def test_sacpz(self): """ Fetches SAC poles and zeros information. """ client = Client() # 1 t1 = UTCDateTime("2005-01-01") t2 = UTCDateTime("2008-01-01") result = client.sacpz("IU", "ANMO", "00", "BHZ", t1, t2) # drop lines with creation date (current time during request) result = result.splitlines() sacpz_file = os.path.join(self.path, 'data', 'IU.ANMO.00.BHZ.sacpz') with open(sacpz_file, 'rb') as fp: expected = result.pop(5) expected.pop(5) self.assertEqual(result, expected) # 2 - empty location code dt = UTCDateTime("2002-11-01") result = client.sacpz('UW', 'LON', '', 'BHZ', dt) self.assertIn(b"* STATION (KSTNM): LON", result) self.assertIn(b"* LOCATION (KHOLE): ", result) # 3 - empty location code via '--' result = client.sacpz('UW', 'LON', '--', 'BHZ', dt) self.assertIn(b"* STATION (KSTNM): LON", result) self.assertIn(b"* LOCATION (KHOLE): ", result)
def test_distaz(self): """ Tests distance and azimuth calculation between two points on a sphere. """ client = Client() # normal request result = client.distaz(stalat=1.1, stalon=1.2, evtlat=3.2, evtlon=1.4) self.assertAlmostEqual(result['distance'], 2.10256) self.assertAlmostEqual(result['distancemeters'], 233272.79028) self.assertAlmostEqual(result['backazimuth'], 5.46944) self.assertAlmostEqual(result['azimuth'], 185.47695) self.assertEqual(result['ellipsoidname'], 'WGS84') self.assertTrue(isinstance(result['distance'], float)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(result['distancemeters'], float)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(result['backazimuth'], float)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(result['azimuth'], float)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(result['ellipsoidname'], str)) # w/o kwargs result = client.distaz(1.1, 1.2, 3.2, 1.4) self.assertAlmostEqual(result['distance'], 2.10256) self.assertAlmostEqual(result['distancemeters'], 233272.79028) self.assertAlmostEqual(result['backazimuth'], 5.46944) self.assertAlmostEqual(result['azimuth'], 185.47695) self.assertEqual(result['ellipsoidname'], 'WGS84') # missing parameters self.assertRaises(Exception, client.distaz, stalat=1.1) self.assertRaises(Exception, client.distaz, 1.1) self.assertRaises(Exception, client.distaz, stalat=1.1, stalon=1.2) self.assertRaises(Exception, client.distaz, 1.1, 1.2)
def test_sim_WA(self): """Test feeding both PAZ and seedresp.""" t1 = UTCDateTime("2010-09-3T16:30:00.000") t2 = UTCDateTime("2010-09-3T17:00:00.000") fdsn_client = Client('IRIS') st = fdsn_client.get_waveforms( network='NZ', station='BFZ', location='10', channel='HHZ', starttime=t1, endtime=t2, attach_response=True) tr = st[0] PAZ = {'poles': [-4.440 + 4.440j, -4.440 - 4.440j, -1.083 + 0.0j], 'zeros': [0.0 + 0.0j, 0.0 + 0.0j, 0.0 + 0.0], 'sensitivity': 0.4, 'gain': 60077000.0} tr_safe = tr.copy() # Test with PAZ _sim_WA(trace=tr, PAZ=PAZ, seedresp=None, water_level=10) tr = tr_safe.copy() # Test without PAZ or seedresp _sim_WA(trace=tr, PAZ=None, seedresp=None, water_level=10) tr = tr_safe.copy() with NamedTemporaryFile() as tf: respf = old_iris_client = OldIris_Client() # fetch RESP information from "old" IRIS web service, see # obspy.fdsn for accessing the new IRIS FDSN web services old_iris_client.resp('NZ', 'BFZ', '10', 'HHZ', t1, t2, filename=respf) date = t1 seedresp = { 'filename': respf, 'date': date, 'network':, 'station': tr.stats.station, 'channel':, 'location': tr.stats.location, 'units': 'DIS' } _sim_WA(trace=tr, PAZ=None, seedresp=seedresp, water_level=10)
def test_resp(self): """ Tests resp Web service interface. Examples are inspired by """ client = Client() # 1 t1 = UTCDateTime("2005-001T00:00:00") t2 = UTCDateTime("2008-001T00:00:00") result = client.resp("IU", "ANMO", "00", "BHZ", t1, t2) self.assertIn(b'B050F03 Station: ANMO', result) # Exception: No response data available # 2 - empty location code # result = client.resp("UW", "LON", "", "EHZ") # self.assertIn(b'B050F03 Station: LON', result) # self.assertIn(b'B052F03 Location: ??', result) # 3 - empty location code via '--' # result = client.resp("UW", "LON", "--", "EHZ") # self.assertIn(b'B050F03 Station: LON', result) # self.assertIn(b'B052F03 Location: ??', result) # 4 dt = UTCDateTime("2010-02-27T06:30:00.000") result = client.resp("IU", "ANMO", "*", "*", dt) self.assertIn(b'B050F03 Station: ANMO', result) dt = UTCDateTime("2005-001T00:00:00") result = client.resp("AK", "RIDG", "--", "LH?", dt) self.assertIn(b'B050F03 Station: RIDG', result)
def test_timeseries(self): """ Tests timeseries Web service interface. Examples are inspired by """ client = Client() # 1 t1 = UTCDateTime("2005-001T00:00:00") t2 = UTCDateTime("2005-001T00:01:00") # no filter st1 = client.timeseries("IU", "ANMO", "00", "BHZ", t1, t2) # instrument corrected st2 = client.timeseries("IU", "ANMO", "00", "BHZ", t1, t2, filter=["correct"]) # compare results self.assertEqual(st1[0].stats.starttime, st2[0].stats.starttime) self.assertEqual(st1[0].stats.endtime, st2[0].stats.endtime) self.assertEqual(st1[0].data[0], 24) self.assertAlmostEqual(st2[0].data[0], -2.8373747e-06)
def test_traveltime(self): """ Tests calculation of travel-times for seismic phases. """ client = Client() result = client.traveltime( evloc=(-36.122, -72.898), evdepth=22.9, staloc=[(-33.45, -70.67), (47.61, -122.33), (35.69, 139.69)]) self.assertTrue(result.startswith(b'Model: iasp91'))
def test_traveltime(self): """ Tests calculation of travel-times for seismic phases. """ client = Client() result = client.traveltime(evloc=(-36.122, -72.898), evdepth=22.9, staloc=[(-33.45, -70.67), (47.61, -122.33), (35.69, 139.69)]) self.assertTrue(result.startswith(b'Model: iasp91'))
def test_flinnengdahl(self): """ Tests calculation of Flinn-Engdahl region code or name. """ client = Client() # code result = client.flinnengdahl(lat=-20.5, lon=-100.6, rtype="code") self.assertEqual(result, 683) # w/o kwargs result = client.flinnengdahl(-20.5, -100.6, "code") self.assertEqual(result, 683) # region result = client.flinnengdahl(lat=42, lon=-122.24, rtype="region") self.assertEqual(result, 'OREGON') # w/o kwargs result = client.flinnengdahl(42, -122.24, "region") self.assertEqual(result, 'OREGON') # both result = client.flinnengdahl(lat=-20.5, lon=-100.6, rtype="both") self.assertEqual(result, (683, 'SOUTHEAST CENTRAL PACIFIC OCEAN')) # w/o kwargs result = client.flinnengdahl(-20.5, -100.6, "both") self.assertEqual(result, (683, 'SOUTHEAST CENTRAL PACIFIC OCEAN')) # default rtype result = client.flinnengdahl(lat=42, lon=-122.24) self.assertEqual(result, (32, 'OREGON')) # w/o kwargs # outside boundaries self.assertRaises(Exception, client.flinnengdahl, lat=-90.1, lon=0) self.assertRaises(Exception, client.flinnengdahl, lat=90.1, lon=0) self.assertRaises(Exception, client.flinnengdahl, lat=0, lon=-180.1) self.assertRaises(Exception, client.flinnengdahl, lat=0, lon=180.1)
def rotate_traces(event_code, database): data_path = f"{database}/{event_code}/synthetics/point_source/" filelist = glob.glob(f"{data_path}/*MXZ*.sac") cmt_finite_fault = f"{database}/{event_code}/{event_code}" cmt_lines = open(cmt_finite_fault).readlines() for line in cmt_lines: if line.split()[0] == "latitude": ev_lat = float(line.split()[1]) elif line.split()[0] == "longitude": ev_lon = float(line.split()[1]) else: continue client = Client() for Zfile in filelist: print(Zfile) Nfile = Zfile.replace("MXZ", "MXN") Efile = Zfile.replace("MXZ", "MXE") Rfile = Zfile.replace("MXZ", "MXR") Tfile = Zfile.replace("MXZ", "MXT") if os.path.isfile(Nfile) and os.path.isfile(Efile): st = read(Zfile) st += read(Nfile) st += read(Efile) Ztr = st[0] st_lat = Ztr.stats["sac"]["stla"] st_lon = Ztr.stats["sac"]["stlo"] station = Ztr.stats.station channel = result = client.distaz(stalat=st_lat, stalon=st_lon, evtlat=ev_lat, evtlon=ev_lon) baz = result["backazimuth"] az = result["azimuth"] dist_km = result["distancemeters"] / 1000.0 dist_deg = result["distance"] print(station, channel, st_lat, st_lon, dist_km, dist_deg, baz, az) os.system( f"sac > macro {_lib}/rotate.macro {Nfile} {Efile} {baz} {Rfile} {Tfile}" ) Rtr = read(Rfile)[0] Rtr.stats["channel"] = "MXR" Rtr.write(Rfile, format="SAC") Ttr = read(Tfile)[0] Ttr.stats["channel"] = "MXT" Ttr.write(Tfile, format="SAC")
def test_sim_WA(self): """Test feeding both PAZ and seedresp.""" from eqcorrscan.utils.mag_calc import _sim_WA from obspy.core.util import NamedTemporaryFile from obspy import UTCDateTime from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client from obspy.clients.iris import Client as OldIris_Client t1 = UTCDateTime("2010-09-3T16:30:00.000") t2 = UTCDateTime("2010-09-3T17:00:00.000") fdsn_client = Client('IRIS') st = fdsn_client.get_waveforms(network='NZ', station='BFZ', location='10', channel='HHZ', starttime=t1, endtime=t2, attach_response=True) tr = st[0] PAZ = {'poles': [-4.440 + 4.440j, -4.440 - 4.440j, -1.083 + 0.0j], 'zeros': [0.0 + 0.0j, 0.0 + 0.0j, 0.0 + 0.0], 'sensitivity': 0.4, 'gain': 60077000.0} tr_safe = tr.copy() # Test with PAZ _sim_WA(trace=tr, PAZ=PAZ, seedresp=None, water_level=10) tr = tr_safe.copy() # Test without PAZ or seedresp _sim_WA(trace=tr, PAZ=None, seedresp=None, water_level=10) tr = tr_safe.copy() with NamedTemporaryFile() as tf: respf = old_iris_client = OldIris_Client() # fetch RESP information from "old" IRIS web service, see obspy.fdsn # for accessing the new IRIS FDSN web services old_iris_client.resp('NZ', 'BFZ', '10', 'HHZ', t1, t2, filename=respf) date = t1 seedresp = {'filename': respf, # RESP filename 'date': date, 'network':, 'station': tr.stats.station, 'channel':, 'location': tr.stats.location, # Units to return response in ('DIS', 'VEL' or ACC) 'units': 'DIS' } _sim_WA(trace=tr, PAZ=None, seedresp=seedresp, water_level=10)
def download_response(network, station, location, channel, start, end, respfile): ''' Download instrument response file from IRIS and save to .resp Input: network: String with network name station: String with station name location: String with location - can have * for wildcards channel: String with channel - can have * for wildcards start: String with start date and time: yyy-mm-ddThh:mm.sss end: String with end date and time: yyy-mm-ddThh:mm.sss Output: respfile: Prints instrument response to respfile ''' from obspy.clients.iris import Client from obspy import UTCDateTime # Set up client client = Client() # Define start and end date for resp file startdt = UTCDateTime(start) enddt = UTCDateTime(end) # Download resp data dlstring = 'downloading resp data for network ' + network + ', station ' \ + station + ', location and channel ' + location + ' ' + channel \ + ', \n for time ' + start + ' to ' + end print dlstring respdata = client.resp(network, station, location, channel, starttime=startdt, endtime=enddt) # Save to file: respf = open(respfile, 'w') respf.write(respdata) respf.close() # Print statement: print 'Saved resp to file ' + respfile
def test_distaz(self): """ Tests distance and azimuth calculation between two points on a sphere. """ client = Client() # normal request result = client.distaz(stalat=1.1, stalon=1.2, evtlat=3.2, evtlon=1.4) self.assertAlmostEqual(result['distance'], 2.09554) self.assertAlmostEqual(result['backazimuth'], 5.46946) self.assertAlmostEqual(result['azimuth'], 185.47692) # w/o kwargs result = client.distaz(1.1, 1.2, 3.2, 1.4) self.assertAlmostEqual(result['distance'], 2.09554) self.assertAlmostEqual(result['backazimuth'], 5.46946) self.assertAlmostEqual(result['azimuth'], 185.47692) # missing parameters self.assertRaises(Exception, client.distaz, stalat=1.1) self.assertRaises(Exception, client.distaz, 1.1) self.assertRaises(Exception, client.distaz, stalat=1.1, stalon=1.2) self.assertRaises(Exception, client.distaz, 1.1, 1.2)
def select_client(self, client): """ Function that creates the client for connectivity according to user's input, and link with the users variables. Args: client: str The type of client we want to connect with. """ if client == 'Earthworm': from obspy.clients.earthworm import Client as EClient self.cnt = EClient(self.ip_address, int(self.port)) elif client == 'Seedlink': from obspy.clients.seedlink import Client as SClient self.cnt = SClient(self.ip_address, int(self.port)) elif client == 'FDSN': from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client as FClient self.cnt = FClient(self.ip_address, self.port) elif client == 'arclink': from obspy.clients.arclink import Client as AClient self.cnt = AClient(self.ip_address, int(self.port)) else: from obspy.clients.iris import Client as IClient self.cnt = IClient("IRIS")
def test_resp(self): """ Tests resp Web service interface. Examples are inspired by """ client = Client() # 1 t1 = UTCDateTime("2005-001T00:00:00") t2 = UTCDateTime("2008-001T00:00:00") result = client.resp("IU", "ANMO", "00", "BHZ", t1, t2) self.assertIn(b'B050F03 Station: ANMO', result) # 2 - empty location code result = client.resp("UW", "LON", "", "EHZ") self.assertIn(b'B050F03 Station: LON', result) self.assertIn(b'B052F03 Location: ??', result) # 3 - empty location code via '--' result = client.resp("UW", "LON", "--", "EHZ") self.assertIn(b'B050F03 Station: LON', result) self.assertIn(b'B052F03 Location: ??', result) # 4 dt = UTCDateTime("2010-02-27T06:30:00.000") result = client.resp("IU", "ANMO", "*", "*", dt) self.assertIn(b'B050F03 Station: ANMO', result)
def test_resp(self): """ Tests resp Web service interface. Examples are inspired by """ client = Client() # 1 t1 = UTCDateTime("2005-001T00:00:00") t2 = UTCDateTime("2008-001T00:00:00") result = client.resp("IU", "ANMO", "00", "BHZ", t1, t2) self.assertIn(b'B050F03 Station: ANMO', result) # 2 - empty location code result = client.resp("UW", "LON", "", "EHZ") self.assertIn(b'B050F03 Station: LON', result) self.assertIn(b'B052F03 Location: ??', result) # 3 - empty location code via '--' result = client.resp("UW", "LON", "--", "EHZ") self.assertIn(b'B050F03 Station: LON', result) self.assertIn(b'B052F03 Location: ??', result) # 4 dt = UTCDateTime("2010-02-27T06:30:00.000") result = client.resp("IU", "ANMO", "*", "*", dt) self.assertIn(b'B050F03 Station: ANMO', result)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Mon Mar 12 15:10:29 2018 @author: jfarrugia """ #%% Get some raw data from IRIS to pass through our new stationXML file from obspy import read_inventory inv = read_inventory('NV_ONC.xml', format="STATIONXML") plotting_flag = 1 if plotting_flag == 1: from obspy.clients.iris import Client client = Client(timeout=100) from obspy import UTCDateTime import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt start_t = UTCDateTime("2018-01-10T03:00:00") end_t = start_t + 60 * 30 st_e = client.timeseries(network='NV', station='NC89', location=None, channel='HHE', starttime=start_t, endtime=end_t, filter=['decimate=5.0']) st_e_noresponse = st_e.remove_response(inventory=inv, output='ACC') st_e_noresponse.write('E_honduras_correct_response.dat', format='TSPAIR')
else: sta1 = part[1] sta2 = part[2] + '_1' else: sta1 = part[1] + '_1' sta2 = part[3] + '_1' # if (sta1[0] in ['A','C','J'] or (sta1[0]=='D' and sta1 != 'DOC')) \ # and (sta2[0] in ['A','C','J'] or (sta2[0]=='D' and sta2 != 'DOC')): if (sta1[0] == 'B' or sta1 == 'KMI' or sta1 == 'DOC') and (sta2[0] == 'B' or sta2 == 'KMI' or sta2 == 'DOC'): sac_num = sac_num + 1 p1 = st_names.index(sta1) p2 = st_names.index(sta2) st_lo1, st_la1, st_lo2, st_la2 = st_los[p1], st_las[p1], st_los[p2], st_las[p2] client = Client() result = client.distaz(stalat=st_la1, stalon=st_lo1, evtlat=st_la2, evtlon=st_lo2) dist = int(result['distancemeters']) / 10 ** 3 dists.append(dist) sta1s.append(sta1) sta2s.append(sta2) for i in range(sac_num - 1): for j in range(i + 1, sac_num): if dists[i] > dists[j]: td, t1, t2 = dists[i], sta1s[i], sta2s[i] dists[i], sta1s[i], sta2s[i] = dists[j], sta1s[j], sta2s[j] dists[j], sta1s[j], sta2s[j] = td, t1, t2 dist_file = open('dist_s.dat', 'w') for i in range(sac_num):
def rate(network, phase, preproloc, station=None, review=False, retained=False, decon_meth='it', test_tt_calculation=False): """ Module to rate and review the quality of Sp or Ps waveforms from the given station. Shows the automatic rating from qc. Tapers can be controlled with the mouse. Rating is done with the keyboard. Makes only sense if the files in preproloc have not been quality controlled (the script is a reminant from an earlier alpha version). Parameters ---------- network : STRING Network code (two letters). phase : STRING Either "P" for Ps or "S" Sp. The default is "S". preproloc : string Directory that contains the preprocessed files (not quality controlled) station : str or list, optional Station code (three letters). review : INTEGER, optional If true, already rated waveforms are shown. Can also be an integer between 1 and 4. Then, only waveforms rated with the respected rating are shown. The default is False. retained : Bool, optional Show only waveforms retained by qcp or qcs. The default is False. decon_meth : STRING, optional Deconvolution method, "waterlevel", 'dampedf' for constant damping level, 'it' for iterative time domain deconvoltuion, 'multit' for multitaper or 'fqd' for frequency dependently damped spectral division. The default is 'it' Raises ------ Exception For Typing mistakes. Returns ------- None. """ if phase == 'P': onset = 30 elif phase[-1] == 'S': onset = 120 inloc = os.path.join(preproloc, phase, 'by_station', network) infiles = [] # List of all files in folder pattern = [] # List of input constraints streams = [] # List of files filtered for input criteria for root, dirs, files in os.walk(inloc): for name in files: infiles.append(os.path.join(root, name)) # Set filter patterns if station: if type(station) == str: pattern.append('*%s*%s*.mseed' % (network, station)) elif type(station) == list: for stat in station: pattern.append('*%s*%s*.mseed' % (network, stat)) else: pattern.append('*%s*.mseed' % (network)) # Do filtering for pat in pattern: streams.extend(fnmatch.filter(infiles, pat)) # clear memory del pattern, infiles # For TauPy lookup model = TauPyModel() if test_tt_calculation: client = Client() for f in streams: # if file[:4] == "info": # Skip the info files # continue # try: # st = read(inloc + file) # except IsADirectoryError as e: # print(e) # continue st = read(f) # List for taper coordinates if "taper" in rating: del rating["taper"] rating["taper"] = [] st.normalize() # Additional filter "test" if phase == "S": st.filter("lowpass", freq=1.0, zerophase=True, corners=2) elif phase == "P": st.filter("lowpass", freq=1.0, zerophase=True, corners=2) y = [] ch = [] starttime = str(st[0].stats.starttime) dt = st[0] sampling_f = st[0].stats.sampling_rate old = __r_file(network, st[0].stats.station, starttime) # old # read info file # location info file infof = os.path.join(inloc, st[0].stats.station, 'info') with as info: ii = info["starttime"].index(st[0].stats.starttime) rdelta = info["rdelta"][ii] # epicentral distance mag = info["magnitude"][ii] statlat = info["statlat"] statlon = info["statlon"] rayp = info["rayp_s_deg"][ii] / 111319.9 evt_depth = info["evt_depth"][ii] / 1000 ot = info["ot_ret"][ii] evtlat = info['evtlat'][ii] evtlon = info['evtlon'][ii] if old and not review: # skip already rated files continue if type(review) == int: if review > 4: raise Exception("review has to be between 0 and 4") if review != int(old): continue # check automatic rating if phase == "S": st_f, crit, hf, noisemat = qcs(st, dt, sampling_f, onset=onset) elif phase == "P": st_f, crit, hf, noisemat = qcp(st, dt, sampling_f, onset=onset) # skip files that have not been retained if retained and not crit: continue # create RF if not test_tt_calculation: _, _, PSV = rotate_PSV(statlat, statlon, rayp, st_f) else: PSV = st_f # to see correlation at theoretical arrival try: RF = createRF(PSV, phase, method=decon_meth, shift=onset) except ValueError as e: # There were some problematic events print(e) continue # TauPy lookup ph_name = [] ph_time = [] if not test_tt_calculation: arrivals = model.get_travel_times(evt_depth, distance_in_degree=rdelta) primary_time = model.get_travel_times(evt_depth, distance_in_degree=rdelta, phase_list=phase)[0].time for arr in arrivals: if arr.time < primary_time - onset or arr.time > \ primary_time + 120 or == phase: continue ph_name.append( ph_time.append(arr.time - primary_time) else: # Caluclate travel times with different methods ph_time.append( model.get_travel_times_geo(evt_depth, evtlat, evtlon, statlat, statlon, phase_list=phase)[0].time) d = [] d.append( client.distaz(statlat, statlon, evtlat, evtlon)['distance']) d.append( kilometer2degrees( gps2dist_azimuth(statlat, statlon, evtlat, evtlon)[0] / 1000)) for dis in d: ph_time.append( model.get_travel_times(evt_depth, dis, phase_list=phase)[0].time) ph_name = ['taup', 'iris', 'geodetics'] ph_time = np.array(ph_time) - (st[0].stats.starttime + onset - UTCDateTime(ot)) # waveform data st.sort() for tr in st: y.append( ch.append([2]) # create time vector t = np.linspace(0 - onset, tr.stats.npts * - onset, len(y[0])) # plot fig, ax = __draw_plot(starttime, t, y, ph_time, ph_name, ch, noisemat, RF, old, rdelta, mag, crit, ot, evt_depth, phase, test_tt_calculation) while not plt.waitforbuttonpress(30): # Taper when input is there if len(rating["taper"]) == 2: if rating["taper"][0] < rating["taper"][1]: trim = [rating["taper"][0], rating["taper"][1]] else: trim = [rating["taper"][1], rating["taper"][0]] trim[0] = trim[0] - t[0] trim[1] = t[-1] - trim[1] RF = createRF(PSV, phase, method=decon_meth, shift=onset, trim=trim) __draw_plot(starttime, t, y, ph_time, ph_name, ch, noisemat, RF, old, rdelta, mag, crit, ot, evt_depth, phase, test_tt_calculation) rating["taper"].clear() # fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', ontype) if rating["k"] == "q": break elif "k" in rating: __w_file(network, st[0].stats.station, starttime)
def test_evalresp(self): """ Tests evaluating instrument response information. """ client = Client() dt = UTCDateTime("2005-01-01") # plot as PNG file with NamedTemporaryFile() as tf: tempfile = client.evalresp(network="IU", station="ANMO", location="00", channel="BHZ", time=dt, output='plot', filename=tempfile) with open(tempfile, 'rb') as fp: self.assertEqual([1:4], b'PNG') # plot-amp as PNG file with NamedTemporaryFile() as tf: tempfile = client.evalresp(network="IU", station="ANMO", location="00", channel="BHZ", time=dt, output='plot-amp', filename=tempfile) with open(tempfile, 'rb') as fp: self.assertEqual([1:4], b'PNG') # plot-phase as PNG file with NamedTemporaryFile() as tf: tempfile = client.evalresp(network="IU", station="ANMO", location="00", channel="BHZ", time=dt, output='plot-phase', filename=tempfile) with open(tempfile, 'rb') as fp: self.assertEqual([1:4], b'PNG') # fap as ASCII file with NamedTemporaryFile() as tf: tempfile = client.evalresp(network="IU", station="ANMO", location="00", channel="BHZ", time=dt, output='fap', filename=tempfile) with open(tempfile, 'rt') as fp: self.assertEqual(fp.readline(), '1.000000E-05 1.055999E+04 1.792007E+02\n') # cs as ASCII file with NamedTemporaryFile() as tf: tempfile = client.evalresp(network="IU", station="ANMO", location="00", channel="BHZ", time=dt, output='cs', filename=tempfile) with open(tempfile, 'rt') as fp: self.assertEqual(fp.readline(), '1.000000E-05 -1.055896E+04 1.473054E+02\n') # fap & def as ASCII file with NamedTemporaryFile() as tf: tempfile = client.evalresp(network="IU", station="ANMO", location="00", channel="BHZ", time=dt, output='fap', units='def', filename=tempfile) with open(tempfile, 'rt') as fp: self.assertEqual(fp.readline(), '1.000000E-05 1.055999E+04 1.792007E+02\n') # fap & dis as ASCII file with NamedTemporaryFile() as tf: tempfile = client.evalresp(network="IU", station="ANMO", location="00", channel="BHZ", time=dt, output='fap', units='dis', filename=tempfile) with open(tempfile, 'rt') as fp: self.assertEqual(fp.readline(), '1.000000E-05 6.635035E-01 2.692007E+02\n') # fap & vel as ASCII file with NamedTemporaryFile() as tf: tempfile = client.evalresp(network="IU", station="ANMO", location="00", channel="BHZ", time=dt, output='fap', units='vel', filename=tempfile) with open(tempfile, 'rt') as fp: self.assertEqual(fp.readline(), '1.000000E-05 1.055999E+04 1.792007E+02\n') # fap & acc as ASCII file with NamedTemporaryFile() as tf: tempfile = client.evalresp(network="IU", station="ANMO", location="00", channel="BHZ", time=dt, output='fap', units='acc', filename=tempfile) with open(tempfile, 'rt') as fp: self.assertEqual(fp.readline(), '1.000000E-05 1.680674E+08 8.920073E+01\n') # fap as NumPy ndarray data = client.evalresp(network="IU", station="ANMO", location="00", channel="BHZ", time=dt, output='fap') np.testing.assert_array_equal( data[0], [1.00000000e-05, 1.05599900e+04, 1.79200700e+02]) # cs as NumPy ndarray data = client.evalresp(network="IU", station="ANMO", location="00", channel="BHZ", time=dt, output='cs') np.testing.assert_array_equal( data[0], [1.00000000e-05, -1.05589600e+04, 1.47305400e+02])
from bqmail.query import Query from obspy import UTCDateTime from obspy.taup import TauPyModel from obspy.clients.iris import Client import smtplib from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.header import Header from .distaz import distaz model = TauPyModel() cld = Client() def connectsmtp(server, port, sender, password): smtpObj = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(server, port) smtpObj.login(sender, password) return smtpObj def loginmail(sender, server='localhost', password='', port=465, test_num=5): test_it = 1 while test_it <= test_num: if test_it > 1: print('Try to link to {} in {} times'.format(server, test_it)) try: smtpObj = connectsmtp(server, port, sender, password) except: test_it += 1 continue else: break if test_it > test_num:
from obspy.core.util import NamedTemporaryFile from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client as FDSN_Client from obspy.clients.iris import Client as OldIris_Client # MW 7.1 Darfield earthquake, New Zealand t1 = obspy.UTCDateTime("2010-09-3T16:30:00.000") t2 = obspy.UTCDateTime("2010-09-3T17:00:00.000") # Fetch waveform from IRIS FDSN web service into a ObsPy stream object fdsn_client = FDSN_Client("IRIS") st = fdsn_client.get_waveforms('NZ', 'BFZ', '10', 'HHZ', t1, t2) # Download and save instrument response file into a temporary file with NamedTemporaryFile() as tf: respf = old_iris_client = OldIris_Client() # fetch RESP information from "old" IRIS web service, see obspy.fdsn # for accessing the new IRIS FDSN web services old_iris_client.resp('NZ', 'BFZ', '10', 'HHZ', t1, t2, filename=respf) # make a copy to keep our original data st_orig = st.copy() # define a filter band to prevent amplifying noise during the deconvolution pre_filt = (0.005, 0.006, 30.0, 35.0) # this can be the date of your raw data or any date for which the # SEED RESP-file is valid date = t1 seedresp = {
class WindowConnection(QtGui.QMainWindow, DialogConnection.Ui_MainWindow): """ This class handles the connection with the data repositories and send back the data to the main interface. """ def __init__(self, parent): super(WindowConnection, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) self.requestbutton.clicked.connect(self.requestdata) self.cnt = None def select_client(self, client): """ Function that creates the client for connectivity according to user's input, and link with the users variables. Args: client: str The type of client we want to connect with. """ if client == 'Earthworm': from obspy.clients.earthworm import Client as EClient self.cnt = EClient(self.ip_address, int(self.port)) elif client == 'Seedlink': from obspy.clients.seedlink import Client as SClient self.cnt = SClient(self.ip_address, int(self.port)) elif client == 'FDSN': from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client as FClient self.cnt = FClient(self.ip_address, self.port) elif client == 'arclink': from obspy.clients.arclink import Client as AClient self.cnt = AClient(self.ip_address, int(self.port)) else: from obspy.clients.iris import Client as IClient self.cnt = IClient("IRIS") def requestdata(self): """ Native function to request data from the clients.""" self.ip_address = self.ip_c.text() self.port = int(self.port_c.text()) if self.ip_address == '' or self.port == '': gui_functions.msg_box("IP address or port seems empty", "Please, enter data correctly!") self.parent().network = str(self.network_c.text()) self.parent().station = str(self.station_c.text()) self.parent().channel = str(self.channel_c.text()) self.parent().location = str(self.location_c.text()) # self.parent().component = str(self.component_c.text()) # self.parent().trace_number = str(self.numtraceBox.value()) self.parent().start_data = UTCDateTime((self.startTime.dateTime().toPyDateTime())) self.parent().end_data = UTCDateTime((self.endTime.dateTime().toPyDateTime())) # request the data self.select_client(str(self.comboServers.currentText())) st = self.cnt.get_waveforms(self.parent().network, self.parent().station, self.parent().location, self.parent().channel, self.parent().start_data, self.parent().end_data) # a test trace below for test. Remove on final versions. # st = "9702-10-1441-50S.MVO_18_1" #this is only from test!! self.parent().trace_loaded = st self.parent().stream = st self.close() gc.collect() self.parent().plot_from_server()
#!/usr/bin/env python #from obspy.core import read from obspy.clients.iris import Client from obspy import core stat = 'AAM' # Station Code net = 'US' # Station Network ch = ['BHZ', 'BH1', 'BH2'] # Channel loc = '00' # Location # These 4 parameter identify the trace to download start = core.UTCDateTime("2017-09-19T18:14:38") end = core.UTCDateTime(start + 1800) client = Client( ) # Not sure what this does but its gets rid of the "self" error message str = for x in range(0, 3): str += client.timeseries(network=net, station=stat, channel=ch[x], location=loc, starttime=start, endtime=end) ## Plot Traces start_plot = start + 222 #Manipulate starttime to get a nicer plot end_plot = start_plot + 960 str.plot(size=[800, 600], starttime=start_plot, endtime=end_plot, type='relative')
from utilities_Array import deg_km_az_baz # To dictate headers from obspy.core.util import AttribDict ## Web service packages from obspy.clients.iris import Client # TauP from obspy.taup import TauPyModel # my model of choice is prem :D model = TauPyModel(model="prem") # Make client - just for giggles client = Client() import shutil import numpy import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Preprocessing script for data retrieved from obspy DMT') parser.add_argument("-fmin", "--minimuum_frequency", help="Enter the lowest frequency to be bandpass filtered.", type=float,
def test_sim_WA(self): """Test feeding both PAZ and seedresp.""" t1 = UTCDateTime("2010-09-3T16:30:00.000") t2 = UTCDateTime("2010-09-3T17:00:00.000") fdsn_client = Client('IRIS') st = fdsn_client.get_waveforms(network='NZ', station='BFZ', location='10', channel='HHZ', starttime=t1, endtime=t2, attach_response=True) tr = st[0] PAZ = { 'poles': [-4.440 + 4.440j, -4.440 - 4.440j, -1.083 + 0.0j], 'zeros': [0.0 + 0.0j, 0.0 + 0.0j, 0.0 + 0.0], 'sensitivity': 0.4, 'gain': 60077000.0 } tr_safe = tr.copy() # Test with PAZ _sim_WA(trace=tr, PAZ=PAZ, seedresp=None, water_level=10) tr = tr_safe.copy() # Test without PAZ or seedresp _sim_WA(trace=tr, PAZ=None, seedresp=None, water_level=10) tr = tr_safe.copy() with open("Temp_resp", "w") as tf: respf = old_iris_client = OldIris_Client() # fetch RESP information from "old" IRIS web service, see # obspy.fdsn for accessing the new IRIS FDSN web services old_iris_client.resp('NZ', 'BFZ', '10', 'HHZ', t1, t2, filename=respf) # Hack around unit issues with open("Temp_resp", "r") as tf: resp_contents = [line for line in tf] corrected_contents = [] for line in resp_contents: if "COUNT" in line: line = line.replace("COUNT", "COUNTS") corrected_contents.append(line) with open("Temp_resp", "w") as tf: for line in corrected_contents: tf.write(line) date = t1 seedresp = { 'filename': respf, 'date': date, 'network':, 'station': tr.stats.station, 'channel':, 'location': tr.stats.location, 'units': 'DIS' } _sim_WA(trace=tr, PAZ=None, seedresp=seedresp, water_level=10) os.remove(respf)
net_name.lower())) os.system('cp ../ MT_INVERSION') os.system('mkdir RAW') os.chdir('RAW') #download sac file & instrument responce if process_stage <= 2: for sta_name in sta_list: for chn_name in chn_list: #loop over sta/channels sac_name = 'SAC.' + ymd_list[0] + ymd_list[1] + ymd_list[ 2] + '.' + net_name + '.' + sta_name + '.' + chn_name pz_name = net_name + '.' + sta_name + '.pz' t0 = UTCDateTime(item["time"]) client = Client() client.timeseries(net_name, sta_name, "", chn_name, t0 - 60, t0 + 5 * 60, filename=sac_name, output='sacbb') client.sacpz(net_name, sta_name, "", chn_name, t0, filename=pz_name)
from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client as FDSN_Client from obspy.clients.iris import Client as OldIris_Client # MW 7.1 Darfield earthquake, New Zealand t1 = obspy.UTCDateTime("2010-09-3T16:30:00.000") t2 = obspy.UTCDateTime("2010-09-3T17:00:00.000") # Fetch waveform from IRIS FDSN web service into a ObsPy stream object fdsn_client = FDSN_Client("IRIS") st = fdsn_client.get_waveforms('NZ', 'BFZ', '10', 'HHZ', t1, t2) # Download and save instrument response file into a temporary file with NamedTemporaryFile() as tf: respf = old_iris_client = OldIris_Client() # fetch RESP information from "old" IRIS web service, see obspy.fdsn # for accessing the new IRIS FDSN web services old_iris_client.resp('NZ', 'BFZ', '10', 'HHZ', t1, t2, filename=respf) # make a copy to keep our original data st_orig = st.copy() # define a filter band to prevent amplifying noise during the deconvolution pre_filt = (0.005, 0.006, 30.0, 35.0) # this can be the date of your raw data or any date for which the # SEED RESP-file is valid date = t1 seedresp = {'filename': respf, # RESP filename