def compare(k):
    N_INDCS = -1

    map_test, map_train = map_overlay.basic_setup([100, 400], 50, label_name = "Jared")
    clf = ObjectClassifier()
    damage_labels = np.loadtxt('damagelabels50/Jared-3-3.csv', delimiter = ',').astype('int')
    building_labels = np.loadtxt('damagelabels50/all_rooftops-3-3.csv', delimiter  =',').astype('int')
    segs = map_train.segmentations[50].ravel()
    n_segs = int(np.max(segs))+1
    all_labels = np.zeros(n_segs) #Nothing = Green
    all_labels[damage_labels] = 1  #Damage = Red
    all_labels[building_labels] = 2  #Building = Blue

    all_data, y = clf._get_X_y(map_train, 'Jared'), label_name = 'Jared') #<-this one changesthe training for the importance order
    names =  clf.feat_names
    print names

    importances = clf.model.feature_importances_
    indices = np.argsort(importances)[::-1]
    print names[indices][:N_INDCS]
    std = np.std([tree.feature_importances_ for tree in clf.model.estimators_],
    plt.title("Feature importances")[0]), importances[indices],
           color="r", yerr=std[indices], align="center")
    plt.xticks(range(names.shape[0]), names[indices])
    plt.xlim([-1, names.shape[0]])

    all_histos(all_data[damage_labels], all_data[building_labels], all_data[np.where(all_labels == 0)[0]], names, indices[:N_INDCS])
    return names, indices
def look_at_features(names, indices):
    N_INDCS = -1

    map_test, map_train = map_overlay.basic_setup([100, 400], 50, label_name = "Jared")
    clf = ObjectClassifier()
    damage_labels = np.loadtxt('damagelabels50/Jared-3-3.csv', delimiter = ',').astype('int')
    building_labels = np.loadtxt('damagelabels50/all_rooftops-3-3.csv', delimiter  =',').astype('int')
    segs = map_train.segmentations[50]
    n_segs = int(np.max(segs.ravel()))+1
    all_labels = np.zeros(n_segs) #Nothing = Green
    all_labels[damage_labels] = 1  #Damage = Red
    all_labels[building_labels] = 2  #Building = Blue

    all_data, y = clf._get_X_y(map_train, 'Jared')
    ''', label_name = 'Jared') #<-this one changesthe training for the importance order
    names =  clf.feat_names
    print names

    importances = clf.model.feature_importances_
    indices = np.argsort(importances)[::-1]'''
    pbar = custom_progress()
    j = names.shape[0]
    for i in pbar(indices[::-1]):
        fig = plt.figure(names[i])
        plt.imshow(all_data[:,i][segs.astype('int')], cmap = 'gray')
        fig.savefig('/Users/jsfrank/Desktop/features/{}-{}'.format(j, names[i]), format='png')
def transition():
    N_INDCS = -1

    map_test, map_train = map_overlay.basic_setup([100], 50, label_name = "Jared")
    clf = ObjectClassifier()
    damage_labels = np.loadtxt('damagelabels50/Jared-3-3.csv', delimiter = ',').astype('int')
    building_labels = np.loadtxt('damagelabels50/all_buildings-3-3.csv', delimiter  =',').astype('int')
    segs = map_train.segmentations[50].ravel()
    n_segs = int(np.max(segs))+1
    all_labels = np.zeros(n_segs) #Nothing = Green
    all_labels[damage_labels] = 1  #Damage = Red
    all_labels[building_labels] = 2  #Building = Blue
    all_data, y = clf._get_X_y(map_train, 'Jared'), label_name = 'Jared')
    names =  clf.feat_names

    for i in range(50):
        new_damage = np.concatenate((all_data[damage_labels], all_data[building_labels[:i*10]]), axis = 0)
        print new_damage.shape
        all_histos(new_damage, all_data[building_labels], all_data[np.where(all_labels == 0)[0]], names, [17], prefix = "{} ".format(i*10))