def computeBiggestCoordinatesFromResults(self, resCandidates):
        ''' Given all the results, compute the biggest group and return a random coordinates inside 
        # results e.g. [ [5.0, [lat,lon], "tags"] ]
        newResCandidates = ResCandidates()
        coordList = []
        for res in resCandidates.getList():
            # get coordinates in string format: for [computeBiggestGroupOfCoordinates]
            strCoo = res.getCoordStr()
#			coo = res.getCoord()	# for [computeYaelKmeansOfCoordinates]
#			coordList.append( coo )
# Print input coordinates list
        if self.verbose:
            print >> sys.stderr, ""
            print >> sys.stderr, "computeBiggestCoordinatesFromResults] coordList:", coordList
        # Compute the biggest group
        centerCoo, sumOfD = self.computeBiggestGroupOfCoordinates(coordList)
        #		centerCoo = self.computeYaelKmeansOfCoordinates( coordList )
        # find the relative "result" with all the info
        if len(centerCoo) > 0:
            for res in resCandidates.getList():
                coord = res.getCoord()
                if coord == centerCoo:
                    return newResCandidates
        # otherwise something went wrong
        newResCandidates.add(0.0, self.defaultCoordinates, "no results")
        return newResCandidates
	def computeBiggestCoordinatesFromResults( self, resCandidates ):
		''' Given all the results, compute the biggest group and return a random coordinates inside 
		# results e.g. [ [5.0, [lat,lon], "tags"] ]
		newResCandidates = ResCandidates()
		coordList = []
		for res in resCandidates.getList():
			# get coordinates in string format: for [computeBiggestGroupOfCoordinates]
			strCoo = res.getCoordStr()
			coordList.append( strCoo )
#			coo = res.getCoord()	# for [computeYaelKmeansOfCoordinates]
#			coordList.append( coo )
		# Print input coordinates list
		if self.verbose:
			print >> sys.stderr, ""
			print >> sys.stderr, "computeBiggestCoordinatesFromResults] coordList:", coordList
		# Compute the biggest group
		centerCoo, sumOfD = self.computeBiggestGroupOfCoordinates( coordList )
#		centerCoo = self.computeYaelKmeansOfCoordinates( coordList )
		# find the relative "result" with all the info
		if len(centerCoo) > 0:
			for res in resCandidates.getList():
				coord = res.getCoord()
				if coord == centerCoo:
					newResCandidates.addObj( res )
					return newResCandidates
		# otherwise something went wrong
		newResCandidates.add( 0.0, self.defaultCoordinates, "no results" )
		return newResCandidates