def test_label_filtering(self):
    label_map, df = create_test_data()

    label_map = {'a': 0}

    tf_example = oid_tfrecord_creation.tf_example_from_annotations_data_frame(
        df[df.ImageID == 'i1'], label_map, 'encoded_image_test')
        features {
          feature {
            key: "image/encoded"
            value { bytes_list { value: "encoded_image_test" } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/filename"
            value { bytes_list { value: "i1.jpg" } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/bbox/ymin"
            value { float_list { value: [0.3, 0.6] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/bbox/xmin"
            value { float_list { value: [0.1, 0.3] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/bbox/ymax"
            value { float_list { value: [0.3, 0.6] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/bbox/xmax"
            value { float_list { value: [0.2, 0.3] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/class/label"
            value { int64_list { value: [0, 0] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/class/text"
            value { bytes_list { value: ["a", "a"] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/source_id"
            value { bytes_list { value: "i1" } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/depiction"
            value { int64_list { value: [1, 0] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/group_of"
            value { int64_list { value: [0, 0] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/occluded"
            value { int64_list { value: [0, 1] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/truncated"
            value { int64_list { value: [0, 0] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/class/label"
            value { int64_list { } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/class/text"
            value { bytes_list { } } } }
    """, tf_example)
Esempio n. 2
  def test_label_filtering(self):
    label_map, df = create_test_data()

    label_map = {'a': 0}

    tf_example = oid_tfrecord_creation.tf_example_from_annotations_data_frame(
        df[df.ImageID == 'i1'], label_map, 'encoded_image_test')
        features {
          feature {
            key: "image/encoded"
            value { bytes_list { value: "encoded_image_test" } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/filename"
            value { bytes_list { value: "i1.jpg" } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/bbox/ymin"
            value { float_list { value: [0.3, 0.6] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/bbox/xmin"
            value { float_list { value: [0.1, 0.3] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/bbox/ymax"
            value { float_list { value: [0.3, 0.6] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/bbox/xmax"
            value { float_list { value: [0.2, 0.3] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/class/label"
            value { int64_list { value: [0, 0] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/class/text"
            value { bytes_list { value: ["a", "a"] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/source_id"
            value { bytes_list { value: "i1" } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/depiction"
            value { int64_list { value: [1, 0] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/group_of"
            value { int64_list { value: [0, 0] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/occluded"
            value { int64_list { value: [0, 1] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/truncated"
            value { int64_list { value: [0, 0] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/class/label"
            value { int64_list { } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/class/text"
            value { bytes_list { } } } }
    """, tf_example)
def main(_):

    required_flags = [
        'input_box_annotations_csv', 'input_images_directory',
        'input_label_map', 'output_tf_record_path_prefix'
    for flag_name in required_flags:
        if not getattr(FLAGS, flag_name):
            raise ValueError('Flag --{} is required'.format(flag_name))

    label_map = label_map_util.get_label_map_dict(FLAGS.input_label_map)
    all_box_annotations = pd.read_csv(FLAGS.input_box_annotations_csv)
    if FLAGS.input_image_label_annotations_csv:
        all_label_annotations = pd.read_csv(
            columns={'Confidence': 'ConfidenceImageLabel'}, inplace=True)
        all_label_annotations = None
    all_images = tf.gfile.Glob(
        os.path.join(FLAGS.input_images_directory, '*.jpg'))
    all_image_ids = [
        os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(v))[0] for v in all_images
    all_image_ids = pd.DataFrame({'ImageID': all_image_ids})
    all_annotations = pd.concat(
        [all_box_annotations, all_image_ids, all_label_annotations])

    tf.logging.log(tf.logging.INFO, 'Found %d images...', len(all_image_ids))

    with contextlib2.ExitStack() as tf_record_close_stack:
        output_tfrecords = tf_record_creation_util.open_sharded_output_tfrecords(
            tf_record_close_stack, FLAGS.output_tf_record_path_prefix,

        for counter, image_data in enumerate(
            tf.logging.log_every_n(tf.logging.INFO, 'Processed %d images...',
                                   1000, counter)

            image_id, image_annotations = image_data
            # In OID image file names are formed by appending ".jpg" to the image ID.
            image_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.input_images_directory,
                                      image_id + '.jpg')
            with tf.gfile.Open(image_path) as image_file:
                encoded_image =

            tf_example = oid_tfrecord_creation.tf_example_from_annotations_data_frame(
                image_annotations, label_map, encoded_image)
            if tf_example:
                shard_idx = int(image_id, 16) % FLAGS.num_shards
    def test_simple(self):
        label_map, df = create_test_data()

        tf_example = oid_tfrecord_creation.tf_example_from_annotations_data_frame(
            df[df.ImageID == 'i1'], label_map, 'encoded_image_test')
        features {
          feature {
            key: "image/encoded"
            value { bytes_list { value: "encoded_image_test" } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/filename"
            value { bytes_list { value: "i1.jpg" } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/bbox/ymin"
            value { float_list { value: [0.3, 0.6, 0.8, 0.1] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/bbox/xmin"
            value { float_list { value: [0.1, 0.3, 0.7, 0.0] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/bbox/ymax"
            value { float_list { value: [0.3, 0.6, 1.0, 0.8] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/bbox/xmax"
            value { float_list { value: [0.2, 0.3, 0.8, 0.5] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/class/label"
            value { int64_list { value: [0, 0, 1, 1] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/class/text"
            value { bytes_list { value: ["a", "a", "b", "b"] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/source_id"
            value { bytes_list { value: "i1" } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/depiction"
            value { int64_list { value: [1, 0, 0, 0] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/group_of"
            value { int64_list { value: [0, 0, 0, 0] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/occluded"
            value { int64_list { value: [0, 1, 1, 0] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/truncated"
            value { int64_list { value: [0, 0, 0, 1] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/class/label"
            value { int64_list { value: [2] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/class/text"
            value { bytes_list { value: ["c"] } } } }
    """), tf_example)
Esempio n. 5
def main(_):

  required_flags = [
      'input_box_annotations_csv', 'input_images_directory', 'input_label_map',
  for flag_name in required_flags:
    if not getattr(FLAGS, flag_name):
      raise ValueError('Flag --{} is required'.format(flag_name))

  label_map = label_map_util.get_label_map_dict(FLAGS.input_label_map)
  all_box_annotations = pd.read_csv(FLAGS.input_box_annotations_csv)
  if FLAGS.input_image_label_annotations_csv:
    all_label_annotations = pd.read_csv(FLAGS.input_image_label_annotations_csv)
        columns={'Confidence': 'ConfidenceImageLabel'}, inplace=True)
    all_label_annotations = None
  all_images = tf.gfile.Glob(
      os.path.join(FLAGS.input_images_directory, '*.jpg'))
  all_image_ids = [os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(v))[0] for v in all_images]
  all_image_ids = pd.DataFrame({'ImageID': all_image_ids})
  all_annotations = pd.concat(
      [all_box_annotations, all_image_ids, all_label_annotations])

  tf.logging.log(tf.logging.INFO, 'Found %d images...', len(all_image_ids))

  with contextlib2.ExitStack() as tf_record_close_stack:
    output_tfrecords = tf_record_creation_util.open_sharded_output_tfrecords(
        tf_record_close_stack, FLAGS.output_tf_record_path_prefix,

    for counter, image_data in enumerate(all_annotations.groupby('ImageID')):
      tf.logging.log_every_n(tf.logging.INFO, 'Processed %d images...', 1000,

      image_id, image_annotations = image_data
      # In OID image file names are formed by appending ".jpg" to the image ID.
      image_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.input_images_directory, image_id + '.jpg')
      with tf.gfile.Open(image_path) as image_file:
        encoded_image =

      tf_example = oid_tfrecord_creation.tf_example_from_annotations_data_frame(
          image_annotations, label_map, encoded_image)
      if tf_example:
        shard_idx = int(image_id, 16) % FLAGS.num_shards
    def test_no_attributes(self):
        label_map, df = create_test_data()

        del df['IsDepiction']
        del df['IsGroupOf']
        del df['IsOccluded']
        del df['IsTruncated']
        del df['ConfidenceImageLabel']

        tf_example = oid_tfrecord_creation.tf_example_from_annotations_data_frame(
            df[df.ImageID == 'i2'], label_map, 'encoded_image_test')
        features {
          feature {
            key: "image/encoded"
            value { bytes_list { value: "encoded_image_test" } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/filename"
            value { bytes_list { value: "i2.jpg" } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/bbox/ymin"
            value { float_list { value: [0.0, 0.0] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/bbox/xmin"
            value { float_list { value: [0.1, 0.1] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/bbox/ymax"
            value { float_list { value: [0.8, 0.8] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/bbox/xmax"
            value { float_list { value: [0.9, 0.9] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/class/label"
            value { int64_list { value: [1, 2] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/class/text"
            value { bytes_list { value: ["b", "c"] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/source_id"
           value { bytes_list { value: "i2" } } } }
    """), tf_example)
  def test_no_attributes(self):
    label_map, df = create_test_data()

    del df['IsDepiction']
    del df['IsGroupOf']
    del df['IsOccluded']
    del df['IsTruncated']
    del df['ConfidenceImageLabel']

    tf_example = oid_tfrecord_creation.tf_example_from_annotations_data_frame(
        df[df.ImageID == 'i2'], label_map, 'encoded_image_test')
        features {
          feature {
            key: "image/encoded"
            value { bytes_list { value: "encoded_image_test" } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/filename"
            value { bytes_list { value: "i2.jpg" } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/bbox/ymin"
            value { float_list { value: [0.0, 0.0] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/bbox/xmin"
            value { float_list { value: [0.1, 0.1] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/bbox/ymax"
            value { float_list { value: [0.8, 0.8] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/bbox/xmax"
            value { float_list { value: [0.9, 0.9] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/class/label"
            value { int64_list { value: [1, 2] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/object/class/text"
            value { bytes_list { value: ["b", "c"] } } }
          feature {
            key: "image/source_id"
           value { bytes_list { value: "i2" } } } }
    """, tf_example)