def generate_parquet(spark, server_channel, dt, source, destination, partition_count, application_id, application_args): # spark - spark session # dt - date, for which day we are processing? # source - specify the source # bucket - the pulse bucket we are handling # destination # region - the region for saving the pulse data # bucket - the bucket for saving the pulse data # namespace - the namespace for saving the pulse data source_bucket = source['bucket'] dest_region = destination['region'] dest_namespace = destination['namespace'] dest_bucket = destination['bucket'] os_client = dfapp_get_os_client(dest_region, get_delegation_token(spark)) os_delete_objects(os_client, dest_namespace, dest_bucket, f"{dt}/") rpl = RawPulseDataLocations(destination) # save pulse data write_location = rpl.url_from_path(f"{dt}/raw.parquet") df ="__stage__/{dt}/raw/*")) df.coalesce(partition_count).write.partitionBy("_sys_region").parquet( write_location) data_time = datetime.combine(dt, datetime.min.time()) df = # register it to data catalog dcc = DataCatalogClientProxy(server_channel) loader = Loader(dcc=dcc) sample_data = get_dataframe_sample_data(df) dsi = loader.register_asset( spark, f"daily_pulse_{source_bucket}_raw:1.0:1:/{dt}", 'hwd', 'parquet', write_location, df.count(), df.schema.jsonValue(), sample_data=sample_data, data_time=data_time, application_id=application_id, application_args=json.dumps(application_args), ) # save summary df ="__stage__/{dt}/summary/*")) # summary file is small, so it is ok to have 1 partition per region df.coalesce(1).write.partitionBy("region").parquet( rpl.url_from_path(f"{dt}/summary.parquet")) os_delete_objects(os_client, dest_namespace, dest_bucket, f"__stage__/{dt}/raw/") os_delete_objects(os_client, dest_namespace, dest_bucket, f"__stage__/{dt}/summary/")
def get_os_client_ex(spark, region): from oci_core import dfapp_get_os_client, get_delegation_token, get_os_client if USE_INSTANCE_PRINCIPLE: delegation_token = get_delegation_token(spark) os_client = dfapp_get_os_client(region, delegation_token) else: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+t', delete=False) as key_f: key_f.write(OCI_KEY) _oci_config = dict(OCI_CONFIG) _oci_config['key_file'] = os_client = get_os_client(None, config=_oci_config) return os_client
def stage_json_objects_round(spark, worker_task, round, dt, destination, pulse_bucket_name, object_infos, watermark, max_group_time, group_count): # purpose: stage json objects # arguments # spark: spark session # round: the round number, integer # object_infos: objects to download, list of obj_info # watermark: max size per group, integer # max_group_time: each group should not exceed this time when processing, timedelta # group_count: number of groups to split into delegation_token = get_delegation_token(spark) sc = spark.sparkContext sorted_object_infos = sorted(object_infos, key=lambda obj_info: ( obj_info['region'], obj_info['ad'], )) groups = [] last_obj_info = None group = { "source_region": "", "total_size": 0, "obj_infos": [], } objs_per_group = (len(object_infos) + group_count - 1) // group_count for obj_info in sorted_object_infos: if last_obj_info is None or last_obj_info['region'] != obj_info[ 'region']: if len(group['obj_infos']) > 0: group['idx'] = len(groups) groups.append(group) group = { "source_region": "", "total_size": 0, "obj_infos": [], } last_obj_info = obj_info group['source_region'] = obj_info['region'] group['total_size'] += obj_info['size'] group['obj_infos'].append(obj_info) if (group['total_size'] > watermark) or (len(group['obj_infos']) >= objs_per_group): group['idx'] = len(groups) groups.append(group) group = { "source_region": "", "total_size": 0, "obj_infos": [], } if len(group['obj_infos']) > 0: group['idx'] = len(groups) groups.append(group) now = datetime.utcnow() for group in groups: group['dt'] = dt group['delegation_token'] = delegation_token group['destination'] = destination group['pulse_bucket_name'] = pulse_bucket_name group['max_group_time'] = max_group_time group['round'] = round group['group_creation_time'] = now debug_info = { "round": round, "max_group_time": max_group_time.total_seconds(), "object_count": len(object_infos), # total object count "process_duration": 0.0, # download object, unzip, parse, zip, and upload time "group_count": len(groups), # how many groups do we have "watermark": watermark, # watermark for each group "unhandled_count": 0, "worker_debug_info_list": [], "group_summary": {}, } # keep it in sync with debug_info in keys = [ "download_file_count", "download_duration", "download_size", "total_size", "unzip_file_count", "unzip_duration", "load_json_count", "load_json_duration", "dump_json_line_duration", "write_stage_file_duration", "gzip_output_duration", "upload_duration", "upload_size", "upload_file_count", "total_duration", "unhandled_count", ] for key in keys: debug_info["group_summary"][key] = 0 t1 = datetime.utcnow() rdd = sc.parallelize(groups) r = worker_return_list = r.collect() t2 = datetime.utcnow() duration = (t2 - t1).total_seconds() debug_info["process_duration"] = duration unhandled_object_infos = [] for worker_return in worker_return_list: group_unhandled_object_infos, group_debug_info = worker_return unhandled_object_infos.extend(group_unhandled_object_infos) debug_info['worker_debug_info_list'].append(group_debug_info) for key in keys: debug_info['group_summary'][key] += group_debug_info[key] debug_info['unhandled_count'] = len(unhandled_object_infos) return unhandled_object_infos, debug_info
def action_stage_objects(spark, args, sysops): # requires # args # action : should be "stage-objects" # stage : "beta" or "prod" # pulse_bucket_name : the PULSE bucket, e.g. "problems" # dt : string, the date for the data, e.g. "2020-06-01" # regions : dict, key is region name, value is ad list, like ['AD_1', 'AD_2', 'AD_3'] # watermark : control how big each group is (in term of total raw pulse object size) print("action_stage_objects: enter") stage = args['stage'] pulse_bucket_name = args['pulse_bucket_name'] dt = dt_str_to_date(args['dt']) regions = args['regions'] watermark = args['watermark'] max_group_time = timedelta(seconds=int(args['max_group_time'])) group_count = args['group_count'] debug_info = { "collect_object_list_duration": 0.0, # time to collect list of objects for the day "object_count": 0, # total object count "rounds": [], } delegation_token = get_delegation_token(spark) # get object list t1 = datetime.utcnow() obj_infos = [] for region, ads in regions.items(): region_obj_infos = pl.get_objects_for_day(dt, { 'bucket': pulse_bucket_name, 'region': region, 'ads': ads }, delegation_token) print(f"{len(region_obj_infos)} objects for {region}") obj_infos.extend(region_obj_infos) print(f"Overall {len(obj_infos)} objects") t2 = datetime.utcnow() duration = (t2 - t1).total_seconds() debug_info['collect_object_list_duration'] = duration debug_info['object_count'] = len(obj_infos) # during testing, let's chop it to speed up the testing # obj_infos = obj_infos[:1000] destination = { 'region': OHDDATA_REGION, 'namespace': OHDDATA_NAMESPACE, 'bucket': OHDDATA_BUCKETS[pulse_bucket_name][stage], } dest_region = destination['region'] dest_namespace = destination['namespace'] dest_bucket = destination['bucket'] # clean the staging area os_client = dfapp_get_os_client(dest_region, delegation_token) os_delete_objects(os_client, dest_namespace, dest_bucket, f"__stage__/{dt}/raw/") os_delete_objects(os_client, dest_namespace, dest_bucket, f"__stage__/{dt}/summary/") current_object_infos = obj_infos worker_task = make_task(task_stage_objects, sysops) for round in range(0, 10): # no more than 10 rounds unhandled_object_infos, round_debug_info = stage_json_objects_round( spark, worker_task, round, dt, destination, pulse_bucket_name, current_object_infos, watermark, max_group_time, group_count) debug_info['rounds'].append(round_debug_info) if len(unhandled_object_infos) == 0: break current_object_infos = unhandled_object_infos if len(unhandled_object_infos) > 0: raise Exception("Not all objects are handled!") print("action_stage_objects: exit") return debug_info