def restart(self): """Restart an Octave session in a clean state """ if self._session: self._session.close() self._reader = MatRead() self._writer = MatWrite(self._oned_as, self._convert_to_float) self._session = _Session(self._executable, self.logger)
def restart(self): """Restart an Octave session in a clean state """ self._reader = MatRead(self._temp_dir) self._writer = MatWrite(self._temp_dir, self._oned_as) self._session = _Session(self._executable, self._reader.out_file, self.logger)
class Oct2Py(object): """Manages an Octave session. Uses MAT files to pass data between Octave and Numpy. The function must either exist as an m-file in this directory or on Octave's path. The first command will take about 0.5s for Octave to load up. The subsequent commands will be much faster. You may provide a logger object for logging events, or the oct2py.get_log() default will be used. Events will be logged as debug unless verbose is set when calling a command, then they will be logged as info. Parameters ---------- executable : str, optional Name of the Octave executable, can be a system path. If this is not given, we look for an OCTAVE environmental variable. The fallback is to call "octave". logger : logging object, optional Optional logger to use for Oct2Py session timeout : float, optional Timeout in seconds for commands oned_as : {'row', 'column'}, optional If 'column', write 1-D numpy arrays as column vectors. If 'row', write 1-D numpy arrays as row vectors.} temp_dir : str, optional If specified, the session's MAT files will be created in the directory, otherwise a default directory is used. This can be a shared memory (tmpfs) path. convert_to_float : bool, optional If true, convert integer types to float when passing to Octave. """ def __init__(self, executable=None, logger=None, timeout=None, oned_as='row', temp_dir=None, convert_to_float=True): """Start Octave and set up the session. """ self._oned_as = oned_as self._executable = executable self.timeout = timeout if logger is not None: self.logger = logger else: self.logger = get_log() # self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self._session = None self.temp_dir = temp_dir self._convert_to_float = convert_to_float self.restart() @property def convert_to_float(self): return self._convert_to_float @convert_to_float.setter def convert_to_float(self, value): self._writer.convert_to_float = value self._convert_to_float = value def __enter__(self): """Return octave object, restart session if necessary""" if not self._session: self.restart() return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): """Close session""" self.exit() def exit(self): """Quits this octave session and removes temp files """ if self._session: self._session.close() self._session = None def push(self, name, var, verbose=False, timeout=None): """ Put a variable or variables into the Octave session. Parameters ---------- name : str or list Name of the variable(s). var : object or list The value(s) to pass. timeout : float Time to wait for response from Octave (per character). Examples -------- >>> from oct2py import octave >>> y = [1, 2] >>> octave.push('y', y) >>> octave.pull('y') array([[1, 2]]) >>> octave.push(['x', 'y'], ['spam', [1, 2, 3, 4]]) >>> octave.pull(['x', 'y']) # doctest: +SKIP [u'spam', array([[1, 2, 3, 4]])] Notes ----- Integer type arguments will be converted to floating point unless `convert_to_float=False`. """ if isinstance(name, (str, unicode)): vars_ = [var] names = [name] else: vars_ = var names = name for name in names: if name.startswith('_'): raise Oct2PyError('Invalid name {0}'.format(name)) try: tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self.temp_dir) _, load_line = self._writer.create_file(tempdir, vars_, names) self._reader.create_file(tempdir) self.eval(load_line, verbose=verbose, timeout=timeout) finally: shutil.rmtree(tempdir, ignore_errors=True) def pull(self, var, verbose=False, timeout=None): """ Retrieve a value or values from the Octave session. Parameters ---------- var : str or list Name of the variable(s) to retrieve. timeout : float Time to wait for response from Octave (per character). Returns ------- out : object Object returned by Octave. Raises: Oct2PyError If the variable does not exist in the Octave session. Examples: >>> from oct2py import octave >>> y = [1, 2] >>> octave.push('y', y) >>> octave.pull('y') array([[1, 2]]) >>> octave.push(['x', 'y'], ['spam', [1, 2, 3, 4]]) >>> octave.pull(['x', 'y']) # doctest: +SKIP [u'spam', array([[1, 2, 3, 4]])] """ if isinstance(var, (str, unicode)): var = [var] try: temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self.temp_dir) self._reader.create_file(temp_dir) argout_list, save_line = self._reader.setup(len(var), var) data = self.eval( save_line, temp_dir=temp_dir, verbose=verbose, timeout=timeout) finally: try: shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) except OSError: pass if isinstance(data, dict) and not isinstance(data, Struct): return [data.get(v, None) for v in argout_list] else: return data def eval(self, cmds, verbose=True, timeout=None, log=True, temp_dir=None, plot_dir=None, plot_name='plot', plot_format='svg', plot_width=None, plot_height=None, return_both=False): """ Evaluate an Octave command or commands. Parameters ---------- cmds : str or list Commands(s) to pass to Octave. verbose : bool, optional Log Octave output at INFO level. If False, log at DEBUG level. log : bool, optional Whether to log at all. timeout : float, optional Time to wait for response from Octave (per character). plot_dir: str, optional If specificed, save the session's plot figures to the plot directory instead of displaying the plot window. plot_name : str, optional Saved plots will start with `plot_name` and end with "' where %% is the plot number and xxx is the `plot_format`. plot_format: str, optional The format in which to save the plot (PNG by default). plot_width: int, optional The plot with in pixels. plot_height: int, optional The plot height in pixels. return_both: bool, optional If True, return a (text, value) tuple with the response and the return value. Returns ------- out : object Octave "ans" variable, or None. Raises ------ Oct2PyError If the command(s) fail. """ if not self._session: raise Oct2PyError('No Octave Session') if isinstance(cmds, (str, unicode)): cmds = [cmds] if log: [self.logger.debug(line) for line in cmds] if timeout is None: timeout = self.timeout pre_call, post_call = self._get_plot_commands(plot_dir, plot_format, plot_width, plot_height, plot_name) try: if not temp_dir: temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self.temp_dir) self._reader.create_file(temp_dir) try: resp = self._session.evaluate(cmds, logger=self.logger, log=log, timeout=timeout, out_file=self._reader.out_file, pre_call=pre_call, post_call=post_call) except KeyboardInterrupt: self._session.interrupt() if == 'nt': self.restart() return 'Octave Session Interrupted, Restarting Session' return 'Octave Session Interrupted' out_file = self._reader.out_file data = None if os.path.exists(out_file) and os.stat(out_file).st_size: try: data = self._reader.extract_file() except (TypeError, IOError) as e: self.logger.debug(e) finally: shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) resp = resp.strip() if resp: if verbose: print(resp) if return_both: return resp, data else: return data def _get_plot_commands(self, plot_dir, plot_format, plot_width, plot_height, plot_name): pre_call = '' post_call = '' spec = '%(plot_dir)s/%(plot_name)s*.%(plot_format)s' % locals() existing = glob.glob(spec) plot_offset = len(existing) if not plot_height is None or not plot_width is None: pre_call += """ close all; """ if plot_height is None and plot_width is None: plot_height = 420 plot_width = 560 else: if plot_height is None: plot_height = 420 elif plot_width is None: plot_width = 560 pre_call += """ set(0, 'DefaultFigurePosition', [300, 200, %(plot_width)s, %(plot_height)s]); """ % locals() if not plot_dir is None: pre_call += """ set(0, 'defaultfigurevisible', 'off'); close all; """ plot_dir = plot_dir.replace("\\", "/") post_call += ''' figHandles_ = get(0, 'children'); for fig_ = 1:length(figHandles_) f_ = figHandles_(fig_); outfile_ = sprintf('%(plot_dir)s/%(plot_name)s%%03d.%(plot_format)s', f_ + %(plot_offset)s); p_ = get(f_, 'position'); w_ = %(plot_width)s; h_ = %(plot_height)s; if p_(3) > %(plot_width)s h_ = p_(4) * w_ / p_(3); end if p_(4) > %(plot_height)s w_ = p_(3) * h_ / p_(4); end size_fmt_ = sprintf('-S%%d,%%d', w_, h_); try print(f_, outfile_, '-d%(plot_format)s', '-tight', size_fmt_); end end close('all'); ''' % locals() else: pre_call += """ "set(0, 'defaultfigurevisible', 'on');" """ post_call += """ drawnow("expose"); """ return pre_call.strip(), post_call.strip() def restart(self): """Restart an Octave session in a clean state """ if self._session: self._session.close() self._reader = MatRead() self._writer = MatWrite(self._oned_as, self._convert_to_float) self._session = _Session(self._executable, self.logger) # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Private API # -------------------------------------------------------------- def _make_octave_command(self, name, doc=None): """Create a wrapper to an Octave procedure or object Adapted from the mlabwrap project """ def octave_command(*args, **kwargs): """ Octave command """ kwargs['nout'] = kwargs.get('nout', get_nout()) kwargs['verbose'] = kwargs.get('verbose', False) return self._call(name, *args, **kwargs) # convert to ascii for pydoc try: doc = doc.encode('ascii', 'replace').decode('ascii') except UnicodeDecodeError as e: self.logger.debug(e) octave_command.__doc__ = "\n" + doc octave_command.__name__ = name return octave_command def _call(self, func, *inputs, **kwargs): """ Oct2Py Parameters -------------------------- inputs : array_like Variables to pass to the function. verbose : bool, optional Log Octave output at INFO level. If False, log at DEBUG level. nout : int, optional Number of output arguments. This is set automatically based on the number of return values requested. You can override this behavior by passing a different value. timeout : float, optional Time to wait for response from Octave (per character). plot_dir: str, optional If specificed, save the session's plot figures to the plot directory instead of displaying the plot window. plot_name : str, optional Saved plots will start with `plot_name` and end with "' where %% is the plot number and xxx is the `plot_format`. plot_format: str, optional The format in which to save the plot. plot_width: int, optional The plot with in pixels. plot_height: int, optional The plot height in pixels. kwargs : dictionary, optional Key - value pairs to be passed as prop - value inputs to the function. The values must be strings or numbers. Returns ----------- out : value Value returned by the function. Raises ---------- Oct2PyError If the function call is unsucessful. Notes ----- Integer type arguments will be converted to floating point unless `convert_to_float=False`. """ nout = kwargs.pop('nout', get_nout()) argout_list = ['_'] # these three lines will form the commands sent to Octave # load("-v6", "infile", "invar1", ...) # [a, b, c] = foo(A, B, C) # save("-v6", "out_file", "outvar1", ...) load_line = call_line = save_line = '' prop_vals = [] eval_kwargs = {} for (key, value) in kwargs.items(): if key in ['verbose', 'timeout'] or key.startswith('plot_'): eval_kwargs[key] = value continue if isinstance(value, (str, unicode, int, float)): prop_vals.append('"%s", %s' % (key, repr(value))) else: msg = 'Keyword arguments must be a string or number: ' msg += '%s = %s' % (key, value) raise Oct2PyError(msg) prop_vals = ', '.join(prop_vals) try: temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self.temp_dir) self._reader.create_file(temp_dir) if nout: # create a dummy list of var names ("a", "b", "c", ...) # use ascii char codes so we can increment argout_list, save_line = self._reader.setup(nout) call_line = '[{0}] = '.format(', '.join(argout_list)) call_line += func + '(' if inputs: argin_list, load_line = self._writer.create_file( temp_dir, inputs) call_line += ', '.join(argin_list) if prop_vals: if inputs: call_line += ', ' call_line += prop_vals call_line += ');' # create the command and execute in octave cmd = [load_line, call_line, save_line] data = self.eval(cmd, temp_dir=temp_dir, **eval_kwargs) finally: try: shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) except OSError: pass if isinstance(data, dict) and not isinstance(data, Struct): data = [data.get(v, None) for v in argout_list] if len(data) == 1 and data.values()[0] is None: data = None return data def _get_doc(self, name): """ Get the documentation of an Octave procedure or object. Parameters ---------- name : str Function name to search for. Returns ------- out : str Documentation string. Raises ------ Oct2PyError If the procedure or object does not exist. """ if name == 'keyboard': return 'Built-in Function: keyboard ()' exist = self.eval('exist {0}'.format(name), log=False, verbose=False) if exist == 0: msg = 'Name: "%s" does not exist on the Octave session path' raise Oct2PyError(msg % name) doc = 'No documentation for %s' % name try: doc, _ = self.eval('help {0}'.format(name), log=False, verbose=False, return_both=True) except Oct2PyError as e: if 'syntax error' in str(e): raise(e) doc, _ = self.eval('type("{0}")'.format(name), log=False, verbose=False, return_both=True) if isinstance(doc, list): doc = doc[0] doc = '\n'.join(doc.splitlines()[:3]) default = self._call.__doc__ doc += '\n' + '\n'.join([line[8:] for line in default.splitlines()]) return doc def __getattr__(self, attr): """Automatically creates a wapper to an Octave function or object. Adapted from the mlabwrap project. """ # needed for help(Oct2Py()) if attr == '__name__': return super(Oct2Py, self).__getattr__(attr) elif attr == '__file__': return __file__ # close_ -> close if attr[-1] == "_": name = attr[:-1] else: name = attr doc = self._get_doc(name) octave_command = self._make_octave_command(name, doc) #!!! attr, *not* name, because we might have python keyword name! setattr(self, attr, octave_command) return octave_command
class Oct2Py(object): """Manages an Octave session. Uses MAT files to pass data between Octave and Numpy. The function must either exist as an m-file in this directory or on Octave's path. The first command will take about 0.5s for Octave to load up. The subsequent commands will be much faster. You may provide a logger object for logging events, or the oct2py.get_log() default will be used. Events will be logged as debug unless verbose is set when calling a command, then they will be logged as info. Parameters ---------- executable : str, optional Name of the Octave executable, can be a system path. If this is not given, we look for an OCTAVE environmental variable. The fallback is to call "octave". logger : logging object, optional Optional logger to use for Oct2Py session timeout : float, optional Timeout in seconds for commands oned_as : {'row', 'column'}, optional If 'column', write 1-D numpy arrays as column vectors. If 'row', write 1-D numpy arrays as row vectors.} temp_dir : str, optional If specified, the session's MAT files will be created in the directory, otherwise a default directory is used. This can be a shared memory (tmpfs) path. convert_to_float : bool, optional If true, convert integer types to float when passing to Octave. """ def __init__(self, executable=None, logger=None, timeout=None, oned_as='row', temp_dir=None, convert_to_float=True): """Start Octave and set up the session. """ self._oned_as = oned_as self._executable = executable or os.environ.get('OCTAVE', None) self.timeout = timeout if not logger is None: self.logger = logger else: self.logger = get_log() # self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self._session = None self.temp_dir = temp_dir self._convert_to_float = convert_to_float self.restart() @property def convert_to_float(self): return self._convert_to_float @convert_to_float.setter def convert_to_float(self, value): self._writer.convert_to_float = value self._convert_to_float = value def __enter__(self): """Return octave object, restart session if necessary""" if not self._session: self.restart() return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): """Close session""" self.exit() def exit(self): """Quits this octave session and removes temp files """ if self._session: self._session.close() self._session = None def push(self, name, var, verbose=False, timeout=None): """ Put a variable or variables into the Octave session. Parameters ---------- name : str or list Name of the variable(s). var : object or list The value(s) to pass. timeout : float Time to wait for response from Octave (per character). Examples -------- >>> from oct2py import octave >>> y = [1, 2] >>> octave.push('y', y) >>> octave.pull('y') array([[1, 2]]) >>> octave.push(['x', 'y'], ['spam', [1, 2, 3, 4]]) >>> octave.pull(['x', 'y']) # doctest: +SKIP [u'spam', array([[1, 2, 3, 4]])] Notes ----- Integer type arguments will be converted to floating point unless `convert_to_float=False`. """ if isinstance(name, (str, unicode)): vars_ = [var] names = [name] else: vars_ = var names = name for name in names: if name.startswith('_'): raise Oct2PyError('Invalid name {0}'.format(name)) try: tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self.temp_dir) _, load_line = self._writer.create_file(tempdir, vars_, names) self._reader.create_file(tempdir) self.eval(load_line, verbose=verbose, timeout=timeout) finally: shutil.rmtree(tempdir, ignore_errors=True) def pull(self, var, verbose=False, timeout=None): """ Retrieve a value or values from the Octave session. Parameters ---------- var : str or list Name of the variable(s) to retrieve. timeout : float Time to wait for response from Octave (per character). Returns ------- out : object Object returned by Octave. Raises: Oct2PyError If the variable does not exist in the Octave session. Examples: >>> from oct2py import octave >>> y = [1, 2] >>> octave.push('y', y) >>> octave.pull('y') array([[1, 2]]) >>> octave.push(['x', 'y'], ['spam', [1, 2, 3, 4]]) >>> octave.pull(['x', 'y']) # doctest: +SKIP [u'spam', array([[1, 2, 3, 4]])] """ if isinstance(var, (str, unicode)): var = [var] try: temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self.temp_dir) self._reader.create_file(temp_dir) argout_list, save_line = self._reader.setup(len(var), var) data = self.eval(save_line, temp_dir=temp_dir, verbose=verbose, timeout=timeout) finally: try: shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) except OSError: pass if isinstance(data, dict) and not isinstance(data, Struct): return [data.get(v, None) for v in argout_list] else: return data def eval(self, cmds, verbose=True, timeout=None, log=True, temp_dir=None, plot_dir=None, plot_name='plot', plot_format='svg', plot_width=None, plot_height=None, return_both=False): """ Evaluate an Octave command or commands. Parameters ---------- cmds : str or list Commands(s) to pass to Octave. verbose : bool, optional Log Octave output at INFO level. If False, log at DEBUG level. log : bool, optional Whether to log at all. timeout : float, optional Time to wait for response from Octave (per character). plot_dir: str, optional If specificed, save the session's plot figures to the plot directory instead of displaying the plot window. plot_name : str, optional Saved plots will start with `plot_name` and end with "' where %% is the plot number and xxx is the `plot_format`. plot_format: str, optional The format in which to save the plot (PNG by default). plot_width: int, optional The plot with in pixels. plot_height: int, optional The plot height in pixels. return_both: bool, optional If True, return a (text, value) tuple with the response and the return value. Returns ------- out : object Octave "ans" variable, or None. Raises ------ Oct2PyError If the command(s) fail. """ if not self._session: raise Oct2PyError('No Octave Session') if isinstance(cmds, (str, unicode)): cmds = [cmds] if log: [self.logger.debug(line) for line in cmds] if timeout is None: timeout = self.timeout pre_call, post_call = self._get_plot_commands(plot_dir, plot_format, plot_width, plot_height, plot_name) try: if not temp_dir: temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self.temp_dir) self._reader.create_file(temp_dir) try: resp = self._session.evaluate(cmds, logger=self.logger, log=log, timeout=timeout, out_file=self._reader.out_file, pre_call=pre_call, post_call=post_call) except KeyboardInterrupt: self._session.interrupt() if == 'nt': self.restart() return 'Octave Session Interrupted, Restarting Session' return 'Octave Session Interrupted' out_file = self._reader.out_file data = None if os.path.exists(out_file) and os.stat(out_file).st_size: try: data = self._reader.extract_file() except (TypeError, IOError) as e: self.logger.debug(e) finally: shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) resp = resp.strip() if resp: if verbose: print(resp) if return_both: return resp, data else: return data def _get_plot_commands(self, plot_dir, plot_format, plot_width, plot_height, plot_name): pre_call = '' post_call = '' spec = '%(plot_dir)s/%(plot_name)s*.%(plot_format)s' % locals() existing = glob.glob(spec) plot_offset = len(existing) if not plot_height is None or not plot_width is None: pre_call += """ close all; """ if plot_height is None and plot_width is None: plot_height = 420 plot_width = 560 else: if plot_height is None: plot_height = 420 elif plot_width is None: plot_width = 560 pre_call += """ set(0, 'DefaultFigurePosition', [300, 200, %(plot_width)s, %(plot_height)s]); """ % locals() if not plot_dir is None: pre_call += """ set(0, 'defaultfigurevisible', 'off'); close all; """ plot_dir = plot_dir.replace("\\", "/") post_call += ''' figHandles_ = get(0, 'children'); for fig_ = 1:length(figHandles_) f_ = figHandles_(fig_); outfile_ = sprintf('%(plot_dir)s/%(plot_name)s%%03d.%(plot_format)s', f_ + %(plot_offset)s); p_ = get(f_, 'position'); w_ = %(plot_width)s; h_ = %(plot_height)s; if p_(3) > %(plot_width)s h_ = p_(4) * w_ / p_(3); end if p_(4) > %(plot_height)s w_ = p_(3) * h_ / p_(4); end size_fmt_ = sprintf('-S%%d,%%d', w_, h_); try print(f_, outfile_, '-d%(plot_format)s', '-tight', size_fmt_); end end close('all'); ''' % locals() else: pre_call += """ "set(0, 'defaultfigurevisible', 'on');" """ post_call += """ drawnow("expose"); """ return pre_call.strip(), post_call.strip() def restart(self): """Restart an Octave session in a clean state """ if self._session: self._session.close() self._reader = MatRead() self._writer = MatWrite(self._oned_as, self._convert_to_float) self._session = _Session(self._executable, self.logger) # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Private API # -------------------------------------------------------------- def _make_octave_command(self, name, doc=None): """Create a wrapper to an Octave procedure or object Adapted from the mlabwrap project """ def octave_command(*args, **kwargs): """ Octave command """ kwargs['nout'] = kwargs.get('nout', get_nout()) kwargs['verbose'] = kwargs.get('verbose', False) return self._call(name, *args, **kwargs) # convert to ascii for pydoc try: doc = doc.encode('ascii', 'replace').decode('ascii') except UnicodeDecodeError as e: self.logger.debug(e) octave_command.__doc__ = "\n" + doc octave_command.__name__ = name return octave_command def _call(self, func, *inputs, **kwargs): """ Oct2Py Parameters -------------------------- inputs : array_like Variables to pass to the function. verbose : bool, optional Log Octave output at INFO level. If False, log at DEBUG level. nout : int, optional Number of output arguments. This is set automatically based on the number of return values requested. You can override this behavior by passing a different value. timeout : float, optional Time to wait for response from Octave (per character). plot_dir: str, optional If specificed, save the session's plot figures to the plot directory instead of displaying the plot window. plot_name : str, optional Saved plots will start with `plot_name` and end with "' where %% is the plot number and xxx is the `plot_format`. plot_format: str, optional The format in which to save the plot. plot_width: int, optional The plot with in pixels. plot_height: int, optional The plot height in pixels. kwargs : dictionary, optional Key - value pairs to be passed as prop - value inputs to the function. The values must be strings or numbers. Returns ----------- out : value Value returned by the function. Raises ---------- Oct2PyError If the function call is unsucessful. Notes ----- Integer type arguments will be converted to floating point unless `convert_to_float=False`. """ nout = kwargs.pop('nout', get_nout()) argout_list = ['_'] # these three lines will form the commands sent to Octave # load("-v6", "infile", "invar1", ...) # [a, b, c] = foo(A, B, C) # save("-v6", "out_file", "outvar1", ...) load_line = call_line = save_line = '' prop_vals = [] eval_kwargs = {} for (key, value) in kwargs.items(): if key in ['verbose', 'timeout'] or key.startswith('plot_'): eval_kwargs[key] = value continue if isinstance(value, (str, unicode, int, float)): prop_vals.append('"%s", %s' % (key, repr(value))) else: msg = 'Keyword arguments must be a string or number: ' msg += '%s = %s' % (key, value) raise Oct2PyError(msg) prop_vals = ', '.join(prop_vals) try: temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self.temp_dir) self._reader.create_file(temp_dir) if nout: # create a dummy list of var names ("a", "b", "c", ...) # use ascii char codes so we can increment argout_list, save_line = self._reader.setup(nout) call_line = '[{0}] = '.format(', '.join(argout_list)) call_line += func + '(' if inputs: argin_list, load_line = self._writer.create_file( temp_dir, inputs) call_line += ', '.join(argin_list) if prop_vals: if inputs: call_line += ', ' call_line += prop_vals call_line += ');' # create the command and execute in octave cmd = [load_line, call_line, save_line] data = self.eval(cmd, temp_dir=temp_dir, **eval_kwargs) finally: try: shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) except OSError: pass if isinstance(data, dict) and not isinstance(data, Struct): data = [data.get(v, None) for v in argout_list] if len(data) == 1 and data.values()[0] is None: data = None return data def _get_doc(self, name): """ Get the documentation of an Octave procedure or object. Parameters ---------- name : str Function name to search for. Returns ------- out : str Documentation string. Raises ------ Oct2PyError If the procedure or object does not exist. """ if name == 'keyboard': return 'Built-in Function: keyboard ()' exist = self.eval('exist {0}'.format(name), log=False, verbose=False) if exist == 0: msg = 'Name: "%s" does not exist on the Octave session path' raise Oct2PyError(msg % name) doc = 'No documentation for %s' % name try: doc, _ = self.eval('help {0}'.format(name), log=False, verbose=False, return_both=True) except Oct2PyError as e: if 'syntax error' in str(e): raise (e) doc, _ = self.eval('type("{0}")'.format(name), log=False, verbose=False, return_both=True) if isinstance(doc, list): doc = doc[0] doc = '\n'.join(doc.splitlines()[:3]) default = self._call.__doc__ doc += '\n' + '\n'.join([line[8:] for line in default.splitlines()]) return doc def __getattr__(self, attr): """Automatically creates a wapper to an Octave function or object. Adapted from the mlabwrap project. """ # needed for help(Oct2Py()) if attr == '__name__': return super(Oct2Py, self).__getattr__(attr) elif attr == '__file__': return __file__ # close_ -> close if attr[-1] == "_": name = attr[:-1] else: name = attr doc = self._get_doc(name) octave_command = self._make_octave_command(name, doc) #!!! attr, *not* name, because we might have python keyword name! setattr(self, attr, octave_command) return octave_command