def get_gdbye_buttons(chat_id): try: return SESSION.query(GoodbyeButtons).filter( GoodbyeButtons.chat_id == str(chat_id)).order_by( finally: SESSION.close()
def __load_log_channels(): global CHANNELS try: all_chats = SESSION.query(GroupLogs).all() CHANNELS = {chat.chat_id: chat.log_channel for chat in all_chats} finally: SESSION.close()
def is_locked(chat_id, lock_type): curr_perm = SESSION.query(Permissions).get(str(chat_id)) SESSION.close() if not curr_perm: return False elif lock_type == "sticker": return curr_perm.sticker elif lock_type == "photo": return elif lock_type == "audio": return elif lock_type == "voice": return curr_perm.voice elif lock_type == "contact": return elif lock_type == "video": return elif lock_type == "videonote": return curr_perm.videonote elif lock_type == "document": return curr_perm.document elif lock_type == "gif": return curr_perm.gif elif lock_type == "url": return curr_perm.url elif lock_type == "bots": return curr_perm.bots elif lock_type == "forward": return curr_perm.forward elif lock_type == "game": return elif lock_type == "location": return curr_perm.location
def get_welc_buttons(chat_id): try: return SESSION.query(WelcomeButtons).filter( WelcomeButtons.chat_id == str(chat_id)).order_by( finally: SESSION.close()
def __load_all_feds_settings(): global FEDERATION_NOTIFICATION try: getuser = SESSION.query(FedsUserSettings).all() for x in getuser: FEDERATION_NOTIFICATION[str(x.user_id)] = x.should_report finally: SESSION.close()
def get_custom_gdbye(chat_id): welcome_settings = SESSION.query(Welcome).get(str(chat_id)) ret = DEFAULT_GOODBYE if welcome_settings and welcome_settings.custom_leave: ret = welcome_settings.custom_leave SESSION.close() return ret
def get_custom_welcome(chat_id): welcome_settings = SESSION.query(Welcome).get(str(chat_id)) ret = DEFAULT_WELCOME if welcome_settings and welcome_settings.custom_welcome: ret = welcome_settings.custom_welcome SESSION.close() return ret
def get_clean_pref(chat_id): welc = SESSION.query(Welcome).get(str(chat_id)) SESSION.close() if welc: return welc.clean_welcome return False
def get_gdbye_pref(chat_id): welc = SESSION.query(Welcome).get(str(chat_id)) SESSION.close() if welc: return welc.should_goodbye, welc.custom_leave, welc.custom_content_leave, welc.leave_type else: # Welcome by default. return True, DEFAULT_GOODBYE, None, Types.TEXT
def get_welc_pref(chat_id): welc = SESSION.query(Welcome).get(str(chat_id)) SESSION.close() if welc: return welc.should_welcome, welc.custom_welcome, welc.custom_content, welc.welcome_type else: # Welcome by default. return True, DEFAULT_WELCOME, None, Types.TEXT
def clean_service(chat_id: Union[str, int]) -> bool: try: chat_setting = SESSION.query(CleanServiceSetting).get(str(chat_id)) if chat_setting: return chat_setting.clean_service return False finally: SESSION.close()
def chat_should_report(chat_id: Union[str, int]) -> bool: try: chat_setting = SESSION.query(ReportingChatSettings).get(str(chat_id)) if chat_setting: return chat_setting.should_report return False finally: SESSION.close()
def get_rules(chat_id): rules = SESSION.query(Rules).get(str(chat_id)) ret = "" if rules: ret = rules.rules SESSION.close() return ret
def user_should_report(user_id: int) -> bool: try: user_setting = SESSION.query(ReportingUserSettings).get(user_id) if user_setting: return user_setting.should_report return True finally: SESSION.close()
def __load_gbanned_userid_list(): global GBANNED_LIST try: GBANNED_LIST = { x.user_id for x in SESSION.query(GloballyBannedUsers).all() } finally: SESSION.close()
def welcome_security(chat_id): try: security = SESSION.query(WelcomeSecurity).get(str(chat_id)) if security: return, security.mute_time, security.custom_text else: return False, "0", "Click here to prove you're human" finally: SESSION.close()
def __load_gban_stat_list(): global GBANSTAT_LIST try: GBANSTAT_LIST = { x.chat_id for x in SESSION.query(AntispamSettings).all() if not x.setting } finally: SESSION.close()
def allow_connect_to_chat(chat_id: Union[str, int]) -> bool: try: chat_setting = SESSION.query(ChatAccessConnectionSettings).get( str(chat_id)) if chat_setting: return chat_setting.allow_connect_to_chat return False finally: SESSION.close()
def command_reaction(chat_id: Union[str, int]) -> bool: try: chat_setting = SESSION.query(CommandReactionChatSettings).get( str(chat_id)) if chat_setting: return chat_setting.comm_reaction return False finally: SESSION.close()
def __load_disabled_commands(): global DISABLED try: all_chats = SESSION.query(Disable).all() for chat in all_chats: DISABLED.setdefault(chat.chat_id, set()).add(chat.command) finally: SESSION.close()
def __load_gmute_stat_list(): global GMUTESTAT_LIST try: GMUTESTAT_LIST = { x.chat_id for x in SESSION.query(GmuteSettings).all() if not x.setting } finally: SESSION.close()
def __load_gmuted_userid_list(): global GMUTED_LIST try: GMUTED_LIST = { x.user_id for x in SESSION.query(GloballyMutedUsers).all() } finally: SESSION.close()
def reset_warns(user_id, chat_id): with WARN_INSERTION_LOCK: warned_user = SESSION.query(Warns).get((user_id, str(chat_id))) if warned_user: warned_user.num_warns = 0 warned_user.reasons = [] SESSION.add(warned_user) SESSION.commit() SESSION.close()
def __load_afk_users(): global AFK_USERS try: all_afk = SESSION.query(AFK).all() AFK_USERS = { user.user_id: user.reason for user in all_afk if user.is_afk } finally: SESSION.close()
def __load_flood_settings(): global CHAT_FLOOD try: all_chats = SESSION.query(FloodControl).all() CHAT_FLOOD = { chat.chat_id: (None, DEF_COUNT, chat.limit) for chat in all_chats } finally: SESSION.close()
def migrate_chat(old_chat_id, new_chat_id): with INSERTION_LOCK: flood = SESSION.query(FloodControl).get(str(old_chat_id)) if flood: CHAT_FLOOD[str(new_chat_id)] = CHAT_FLOOD.get( str(old_chat_id), DEF_OBJ) flood.chat_id = str(new_chat_id) SESSION.commit() SESSION.close()
def clear_user_bio(user_id): with INSERTION_LOCK: curr = SESSION.query(UserBio).get(user_id) if curr: SESSION.delete(curr) SESSION.commit() return True SESSION.close() return False
def disconnect(user_id): with CONNECTION_INSERTION_LOCK: disconnect = SESSION.query(Connection).get((int(user_id))) if disconnect: SESSION.delete(disconnect) SESSION.commit() return True else: SESSION.close() return False
def get_warns(user_id, chat_id): try: user = SESSION.query(Warns).get((user_id, str(chat_id))) if not user: return None reasons = user.reasons num = user.num_warns return num, reasons finally: SESSION.close()
def get_warn_setting(chat_id): try: setting = SESSION.query(WarnSettings).get(str(chat_id)) if setting: return setting.warn_limit, setting.soft_warn else: return 3, False finally: SESSION.close()