Esempio n. 1
from types import ModuleType

class DummyProcessing(ModuleType):

sys.modules['multiprocessing'] = DummyProcessing

# Wrap webutil.util.tag_uri and hard-code the year to 2013.
# Needed because I originally generated tag URIs with the current year, which
# resulted in different URIs for the same objects when the year changed. :/
from oauth_dropins.webutil import util
util._orig_tag_uri = util.tag_uri
util.tag_uri = lambda domain, name: util._orig_tag_uri(domain, name, year=2013)

# Suppress warnings. These are duplicated in oauth-dropins and bridgy; keep them
# in sync!
import warnings
                        message='No parser was explicitly specified')
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', message='urllib3 is using URLFetch')
                        message='URLFetch does not support granular timeout')

# monkey-patch WsgiRequest to allow unicode header values.
from google.appengine.runtime.wsgi import WsgiRequest
orig_response = WsgiRequest._StartResponse
Esempio n. 2
SUPERFEEDR_TOKEN = read('superfeedr_token')
SUPERFEEDR_USERNAME = read('superfeedr_username')

# Make requests and urllib3 play nice with App Engine.
from requests_toolbelt.adapters import appengine

# Wrap webutil.util.tag_uri and hard-code the year to 2013.
# Needed because I originally generated tag URIs with the current year, which
# resulted in different URIs for the same objects when the year changed. :/
from oauth_dropins.webutil import util
util._orig_tag_uri = util.tag_uri
util.tag_uri = lambda domain, name: util._orig_tag_uri(domain, name, year=2013)

# I used a namespace for a while when I had both versions deployed, but not any
# more; I cleared out the old v1 datastore entities.
# Called only if the current namespace is not set.
# from google.appengine.api import namespace_manager
# def namespace_manager_default_namespace_for_request():
#   return 'webmention-dev'

# Suppress warnings. These are duplicated in oauth-dropins and bridgy; keep them
# in sync!
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', module='bs4',
                        message='No parser was explicitly specified')
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', message='urllib3 is using URLFetch')