Esempio n. 1
def mktemplates(
        publicIDs=['2016p008122', '2016p008353', '2016p008155',
    """Functional wrapper to make templates"""

    client = Client(network_code)
    # We want to download a few events from an earthquake sequence, these are
    # identified by publiID numbers, given as arguments

    catalog = Catalog()
    for publicID in publicIDs:
            catalog += client.get_events(eventid=publicID,
        except TypeError:
            # Cope with some FDSN services not implementing includearrivals
            catalog += client.get_events(eventid=publicID)

    # Lets plot the catalog to see what we have
    if plot:
        catalog.plot(projection='local', resolution='h')

    # We don't need all the picks, lets take the information from the
    # five most used stations - note that this is done to reduce computational
    # costs.
    catalog = filter_picks(catalog, top_n_picks=5)
    # We only want the P picks in this example, but you can use others or all
    #  picks if you want.
    for event in catalog:
        for pick in event.picks:
            if pick.phase_hint == 'S':

    # Now we can generate the templates
    templates = template_gen.template_gen(method='from_client',

    # We now have a series of templates! Using Obspy's Stream.write() method we
    # can save these to disk for later use.  We will do that now for use in the
    # following tutorials.
    for i, template in enumerate(templates):
        template.write('tutorial_template_' + str(i) + '.ms', format='MSEED')
        # Note that this will warn you about data types.  As we don't care
        # at the moment, whatever obspy chooses is fine.
def mktemplates(network_code='GEONET',
                publicIDs=['2016p008122', '2016p008353', '2016p008155',
                           '2016p008194'], plot=True):
    """Functional wrapper to make templates"""
    # We want to download some QuakeML files from the New Zealand GeoNet
    # network, GeoNet currently doesn't support FDSN event queries, so we
    # have to work around to download quakeml from their quakeml.geonet site.

    client = Client(network_code)
    # We want to download a few events from an earthquake sequence, these are
    # identified by publiID numbers, given as arguments

    catalog = Catalog()
    for publicID in publicIDs:
        if network_code == 'GEONET':
            data_stream = client._download(
                '' + publicID)
  , 0)
            catalog += read_events(data_stream, format="quakeml")
            catalog += client.get_events(
                eventid=publicID, includearrivals=True)

    # Lets plot the catalog to see what we have
    if plot:
        catalog.plot(projection='local', resolution='h')

    # We don't need all the picks, lets take the information from the
    # five most used stations - note that this is done to reduce computational
    # costs.
    catalog = filter_picks(catalog, top_n_picks=5)
    # We only want the P picks in this example, but you can use others or all
    #  picks if you want.
    for event in catalog:
        for pick in event.picks:
            if pick.phase_hint == 'S':

    # Now we can generate the templates
    templates = template_gen.template_gen(
        method='from_client', catalog=catalog, client_id=network_code,
        lowcut=2.0, highcut=9.0, samp_rate=20.0, filt_order=4, length=3.0,
        prepick=0.15, swin='all', process_len=3600, debug=0, plot=plot)

    # We now have a series of templates! Using Obspy's Stream.write() method we
    # can save these to disk for later use.  We will do that now for use in the
    # following tutorials.
    for i, template in enumerate(templates):
        template.write('tutorial_template_' + str(i) + '.ms', format='MSEED')
        # Note that this will warn you about data types.  As we don't care
        # at the moment, whatever obspy chooses is fine.
Esempio n. 3
            if dist >= st_minradius and dist <= st_maxradius:
        # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        # Create station directory
        sta_dir = + '_' + ev_info.station
        odir = out_dir + sta_dir
        if not os.path.exists(odir):

        # save catalog subset for this station
        fname = odir + '_event_subset'
        fname = odir + '_event_subset.eps'
        cat_subset.plot(outfile = fname)

        # Event selection plot

        # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Loop over subset_events
        for kk in range(0,len(cat_subset)):
            ev_info.otime = cat_subset[kk].origins[0].time
            ev_info.elat = cat_subset[kk].origins[0].latitude
            ev_info.elon = cat_subset[kk].origins[0].longitude
            ev_info.edep = cat_subset[kk].origins[0].depth
            ev_info.emag = cat_subset[kk].magnitudes[0].mag
            ev_info.rtime = cat_subset[kk].origins[0].time
            ev_info.ev = cat_subset[kk]      # get event object
            ev_info.reference_time_place()   # get stations around a reference origin (rlat, rlon - each station in this case)
Esempio n. 4
def mktemplates(network_code='GEONET',
                publicIDs=['2016p008122', '2016p008353', '2016p008155',
    """Functional wrapper to make templates"""

    from collections import Counter
    from eqcorrscan.core import template_gen

    # This import section copes with namespace changes between obspy versions
    import obspy
    if int(obspy.__version__.split('.')[0]) >= 1:
        from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client
        from obspy import read_events
        from obspy.fdsn import Client
        from obspy import readEvents as read_events
    from obspy.core.event import Catalog

    # We want to download some QuakeML files from the New Zealand GeoNet
    # network, GeoNet currently doesn't support FDSN event queries, so we
    # have to work around to download quakeml from their quakeml.geonet site.

    client = Client(network_code)
    # We want to download a few events from an earthquake sequence, these are
    # identified by publiID numbers, given as arguments

    catalog = Catalog()
    for publicID in publicIDs:
        if network_code == 'GEONET':
            data_stream = client._download('' +
                                           'quakeml/1.2/' + publicID)
  , 0)
            catalog += read_events(data_stream, format="quakeml")
            catalog += client.get_events(eventid=publicID,

    # Lets plot the catalog to see what we have
    catalog.plot(projection='local', resolution='h')

    # We don't need all the picks, lets take the information from the
    # five most used stations
    all_picks = []
    for event in catalog:
        all_picks += [(pick.waveform_id.station_code) for pick in event.picks]
    all_picks = Counter(all_picks).most_common(5)
    all_picks = [pick[0] for pick in all_picks]

    for event in catalog:
        if len(event.picks) == 0:
            raise IOError('No picks found')
        event.picks = [pick for pick in event.picks
                       if pick.waveform_id.station_code in all_picks]

    # Now we can generate the templates
    templates = template_gen.from_client(catalog=catalog,
                                         lowcut=2.0, highcut=9.0,
                                         samp_rate=20.0, filt_order=4,
                                         length=3.0, prepick=0.15,
                                         swin='all', debug=1, plot=True)

    # We now have a series of templates! Using Obspys Stream.write() method we
    # can save these to disk for later use.  We will do that now for use in the
    # following tutorials.
    for i, template in enumerate(templates):
        template.write('tutorial_template_' + str(i) + '.ms', format='MSEED')
        # Note that this will warn you about data types.  As we don't care
        # at the moment, whatever obspy chooses is fine.
Esempio n. 5
def mktemplates(network_code='GEONET',
                publicIDs=['2016p008122', '2016p008353', '2016p008155',
    """Functional wrapper to make templates"""

    from collections import Counter
    from eqcorrscan.core import template_gen

    # This import section copes with namespace changes between obspy versions
    import obspy
    if int(obspy.__version__.split('.')[0]) >= 1:
        from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client
        from obspy import read_events
        from obspy.fdsn import Client
        from obspy import readEvents as read_events
    from obspy.core.event import Catalog

    # We want to download some QuakeML files from the New Zealand GeoNet
    # network, GeoNet currently doesn't support FDSN event queries, so we
    # have to work around to download quakeml from their quakeml.geonet site.

    client = Client(network_code)
    # We want to download a few events from an earthquake sequence, these are
    # identified by publiID numbers, given as arguments

    catalog = Catalog()
    for publicID in publicIDs:
        if network_code == 'GEONET':
            data_stream = client._download('' +
                                           'quakeml/1.2/' + publicID)
  , 0)
            catalog += read_events(data_stream, format="quakeml")
            catalog += client.get_events(eventid=publicID,

    # Lets plot the catalog to see what we have
    catalog.plot(projection='local', resolution='h')

    # We don't need all the picks, lets take the information from the
    # five most used stations
    all_picks = []
    for event in catalog:
        all_picks += [(pick.waveform_id.station_code,
                       pick.waveform_id.channel_code) for pick in event.picks]
    all_picks = Counter(all_picks).most_common(5)
    all_picks = [pick[0] for pick in all_picks]

    for event in catalog:
        if len(event.picks) == 0:
            raise IOError('No picks found')
        event.picks = [pick for pick in event.picks
                       if (pick.waveform_id.station_code,
                           pick.waveform_id.channel_code) in all_picks]

    # Now we can generate the templates
    templates = template_gen.from_client(catalog=catalog,
                                         lowcut=2.0, highcut=9.0,
                                         samp_rate=20.0, filt_order=4,
                                         length=3.0, prepick=0.05,
                                         swin='all', debug=1, plot=True)

    # We now have a series of templates! Using Obspys Stream.write() method we
    # can save these to disk for later use.  We will do that now for use in the
    # following tutorials.
    for i, template in enumerate(templates):
        template.write('tutorial_template_' + str(i) + '.ms', format='MSEED')
        # Note that this will warn you about data types.  As we don't care
        # at the moment, whatever obspy chooses is fine.