Esempio n. 1
 def test_testUfuncs1(self):
     # Test various functions such as sin, cos.
     (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf, s) = self.d
     assert_(eq(np.cos(x), cos(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.cosh(x), cosh(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.sin(x), sin(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.sinh(x), sinh(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.tan(x), tan(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.tanh(x), tanh(xm)))
     with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
         assert_(eq(np.sqrt(abs(x)), sqrt(xm)))
         assert_(eq(np.log(abs(x)), log(xm)))
         assert_(eq(np.log10(abs(x)), log10(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.exp(x), exp(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.arcsin(z), arcsin(zm)))
     assert_(eq(np.arccos(z), arccos(zm)))
     assert_(eq(np.arctan(z), arctan(zm)))
     assert_(eq(np.arctan2(x, y), arctan2(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.absolute(x), absolute(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.equal(x, y), equal(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.not_equal(x, y), not_equal(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.less(x, y), less(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.greater(x, y), greater(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.less_equal(x, y), less_equal(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.greater_equal(x, y), greater_equal(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.conjugate(x), conjugate(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.concatenate((x, y)), concatenate((xm, ym))))
     assert_(eq(np.concatenate((x, y)), concatenate((x, y))))
     assert_(eq(np.concatenate((x, y)), concatenate((xm, y))))
     assert_(eq(np.concatenate((x, y, x)), concatenate((x, ym, x))))
Esempio n. 2
    def test_testCopySize(self):
        # Tests of some subtle points of copying and sizing.
        n = [0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
        m = make_mask(n)
        m2 = make_mask(m)
        assert_(m is m2)
        m3 = make_mask(m, copy=1)
        assert_(m is not m3)

        x1 = np.arange(5)
        y1 = array(x1, mask=m)
        assert_(y1._data is not x1)
        assert_(allequal(x1, y1._data))
        assert_(y1.mask is m)

        y1a = array(y1, copy=0)
        # For copy=False, one might expect that the array would just
        # passed on, i.e., that it would be "is" instead of "==".
        # See gh-4043 for discussion.
        assert_(y1a._mask.__array_interface__ ==

        y2 = array(x1, mask=m3, copy=0)
        assert_(y2.mask is m3)
        assert_(y2[2] is masked)
        y2[2] = 9
        assert_(y2[2] is not masked)
        assert_(y2.mask is m3)
        assert_(allequal(y2.mask, 0))

        y2a = array(x1, mask=m, copy=1)
        assert_(y2a.mask is not m)
        assert_(y2a[2] is masked)
        y2a[2] = 9
        assert_(y2a[2] is not masked)
        assert_(y2a.mask is not m)
        assert_(allequal(y2a.mask, 0))

        y3 = array(x1 * 1.0, mask=m)
        assert_(filled(y3).dtype is (x1 * 1.0).dtype)

        x4 = arange(4)
        x4[2] = masked
        y4 = resize(x4, (8,))
        assert_(eq(concatenate([x4, x4]), y4))
        assert_(eq(getmask(y4), [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]))
        y5 = repeat(x4, (2, 2, 2, 2), axis=0)
        assert_(eq(y5, [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3]))
        y6 = repeat(x4, 2, axis=0)
        assert_(eq(y5, y6))
Esempio n. 3
 def test_testAddSumProd(self):
     # Test add, sum, product.
     (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf, s) = self.d
     assert_(eq(np.add.reduce(x), add.reduce(x)))
     assert_(eq(np.add.accumulate(x), add.accumulate(x)))
     assert_(eq(4, sum(array(4), axis=0)))
     assert_(eq(4, sum(array(4), axis=0)))
     assert_(eq(np.sum(x, axis=0), sum(x, axis=0)))
     assert_(eq(np.sum(filled(xm, 0), axis=0), sum(xm, axis=0)))
     assert_(eq(np.sum(x, 0), sum(x, 0)))
     assert_(eq(np.product(x, axis=0), product(x, axis=0)))
     assert_(eq(np.product(x, 0), product(x, 0)))
     assert_(eq(np.product(filled(xm, 1), axis=0),
                        product(xm, axis=0)))
     if len(s) > 1:
         assert_(eq(np.concatenate((x, y), 1),
                            concatenate((xm, ym), 1)))
         assert_(eq(np.add.reduce(x, 1), add.reduce(x, 1)))
         assert_(eq(np.sum(x, 1), sum(x, 1)))
         assert_(eq(np.product(x, 1), product(x, 1)))
Esempio n. 4
def join_by(key,
    Join arrays `r1` and `r2` on key `key`.

    The key should be either a string or a sequence of string corresponding
    to the fields used to join the array.  An exception is raised if the
    `key` field cannot be found in the two input arrays.  Neither `r1` nor
    `r2` should have any duplicates along `key`: the presence of duplicates
    will make the output quite unreliable. Note that duplicates are not
    looked for by the algorithm.

    key : {string, sequence}
        A string or a sequence of strings corresponding to the fields used
        for comparison.
    r1, r2 : arrays
        Structured arrays.
    jointype : {'inner', 'outer', 'leftouter'}, optional
        If 'inner', returns the elements common to both r1 and r2.
        If 'outer', returns the common elements as well as the elements of
        r1 not in r2 and the elements of not in r2.
        If 'leftouter', returns the common elements and the elements of r1
        not in r2.
    r1postfix : string, optional
        String appended to the names of the fields of r1 that are present
        in r2 but absent of the key.
    r2postfix : string, optional
        String appended to the names of the fields of r2 that are present
        in r1 but absent of the key.
    defaults : {dictionary}, optional
        Dictionary mapping field names to the corresponding default values.
    usemask : {True, False}, optional
        Whether to return a MaskedArray (or MaskedRecords is
        `asrecarray==True`) or a ndarray.
    asrecarray : {False, True}, optional
        Whether to return a recarray (or MaskedRecords if `usemask==True`)
        or just a flexible-type ndarray.

    * The output is sorted along the key.
    * A temporary array is formed by dropping the fields not in the key for
      the two arrays and concatenating the result. This array is then
      sorted, and the common entries selected. The output is constructed by
      filling the fields with the selected entries. Matching is not
      preserved if there are some duplicates...

    # Check jointype
    if jointype not in ('inner', 'outer', 'leftouter'):
        raise ValueError("The 'jointype' argument should be in 'inner', "
                         "'outer' or 'leftouter' (got '%s' instead)" %
    # If we have a single key, put it in a tuple
    if isinstance(key, basestring):
        key = (key, )

    # Check the keys
    if len(set(key)) != len(key):
        dup = next(x for n, x in enumerate(key) if x in key[n + 1:])
        raise ValueError("duplicate join key %r" % dup)
    for name in key:
        if name not in r1.dtype.names:
            raise ValueError('r1 does not have key field %r' % name)
        if name not in r2.dtype.names:
            raise ValueError('r2 does not have key field %r' % name)

    # Make sure we work with ravelled arrays
    r1 = r1.ravel()
    r2 = r2.ravel()
    # Fixme: nb2 below is never used. Commenting out for pyflakes.
    # (nb1, nb2) = (len(r1), len(r2))
    nb1 = len(r1)
    (r1names, r2names) = (r1.dtype.names, r2.dtype.names)

    # Check the names for collision
    collisions = (set(r1names) & set(r2names)) - set(key)
    if collisions and not (r1postfix or r2postfix):
        msg = "r1 and r2 contain common names, r1postfix and r2postfix "
        msg += "can't both be empty"
        raise ValueError(msg)

    # Make temporary arrays of just the keys
    #  (use order of keys in `r1` for back-compatibility)
    key1 = [n for n in r1names if n in key]
    r1k = _keep_fields(r1, key1)
    r2k = _keep_fields(r2, key1)

    # Concatenate the two arrays for comparison
    aux = ma.concatenate((r1k, r2k))
    idx_sort = aux.argsort(order=key)
    aux = aux[idx_sort]
    # Get the common keys
    flag_in = ma.concatenate(([False], aux[1:] == aux[:-1]))
    flag_in[:-1] = flag_in[1:] + flag_in[:-1]
    idx_in = idx_sort[flag_in]
    idx_1 = idx_in[(idx_in < nb1)]
    idx_2 = idx_in[(idx_in >= nb1)] - nb1
    (r1cmn, r2cmn) = (len(idx_1), len(idx_2))
    if jointype == 'inner':
        (r1spc, r2spc) = (0, 0)
    elif jointype == 'outer':
        idx_out = idx_sort[~flag_in]
        idx_1 = np.concatenate((idx_1, idx_out[(idx_out < nb1)]))
        idx_2 = np.concatenate((idx_2, idx_out[(idx_out >= nb1)] - nb1))
        (r1spc, r2spc) = (len(idx_1) - r1cmn, len(idx_2) - r2cmn)
    elif jointype == 'leftouter':
        idx_out = idx_sort[~flag_in]
        idx_1 = np.concatenate((idx_1, idx_out[(idx_out < nb1)]))
        (r1spc, r2spc) = (len(idx_1) - r1cmn, 0)
    # Select the entries from each input
    (s1, s2) = (r1[idx_1], r2[idx_2])
    # Build the new description of the output array .......
    # Start with the key fields
    ndtype = get_fieldspec(r1k.dtype)

    # Add the fields from r1
    for fname, fdtype in get_fieldspec(r1.dtype):
        if fname not in key:
            ndtype.append((fname, fdtype))

    # Add the fields from r2
    for fname, fdtype in get_fieldspec(r2.dtype):
        # Have we seen the current name already ?
        # we need to rebuild this list every time
        names = list(name for name, dtype in ndtype)
            nameidx = names.index(fname)
        except ValueError:
            #... we haven't: just add the description to the current list
            ndtype.append((fname, fdtype))
            # collision
            _, cdtype = ndtype[nameidx]
            if fname in key:
                # The current field is part of the key: take the largest dtype
                ndtype[nameidx] = (fname, max(fdtype, cdtype))
                # The current field is not part of the key: add the suffixes,
                # and place the new field adjacent to the old one
                ndtype[nameidx:nameidx + 1] = [(fname + r1postfix, cdtype),
                                               (fname + r2postfix, fdtype)]
    # Rebuild a dtype from the new fields
    ndtype = np.dtype(ndtype)
    # Find the largest nb of common fields :
    # r1cmn and r2cmn should be equal, but...
    cmn = max(r1cmn, r2cmn)
    # Construct an empty array
    output = ma.masked_all((cmn + r1spc + r2spc, ), dtype=ndtype)
    names = output.dtype.names
    for f in r1names:
        selected = s1[f]
        if f not in names or (f in r2names and not r2postfix and f not in key):
            f += r1postfix
        current = output[f]
        current[:r1cmn] = selected[:r1cmn]
        if jointype in ('outer', 'leftouter'):
            current[cmn:cmn + r1spc] = selected[r1cmn:]
    for f in r2names:
        selected = s2[f]
        if f not in names or (f in r1names and not r1postfix and f not in key):
            f += r2postfix
        current = output[f]
        current[:r2cmn] = selected[:r2cmn]
        if (jointype == 'outer') and r2spc:
            current[-r2spc:] = selected[r2cmn:]
    # Sort and finalize the output
    kwargs = dict(usemask=usemask, asrecarray=asrecarray)
    return _fix_output(_fix_defaults(output, defaults), **kwargs)
Esempio n. 5
def stack_arrays(arrays,
    Superposes arrays fields by fields

    arrays : array or sequence
        Sequence of input arrays.
    defaults : dictionary, optional
        Dictionary mapping field names to the corresponding default values.
    usemask : {True, False}, optional
        Whether to return a MaskedArray (or MaskedRecords is
        `asrecarray==True`) or a ndarray.
    asrecarray : {False, True}, optional
        Whether to return a recarray (or MaskedRecords if `usemask==True`)
        or just a flexible-type ndarray.
    autoconvert : {False, True}, optional
        Whether automatically cast the type of the field to the maximum.

    >>> from numpy1.lib import recfunctions as rfn
    >>> x = np.array([1, 2,])
    >>> rfn.stack_arrays(x) is x
    >>> z = np.array([('A', 1), ('B', 2)], dtype=[('A', '|S3'), ('B', float)])
    >>> zz = np.array([('a', 10., 100.), ('b', 20., 200.), ('c', 30., 300.)],
    ...   dtype=[('A', '|S3'), ('B', float), ('C', float)])
    >>> test = rfn.stack_arrays((z,zz))
    >>> test
    masked_array(data = [('A', 1.0, --) ('B', 2.0, --) ('a', 10.0, 100.0) ('b', 20.0, 200.0)
     ('c', 30.0, 300.0)],
                 mask = [(False, False, True) (False, False, True) (False, False, False)
     (False, False, False) (False, False, False)],
           fill_value = ('N/A', 1e+20, 1e+20),
                dtype = [('A', '|S3'), ('B', '<f8'), ('C', '<f8')])

    if isinstance(arrays, ndarray):
        return arrays
    elif len(arrays) == 1:
        return arrays[0]
    seqarrays = [np.asanyarray(a).ravel() for a in arrays]
    nrecords = [len(a) for a in seqarrays]
    ndtype = [a.dtype for a in seqarrays]
    fldnames = [d.names for d in ndtype]
    dtype_l = ndtype[0]
    newdescr = get_fieldspec(dtype_l)
    names = [n for n, d in newdescr]
    for dtype_n in ndtype[1:]:
        for fname, fdtype in get_fieldspec(dtype_n):
            if fname not in names:
                newdescr.append((fname, fdtype))
                nameidx = names.index(fname)
                _, cdtype = newdescr[nameidx]
                if autoconvert:
                    newdescr[nameidx] = (fname, max(fdtype, cdtype))
                elif fdtype != cdtype:
                    raise TypeError("Incompatible type '%s' <> '%s'" %
                                    (cdtype, fdtype))
    # Only one field: use concatenate
    if len(newdescr) == 1:
        output = ma.concatenate(seqarrays)
        output = ma.masked_all((np.sum(nrecords), ), newdescr)
        offset = np.cumsum(np.r_[0, nrecords])
        seen = []
        for (a, n, i, j) in zip(seqarrays, fldnames, offset[:-1], offset[1:]):
            names = a.dtype.names
            if names is None:
                output['f%i' % len(seen)][i:j] = a
                for name in n:
                    output[name][i:j] = a[name]
                    if name not in seen:
    return _fix_output(_fix_defaults(output, defaults),