def show(type, degree):

    # Load object model
    model_path = 'cup.ply'
    model = inout.load_ply(model_path)

    # Camera parameters
    K = np.eye(3)
    K[0, 0] = 500.0  # fx
    K[1, 1] = 500.0  # fy
    K[0, 2] = 250.0  # cx
    K[1, 2] = 250.0  # cy
    im_size = (500, 500)

    # Calculate the poses of the rotating cup
    poses = []
    alpha_range = np.linspace(0, 360, 361)
    for alpha in alpha_range:

        def d2r(d):
            return np.pi * float(d) / 180.0  # Degrees to radians

        R = transform.rotation_matrix(d2r(alpha),
                                      [0, 1, 0])[:3, :3]  # Rotation around Y
        R = transform.rotation_matrix(d2r(30), [1, 0, 0])[:3, :3].dot(
            R)  # Rotation around X
        t = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 180]).reshape((3, 1))

        # Flip Y axis (model coordinate system -> OpenCV coordinate system)
        R = transform.rotation_matrix(np.pi, [1, 0, 0])[:3, :3].dot(R)
        poses.append({'R': R, 't': t})

    # Set and render the ground truth pose
    gt_id = 90  # ID of the ground truth pose
    pose_gt = poses[gt_id]
    pose_gt_indis_set_ids = range(
        55, 126)  # IDs of poses indistinguishable from the GT pose
    pose_gt_indis_set = [poses[i] for i in pose_gt_indis_set_ids]
    depth_gt = renderer.render(model,

    # Synthesize the test depth image
    depth_test = np.array(depth_gt)
    depth_test[depth_test == 0] = 1000

    if type == 'average':
        diff(int(degree), pose_gt, poses, model, depth_test, 3, 30, K)
    elif type == 'standard_deviation':
        standard_dev(int(degree), pose_gt, poses, model, depth_test, 3, 30, K)
Esempio n. 2
def show(type, t1, t2):
    # Load object model
    model_path = 'cup.ply'
    model = inout.load_ply(model_path)

    # Camera parameters
    K = np.eye(3)
    K[0, 0] = 500.0  # fx
    K[1, 1] = 500.0  # fy
    K[0, 2] = 250.0  # cx
    K[1, 2] = 250.0  # cy
    im_size = (500, 500)

    # Calculate the poses of the rotating cup
    poses = []
    alpha_range = np.linspace(0, 360, 361)
    for alpha in alpha_range:

        def d2r(d):
            return np.pi * float(d) / 180.0  # Degrees to radians

        R = transform.rotation_matrix(d2r(alpha),
                                      [0, 1, 0])[:3, :3]  # Rotation around Y
        R = transform.rotation_matrix(d2r(30), [1, 0, 0])[:3, :3].dot(
            R)  # Rotation around X
        t = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 180]).reshape((3, 1))

        # Flip Y axis (model coordinate system -> OpenCV coordinate system)
        R = transform.rotation_matrix(np.pi, [1, 0, 0])[:3, :3].dot(R)
        poses.append({'R': R, 't': t})

    # Set and render the ground truth pose
    gt_id = 90  # ID of the ground truth pose
    pose_gt = poses[gt_id]
    pose_gt_indis_set_ids = range(
        55, 126)  # IDs of poses indistinguishable from the GT pose
    pose_gt_indis_set = [poses[i] for i in pose_gt_indis_set_ids]
    depth_gt = renderer.render(model,

    # Synthesize the test depth image
    depth_test = np.array(depth_gt)
    depth_test[depth_test == 0] = 1000

    # Available errors: 'cpr' 'wivm' 'zdd'
    # Errors to be calculated:
    errs_active = [type]

    # Calculate the pose errors
    errs = {err: [] for err in errs_active}
    # the for loop is calculate for 0 - 360 degrees.
    for pose_id, pose in enumerate(poses):
        print 'Processing pose:', pose_id

        if 'cpr' in errs_active:
            mint = t1
            maxt = t2
            errs['cpr'].append(error.cpr(model, pose_gt, pose, mint, maxt))

        if 'zdd' in errs_active:
            delta = 3
                error.zdd(pose, pose_gt, model, depth_test, delta, K))

        if 'wivm' in errs_active:
            delta = t1
                error.wivm(pose, pose_gt, model, depth_test, delta, K, t1, t2))

    # draw the graph for every degree.
    for err_name in errs_active:
        plt.plot(errs[err_name], c='r', lw='3')
        plt.xlabel('Pose ID')
Esempio n. 3
from obj_pose_eval import renderer, inout, transform

# Load object model
model_path = 'cup.ply'
model = inout.load_ply(model_path)

# Camera parameters
K = np.eye(3)
K[0, 0] = 500.0 # fx
K[1, 1] = 500.0 # fy
K[0, 2] = 250.0 # cx
K[1, 2] = 250.0 # cy
im_size = (500, 500)

R = transform.rotation_matrix(np.pi, (1, 0, 0))[:3, :3]
t = np.array([[0, 0, 150]]).T

rgb, depth = renderer.render(model, im_size, K, R, t, 100, 2000, mode='rgb+depth')
# depth = renderer.render(model, im_size, K, R, t, 100, 2000, mode='depth')
# rgb = renderer.render(model, im_size, K, R, t, 100, 2000, mode='rgb')

plt.title('Rendered color image')

plt.title('Rendered depth image')
Esempio n. 4
K = np.eye(3)
K[0, 0] = 500.0  # fx
K[1, 1] = 500.0  # fy
K[0, 2] = 250.0  # cx
K[1, 2] = 250.0  # cy
im_size = (500, 500)

# Calculate the poses of the rotating cup
poses = []
alpha_range = np.linspace(0, 360, 361)
for alpha in alpha_range:

    def d2r(d):
        return np.pi * float(d) / 180.0  # Degrees to radians

    R = transform.rotation_matrix(d2r(alpha),
                                  [0, 1, 0])[:3, :3]  # Rotation around Y
    R = transform.rotation_matrix(d2r(30), [1, 0, 0])[:3, :3].dot(
        R)  # Rotation around X
    t = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 180]).reshape((3, 1))

    # Flip Y axis (model coordinate system -> OpenCV coordinate system)
    R = transform.rotation_matrix(np.pi, [1, 0, 0])[:3, :3].dot(R)
    poses.append({'R': R, 't': t})

# Set and render the ground truth pose
gt_id = 90  # ID of the ground truth pose
pose_gt = poses[gt_id]
pose_gt_indis_set_ids = range(
    55, 126)  # IDs of poses indistinguishable from the GT pose
pose_gt_indis_set = [poses[i] for i in pose_gt_indis_set_ids]
depth_gt = renderer.render(model,