv(0.07, 20, 12000, 0, 0),
                     np.pv(0.07, 20, 12000, 0, 'end'))

        # begin
        assert_equal(np.fv(0.075, 20, -2000, 0, 1),
                     np.fv(0.075, 20, -2000, 0, 'begin'))
        # end
        assert_equal(np.fv(0.075, 20, -2000, 0),
                     np.fv(0.075, 20, -2000, 0, 'end'))
        assert_equal(np.fv(0.075, 20, -2000, 0, 0),
                     np.fv(0.075, 20, -2000, 0, 'end'))

        # begin
        assert_equal(np.pmt(0.08 / 12, 5 * 12, 15000., 0, 1),
                     np.pmt(0.08 / 12, 5 * 12, 15000., 0, 'begin'))
        # end
        assert_equal(np.pmt(0.08 / 12, 5 * 12, 15000., 0),
                     np.pmt(0.08 / 12, 5 * 12, 15000., 0, 'end'))
        assert_equal(np.pmt(0.08 / 12, 5 * 12, 15000., 0, 0),
                     np.pmt(0.08 / 12, 5 * 12, 15000., 0, 'end'))

        # begin
        assert_equal(np.ppmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 60, 55000, 0, 1),
                     np.ppmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 60, 55000, 0, 'begin'))
        # end
        assert_equal(np.ppmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 60, 55000, 0),
                     np.ppmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 60, 55000, 0, 'end'))
        assert_equal(np.ppmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 60, 55000, 0, 0),
                     np.ppmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 60, 55000, 0, 'end'))

        # begin
        assert_equal(np.ipmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 24, 2000, 0, 1),
                     np.ipmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 24, 2000, 0, 'begin'))
        # end
        assert_equal(np.ipmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 24, 2000, 0),
                     np.ipmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 24, 2000, 0, 'end'))
        assert_equal(np.ipmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 24, 2000, 0, 0),
                     np.ipmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 24, 2000, 0, 'end'))

        # begin
        assert_equal(np.nper(0.075, -2000, 0, 100000., 1),
                     np.nper(0.075, -2000, 0, 100000., 'begin'))
        # end
        assert_equal(np.nper(0.075, -2000, 0, 100000.),
                     np.nper(0.075, -2000, 0, 100000., 'end'))
        assert_equal(np.nper(0.075, -2000, 0, 100000., 0),
                     np.nper(0.075, -2000, 0, 100000., 'end'))
 def test_rate(self):
                         0.1107, 4)
Esempio n. 28
 def test_rate(self):
     # Note Gnumeric truncates Nper is it is not an integer
     # OO Does not truncate and uses the fractional part in the calculation
     # OO behavior
     assert_almost_equal(np.rate(12.9,-100,1000, 0),.0388, 4)
Esempio n. 29
def calc_yield(nper, pmt, pv, fv):
    return np.rate(nper, pmt, pv, fv)
Esempio n. 30
 def calcYTM(self):
     self.ytm = 2*np.rate(2*self.mat, 0.5*self.par*, -1*, self.par)
     print "Bond's YTM = %0.2f%%" % (self.ytm*100)
Esempio n. 31
 def test_rate(self):
     # Gnumeric behavior
     assert_almost_equal(np.rate(12.9,-100,1000, 0),.0292, 4)
Esempio n. 32
    def test_decimal_with_when(self):
        """POJO.Test that decimals are still supported if the when argument is passed"""
        # begin
            np.rate(Decimal('10'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('-3500'),
                    Decimal('10000'), Decimal('1')),
            np.rate(Decimal('10'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('-3500'),
                    Decimal('10000'), 'begin'))
        # end
            np.rate(Decimal('10'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('-3500'),
            np.rate(Decimal('10'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('-3500'),
                    Decimal('10000'), 'end'))
            np.rate(Decimal('10'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('-3500'),
                    Decimal('10000'), Decimal('0')),
            np.rate(Decimal('10'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('-3500'),
                    Decimal('10000'), 'end'))

        # begin
            np.pv(Decimal('0.07'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('12000'),
                  Decimal('0'), Decimal('1')),
            np.pv(Decimal('0.07'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('12000'),
                  Decimal('0'), 'begin'))
        # end
            np.pv(Decimal('0.07'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('12000'),
            np.pv(Decimal('0.07'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('12000'),
                  Decimal('0'), 'end'))
            np.pv(Decimal('0.07'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('12000'),
                  Decimal('0'), Decimal('0')),
            np.pv(Decimal('0.07'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('12000'),
                  Decimal('0'), 'end'))

        # begin
            np.fv(Decimal('0.075'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('-2000'),
                  Decimal('0'), Decimal('1')),
            np.fv(Decimal('0.075'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('-2000'),
                  Decimal('0'), 'begin'))
        # end
            np.fv(Decimal('0.075'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('-2000'),
            np.fv(Decimal('0.075'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('-2000'),
                  Decimal('0'), 'end'))
            np.fv(Decimal('0.075'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('-2000'),
                  Decimal('0'), Decimal('0')),
            np.fv(Decimal('0.075'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('-2000'),
                  Decimal('0'), 'end'))

        # begin
                Decimal('0.08') / Decimal('12'),
                Decimal('5') * Decimal('12'), Decimal('15000.'), Decimal('0'),
                Decimal('0.08') / Decimal('12'),
                Decimal('5') * Decimal('12'), Decimal('15000.'), Decimal('0'),
        # end
                Decimal('0.08') / Decimal('12'),
                Decimal('5') * Decimal('12'), Decimal('15000.'), Decimal('0')),
                Decimal('0.08') / Decimal('12'),
                Decimal('5') * Decimal('12'), Decimal('15000.'), Decimal('0'),
                Decimal('0.08') / Decimal('12'),
                Decimal('5') * Decimal('12'), Decimal('15000.'), Decimal('0'),
                Decimal('0.08') / Decimal('12'),
                Decimal('5') * Decimal('12'), Decimal('15000.'), Decimal('0'),

        # begin
                Decimal('0.1') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('1'), Decimal('60'),
                Decimal('55000'), Decimal('0'), Decimal('1')),
                Decimal('0.1') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('1'), Decimal('60'),
                Decimal('55000'), Decimal('0'), 'begin'))
        # end
                Decimal('0.1') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('1'), Decimal('60'),
                Decimal('55000'), Decimal('0')),
                Decimal('0.1') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('1'), Decimal('60'),
                Decimal('55000'), Decimal('0'), 'end'))
                Decimal('0.1') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('1'), Decimal('60'),
                Decimal('55000'), Decimal('0'), Decimal('0')),
                Decimal('0.1') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('1'), Decimal('60'),
                Decimal('55000'), Decimal('0'), 'end'))

        # begin
                Decimal('0.1') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('1'), Decimal('24'),
                Decimal('2000'), Decimal('0'), Decimal('1')).flat[0],
                Decimal('0.1') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('1'), Decimal('24'),
                Decimal('2000'), Decimal('0'), 'begin').flat[0])
        # end
                Decimal('0.1') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('1'), Decimal('24'),
                Decimal('2000'), Decimal('0')).flat[0],
                Decimal('0.1') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('1'), Decimal('24'),
                Decimal('2000'), Decimal('0'), 'end').flat[0])
                Decimal('0.1') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('1'), Decimal('24'),
                Decimal('2000'), Decimal('0'), Decimal('0')).flat[0],
                Decimal('0.1') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('1'), Decimal('24'),
                Decimal('2000'), Decimal('0'), 'end').flat[0])
Esempio n. 33
 def test_rate_decimal(self):
     rate = np.rate(Decimal('10'), Decimal('0'), Decimal('-3500'),
     assert_equal(Decimal('0.1106908537142689284704528100'), rate)
 * intressimäära ühe perioodi kohta.

Parameetrite tüübid on:
 * nper : skalaar või järjend
   Perioodide arv
 * pmt : skalaar või järjend
   Makse suurus
 * fv : skalaar või järjend, valikuline
 * pv : skalaar või järjend, valikuline
 * when : string 'begin' või 'end', valikultine
   Millal makse sooritama peab (alguses või lõpus)

Näide 4
Millise aastase intressimäära juures koguneb 10 aasta jooksul 15000€, kui
me hoiustame iga kuu 100€?

print("\nNäide 4\n-------\n")

PERIOD = 10*12  # 10 aastat igakuise maksega
PAYMENT = -100  # maksame 100€ kuus, '-' tähendab raha väljavoolu
PV = 0  # laenu suurus
FV = 15000

rate = np.rate(PERIOD, PAYMENT, PV, FV)
print("{0}€ kogunemiseks peab aastane intressimäär olema {1:.2f}%."
      .format(FV, 100*12*rate))
Esempio n. 35
    def test_rate(self):
#        +- .001
#        assert_almost_equal(np.rate(12,-100,1000),0.0292285,3)
#       needs 4 values default should assume fv = 0
        assert_almost_equal(np.rate(12,-100,1000,100),0.01623133, 3)
Esempio n. 36
def get_LoanInfo(loan_number):
  #loan_number = '1213498'
  server = '\\alpha' 
  database = 'test_yang' 
  username = '******' 
  password = '******' 
  cnxn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};SERVER='+server+';DATABASE='+database+';UID='+username+';PWD='+ password)
  query = """  
    select LoanNum, FstNm, LstNm, IntRate, FICOScore, HmSt, LoanAmt,b.savings,a.AmortTerm
    from  REPORTS_LS_DM.dbo.Secondary as a 
	inner join [lsprodreports].Reports.dbo.vw_Loan_Info as b 
	on a.loanNum = b.loan_number
    where LoanNum = 'aaaaaaaa'
	and b.loan_number = 'aaaaaaaa'
  query = query.replace('aaaaaaaa',loan_number)  

  queryResult = sql.read_sql(query, cnxn)
  queryResult.loc[len(queryResult)] = ["LoanNum","FstNm","LstNm","IntRate","Fico","State","Amt","savings","Term"]
  if len(queryResult) > 1 :    
    principal = queryResult["LoanAmt"][0]
    interest_rate  = queryResult["IntRate"][0]/100  
    term = queryResult["AmortTerm"][0]
    per = np.arange(term) + 1
    ipmt = np.ipmt(interest_rate/12, per, term, principal)
    ppmt = np.ppmt(interest_rate/12, per, term, principal)
    pmt = np.pmt(interest_rate/12, term, principal)
    saving = queryResult["savings"][0] 
    PrepaymentStartYear = 3
    principal1 = principal 
    ipmt1 = []
    ppmt1 = []
    pmt1 = []
    lastPaymentMonth = 0 
    for payment in per:
         index = payment - 1
         if payment> PrepaymentStartYear * 12:
             total_pay = -pmt + saving
             InterestPayment = principal1 * interest_rate /12 
             total_pay = -pmt
             InterestPayment = principal1 * interest_rate /12        
         if total_pay>=principal1: 
             total_pay = principal1 + InterestPayment
             if lastPaymentMonth==0:  lastPaymentMonth = payment
         PrincipalPayment = total_pay - InterestPayment 
         principal1 = principal1 -  PrincipalPayment
         ipmt1 = np.append(ipmt1,InterestPayment)
         ppmt1 = np.append(ppmt1,PrincipalPayment)
         pmt1 = np.append(pmt1,total_pay)
    total_int_saved ="$"+ str( round(ipmt.sum() *-1 - ipmt1.sum() ,0)).replace(".0","")
    erate1 = str(round(np.rate (lastPaymentMonth,(principal + ipmt1.sum())/lastPaymentMonth, -principal,0    )*12*100 , 2))
    erate2 = str(round(np.rate (term,(principal + ipmt1.sum())/30/12, -principal,0    )*12*100,2))
    lastPaymentYear = str(round(lastPaymentMonth/12,1))
    lastPaymentMonth = str(lastPaymentMonth)
    return queryResult,total_int_saved,erate1,erate2,lastPaymentYear,lastPaymentMonth
    return queryResult, '0.0','0.0','0.0','1900','01'
Esempio n. 37
 def test_rate_decimal(self):
     rate = np.rate(Decimal('10'), Decimal('0'), Decimal('-3500'), Decimal('10000'))
     assert_equal(Decimal('0.1106908537142689284704528100'), rate)
def single_rate(pv, n, rate, fv, pmt):
    np.rate(n, pmt, pv, fv, when = 'end')
Esempio n. 39
    def test_decimal_with_when(self):
        """Test that decimals are still supported if the when argument is passed"""
        # begin
        assert_equal(np.rate(Decimal('10'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('-3500'), Decimal('10000'), Decimal('1')),
                     np.rate(Decimal('10'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('-3500'), Decimal('10000'), 'begin'))
        # end
        assert_equal(np.rate(Decimal('10'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('-3500'), Decimal('10000')),
                     np.rate(Decimal('10'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('-3500'), Decimal('10000'), 'end'))
        assert_equal(np.rate(Decimal('10'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('-3500'), Decimal('10000'), Decimal('0')),
                     np.rate(Decimal('10'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('-3500'), Decimal('10000'), 'end'))

        # begin
        assert_equal(np.pv(Decimal('0.07'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('12000'), Decimal('0'), Decimal('1')),
                     np.pv(Decimal('0.07'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('12000'), Decimal('0'), 'begin'))
        # end
        assert_equal(np.pv(Decimal('0.07'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('12000'), Decimal('0')),
                     np.pv(Decimal('0.07'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('12000'), Decimal('0'), 'end'))
        assert_equal(np.pv(Decimal('0.07'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('12000'), Decimal('0'), Decimal('0')),
                     np.pv(Decimal('0.07'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('12000'), Decimal('0'), 'end'))

        # begin
        assert_equal(np.fv(Decimal('0.075'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('-2000'), Decimal('0'), Decimal('1')),
                     np.fv(Decimal('0.075'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('-2000'), Decimal('0'), 'begin'))
        # end
        assert_equal(np.fv(Decimal('0.075'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('-2000'), Decimal('0')),
                     np.fv(Decimal('0.075'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('-2000'), Decimal('0'), 'end'))
        assert_equal(np.fv(Decimal('0.075'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('-2000'), Decimal('0'), Decimal('0')),
                     np.fv(Decimal('0.075'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('-2000'), Decimal('0'), 'end'))

        # begin
        assert_equal(np.pmt(Decimal('0.08') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('5') * Decimal('12'), Decimal('15000.'),
                            Decimal('0'), Decimal('1')),
                     np.pmt(Decimal('0.08') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('5') * Decimal('12'), Decimal('15000.'),
                            Decimal('0'), 'begin'))
        # end
        assert_equal(np.pmt(Decimal('0.08') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('5') * Decimal('12'), Decimal('15000.'),
                     np.pmt(Decimal('0.08') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('5') * Decimal('12'), Decimal('15000.'),
                            Decimal('0'), 'end'))
        assert_equal(np.pmt(Decimal('0.08') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('5') * Decimal('12'), Decimal('15000.'),
                            Decimal('0'), Decimal('0')),
                     np.pmt(Decimal('0.08') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('5') * Decimal('12'), Decimal('15000.'),
                            Decimal('0'), 'end'))

        # begin
        assert_equal(np.ppmt(Decimal('0.1') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('1'), Decimal('60'), Decimal('55000'),
                             Decimal('0'), Decimal('1')),
                     np.ppmt(Decimal('0.1') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('1'), Decimal('60'), Decimal('55000'),
                             Decimal('0'), 'begin'))
        # end
        assert_equal(np.ppmt(Decimal('0.1') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('1'), Decimal('60'), Decimal('55000'),
                     np.ppmt(Decimal('0.1') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('1'), Decimal('60'), Decimal('55000'),
                             Decimal('0'), 'end'))
        assert_equal(np.ppmt(Decimal('0.1') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('1'), Decimal('60'), Decimal('55000'),
                             Decimal('0'), Decimal('0')),
                     np.ppmt(Decimal('0.1') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('1'), Decimal('60'), Decimal('55000'),
                             Decimal('0'), 'end'))

        # begin
        assert_equal(np.ipmt(Decimal('0.1') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('1'), Decimal('24'), Decimal('2000'),
                             Decimal('0'), Decimal('1')).flat[0],
                     np.ipmt(Decimal('0.1') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('1'), Decimal('24'), Decimal('2000'),
                             Decimal('0'), 'begin').flat[0])
        # end
        assert_equal(np.ipmt(Decimal('0.1') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('1'), Decimal('24'), Decimal('2000'),
                     np.ipmt(Decimal('0.1') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('1'), Decimal('24'), Decimal('2000'),
                             Decimal('0'), 'end').flat[0])
        assert_equal(np.ipmt(Decimal('0.1') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('1'), Decimal('24'), Decimal('2000'),
                             Decimal('0'), Decimal('0')).flat[0],
                     np.ipmt(Decimal('0.1') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('1'), Decimal('24'), Decimal('2000'),
                             Decimal('0'), 'end').flat[0])
Esempio n. 40
    def test_when(self):
        assert_almost_equal(np.rate(10, 20, -3500, 10000, 1),
                            np.rate(10, 20, -3500, 10000, 'begin'), 4)
        assert_almost_equal(np.rate(10, 20, -3500, 10000),
                            np.rate(10, 20, -3500, 10000, 'end'), 4)
        assert_almost_equal(np.rate(10, 20, -3500, 10000, 0),
                            np.rate(10, 20, -3500, 10000, 'end'), 4)

        # begin
        assert_almost_equal(np.pv(0.07, 20, 12000, 0, 1),
                            np.pv(0.07, 20, 12000, 0, 'begin'), 2)
        # end
        assert_almost_equal(np.pv(0.07, 20, 12000, 0),
                            np.pv(0.07, 20, 12000, 0, 'end'), 2)
        assert_almost_equal(np.pv(0.07, 20, 12000, 0, 0),
                            np.pv(0.07, 20, 12000, 0, 'end'), 2)

        # begin
        assert_almost_equal(np.fv(0.075, 20, -2000, 0, 1),
                            np.fv(0.075, 20, -2000, 0, 'begin'), 4)
        # end
        assert_almost_equal(np.fv(0.075, 20, -2000, 0),
                            np.fv(0.075, 20, -2000, 0, 'end'), 4)
        assert_almost_equal(np.fv(0.075, 20, -2000, 0, 0),
                            np.fv(0.075, 20, -2000, 0, 'end'), 4)

        # begin
        assert_almost_equal(np.pmt(0.08 / 12, 5 * 12, 15000., 0, 1),
                            np.pmt(0.08 / 12, 5 * 12, 15000., 0, 'begin'), 4)
        # end
        assert_almost_equal(np.pmt(0.08 / 12, 5 * 12, 15000., 0),
                            np.pmt(0.08 / 12, 5 * 12, 15000., 0, 'end'), 4)
        assert_almost_equal(np.pmt(0.08 / 12, 5 * 12, 15000., 0, 0),
                            np.pmt(0.08 / 12, 5 * 12, 15000., 0, 'end'), 4)

        # begin
        assert_almost_equal(np.ppmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 60, 55000, 0, 1),
                            np.ppmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 60, 55000, 0, 'begin'), 4)
        # end
        assert_almost_equal(np.ppmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 60, 55000, 0),
                            np.ppmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 60, 55000, 0, 'end'), 4)
        assert_almost_equal(np.ppmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 60, 55000, 0, 0),
                            np.ppmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 60, 55000, 0, 'end'), 4)

        # begin
        assert_almost_equal(np.ipmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 24, 2000, 0, 1),
                            np.ipmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 24, 2000, 0, 'begin'), 4)
        # end
        assert_almost_equal(np.ipmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 24, 2000, 0),
                            np.ipmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 24, 2000, 0, 'end'), 4)
        assert_almost_equal(np.ipmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 24, 2000, 0, 0),
                            np.ipmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 24, 2000, 0, 'end'), 4)

        # begin
        assert_almost_equal(np.nper(0.075, -2000, 0, 100000., 1),
                            np.nper(0.075, -2000, 0, 100000., 'begin'), 4)
        # end
        assert_almost_equal(np.nper(0.075, -2000, 0, 100000.),
                            np.nper(0.075, -2000, 0, 100000., 'end'), 4)
        assert_almost_equal(np.nper(0.075, -2000, 0, 100000., 0),
                            np.nper(0.075, -2000, 0, 100000., 'end'), 4)
Esempio n. 41
 def test_rate(self):
     assert_almost_equal(np.rate(10, 0, -3500, 10000), 0.1107, 4)
Esempio n. 42
import numpy

rate = [1, 2, 3]
per = 1
pmt = [1, 2]
nper = [1, 2, 2]
pv = [1, 2, 4]
fv = [1, 2, 4]

numpy.rate(nper, pmt, pv, fv, when='end', guess=0.1, tol=1e-06, maxiter=100)
Esempio n. 43
print("Question 3:")
print(round(FixedIncome.fv(rate=.04 / 12, nper=120, pv=1000000, pmt=14000), 2))

print("Question 4:")
print(round(FixedIncome.pvp(rate=.0300, pmt=10, growth=.1200), 2))

print("Question 5:")
pmt = 1000
pv = 0
i = 1
while (i <= 30):
    discount = 1 / ((1 + .0350)**i)
    if (i == 1):
        pv += pmt * discount
    elif (i <= 5):
        pmt = pmt * 1.1
        pv += pmt * discount
        pv += pmt * discount
    i += 1
print(round(pv, 2))

print("Question 6:")
fv_ann = FixedIncome.pv(rate=.0300, nper=25, pmt=10000, fv=0)
pv_ann = FixedIncome.pv(rate=.0300, nper=20, pmt=0, fv=fv_ann)
print(round(pv_ann, 2))

print("Question 7:")
print(2 * np.rate(nper=40, pmt=30, pv=-893.22, fv=1000))
# print(2*FixedIncome.rate(nper=40, pmt=30, present_value=-893.22, future_value=1000))
@author: ESAccount24

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat Sep 26 11:34:21 2015

@author: ESAccount24
#financial institutions
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as sp
def myfnc(x):
    return np.pv(x,2,0,125.44)+100.0
print futval
print prval

print nperiods

print intrate


#find interest rate that satisfies euqation connecting pv, fv, and nper
print sp.fsolve(myfnc,initialRateGuess)