Esempio n. 1
    frm_center.children = align_left, align_center, align_right

    # Bottom alignments.
    align_bottomleft = Alignment (100, 50)
    align_bottomleft.align = ALIGN_BOTTOM | ALIGN_LEFT
    align_bottomleft.child = Button ("bottomleft")

    align_bottom = Alignment (100, 50)
    align_bottom.align = ALIGN_BOTTOM
    align_bottom.child = Button ("bottom")

    align_bottomright = Alignment (100, 50)
    align_bottomright.align = ALIGN_BOTTOM | ALIGN_RIGHT
    align_bottomright.child = Button ("bottomright")

    frm_bottom = HFrame ()
    frm_bottom.children = align_bottomleft, align_bottom, align_bottomright

    frm_main.children = frm_top, frm_center, frm_bottom
    return frm_main

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Initialize the drawing window.
    re = Renderer ()
    re.create_screen (350, 300)
    re.title = "Alignment examples"
    re.color = (234, 228, 223)
    re.add_widget (create_alignment_view ())
    # Start the main rendering loop.
    re.start ()
Esempio n. 2
# Renderer examples.
from ocempgui.widgets import Renderer

# Initialize the drawing window.
re = Renderer ()
screen = re.create_screen (200, 200)
re.title = "Renderer"
re.color = (250, 250, 250)

# Start the main rendering loop.
re.start ()
Esempio n. 3
import locale, pygame, sys
from ocempgui.access import Magnifier
from ocempgui.widgets import Renderer, base
from example import MainScreen

# Some localization adjustment for the example.
locale.setlocale (locale.LC_ALL, '')

# Create the magnifier we will use later on.
magnifier = Magnifier ()
magnifier.size = 50, 50

# Initialize the drawing window.
re = Renderer ()
re.create_screen (800, 610)
re.title = "Magnifier example"
re.color = (234, 228, 223)
re.show_layer_info = True
mainscreen = MainScreen (re)
mainscreen.init ()

# Wait for input.
while True:
    events = pygame.event.get ()
    for event in events:
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            sys.exit ()

    # Guarantee, that the Renderer operates on a correct screen.
    magnifier.restore ()
Esempio n. 4
    table.add_child (5, 0, label)
    table.set_align (5, 0, ALIGN_TOP | ALIGN_LEFT)
    table.add_child (5, 1, Button ("Simple Button"))

    label = Label ("Topright align")
    table.add_child (6, 0, label)
    table.set_align (6, 0, ALIGN_TOP | ALIGN_RIGHT)
    table.add_child (6, 1, Button ("Simple Button"))

    label = Label ("Bottomleft align")
    table.add_child (7, 0, label)
    table.set_align (7, 0, ALIGN_BOTTOM |ALIGN_LEFT)
    table.add_child (7, 1, Button ("Simple Button"))

    label = Label ("Bottomright align")
    table.add_child (8, 0, label)
    table.set_align (8, 0, ALIGN_BOTTOM |ALIGN_RIGHT)
    table.add_child (8, 1, Button ("Simple Button"))

    return table

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Initialize the drawing window.
    re = Renderer ()
    re.create_screen (250, 350)
    re.title = "Table examples"
    re.color = (234, 228, 223)
    re.add_widget (create_table_view ())
    # Start the main rendering loop.
    re.start ()
Esempio n. 5
# Theme usage example.
from ocempgui.widgets import base, Renderer, Button, Label

# Load the theme.
base.GlobalStyle.load ("theme_example.rc")

# Create screen.
re = Renderer ()
re.create_screen (200, 100)
re.title = "Theme example"
re.color = (250, 250, 250)

# Create widgets.
button = Button ("Button")
button.topleft = 5, 5
label = Label ("Label")
label.topleft = 100, 5

re.add_widget (button, label)
re.start ()