def _update_dvect(cls, state: SiteInstanceState,
                      rand: np.random.RandomState):
        Update the distance vector (approximated using the geometric
        distribution) and dposterior based on the new state

        :param state: The current state variables of the algorithm
        :param rand: The random number generator to use
        :return: The modified dvector (will also modify state.dvect and
        # only update if there is at least 1 recrudescent infection
        if np.sum(state.classification == SampleType.RECRUDESCENCE.value) == 0:
        d_prior_alpha = 0
        d_prior_beta = 0
        min_recrudescence_distances = state.mindistance[
            state.classification == SampleType.RECRUDESCENCE.value, :]

        d_posterior_alpha = d_prior_alpha + min_recrudescence_distances.size
        d_posterior_beta = d_prior_beta + np.sum(
        if d_posterior_beta == 0:
            d_posterior_beta = np.sum(min_recrudescence_distances)
        if d_posterior_beta == 0:  # algorithm will get stuck if dposterior is allowed to go to 1 (TODO: Wait, so why is it setting d_posterior_beta to 1??)
            d_posterior_beta = 1

        # TODO: Verify how this update actually works?
        state.dposterior = rand.beta(d_posterior_alpha, d_posterior_beta)
        #  update dvect (approximate using geometric distribution)
        state.dvect = state.dposterior * (np.array(1 - state.dposterior)**
                                          np.arange(0, state.dvect.size))
        state.dvect = state.dvect / np.sum(state.dvect)

        return state.dvect
    def _update_q(cls, state: SiteInstanceState, rand: np.random.RandomState):
        TODO: Possibly move this to the state object itself?
        Propose a new value for q (the proportion of alleles that are hidden/
        not directly observed) and update it appropriately, based on the
        current state

        :param state: The current state variables of the algorithm
        :param rand: The random number generator to use
        :return: The updated q value (will also modify state.q)
        # TODO: What are the alpha/beta used for, in high-level terms? They seem
        # to be counts of observed/missing alleles in the hidden state?
        q_prior_alpha = 0
        q_prior_beta = 0

        q_posterior_alpha = (
            q_prior_alpha +
            np.nansum(state.hidden0 == HiddenAlleleType.MISSING.value) +
            np.nansum(state.hiddenf == HiddenAlleleType.MISSING.value))
        q_posterior_beta = (
            q_prior_beta +
            np.nansum(state.hidden0 == HiddenAlleleType.OBSERVED.value) +
            np.nansum(state.hiddenf == HiddenAlleleType.OBSERVED.value))

        # Edge case if there are no missing/observed alleles, to avoid div by 0
        if q_posterior_alpha == 0:
            q_posterior_alpha = 1
        if q_posterior_beta == 0:  # TODO: Added this due to numpy warning, possibly remove?
            q_posterior_beta = 1

        # propose new q (beta distribution is conjugate distribution for
        # binomial process)
        state.qq = rand.beta(q_posterior_alpha, q_posterior_beta)
        return state.qq