Esempio n. 1
    def build(self):
        Build an obspy moment tensor focal mech event

        This makes the tensor output into an Event containing:
        1) a FocalMechanism with a MomentTensor, NodalPlanes, and PrincipalAxes
        2) a Magnitude of the Mw from the Tensor

        Which is what we want for outputting QuakeML using
        the (slightly modified) obspy code.

        filehandle => open file OR str from

        event => instance of Event() class as described above
        p = self.parser
        event         = Event(event_type='earthquake')
        origin        = Origin()
        focal_mech    = FocalMechanism()
        nodal_planes  = NodalPlanes()
        moment_tensor = MomentTensor()
        principal_ax  = PrincipalAxes()
        magnitude     = Magnitude()
        data_used     = DataUsed()
        creation_info = CreationInfo(agency_id='NN')
        ev_mode = 'automatic'
        ev_stat = 'preliminary'
        evid = None
        orid = None
        # Parse the entire file line by line.
        for n,l in enumerate(p.line):
            if 'REVIEWED BY NSL STAFF' in l:
                ev_mode = 'manual'
                ev_stat = 'reviewed'
            if 'Event ID' in l:
                evid = p._id(n)
            if 'Origin ID' in l:
                orid = p._id(n)
            if 'Ichinose' in l:
                moment_tensor.category = 'regional'
            if re.match(r'^\d{4}\/\d{2}\/\d{2}', l):
                ev = p._event_info(n)
            if 'Depth' in l:
                derived_depth = p._depth(n)
            if 'Mw' in l:
                magnitude.mag = p._mw(n) 
                magnitude.magnitude_type = 'Mw'
            if 'Mo' in l and 'dyne' in l:
                moment_tensor.scalar_moment = p._mo(n)
            if 'Percent Double Couple' in l:
                moment_tensor.double_couple = p._percent(n)
            if 'Percent CLVD' in l:
                moment_tensor.clvd = p._percent(n)
            if 'Epsilon' in l:
                moment_tensor.variance = p._epsilon(n)
            if 'Percent Variance Reduction' in l:
                moment_tensor.variance_reduction = p._percent(n)
            if 'Major Double Couple' in l and 'strike' in p.line[n+1]:
                np = p._double_couple(n)
                nodal_planes.nodal_plane_1 = NodalPlane(*np[0])
                nodal_planes.nodal_plane_2 = NodalPlane(*np[1])
                nodal_planes.preferred_plane = 1
            if 'Spherical Coordinates' in l:
                mt = p._mt_sphere(n)
                moment_tensor.tensor = Tensor(
                    m_rr = mt['Mrr'],
                    m_tt = mt['Mtt'],
                    m_pp = mt['Mff'],
                    m_rt = mt['Mrt'],
                    m_rp = mt['Mrf'],
                    m_tp = mt['Mtf'],
            if 'Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Major Double Couple' in l:
                ax = p._vectors(n)
                principal_ax.t_axis = Axis(ax['T']['trend'], ax['T']['plunge'], ax['T']['ev'])
                principal_ax.p_axis = Axis(ax['P']['trend'], ax['P']['plunge'], ax['P']['ev'])
                principal_ax.n_axis = Axis(ax['N']['trend'], ax['N']['plunge'], ax['N']['ev'])
            if 'Number of Stations' in l:
                data_used.station_count = p._number_of_stations(n)
            if 'Maximum' in l and 'Gap' in l:
                focal_mech.azimuthal_gap = p._gap(n)
            if re.match(r'^Date', l):
                creation_info.creation_time = p._creation_time(n)
        # Creation Time
        creation_info.version = orid
        # Fill in magnitude values
        magnitude.evaluation_mode = ev_mode
        magnitude.evaluation_status = ev_stat
        magnitude.creation_info = creation_info.copy()
        magnitude.resource_id = self._rid(magnitude)
        # Stub origin
        origin.time = ev.get('time')
        origin.latitude = ev.get('lat')
        origin.longitude = ev.get('lon')
        origin.depth = derived_depth * 1000.
        origin.depth_type = "from moment tensor inversion"
        origin.creation_info = creation_info.copy()
         # Unique from true origin ID
        _oid = self._rid(origin)
        origin.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(str(_oid) + '/mt')
        del _oid
        # Make an id for the MT that references this origin
        ogid = str(origin.resource_id)
        doid = ResourceIdentifier(ogid, referred_object=origin)
        # Make an id for the moment tensor mag which references this mag
        mrid = str(magnitude.resource_id)
        mmid = ResourceIdentifier(mrid, referred_object=magnitude)
        # MT todo: could check/use URL for RID if parsing the php file
        moment_tensor.evaluation_mode = ev_mode
        moment_tensor.evaluation_status = ev_stat
        moment_tensor.data_used = data_used
        moment_tensor.moment_magnitude_id = mmid
        moment_tensor.derived_origin_id = doid
        moment_tensor.creation_info = creation_info.copy()
        moment_tensor.resource_id = self._rid(moment_tensor)
        # Fill in focal_mech values
        focal_mech.nodal_planes  = nodal_planes
        focal_mech.moment_tensor = moment_tensor
        focal_mech.principal_axes = principal_ax
        focal_mech.creation_info = creation_info.copy()
        focal_mech.resource_id = self._rid(focal_mech)
        # add mech and new magnitude to event
        event.focal_mechanisms = [focal_mech]
        event.magnitudes = [magnitude] = [origin]
        event.creation_info = creation_info.copy()
        # If an MT was done, that's the preferred mag/mech
        event.preferred_magnitude_id = str(magnitude.resource_id)
        event.preferred_focal_mechanism_id = str(focal_mech.resource_id)
        if evid:
            event.creation_info.version = evid
        event.resource_id = self._rid(event)
        self.event = event
Esempio n. 2
def write_qml(config, sourcepar):
    if not config.options.qml_file:
    qml_file = config.options.qml_file
    cat = read_events(qml_file)
    evid = config.hypo.evid
        ev = [e for e in cat if evid in str(e.resource_id)][0]
    except Exception:
        logging.warning('Unable to find evid "{}" in QuakeML file. '
                        'QuakeML output will not be written.'.format(evid))

    origin = ev.preferred_origin()
    if origin is None:
        origin =[0]
    origin_id = origin.resource_id
    origin_id_strip ='/')[-1]
    origin_id_strip = origin_id_strip.replace(config.smi_strip_from_origin_id,

    # Common parameters
    ssp_version = get_versions()['version']
    method_id = config.smi_base + '/sourcespec/' + ssp_version
    cr_info = CreationInfo()
    cr_info.agency_id = config.agency_id
    if is None:
        author = '{}@{}'.format(getuser(), gethostname())
        author = = author
    cr_info.creation_time = UTCDateTime()

    means = sourcepar.means_weight
    errors = sourcepar.errors_weight
    stationpar = sourcepar.station_parameters

    # Magnitude
    mag = Magnitude()
    _id = config.smi_magnitude_template.replace('$SMI_BASE', config.smi_base)
    _id = _id.replace('$ORIGIN_ID', origin_id_strip)
    mag.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=_id)
    mag.method_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=method_id)
    mag.origin_id = origin_id
    mag.magnitude_type = 'Mw'
    mag.mag = means['Mw']
    mag_err = QuantityError()
    mag_err.uncertainty = errors['Mw']
    mag_err.confidence_level = 68.2
    mag.mag_errors = mag_err
    mag.station_count = len([_s for _s in stationpar.keys()])
    mag.evaluation_mode = 'automatic'
    mag.creation_info = cr_info

    # Seismic moment -- It has to be stored in a MomentTensor object
    # which, in turn, is part of a FocalMechanism object
    mt = MomentTensor()
    _id = config.smi_moment_tensor_template.replace('$SMI_BASE',
    _id = _id.replace('$ORIGIN_ID', origin_id_strip)
    mt.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=_id)
    mt.derived_origin_id = origin_id
    mt.moment_magnitude_id = mag.resource_id
    mt.scalar_moment = means['Mo']
    mt_err = QuantityError()
    mt_err.lower_uncertainty = errors['Mo'][0]
    mt_err.upper_uncertainty = errors['Mo'][1]
    mt_err.confidence_level = 68.2
    mt.scalar_moment_errors = mt_err
    mt.method_id = method_id
    mt.creation_info = cr_info
    # And here is the FocalMechanism object
    fm = FocalMechanism()
    _id = config.smi_focal_mechanism_template.replace('$SMI_BASE',
    _id = _id.replace('$ORIGIN_ID', origin_id_strip)
    fm.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=_id)
    fm.triggering_origin_id = origin_id
    fm.method_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=method_id)
    fm.moment_tensor = mt
    fm.creation_info = cr_info

    # Station magnitudes
    for statId in sorted(stationpar.keys()):
        par = stationpar[statId]
        st_mag = StationMagnitude()
        seed_id = statId.split()[0]
        _id = config.smi_station_magnitude_template.replace(
            '$SMI_MAGNITUDE_TEMPLATE', config.smi_magnitude_template)
        _id = _id.replace('$ORIGIN_ID', origin_id_strip)
        _id = _id.replace('$SMI_BASE', config.smi_base)
        _id = _id.replace('$WAVEFORM_ID', seed_id)
        st_mag.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=_id)
        st_mag.origin_id = origin_id
        st_mag.mag = par['Mw']
        st_mag.station_magnitude_type = 'Mw'
        st_mag.method_id = mag.method_id
        st_mag.creation_info = cr_info
        st_mag.waveform_id = WaveformStreamID(seed_string=seed_id)
        st_mag.extra = SSPExtra()
        st_mag.extra.moment = SSPTag(par['Mo'])
        st_mag.extra.corner_frequency = SSPTag(par['fc'])
        st_mag.extra.t_star = SSPTag(par['t_star'])
        st_mag_contrib = StationMagnitudeContribution()
        st_mag_contrib.station_magnitude_id = st_mag.resource_id

    # Write other average parameters as custom tags
    ev.extra = SSPExtra()
    ev.extra.corner_frequency = SSPContainerTag()
    ev.extra.corner_frequency.value.value = SSPTag(means['fc'])
    ev.extra.corner_frequency.value.lower_uncertainty =\
    ev.extra.corner_frequency.value.upper_uncertainty =\
    ev.extra.corner_frequency.value.confidence_level = SSPTag(68.2)
    ev.extra.t_star = SSPContainerTag()
    ev.extra.t_star.value.value = SSPTag(means['t_star'])
    ev.extra.t_star.value.uncertainty = SSPTag(errors['t_star'])
    ev.extra.t_star.value.confidence_level = SSPTag(68.2)
    ev.extra.source_radius = SSPContainerTag()
    ev.extra.source_radius.value.value = SSPTag(means['ra'])
    ev.extra.source_radius.value.lower_uncertainty =\
    ev.extra.source_radius.value.upper_uncertainty =\
    ev.extra.source_radius.value.confidence_level = SSPTag(68.2)
    ev.extra.stress_drop = SSPContainerTag()
    ev.extra.stress_drop.value.value = SSPTag(means['bsd'])
    ev.extra.stress_drop.value.lower_uncertainty =\
    ev.extra.stress_drop.value.upper_uncertainty =\
    ev.extra.stress_drop.value.confidence_level = SSPTag(68.2)

    if config.set_preferred_magnitude:
        ev.preferred_magnitude_id =

    qml_file_out = os.path.join(config.options.outdir, evid + '.xml')
    ev.write(qml_file_out, format='QUAKEML')'QuakeML file written to: ' + qml_file_out)