def align_magnetism(m, vectors): """ Rotates a matrix, to align its components with the direction of the magnetism """ if not len(m) == 2 * len(vectors): # stop if they don't have # compatible dimensions raise # pauli matrices from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix, bmat sx = csc_matrix([[0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0]]) sy = csc_matrix([[0.0, -1j], [1j, 0.0]]) sz = csc_matrix([[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, -1.0]]) n = len(m) / 2 # number of sites R = [[None for i in range(n)] for j in range(n)] # rotation matrix from scipy.linalg import expm # exponenciate matrix for (i, v) in zip(range(n), vectors): # loop over sites vv = np.sqrt( # norm of v if vv > 0.000001: # if nonzero scale u = v / vv else: # if zero put to zero u = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) # rot = u[0]*sx + u[1]*sy + u[2]*sz uxy = np.sqrt(u[0] ** 2 + u[1] ** 2) # component in xy plane phi = np.arctan2(u[1], u[0]) theta = np.arctan2(uxy, u[2]) r1 = phi * sz / 2.0 # rotate along z r2 = theta * sy / 2.0 # rotate along y # a factor 2 is taken out due to 1/2 of S rot = expm(1j * r2) * expm(1j * r1) R[i][i] = rot # save term R = bmat(R) # convert to full sparse matrix mout = R * csc_matrix(m) * R.H # rotate matrix return mout.todense() # return dense matrix
def correlation_matrix_quadrature(a1, a2, rho=None): """ Calculate the quadrature correlation matrix with given field operators :math:`a_1` and :math:`a_2`. If a density matrix is given the expectation values are calculated, otherwise a matrix with operators is returned. Parameters ---------- a1 : :class:`qutip.qobj.Qobj` Field operator for mode 1. a2 : :class:`qutip.qobj.Qobj` Field operator for mode 2. rho : :class:`qutip.qobj.Qobj` Density matrix for which to calculate the covariance matrix. Returns ------- corr_mat: *array* of complex numbers or :class:`qutip.qobj.Qobj` A 2-dimensional *array* of covariance values for the field quadratures, or, if rho=0, a matrix of operators. """ x1 = (a1 + a1.dag()) / np.sqrt(2) p1 = -1j * (a1 - a1.dag()) / np.sqrt(2) x2 = (a2 + a2.dag()) / np.sqrt(2) p2 = -1j * (a2 - a2.dag()) / np.sqrt(2) basis = [x1, p1, x2, p2] return correlation_matrix(basis, rho)
def affine_grid(self,Hz,rhoz,Lam): """ Get data on regular spatial grid """ #First find dimensionless density params Om0 = 8*pi*rhoz[0]/(3*Hz[0]**2) OL0 = Lam/(3*Hz[0]**2) Ok0 = 1-Om0-OL0 #Get t0 t0 = self.get_age(Om0,Ok0,OL0,Hz[0]) #Set affine parameter vals dvo = uvs(self.z,1/(**2*Hz),k=3,s=0.0) vzo = dvo.antiderivative() vz = vzo(self.z) vz[0] = 0.0 #Compute grid sizes that gives num error od err NJ = int(ceil(vz[-1]/sqrt(self.err) + 1)) NI = int(ceil(3.0*(NJ - 1)*(t0 - self.tmin)/vz[-1] + 1)) #Get functions on regular grid v = linspace(0,vz[-1],NJ) delv = (v[-1] - v[0])/(NJ-1) if delv > sqrt(self.err): print 'delv > sqrt(err)' Ho = uvs(vz,Hz,s=0.0,k=3) H = Ho(v) rhoo = uvs(vz,rhoz,s=0.0,k=3) rho = rhoo(v) uo = uvs(vz,,s=0.0,k=3) u = uo(v) u[0] = 1.0 return v,vzo,H,rho,u,NJ,NI,delv,Om0,OL0,Ok0,t0
def get_tracedata(self, format = 'AmpPha', single=False): ''' Get the data of the current trace Input: format (string) : 'AmpPha': Amp in dB and Phase, 'RealImag', Output: 'AmpPha':_ Amplitude and Phase ''' #data = self._visainstrument.ask_for_values(':FORMAT REAL,32;*CLS;CALC1:DATA:NSW? SDAT,1;*OPC',format=1) data = self._visainstrument.ask_for_values('FORM:DATA REAL; FORM:BORD SWAPPED; CALC%i:SEL:DATA:SDAT?'%(self._ci), format = visa.double) data_size = numpy.size(data) datareal = numpy.array(data[0:data_size:2]) dataimag = numpy.array(data[1:data_size:2]) if format.upper() == 'REALIMAG': if self._zerospan: return numpy.mean(datareal), numpy.mean(dataimag) else: return datareal, dataimag elif format.upper() == 'AMPPHA': if self._zerospan: datareal = numpy.mean(datareal) dataimag = numpy.mean(dataimag) dataamp = numpy.sqrt(datareal*datareal+dataimag*dataimag) datapha = numpy.arctan(dataimag/datareal) return dataamp, datapha else: dataamp = numpy.sqrt(datareal*datareal+dataimag*dataimag) datapha = numpy.arctan2(dataimag,datareal) return dataamp, datapha else: raise ValueError('get_tracedata(): Format must be AmpPha or RealImag')
def __init__(self, class_dim, word_dim, hidden_dim, sen_len, batch_size, truncate=-1): # Assign instance variables self.class_dim = class_dim self.word_dim = word_dim self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim self.sen_len = sen_len self.batch_size = batch_size self.truncate = truncate params = {} # Initialize the network parameters params["E"] = np.random.uniform(-np.sqrt(1./hidden_dim), np.sqrt(1./hidden_dim), (word_dim, hidden_dim)) #Ebdding Matirx params["W"] = np.random.uniform(-np.sqrt(1./hidden_dim), np.sqrt(1./hidden_dim), (4, hidden_dim, hidden_dim * 4)) #W[0-1].dot(x), W[2-3].(i,f,o,c) params["B"] = np.random.uniform(-np.sqrt(1./hidden_dim), np.sqrt(1./hidden_dim), (2, hidden_dim * 4)) #B[0-1] for W[0-1] params["lrW"] = np.random.uniform(-np.sqrt(1./hidden_dim), np.sqrt(1./hidden_dim), (2, hidden_dim, class_dim)) #LR W and b params["lrb"] = np.random.uniform(-np.sqrt(1./hidden_dim), np.sqrt(1./hidden_dim), (class_dim)) # Assign paramenters' names self.param_names = {"orign":["E", "W", "B", "lrW", "lrb"], "cache":["mE", "mW", "mB", "mlrW", "mlrb"]} # Theano: Created shared variables self.params = {} # Model's shared variables for _n in self.param_names["orign"]: self.params[_n] = theano.shared(value=params[_n].astype(theano.config.floatX), name=_n) # Shared variables for RMSProp for _n in self.param_names["cache"]: self.params[_n] = theano.shared(value=np.zeros(params[_n[1:]].shape).astype(theano.config.floatX), name=_n) # Build model graph self.__theano_build__()
def __init__(self, x, y, in_size, out_size, prefix='lr_'): self.W = theano.shared( value=np.random.uniform( low=-np.sqrt(6. / (in_size + out_size)), high=np.sqrt(6. / (in_size + out_size)), size=(in_size, out_size) ).astype(theano.config.floatX), name='W', borrow=True ) self.b = theano.shared( value=np.random.uniform( low=-np.sqrt(6. / (in_size + out_size)), high=np.sqrt(6. / (in_size + out_size)), size=(out_size,) ).astype(theano.config.floatX), name='b', borrow=True ) self.y_given_x = T.nnet.softmax(, self.W) + self.b) self.y_d = T.argmax(self.y_given_x, axis=1) self.loss = -T.mean(T.log(self.y_given_x)[T.arange(y.shape[0]), y]) self.error = T.mean(T.neq(self.y_d, y)) self.params = {prefix+'W': self.W, prefix+'b': self.b}
def __init__(self, n_in, n_out, W_init=None, b_init=None, activation=T.tanh): self.activation = activation if W_init is None: rng = numpy.random.RandomState(1234) W_values = numpy.asarray(rng.uniform( low=-numpy.sqrt(6. / (n_in + n_out)), high=numpy.sqrt(6. / (n_in + n_out)), size=(n_in, n_out) ), dtype=theano.config.floatX ) if activation == theano.tensor.nnet.sigmoid: W_values *= 4 W_init = theano.shared(value=W_values, name='W', borrow=True) if b_init is None: b_values = numpy.zeros((n_out,), dtype=theano.config.floatX) b_init = theano.shared(value=b_values, name='b', borrow=True) self.W = W_init self.b = b_init # parameters of the model self.params = [self.W, self.b]
def __init__(self, sess, ob_space, ac_space, nbatch, nsteps, reuse=False): #pylint: disable=W0613 self.pdtype = make_pdtype(ac_space) with tf.variable_scope("model", reuse=reuse): X, processed_x = observation_input(ob_space, nbatch) activ = tf.tanh processed_x = tf.layers.flatten(processed_x) pi_h1 = activ(fc(processed_x, 'pi_fc1', nh=64, init_scale=np.sqrt(2))) pi_h2 = activ(fc(pi_h1, 'pi_fc2', nh=64, init_scale=np.sqrt(2))) vf_h1 = activ(fc(processed_x, 'vf_fc1', nh=64, init_scale=np.sqrt(2))) vf_h2 = activ(fc(vf_h1, 'vf_fc2', nh=64, init_scale=np.sqrt(2))) vf = fc(vf_h2, 'vf', 1)[:,0] self.pd, self.pi = self.pdtype.pdfromlatent(pi_h2, init_scale=0.01) a0 = self.pd.sample() neglogp0 = self.pd.neglogp(a0) self.initial_state = None def step(ob, *_args, **_kwargs): a, v, neglogp =[a0, vf, neglogp0], {X:ob}) return a, v, self.initial_state, neglogp def value(ob, *_args, **_kwargs): return, {X:ob}) self.X = X self.vf = vf self.step = step self.value = value
def fix_poly(polygon): ret = np.array([ [0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0] ],np.float32) min_ = np.sqrt(polygon[0][0][0]**2 + polygon[0][0][1]**2) minc = 0 for i in range(1,4): if np.sqrt(polygon[i][0][0]**2 + polygon[i][0][1]**2) < min_: min_ = np.sqrt(polygon[i][0][0]**2 + polygon[i][0][1]**2) minc = i #found top left vertex, rotate until it's on the top left for i in range(minc): polygon = np.roll(polygon,-1,axis=0) #if needed, "invert" the order. dist1 = dist_line(polygon[0],polygon[2],polygon[1]) dist3 = dist_line(polygon[0],polygon[2],polygon[3]) if dist3 > dist1: x = polygon[3][0][0] y = polygon[3][0][1] polygon[3][0][0] = polygon[1][0][0] polygon[3][0][1] = polygon[1][0][1] polygon[1][0][0] = x polygon[1][0][1] = y ret[0] = polygon[0][0] ret[1] = polygon[1][0] ret[2] = polygon[2][0] ret[3] = polygon[3][0] return ret
def discrepancy(observed, simulated, expected): """Calculates Freeman-Tukey statistics (Freeman and Tukey 1950) as a measure of discrepancy between observed and r replicates of simulated data. This is a convenient method for assessing goodness-of-fit (see Brooks et al. 2000). D(x|\theta) = \sum_j (\sqrt{x_j} - \sqrt{e_j})^2 :Parameters: observed : Iterable of observed values (length n) simulated : Iterable of simulated values (length rxn) expected : Iterable of expected values (length rxn) :Returns: D_obs : Discrepancy of observed values D_sim : Discrepancy of simulated values """ try: simulated = simulated.astype(float) except AttributeError: simulated = simulated.trace().astype(float) try: expected = expected.astype(float) except AttributeError: expected = expected.trace().astype(float) D_obs = np.sum([(np.sqrt(observed)-np.sqrt(e))**2 for e in expected], 1) D_sim = np.sum([(np.sqrt(s)-np.sqrt(e))**2 for s,e in zip(simulated, expected)], 1) # Print p-value count = sum(s>o for o,s in zip(D_obs,D_sim)) print_('Bayesian p-value: p=%.3f' % (1.*count/len(D_obs))) return D_obs, D_sim
def GetCorV(self, inAmpField): lplcCo=inAmpField.lplcCo try: self.CorV=1./ np.sqrt(1./(self.AppV**2) - lplcCo) except: self.CorV=1./ np.sqrt(1./(self.AppV[1:-1, 1:-1]**2) - lplcCo) return
def get_nxnyr_cd(): box = cfg.pms['shape'] boxMpc = np.array([cfg.pms['xyMpc'],cfg.pms['xyMpc'],cfg.pms['zMpc']]) lx = boxMpc[0]/2.; ly = boxMpc[1]/2.; lz = boxMpc[2] z,d = get_z_d(cfg.pms['zi'],cfg.pms['zf']) # front of box -- don't use bc grid will extend # outside the standard box # nx_max = lx / np.sqrt(lx*lx+d[0]*d[0]) # nx_min = - nx_max # ny_max = ly / np.sqrt(ly*ly+d[0]*d[0]) # ny_min = - ny_max # r_max = np.sqrt(lx*lx+ly*ly+(d[0]+lz)*(d[0]+lz)) # r_min = d[0] # back of box -- throws away half the box but whatever df = d[0]+lz nx_max = lx / np.sqrt(lx*lx+df*df) # nx_min = - nx_max ny_max = ly / np.sqrt(ly*ly+df*df) # ny_min = - ny_max r_max = np.sqrt(lx*lx+ly*ly+df*df) # r_min = d[0] print nx_max, ny_max nxcd = np.linspace(-nx_max,nx_max,box[0]) nycd = np.linspace(-ny_max,ny_max,box[1]) print 2*nx_max/box[0], 2*ny_max/box[1] rcd = np.linspace(d[0],r_max,box[2]) return nxcd,nycd,rcd
def logarithmic_negativity(V): """ Calculate the logarithmic negativity given the symmetrized covariance matrix, see :func:`qutip.continous_variables.covariance_matrix`. Note that the two-mode field state that is described by `V` must be Gaussian for this function to applicable. Parameters ---------- V : *2d array* The covariance matrix. Returns ------- N: *float*, the logarithmic negativity for the two-mode Gaussian state that is described by the the Wigner covariance matrix V. """ A = V[0:2, 0:2] B = V[2:4, 2:4] C = V[0:2, 2:4] sigma = np.linalg.det(A) + np.linalg.det(B) - 2 * np.linalg.det(C) nu_ = sigma / 2 - np.sqrt(sigma ** 2 - 4 * np.linalg.det(V)) / 2 if nu_ < 0.0: return 0.0 nu = np.sqrt(nu_) lognu = -np.log(2 * nu) logneg = max(0, lognu) return logneg
def screen_potential(r, v, charge): """Split long-range potential into short-ranged contributions. The potential v is a long-ranted potential with the asymptotic form Z/r corresponding to the given charge. Return a potential vscreened and charge distribution rhocomp such that v(r) = vscreened(r) + vHartree[rhocomp](r). The returned quantities are truncated to a reasonable cutoff radius. """ vr = v * r + charge err = 0.0 i = len(vr) while err < 1e-5: # Things can be a bit sensitive to the threshold. The O.pz-mt setup # gets 20-30 Bohr long compensation charges if it's 1e-6. i -= 1 err = abs(vr[i]) i += 1 icut = np.searchsorted(r, r[i] * 1.1) rcut = r[icut] rshort = r[:icut] a = rcut / 5.0 # XXX why is this so important? vcomp = charge * erf(rshort / (np.sqrt(2.0) * a)) / rshort # XXX divide by r rhocomp = charge * (np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi) * a)**(-3) * \ np.exp(-0.5 * (rshort / a)**2) vscreened = v[:icut] + vcomp return vscreened, rhocomp
def test_ogamma(): """Tests the effects of changing the temperature of the CMB""" # Tested against Ned Wright's advanced cosmology calculator, # Sep 7 2012. The accuracy of our comparision is limited by # how many digits it outputs, which limits our test to about # 0.2% accuracy. The NWACC does not allow one # to change the number of nuetrino species, fixing that at 3. # Also, inspection of the NWACC code shows it uses inaccurate # constants at the 0.2% level (specifically, a_B), # so we shouldn't expect to match it that well. The integral is # also done rather crudely. Therefore, we should not expect # the NWACC to be accurate to better than about 0.5%, which is # unfortunate, but reflects a problem with it rather than this code. # More accurate tests below using Mathematica z = np.array([1.0, 10.0, 500.0, 1000.0]) cosmo = core.FlatLambdaCDM(H0=70, Om0=0.3, Tcmb0=0, Neff=3) assert np.allclose(cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(z).value, [1651.9, 858.2, 26.855, 13.642], rtol=5e-4) cosmo = core.FlatLambdaCDM(H0=70, Om0=0.3, Tcmb0=2.725, Neff=3) assert np.allclose(cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(z).value, [1651.8, 857.9, 26.767, 13.582], rtol=5e-4) cosmo = core.FlatLambdaCDM(H0=70, Om0=0.3, Tcmb0=4.0, Neff=3) assert np.allclose(cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(z).value, [1651.4, 856.6, 26.489, 13.405], rtol=5e-4) # Next compare with doing the integral numerically in Mathematica, # which allows more precision in the test. It is at least as # good as 0.01%, possibly better cosmo = core.FlatLambdaCDM(H0=70, Om0=0.3, Tcmb0=0, Neff=3.04) assert np.allclose(cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(z).value, [1651.91, 858.205, 26.8586, 13.6469], rtol=1e-5) cosmo = core.FlatLambdaCDM(H0=70, Om0=0.3, Tcmb0=2.725, Neff=3.04) assert np.allclose(cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(z).value, [1651.76, 857.817, 26.7688, 13.5841], rtol=1e-5) cosmo = core.FlatLambdaCDM(H0=70, Om0=0.3, Tcmb0=4.0, Neff=3.04) assert np.allclose(cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(z).value, [1651.21, 856.411, 26.4845, 13.4028], rtol=1e-5) # Just to be really sure, we also do a version where the integral # is analytic, which is a Ode = 0 flat universe. In this case # Integrate(1/E(x),{x,0,z}) = 2 ( sqrt((1+Or z)/(1+z)) - 1 )/(Or - 1) # Recall that c/H0 * Integrate(1/E) is FLRW.comoving_distance. Ogamma0h2 = 4 * 5.670373e-8 / 299792458.0 ** 3 * 2.725 ** 4 / 1.87837e-26 Onu0h2 = Ogamma0h2 * 7.0 / 8.0 * (4.0 / 11.0) ** (4.0 / 3.0) * 3.04 Or0 = (Ogamma0h2 + Onu0h2) / 0.7 ** 2 Om0 = 1.0 - Or0 hubdis = 299792.458 / 70.0 cosmo = core.FlatLambdaCDM(H0=70, Om0=Om0, Tcmb0=2.725, Neff=3.04) targvals = 2.0 * hubdis * \ (np.sqrt((1.0 + Or0 * z) / (1.0 + z)) - 1.0) / (Or0 - 1.0) assert np.allclose(cosmo.comoving_distance(z).value, targvals, rtol=1e-5) # Try Tcmb0 = 4 Or0 *= (4.0 / 2.725) ** 4 Om0 = 1.0 - Or0 cosmo = core.FlatLambdaCDM(H0=70, Om0=Om0, Tcmb0=4.0, Neff=3.04) targvals = 2.0 * hubdis * \ (np.sqrt((1.0 + Or0 * z) / (1.0 + z)) - 1.0) / (Or0 - 1.0) assert np.allclose(cosmo.comoving_distance(z).value, targvals, rtol=1e-5)
def reg_score_function(X, y, mean, scale, shape, skewness): """ GAS Skew t Regression Update term using gradient only - native Python function Parameters ---------- X : float datapoint for the right hand side variable y : float datapoint for the time series mean : float location parameter for the Skew t distribution scale : float scale parameter for the Skew t distribution shape : float tail thickness parameter for the Skew t distribution skewness : float skewness parameter for the Skew t distribution Returns ---------- - Score of the Skew t family """ m1 = (np.sqrt(shape)*sp.gamma((shape-1.0)/2.0))/(np.sqrt(np.pi)*sp.gamma(shape/2.0)) mean = mean + (skewness - (1.0/skewness))*scale*m1 if (y-mean)>=0: return ((shape+1)/shape)*((y-mean)*X)/(np.power(skewness*scale,2) + (np.power(y-mean,2)/shape)) else: return ((shape+1)/shape)*((y-mean)*X)/(np.power(scale,2) + (np.power(skewness*(y-mean),2)/shape))
def second_order_score(y, mean, scale, shape, skewness): """ GAS Skew t Update term potentially using second-order information - native Python function Parameters ---------- y : float datapoint for the time series mean : float location parameter for the Skew t distribution scale : float scale parameter for the Skew t distribution shape : float tail thickness parameter for the Skew t distribution skewness : float skewness parameter for the Skew t distribution Returns ---------- - Adjusted score of the Skew t family """ m1 = (np.sqrt(shape)*sp.gamma((shape-1.0)/2.0))/(np.sqrt(np.pi)*sp.gamma(shape/2.0)) mean = mean + (skewness - (1.0/skewness))*scale*m1 if (y-mean)>=0: return ((shape+1)/shape)*(y-mean)/(np.power(skewness*scale,2) + (np.power(y-mean,2)/shape)) else: return ((shape+1)/shape)*(y-mean)/(np.power(scale,2) + (np.power(skewness*(y-mean),2)/shape))
def markov_blanket(y, mean, scale, shape, skewness): """ Markov blanket for each likelihood term Parameters ---------- y : np.ndarray univariate time series mean : np.ndarray array of location parameters for the Skew t distribution scale : float scale parameter for the Skew t distribution shape : float tail thickness parameter for the Skew t distribution skewness : float skewness parameter for the Skew t distribution Returns ---------- - Markov blanket of the Skew t family """ m1 = (np.sqrt(shape)*sp.gamma((shape-1.0)/2.0))/(np.sqrt(np.pi)*sp.gamma(shape/2.0)) mean = mean + (skewness - (1.0/skewness))*scale*m1 return Skewt.logpdf_internal(x=y, df=shape, loc=mean, gamma=skewness, scale=scale)
def svdUpdate(U, S, V, a, b): """ Update SVD of an (m x n) matrix `X = U * S * V^T` so that `[X + a * b^T] = U' * S' * V'^T` and return `U'`, `S'`, `V'`. `a` and `b` are (m, 1) and (n, 1) rank-1 matrices, so that svdUpdate can simulate incremental addition of one new document and/or term to an already existing decomposition. """ rank = U.shape[1] m = U.T * a p = a - U * m Ra = numpy.sqrt(p.T * p) assert float(Ra) > 1e-10 P = (1.0 / float(Ra)) * p n = V.T * b q = b - V * n Rb = numpy.sqrt(q.T * q) assert float(Rb) > 1e-10 Q = (1.0 / float(Rb)) * q K = numpy.matrix(numpy.diag(list(numpy.diag(S)) + [0.0])) + numpy.bmat("m ; Ra") * numpy.bmat(" n; Rb").T u, s, vt = numpy.linalg.svd(K, full_matrices=False) tUp = numpy.matrix(u[:, :rank]) tVp = numpy.matrix(vt.T[:, :rank]) tSp = numpy.matrix(numpy.diag(s[:rank])) Up = numpy.bmat("U P") * tUp Vp = numpy.bmat("V Q") * tVp Sp = tSp return Up, Sp, Vp
def neg_loglikelihood(y, mean, scale, shape, skewness): """ Negative loglikelihood function Parameters ---------- y : np.ndarray univariate time series mean : np.ndarray array of location parameters for the Skew t distribution scale : float scale parameter for the Skew t distribution shape : float tail thickness parameter for the Skew t distribution skewness : float skewness parameter for the Skew t distribution Returns ---------- - Negative loglikelihood of the Skew t family """ m1 = (np.sqrt(shape)*sp.gamma((shape-1.0)/2.0))/(np.sqrt(np.pi)*sp.gamma(shape/2.0)) mean = mean + (skewness - (1.0/skewness))*scale*m1 return -np.sum(Skewt.logpdf_internal(x=y, df=shape, loc=mean, gamma=skewness, scale=scale))
def test_ParameterizedAberration(): # verify that we can reproduce the same behavior as ZernikeAberration # using ParameterizedAberration NWAVES = 0.5 WAVELENGTH = 1e-6 RADIUS = 1.0 pupil = optics.CircularAperture(radius=RADIUS) zern_wave = poppy_core.Wavefront(npix=NPIX, diam=DIAM, wavelength=1e-6) zernike_wfe = wfe.ZernikeWFE( coefficients=[0, 0, 2e-7, NWAVES * WAVELENGTH / (2 * np.sqrt(3)), 0, 3e-8], radius=RADIUS ) zern_wave *= pupil zern_wave *= zernike_wfe parameterized_distortion = wfe.ParameterizedWFE( coefficients=[0, 0, 2e-7, NWAVES * WAVELENGTH / (2 * np.sqrt(3)), 0, 3e-8], basis_factory=zernike.zernike_basis, radius=RADIUS ) pd_wave = poppy_core.Wavefront(npix=NPIX, diam=3.0, wavelength=1e-6) pd_wave *= pupil pd_wave *= parameterized_distortion np.testing.assert_allclose(pd_wave.phase, zern_wave.phase, err_msg="ParameterizedAberration disagrees with ZernikeAberration")
def CA(self): # return NPortZ(self).CA z0 = self.z0 A = np.mat(self.A) T = np.matrix([[np.sqrt(z0), -(A[0,1]+A[0,0]*z0)/np.sqrt(z0)], [-1/np.sqrt(z0), -(A[1,1]+A[1,0]*z0)/np.sqrt(z0)]]) return np.array(T * np.mat(self.CS) * T.H)
def __init__(self, rng, input, n_in, n_out, W=None, b=None, activation=T.tanh): self.input = input[0] # initialize weights into this layer if W is None: W_values = np.asarray( rng.uniform( size=(n_in, n_out), low=-np.sqrt(6. / (n_in + n_out)), high=np.sqrt(6. / (n_in + n_out)), ), dtype=theano.config.floatX ) if activation == theano.tensor.nnet.sigmoid: W_values *= 4 W = theano.shared(value=W_values, name='W', borrow=True) # initialize bias term weights into this layer if b is None: b_values = np.zeros((n_out,), dtype=theano.config.floatX) b = theano.shared(value=b_values, name='b', borrow=True) self.W = W self.b = b lin_output =, self.W) + self.b self.output = ( lin_output if activation is None else activation(lin_output) ) self.params = [self.W, self.b]
def testStudentLogPDFMultidimensional(self): with self.test_session(): batch_size = 6 df = constant_op.constant([[1.5, 7.2]] * batch_size) mu = constant_op.constant([[3., -3.]] * batch_size) sigma = constant_op.constant([[-math.sqrt(10.), math.sqrt(15.)]] * batch_size) df_v = np.array([1.5, 7.2]) mu_v = np.array([3., -3.]) sigma_v = np.array([np.sqrt(10.), np.sqrt(15.)]) t = np.array([[-2.5, 2.5, 4., 0., -1., 2.]], dtype=np.float32).T student = student_t.StudentT(df, loc=mu, scale=sigma) log_pdf = student.log_prob(t) log_pdf_values = self.evaluate(log_pdf) self.assertEqual(log_pdf.get_shape(), (6, 2)) pdf = student.prob(t) pdf_values = self.evaluate(pdf) self.assertEqual(pdf.get_shape(), (6, 2)) if not stats: return expected_log_pdf = stats.t.logpdf(t, df_v, loc=mu_v, scale=sigma_v) expected_pdf = stats.t.pdf(t, df_v, loc=mu_v, scale=sigma_v) self.assertAllClose(expected_log_pdf, log_pdf_values) self.assertAllClose(np.log(expected_pdf), log_pdf_values) self.assertAllClose(expected_pdf, pdf_values) self.assertAllClose(np.exp(expected_log_pdf), pdf_values)
def getEff(s, cut, comp='joint', reco=True): eff, sig, relerr = {},{},{} a = np.log10(s['MC_energy']) Ebins = getEbins() Emids = getMids(Ebins) erangeDict = getErange() c0 = cut if comp != 'joint': compcut = s['comp'] == comp c0 = cut * compcut # Set radii for finding effective area rDict = {} keys = ['low', 'mid', 'high'] for key in keys: rDict[key] = np.array([600, 800, 1100, 1700, 2600, 2900]) rDict['low'][1] = 600 Ebreaks = np.array([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) rgrp = np.digitize(Emids, Ebreaks) - 1 for key in keys: # Get efficiency and sigma simcut = np.array([sim in erangeDict[key] for sim in s['sim']]) k = np.histogram(a[c0*simcut], bins=Ebins)[0] #k = Nfinder(a, c0*simcut) n = s['MC'][comp][key].astype('float') eff[key], sig[key], relerr[key] = np.zeros((3, len(k))) with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): eff[key] = k / n var = (k+1)*(k+2)/((n+2)*(n+3)) - (k+1)**2/((n+2)**2) sig[key] = np.sqrt(var) # Multiply by throw area r = np.array([rDict[key][i] for i in rgrp]) eff[key] *= np.pi*(r**2) sig[key] *= np.pi*(r**2) # Deal with parts of the arrays with no information for i in range(len(eff[key])): if n[i] == 0: eff[key][i] = 0 sig[key][i] = np.inf # Combine low, mid, and high energy datasets eff_tot = (np.sum([eff[key]/sig[key] for key in keys], axis=0) / np.sum([1/sig[key] for key in keys], axis=0)) sig_tot = np.sqrt(1 / np.sum([1/sig[key]**2 for key in keys], axis=0)) with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): relerr = sig_tot / eff_tot # UGH : find better way to do this if reco: eff_tot = eff_tot[20:] sig_tot = sig_tot[20:] relerr = relerr[20:] return eff_tot, sig_tot, relerr
def EN_CID(y): """ CID measure from Batista, G. E. A. P. A., Keogh, E. J., Tataw, O. M. & de Souza, V. M. A. CID: an efficient complexity-invariant distance for time series. Data Min Knowl. Disc. 28, 634-669 (2014). Arguments --------- y: a nitime time-series object, or numpy vector """ # Make the input a row vector of numbers: y = makeRowVector(vectorize(y)) # Prepare the output dictionary out = {} # Original definition (in Table 2 of paper cited above) out['CE1'] = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.power(np.diff(y),2))); # sum -> mean to deal with non-equal time-series lengths # Definition corresponding to the line segment example in Fig. 9 of the paper # cited above (using Pythagoras's theorum): out['CE2'] = np.mean(np.sqrt(1 + np.power(np.diff(y),2))); return out
def testStudentSampleMultiDimensional(self): with self.test_session(): batch_size = 7 df = constant_op.constant([[3., 7.]] * batch_size) mu = constant_op.constant([[3., -3.]] * batch_size) sigma = constant_op.constant([[math.sqrt(10.), math.sqrt(15.)]] * batch_size) df_v = [3., 7.] mu_v = [3., -3.] sigma_v = [np.sqrt(10.), np.sqrt(15.)] n = constant_op.constant(200000) student = student_t.StudentT(df=df, loc=mu, scale=sigma) samples = student.sample(n, seed=123456) sample_values = self.evaluate(samples) self.assertEqual(samples.get_shape(), (200000, batch_size, 2)) self.assertAllClose( sample_values[:, 0, 0].mean(), mu_v[0], rtol=1e-2, atol=0) self.assertAllClose( sample_values[:, 0, 0].var(), sigma_v[0]**2 * df_v[0] / (df_v[0] - 2), rtol=1e-1, atol=0) self._checkKLApprox(df_v[0], mu_v[0], sigma_v[0], sample_values[:, 0, 0]) self.assertAllClose( sample_values[:, 0, 1].mean(), mu_v[1], rtol=1e-2, atol=0) self.assertAllClose( sample_values[:, 0, 1].var(), sigma_v[1]**2 * df_v[1] / (df_v[1] - 2), rtol=1e-1, atol=0) self._checkKLApprox(df_v[0], mu_v[0], sigma_v[0], sample_values[:, 0, 1])
def test_decimate(): """Test decimation of digitizer headshapes with too many points.""" # load headshape and convert to meters hsp_mm = _get_ico_surface(5)['rr'] * 100 hsp_m = hsp_mm / 1000. # save headshape to a file in mm in temporary directory tempdir = _TempDir() sphere_hsp_path = op.join(tempdir, 'test_sphere.txt') np.savetxt(sphere_hsp_path, hsp_mm) # read in raw data using spherical hsp, and extract new hsp with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: raw = read_raw_kit(sqd_path, mrk_path, elp_txt_path, sphere_hsp_path) assert_true(any('more than' in str(ww.message) for ww in w)) # collect headshape from raw (should now be in m) hsp_dec = np.array([dig['r'] for dig in['dig']])[8:] # with 10242 points and _decimate_points set to resolution of 5 mm, hsp_dec # should be a bit over 5000 points. If not, something is wrong or # decimation resolution has been purposefully changed assert_true(len(hsp_dec) > 5000) # should have similar size, distance from center dist = np.sqrt(np.sum((hsp_m - np.mean(hsp_m, axis=0))**2, axis=1)) dist_dec = np.sqrt(np.sum((hsp_dec - np.mean(hsp_dec, axis=0))**2, axis=1)) hsp_rad = np.mean(dist) hsp_dec_rad = np.mean(dist_dec) assert_almost_equal(hsp_rad, hsp_dec_rad, places=3)
def DM(self, z): """Transverse Comoving Distance (Mpc) Parameters ---------- z : float redshift Returns ------- y : float The transverse comoving distance in Mpc, given by Hogg eqn 16 Examples -------- >>> cosmo = Cosmology() >>> cosmo.DM(1.0) 3303.8288058874678 """ # Compute the transverse comoving distance in Mpc (Eqn 16) if self.OmegaK > 0.0: return self.DH / np.sqrt(self.OmegaK) * \ np.sinh(np.sqrt(self.OmegaK)*self.DC(z)/self.DH) elif self.OmegaK == 0.0: return self.DC(z) elif self.OmegaK < 0.0: return self.DH / np.sqrt(np.abs(self.OmegaK)) * \ np.sin(np.sqrt(np.abs(self.OmegaK))*self.DC(z)/self.DH)
def delta(phase,inc, ecc = 0, omega=0): """ Compute the distance center-to-center between planet and host star. ___ INPUT: phase: orbital phase in radian inc: inclination of the system in radian OPTIONAL INPUT: ecc: omega: // OUTPUT: distance center-to-center, double-float number. ___ """ phase = 2*np.pi*phase if ecc == 0 and omega == 0: delta = np.sqrt(1-(np.cos(phase)**2)*(np.sin(inc)**2)) else: delta = (1.-ecc**2.)/(1.-ecc*np.sin(phase-omega))* np.sqrt((1.-(np.cos(phase))**2.*(np.sin(inc))**2)) return delta
# test features feats = ad.csv_feats_dict ft = feats['colors'] + feats['other'][0:2] + feats['mags'] # features to use # filter for large,small classes, high class_probability nLarge, nSmall, cprob = 10000, 50, 0.99 d = ad.filter_dfcsv(dfcsv, feats=ft, nLarge=nLarge, nSmall=nSmall, cprob=cprob) # filter dfcsv lclasses = d.loc[d.numinType > nLarge, 'newType'].unique() sclasses = d.loc[d.numinType < nSmall, 'newType'].unique() # dataframe for results idxs = pd.MultiIndex.from_product( [list(sclasses), list(lclasses)], names=['small_class', 'large_class']) simdf = pd.DataFrame(data=None, index=idxs, columns=['dist', 'dist_std']) # calc distance between classes # using Euclidean distance between feature means davg = d[ft + ['newType']].groupby('newType').mean() dstd = d[ft + ['newType']].groupby('newType').std() for sc in sclasses: for lc in lclasses: dist, dist_std = 0, 0 for f in ft: dist = dist + (davg.loc[sc, f] - davg.loc[lc, f])**2 dist_std = dist_std + (davg.loc[sc, f] / dstd.loc[sc, f] - davg.loc[lc, f] / dstd.loc[lc, f])**2 simdf.loc[(sc, lc), 'dist'] = np.sqrt(dist) simdf.loc[(sc, lc), 'dist_std'] = np.sqrt(dist_std)
def plotResults(data): means = np.mean(data, axis=0) std_errors = np.std(data, axis=0) / np.sqrt(len(data)) plt.errorbar(range(len(means)), means, yerr=std_errors) plt.ylim(0, 100)
def constrained_oasisAR2(y, g, sn, optimize_b=True, b_nonneg=True, optimize_g=0, decimate=5, shift=100, window=None, tol=1e-9, max_iter=1, penalty=1): """ Infer the most likely discretized spike train underlying an AR(2) fluorescence trace. Solves the noise constrained sparse non-negative deconvolution problem min (s)_1 subject to (c-y)^2 = sn^2 T and s_t = c_t-g1 c_{t-1}-g2 c_{t-2} >= 0 Args: y : array of float One dimensional array containing the fluorescence intensities (with baseline already subtracted) with one entry per time-bin. g : (float, float) Parameters of the AR(2) process that models the fluorescence impulse response. sn : float Standard deviation of the noise distribution. optimize_b : bool, optional, default True Optimize baseline if True else it is set to 0, see y. b_nonneg: bool, optional, default True Enforce strictly non-negative baseline if True. optimize_g : int, optional, default 0 Number of large, isolated events to consider for optimizing g. No optimization if optimize_g=0. decimate : int, optional, default 5 Decimation factor for estimating hyper-parameters faster on decimated data. shift : int, optional, default 100 Number of frames by which to shift window from on run of NNLS to the next. window : int, optional, default None (200 or larger dependend on g) Window size. tol : float, optional, default 1e-9 Tolerance parameter. max_iter : int, optional, default 1 Maximal number of iterations. penalty : int, optional, default 1 Sparsity penalty. 1: min (s)_1 0: min (s)_0 Returns: c : array of float The inferred denoised fluorescence signal at each time-bin. s : array of float Discretized deconvolved neural activity (spikes). b : float Fluorescence baseline value. (g1, g2) : tuple of float Parameters of the AR(2) process that models the fluorescence impulse response. lam : float Sparsity penalty parameter lambda of dual problem. References: Friedrich J and Paninski L, NIPS 2016 Friedrich J, Zhou P, and Paninski L, arXiv 2016 """ T = len(y) d = (g[0] + np.sqrt(g[0] * g[0] + 4 * g[1])) / 2 r = (g[0] - np.sqrt(g[0] * g[0] + 4 * g[1])) / 2 if window is None: window = int(min(T, max(200, -5 / np.log(d)))) if not optimize_g: g11 = (np.exp(np.log(d) * np.arange(1, T + 1)) * np.arange(1, T + 1)) if d == r else \ (np.exp(np.log(d) * np.arange(1, T + 1)) - np.exp(np.log(r) * np.arange(1, T + 1))) / (d - r) g12 = np.append(0, g[1] * g11[:-1]) g11g11 = np.cumsum(g11 * g11) g11g12 = np.cumsum(g11 * g12) Sg11 = np.cumsum(g11) f_lam = 1 - g[0] - g[1] elif decimate == 0: # need to run AR1 anyways for estimating AR coeffs decimate = 1 thresh = sn * sn * T # get initial estimate of b and lam on downsampled data using AR1 model if decimate > 0: _, s, b, aa, lam = constrained_oasisAR1( y[:len(y) // decimate * decimate].reshape(-1, decimate).mean(1), d**decimate, sn / np.sqrt(decimate), optimize_b=optimize_b, b_nonneg=b_nonneg, optimize_g=optimize_g) if optimize_g: from scipy.optimize import minimize d = aa**(1. / decimate) if decimate > 1: s = oasisAR1(y - b, d, lam=lam * (1 - aa) / (1 - d))[1] r = estimate_time_constant(s, 1, fudge_factor=.98)[0] g[0] = d + r g[1] = -d * r g11 = (np.exp(np.log(d) * np.arange(1, T + 1)) - np.exp(np.log(r) * np.arange(1, T + 1))) / (d - r) g12 = np.append(0, g[1] * g11[:-1]) g11g11 = np.cumsum(g11 * g11) g11g12 = np.cumsum(g11 * g12) Sg11 = np.cumsum(g11) f_lam = 1 - g[0] - g[1] elif decimate > 1: s = oasisAR1(y - b, d, lam=lam * (1 - aa) / (1 - d))[1] lam *= (1 - d**decimate) / f_lam # this window size seems necessary and sufficient possible_spikes = [ x + np.arange(-2, 3) for x in np.where(s > s.max() / 10.)[0] ] ff = np.array(possible_spikes, ff = np.unique(ff[(ff >= 0) * (ff < T)]) mask = np.zeros(T, dtype=bool) mask[ff] = True else: b = np.percentile(y, 15) if optimize_b else 0 lam = 2 * sn * np.linalg.norm(g11) mask = None if b_nonneg: b = max(b, 0) # run ONNLS c, s = onnls(y - b, g, lam=lam, mask=mask, shift=shift, window=window, tol=tol) if not optimize_b: # don't optimize b, just the dual variable lambda for _ in range(max_iter - 1): res = y - c RSS = if np.abs(RSS - thresh) < 1e-4 * thresh: break # calc shift dlam, here attributed to sparsity penalty tmp = np.empty(T) ls = np.append(np.where(s > 1e-6)[0], T) l = ls[0] tmp[:l] = (1 + d) / (1 + d**l) * \ np.exp(np.log(d) * np.arange(l)) # first pool for i, f in enumerate(ls[:-1]): # all other pools l = ls[i + 1] - f - 1 # if and elif correct last 2 time points for |s|_1 instead |c|_1 if i == len(ls) - 2: # last pool tmp[f] = (1. / f_lam if l == 0 else (Sg11[l] + g[1] / f_lam * g11[l - 1] + (g[0] + g[1]) / f_lam * g11[l] - g11g12[l] * tmp[f - 1]) / g11g11[l]) # secondlast pool if last one has length 1 elif i == len(ls) - 3 and ls[-2] == T - 1: tmp[f] = (Sg11[l] + g[1] / f_lam * g11[l] - g11g12[l] * tmp[f - 1]) / g11g11[l] else: # all other pools tmp[f] = (Sg11[l] - g11g12[l] * tmp[f - 1]) / g11g11[l] l += 1 tmp[f + 1:f + l] = g11[1:l] * tmp[f] + g12[1:l] * tmp[f - 1] aa = bb = cc = RSS - thresh try: db = (-bb + np.sqrt(bb * bb - aa * cc)) / aa except: db = -bb / aa # perform shift b += db c, s = onnls(y - b, g, lam=lam, mask=mask, shift=shift, window=window, tol=tol) db = np.mean(y - c) - b b += db lam -= db / f_lam else: # optimize b db = max(np.mean(y - c), 0 if b_nonneg else -np.inf) - b b += db lam -= db / (1 - g[0] - g[1]) g_converged = False for _ in range(max_iter - 1): res = y - c - b RSS = if np.abs(RSS - thresh) < 1e-4 * thresh: break # calc shift db, here attributed to baseline tmp = np.empty(T) ls = np.append(np.where(s > 1e-6)[0], T) l = ls[0] tmp[:l] = (1 + d) / (1 + d**l) * \ np.exp(np.log(d) * np.arange(l)) # first pool for i, f in enumerate(ls[:-1]): # all other pools l = ls[i + 1] - f tmp[f] = (Sg11[l - 1] - g11g12[l - 1] * tmp[f - 1]) / g11g11[l - 1] tmp[f + 1:f + l] = g11[1:l] * tmp[f] + g12[1:l] * tmp[f - 1] tmp -= tmp.mean() aa = bb = cc = RSS - thresh try: db = (-bb + np.sqrt(bb * bb - aa * cc)) / aa except: db = -bb / aa # perform shift if b_nonneg: db = np.max(db, -b) b += db c, s = onnls(y - b, g, lam=lam, mask=mask, shift=shift, window=window, tol=tol) # update b and lam db = np.max(np.mean(y - c), 0 if b_nonneg else -np.inf) - b b += db lam -= db / f_lam # update g and b if optimize_g and (not g_converged): def getRSS(y, opt): b, ld, lr = opt if ld < lr: return 1e3 * thresh d, r = np.exp(ld), np.exp(lr) g1, g2 = d + r, -d * r tmp = b + onnls( y - b, [g1, g2], lam, mask=(s > 1e-2 * s.max()))[0] - y return result = minimize(lambda x: getRSS(y, x), (b, np.log(d), np.log(r)), bounds=((0 if b_nonneg else None, None), (None, -1e-4), (None, -1e-3)), method='L-BFGS-B', options={ 'gtol': 1e-04, 'maxiter': 10, 'ftol': 1e-05 }) if abs(result['x'][1] - np.log(d)) < 1e-3: g_converged = True b, ld, lr = result['x'] d, r = np.exp(ld), np.exp(lr) g = (d + r, -d * r) c, s = onnls(y - b, g, lam=lam, mask=mask, shift=shift, window=window, tol=tol) # update b and lam db = np.max(np.mean(y - c), 0 if b_nonneg else -np.inf) - b b += db lam -= db if penalty == 0: # get (locally optimal) L0 solution def c4smin(y, s, s_min): ls = np.append(np.where(s > s_min)[0], T) tmp = np.zeros_like(s) l = ls[0] # first pool tmp[:l] = np.max( 0, np.exp(np.log(d) * np.arange(l)).dot(y[:l]) * (1 - d * d) / (1 - d**(2 * l))) * np.exp(np.log(d) * np.arange(l)) for i, f in enumerate(ls[:-1]): # all other pools l = ls[i + 1] - f tmp[f] = (g11[:l].dot(y[f:f + l]) - g11g12[l - 1] * tmp[f - 1]) / g11g11[l - 1] tmp[f + 1:f + l] = g11[1:l] * tmp[f] + g12[1:l] * tmp[f - 1] return tmp spikesizes = np.sort(s[s > 1e-6]) i = len(spikesizes) // 2 l = 0 u = len(spikesizes) - 1 while u - l > 1: s_min = spikesizes[i] tmp = c4smin(y - b, s, s_min) res = y - b - tmp RSS = if RSS < thresh or i == 0: l = i i = (l + u) // 2 res0 = tmp else: u = i i = (l + u) // 2 if i > 0: c = res0 s = np.append([0, 0], c[2:] - g[0] * c[1:-1] - g[1] * c[:-2]) return c, s, b, g, lam
def onnls(y, g, lam=0, shift=100, window=None, mask=None, tol=1e-9, max_iter=None): """ Infer the most likely discretized spike train underlying an AR(2) fluorescence trace. Solves the sparse non-negative deconvolution problem ``argmin_s 1/2|Ks-y|^2 + lam |s|_1`` for ``s>=0`` Args: y : array of float, shape (T,) One dimensional array containing the fluorescence intensities with one entry per time-bin. g : array, shape (p,) if p in (1,2): Parameter(s) of the AR(p) process that models the fluorescence impulse response. else: Kernel that models the fluorescence impulse response. lam : float, optional, default 0 Sparsity penalty parameter lambda. shift : int, optional, default 100 Number of frames by which to shift window from on run of NNLS to the next. window : int, optional, default None (200 or larger dependend on g) Window size. mask : array of bool, shape (n,), optional, default (True,)*n Mask to restrict potential spike times considered. tol : float, optional, default 1e-9 Tolerance parameter. max_iter : None or int, optional, default None Maximum number of iterations before termination. If None (default), it is set to window size. Returns: c : array of float, shape (T,) The inferred denoised fluorescence signal at each time-bin. s : array of float, shape (T,) Discretized deconvolved neural activity (spikes). References: Friedrich J and Paninski L, NIPS 2016 Bro R and DeJong S, J Chemometrics 1997 """ T = len(y) if mask is None: mask = np.ones(T, dtype=bool) if window is None: w = max( 200, len(g) if len(g) > 2 else int( -5 / np.log(g[0] if len(g) == 1 else (g[0] + np.sqrt(g[0] * g[0] + 4 * g[1])) / 2))) else: w = window w = min(T, w) K = np.zeros((w, w)) if len(g) == 1: # kernel for AR(1) _y = y - lam * (1 - g[0]) _y[-1] = y[-1] - lam h = np.exp(np.log(g[0]) * np.arange(w)) for i in range(w): K[i:, i] = h[:w - i] elif len(g) == 2: # kernel for AR(2) _y = y - lam * (1 - g[0] - g[1]) _y[-2] = y[-2] - lam * (1 - g[0]) _y[-1] = y[-1] - lam d = (g[0] + np.sqrt(g[0] * g[0] + 4 * g[1])) / 2 r = (g[0] - np.sqrt(g[0] * g[0] + 4 * g[1])) / 2 if d == r: h = np.exp(np.log(d) * np.arange(1, w + 1)) * np.arange(1, w + 1) else: h = (np.exp(np.log(d) * np.arange(1, w + 1)) - np.exp(np.log(r) * np.arange(1, w + 1))) / (d - r) for i in range(w): K[i:, i] = h[:w - i] else: # arbitrary kernel h = g for i in range(w): K[i:, i] = h[:w - i] a = np.linalg.inv(K).sum(0) _y = y - lam * a[0] _y[-w:] = y[-w:] - lam * a s = np.zeros(T) KK = for i in range(0, max(1, T - w), shift): s[i:i + w] = _nnls(KK,[i:i + w]), s[i:i + w], mask=mask[i:i + w], tol=tol, max_iter=max_iter)[:w] # subtract contribution of spikes already committed to _y[i:i + w] -= K[:, :shift].dot(s[i:i + shift]) s[i + shift:] = _nnls(KK[-(T - i - shift):, -(T - i - shift):], K[:T - i - shift, :T - i - shift][i + shift:]), s[i + shift:], mask=mask[i + shift:]) c = np.zeros_like(s) for t in np.where(s > tol)[0]: c[t:t + w] += s[t] * h[:min(w, T - t)] return c, s
def constrained_foopsi(fluor, bl=None, c1=None, g=None, sn=None, p=1, method_deconvolution='oasis', bas_nonneg=True, noise_range=[.25, .5], noise_method='logmexp', lags=5, fudge_factor=1., verbosity=False, solvers=None, optimize_g=0, s_min=None, **kwargs): """ Infer the most likely discretized spike train underlying a fluorescence trace. It relies on a noise constrained deconvolution approach. Args: fluor: np.ndarray One dimensional array containing the fluorescence intensities with one entry per time-bin. bl: [optional] float Fluorescence baseline value. If no value is given, then bl is estimated from the data. c1: [optional] float value of calcium at time 0 g: [optional] list,float Parameters of the AR process that models the fluorescence impulse response. Estimated from the data if no value is given sn: float, optional Standard deviation of the noise distribution. If no value is given, then sn is estimated from the data. p: int order of the autoregression model method_deconvolution: [optional] string solution method for basis projection pursuit 'cvx' or 'cvxpy' or 'oasis' bas_nonneg: bool baseline strictly non-negative noise_range: list of two elms frequency range for averaging noise PSD noise_method: string method of averaging noise PSD lags: int number of lags for estimating time constants fudge_factor: float fudge factor for reducing time constant bias verbosity: bool display optimization details solvers: list string primary and secondary (if problem unfeasible for approx solution) solvers to be used with cvxpy, default is ['ECOS','SCS'] optimize_g : [optional] int, only applies to method 'oasis' Number of large, isolated events to consider for optimizing g. If optimize_g=0 (default) the provided or estimated g is not further optimized. s_min : float, optional, only applies to method 'oasis' Minimal non-zero activity within each bin (minimal 'spike size'). For negative values the threshold is abs(s_min) * sn * sqrt(1-g) If None (default) the standard L1 penalty is used If 0 the threshold is determined automatically such that RSS <= sn^2 T Returns: c: np.ndarray float The inferred denoised fluorescence signal at each time-bin. bl, c1, g, sn : As explained above sp: ndarray of float Discretized deconvolved neural activity (spikes) lam: float Regularization parameter Raises: Exception("You must specify the value of p") Exception('OASIS is currently only implemented for p=1 and p=2') Exception('Undefined Deconvolution Method') References: * Pnevmatikakis et al. 2016. Neuron, in press, * Machado et al. 2015. Cell 162(2):338-350 \image: docs/img/deconvolution.png \image: docs/img/evaluationcomponent.png """ if g is None or sn is None: # Estimate noise standard deviation and AR coefficients, # if they are not present g, sn = estimate_parameters(fluor, p=p, sn=sn, g=g, range_ff=noise_range, method=noise_method, lags=lags, fudge_factor=fudge_factor) lam = None if method_deconvolution == 'cvx': c, bl, c1, g, sn, sp = cvxopt_foopsi(fluor, b=bl, c1=c1, g=g, sn=sn, p=p, bas_nonneg=bas_nonneg, verbosity=verbosity) elif method_deconvolution == 'cvxpy': c, bl, c1, g, sn, sp = cvxpy_foopsi(fluor, g, sn, b=bl, c1=c1, bas_nonneg=bas_nonneg, solvers=solvers) elif method_deconvolution == 'oasis': from cnmf_oasis import constrained_oasisAR1 penalty = 1 if s_min is None else 0 if p == 1: if bl is None: # Infer the most likely discretized spike train underlying # an AR(1) fluorescence trace. # Solves the noise constrained sparse # non-negative deconvolution problem. min |s|_1 subject to: # |c-y|^2 = sn^2 T and s_t = c_t-g c_{t-1} >= 0 c, sp, bl, g, lam = constrained_oasisAR1( fluor.astype(np.float32), g[0], sn, optimize_b=True, b_nonneg=bas_nonneg, optimize_g=optimize_g, penalty=penalty, s_min=0 if s_min is None else s_min) else: c, sp, _, g, lam = constrained_oasisAR1( (fluor - bl).astype(np.float32), g[0], sn, optimize_b=False, penalty=penalty) c1 = c[0] # remove intial calcium to align with the other foopsi methods # it is added back in function constrained_foopsi_parallel of # c -= c1 * g**np.arange(len(fluor)) elif p == 2: from cnmf_oasis import constrained_oasisAR1, constrained_oasisAR2 if bl is None: c, sp, bl, g, lam = constrained_oasisAR2(fluor.astype( np.float32), g, sn, optimize_b=True, b_nonneg=bas_nonneg, optimize_g=optimize_g, penalty=penalty) else: c, sp, _, g, lam = constrained_oasisAR2( (fluor - bl).astype(np.float32), g, sn, optimize_b=False, penalty=penalty) c1 = c[0] d = (g[0] + np.sqrt(g[0] * g[0] + 4 * g[1])) / 2 c -= c1 * d**np.arange(len(fluor)) else: raise Exception( 'OASIS is currently only implemented for p=1 and p=2') g = np.ravel(g) return c, bl, c1, g, sn, sp, lam
def cvxpy_foopsi(fluor, g, sn, b=None, c1=None, bas_nonneg=True, solvers=None): """ Solves the deconvolution problem using the cvxpy package and the ECOS/SCS library. Args: fluor: ndarray fluorescence trace g: list of doubles parameters of the autoregressive model, cardinality equivalent to p sn: double estimated noise level b: double baseline level. If None it is estimated. c1: double initial value of calcium. If None it is estimated. bas_nonneg: boolean should the baseline be estimated solvers: tuple of two strings primary and secondary solvers to be used. Can be choosen between ECOS, SCS, CVXOPT Returns: c: estimated calcium trace b: estimated baseline c1: esimtated initial calcium value g: esitmated parameters of the autoregressive model sn: estimated noise level sp: estimated spikes Raises: ImportError 'cvxpy solver requires installation of cvxpy. Not working in windows at the moment.' ValueError 'Problem solved suboptimally or unfeasible' """ # todo: check the result and gen_vector vars try: import cvxpy as cvx except ImportError: # XXX Is the below still true? raise ImportError('''cvxpy solver requires installation of cvxpy. Not working in windows at the moment.''') if solvers is None: solvers = ['ECOS', 'SCS'] T = fluor.size # construct deconvolution matrix (sp = G*c) G = scipy.sparse.dia_matrix((np.ones((1, T)), [0]), (T, T)) for i, gi in enumerate(g): G = G + \ scipy.sparse.dia_matrix((-gi * np.ones((1, T)), [-1 - i]), (T, T)) gr = np.roots(np.concatenate([np.array([1]), -g.flatten()])) gd_vec = np.max(gr)**np.arange(T) # decay vector for initial fluorescence gen_vec =, 1)))) c = cvx.Variable(T) # calcium at each time step constraints = [] cnt = 0 if b is None: flag_b = True cnt += 1 b = cvx.Variable(1) # baseline value if bas_nonneg: b_lb = 0 else: b_lb = np.min(fluor) constraints.append(b >= b_lb) else: flag_b = False if c1 is None: flag_c1 = True cnt += 1 c1 = cvx.Variable(1) # baseline value constraints.append(c1 >= 0) else: flag_c1 = False thrNoise = sn * np.sqrt(fluor.size) try: # minimize number of spikes objective = cvx.Minimize(cvx.norm(G * c, 1)) constraints.append(G * c >= 0) constraints.append( cvx.norm(-c + fluor - b - gd_vec * c1, 2) <= thrNoise) prob = cvx.Problem(objective, constraints) result = prob.solve(solver=solvers[0]) if not (prob.status == 'optimal' or prob.status == 'optimal_inaccurate'): raise ValueError('Problem solved suboptimally or unfeasible') print(('PROBLEM STATUS:' + prob.status)) sys.stdout.flush() except (ValueError, cvx.SolverError): # if solvers fail to solve the problem lam = old_div(sn, 500) constraints = constraints[:-1] objective = cvx.Minimize( cvx.norm(-c + fluor - b - gd_vec * c1, 2) + lam * cvx.norm(G * c, 1)) prob = cvx.Problem(objective, constraints) try: # in case scs was not installed properly try: print('TRYING AGAIN ECOS') sys.stdout.flush() result = prob.solve(solver=solvers[0]) except: print((solvers[0] + ' DID NOT WORK TRYING ' + solvers[1])) result = prob.solve(solver=solvers[1]) except: sys.stderr.write( '''***** SCS solver failed, try installing and compiling SCS for much faster performance. Otherwise set the solvers in tempora_params to ["ECOS","CVXOPT"]''') sys.stderr.flush() raise if not (prob.status == 'optimal' or prob.status == 'optimal_inaccurate'): print(('PROBLEM STATUS:' + prob.status)) sp = fluor c = fluor b = 0 c1 = 0 return c, b, c1, g, sn, sp sp = np.squeeze(np.asarray(G * c.value)) c = np.squeeze(np.asarray(c.value)) if flag_b: b = np.squeeze(b.value) if flag_c1: c1 = np.squeeze(c1.value) return c, b, c1, g, sn, sp
# Model 2 (a_0 + a_1 K + a_2 K^2 + a_3 T + a_5 K*T) X = np.column_stack((data['StrikePrice'], data['StrikePrice']**2, data['t_delta'], data['StrikePrice']*data['t_delta'])) X = sm.add_constant(X) y = data['ImpliedVola'] model = sm.OLS(y, X) results = DVF_Model2_result['a_0'][i] = results.params[0] DVF_Model2_result['a_1'][i] = results.params[1] DVF_Model2_result['a_2'][i] = results.params[2] DVF_Model2_result['a_3'][i] = results.params[3] DVF_Model2_result['a_5'][i] = results.params[4] # Create RMSE DVF_Model2_result['RMSE_S'][i] = np.sqrt(np.mean((data['TaeglicherAbrechnungspreis'] - vBSMOption(data['OptionType'], data['SchlusspreisBasiswert'], data['t_delta'], data['StrikePrice'], data['EONIA'], vDVF_Model2_sigma(data['t_delta'], data['StrikePrice'], DVF_Model2_result['a_0'][i], DVF_Model2_result['a_1'][i], DVF_Model2_result['a_2'][i], DVF_Model2_result['a_3'][i], DVF_Model2_result['a_5'][i]), Greek='Price'))**2)) / data['SchlusspreisBasiswert'][0] if i > 0: DVF_Model2_result['RMSE_S_Previous_Vs_Current'][i] = np.sqrt(np.mean((data['TaeglicherAbrechnungspreis'] - vBSMOption(data['OptionType'], data['SchlusspreisBasiswert'], data['t_delta'], data['StrikePrice'], data['EONIA'], vDVF_Model2_sigma(data['t_delta'], data['StrikePrice'], DVF_Model2_result['a_0'][i-1], DVF_Model2_result['a_1'][i-1], DVF_Model2_result['a_2'][i-1], DVF_Model2_result['a_3'][i-1], DVF_Model2_result['a_5'][i-1]), Greek='Price'))**2)) / data['SchlusspreisBasiswert'][0] # Model 3 (a_0 + a_1 K + a_2 K^2 + a_3 T + a_4 T^2 + a_5 K*T) X = np.column_stack((data['StrikePrice'], data['StrikePrice']**2, data['t_delta'], data['t_delta']**2, data['StrikePrice']*data['t_delta'])) X = sm.add_constant(X) y = data['ImpliedVola'] model = sm.OLS(y, X) results = DVF_Model3_result['a_0'][i] = results.params[0] DVF_Model3_result['a_1'][i] = results.params[1] DVF_Model3_result['a_2'][i] = results.params[2]
from common import load, load_args import numpy import os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt input_list = [] target_list = [] for i in range(101): input_list.append(i) target_list.append(numpy.sqrt(i)) directory = os.fsencode('./output/saves/') if not os.path.exists('./output/charts'): os.makedirs('./output/charts') output = [] temp = [] for file in os.listdir(directory): filename = os.fsdecode(file) filename_split = filename.split('_') if filename_split[0] == '0.01' and filename_split[5] == '50.ser': network = load('./output/saves/' + filename) output.clear() for number in input_list: temp.clear() temp.append(number) output.append(network.query(temp)[0][0]) plt.figure(0) plt.suptitle('Aproksymacja funkcji') plt.title('lr=' + filename_split[1] + ', momentum=' + filename_split[2] + ', neurony ukryte=' + filename_split[3] +
plt.xlabel(r'$\mu$' "(" r'$\phi$' ")") plt.ylabel('Height (km)') if n_part == 1: plt.subplot(1, 4, 2) sigma = np.zeros((results.shape[0], 1)) M0 = np.asarray(moments[:, 0, 0], dtype=float).reshape((-1, 1)) M1 = np.asarray(moments[:, 1, 0], dtype=float).reshape((-1, 1)) M2 = np.asarray(moments[:, 2, 0], dtype=float).reshape((-1, 1)) M3 = np.asarray(moments[:, 3, 0], dtype=float).reshape((-1, 1)) sigma[:, 0] = np.sqrt(M2[:, 0] / M0[:, 0] - (M1[:, 0] / M0[:, 0])**2) plt.plot(sigma, z) plt.xlabel(r'$\sigma$' "(" r'$\phi$' ")") plt.ylabel('Height (km)') plt.subplot(1, 4, 3) skew = np.zeros((results.shape[0], 1)) skew[:, 0] = M3[:, 0] - 3 * M1[:, 0] * M2[:, 0] + 2 * M1[:, 0]**3 plt.plot(skew, z) plt.xlabel('Skew (\phi)' "(" r'$\phi$' ")")
def GP_forecast( df: pd.DataFrame, days_in_past: int = 2, days_in_future: int = 1, detectors: list = None, kern=None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Forecast using Gaussian Processes Args: df: Dataframe of JamCam data days_in_past: Integer number of previous days to use for forecast days_in_future: Days in future produce a for forecast for detectors: List of detectors to look at Returns: Dataframe forecast in same format as JamCam input dataframe """ # extract numpy array of detector ID's if detectors is None: detectors = df["detector_id"].drop_duplicates().to_numpy() framelist = [] i = 0 for detector in detectors: i += 1 dataset = df[df["detector_id"] == detector].tail(n=26 * days_in_past) Y = dataset["n_vehicles_in_interval"].to_numpy().reshape(-1, 1) Y = Y.astype(float) X = ( (dataset["measurement_end_utc"] - dataset["measurement_end_utc"].min()) .astype("timedelta64[h]") .to_numpy() .reshape(-1, 1) ) scaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(-1, 1)) y = scaler.fit_transform(Y) if kern is None: kern_pD = gpflow.kernels.Periodic(gpflow.kernels.SquaredExponential()) kern_pW = gpflow.kernels.Periodic(gpflow.kernels.SquaredExponential()) kern_SE = gpflow.kernels.SquaredExponential() kern_W = gpflow.kernels.White() kern_M = gpflow.kernels.Matern32() kern_pD.period.assign(24.0) # kern_pD.base_kernel.variance.assign(10) kern_pW.period.assign(168.0) # kern_pW.base_kernel.variance.assign(10) k = kern_pD + kern_pW + kern_M else: k = kern m = gpflow.models.GPR(data=(X, y), kernel=k, mean_function=None) opt = gpflow.optimizers.Scipy() try: opt.minimize( m.training_loss, m.trainable_variables, options=dict(maxiter=500), ) except: print(detector, " Covariance matrix not invertible, skipping to next detector") del m continue print("please wait: ", i, "/", len(detectors), end="\r") time_shift=24 - dataset["measurement_end_utc"].max().hour ## generate test points for prediction xx = np.linspace( X.max() + time_shift, X.max() + time_shift + (days_in_future * 24) + 1, (days_in_future * 24) ).reshape( (days_in_future * 24), 1 ) # test points must be of shape (N, D) ## predict mean and variance of latent GP at test points mean, var = m.predict_f(xx) # reverse min_max scaler testPredict = scaler.inverse_transform(mean) testVar = scaler.inverse_transform(var) # find the time period for our testPredictions start_date = dataset["measurement_end_utc"].max() + np.timedelta64(time_shift, "h") end_date = start_date + np.timedelta64(24 * (days_in_future) -1, "h") T = pd.date_range(start_date, end_date, freq="H") # organise data into dataframe similar to the SCOOT outputs df2 = pd.DataFrame( { "detector_id": detector, "lon": df[df["detector_id"] == detector]["lon"].iloc[0], "lat": df[df["detector_id"] == detector]["lat"].iloc[0], "measurement_start_utc": T, "measurement_end_utc": T + np.timedelta64(1, "h"), "n_vehicles_in_interval": testPredict.flatten(), "prediction_variance": testVar.flatten(), "baseline_upper": testPredict.flatten() + 3 * np.sqrt(testVar.flatten()), "baseline_lower": testPredict.flatten() - 3 * np.sqrt(testVar.flatten()), } ) del m framelist.append(df2) return pd.concat(framelist)
def G_synthesis( dlatents_in, # Input: Disentangled latents (W) [minibatch, num_layers, dlatent_size]. dlatent_size=512, # Disentangled latent (W) dimensionality. num_channels=3, # Number of output color channels. resolution=1024, # Output resolution. fmap_base=8192, # Overall multiplier for the number of feature maps. fmap_decay=1.0, # log2 feature map reduction when doubling the resolution. fmap_max=512, # Maximum number of feature maps in any layer. use_styles=True, # Enable style inputs? const_input_layer=True, # First layer is a learned constant? use_noise=True, # Enable noise inputs? randomize_noise=True, # True = randomize noise inputs every time (non-deterministic), False = read noise inputs from variables. nonlinearity='lrelu', # Activation function: 'relu', 'lrelu' use_wscale=True, # Enable equalized learning rate? use_pixel_norm=False, # Enable pixelwise feature vector normalization? use_instance_norm=True, # Enable instance normalization? dtype='float32', # Data type to use for activations and outputs. fused_scale='auto', # True = fused convolution + scaling, False = separate ops, 'auto' = decide automatically. blur_filter=[ 1, 2, 1 ], # Low-pass filter to apply when resampling activations. None = no filtering. # structure = 'auto', # 'fixed' = no progressive growing, 'linear' = human-readable, 'recursive' = efficient, 'auto' = select automatically. structure='fixed', # 'fixed' = no progressive growing, 'linear' = human-readable, 'recursive' = efficient, 'auto' = select automatically. is_template_graph=False, # True = template graph constructed by the Network class, False = actual evaluation. force_clean_graph=False, # True = construct a clean graph that looks nice in TensorBoard, False = default behavior. **_kwargs): # Ignore unrecognized keyword args. resolution_log2 = int(np.log2(resolution)) assert resolution == 2**resolution_log2 and resolution >= 4 def nf(stage): return min(int(fmap_base / (2.0**(stage * fmap_decay))), fmap_max) def blur(x): return blur2d(x, blur_filter) if blur_filter else x if is_template_graph: force_clean_graph = True if force_clean_graph: randomize_noise = False if structure == 'auto': structure = 'linear' if force_clean_graph else 'recursive' act, gain = { 'relu': (tf.nn.relu, np.sqrt(2)), 'lrelu': (leaky_relu, np.sqrt(2)) }[nonlinearity] num_layers = resolution_log2 * 2 - 2 num_styles = num_layers if use_styles else 1 images_out = None # Primary inputs. dlatents_in.set_shape([None, num_styles, dlatent_size]) dlatents_in = tf.cast(dlatents_in, dtype) lod_in = tf.cast( tf.get_variable('lod', initializer=np.float32(0), trainable=False), dtype) # Noise inputs. noise_inputs = [] if use_noise: for layer_idx in range(num_layers): res = layer_idx // 2 + 2 shape = [1, use_noise, 2**res, 2**res] noise_inputs.append( tf.get_variable('noise%d' % layer_idx, shape=shape, initializer=tf.initializers.random_normal(), trainable=False)) # Things to do at the end of each layer. def layer_epilogue(x, layer_idx): if use_noise: x = apply_noise(x, noise_inputs[layer_idx], randomize_noise=randomize_noise) x = apply_bias(x) x = act(x) if use_pixel_norm: x = pixel_norm(x) if use_instance_norm: x = instance_norm(x) if use_styles: x = style_mod(x, dlatents_in[:, layer_idx], use_wscale=use_wscale) return x # Early layers. with tf.variable_scope('4x4'): if const_input_layer: with tf.variable_scope('Const'): x = tf.get_variable('const', shape=[1, nf(1), 4, 4], initializer=tf.initializers.ones()) x = layer_epilogue( tf.tile(tf.cast(x, dtype), [tf.shape(dlatents_in)[0], 1, 1, 1]), 0) else: with tf.variable_scope('Dense'): x = dense( dlatents_in[:, 0], fmaps=nf(1) * 16, gain=gain / 4, use_wscale=use_wscale ) # tweak gain to match the official implementation of Progressing GAN x = layer_epilogue(tf.reshape(x, [-1, nf(1), 4, 4]), 0) with tf.variable_scope('Conv'): x = layer_epilogue( conv2d(x, fmaps=nf(1), kernel=3, gain=gain, use_wscale=use_wscale), 1) # Building blocks for remaining layers. def block(res, x): # res = 3..resolution_log2 with tf.variable_scope('%dx%d' % (2**res, 2**res)): with tf.variable_scope('Conv0_up'): x = layer_epilogue( blur( upscale2d_conv2d(x, fmaps=nf(res - 1), kernel=3, gain=gain, use_wscale=use_wscale, fused_scale=fused_scale)), res * 2 - 4) with tf.variable_scope('Conv1'): x = layer_epilogue( conv2d(x, fmaps=nf(res - 1), kernel=3, gain=gain, use_wscale=use_wscale), res * 2 - 3) return x def torgb(res, x): # res = 2..resolution_log2 lod = resolution_log2 - res with tf.variable_scope('ToRGB_lod%d' % lod): return apply_bias( conv2d(x, fmaps=num_channels, kernel=1, gain=1, use_wscale=use_wscale)) # Fixed structure: simple and efficient, but does not support progressive growing. if structure == 'fixed': for res in range(3, resolution_log2 + 1): x = block(res, x) images_out = torgb(resolution_log2, x) # Linear structure: simple but inefficient. if structure == 'linear': images_out = torgb(2, x) for res in range(3, resolution_log2 + 1): lod = resolution_log2 - res x = block(res, x) img = torgb(res, x) images_out = upscale2d(images_out) with tf.variable_scope('Grow_lod%d' % lod): images_out = tflib.lerp_clip(img, images_out, lod_in - lod) # Recursive structure: complex but efficient. if structure == 'recursive': def cset(cur_lambda, new_cond, new_lambda): return lambda: tf.cond(new_cond, new_lambda, cur_lambda) def grow(x, res, lod): y = block(res, x) img = lambda: upscale2d(torgb(res, y), 2**lod) img = cset( img, (lod_in > lod), lambda: upscale2d( tflib.lerp(torgb(res, y), upscale2d(torgb(res - 1, x)), lod_in - lod), 2**lod)) if lod > 0: img = cset(img, (lod_in < lod), lambda: grow(y, res + 1, lod - 1)) return img() images_out = grow(x, 3, resolution_log2 - 3) assert images_out.dtype == tf.as_dtype(dtype) return tf.identity(images_out, name='images_out')
def generate_cone(direction_vec, lim_angle, xxx_todo_changeme2, num_pts_dir): """ Generates cone for direction vector on real S_6 (x^2 + y^2 + z^2 + u^2 + v^2 + w^2 = 1) and generates cartesian raster for x and y """ (dx, dy) = xxx_todo_changeme2 num_pts_lspace = num_pts_dir if num_pts_dir % 2 == 1: num_pts_lspace -= 1 lspace = np.hstack( (np.linspace(-1, 0, num_pts_lspace//2, endpoint=False), np.linspace(1, 0, num_pts_lspace//2, endpoint=False) ) ) lspace = np.hstack((0, lspace)) # generate vectors in z direction x = dx*lspace y = dy*lspace kxr = lim_angle*lspace kxi = lim_angle*lspace kyr = lim_angle*lspace kyi = lim_angle*lspace kzi = lim_angle*lspace (X, Y, KXR, KXI, KYR, KYI, KZI) = np.meshgrid(x, y, kxr, kxi, kyr, kyi, kzi) KZR = np.sqrt(1. - KXR**2 - KXI**2 - KYR**2 - KYI**2 - KZI**2) complex_ek = np.vstack((KXR.flatten() + 1j*KXI.flatten(), KYR.flatten() + 1j*KYI.flatten(), KZR.flatten() + 1j*KZI.flatten())) start_pts = np.vstack((X.flatten(), Y.flatten(), np.zeros_like(X.flatten()))) # TODO: complex rotate complex_ek into right direction # this means: generalize rodrigues to unitary matrices # and get 5 angles from dir_vector #print(np.linalg.norm(complex_ek, axis=0)) #print(complex_ek) #kz = np.cos(lim_angle) #kinpl = np.sin(lim_angle) # rotate back into direction_vec direction #phi = np.arctan2(direction_vec[1], direction_vec[0]) #theta = np.arcsin(np.sqrt(direction_vec[1]**2 + direction_vec[0]**2)) return (start_pts, complex_ek)
def normfun(x,mu, sigma): pdf = np.exp(-((x - mu)**2) / (2* sigma**2)) / (sigma * np.sqrt(2*np.pi)) return pdf
def polynomial_regression(): # Check if user is loggedin if ('loggedin' in session): # Init variables (data_to_html, feature, graph_title, msg_suc, msg_err, msg_warn) = (None,) * 6 # Init list (columns, res_list, score_list) = (list(), ) * 3 # Get session details username = session['username'] lang = session['lang'] # Define tag category + model cat_tag = 'REG' mod_tag = 'PR' # Connect to database cursor = mysql.connection.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) # Get categories of navbar navbar_cat = datas_cat_nav(cursor, lang) navbar_cat_name = navbar_cat[0] navbar_cat_tag = navbar_cat[1] navbar_cat_icon = navbar_cat[2] navbar_cat_link = navbar_cat[3] # Get models of navbar navbar_models = datas_mod_nav(cursor, lang, navbar_cat_tag) # Get settings of navbar navbar_settings = datas_set_nav(cursor, lang) navbar_set_name = navbar_settings[0] navbar_set_icon = navbar_settings[1] navbar_set_link = navbar_settings[2] # Get category details for breadcrumb cat_details = cards_categories(cursor, lang, cat_tag) cat_name = cat_details[0] cat_link = cat_details[3] # Get model details for breadcrumb model_details = datas_model(cursor, lang, mod_tag) model_name = model_details[0] model_link = model_details[1] # Break connection cursor.close() if (request.method == 'POST'): # Upload file if (request.form['submit_btn'] == 'Upload Now' or request.form['submit_btn'] == 'Envoyer maintenant'): # All fields was complete if (bool(request.files['file']) == 1 and bool(request.form['sep_select']) == 1 ): get_upload_datas = upload_file(lang, False) msg_err = get_upload_datas[0] msg_suc = get_upload_datas[1] msg_warn = get_upload_datas[2] global new_tmp_path new_tmp_path = get_upload_datas[3] global colname_list colname_list = get_upload_datas[4] columns = colname_list data_to_html = get_upload_datas[5] global df df = get_upload_datas[6] else: if (lang == 'en'): # Submit without upload file msg_err = ( 'Please upload your data and select a separator.' ) else: msg_err = ( 'Veuillez télécharger vos données et ' 'choisir un séparateur.' ) # Model compute if (request.form['submit_btn'] == 'Launch the model' or request.form['submit_btn'] == 'Lancer le modèle'): feature = request.form['feature'] # Get colname list columns = colname_list # Show uploading files data_to_html = df_html_show(df) # Delete feature from columns columns.remove(feature) for i in columns: x_feat = df[feature].values.reshape(-1, 1) y_targ = df[i].values.reshape(-1, 1) # Train Test X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split( x_feat, y_targ, test_size=0.33, random_state=42 ) score_rmse = list() min_rmse, min_deg = (math.inf,) * 2 for deg in range(1, 11): # Train features poly_features = PolynomialFeatures(degree=deg, include_bias=False) x_poly_train = poly_features.fit_transform(X_train) # Linear regression poly_reg = LinearRegression().fit(x_poly_train, y_train) # Compare with test data x_poly_test = poly_features.fit_transform(X_test) poly_predict = poly_reg.predict(x_poly_test) poly_rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_test, poly_predict)) score_rmse.append(poly_rmse) # Cross-validation of degree if (min_rmse > poly_rmse): min_rmse = poly_rmse min_deg = deg # Create Polynomial model polynomial = PolynomialFeatures(degree=min_deg) # Fit polynomial model X_train = polynomial.fit_transform(X_train) X_test = polynomial.fit_transform(X_test) # Create linear model and fit regressor = linear_model.LinearRegression().fit(X_train, y_train) # Predicting test set results y_test_pred = regressor.predict(X_test) # Prediction y_pred = regressor.predict(X_train) y_pred = y_pred.tolist() # Accuracy r2_test = r2_score(y_test , y_test_pred) * 100 r2_train = r2_score(y_train, y_pred) * 100 res = [i, round(statistics.mean([r2_test, r2_train]), 2)] res_list.append(res) # Save scoring score_list = [score[1] for score in res_list] if (lang == 'en'): # Add graph title graph_title = ( 'Comparison of the correlation between ' + feature + ' and the columns :' ) # Success msg_suc = ( 'The model was successfully calculated. ' 'Your data was automatically deleted.' ) else: graph_title = ( 'Comparaison de la corrélation entre ' + feature + ' et les colonnes :' ) msg_suc = ( 'Le modèle a été calculé avec succès. ' 'Vos données ont été automatiquement supprimées.' ) # Delete file file_remove(new_tmp_path) return render_template( 'regression/pol_reg.html', title = model_name, username = username, lang = lang, nav_cat_name = navbar_cat_name, nav_cat_tag = navbar_cat_tag, nav_cat_icon = navbar_cat_icon, nav_cat_lnk = navbar_cat_link, nav_models = navbar_models, nav_set_name = navbar_set_name, nav_set_icon = navbar_set_icon, nav_set_lnk = navbar_set_link, cat_name = cat_name, cat_tag = cat_tag, cat_link = cat_link, model_name = model_name, model_link = model_link, msg_err = msg_err, msg_suc = msg_suc, msg_warn = msg_warn, data_show = data_to_html, df_columns = columns, feature = feature, score_list = score_list, graph_title = graph_title ) else: return redirect('404')
def sgd_recur(X, y, grad, batch_size, n_epoch, L, init_step=2.0, R=1.0, reg_coeff=0.001, verbose=False, loss_func=None, test_func=None): N, dim = X.shape batch_idx = get_batch_index(N, batch_size) m = len(batch_idx) - 1 mu = reg_coeff niter = n_epoch * m + 1 it = 0 # initialization w = np.zeros((niter, dim)) sens = np.zeros((niter, m)) step_size = init_step for t in range(n_epoch): if m > 1: step_size = init_step / np.sqrt(t + 1) # recurrence coefficient contr_coeff = max(np.abs(1. - step_size * mu), np.abs(1. - step_size * L)) b = (2.0 * R * step_size) / batch_size for j in range(m): mini_X = X[batch_idx[j]:batch_idx[j + 1], :] mini_y = y[batch_idx[j]:batch_idx[j + 1]] # gradient desecent update gt = grad(w[it], mini_X, mini_y) / batch_size gt += reg_coeff * w[it] w[it + 1, :] = w[it] - step_size * gt for k in range(m): sens[it + 1, k] = contr_coeff * sens[it, k] if k == j: sens[it + 1, k] += b it += 1 if verbose: objval = loss_func(w[it], X, y) acc = test_func(w[it], X, y) * 100 print("[{0}] loss={1:.5f} acc={2:7.3f}".format(t + 1, objval, acc)) # avg_sens = sens[-1, :] # last_it = w[-1, :] # return last_it, avg_sens return w[1:, ], sens[1:, :]
def acf_to_acorr(acf): diag = np.diag(acf[0]) # numpy broadcasting sufficient return acf / np.sqrt(np.outer(diag, diag))
#get VCSS data #freq_arr, flux_arr, eflux_arr, labels = get_VCSS_data(sname, wise_row, # sp_row, labels, freq_arr, flux_arr, eflux_arr) freq_arr, flux_arr, eflux_arr, labels = sedutils.VCSS_data_cleanup( sname, wise_row, sp_row, labels, freq_arr, flux_arr, eflux_arr) flux_arr, eflux_arr, labels = sedutils.mod_data_flux_density_scale( flux_arr, eflux_arr, labels) if 'VLASS' in labels and sp_row['VLASS_Limit'] != 'U': ind = labels.index('VLASS') vflux = flux_arr[ind] eflux = eflux_arr[ind] if eflux < 0.2 * vflux: eflux_arr[ind] = np.sqrt(eflux**2 + (vflux / 5)**2) if useInBand: if 'BX' in labels and np.any(jvla_BX['snr'] > 50): freq_arr, flux_arr, eflux_arr = rmfit.prep_fit_arr( freq_arr, flux_arr, eflux_arr, alpha_BX) if 'AX' in labels and np.any(jvla_AX['snr'] > 50): freq_arr, flux_arr, eflux_arr = rmfit.prep_fit_arr( freq_arr, flux_arr, eflux_arr, alpha_AX) #create dict for online table: mydict = {} for snu, esnu, cat in zip(flux_arr, eflux_arr, labels): mydict['F' + cat] = np.round(snu, 2) mydict['E' + cat] = np.round(esnu, 2)
def momentum(X, y, grad, batch_size, beta, L, sigma, alpha, n_epoch, reg_coeff=0.001, verbose=False): N, dim = X.shape n_batch = int(N / batch_size) rem = N % batch_size extra = rem / n_batch batch_size += extra rem = N % batch_size m = n_batch mu = reg_coeff n_alpha = len(alpha) sig_sq = 2.0 * (sigma**2) batches = np.arange(N) np.random.shuffle(batches) # initialization w = np.zeros(dim) v = np.zeros_like(w) sens = np.zeros((m, n_alpha)) sens_p = np.zeros_like(sens) for t in range(n_epoch): step_size = 2. / (t + 1) for j in range(m): batch_start = batch_start_idx(j, batch_size, rem) batch_finish = batch_start_idx(j + 1, batch_size, rem) rand_idx = batches[batch_start:batch_finish] mini_X = X[rand_idx, :] mini_y = y[rand_idx] # gradient desecent update gt = grad(w, mini_X, mini_y) gt /= batch_size gt += mu * w v[:] = beta * v + step_size * gt w -= v if verbose: loss = logistic_loss(w, X, y) / N + 0.5 * reg_coeff * w, w) print("[{0}] loss={1}".format(t + 1, loss)) # recurrence coefficient contr_coeff = max(np.absolute(1. - np.sqrt(step_size * mu)), np.absolute(1. - np.sqrt(step_size * L))) expan = 2.0 * step_size / batch_size if t == 0: for j in range(1, m): sens[0, :] = (expan**2) * (contr_coeff**(2 * (m - j - 1))) else: for j in range(m): sens[j, :] = (contr_coeff**(2 * m) * (sens[j, :] + sens_p[j, :]) + (2.0 * expan) * (contr_coeff**(2 * (m - 1) - j)) * np.sqrt(sens[j, :] + sens_p[j, :]) + (expan**2) * (contr_coeff**(2 * (m - j - 1)))) expo = alpha * (alpha - 1) * sens / sig_sq log_eta = logsumexp(expo, axis=0) - np.log(m) return w, log_eta
def vega(self): self.BSM() self.vega = np.exp(-self.r*self.T)*self.S0*np.sqrt(self.T)*norm.pdf(self.d1) return self.vega[0]
def QuatSqrt(Q) : return (one+Q)/np.sqrt(2+2*Q[0])
def D_basic( images_in, # First input: Images [minibatch, channel, height, width]. labels_in, # Second input: Labels [minibatch, label_size]. num_channels=1, # Number of input color channels. Overridden based on dataset. resolution=32, # Input resolution. Overridden based on dataset. label_size=0, # Dimensionality of the labels, 0 if no labels. Overridden based on dataset. fmap_base=8192, # Overall multiplier for the number of feature maps. fmap_decay=1.0, # log2 feature map reduction when doubling the resolution. fmap_max=512, # Maximum number of feature maps in any layer. nonlinearity='lrelu', # Activation function: 'relu', 'lrelu', use_wscale=True, # Enable equalized learning rate? mbstd_group_size=4, # Group size for the minibatch standard deviation layer, 0 = disable. mbstd_num_features=1, # Number of features for the minibatch standard deviation layer. dtype='float32', # Data type to use for activations and outputs. fused_scale='auto', # True = fused convolution + scaling, False = separate ops, 'auto' = decide automatically. blur_filter=[ 1, 2, 1 ], # Low-pass filter to apply when resampling activations. None = no filtering. structure='auto', # 'fixed' = no progressive growing, 'linear' = human-readable, 'recursive' = efficient, 'auto' = select automatically. is_template_graph=False, # True = template graph constructed by the Network class, False = actual evaluation. **_kwargs): # Ignore unrecognized keyword args. resolution_log2 = int(np.log2(resolution)) assert resolution == 2**resolution_log2 and resolution >= 4 def nf(stage): return min(int(fmap_base / (2.0**(stage * fmap_decay))), fmap_max) def blur(x): return blur2d(x, blur_filter) if blur_filter else x if structure == 'auto': structure = 'linear' if is_template_graph else 'recursive' act, gain = { 'relu': (tf.nn.relu, np.sqrt(2)), 'lrelu': (leaky_relu, np.sqrt(2)) }[nonlinearity] images_in.set_shape([None, num_channels, resolution, resolution]) labels_in.set_shape([None, label_size]) images_in = tf.cast(images_in, dtype) labels_in = tf.cast(labels_in, dtype) lod_in = tf.cast( tf.get_variable('lod', initializer=np.float32(0.0), trainable=False), dtype) scores_out = None # Building blocks. def fromrgb(x, res): # res = 2..resolution_log2 with tf.variable_scope('FromRGB_lod%d' % (resolution_log2 - res)): return act( apply_bias( conv2d(x, fmaps=nf(res - 1), kernel=1, gain=gain, use_wscale=use_wscale))) def block(x, res): # res = 2..resolution_log2 with tf.variable_scope('%dx%d' % (2**res, 2**res)): if res >= 3: # 8x8 and up with tf.variable_scope('Conv0'): x = act( apply_bias( conv2d(x, fmaps=nf(res - 1), kernel=3, gain=gain, use_wscale=use_wscale))) with tf.variable_scope('Conv1_down'): x = act( apply_bias( conv2d_downscale2d(blur(x), fmaps=nf(res - 2), kernel=3, gain=gain, use_wscale=use_wscale, fused_scale=fused_scale))) else: # 4x4 if mbstd_group_size > 1: x = minibatch_stddev_layer(x, mbstd_group_size, mbstd_num_features) with tf.variable_scope('Conv'): x = act( apply_bias( conv2d(x, fmaps=nf(res - 1), kernel=3, gain=gain, use_wscale=use_wscale))) with tf.variable_scope('Dense0'): x = act( apply_bias( dense(x, fmaps=nf(res - 2), gain=gain, use_wscale=use_wscale))) with tf.variable_scope('Dense1'): x = apply_bias( dense(x, fmaps=max(label_size, 1), gain=1, use_wscale=use_wscale)) return x # Fixed structure: simple and efficient, but does not support progressive growing. if structure == 'fixed': x = fromrgb(images_in, resolution_log2) for res in range(resolution_log2, 2, -1): x = block(x, res) scores_out = block(x, 2) # Linear structure: simple but inefficient. if structure == 'linear': img = images_in x = fromrgb(img, resolution_log2) for res in range(resolution_log2, 2, -1): lod = resolution_log2 - res x = block(x, res) img = downscale2d(img) y = fromrgb(img, res - 1) with tf.variable_scope('Grow_lod%d' % lod): x = tflib.lerp_clip(x, y, lod_in - lod) scores_out = block(x, 2) # Recursive structure: complex but efficient. if structure == 'recursive': def cset(cur_lambda, new_cond, new_lambda): return lambda: tf.cond(new_cond, new_lambda, cur_lambda) def grow(res, lod): x = lambda: fromrgb(downscale2d(images_in, 2**lod), res) if lod > 0: x = cset(x, (lod_in < lod), lambda: grow(res + 1, lod - 1)) x = block(x(), res) y = lambda: x if res > 2: y = cset( y, (lod_in > lod), lambda: tflib.lerp( x, fromrgb(downscale2d(images_in, 2**(lod + 1)), res - 1), lod_in - lod)) return y() scores_out = grow(2, resolution_log2 - 2) # Label conditioning from "Which Training Methods for GANs do actually Converge?" if label_size: with tf.variable_scope('LabelSwitch'): scores_out = tf.reduce_sum(scores_out * labels_in, axis=1, keepdims=True) assert scores_out.dtype == tf.as_dtype(dtype) scores_out = tf.identity(scores_out, name='scores_out') return scores_out
def parallel_modelbuilding(sess, tf_cluster, masks, datasets, gtabs, n_parts=16): ten_model = dti.TensorModel(gtabs[0]) design_matrix = ten_model.design_matrix nonzero_indices_list = [np.nonzero(masks[i]) for i in range(len(masks))] max_length = np.max([ len(nonzero_indices_list[i][0]) for i in range(len(nonzero_indices_list)) ]) stride = int(np.ceil(max_length / float(n_parts))) dim_sh = [stride, datasets[0].shape[-1]] waves = tf_cluster.partition_work_waves(int(np.ceil(max_length / stride)), use_host=False) dim_inputs = [] cnt_inputs = [] work = [] dm_input = tf.placeholder(tf.float64, shape=design_matrix.shape, name="dm") for i_worker in range(len(waves[0])): with tf.device(waves[0][i_worker]): dim_inputs.append( tf.placeholder(tf.float64, shape=dim_sh, name="dim_%d" % i_worker)) cnt_inputs.append( tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=1, name="counter_%d" % i_worker)) work.append( mb.model_building(dim_inputs[-1], dm_input, cnt_inputs[-1])) fas = [] for i_data in range(len(datasets)): ten_model = dti.TensorModel(gtabs[i_data]) design_matrix = ten_model.design_matrix nonzero_indices = nonzero_indices_list[i_data] dti_params = np.zeros(datasets[i_data].shape[:-1] + (12, )) cnt = 1 thread_mask = np.zeros(masks[i_data].shape, data = datasets[i_data] waves = tf_cluster.partition_work_waves(int( np.ceil(len(nonzero_indices[0]) / stride)), use_host=False) for i_wave in range(len(waves)): counter = [] data_in_mask_list = [] for i_worker in range(len(waves[0])): step = (cnt - 1) * stride thread_mask[nonzero_indices[0][step:step + stride], nonzero_indices[1][step:step + stride], nonzero_indices[2][step:step + stride]] = cnt data_in_mask = \ np.reshape(data[nonzero_indices[0][step: step + stride], nonzero_indices[1][step: step + stride], nonzero_indices[2][step: step + stride]], (-1, data.shape[-1])) data_in_mask = np.maximum(data_in_mask, 0.0001) data_in_mask_list.append(data_in_mask) counter.append(np.array([cnt])) cnt += 1 feed_dict = { i: d for i, d in zip(dim_inputs[:len(waves[i_wave])], data_in_mask_list) } feed_dict.update( {a: d for a, d in zip([dm_input], [design_matrix])}) feed_dict.update({ a: d for a, d in zip(cnt_inputs[:len(waves[i_wave])], counter) }) results = [] results +=[:len(waves[i_wave])], feed_dict=feed_dict) for result in results: dti_params[thread_mask == result[1][0]] = \ result[0].reshape(result[0].shape[0], 12) evals = dti_params[..., :3] evals = mb._roll_evals(evals, -1) all_zero = (evals == 0).all(axis=0) ev1, ev2, ev3 = evals fa = np.sqrt(0.5 * ((ev1 - ev2)**2 + (ev2 - ev3)**2 + (ev3 - ev1)**2) / ((evals * evals).sum(0) + all_zero)) fas.append(fa) return fas
def sgd_adv(D, sideBilinear, U0, UBias0, ULatentScaler0, WBilinear0, eta_Latent, eta_LatentScaler, eta_Bilinear, eta_RowBias, epochs, plotAdv, plotAdvHR, validationSet, alpha, epsilon): pairs = len(D[1, :]) testOnes = [] for index in range(0, len(validationSet[0, :])): if validationSet[2, index] == 1.0: testOnes.append(index) #load model parameter, passed from the initial training SGD function U = np.copy(U0) UBias = np.copy(UBias0) ULatentScaler = np.copy(ULatentScaler0) WBilinear = np.copy(WBilinear0) #load starting learning rates etaLatent = eta_Latent # / ((1 + etaLatent0 * lambdaLatent) * e) etaRowBias = eta_RowBias # / ((1 + etaRowBias0 * lambdaRowBias) * e) etaLatentScaler = eta_LatentScaler # / ((1 + etaLatentScaler0 * lambdaLatentScaler) * e) etaBilinear = eta_Bilinear # / ((1 + etaBilinear0 * lambdaBilinear) * e) limit = int(1 * pairs) #initalize perturbations DeltaI = np.zeros(len(U[:, 0])) DeltaJ = np.zeros(len(U[:, 0])) DeltaXI = np.zeros(len(sideBilinear[:, 0])) DeltaXJ = np.zeros(len(sideBilinear[:, 0])) # np.sqrt(np.power(epsilon, 2)/len(U[:, 0])) # here we set the bound (if starting perturbation is random)for the random noise that could be 0 if we want to add Delta=0 or the commented value if we want ||Delta||<epsilon aucCounter = 0 # Main SGD body for e in range(1, epochs): for t in range(0, limit): i = int(D[0, t]) - 1 j = int(D[1, t]) - 1 truth = int(D[2, t]) # Procedure for the adversarial perturbation buidling predictionDelta = (U[:, i].T + DeltaI) @ ULatentScaler @ ( U[:, j].T + DeltaJ).T + UBias[i] + UBias[j] + ( sideBilinear[:, i].T + DeltaXI) @ WBilinear @ ( sideBilinear[:, j].T + DeltaXJ).T # WPair @ sidePair[:, i, j] # + WBias sigmaDelta = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-predictionDelta) ) # this must be a matrix of link probabilities. GammaI = alpha * (sigmaDelta - truth) * ( ULatentScaler @ (U[:, j].T + DeltaJ).T).T GammaJ = alpha * (sigmaDelta - truth) * ( (U[:, i].T + DeltaI) @ ULatentScaler) GammaXI = alpha * (sigmaDelta - truth) * ( WBilinear @ (sideBilinear[:, j].T + DeltaXJ).T).T GammaXJ = alpha * (sigmaDelta - truth) * ( (sideBilinear[:, i].T + DeltaXI) @ WBilinear) DeltaAdvI = epsilon * GammaI / np.sqrt( max(np.sum(np.power(GammaI, 2)), 0.000001)) DeltaAdvJ = epsilon * GammaJ / np.sqrt( max(np.sum(np.power(GammaJ, 2)), 0.000001)) DeltaAdvXI = epsilon * GammaXI / np.sqrt( max(np.sum(np.power(GammaXI, 2)), 0.000001)) DeltaAdvXJ = epsilon * GammaXJ / np.sqrt( max(np.sum(np.power(GammaXJ, 2)), 0.000001)) predictionAdv = (U[:, i].T + DeltaAdvI) @ ULatentScaler @ (U[:, j].T + DeltaAdvJ).T + UBias[i] + UBias[j] \ + (sideBilinear[:, i].T + DeltaAdvXI) @ WBilinear @ (sideBilinear[:, j].T + DeltaAdvXJ).T #+ WPair @ sidePair[:, i, j] prediction = ( U[:, i]).T @ ULatentScaler @ U[:, j] + UBias[i] + UBias[ j] + sideBilinear[:, i].T @ WBilinear @ sideBilinear[:, j] sigmaAdv = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-predictionAdv)) sigma = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-prediction)) #cost = -(truth * np.log(sigma) + (1 - truth) * (np.log(1-sigma))) - alpha * ((truth * np.log(sigmaAdv)) + (1 - truth) * (np.log(1-sigmaAdv))) gradscalerAdv = float(sigmaAdv - truth) gradscaler = float(sigma - truth) #gradients computation gradIAdv = ULatentScaler @ ( U[:, j].T + DeltaAdvJ ).T # +, np.transpose(DeltaAdvJ)) gradI = ULatentScaler @ U[:, j] gradJAdv = ((U[:, i].T + DeltaAdvI) @ ULatentScaler).T gradJ = (U[:, i].T @ ULatentScaler).T gradBilinear = sideBilinear[:, i] @ sideBilinear[:, j].T gradBilinearAdv = sideBilinear[:, i] @ sideBilinear[:, j].T + sideBilinear[:, j] @ DeltaAdvXI + sideBilinear[:, i] @ DeltaAdvXJ + DeltaAdvXI @ DeltaAdvXJ.T gradBias = 1 gradLatentScaler = U[:, i] @ U[:, j].T gradLatentScalerAdv = U[:, i] @ U[:, j].T + U[:, j] @ DeltaAdvI + U[:, i] @ DeltaAdvJ + DeltaAdvI @ DeltaAdvJ.T #updates U[:, i] = U[:, i] - etaLatent * ( gradscaler * gradI + alpha * gradscalerAdv * gradIAdv ) # U_i è di dimensione 2x1 U[:, j] = U[:, j] - etaLatent * (gradscaler * gradJ + alpha * gradscalerAdv * gradJAdv) UBias[i] = UBias[i] - etaRowBias * (gradscaler * gradBias) UBias[j] = UBias[j] - etaRowBias * (gradscaler * gradBias) ULatentScaler = ULatentScaler - etaLatentScaler * ( gradscaler * gradLatentScaler + alpha * gradscalerAdv * gradLatentScalerAdv) WBilinear = WBilinear - etaBilinear * ( gradscaler * gradBilinear + alpha * gradscalerAdv * gradBilinearAdv) if e % aucStep == 0: prediction = predict(U, UBias, ULatentScaler, WBilinear, sideBilinear) acc, rec, prec, auc, f1 = test(prediction, validationSet) hr = hitratio(U, ULatentScaler, UBias, WBilinear, validationSet, testOnes) plotAdvHR[aucCounter, 0] = hr plotAdv[aucCounter, 0] = auc aucCounter += 1 return U, UBias, ULatentScaler, WBilinear, plotAdv, plotAdvHR
def __compute(self): self.CAR = np.cumsum(self.AR) self.var_CAR = [(i * var) for i, var in enumerate(self.var_AR, 1)] self.tstat = self.CAR / np.sqrt(self.var_CAR) self.pvalue = 1.0 - t.cdf(abs(self.tstat), self.df)
#Berechnung der Energien,nach linearer Skala in MeV E0=4 E1=E0/796 E=E1*Emax print('Energien der alpha-Teilchen=', E) #Berechnung der effektiven Länge p0=1013 x0=2 x=x0*(p/p0) print('effektive Länge=',x) def f(x, a, b): return a*x+b params, cov = curve_fit(f, x1, N1) errors = np.sqrt(np.diag(cov)) print('a =', params[0], '±', errors[0]) print('b =', params[1], '±', errors[1]) a=ufloat(params[0], errors[0]) b=ufloat(params[1], errors[1]) t=np.linspace(0.6, 8) #plt.plot (x, y, 'rx', label='Messwerte') plt.plot(x,N , 'rx', label='Messwerte') #plt.plot(t,f(t, *params), 'b-' ,label='Ausgleichsgerade') plt.axhline(y=67691) plt.text(-0.1, 65707,'N/2') #plt.axvline(x=7.4) #plt.yscale('log') plt.xlabel(r'$ x/cm$')
#程序文件 import numpy as np from scipy.integrate import tplquad f = lambda z, y, x: z * np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + 1) ybd = lambda x: np.sqrt(2 * x - x**2) print("I=", tplquad(f, 0, 2, lambda x: -ybd(x), ybd, 0, 6))
def draw(m_, V_, z): raise NotImplementedError ns = V_.shape[0] m = sp.array([[i for i in (m_)]]) V = copy.copy(V_) R = sp.empty([ns, z]) libGP.drawk(V.ctypes.data_as(ctpd), cint(ns), R.ctypes.data_as(ctpd), cint(z)) R += sp.hstack([m.T] * z) #R=sp.random.multivariate_normal(m.flatten(),V,z) return copy.copy(R).T from scipy import stats SQRT_1_2PI = 1 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) def EI(m, s, y): N = len(m) R = sp.empty(N) for i in xrange(N): S = (y - m[i]) / s[i] c = stats.norm.cdf(S) p = stats.norm.pdf(S) R[i] = (y - m[i]) * c + s[i] * p return R def lEI(m, s, y): N = len(m)
def infer_LCB(self, X, D, p): m, v = self.infer_diag(X, D) return m - p * np.sqrt(v)
def G_mapping( latents_in, # First input: Latent vectors (Z) [minibatch, latent_size]. labels_in, # Second input: Conditioning labels [minibatch, label_size]. latent_size=512, # Latent vector (Z) dimensionality. label_size=0, # Label dimensionality, 0 if no labels. dlatent_size=512, # Disentangled latent (W) dimensionality. dlatent_broadcast=None, # Output disentangled latent (W) as [minibatch, dlatent_size] or [minibatch, dlatent_broadcast, dlatent_size]. mapping_layers=8, # Number of mapping layers. mapping_fmaps=512, # Number of activations in the mapping layers. mapping_lrmul=0.01, # Learning rate multiplier for the mapping layers. mapping_nonlinearity='lrelu', # Activation function: 'relu', 'lrelu'. use_wscale=True, # Enable equalized learning rate? normalize_latents=True, # Normalize latent vectors (Z) before feeding them to the mapping layers? dtype='float32', # Data type to use for activations and outputs. **_kwargs): # Ignore unrecognized keyword args. act, gain = { 'relu': (tf.nn.relu, np.sqrt(2)), 'lrelu': (leaky_relu, np.sqrt(2)) }[mapping_nonlinearity] # Inputs. latents_in.set_shape([None, latent_size]) labels_in.set_shape([None, label_size]) latents_in = tf.cast(latents_in, dtype) labels_in = tf.cast(labels_in, dtype) x = latents_in # Embed labels and concatenate them with latents. if label_size: with tf.variable_scope('LabelConcat'): w = tf.get_variable('weight', shape=[label_size, latent_size], initializer=tf.initializers.random_normal()) y = tf.matmul(labels_in, tf.cast(w, dtype)) x = tf.concat([x, y], axis=1) # Normalize latents. if normalize_latents: x = pixel_norm(x) # Mapping layers. for layer_idx in range(mapping_layers): with tf.variable_scope('Dense%d' % layer_idx): fmaps = dlatent_size if layer_idx == mapping_layers - 1 else mapping_fmaps x = dense(x, fmaps=fmaps, gain=gain, use_wscale=use_wscale, lrmul=mapping_lrmul) x = apply_bias(x, lrmul=mapping_lrmul) x = act(x) # Broadcast. if dlatent_broadcast is not None: with tf.variable_scope('Broadcast'): x = tf.tile(x[:, np.newaxis], [1, dlatent_broadcast, 1]) # Output. assert x.dtype == tf.as_dtype(dtype) return tf.identity(x, name='dlatents_out')
def __init__(self, fwhm, ratio=1.0, theta=0.0, sigma_radius=1.5, normalize_zerosum=True): if fwhm < 0: raise ValueError('fwhm must be positive.') if ratio <= 0 or ratio > 1: raise ValueError('ratio must be positive and less or equal ' 'than 1.') if sigma_radius <= 0: raise ValueError('sigma_radius must be positive.') self.fwhm = fwhm self.ratio = ratio self.theta = theta self.sigma_radius = sigma_radius self.xsigma = self.fwhm * gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma self.ysigma = self.xsigma * self.ratio theta_radians = np.deg2rad(self.theta) cost = np.cos(theta_radians) sint = np.sin(theta_radians) xsigma2 = self.xsigma**2 ysigma2 = self.ysigma**2 self.a = (cost**2 / (2.0 * xsigma2)) + (sint**2 / (2.0 * ysigma2)) # CCW self.b = 0.5 * cost * sint * ((1.0 / xsigma2) - (1.0 / ysigma2)) self.c = (sint**2 / (2.0 * xsigma2)) + (cost**2 / (2.0 * ysigma2)) # find the extent of an ellipse with radius = sigma_radius*sigma; # solve for the horizontal and vertical tangents of an ellipse # defined by g(x,y) = f self.f = self.sigma_radius**2 / 2.0 denom = (self.a * self.c) - self.b**2 # nx and ny are always odd self.nx = 2 * int(max(2, math.sqrt(self.c * self.f / denom))) + 1 self.ny = 2 * int(max(2, math.sqrt(self.a * self.f / denom))) + 1 self.xc = self.xradius = self.nx // 2 self.yc = self.yradius = self.ny // 2 # define the kernel on a 2D grid yy, xx = np.mgrid[0:self.ny, 0:self.nx] self.circular_radius = np.sqrt((xx - self.xc)**2 + (yy - self.yc)**2) self.elliptical_radius = (self.a * (xx - self.xc)**2 + 2.0 * self.b * (xx - self.xc) * (yy - self.yc) + self.c * (yy - self.yc)**2) self.mask = np.where( (self.elliptical_radius <= self.f) | (self.circular_radius <= 2.0), 1, 0).astype(int) self.npixels = self.mask.sum() # NOTE: the central (peak) pixel of gaussian_kernel has a value of 1. self.gaussian_kernel_unmasked = np.exp(-self.elliptical_radius) self.gaussian_kernel = self.gaussian_kernel_unmasked * self.mask # denom = variance * npixels denom = ((self.gaussian_kernel**2).sum() - (self.gaussian_kernel.sum()**2 / self.npixels)) self.relerr = 1.0 / np.sqrt(denom) # normalize the kernel to zero sum if normalize_zerosum: = ((self.gaussian_kernel - (self.gaussian_kernel.sum() / self.npixels)) / denom) * self.mask else: = self.gaussian_kernel self.shape =