Esempio n. 1
def CooksD_query_test(J,p,x, f, query,fquery_ref, CooksD_nox, k_dima, k_cook, i=0):
    r'''Test the concept of CooksD for querying hypothetical data

    fquery_test = f(q) isn't true here. If it WERE true, the x of the query
    point would be 0 (we fit the model exactly), so the outlierness factor would
    be 0 also


    # current solve
    Nmeasurements,Nstate = J.shape

    query      = query     [i]
    fquery_ref = fquery_ref[i]

    # I add a new point, and reoptimize
    fquery = func_hypothesis(query,p)
    xquery = fquery - fquery_ref
    jquery = model_matrix(query, len(p))

    J1 = nps.glue(J, jquery,     axis=-2)
    f1 = nps.glue(f, fquery_ref, axis=-1)
    p1 = nps.matmult( f1, nps.transpose(np.linalg.pinv(J1)))
    x1 = nps.matmult(p1, nps.transpose(J1)) - f1

    dx = x1[:-1] - x

    dx_both = x1 - nps.glue(x,xquery, axis=-1)

    report_mismatch_relerr( nps.inner(dx_both,dx_both)*k_cook,
                            "self_others query-CooksD computed analytically, explicitly")
    report_mismatch_relerr( nps.inner(dx,dx)*k_cook,
                            "others query-CooksD computed analytically, explicitly")
Esempio n. 2
def callback_linf_angle(p, v0, v1, t01):
    costh0 = nps.inner(p, v0) / np.sqrt(nps.norm2(p) * nps.norm2(v0))
    costh1 = nps.inner(p - t01, v1) / np.sqrt(
        nps.norm2(p - t01) * nps.norm2(v1))

    # Simpler function that has the same min
    return (1 - min(costh0, costh1)) * 1e9
Esempio n. 3
def CooksD_test(J, x, f, CooksD, k_dima, k_cook, i=0):
    r'''Test the computation of Cook's D

    I have an analytical expression for this computed in
    compute_outliernesses(). This explicitly computes the quantity represented
    by compute_outliernesses() to make sure that that analytical expression is


    # I reoptimize without measurement i
    Nmeasurements,Nstate = J.shape

    J1 = nps.glue(J[:i,:], J[(i+1):,:], axis=-2)
    f1 = nps.glue(f[:i  ], f[(i+1):  ], axis=-1)
    p1 = nps.matmult( f1, nps.transpose(np.linalg.pinv(J1)))
    x1 = nps.matmult(p1, nps.transpose(J)) - f

    dx = x1-x

    report_mismatch_relerr( nps.inner(dx,dx) * k_cook,
                            "self_others CooksD computed analytically, explicitly")
    report_mismatch_relerr( (nps.inner(dx,dx) - dx[i]*dx[i]) * k_cook,
                            "others CooksD computed analytically, explicitly")
Esempio n. 4
def outlierness_test(J, x, f, outlierness, k_dima, k_cook, i=0):
    r'''Test the computation of outlierness

    I have an analytical expression for this computed in
    compute_outliernesses(). This explicitly computes the quantity represented
    by compute_outliernesses() to make sure that that analytical expression is


    # I reoptimize without measurement i
    E0 = nps.inner(x,x)

    J1 = nps.glue(J[:i,:], J[(i+1):,:], axis=-2)
    f1 = nps.glue(f[:i  ], f[(i+1):  ], axis=-1)
    p1 = nps.matmult( f1, nps.transpose(np.linalg.pinv(J1)))
    x1 = nps.matmult(p1, nps.transpose(J1)) - f1
    E1 = nps.inner(x1,x1)

    report_mismatch_relerr( (E0-E1) * k_dima,
                            "self_others outlierness computed analytically, explicitly")
    report_mismatch_relerr( (E0-x[i]*x[i] - E1) * k_dima,
                            "others outlierness computed analytically, explicitly")
Esempio n. 5
def callback_l1_angle(p, v0, v1, t01):
    costh0 = nps.inner(p, v0) / np.sqrt(nps.norm2(p) * nps.norm2(v0))
    costh1 = nps.inner(p - t01, v1) / np.sqrt(
        nps.norm2(p - t01) * nps.norm2(v1))
    th0 = np.arccos(min(costh0, 1.0))
    th1 = np.arccos(min(costh1, 1.0))
    return np.abs(th0) + np.abs(th1)
Esempio n. 6
def _HVs_HVc_HVp(cahvor):
    r'''Given a cahvor dict returns a tuple containing (Hs,Vs,Hc,Vc,Hp,Vp)'''

    Hc   = nps.inner(cahvor['H'], cahvor['A'])
    hshp = cahvor['H'] - Hc * cahvor['A']
    Hs   = np.sqrt(nps.inner(hshp,hshp))

    Vc   = nps.inner(cahvor['V'], cahvor['A'])
    vsvp = cahvor['V'] - Vc * cahvor['A']
    Vs   = np.sqrt(nps.inner(vsvp,vsvp))

    Hp   = hshp / Hs
    Vp   = vsvp / Vs

    return Hs,Vs,Hc,Vc,Hp,Vp
Esempio n. 7
File: Progetto: vonj/mrcal
        def rotation_any_v_to_z(v):
            r'''Return any rotation matrix that maps the given unit vector v to [0,0,1]'''
            z = v
            if np.abs(v[0]) < .9:
                x = np.array((1,0,0))
                x = np.array((0,1,0))
            x -= nps.inner(x,v)*v
            x /= nps.mag(x)
            y = np.cross(z,x)

Esempio n. 8
    def test_matmult(self):
        r'''Testing the broadcasted matrix multiplication'''
        self.assertValueShape( None, (4,2,3,5), nps.matmult, arr(2,3,7), arr(4,1,7,5) )

        ref = np.array([[[[  42,   48,   54],
                          [ 114,  136,  158]],

                         [[ 114,  120,  126],
                          [ 378,  400,  422]]],

                        [[[ 186,  224,  262],
                          [ 258,  312,  366]],

                         [[ 642,  680,  718],
                          [ 906,  960, 1014]]]])

        self._check_output_modes( ref,
                                  nps.matmult2, arr(2,1,2,4), arr(2,4,3),
                                  dtype=float )

        ref2 = np.array([[[[  156.], [  452.]],
                          [[  372.], [ 1244.]]],
                         [[[  748.], [ 1044.]],
                          [[ 2116.], [ 2988.]]]])

                                 nps.matmult2, arr(2,1,2,4), nps.matmult2(arr(2,4,3), arr(3,1)))

        # not doing _check_output_modes() because matmult() doesn't take an
        # 'out' kwarg
                                    nps.matmult(arr(2,1,2,4), arr(2,4,3), arr(3,1)))

        # checking the null-dimensionality logic
        A = arr(2,3)
        self._check_output_modes( nps.inner(nps.transpose(A), np.arange(2)),
                                  np.arange(2), A )

        A = arr(3)
        self._check_output_modes( A*2,
                                  np.array([2]), A )

        A = arr(3)
        self._check_output_modes( A*2,
                                  np.array(2), A )
Esempio n. 9
def outlierness_query_test(J,p,x, f, query,fquery_ref, outlierness_nox, k_dima, k_cook, i=0):
    r'''Test the concept of outlierness for querying hypothetical data

    fquery_test = f(q) isn't true here. If it WERE true, the x of the query
    point would be 0 (we fit the model exactly), so the outlierness factor would
    be 0 also


    # current solve
    E0 = nps.inner(x,x)

    query      = query     [i]
    fquery_ref = fquery_ref[i]

    # I add a new point, and reoptimize
    fquery = func_hypothesis(query,p)
    xquery = fquery - fquery_ref
    jquery = model_matrix(query, len(p))

    J1 = nps.glue(J, jquery,     axis=-2)
    f1 = nps.glue(f, fquery_ref, axis=-1)
    p1 = nps.matmult( f1, nps.transpose(np.linalg.pinv(J1)))
    x1 = nps.matmult(p1, nps.transpose(J1)) - f1
    E1 = nps.inner(x1,x1)

    report_mismatch_relerr( (x1[-1]*x1[-1]) * k_dima,
                            "self query-outlierness computed analytically, explicitly")
    report_mismatch_relerr( (E1-x1[-1]*x1[-1] - E0) * k_dima,
                            "others query-outlierness computed analytically, explicitly")
    report_mismatch_relerr( (E1 - E0) * k_dima,
                            "self_others query-outlierness computed analytically, explicitly")
Esempio n. 10
def check(intrinsics, p_ref, q_ref, unproject=True):
    q_projected = mrcal.project(p_ref, *intrinsics)
                            msg=f"Projecting {intrinsics[0]}",
    if not unproject:

    v_unprojected = mrcal.unproject(q_projected, *intrinsics, normalize=True)
                            np.ones((p_ref.shape[0], ), dtype=float),
                            msg=f"Unprojected v are normalized",
    cos = nps.inner(v_unprojected, p_ref) / nps.mag(p_ref)
    cos = np.clip(cos, -1, 1)
                            np.zeros((p_ref.shape[0], ), dtype=float),
                            msg=f"Unprojecting {intrinsics[0]}",
Esempio n. 11
def Var_df(J, squery, stdev):
    r'''Propagates noise in input to noise in f

    noise in input -> noise in params -> noise in f

    dp ~ M dm where M = inv(JtJ)Jt

    df = df/dp dp

    df/dp = squery
    Var(dm) = stdev^2 I ->

    Var(df) = stdev^2 squery inv(JtJ) Jt J inv(JtJ) squeryt =
            = stdev^2 squery inv(JtJ) squeryt

    This function broadcasts over squery
    return \
                                                nps.transpose(squery)))) *stdev*stdev
Esempio n. 12
def test_order(q,f, query, order):

    # I look at linear and quadratic models: a0 + a1 q + a2 q^2, with a2=0 for the
    # linear case. I use plain least squares. The parameter vector is [a0 a1 a2]t. S
    # = [1 q q^2], so the measurement vector x = S p - f. E = norm2(x). J = dx/dp =
    # S.
    # Note the problem "order" is the number of parameters, so a linear model has
    # order==2
    p,J,x = fit(q,f,order)

    Nmeasurements,Nstate = J.shape
    k_dima = 1.0/Nmeasurements
    k_cook = 1.0/((Nstate + 1.0) * nps.inner(x,x)/(Nmeasurements - Nstate - 1.0))

    report_mismatch_abserr(np.linalg.norm(nps.matmult(x,J)), 0, "Jtx")

    squery = model_matrix(query, order)
    fquery = func_hypothesis(query, p)
    metrics = compute_outliernesses(J,x, squery, k_dima, k_cook)

    outlierness_test(J, x, f, metrics['dima']['outliers'], k_dima, k_cook, i=10)
    CooksD_test     (J, x, f, metrics['cook']['outliers'], k_dima, k_cook, i=10)
    outlierness_query_test(J,p,x,f, query, fquery + 1.2e-3, metrics['dima']['query'], k_dima, k_cook, i=10 )
    CooksD_query_test     (J,p,x,f, query, fquery + 1.2e-3, metrics['cook']['query'], k_dima, k_cook, i=10 )

    Vquery = Var_df(J, squery, noise_stdev)
    return \
        dict( p       = p,
              J       = J,
              x       = x,
              Vquery  = Vquery,
              squery  = squery,
              fquery  = fquery,
              metrics = metrics,
              k_dima  = k_dima,
              k_cook  = k_cook )
Esempio n. 13
def check(intrinsics, p_ref, q_ref):
    ########## project
    q_projected = mrcal.project(p_ref, *intrinsics)
                            msg = f"Projecting {intrinsics[0]}",
                            eps = 1e-2)

    q_projected *= 0
    mrcal.project(p_ref, *intrinsics,
                  out = q_projected)
                            msg = f"Projecting {intrinsics[0]} in-place",
                            eps = 1e-2)

    meta = mrcal.lensmodel_metadata_and_config(intrinsics[0])
    if meta['has_gradients']:
        @nps.broadcast_define( ((3,),('N',)) )
        def grad_broadcasted(p_ref, i_ref):
            return grad(lambda pi: mrcal.project(pi[:3], intrinsics[0], pi[3:]),
                        nps.glue(p_ref,i_ref, axis=-1))

        dq_dpi_ref = grad_broadcasted(p_ref,intrinsics[1])

        q_projected,dq_dp,dq_di = mrcal.project(p_ref, *intrinsics, get_gradients=True)
                                msg = f"Projecting {intrinsics[0]} with grad",
                                eps = 1e-2)
                                msg = f"dq_dp {intrinsics[0]}",
                                eps = 1e-2)
                                msg = f"dq_di {intrinsics[0]}",
                                eps = 1e-2)

        out[0] *= 0
        out[1] *= 0
        out[2] *= 0
        mrcal.project(p_ref, *intrinsics, get_gradients=True, out=out)

                                msg = f"Projecting {intrinsics[0]} with grad in-place",
                                eps = 1e-2)
                                msg = f"dq_dp in-place",
                                eps = 1e-2)
                                msg = f"dq_di in-place",
                                eps = 1e-2)

    ########## unproject
    if 1:
        ##### Un-normalized
        v_unprojected = mrcal.unproject(q_projected, *intrinsics,
                                        normalize = False)

        cos = nps.inner(v_unprojected, p_ref) / nps.mag(p_ref)
        cos = np.clip(cos, -1, 1)
        testutils.confirm_equal( np.arccos(cos),
                                 np.zeros((p_ref.shape[0],), dtype=float),
                                 msg = f"Unprojecting {intrinsics[0]}",
                                 eps = 1e-6)
    if 1:
        ##### Normalized
        v_unprojected_nograd = mrcal.unproject(q_projected, *intrinsics,
                                               normalize = True)

        testutils.confirm_equal( nps.norm2(v_unprojected_nograd),
                                 msg = f"Unprojected v are normalized",
                                 eps = 1e-6)
        cos = nps.inner(v_unprojected_nograd, p_ref) / nps.mag(p_ref)
        cos = np.clip(cos, -1, 1)
        testutils.confirm_equal( np.arccos(cos),
                                 np.zeros((p_ref.shape[0],), dtype=float),
                                 msg = f"Unprojecting {intrinsics[0]} (normalized)",
                                 eps = 1e-6)

    if not meta['has_gradients']:
        # no in-place output for the no-gradients unproject() path

    v_unprojected *= 0
    mrcal.unproject(q_projected, *intrinsics,
                    normalize = True,
                    out = v_unprojected)
    testutils.confirm_equal( nps.norm2(v_unprojected),
                             msg = f"Unprojected in-place v are normalized",
                             eps = 1e-6)
    cos = nps.inner(v_unprojected, p_ref) / nps.mag(p_ref)
    cos = np.clip(cos, -1, 1)
    testutils.confirm_equal( np.arccos(cos),
                             np.zeros((p_ref.shape[0],), dtype=float),
                             msg = f"Unprojecting in-place {intrinsics[0]}",
                             eps = 1e-6)

    ### unproject gradients
    v_unprojected,dv_dq,dv_di = mrcal.unproject(q_projected,
                                                *intrinsics, get_gradients=True)

    # I'd like to turn this on, but unproject() doesn't behave the way it
    # should, so this test always fails currently
    # testutils.confirm_equal( v_unprojected,
    #                          v_unprojected_nograd,
    #                          msg = f"Unproject() should return the same thing whether get_gradients or not",
    #                          eps = 1e-6)

    # Two different gradient computations, to match the two different ways the
    # internal computation is performed
    if intrinsics[0] == 'LENSMODEL_PINHOLE'       or \
       intrinsics[0] == 'LENSMODEL_STEREOGRAPHIC' or \
       intrinsics[0] == 'LENSMODEL_LATLON'        or \
       intrinsics[0] == 'LENSMODEL_LONLAT':

        @nps.broadcast_define( ((2,),('N',)) )
        def grad_broadcasted(q_ref, i_ref):
            return grad(lambda qi: mrcal.unproject(qi[:2], intrinsics[0], qi[2:]),
                        nps.glue(q_ref,i_ref, axis=-1))

        dv_dqi_ref = grad_broadcasted(q_projected,intrinsics[1])


        @nps.broadcast_define( ((2,),('N',)) )
        def grad_broadcasted(q_ref, i_ref):
            return grad(lambda qi: \
                        mrcal.unproject_stereographic( \
                            mrcal.unproject(qi[:2], intrinsics[0], qi[2:]))),
                        nps.glue(q_ref,i_ref, axis=-1))

        dv_dqi_ref = grad_broadcasted(q_projected,intrinsics[1])

    testutils.confirm_equal(mrcal.project(v_unprojected, *intrinsics),
                            msg = f"Unprojecting {intrinsics[0]} with grad",
                            eps = 1e-2)
                            msg = f"dv_dq: {intrinsics[0]}",
                            worstcase = True,
                            relative  = True,
                            eps = 0.01)
                            msg = f"dv_di {intrinsics[0]}",
                            worstcase = True,
                            relative  = True,
                            eps = 0.01)

    # Normalized unprojected gradients
    v_unprojected,dv_dq,dv_di = mrcal.unproject(q_projected,
                                                normalize     = True,
                                                get_gradients = True)
    testutils.confirm_equal( nps.norm2(v_unprojected),
                             msg = f"Unprojected v (with gradients) are normalized",
                             eps = 1e-6)
    cos = nps.inner(v_unprojected, p_ref) / nps.mag(p_ref)
    cos = np.clip(cos, -1, 1)
    testutils.confirm_equal( np.arccos(cos),
                             np.zeros((p_ref.shape[0],), dtype=float),
                             msg = f"Unprojecting (normalized, with gradients) {intrinsics[0]}",
                             eps = 1e-6)

    @nps.broadcast_define( ((2,),('N',)) )
    def grad_normalized_broadcasted(q_ref, i_ref):
        return grad(lambda qi: \
                    mrcal.unproject(qi[:2], intrinsics[0], qi[2:], normalize=True),
                    nps.glue(q_ref,i_ref, axis=-1))

    dvnormalized_dqi_ref = grad_normalized_broadcasted(q_projected,intrinsics[1])

                            msg = f"dv_dq (normalized v): {intrinsics[0]}",
                            worstcase = True,
                            relative  = True,
                            eps = 0.01)
                            msg = f"dv_di (normalized v): {intrinsics[0]}",
                            worstcase = True,
                            relative  = True,
                            eps = 0.01)

    # unproject() with gradients, in-place
    if 1:
        # Normalized output
        out[0] *= 0
        out[1] *= 0
        out[2] *= 0

                        normalize     = True,
                        get_gradients = True,
                        out           = out)
        testutils.confirm_equal( nps.norm2(v_unprojected),
                                 msg = f"Unprojected v (with gradients, in-place) are normalized",
                                 eps = 1e-6)
        cos = nps.inner(v_unprojected, p_ref) / nps.mag(p_ref)
        cos = np.clip(cos, -1, 1)
        testutils.confirm_equal( np.arccos(cos),
                                 np.zeros((p_ref.shape[0],), dtype=float),
                                 msg = f"Unprojecting (normalized, with gradients, in-place) {intrinsics[0]}",
                                 eps = 1e-6)

                                msg = f"dv_dq (normalized v, in-place): {intrinsics[0]}",
                                worstcase = True,
                                relative  = True,
                                eps = 0.01)
                                msg = f"dv_di (normalized v, in-place): {intrinsics[0]}",
                                worstcase = True,
                                relative  = True,
                                eps = 0.01)

    if 1:
        # un-normalized output
        out[0] *= 0
        out[1] *= 0
        out[2] *= 0

                        normalize     = False,
                        get_gradients = True,
                        out           = out)
        cos = nps.inner(v_unprojected, p_ref) / nps.mag(p_ref)
        cos = np.clip(cos, -1, 1)
        testutils.confirm_equal( np.arccos(cos),
                                 np.zeros((p_ref.shape[0],), dtype=float),
                                 msg = f"Unprojecting (non-normalized, with gradients, in-place) {intrinsics[0]}",
                                 eps = 1e-6)

                                msg = f"dv_dq (unnormalized v, in-place): {intrinsics[0]}",
                                worstcase = True,
                                relative  = True,
                                eps = 0.01)
                                msg = f"dv_di (unnormalized v, in-place): {intrinsics[0]}",
                                worstcase = True,
                                relative  = True,
                                eps = 0.01)
Esempio n. 14
# First a very basic gradient check. Looking at an arbitrary camera's
# intrinsics. The test-gradients tool does this much more thoroughly
optimization_inputs = copy.deepcopy(baseline)
dp_packed = np.random.randn(len(p0)) * 1e-9

mrcal.ingest_packed_state(p0 + dp_packed, **optimization_inputs)

x1 = mrcal.optimizer_callback(no_factorization=True,

dx_observed = x1 - x0

dx_predicted = nps.inner(J0, dp_packed)
                        msg="Trivial, sanity-checking gradient check")

if 0:
    import gnuplotlib as gp
Esempio n. 15
File: Progetto: vonj/mrcal
    def remove_projection(a, proj_base):
        r'''Returns the normalized component of a orthogonal to proj_base

        proj_base assumed normalized'''
        v = a - nps.inner(a,proj_base)*proj_base
        return normalize(v)
Esempio n. 16
def _compose_r(r0, r1, assume_r0_tiny=False, get_gradients=False):
    r'''Axis/angle rotation composition


Described here:

    Altmann, Simon L. "Hamilton, Rodrigues, and the Quaternion Scandal."
    Mathematics Magazine, vol. 62, no. 5, 1989, pp. 291–308

Available here:

I use Equations (19) and (20) on page 302 of this paper. These equations say

  R(angle=gamma, axis=n) =
  compose( R(angle=alpha, axis=l), R(angle=beta, axis=m) )

I need to compute gamma*n, and these are given as solutions to:

  cos(gamma/2) =
    cos(alpha/2)*cos(beta/2) -
    sin(alpha/2)*sin(beta/2) * inner(l,m)
  sin(gamma/2) n =
    sin(alpha/2)*cos(beta/2)*l +
    cos(alpha/2)*sin(beta/2)*m +
    sin(alpha/2)*sin(beta/2) * cross(l,m)

For nicer notation, I define

  A = alpha/2
  B = beta /2
  C = gamma/2

  l = r0 /(2A)
  m = r1 /(2B)
  n = r01/(2C)

I rewrite:

  cos(C) =
    cos(A)*cos(B) -
    sin(A)*sin(B) * inner(r0,r1) / 4AB
  sin(C) r01 / 2C =
    sin(A)*cos(B)*r0 / 2A +
    cos(A)*sin(B)*r1 / 2B +
    sin(A)*sin(B) * cross(r0,r1) / 4AB

If alpha ~ 0, I have A ~ 0, and I can simplify:

  cos(C) ~
    cos(B) -
    A*sin(B) * inner(r0,r1) / 4AB
  sin(C) r01 / 2C ~
    A*cos(B)* r0 / 2A +
    sin(B)  * r1 / 2B +
    A*sin(B) * cross(r0,r1) / 4AB

I have C = B + dB where dB ~ 0, so

  cos(C) ~ cos(B + dB) ~ cos(B) - dB sin(B)
  -> dB = A * inner(r0,r1) / 4AB = inner(r0,r1) / 4B
  -> C = B + inner(r0,r1) / 4B

Now let's look at the axis expression. Assuming A ~ 0

  sin(C) r01 / 2C ~

  A*cos(B) r0 / 2A +
  sin(B)   r1 / 2B +
  A*sin(B) * cross(r0,r1) / 4AB

  sin(C)/C * r01 ~

  cos(B) r0 +
  sin(B) r1 / B +
  sin(B) * cross(r0,r1) / 2B

I linearize the left-hand side:

  sin(C)/C = sin(B+dB)/(B+dB) ~
  ~ sin(B)/B + d( sin(B)/B )/de dB =
  = sin(B)/B + dB  (B cos(B) - sin(B)) / B^2


  (sin(B)/B + dB  (B cos(B) - sin(B)) / B^2) r01 ~

  cos(B) r0 +
  sin(B) r1 / B +
  sin(B) * cross(r0,r1) / 2B


  (sin(B) + dB  (B cos(B) - sin(B)) / B) r01 ~

  sin(B) r1 +
  cos(B)*B r0 +
  sin(B) * cross(r0,r1) / 2

I want to find the perturbation to give me r01 ~ r1 + deltar ->

  ( dB (B cos(B) - sin(B)) / B) r1 + (sin(B) + dB  (B cos(B) - sin(B)) / B) deltar ~

  cos(B)*B r0 +
  sin(B) * cross(r0,r1) / 2

All terms here are linear or quadratic in r0. For tiny r0, I can ignore the
quadratic terms:

  ( dB (B cos(B) - sin(B)) / B) r1 + sin(B) deltar ~

  cos(B)*B r0 +
  sin(B) * cross(r0,r1) / 2

I solve for deltar:

  deltar ~
  cos(B)/sin(B)*B r0 +
  cross(r0,r1) / 2 -
  ( dB (B cos(B)/sin(B) - 1) / B) r1

I substitute in the dB from above, and I simplify:

  deltar ~

  B/tan(B) r0 +
  cross(r0,r1) / 2 -
  ( inner(r0,r1) / 4B * (1/tan(B) - 1/B)) r1

And I differentiate:

  dr01/dr0 = ddeltar/dr0 =

  B/tan(B) I +
  -skew_symmetric(r1) / 2 -
  outer(r1,r1) / 4B * (1/tan(B) - 1/B)


    if not assume_r0_tiny:
        if get_gradients:
            raise Exception("Not implemented")
        A = nps.mag(r0) / 2
        B = nps.mag(r1) / 2

        cos_C = np.cos(A) * np.cos(B) - np.sin(A) * np.sin(B) * nps.inner(
            r0, r1) / (4 * A * B)
        sin_C = np.sqrt(1. - cos_C * cos_C)
        th01 = np.arctan2(sin_C, cos_C) * 2.

        sin_C__a01 = np.sin(A) * np.cos(B) * r0 / (
            2 * A) + np.cos(A) * np.sin(B) * r1 / (
                2 * B) + np.sin(A) * np.sin(B) * np.cross(r0, r1) / (4 * A * B)
        a01 = sin_C__a01 / sin_C
        return a01 * th01

    B = nps.mag(r1) / 2

    if nps.norm2(r0) != 0:
        # for broadcasting
        if isinstance(B, np.ndarray): Bs = nps.dummy(B, -1)
        else: Bs = B
        r01 = r1 + \
            Bs/np.tan(Bs) * r0 + \
            np.cross(r0,r1) / 2 - \
            ( nps.inner(r0,r1) / (4*Bs) * (1/np.tan(Bs) - 1/Bs))* r1
        r01 = r1

    if not get_gradients:
        return r01

    # for broadcasting
    if isinstance(B, np.ndarray): Bs = nps.dummy(B, -1, -1)
    else: Bs = B
    dr01_dr0 = \
        Bs/np.tan(Bs) * np.eye(3) + \
        -mrcal.utils._skew_symmetric(r1) / 2 - \
        nps.outer(r1,r1) / (4*Bs) * (1/np.tan(Bs) - 1/Bs)
    return r01, dr01_dr0
Esempio n. 17
File: Progetto: vonj/mrcal
def stereo_rectify_prepare(models,
                           az0_deg           = None,
                           el0_deg           = 0,
                           pixels_per_deg_az = None,
                           pixels_per_deg_el = None):

    r'''Precompute everything needed for stereo rectification and matching


    import sys
    import mrcal
    import cv2
    import numpy as np

    # Read commandline arguments: model0 model1 image0 image1
    models = [ mrcal.cameramodel(sys.argv[1]),
               mrcal.cameramodel(sys.argv[2]), ]

    images = [ cv2.imread(sys.argv[i]) \
               for i in (3,4) ]

    # Prepare the stereo system
    rectification_maps,cookie = \
                                     az_fov_deg = 120,
                                     el_fov_deg = 100)

    # Visualize the geometry of the two cameras and of the rotated stereo
    # coordinate system
    Rt_cam0_ref    = models[0].extrinsics_Rt_fromref()
    Rt_cam0_stereo = cookie['Rt_cam0_stereo']
    Rt_stereo_ref  = mrcal.compose_Rt( mrcal.invert_Rt(Rt_cam0_stereo),
                                       Rt_cam0_ref )
    rt_stereo_ref  = mrcal.rt_from_Rt(Rt_stereo_ref)

    mrcal.show_geometry( models + [ rt_stereo_ref ],
                         ( "camera0", "camera1", "stereo" ),
                         show_calobjects = False,
                         wait            = True )

    # Rectify the images
    images_rectified = \
      [ mrcal.transform_image(images[i], rectification_maps[i]) \
        for i in range(2) ]

    cv2.imwrite('/tmp/rectified0.jpg', images_rectified[0])
    cv2.imwrite('/tmp/rectified1.jpg', images_rectified[1])

    # Find stereo correspondences using OpenCV
    block_size = 3
    max_disp   = 160 # in pixels
    stereo = \
        cv2.StereoSGBM_create(minDisparity      = 0,
                              numDisparities    = max_disp,
                              blockSize         = block_size,
                              P1                = 8 *3*block_size*block_size,
                              P2                = 32*3*block_size*block_size,
                              uniquenessRatio   = 5,

                              disp12MaxDiff     = 1,
                              speckleWindowSize = 50,
                              speckleRange      = 1)
    disparity16 = stereo.compute(*images_rectified) # in pixels*16

                                      0, max_disp*16.))

    # Convert the disparities to range to camera0
    r = mrcal.stereo_range( disparity16.astype(np.float32) / 16.,
                            **cookie )

    cv2.imwrite('/tmp/range.png', mrcal.apply_color_map(r, 5, 1000))

This function does the initial computation required to perform stereo matching,
and to get ranges from a stereo pair. It computes

- the pose of the rectified stereo coordinate system

- the azimuth/elevation grid used in the rectified images

- the rectification maps used to transform images into the rectified space

Using the results of one call to this function we can compute the stereo
disparities of many pairs of synchronized images.

This function is generic: the two cameras may have any lens models, any
resolution and any geometry. They don't even have to match. As long as there's
some non-zero baseline and some overlapping views, we can set up stereo matching
using this function. The input images are tranformed into a "rectified" space.
Geometrically, the rectified coordinate system sits at the origin of camera0,
with a rotation. The axes of the rectified coordinate system:

- x: from the origin of camera0 to the origin of camera1 (the baseline direction)

- y: completes the system from x,z

- z: the "forward" direction of the two cameras, with the component parallel to
     the baseline subtracted off

In a nominal geometry (the two cameras are square with each other, camera1
strictly to the right of camera0), the rectified coordinate system exactly
matches the coordinate system of camera0. The above formulation supports any
geometry, however, including vertical and/or forward/backward shifts. Vertical
stereo is supported.

Rectified images represent 3D planes intersecting the origins of the two
cameras. The tilt of each plane is the "elevation". While the left/right
direction inside each plane is the "azimuth". We generate rectified images where
each pixel coordinate represents (x = azimuth, y = elevation). Thus each row
scans the azimuths in a particular elevation, and thus each row in the two
rectified images represents the same plane in 3D, and matching features in each
row can produce a stereo disparity and a range.

In the rectified system, elevation is a rotation along the x axis, while azimuth
is a rotation normal to the resulting tilted plane.

We produce rectified images whose pixel coordinates are linear with azimuths and
elevations. This means that the azimuth angular resolution is constant
everywhere, even at the edges of a wide-angle image.

We return a set of transformation maps and a cookie. The maps can be used to
generate rectified images. These rectified images can be processed by any
stereo-matching routine to generate a disparity image. To interpret the
disparity image, call stereo_unproject() or stereo_range() with the cookie
returned here.

The cookie is a Python dict that describes the rectified space. It is guaranteed
to have the following keys:

- Rt_cam0_stereo: an Rt transformation to map a representation of points in the
  rectified coordinate system to a representation in the camera0 coordinate system

- baseline: the distance between the two cameras

- az_row: an array of shape (Naz,) describing the azimuths in each row of the
  disparity image

- el_col: an array of shape (Nel,1) describing the elevations in each column of
  the disparity image


- models: an iterable of two mrcal.cameramodel objects representing the cameras
  in the stereo system. Any sane combination of lens models and resolutions and
  geometries is valid

- az_fov_deg: required value for the azimuth (along-the-baseline) field-of-view
  of the desired rectified view, in pixels

- el_fov_deg: required value for the elevation (across-the-baseline)
  field-of-view of the desired rectified view, in pixels

- az0_deg: optional value for the azimuth center of the rectified images. This
  is especially significant in a camera system with some forward/backward shift.
  That causes the baseline to no longer be perpendicular with the view axis of
  the cameras, and thus azimuth = 0 is no longer at the center of the input
  images. If omitted, we compute the center azimuth that aligns with the center
  of the cameras' view

- el0_deg: optional value for the elevation center of the rectified system.
  Defaults to 0.

- pixels_per_deg_az: optional value for the azimuth resolution of the rectified
  image. If omitted (or None), we use the resolution of the input image at
  (azimuth, elevation) = 0. If a resolution of <0 is requested, we use this as a
  scale factor on the resolution of the input image. For instance, to downsample
  by a factor of 2, pass pixels_per_deg_az = -0.5

- pixels_per_deg_el: same as pixels_per_deg_az but in the elevation direction


We return a tuple

- transformation maps: a tuple of length-2 containing transformation maps for
  each camera. Each map can be used to mrcal.transform_image() images to the
  rectified space

- cookie: a dict describing the rectified space. Intended as input to
  stereo_unproject() and stereo_range(). See the description above for more


    if len(models) != 2:
        raise Exception("I need exactly 2 camera models")

    def normalize(v):
        v /= nps.mag(v)
        return v

    def remove_projection(a, proj_base):
        r'''Returns the normalized component of a orthogonal to proj_base

        proj_base assumed normalized'''
        v = a - nps.inner(a,proj_base)*proj_base
        return normalize(v)

    ######## Compute the geometry of the rectified stereo system. This is a
    ######## rotation, centered at camera0. More or less we have axes:
    ######## x: from camera0 to camera1
    ######## y: completes the system from x,z
    ######## z: component of the cameras' viewing direction
    ########    normal to the baseline
    Rt_cam0_ref = models[0].extrinsics_Rt_fromref()
    Rt01 = mrcal.compose_Rt( Rt_cam0_ref,
    Rt10 = mrcal.invert_Rt(Rt01)

    # Rotation relating camera0 coords to the rectified camera coords. I fill in
    # each row separately
    R_stereo_cam0 = np.zeros((3,3), dtype=float)
    right         = R_stereo_cam0[0,:]
    down          = R_stereo_cam0[1,:]
    forward       = R_stereo_cam0[2,:]

    # "right" of the rectified coord system: towards the origin of camera1 from
    # camera0, in camera0 coords
    right[:] = Rt01[3,:]
    baseline = nps.mag(right)
    right   /= baseline

    # "forward" for each of the two cameras, in the cam0 coord system
    forward0 = np.array((0,0,1.))
    forward1 = Rt01[:3,2]

    # "forward" of the rectified coord system, in camera0 coords. The mean of
    # the two non-right "forward" directions
    forward[:] = normalize( ( remove_projection(forward0,right) +
                              remove_projection(forward1,right) ) / 2. )

    # "down" of the rectified coord system, in camera0 coords. Completes the
    # right,down,forward coordinate system
    down[:] = np.cross(forward,right)

    R_cam0_stereo = nps.transpose(R_stereo_cam0)

    ######## Done with the geometry! Now to get the az/el grid. I need to figure
    ######## out the resolution and the extents

    if az0_deg is not None:
        az0 = az0_deg * np.pi/180.

        # In the rectified system az=0 sits perpendicular to the baseline.
        # Normally the cameras are looking out perpendicular to the baseline
        # also, so I center my azimuth samples around 0 to match the cameras'
        # field of view. But what if the geometry isn't square, and one camera
        # is behind the other? Like this:
        #    camera
        #     view
        #       ^
        #       |
        #     \ | /
        #      \_/
        #        .    /
        #         .  /az=0
        #          ./
        #           .
        #  baseline  .
        #             .
        #            \   /
        #             \_/
        # Here the center-of-view axis of each camera is not at all
        # perpendicular to the baseline. Thus I compute the mean "forward"
        # direction of the cameras in the rectified system, and set that as the
        # center azimuth az0.
        v0 = nps.matmult( forward0, R_cam0_stereo ).ravel()
        v1 = nps.matmult( forward1, R_cam0_stereo ).ravel()
        v0[1] = 0.0
        v1[1] = 0.0
        v = v0 + v1
        az0 = np.arctan2(v[0],v[2])

    el0 = el0_deg * np.pi/180.

    ####### Rectified image resolution
    if pixels_per_deg_az is None or pixels_per_deg_az < 0 or \
       pixels_per_deg_el is None or pixels_per_deg_el < 0:
        # I need to compute the resolution of the rectified images. I try to
        # match the resolution of the cameras. I just look at camera0. If you
        # have different cameras, pass in pixels_per_deg yourself :)
        # I look at the center of the stereo field of view. There I have q =
        # project(v) where v is a unit projection vector. I compute dq/dth where
        # th is an angular perturbation applied to v.
        def rotation_any_v_to_z(v):
            r'''Return any rotation matrix that maps the given unit vector v to [0,0,1]'''
            z = v
            if np.abs(v[0]) < .9:
                x = np.array((1,0,0))
                x = np.array((0,1,0))
            x -= nps.inner(x,v)*v
            x /= nps.mag(x)
            y = np.cross(z,x)


        v, dv_dazel = stereo_unproject(az0, el0, get_gradients = True)
        v0          = mrcal.rotate_point_R(R_cam0_stereo, v)
        dv0_dazel   = nps.matmult(R_cam0_stereo, dv_dazel)

        _,dq_dv0,_ = mrcal.project(v0, *models[0].intrinsics(), get_gradients = True)

        # I rotate my v to a coordinate system where u = rotate(v) is [0,0,1].
        # Then u = [a,b,0] are all orthogonal to v. So du/dth = [cos, sin, 0].
        # I then have dq/dth = dq/dv dv/du [cos, sin, 0]t
        # ---> dq/dth = dq/dv dv/du[:,:2] [cos, sin]t = M [cos,sin]t
        # norm2(dq/dth) = [cos,sin] MtM [cos,sin]t is then an ellipse with the
        # eigenvalues of MtM giving me the best and worst sensitivities. I can
        # use mrcal.worst_direction_stdev() to find the densest direction. But I
        # actually know the directions I care about, so I evaluate them
        # independently for the az and el directions

        # Ruv = rotation_any_v_to_z(v0)
        # M = nps.matmult(dq_dv0, nps.transpose(Ruv[:2,:]))
        # # I pick the densest direction: highest |dq/dth|
        # pixels_per_rad = mrcal.worst_direction_stdev( nps.matmult( nps.transpose(M),M) )

        if pixels_per_deg_az is None or pixels_per_deg_az < 0:
            dq_daz = nps.inner( dq_dv0, dv0_dazel[:,0] )
            pixels_per_rad_az_have = nps.mag(dq_daz)

            if pixels_per_deg_az is not None:
                # negative pixels_per_deg_az requested means I use the requested
                # value as a scaling
                pixels_per_deg_az = -pixels_per_deg_az * pixels_per_rad_az_have*np.pi/180.
                pixels_per_deg_az = pixels_per_rad_az_have*np.pi/180.

        if pixels_per_deg_el is None or pixels_per_deg_el < 0:
            dq_del = nps.inner( dq_dv0, dv0_dazel[:,1] )
            pixels_per_rad_el_have = nps.mag(dq_del)

            if pixels_per_deg_el is not None:
                # negative pixels_per_deg_el requested means I use the requested
                # value as a scaling
                pixels_per_deg_el = -pixels_per_deg_el * pixels_per_rad_el_have*np.pi/180.
                pixels_per_deg_el = pixels_per_rad_el_have*np.pi/180.

    Naz = round(az_fov_deg*pixels_per_deg_az)
    Nel = round(el_fov_deg*pixels_per_deg_el)

    # Adjust the fov to keep the requested resolution and pixel counts
    az_fov_radius_deg = Naz / (2.*pixels_per_deg_az)
    el_fov_radius_deg = Nel / (2.*pixels_per_deg_el)

    # shape (Naz,)
    az = np.linspace(az0 - az_fov_radius_deg*np.pi/180.,
                     az0 + az_fov_radius_deg*np.pi/180.,
    # shape (Nel,1)
    el = nps.dummy( np.linspace(el0 - el_fov_radius_deg*np.pi/180.,
                                el0 + el_fov_radius_deg*np.pi/180.,
                    -1 )

    # v has shape (Nel,Naz,3)
    v = stereo_unproject(az, el)

    v0 = nps.matmult( nps.dummy(v,  -2), R_stereo_cam0 )[...,0,:]
    v1 = nps.matmult( nps.dummy(v0, -2), Rt01[:3,:]    )[...,0,:]

    cookie = \
        dict( Rt_cam0_stereo    = nps.glue(R_cam0_stereo, np.zeros((3,)), axis=-2),
              baseline          = baseline,
              az_row            = az,
              el_col            = el,

              # The caller should NOT assume these are available in the cookie:
              # some other rectification scheme may not produce linear az/el
              # maps
              pixels_per_deg_az = pixels_per_deg_az,
              pixels_per_deg_el = pixels_per_deg_el,

    return                                                                \
        (mrcal.project( v0, *models[0].intrinsics()).astype(np.float32),  \
         mrcal.project( v1, *models[1].intrinsics()).astype(np.float32)), \
Esempio n. 18
def callback_l2_geometric(p, v0, v1, t01):
    if p[2] < 0: return 1e6
    distance_p_v0 = nps.mag(p - nps.inner(p, v0) / nps.norm2(v0) * v0)
    distance_p_v1 = nps.mag(p - t01 -
                            nps.inner(p - t01, v1) / nps.norm2(v1) * v1)
    return np.abs(distance_p_v0) + np.abs(distance_p_v1)
Esempio n. 19
def compute_outliernesses(J, x, jq, k_dima, k_cook):
    '''Computes all the outlierness/Cook's D metrics

    I have 8 things I can compute coming from 3 yes/no choices. These are all
    very similar, with two pairs actually coming out identical. I choose:

    - Are we detecting outliers, or looking at effects of a new query point?
    - Dima's outlierness factor or Cook's D
    - Look ONLY at the effect on the other variables, or on the other variables
      AND self?

    If we're detecting outliers, we REMOVE measurements from the dataset, and
    see what happens to the fit. If we're looking at effects of a new query
    point, we see what happend if we ADD measurements

    Dima's outlierness factor metric looks at what happens to the cost function
    E = norm2(x). Specifically I look at

      (norm2(x_before) - norm(x_after))/Nmeasurements

    Cook's D instead looks at

      (norm2(x_before - x_after)) * k

    for some constant k.

    Finally, we can decide whether to include the effects on the measurements
    we're adding/removing, or not.

    Note that here I only look at adding/removing SCALAR measurements


    This is similar-to, but not exactly-the-same-as Cook's D. I assume the least
    squares fit optimizes a cost function E = norm2(x). The outlierness factor I
    return is

      f = 1/Nmeasurements (E(outliers and inliers) - E(inliers only))

    For a scalar measurement, this solves to

      k = xo^2 / Nmeasurements
      B = 1.0/(jt inv(JtJ) j - 1)
      f = -k * B

    (see the comment in dogleg_getOutliernessFactors() for a description)

    Note that my metric is proportional to norm2(x_io) - norm2(x_i). This is NOT
    the same as Cook's distance, which is proportional to norm2(x_io - x_i).
    It's not yet obvious to me which is better

    There're several slightly-different definitions of Cook's D and of a
    rule-of-thumb threshold floating around on the internet. Wikipedia says:

      D = norm2(x_io - x_i)^2 / (Nstate * norm2(x_io)/(Nmeasurements - Nstate))
      D_threshold = 1

    An article says

      D = norm2(x_io - x_i)^2 / ((Nstate+1) * norm2(x_io)/(Nmeasurements - Nstate -1))
      D_threshold = 4/Nmeasurements

    Here I use the second definition. That definition expands to

      k = xo^2 / ((Nstate+1) * norm2(x_io)/(Nmeasurements - Nstate -1))
      B = 1.0/(jt inv(JtJ) j - 1)
      f = k * (B + B*B)


    Nmeasurements,Nstate = J.shape

    # The A values for each measurement
    Aoutliers = nps.inner(J, nps.transpose(np.linalg.pinv(J)))
    Aquery    = nps.inner(jq, nps.transpose(np.linalg.solve(nps.matmult(nps.transpose(J),J), nps.transpose(jq))))

    def dima():

        k = k_dima
        k = 1

        # Here the metrics are linear, so self + others = self_others
        def outliers():
            B = 1.0 / (Aoutliers - 1.0)
            return dict( self        = k * x*x,
                         others      = k * x*x*(-B-1),
                         self_others = k * x*x*(-B  ))
        def query():
            B = 1.0 / (Aquery + 1.0)
            return dict( self        = k * (  B*B),
                         others      = k * (B-B*B),
                         self_others = k * (B))
        return dict(outliers = outliers(),
                    query    = query())
    def cook():

        k = k_cook
        k = 1

        # Here the metrics maybe aren't linear (I need to think about it), so
        # maybe self + others != self_others. I thus am not returning the "self"
        # metric
        def outliers():
            B = 1.0 / (Aoutliers - 1.0)
            return dict( self_others = k * x*x*(B+B*B  ) ,
                         others      = k * x*x*(-B-1))
        def query():
            B = 1.0 / (Aquery + 1.0)
            return dict( self_others = k * (1-B) ,
                         others      = k * (B-B*B))
        return dict(outliers = outliers(),
                    query    = query())

    return dict(cook = cook(),
                dima = dima())
Esempio n. 20
        v0_rect = mrcal.unproject_latlon(np.array((az0, el0)))
        # already normalized
        testutils.confirm_equal( v0_rect, v0,
                                 msg=f'vanilla stereo: az0,el0 represent the same point ({lensmodel})')
        v0_rect = mrcal.unproject_pinhole(np.array((np.tan(az0), np.tan(el0))))
        v0_rect /= nps.mag(v0_rect)
        testutils.confirm_equal( v0_rect, v0,
                                 msg=f'vanilla stereo: az0,el0 represent the same point ({lensmodel})',
                                 eps = 1e-3)

    dq0x = np.array((1e-1, 0))
    dq0y = np.array((0, 1e-1))
    v0x  = mrcal.unproject(q0+dq0x, *models_rectified[0].intrinsics())
    v0y  = mrcal.unproject(q0+dq0y, *models_rectified[0].intrinsics())
    dthx = np.arccos(nps.inner(v0x,v0)/np.sqrt(nps.norm2(v0x)*nps.norm2(v0)))
    dthy = np.arccos(nps.inner(v0y,v0)/np.sqrt(nps.norm2(v0y)*nps.norm2(v0)))
    pixels_per_rad_az_rect = nps.mag(dq0x)/dthx
    pixels_per_rad_el_rect = nps.mag(dq0y)/dthy

    q0_cam0  = mrcal.project(mrcal.rotate_point_R(Rt_cam0_rect[:3,:], v0),
    q0x_cam0 = mrcal.project(mrcal.rotate_point_R(Rt_cam0_rect[:3,:], v0x),
    q0y_cam0 = mrcal.project(mrcal.rotate_point_R(Rt_cam0_rect[:3,:], v0y),
    pixels_per_rad_az_cam0 = nps.mag(q0x_cam0 - q0_cam0)/dthx
    pixels_per_rad_el_cam0 = nps.mag(q0y_cam0 - q0_cam0)/dthy

    testutils.confirm_equal(pixels_per_rad_az_rect * 8.,
Esempio n. 21
# a few points, some wide, some not. Some behind the camera
p = np.array(((1.0, 2.0, 10.0), (-1.1, 0.3, -1.0), (-0.9, -1.5, -1.0)))

q_projected_ref = np.array([[649.35582325, 552.6874014],
                            [-5939.33490417, 1624.58376866],
                            [-2181.52681292, -2953.8803086]])

q_projected = mrcal.project_stereographic(p, fx, fy, cx, cy)

p_unprojected = mrcal.unproject_stereographic(q_projected, fx, fy, cx, cy)
cos = nps.inner(p_unprojected, p) / (nps.mag(p) * nps.mag(p_unprojected))
cos = np.clip(cos, -1, 1)
                        np.zeros((p.shape[0], ), dtype=float),

# Now gradients for project()
delta = 1e-6
q_projected, dq_dp_reported = mrcal.project_stereographic(p,
Esempio n. 22
Nw = 40
Nh = 30
# shape (Nh,Nw,2)
xy = \*np.meshgrid( np.linspace(0,W-1,Nw),
                                 np.linspace(0,H-1,Nh) )),
fxy = m.intrinsics()[1][0:2]
cxy = m.intrinsics()[1][2:4]

# shape (Nh,Nw,2)
v = mrcal.unproject(np.ascontiguousarray(xy), *m.intrinsics())
v0 = mrcal.unproject(cxy, *m.intrinsics())

# shape (Nh,Nw)
costh = nps.inner(v, v0) / (nps.mag(v) * nps.mag(v0))
th = np.arccos(costh)

# shape (Nh,Nw,2)
xy_rel = xy - cxy
# shape (Nh,Nw)
az = np.arctan2(xy_rel[..., 1], xy_rel[..., 0])

if args.scheme == 'stereographic': r = np.tan(th / 2.) * 2.
elif args.scheme == 'equidistant': r = th
elif args.scheme == 'equisolidangle': r = np.sin(th / 2.) * 2.
elif args.scheme == 'orthographic': r = np.sin(th)
elif args.scheme == 'pinhole': r = np.tan(th)
        "Unknown scheme {args.scheme}. Shouldn't happen. argparse should have taken care of it"