def main(ycoord=0.970, filename="test"): myscreen = camvtk.VTKScreen(), 5, 5), 1, 0) #ycoord = 1.1 a = cam.Point(3, ycoord, -2) b = cam.Point(-1, ycoord, 3) myscreen.addActor(camvtk.Point(center=(a.x, a.y, a.z), color=(1, 0, 1))) myscreen.addActor(camvtk.Point(center=(b.x, b.y, b.z), color=(1, 0, 1))) #c=cam.Point(0,0,0.3) myscreen.addActor(camvtk.Line(p1=(a.x, a.y, a.z), p2=(b.x, b.y, b.z))) #t = cam.Triangle(a,b,c) cutter = cam.BullCutter(1, 0.2, 20) print(cutter) xar = camvtk.Arrow(, rotXYZ=(0, 0, 0)) myscreen.addActor(xar) yar = camvtk.Arrow(, rotXYZ=(0, 0, 90)) myscreen.addActor(yar) zar = camvtk.Arrow(, rotXYZ=(0, -90, 0)) myscreen.addActor(zar) cl = cam.Point(2.1748, 1, 0) radius1 = 1 radius2 = 0.25 tor = camvtk.Toroid(r1=radius1, r2=radius2, center=(cl.x, cl.y, cl.z), rotXYZ=(0, 0, 0)) #tor.SetWireframe() #myscreen.addActor(tor) cyl = camvtk.Cylinder(center=(cl.x, cl.y, cl.z), radius=radius1, height=2, color=(0, 1, 1), rotXYZ=(90, 0, 0), resolution=50) #myscreen.addActor(cyl) cl_line = camvtk.Line(p1=(cl.x, cl.y, -100), p2=(cl.x, cl.y, +100), myscreen.addActor(cl_line) tube = camvtk.Tube(p1=(a.x, a.y, a.z), p2=(b.x, b.y, b.z), color=(1, 1, 0)) tube.SetOpacity(0.2) myscreen.addActor(tube) # cylindrical-cutter circle at z=0 plane #cir= camvtk.Circle(radius=radius1, center=(cl.x,cl.y,cl.z), color=camvtk.yellow) #myscreen.addActor(cir) #clp = camvtk.Point(center=(cl.x,cl.y,cl.z)) #myscreen.addActor(clp) # short axis of ellipse = radius2 # long axis of ellipse = radius2/sin(theta) # where theta is the slope of the line dx = b.x - a.x dz = b.z - a.z #print "dx=", dx #print "dz=", dz theta = math.atan(dz / dx) ## dx==0 is special case!! (i.e. vertical lines) print("theta=", theta) a_axis = abs(radius2 / math.sin(theta)) print("a=", a_axis) # ellipse #a=2 b_axis = radius2 print("b= ", b_axis) # slice the tube with a plane at z=0 and find the ellipse center # line is from Point a to b: # a + t*(b-a) # find t so that z-component is zero: # a.z + t( b.z -a.z) = 0 # t= a.z / (b.z - a.z) # so point tparam = -a.z / (b.z - a.z) # NOTE horizontal lines are a special case!! ellcenter = a + tparam * (b - a) print("ellcenter (z=0?) =", ellcenter) # center of the # ecen_tmp=cam.Point(ellcenter,a.y,0) #drawellipse(myscreen, ellcenter, a_axis, b_axis) oe = cam.Ellipse(ellcenter, a_axis, b_axis, radius1) #oe2 = cam.Ellipse(ellcenter, a_axis, b_axis, 0.05) # to locate text on the outside of the ellipse nmax = 20 #delta=0.05 #td = 1 t = camvtk.Text() t.SetPos((myscreen.width - 450, myscreen.height - 30)) myscreen.addActor(t) t2 = camvtk.Text() ytext = "Y: %3.3f" % (ycoord) t2.SetText(ytext) t2.SetPos((50, myscreen.height - 150)) myscreen.addActor(t2) #w2if = vtk.vtkWindowToImageFilter() #w2if.SetInput(myscreen.renWin) #lwr = vtk.vtkPNGWriter() #lwr.SetInput( w2if.GetOutput() ) epos = cam.Epos() epos.setS(0, 1) #epos1.setS(0,1) t.SetText("OpenCAMLib 10.03-beta, " +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) #p5 = oe.ePoint(epos5) #pt = oe2.oePoint(epos5) #print "before= ", epos5.s, " , ", epos5.t nsteps = cam.Ellipse.solver(oe, cl) epos = oe.epos1 cce = oe.ePoint(epos) cle = oe.oePoint(epos) #epos2 = cam.Epos() #epos.s = epos.s #epos.t = epos.t #print nsteps print("solution1 at: ", epos.s, " , ", epos.t) #print "solution2 at: ", epos2.s , " , ", epos2.t print(" cl =", cl) print(" cle=", cle) xoffset = cl.x - cle.x print("xoffset= ", xoffset) # we slide xoffset along the x-axis from ellcenter # to find the correct z-plane # line is: a + t*(b-a) # find t so that x-component is ellcenter.x + xoffset # a.x + t(b.x-a.x) = ellcenter.x + xoffset # t= (ellcenter.x + xoffset - a.x) / (b.x - a.x) tparam2 = (ellcenter.x + xoffset - a.x) / (b.x - a.x) slide = tparam2 * (b - a) print("sliding z-delta: ", slide.z) elc2 = a + tparam2 * (b - a) print("ellcenter2=", elc2) #convlist.append(nsteps) fe = cam.Ellipse(elc2, a_axis, b_axis, radius1) fecen = camvtk.Sphere(center=(elc2.x, elc2.y, elc2.z), radius=0.01, myscreen.addActor(fecen) fccp = fe.ePoint(epos) fclp = fe.oePoint(epos) print("solver cl=", fclp, " == ", cl, " ??") fcir = camvtk.Circle(radius=radius1, center=(cl.x, cl.y, elc2.z), color=camvtk.yellow) myscreen.addActor(fcir) fccpoint = camvtk.Sphere(center=(fccp.x, fccp.y, fccp.z), radius=0.01, myscreen.addActor(fccpoint) fclpoint = camvtk.Sphere(center=(fclp.x, fclp.y, fclp.z), radius=0.01, myscreen.addActor(fclpoint) # line from ellipse center to fcc myscreen.addActor( camvtk.Line(p1=(elc2.x, elc2.y, elc2.z), p2=(fccp.x, fccp.y, fccp.z), color=camvtk.cyan)) # the offset normal myscreen.addActor( camvtk.Line(p1=(fclp.x, fclp.y, fclp.z), p2=(fccp.x, fccp.y, fccp.z), color=camvtk.yellow)) drawellipse(myscreen, elc2, a_axis, b_axis) #convtext = "%i" % (nsteps) #print (pt.x, pt.y, pt.z) #center=(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z) #tst = camvtk.Text3D( color=(1,1,1), center=(pt.x, pt.y, 0) , #text=convtext, scale=0.02) #tst.SetCamera( #myscreen.addActor(tst) colmax = 11 colmin = 4 nsteps = nsteps - colmin colmax = colmax - colmin convcolor = (float(nsteps * nsteps) / (colmax), float( (colmax - nsteps)) / colmax, 0) #esphere = camvtk.Sphere(center=(p5.x,p5.y,0), radius=0.01, color=convcolor) end_sphere = camvtk.Sphere(center=(cce.x, cce.y, 0), radius=0.01, cl_sphere = camvtk.Sphere(center=(cle.x, cle.y, 0), radius=0.01, cl_sphere.SetOpacity(0.4) clcir = camvtk.Circle(radius=radius1, center=(cle.x, cle.y, cle.z), myscreen.addActor(clcir) #myscreen.addActor(esphere) myscreen.addActor(end_sphere) myscreen.addActor(cl_sphere) #myscreen.render() print("done.") myscreen.render() lwr.SetFileName(filename) #lwr.Write() #raw_input("Press Enter to terminate") #time.sleep(0.5) myscreen.iren.Start()
def main(ycoord=1.2, filename="test", theta=60, fi=45): myscreen = camvtk.VTKScreen() focal = cam.Point(2.17, 1, 0) r = 14 theta = (float(theta) / 360) * 2 * math.pi campos = cam.Point(r * math.sin(theta) * math.cos(fi), r * math.sin(theta) * math.sin(fi), r * math.cos(theta)), campos.y, campos.z), focal.y, focal.z) #ycoord = 1.1 # the two points that define the edge a = cam.Point(3, ycoord, 2.999999) b = cam.Point(-1, ycoord, 3) myscreen.addActor(camvtk.Point(center=(a.x, a.y, a.z), color=(1, 0, 1))) myscreen.addActor(camvtk.Point(center=(b.x, b.y, b.z), color=(1, 0, 1))) #c=cam.Point(0,0,0.3) myscreen.addActor(camvtk.Line(p1=(a.x, a.y, a.z), p2=(b.x, b.y, b.z))) #t = cam.Triangle(a,b,c) cutter_length = 2 cutter = cam.BullCutter(1, 0.2, cutter_length) print cutter xar = camvtk.Arrow(, rotXYZ=(0, 0, 0)) myscreen.addActor(xar) yar = camvtk.Arrow(, rotXYZ=(0, 0, 90)) myscreen.addActor(yar) zar = camvtk.Arrow(, rotXYZ=(0, -90, 0)) myscreen.addActor(zar) cl = cam.Point(2.1748, 1, 0) radius1 = 1 radius2 = 0.25 #tor.SetWireframe() #myscreen.addActor(tor) cyl = camvtk.Cylinder(center=(cl.x, cl.y, cl.z), radius=radius1, height=2, color=(0, 1, 1), rotXYZ=(90, 0, 0), resolution=50) #myscreen.addActor(cyl) cl_line = camvtk.Line(p1=(cl.x, cl.y, -100), p2=(cl.x, cl.y, +100), myscreen.addActor(cl_line) cl_tube = camvtk.Tube(p1=(cl.x, cl.y, -100), p2=(cl.x, cl.y, +100), radius=radius1, cl_tube.SetOpacity(0.1) myscreen.addActor(cl_tube) a_inf = a + (-100 * (b - a)) b_inf = a + (+100 * (b - a)) tube = camvtk.Tube(p1=(a_inf.x, a_inf.y, a_inf.z), p2=(b_inf.x, b_inf.y, b_inf.z), radius=0.05 * radius2, tube.SetOpacity(0.3) myscreen.addActor(tube) # cylindrical-cutter circle at z=0 plane #cir= camvtk.Circle(radius=radius1, center=(cl.x,cl.y,cl.z), color=camvtk.yellow) #myscreen.addActor(cir) #clp = camvtk.Point(center=(cl.x,cl.y,cl.z)) #myscreen.addActor(clp) # short axis of ellipse = radius2 # long axis of ellipse = radius2/sin(theta) # where theta is the slope of the line dx = b.x - a.x dz = b.z - a.z #print "dx=", dx #print "dz=", dz theta = math.atan(dz / dx) ## dx==0 is special case!! (i.e. vertical lines) print "theta=", theta a_axis = abs(radius2 / math.sin(theta)) print "a=", a_axis # ellipse #a=2 b_axis = radius2 print "b= ", b_axis # slice the tube with a plane at z=0 and find the ellipse center # line is from Point a to b: # a + t*(b-a) # find t so that z-component is zero: # a.z + t( b.z -a.z) = 0 # t= a.z / (b.z - a.z) # so point tparam = -a.z / (b.z - a.z) # NOTE horizontal lines are a special case!! ellcenter = a + tparam * (b - a) print "ellcenter (z=0?) =", ellcenter # center of the # ecen_tmp=cam.Point(ellcenter,a.y,0) #drawellipse(myscreen, ellcenter, a_axis, b_axis) oe = cam.Ellipse(ellcenter, a_axis, b_axis, radius1) #oe2 = cam.Ellipse(ellcenter, a_axis, b_axis, 0.05) # to locate text on the outside of the ellipse nmax = 20 #delta=0.05 #td = 1 t = camvtk.Text() t.SetPos((myscreen.width - 450, myscreen.height - 30)) t.SetText("OpenCAMLib " +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) myscreen.addActor(t) t2 = camvtk.Text() ytext = "Y: %3.3f" % (ycoord) t2.SetText(ytext) t2.SetPos((50, myscreen.height - 150)) myscreen.addActor(t2) #w2if = vtk.vtkWindowToImageFilter() #w2if.SetInput(myscreen.renWin) #lwr = vtk.vtkPNGWriter() #lwr.SetInput( w2if.GetOutput() ) epos = cam.Epos() epos.setS(0, 1) #p5 = oe.ePoint(epos5) #pt = oe2.oePoint(epos5) #print "before= ", epos5.s, " , ", epos5.t # RUN THE SOLVER! nsteps = cam.Ellipse.solver(oe, cl) print "solver done. back to python:" print "1st (s,t) solution=", oe.epos1 print "2st (s,t) solution=", oe.epos2 elc1 = calcEcenter(oe, a, b, cl, 1) elc2 = calcEcenter(oe, a, b, cl, 2) print "elc1=", elc1 print "elc2=", elc2 #exit() #elc2 = elc2 #epos = oe.epos2 fe1 = cam.Ellipse(elc1, a_axis, b_axis, radius1) fe2 = cam.Ellipse(elc2, a_axis, b_axis, radius1) # draw ellipse-centers myscreen.addActor( camvtk.Sphere(center=(elc1.x, elc1.y, elc1.z), radius=0.01, color=camvtk.lgreen)) myscreen.addActor( camvtk.Sphere(center=(elc2.x, elc2.y, elc2.z), radius=0.01, # cc-points on the ellipse ccp1 = fe1.ePoint(oe.epos1) ccp2 = fe2.ePoint(oe.epos2) myscreen.addActor( camvtk.Sphere(center=(ccp1.x, ccp1.y, ccp1.z), radius=0.01, color=camvtk.lgreen)) myscreen.addActor( camvtk.Sphere(center=(ccp2.x, ccp2.y, ccp2.z), radius=0.01, cl1 = fe1.oePoint(oe.epos1) cl2 = fe2.oePoint(oe.epos2) # circles myscreen.addActor( camvtk.Circle(radius=radius1, center=(cl1.x, cl1.y, cl1.z), myscreen.addActor( camvtk.Circle(radius=radius1, center=(cl2.x, cl2.y, cl2.z), # torus tor = camvtk.Toroid(r1=radius1, r2=radius2, center=(cl1.x, cl1.y, cl1.z), rotXYZ=(0, 0, 0), tor.SetOpacity(0.4) myscreen.addActor(tor) tor = camvtk.Toroid(r1=radius1, r2=radius2, center=(cl2.x, cl2.y, cl2.z), rotXYZ=(0, 0, 0), tor.SetOpacity(0.4) myscreen.addActor(tor) # line: ellipse-center to cc-point myscreen.addActor( camvtk.Line(p1=(elc1.x, elc1.y, elc1.z), p2=(ccp1.x, ccp1.y, ccp1.z), color=camvtk.cyan)) myscreen.addActor( camvtk.Line(p1=(elc2.x, elc2.y, elc2.z), p2=(ccp2.x, ccp2.y, ccp2.z), color=camvtk.cyan)) # line: cc-point to cl-point myscreen.addActor( camvtk.Line(p1=(cl1.x, cl1.y, cl1.z), p2=(ccp1.x, ccp1.y, ccp1.z), color=camvtk.yellow)) myscreen.addActor( camvtk.Line(p1=(cl2.x, cl2.y, cl2.z), p2=(ccp2.x, ccp2.y, ccp2.z), color=camvtk.yellow)) # true cl #clt = cc1. #fclpoint = camvtk.Sphere(center=(fclp.x,fclp.y,fclp.z), radius=0.01, #myscreen.addActor(fclpoint) # line from ellipse center to fcc # the offset normal #myscreen.addActor(camvtk.Line( p1=(fclp.x,fclp.y,fclp.z),p2=(fccp.x,fccp.y,fccp.z), color=camvtk.yellow )) drawellipse(myscreen, elc1, a_axis, b_axis) drawellipse(myscreen, elc2, a_axis, b_axis) #convtext = "%i" % (nsteps) #print (pt.x, pt.y, pt.z) #center=(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z) #tst = camvtk.Text3D( color=(1,1,1), center=(pt.x, pt.y, 0) , #text=convtext, scale=0.02) #tst.SetCamera( #myscreen.addActor(tst) #colmax=11 #colmin=4 #nsteps = nsteps - colmin #colmax = colmax - colmin #convcolor=( float(nsteps*nsteps)/(colmax), float((colmax-nsteps))/colmax, 0 ) #esphere = camvtk.Sphere(center=(p5.x,p5.y,0), radius=0.01, color=convcolor) #cce = oe.ePoint(epos) #cle = oe.oePoint(epos) #end_sphere = camvtk.Sphere(center=(cce.x,cce.y,0), radius=0.01, #cl_sphere = camvtk.Sphere(center=(cle.x,cle.y,0), radius=0.01, #cl_sphere.SetOpacity(0.4) #clcir= camvtk.Circle(radius=radius1, center=(cle.x,cle.y,cle.z), #myscreen.addActor(clcir) #myscreen.addActor(esphere) #myscreen.addActor(end_sphere) #myscreen.addActor(cl_sphere) #myscreen.render() print "done." myscreen.render() lwr.SetFileName(filename) #raw_input("Press Enter to terminate") time.sleep(0.5) #lwr.Write() myscreen.iren.Start()
print "b= ", b ecen_tmp = cam.Point(1.38, 2, 0) resolution = 50 for n in xrange(0, resolution): angle1 = (float(n) / float(resolution)) * 2 * math.pi angle2 = (float(n + 1) / float(resolution)) * 2 * math.pi x = ecen_tmp.x + a * math.cos(angle1) y = ecen_tmp.y + b * math.sin(angle1) x2 = ecen_tmp.x + a * math.cos(angle2) y2 = ecen_tmp.y + b * math.sin(angle2) #myscreen.addActor(camvtk.Point(center=(x,y,0), color=(1,0,1))) #myscreen.addActor( camvtk.Line(p1=(x,y,0),p2=(x2,y2,0)) ) oe = cam.Ellipse(ecen_tmp, a, b, radius1), 7, 1), 0.5, 0) nmax = 80 dd = float(4.0) / nmax diangles = [n * dd for n in range(nmax)] epos1 = cam.EllipsePosition() epos2 = cam.EllipsePosition() for n in range(nmax): #s = float(n)/float(nmax-1) * 2-1 #t = oe.teval(s, 1) #t2 = oe.teval(s, 0) n2 = n + 1 if n2 == nmax: