def move_service(serviceid): session = Session() if serviceid in session.get_services(filtered=0): service = session.get_service(serviceid) old_order = service['order'] new_order = old_order - 1 for replaced_serviceid in session.get_services(filtered=0): replaced_service = session.get_service(replaced_serviceid) if replaced_service['order'] == new_order: session.set_service_order(replaced_serviceid, old_order) session.set_service_order(serviceid, new_order) xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.Refresh')
def add_recording(channelKey, epgId): channelKey = decode(channelKey) channels = Channels() channels_list = channels.get_channels_list() session = Session() service = session.get_service(channels_list[channelKey]['serviceid']) post = {'epgId': int(epgId)} data = call_o2_api( url='', data=post, header=get_header(service)) if 'err' in data: xbmcgui.Dialog().notification('Sledování O2TV', 'Problém s přidáním nahrávky', xbmcgui.NOTIFICATION_ERROR, 5000) sys.exit() xbmcgui.Dialog().notification('Sledování O2TV', 'Nahrávka přidána', xbmcgui.NOTIFICATION_INFO, 5000)
def delete_recording(channelKey, pvrProgramId): channelKey = decode(channelKey) channels = Channels() channels_list = channels.get_channels_list(visible_filter=False) session = Session() service = session.get_service(channels_list[channelKey]['serviceid']) post = {'pvrProgramId': int(pvrProgramId)} data = call_o2_api( url='', data=post, header=get_header(service)) if data != None and 'err' in data: xbmcgui.Dialog().notification('Sledování O2TV', 'Problém s odstraněním nahrávky', xbmcgui.NOTIFICATION_ERROR, 5000) sys.exit() else: xbmcgui.Dialog().notification('Sledování O2TV', 'Nahrávka odstraněna', xbmcgui.NOTIFICATION_INFO, 5000) xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.Refresh')
def get_event(epgId, pvrProgramId, title): addon = xbmcaddon.Addon() err = 0 url = '' post = {} channelKey = '' stream_type = 'HLS' current_ts = int(time.mktime( event = get_epg_details([epgId], update_from_api=1) channels = Channels() channels_list = channels.get_channels_list('name', visible_filter=False) if event != None and (current_ts < event['availableTo'] or pvrProgramId is not None): if event['startTime'] < current_ts: if event['endTime'] < current_ts: if pvrProgramId == None: channelKey = channels_list[event['channel']]['channelKey'] session = Session() channels_list = channels.get_channels_list( visible_filter=False) header = get_header( session.get_service( channels_list[channelKey]['serviceid'])) subscription = session.get_service( channels_list[channelKey]['serviceid'])['subscription'] post = { 'serviceType': 'TIMESHIFT_TV', 'deviceType': addon.getSetting('devicetype'), 'streamingProtocol': stream_type, 'subscriptionCode': subscription, 'channelKey': encode(channelKey), 'fromTimestamp': str(event['startTime'] * 1000), 'toTimestamp': str(event['endTime'] * 1000 + (int(addon.getSetting('offset')) * 60 * 1000)), 'id': epgId, 'encryptionType': 'NONE' } else: session = Session() for serviceid in session.get_services(): data = call_o2_api( url='', data=None, header=get_header_unity([serviceid])) if 'err' in data: xbmcgui.Dialog().notification( 'Sledování O2TV', 'Problém s načtením nahrávek, zkuste to znovu', xbmcgui.NOTIFICATION_ERROR, 6000) if 'result' in data and len(data['result']) > 0: for program in data['result']: if program['pvrProgramId'] == pvrProgramId: channelKey = program['program'][ 'channelKey'] if len(channelKey) > 0: channels_list = channels.get_channels_list( visible_filter=False) header = get_header( session.get_service( channels_list[channelKey]['serviceid'])) subscription = session.get_service( channels_list[channelKey] ['serviceid'])['subscription'] post = { 'serviceType': 'NPVR', 'deviceType': addon.getSetting('devicetype'), 'streamingProtocol': stream_type, 'subscriptionCode': subscription, 'contentId': pvrProgramId, 'encryptionType': 'NONE' } else: xbmc.log('live') err = 1 else: xbmc.log('future') err = 1 else: xbmc.log('neni') err = 1 if err == 1: xbmcgui.Dialog().notification('Sledování O2TV', 'Problém s stažením ' + encode(title), xbmcgui.NOTIFICATION_ERROR, 5000) current_ts = int(time.mktime( db.execute( 'UPDATE queue SET status = -1, downloadts = ? WHERE epgId = ?', [str(current_ts), str(epgId)]) db.commit() return {}, '' else: if addon.getSetting('only_sd') == 'true': post.update({'resolution': 'SD'}) data = call_o2_api( url='', data=post, header=header) if 'err' in data: xbmcgui.Dialog().notification('Sledování O2TV', 'Problém s stažením streamu', xbmcgui.NOTIFICATION_ERROR, 5000) url = '' if 'uris' in data and len( data['uris']) > 0 and 'uri' in data['uris'][0] and len( data['uris'][0]['uri']) > 0: for uris in data['uris']: if addon.getSetting( 'only_sd') != 'true' and uris['resolution'] == 'HD': url = uris['uri'] if addon.getSetting( 'only_sd') == 'true' and uris['resolution'] == 'SD': url = uris['uri'] if url == '': url = data['uris'][0]['uri'] else: xbmcgui.Dialog().notification('Sledování O2TV', 'Problém s stažením streamu', xbmcgui.NOTIFICATION_ERROR, 5000) return event, url
def play_video(type, channelKey, start, end, epgId, title): addon = xbmcaddon.Addon() session = Session() channelKey = decode(channelKey) channels = Channels() channels_list = channels.get_channels_list(visible_filter=False) header_unity = get_header_unity( session.get_service(channels_list[channelKey]['serviceid'])) header = get_header( session.get_service(channels_list[channelKey]['serviceid'])) if 'serviceid' not in channels_list[channelKey] or len( channels_list[channelKey]['serviceid']) == 0: xbmcgui.Dialog().notification( 'Sledování O2TV', 'Pravděpodobně neaktivní kanál. Zkuste reset kanálů.', xbmcgui.NOTIFICATION_ERROR, 5000) sys.exit() subscription = session.get_service( channels_list[channelKey]['serviceid'])['subscription'] if addon.getSetting('select_resolution') == 'true' and addon.getSetting( 'stream_type') == 'HLS' and addon.getSetting('only_sd') != 'true': resolution = xbmcgui.Dialog().select('Rozlišení', ['HD', 'SD'], preselect=0) else: resolution = -1 if addon.getSetting('stream_type') == 'MPEG-DASH': stream_type = 'DASH' else: stream_type = 'HLS' force_mpeg_dash = 0 if addon.getSetting('stream_type') == 'HLS' and xbmc.getCondVisibility( 'System.HasAddon(inputstream.adaptive)') and ( type == 'live_iptv' or type == 'live_iptv_epg' ) and addon.getSetting('force_mpeg_dash') == 'true': stream_type = 'DASH' force_mpeg_dash = 1 if type == 'live' or type == 'live_iptv' or type == 'live_iptv_epg': startts = 0 channels_details = get_epg_live(len(channels_list.keys())) if channels_list[channelKey]['name'] in channels_details: without_details = 0 else: without_details = 1 if channelKey in channels_list and without_details == 0: data = channels_details[channels_list[channelKey]['name']] start = data['start'] startts = int(time.mktime(start.timetuple())) end = data['end'] epgId = str(data['epgId']) if addon.getSetting('stream_type') == 'MPEG-DASH-web': if type == 'archiv' or type == 'archiv_iptv': data = call_o2_api( url='' + str(epgId) + '/playlist/', data=None, header=header_unity) if type == 'live' or type == 'live_iptv' or type == 'live_iptv_epg': data = call_o2_api( url= '' + quote(channelKey), data=None, header=header_unity) if type == 'recording': data = call_o2_api( url='' + str(epgId) + '/playlist/', data=None, header=header_unity) if 'err' in data: xbmcgui.Dialog().notification('Sledování O2TV', 'Problém s přehráním streamu', xbmcgui.NOTIFICATION_ERROR, 5000) sys.exit() if 'playlist' in data and len( data['playlist']) > 0 and 'streamUrls' in data['playlist'][ 0] and 'main' in data['playlist'][0]['streamUrls'] and len( data['playlist'][0]['streamUrls']['main']) > 0: if 'timeshift' in data['playlist'][0]['streamUrls']: url = data['playlist'][0]['streamUrls']['timeshift'] else: url = data['playlist'][0]['streamUrls']['main'] request = Request(url=url, data=None, headers=header) response = urlopen(request) url = response.geturl() else: xbmcgui.Dialog().notification('Sledování O2TV', 'Problém s přehráním streamu', xbmcgui.NOTIFICATION_ERROR, 5000) sys.exit() else: if type == 'archiv' or type == 'archiv_iptv': start = int(float(start) * 1000) end = int(float(end) * 1000) post = { 'serviceType': 'TIMESHIFT_TV', 'deviceType': addon.getSetting('devicetype'), 'streamingProtocol': stream_type, 'subscriptionCode': subscription, 'channelKey': encode(channelKey), 'fromTimestamp': str(start), 'toTimestamp': str(end + (int(addon.getSetting('offset')) * 60 * 1000)), 'id': epgId, 'encryptionType': 'NONE' } if type == 'live' or type == 'live_iptv' or type == 'live_iptv_epg': if (addon.getSetting('stream_type') == 'MPEG-DASH' or force_mpeg_dash == 1 ) and startts > 0 and addon.getSetting('startover') == 'true': startts = int(float(startts) * 1000 - 300000) post = { 'serviceType': 'STARTOVER_TV', 'deviceType': addon.getSetting('devicetype'), 'streamingProtocol': stream_type, 'subscriptionCode': subscription, 'channelKey': encode(channelKey), 'fromTimestamp': startts, 'encryptionType': 'NONE' } else: post = { 'serviceType': 'LIVE_TV', 'deviceType': addon.getSetting('devicetype'), 'streamingProtocol': stream_type, 'subscriptionCode': subscription, 'channelKey': encode(channelKey), 'encryptionType': 'NONE' } if type == 'recording': post = { 'serviceType': 'NPVR', 'deviceType': addon.getSetting('devicetype'), 'streamingProtocol': stream_type, 'subscriptionCode': subscription, 'contentId': epgId, 'encryptionType': 'NONE' } if addon.getSetting( 'stream_type') != 'MPEG-DASH' and force_mpeg_dash == 0 and ( addon.getSetting('only_sd') == 'true' or resolution == 1): post.update({'resolution': 'SD'}) data = call_o2_api( url='', data=post, header=header) if 'err' in data: if data['err'] == 'Not Found': post = { 'serviceType': 'LIVE_TV', 'deviceType': addon.getSetting('devicetype'), 'streamingProtocol': stream_type, 'subscriptionCode': subscription, 'channelKey': encode(channelKey), 'encryptionType': 'NONE' } data = call_o2_api( url='', data=post, header=header) if 'err' in data: xbmcgui.Dialog().notification( 'Sledování O2TV', 'Problém s přehráním streamu', xbmcgui.NOTIFICATION_ERROR, 5000) sys.exit() else: xbmcgui.Dialog().notification('Sledování O2TV', 'Problém s přehráním streamu', xbmcgui.NOTIFICATION_ERROR, 5000) sys.exit() url = '' if 'uris' in data and len( data['uris']) > 0 and 'uri' in data['uris'][0] and len( data['uris'][0]['uri']) > 0: for uris in data['uris']: print(uris) if addon.getSetting( 'only_sd' ) != 'true' and resolution != 1 and uris['resolution'] == 'HD': url = uris['uri'] if (addon.getSetting('only_sd') == 'true' or resolution == 1) and uris['resolution'] == 'SD': url = uris['uri'] if url == '': url = data['uris'][0]['uri'] if addon.getSetting( 'stream_type') == 'MPEG-DASH' or force_mpeg_dash == 1: request = Request(url=url, data=None, headers=header) response = urlopen(request) url = response.geturl().replace('http:', 'https:').replace( ':80/', ':443/') else: xbmcgui.Dialog().notification('Sledování O2TV', 'Problém s přehráním streamu', xbmcgui.NOTIFICATION_ERROR, 5000) sys.exit() if type == 'live_iptv' or type == 'live_iptv_epg': list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=url) list_item = get_listitem_epg_details(list_item, str(epgId), '', update_from_api=1) elif type == 'archiv_iptv': list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem(title) list_item = get_listitem_epg_details(list_item, str(epgId), '', update_from_api=1) else: list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=url) if addon.getSetting('stream_type') == 'MPEG-DASH' or addon.getSetting( 'stream_type') == 'MPEG-DASH-web' or force_mpeg_dash == 1: list_item.setProperty('inputstreamaddon', 'inputstream.adaptive') list_item.setProperty('inputstream', 'inputstream.adaptive') list_item.setProperty('inputstream.adaptive.manifest_type', 'mpd') list_item.setMimeType('application/dash+xml') if type == 'archiv_iptv' or (type == 'live_iptv' and (addon.getSetting('stream_type') != 'HLS' or force_mpeg_dash == 1) and addon.getSetting('startover') == 'true') or type == 'live_iptv_epg': playlist = xbmc.PlayList(1) playlist.clear() if epgId is not None: event = get_epg_details([str(epgId)], update_from_api=1) list_item.setInfo('video', {'title': event['title']}) else: list_item.setInfo('video', {'title': channels_list[channelKey]['name']}) xbmc.PlayList(1).add(url, list_item) xbmc.Player().play(playlist) else: list_item.setContentLookup(False) xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(_handle, True, list_item)