class NuscenesDataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, data_root, version = 'v1.0-trainval', n: tuple=None): """ Args: root_dir (string): root NuScenes directory transform (callable, optional): Optional transform to be applied on a sample. n - tuple with left and right index boundaries, in case we don't want to use all data """ self.data_root = data_root self.nuscenes = NuScenes(version=version, dataroot=data_root, verbose=True) if n: assert len(n) == 2 self.samples = self.nuscenes.sample[n[0]:n[1]] else: self.samples = self.nuscenes.sample # point_clouds_features will be of shape (N, M, 5), # where N - number of samples, M - number of points in according sample's pointcloud self.point_clouds_features = [] self.point_clouds_labels = [] self.__set_point_clouds() def __set_point_clouds(self): for sample in self.samples: sample_data_token = sample['data']['LIDAR_TOP'] my_sample_lidar_data = self.nuscenes.get('sample_data', sample_data_token) lidarseg_labels_filename = join(self.data_root, self.nuscenes.get('lidarseg', sample_data_token)['filename']) # loading directly from files to perceive the ring_index information points_raw = np.fromfile(self.data_root + my_sample_lidar_data["filename"], dtype=np.float32).reshape((-1, 5)) point_labels = np.fromfile(lidarseg_labels_filename, dtype=np.uint8) self.point_clouds_features.append(points_raw) self.point_clouds_labels.append(point_labels) self.point_clouds_features = np.array(self.point_clouds_features) self.point_clouds_labels = np.array(self.point_clouds_labels) def __len__(self): return len(self.samples) def get_front_bb(self, sample: dict): """ Function computes and returns An array of points of a bounding box in sensor coordinates. Which are in the front 90 degrees Each point is a (x, y) coordinate, each BB is 4 points :param sample: nuscenes sample dictionary :return: np.array of shape (N, 8, 3) """ my_sample_lidar_data = self.nuscenes.get('sample_data', sample['data']['LIDAR_TOP']) sample_annotation = self.nuscenes.get_boxes(my_sample_lidar_data['token']) ego_record = self.nuscenes.get('ego_pose', my_sample_lidar_data['ego_pose_token']) cs_record = self.nuscenes.get('calibrated_sensor', my_sample_lidar_data['calibrated_sensor_token']) # first step: transform from absolute to ego ego_translation = -np.array(ego_record['translation']) # second step: transform from ego to sensor cs_translation = -np.array(cs_record['translation']) corners = [] for box in sample_annotation: box.translate(ego_translation) box.rotate(Quaternion(ego_record['rotation']).inverse) box.translate(cs_translation) box.rotate(Quaternion(cs_record['rotation']).inverse) # at this point bounding boxes are in sensor coordinate system # now we want to exclude such BB that do not have their center # lying in the front 90 degrees if[1] <= 0: continue box.center_azimuth = np.degrees(np.arctan([0] /[1])) # Transform front azimuth to be in range from 0 to 180 box.center_azimuth = 90 - box.center_azimuth if not (45 < box.center_azimuth < 135): continue corners.append(box.bottom_corners()) if len(corners) > 0: return np.transpose(np.array(corners), (0, 2, 1)) else: return np.zeros((1, 4, 3)) def points_in_box(self, coordinates, bounding_box_corners): """ bounding_box_corners: bbc of a single bb return a mask of whether points that are in the box """ coords_x = coordinates[0] coords_y = coordinates[1] min_bb_x = bounding_box_corners[:, 0].min() max_bb_x = bounding_box_corners[:, 0].max() min_bb_y = bounding_box_corners[:, 1].min() max_bb_y = bounding_box_corners[:, 1].max() c1 = min_bb_x <= coords_x # left_top/left_bottom.x <= coordinate.x c2 = max_bb_x >= coords_x # right_bottom/right_top.x >= coordinate.x c3 = min_bb_y <= coords_y # left/right_bottom.y <= coordinate.y c4 = max_bb_y >= coords_y # right_top/left_top.y >= coordinate.y c = np.logical_and(np.logical_and(c1, c2), np.logical_and(c3, c4)) return c def get_bb_targets(self, idx, bounding_box_corners): coordinates = self.point_clouds_features[idx][:2] for bb_c in bounding_box_corners: if self.points_in_box(coordinates, bb_c).any(): return np.array(bb_c[:, :2]) else: return np.zeros_like(bb_c[:, :2]) def __getitem__(self, idx, compute_boxes=True): """ compute_box will be set to False in child classes, so target boxes are computed after rotations """ sample_idx = self.samples[idx] pcl_features = self.point_clouds_features[idx] pcl_labels = self.point_clouds_labels[idx] if compute_boxes: front_bbs = self.get_front_bb(sample_idx) target_bounding_boxes = self.get_bb_targets(idx, front_bbs) return pcl_features, pcl_labels, target_bounding_boxes else: return pcl_features, pcl_labels, []
class CustomNuscDatasetMMS(Dataset): NumPointFeatures = 4 def __init__( self, root_path=f'/media/starlet/LdTho/data/sets/nuscenes/v1.0-{VERSION}', info_path=None, class_names=["traffic_cone"], prep_func=None, num_point_features=None): self.NumPointFeatures = 4 self.class_names = class_names self.nusc = NuScenes(dataroot=root_path, version=f'v1.0-{VERSION}') self._prep_func = prep_func self.filtered_sample_tokens = [] for sample in self.nusc.sample: sample_token = sample['token'] sample_lidar_token = sample['data']['LIDAR_TOP'] boxes = self.nusc.get_boxes(sample_lidar_token) box_names = [ NameMapping[] for b in boxes if in NameMapping.keys() ] for box in boxes: if not in NameMapping.keys(): continue # if NameMapping[] in self.class_names: if (NameMapping[] in [ "traffic_cone" ]) & (box_names.count('traffic_cone') > MIN_CONES_PER_SAMPLE): self.filtered_sample_tokens.append(sample_token) break self.filtered_sample_tokens = self.filtered_sample_tokens[:round( len(self.filtered_sample_tokens) * TRAINVAL_SPLIT_PERCENTAGE)] self.split = np.arange(len(self.filtered_sample_tokens)) def __len__(self): return self.split.shape[0] def __getitem__(self, index): input_dict = self.get_sensor_data(index) example = self._prep_func(input_dict=input_dict) example["metadata"] = input_dict["metadata"] if "anchors_mask" in example: example["anchors_mask"] = example["anchors_mask"].astype(np.uint8) return example def get_sensor_data(self, query, token=None): res = { 'lidar': { 'type': 'lidar', 'points': None, }, 'metadata': { 'token': self.filtered_sample_tokens[query] } } if token: query = self.filtered_sample_tokens.index(token) points = self.getPoints(query) boxes_dict = self.getBoxes(query) res['lidar']['points'] = points gt_boxes = [] gt_names = [] for box in boxes_dict: xyz = wlh = box.wlh theta = quaternion_yaw(box.orientation) gt_boxes.append([ xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2], wlh[0], wlh[1], wlh[2], -theta - np.pi / 2 ]) gt_names.append( gt_boxes = np.concatenate(gt_boxes).reshape(-1, 7) gt_names = np.array(gt_names) res['lidar']['annotations'] = { 'boxes': gt_boxes, 'names': gt_names, } return res ### def getPoints(self, index): sample = self.nusc.get('sample', self.filtered_sample_tokens[index]) sample_lidar_token = sample['data']['LIDAR_TOP'] lidar_data = self.nusc.get('sample_data', sample_lidar_token) ego_pose = self.nusc.get('ego_pose', lidar_data['ego_pose_token']) calibrated_sensor = self.nusc.get( 'calibrated_sensor', lidar_data['calibrated_sensor_token']) global_from_car = transform_matrix(ego_pose['translation'], Quaternion(ego_pose['rotation']), inverse=False) car_from_sensor = transform_matrix(calibrated_sensor['translation'], Quaternion( calibrated_sensor['rotation']), inverse=False) try: lidar_pointcloud, times = LidarPointCloud.from_file_multisweep( self.nusc, sample, 'LIDAR_TOP', 'LIDAR_TOP') lidar_pointcloud.transform(car_from_sensor) except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to load Lidar Pointcloud for {sample}:{e}") points = lidar_pointcloud.points points[3, :] /= 255 points[3, :] -= 0.5 # points_cat = np.concatenate([points, times], axis=0).transpose() points_cat = points.transpose() points_cat = points_cat[~np.isnan(points_cat).any(axis=1)] return points_cat def getBoxes(self, index): sample = self.nusc.get('sample', self.filtered_sample_tokens[index]) sample_lidar_token = sample['data']['LIDAR_TOP'] lidar_data = self.nusc.get('sample_data', sample_lidar_token) ego_pose = self.nusc.get('ego_pose', lidar_data['ego_pose_token']) boxes_dict = self.nusc.get_boxes(sample_lidar_token) keep_box_idx = [] for i, box in enumerate(boxes_dict): if not in NameMapping.keys(): continue if NameMapping[] in self.class_names: = NameMapping[] keep_box_idx.append(i) boxes_dict = [ box for i, box in enumerate(boxes_dict) if i in keep_box_idx ] self.move_boxes_to_car_space(boxes_dict, ego_pose) # print(boxes_dict) return boxes_dict def move_boxes_to_car_space(self, boxes, ego_pose): """ Move boxes from world space to car space. Note: mutates input boxes. """ translation = -np.array(ego_pose['translation']) rotation = Quaternion(ego_pose['rotation']).inverse for box in boxes: # Bring box to car space box.translate(translation) box.rotate(rotation)
def parse_sequence( data: NuScenes, add_nonkey_frames: bool, scene_info: Tuple[str, str]) -> Tuple[List[Frame], List[FrameGroup]]: """Parse a full NuScenes sequence and convert it into scalabel frames.""" sample_token, scene_name = scene_info frames, groups = [], [] frame_index = 0 while sample_token: sample = data.get("sample", sample_token) lidar_token = sample["data"]["LIDAR_TOP"] lidar_data = data.get("sample_data", lidar_token) calibration_lidar = data.get("calibrated_sensor", lidar_data["calibrated_sensor_token"]) timestamp = lidar_data["timestamp"] lidar_filepath = lidar_data["filename"] ego_pose = data.get("ego_pose", lidar_data["ego_pose_token"]) frame_names = [] next_nonkey_frames = [] for cam in cams: cam_token = sample["data"][cam] boxes = data.get_boxes(lidar_token) frame, next_token = parse_frame(data, scene_name, frame_index, cam_token, boxes) frame_names.append( frames.append(frame) if add_nonkey_frames and next_token is not None: next_nonkey_frames.append(next_token) group = FrameGroup( name=sample_token, videoName=scene_name, frameIndex=frame_index, url=lidar_filepath, extrinsics=get_extrinsics(ego_pose, calibration_lidar), timestamp=timestamp, frames=frame_names, labels=parse_labels(data, data.get_boxes(lidar_token), ego_pose, calibration_lidar), ) groups.append(group) frame_index += 1 nonkey_count = 0 while len(next_nonkey_frames) > 0: new_next_nonkey_frames = [] frame_names = [] nonkey_count += 1 for cam_token in next_nonkey_frames: assert cam_token is not None, "camera for non-key missing!" frame, next_token = parse_frame(data, scene_name, frame_index, cam_token) frame_names.append( frames.append(frame) if add_nonkey_frames and next_token is not None: new_next_nonkey_frames.append(next_token) group = FrameGroup( name=sample_token + f"_{nonkey_count}", videoName=scene_name, frameIndex=frame_index, frames=frame_names, ) groups.append(group) next_nonkey_frames = new_next_nonkey_frames frame_index += 1 sample_token = sample["next"] return frames, groups
class CustomNuscEvalDataset(Dataset): NumPointFeatures = 5 def __init__( self, root_path=f'/media/starlet/LdTho/data/sets/nuscenes/v1.0-{EVAL_VERSION}', info_path=None, class_names=["traffic_cone"], prep_func=None, num_point_features=None): self.NumPointFeatures = 5 self.class_names = class_names self.nusc = NuScenes(dataroot=root_path, version=f'v1.0-{EVAL_VERSION}') self._prep_func = prep_func self.root_path = root_path self.eval_version = "detection_cvpr_2019" # self.filtered_sample_tokens = [s['token'] for s in self.nusc.sample] self.filtered_sample_tokens = [] for sample in self.nusc.sample: sample_token = sample['token'] sample_lidar_token = sample['data']['LIDAR_TOP'] boxes = self.nusc.get_boxes(sample_lidar_token) box_names = [ NameMapping[] for b in boxes if in NameMapping.keys() ] for box in boxes: if not in NameMapping.keys(): continue # if NameMapping[] in self.class_names: if (NameMapping[] in [ "traffic_cone" ]) & (box_names.count('traffic_cone') > MIN_CONES_PER_SAMPLE): self.filtered_sample_tokens.append(sample_token) break if EVAL_VERSION == "trainval": self.filtered_sample_tokens = self.filtered_sample_tokens[round( len(self.filtered_sample_tokens) * TRAINVAL_SPLIT_PERCENTAGE):] self.split = np.arange(len(self.filtered_sample_tokens)) def __len__(self): return self.split.shape[0] def __getitem__(self, index): input_dict = self.get_sensor_data(index) example = self._prep_func(input_dict=input_dict) example["metadata"] = input_dict["metadata"] if "anchors_mask" in example: example["anchors_mask"] = example["anchors_mask"].astype(np.uint8) return example def get_sensor_data(self, query, token=None): res = { 'lidar': { 'type': 'lidar', 'points': None, }, 'metadata': { 'token': self.filtered_sample_tokens[query] } } if token: query = self.filtered_sample_tokens.index(token) points = self.getPoints(query) boxes_dict = self.getBoxes(query) res['lidar']['points'] = points gt_boxes = [] gt_names = [] for box in boxes_dict: xyz = wlh = box.wlh theta = quaternion_yaw(box.orientation) gt_boxes.append([ xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2], wlh[0], wlh[1], wlh[2], -theta - np.pi / 2 ]) gt_names.append( gt_boxes = np.concatenate(gt_boxes).reshape(-1, 7) gt_names = np.array(gt_names) res['lidar']['annotations'] = { 'boxes': gt_boxes, 'names': gt_names, } return res ### def getPoints(self, index): sample = self.nusc.get('sample', self.filtered_sample_tokens[index]) sample_lidar_token = sample['data']['LIDAR_TOP'] lidar_data = self.nusc.get('sample_data', sample_lidar_token) ego_pose = self.nusc.get('ego_pose', lidar_data['ego_pose_token']) calibrated_sensor = self.nusc.get( 'calibrated_sensor', lidar_data['calibrated_sensor_token']) global_from_car = transform_matrix(ego_pose['translation'], Quaternion(ego_pose['rotation']), inverse=False) car_from_sensor = transform_matrix(calibrated_sensor['translation'], Quaternion( calibrated_sensor['rotation']), inverse=False) try: lidar_pointcloud, times = LidarPointCloud.from_file_multisweep( self.nusc, sample, 'LIDAR_TOP', 'LIDAR_TOP') lidar_pointcloud.transform(car_from_sensor) except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to load Lidar Pointcloud for {sample}:{e}") points = lidar_pointcloud.points points[3, :] /= 255 points[3, :] -= 0.5 points_cat = np.concatenate([points, times], axis=0).transpose() points_cat = points_cat[~np.isnan(points_cat).any(axis=1)] return points_cat def getBoxes(self, index): sample = self.nusc.get('sample', self.filtered_sample_tokens[index]) sample_lidar_token = sample['data']['LIDAR_TOP'] lidar_data = self.nusc.get('sample_data', sample_lidar_token) ego_pose = self.nusc.get('ego_pose', lidar_data['ego_pose_token']) boxes_dict = self.nusc.get_boxes(sample_lidar_token) keep_box_idx = [] for i, box in enumerate(boxes_dict): if not in NameMapping.keys(): continue if NameMapping[] in self.class_names: = NameMapping[] keep_box_idx.append(i) boxes_dict = [ box for i, box in enumerate(boxes_dict) if i in keep_box_idx ] self.move_boxes_to_car_space(boxes_dict, ego_pose) # print(boxes_dict) return boxes_dict def move_boxes_to_car_space(self, boxes, ego_pose, eval=False): """ Move boxes from world space to car space. Note: mutates input boxes. """ translation = -np.array(ego_pose['translation']) rotation = Quaternion(ego_pose['rotation']).inverse box_list = [] for box in boxes: # Bring box to car space box.translate(translation) box.rotate(rotation) box_list.append(box) return box_list def evaluation(self, detections, output_dir): """kitti evaluation is very slow, remove it. """ # res_kitti = self.evaluation_kitti(detections, output_dir) res_nusc = self.evaluation_nusc(detections, output_dir) res = { "results": { "nusc": res_nusc["results"]["nusc"], # "kitti.official": res_kitti["results"]["official"], # "kitti.coco": res_kitti["results"]["coco"], }, "detail": { "eval.nusc": res_nusc["detail"]["nusc"], # "eval.kitti": { # "official": res_kitti["detail"]["official"], # "coco": res_kitti["detail"]["coco"], # }, }, } return res def evaluation_nusc(self, detections, output_dir): mapped_class_names = self.class_names nusc_annos = {} token2info = {} for det in detections: annos = [] boxes = _second_det_to_nusc_box(det) boxes = self.transform_box_back_to_global(boxes, det["metadata"]["token"]) # boxes = self.move_boxes_to_car_space(boxes, ego_pose) for i, box in enumerate(boxes): name = mapped_class_names[box.label] velocity = [np.nan, np.nan] nusc_anno = { "sample_token": det["metadata"]["token"], "translation":, "size": box.wlh.tolist(), "rotation": box.orientation.elements.tolist(), "velocity": velocity, "detection_name": name, "detection_score": box.score, "attribute_name": DefaultAttribute[name] } annos.append(nusc_anno) nusc_annos[det["metadata"]["token"]] = annos nusc_submissions = { "meta": { "use_camera": False, "use_lidar": False, "use_radar": False, "use_map": False, "use_external": False }, "results": nusc_annos } res_path = Path(output_dir) / "result_nusc.json" with open(res_path, "w") as f: json.dump(nusc_submissions, f) eval_main_file = Path(__file__).resolve().parent / "" cmd = f"python {str(eval_main_file)} --root_path=\"{self.root_path}\"" cmd += f" --version=\"v1.0-mini\" --eval_version={self.eval_version}" cmd += f" --res_path=\"{str(res_path)}\" --eval_set=mini_train" cmd += f" --output_dir=\"{output_dir}\"" print(cmd) subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True) with open(Path(output_dir) / "metrics_summary.json", "r") as f: metrics = json.load(f) detail = {} res_path.unlink() result = f"Nusc {VERSION} evaluation" for name in mapped_class_names: detail[name] = {} for k, v in metrics["label_aps"][name].items(): detail[name][f"dist@{k}"] = v tp_errs = [] tp_names = [] for k, v in metrics["label_tp_errors"][name].items(): detail[name][k] = v tp_errs.append(f"{v:.4f}") tp_names.append(k) threshs = ', '.join(list(metrics["label_aps"][name].keys())) scores = list(metrics["label_aps"][name].values()) scores = ', '.join([f"{s * 100:.2f}" for s in scores]) result += f"{name} Nusc dist AP@{threshs} and TP errors\n" result += scores result += ', '.join(tp_names) + ": " + ", ".join(tp_errs) result += "\n" return { "results": { "nusc": result, }, "detail": { "nusc": detail } } def transform_box_back_to_global(self, boxes, token): sample = self.nusc.get('sample', token) sample_lidar_token = sample['data']['LIDAR_TOP'] lidar_data = self.nusc.get('sample_data', sample_lidar_token) ego_pose = self.nusc.get('ego_pose', lidar_data['ego_pose_token']) translation = np.array(ego_pose['translation']) rotation = Quaternion(ego_pose['rotation']) box_list = [] for box in boxes: box.rotate(rotation) box.translate(translation) box_list.append(box) return box_list