Esempio n. 1
def get_oti(C1, C2, do_plot = False):
    Compute the optimal transposition index between two chroma

    C1: ndarray(12, M)
        First chromagram
    C2: ndarray(12, N)
        Second chromagram
    int: The optimal shift bringing C1 into alignment with C2
    # Average all chroma window into one representative chroma window
    # for each tune
    gC1 = np.mean(C1, axis=1)
    gC2 = np.mean(C2, axis=1)
    corr = np.zeros(len(gC1))
    ## TODO: Fill this in.  Make corr[i] the distance between gC1
    ## circularly shifted by i and gC2, for all i between 0 and 11
    dist = []
    for i in range(0, 11):
        shift_gC1 = np.roll(gC1, i)
        corr[i] = np.root((gC2[i]-gC1[i])**2)
    if do_plot:
        plt.xlabel("Halfstep Shift of First Version")
        plt.ylabel("Global Distance")
        plt.title("Global Transposition Scores")
    return np.argmin(corr)
Esempio n. 2
def root(dtype='uint8'):
    # @TODO: complete

    dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
    if dtype not in (np.uint8, np.uint16):
        raise ValueError('invalid dtype "%s" (uint8 or uint16 expected)' %
    nmax = 2 ** (8 * dtype.itemsize)
    vmax = nmax - 1

    lut = np.arange(nmax, 'float64')
    lut = vmax * np.root(lut / vmax)
    lut.clip(0, vmax)

    return lut.astype(dtype)
Esempio n. 3
def root(dtype='uint8'):
    # @TODO: complete

    dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
    if dtype not in (np.uint8, np.uint16):
        raise ValueError('invalid dtype "%s" (uint8 or uint16 expected)' %
    nmax = 2**(8 * dtype.itemsize)
    vmax = nmax - 1

    lut = np.arange(nmax, 'float64')
    lut = vmax * np.root(lut / vmax)
    lut.clip(0, vmax)

    return lut.astype(dtype)
Esempio n. 4
def transfer_matrix(n, z, d, f):
    c = 3e8
    e0 = (10**7) / (4 * pi * c**2)
    m0 = 4 * pi * 10**(-7)
    z0 = root(m0 / e0)
    d = d * 1e-6
    w = 2 * pi * f * 1e12
    k0 = w / c

    k = div(mul(w, n), c)

    M12_TE = 0.5 * 1j * mul((z - div(1, z + 1e-5)), (sin(mul(k, d))))
    M22_TE = cos(mul(k, d)) - 0.5 * 1j * mul((z + div(1, z + 1e-5)),
                                             (sin(mul(k, d))))

    r = div(M12_TE, M22_TE + 1e-5)
    t = div(1, M22_TE + 1e-5)

    return r, t
print val
print vec
#inverse of a matrix
print b
# :: singular value decomposition(similar to diagonalisation of non square matrix)
print U
print s
print Vh

print n.poly([-1,1,0,9,8])#returns the polynomial coefficient(in highest power of x to constant value fashion) with roots paased to the function
print n.root([-1,1,0,9,8]) #returns hte roots of polynomial coefficient of which is passed
#integrating polynomials
print n.polyint([1,1,1,1,1])
#derivative of polynomials
print n.polyder([1,2,3,4,5])
#pollyadd polysub polymul polydiv are used to add, subtract,multiply adn devide polynomials
#polyval is used to find value of polynomial at a given point
print n.polyval([1,2,3,4],8)
##Statistical(other than mean,var and std functions):
print n.median(m)
#correlation coefficient
print n.corrcoef(s) #returns a matrix containing corr coef of i and jth observables
Esempio n. 6
def matrix_method_slab(er, mr, d, f):

    cuda = True if torch.cuda.is_available() else False

    # Fundamental constants
    c = 3e8
    e0 = (10**7) / (4 * pi * c**2)
    m0 = 4 * pi * 10**(-7)
    z0 = root(m0 / e0)

    d = d * 1e-6
    w_numpy = 2 * pi * f * 1e12
    k0 = w_numpy / c

    # if cuda:
    #     w = torch.tensor(w_numpy).cuda()
    #     k0 = torch.tensor(k0).cuda()
    # else:
    #     w = torch.tensor(w_numpy)
    #     k0 = torch.tensor(k0)
    w = w_numpy
    # mr = torch.ones_like(er)
    # if cuda:
    #     mr = mr.cuda()

    j = torch.tensor([0 + 1j], dtype=torch.cfloat).expand_as(er)
    if cuda:
        j = j.cuda()

    eps = mul(e0, er)
    mu = mul(m0, mr)
    # e1 = er.real
    # e2 = F.relu(er.imag)
    # er = add(e1, mul(e2, j))
    n = sqrt(mul(mr, er))
    n = imag_check.apply(n)
    k = div(mul(w, n), c)
    z = sqrt(div(mu, eps + 1e-5))

    # Spatial dispersion
    # theta = mul(w * d, sqrt(mul(eps, mu))).type(torch.cfloat)
    # magic = div(tan(0.5 * theta), 0.5 * theta).type(torch.cfloat)
    # eps_av = mul(magic, er)
    # mu_av = mul(magic, mr)
    # n_av = sqrt(mul(mu_av, eps_av))
    # n = imag_check.apply(n)

    # eps_av = er
    # mu_av = mr
    # n_av = n
    # k = div(mul(w, n_av), c)
    # z = sqrt(div(eps_av, mu_av))

    # R2 = sq(abs(div((mu_av - n_av), (mu_av + n_av))))
    # r = div((mu_av - n_av), (mu_av + n_av))
    # phiR = arctan(div(r2.imag, r2.real))
    # phiR2 = arctan(div(2 * n_av.imag, (1 - sq(n_av.real) - sq(n_av.imag))))
    # T2 = exp(-2 * mul(k.imag, d)) * sq((div(n_av, mu_av)).real * sq(abs(div(2 * mu_av, (n_av + mu_av)))))
    # T3 = mul(exp(-2 * mul(k.imag, d)), sq(
    #     (div(mul(n_av.real, mu.real)
    #          + mul(n_av.imag, mu.imag), (sq(mu.real) +
    #                                      sq(mu.imag)))) * m0 * sq(abs(div(2 * mu_av, (n_av + mu_av))))))
    # t = exp(-1 * mul(k.imag, d)) * div(2 * mr, (n + mr)) * sqrt(div(n, mr))
    # phiT2 = arctan(div(t2.imag, t2.real))

    # M12_TE = cos(mul(k, d)) + 0.5*1j*mul((mul(div(1, mr + 1e-5), div(k, k0)) + mul(mr, div(k0, k))), (sin(mul(k, d))))
    # M22_TE = cos(mul(k, d)) - 0.5*1j*mul((mul(div(1, mr + 1e-5), div(k, k0)) + mul(mr, div(k0, k))), (sin(mul(k, d))))

    M12_TE = 0.5 * 1j * mul((z - div(1, z + 1e-5)), (sin(mul(k, d))))
    M22_TE = cos(mul(k, d)) - 0.5 * 1j * mul((z + div(1, z + 1e-5)),
                                             (sin(mul(k, d))))

    r = div(M12_TE, M22_TE + 1e-5)
    t = div(1, M22_TE + 1e-5)

    # T = (mul(t, conj(t)).real).float()
    # R = (mul(r, conj(r)).real).float()
    return r, t
Esempio n. 7
    def opt_const(self, er, mr, d, f, cuda=False):

        # Fundamental constants
        c = 3e8
        e0 = (10**7) / (4 * pi * c**2)
        m0 = 4 * pi * 10**(-7)
        z0 = root(m0 / e0)
        p = 6 * 1e-6
        d = d * 1e-6
        w = 2 * pi * f * 1e12
        k0 = w / c

        j = torch.tensor([0 + 1j], dtype=torch.cfloat).expand_as(er)
        if cuda:
            j = j.cuda()

        eps = mul(e0, er)
        mu = mul(m0, mr)
        n = sqrt(mul(mr, er))
        # n1 = n.real
        # n2 = F.relu(n.imag)
        # n = add(n1, mul(n2, j))

        # # Spatial dispersion
        theta = mul(w * d, sqrt(mul(eps, mu))).type(torch.cfloat)
        magic = div(tan(0.5 * theta), 0.5 * theta).type(torch.cfloat)
        eps_av = mul(magic, er)
        mu_av = mul(magic, mr)
        n_av = sqrt(mul(mu_av, eps_av))
        # n = imag_check.apply(n)

        # eps_av = er
        # mu_av = mr
        # n = imag_check.apply(n)
        # n_av = n
        n_av = imag_check.apply(n_av)
        k = div(mul(w, n_av), c)
        z = sqrt(div(eps_av, mu_av))
        z = real_check.apply(z)

        M12_TE = 0.5 * 1j * mul((z - div(1, z)), (sin(mul(k, d))))
        M22_TE = cos(mul(k, d)) - 0.5 * 1j * mul((z + div(1, z)),
                                                 (sin(mul(k, d))))
        # M12_TE = 0.5*1j*mul((mul(div(1, mu), div(k, k0)) + mul(mu, div(k0, k))), (sin(mul(k, d))))
        # M22_TE = cos(mul(k, d)) - 0.5*1j*mul((mul(div(1, mu), div(k, k0)) + mul(mu, div(k0, k))), (sin(mul(k, d))))
        r = div(M12_TE, M22_TE)
        t = div(1, M22_TE)
        # T = (mul(t, conj(t)).real).float()
        # R = (mul(r, conj(r)).real).float()

        R2 = sq(abs(div((mu_av - n_av), (mu_av + n_av))))
        r2 = div((mu_av - n_av), (mu_av + n_av))
        phiR = arctan(div(r2.imag, r2.real))
        phiR2 = arctan(div(2 * n_av.imag, (1 - sq(n_av.real) - sq(n_av.imag))))
        T2 = exp(-2 * mul(k.imag, d)) * sq(
            (div(n_av, mu_av)).real * sq(abs(div(2 * mu_av, (n_av + mu_av)))))
        T3 = mul(
            exp(-2 * mul(k.imag, d)),
                mul(n_av.real, mu.real) + mul(n_av.imag, mu.imag),
                (sq(mu.real) + sq(mu.imag)))) * m0 *
               sq(abs(div(2 * mu_av, (n_av + mu_av))))))
        t2 = exp(-1 * mul(k.imag, d)) * div(2 * mr,
                                            (n + mr)) * sqrt(div(n, mr))
        phiT2 = arctan(div(t2.imag, t2.real))

        self.w = f
        self.k0 = k0
        self.k = k
        self.n = n
        self.n_av = n_av
        self.z = z
        self.eps = er
        self.eps_av = eps_av = mr
        self.mu_av = mu_av
        self.M12 = M12_TE
        self.M22 = M22_TE
        self.r = r
        self.t = t
        self.r2 = r2
        self.t2 = t2
        self.T = sq(abs(t))
        self.R = sq(abs(r))
        self.R2 = R2
        self.phiR2 = phiR2
        self.T2 = T2
        self.T3 = T3
        self.phiT2 = phiT2
        self.theta = theta
        self.magic = magic
def root_mean_square_error(a):
    from numpy import sqrt as root
    from numpy import mean, square

    return root(mean(square(a)))