Esempio n. 1
def controlJob():
	if not printer.isOperational():
		return make_response("Printer is not operational", 409)

	valid_commands = {
		"start": [],
		"restart": [],
		"pause": [],
		"cancel": []

	command, data, response = util.getJsonCommandFromRequest(request, valid_commands)
	if response is not None:
		return response

	activePrintjob = printer.isPrinting() or printer.isPaused()

	if command == "start":
		if activePrintjob:
			return make_response("Printer already has an active print job, did you mean 'restart'?", 409)
	elif command == "restart":
		if not printer.isPaused():
			return make_response("Printer does not have an active print job or is not paused", 409)
	elif command == "pause":
		if not activePrintjob:
			return make_response("Printer is neither printing nor paused, 'pause' command cannot be performed", 409)
	elif command == "cancel":
		if not activePrintjob:
			return make_response("Printer is neither printing nor paused, 'cancel' command cannot be performed", 409)
	return NO_CONTENT
Esempio n. 2
def gcodeFileCommand(filename, target):
	if not target in [FileDestinations.LOCAL, FileDestinations.SDCARD]:
		return make_response("Unknown target: %s" % target, 404)

	if not _verifyFileExists(target, filename):
		return make_response("File not found on '%s': %s" % (target, filename), 404)

	# valid file commands, dict mapping command name to mandatory parameters
	valid_commands = {
		"select": []

	command, data, response = util.getJsonCommandFromRequest(request, valid_commands)
	if response is not None:
		return response

	if command == "select":
		# selects/loads a file
		printAfterLoading = False
		if "print" in data.keys() and data["print"]:
			if not printer.isOperational():
				return make_response("Printer is not operational, cannot directly start printing", 409)
			printAfterLoading = True

		sd = False
		if target == FileDestinations.SDCARD:
			filenameToSelect = filename
			sd = True
			filenameToSelect = gcodeManager.getAbsolutePath(filename)
		printer.selectFile(filenameToSelect, sd, printAfterLoading)

	return NO_CONTENT
Esempio n. 3
def connectionCommand():
	valid_commands = {
		"connect": ["autoconnect"],
		"disconnect": []

	command, data, response = util.getJsonCommandFromRequest(request, valid_commands)
	if response is not None:
		return response

	if command == "connect":
		options = getConnectionOptions()

		port = None
		baudrate = None
		if "port" in data.keys():
			port = data["port"]
			if port not in options["ports"]:
				return make_response("Invalid port: %s" % port, 400)
		if "baudrate" in data.keys():
			baudrate = data["baudrate"]
			if baudrate not in options["baudrates"]:
				return make_response("Invalid baudrate: %d" % baudrate, 400)
		if "save" in data.keys() and data["save"]:
			settings().set(["serial", "port"], port)
			settings().setInt(["serial", "baudrate"], baudrate)
		settings().setBoolean(["serial", "autoconnect"], data["autoconnect"])
		printer.connect(port=port, baudrate=baudrate)
	elif command == "disconnect":

	return jsonify(SUCCESS)
Esempio n. 4
def printerBedCommand():
	pm = printerManager()

	if not pm.isOperational():
		return make_response("Printer is not operational", 409)

	valid_commands = {
		"target": ["target"],
		"offset": ["offset"]
	command, data, response = util.getJsonCommandFromRequest(request, valid_commands)
	if response is not None:
		return response

	##~~ temperature
	if command == "target":
		target = data["target"]

		# make sure the target is a number
		if not isinstance(target, (int, long, float)):
			return make_response("Not a number: %r" % target, 400)

		# perform the actual temperature command
		pm.setTemperature("bed", target)

	return NO_CONTENT
Esempio n. 5
def printerBedCommand():
    if not printer.isOperational():
        return make_response("Printer is not operational", 409)

    valid_commands = {"target": ["target"], "offset": ["offset"]}
    command, data, response = util.getJsonCommandFromRequest(request, valid_commands)
    if response is not None:
        return response

        ##~~ temperature
    if command == "target":
        target = data["target"]

        # make sure the target is a number
        if not isinstance(target, (int, long, float)):
            return make_response("Not a number: %r" % target, 400)

            # perform the actual temperature command
        printer.setTemperature("bed", target)

        ##~~ temperature offset
    elif command == "offset":
        offset = data["offsets"]

        # make sure the offset is valid
        if not isinstance(offset, (int, long, float)):
            return make_response("Not a number: %r" % offset, 400)
        if not -50 <= offset <= 50:
            return make_response("Offset not in range [-50, 50]: %f" % offset, 400)

            # set the offsets
        printer.setTemperatureOffset({"bed": offset})

    return NO_CONTENT
Esempio n. 6
def gcodeFileCommand(filename, target):
	if not target in [FileDestinations.LOCAL, FileDestinations.SDCARD]:
		return make_response("Invalid target: %s" % target, 400)

	# valid file commands, dict mapping command name to mandatory parameters
	valid_commands = {
		"load": []

	command, data, response = util.getJsonCommandFromRequest(request, valid_commands)
	if response is not None:
		return response

	if command == "load":
		# selects/loads a file
		printAfterLoading = False
		if "print" in data.keys() and data["print"] in valid_boolean_trues:
			printAfterLoading = True

		sd = False
		if target == FileDestinations.SDCARD:
			filenameToSelect = filename
			sd = True
			filenameToSelect = gcodeManager.getAbsolutePath(filename)
		printer.selectFile(filenameToSelect, sd, printAfterLoading)
		return jsonify(SUCCESS)

	return make_response("Command %s is currently not implemented" % command, 400)
Esempio n. 7
def gcodeFileCommand(filename, target):
    if not target in [FileDestinations.LOCAL, FileDestinations.SDCARD]:
        return make_response("Unknown target: %s" % target, 404)

    if not _verifyFileExists(target, filename):
        return make_response("File not found on '%s': %s" % (target, filename),

    # valid file commands, dict mapping command name to mandatory parameters
    valid_commands = {"select": []}

    command, data, response = util.getJsonCommandFromRequest(
        request, valid_commands)
    if response is not None:
        return response

    if command == "select":
        # selects/loads a file
        printAfterLoading = False
        if "print" in data.keys() and data["print"]:
            if not printer.isOperational():
                return make_response(
                    "Printer is not operational, cannot directly start printing",
            printAfterLoading = True

        sd = False
        if target == FileDestinations.SDCARD:
            filenameToSelect = filename
            sd = True
            filenameToSelect = gcodeManager.getAbsolutePath(filename)
        printer.selectFile(filenameToSelect, sd, printAfterLoading)

    return NO_CONTENT
Esempio n. 8
def printerSdCommand():
	if not settings().getBoolean(["feature", "sdSupport"]):
		return make_response("SD support is disabled", 404)

	pm = printerManager()

	if not pm.isOperational() or pm.isPrinting() or pm.isPaused():
		return make_response("Printer is not operational or currently busy", 409)

	valid_commands = {
		"init": [],
		"refresh": [],
		"release": []
	command, data, response = util.getJsonCommandFromRequest(request, valid_commands)
	if response is not None:
		return response

	if command == "init":
	elif command == "refresh":
	elif command == "release":

	return NO_CONTENT
Esempio n. 9
def printerSdCommand():
	if not settings().getBoolean(["feature", "sdSupport"]):
		return make_response("SD support is disabled", 404)

	pm = printerManager()

	if not pm.isOperational() or pm.isPrinting() or pm.isPaused():
		return make_response("Printer is not operational or currently busy", 409)

	valid_commands = {
		"init": [],
		"refresh": [],
		"release": []
	command, data, response = util.getJsonCommandFromRequest(request, valid_commands)
	if response is not None:
		return response

	if command == "init":
	elif command == "refresh":
	elif command == "release":

	return NO_CONTENT
Esempio n. 10
def printerBedCommand():
	pm = printerManager()

	if not pm.isOperational():
		return make_response("Printer is not operational", 409)

	valid_commands = {
		"target": ["target"],
		"offset": ["offset"]
	command, data, response = util.getJsonCommandFromRequest(request, valid_commands)
	if response is not None:
		return response

	##~~ temperature
	if command == "target":
		target = data["target"]

		# make sure the target is a number
		if not isinstance(target, (int, long, float)):
			return make_response("Not a number: %r" % target, 400)

		# perform the actual temperature command
		pm.setTemperature("bed", target)

	return NO_CONTENT
Esempio n. 11
def connectionCommand():
    valid_commands = {"connect": ["autoconnect"], "disconnect": []}

    command, data, response = util.getJsonCommandFromRequest(
        request, valid_commands)
    if response is not None:
        return response

    if command == "connect":
        options = getConnectionOptions()

        port = None
        baudrate = None
        if "port" in data.keys():
            port = data["port"]
            if port not in options["ports"]:
                return make_response("Invalid port: %s" % port, 400)
        if "baudrate" in data.keys():
            baudrate = data["baudrate"]
            if baudrate not in options["baudrates"]:
                return make_response("Invalid baudrate: %d" % baudrate, 400)
        if "save" in data.keys() and data["save"]:
            settings().set(["serial", "port"], port)
            settings().setInt(["serial", "baudrate"], baudrate)
        if "autoconnect" in data.keys():
            settings().setBoolean(["serial", "autoconnect"],
        printer.connect(port=port, baudrate=baudrate)
    elif command == "disconnect":

    return NO_CONTENT
Esempio n. 12
def printerPrintheadCommand():
    pm = printerManager()

    valid_commands = {"jog": [], "home": ["axes"], "babystepping": []}
    command, data, response = util.getJsonCommandFromRequest(
        request, valid_commands)
    if not pm.isOperational() or command != "babystepping" and pm.isPrinting():
        # do not jog when a print job is running or we don't have a connection
        return make_response(
            "Printer is not operational or currently printing", 409)

    if response is not None:
        return response

    valid_axes = ["x", "y", "z"]
    ##~~ jog command
    if command == "jog":
        # validate all jog instructions, make sure that the values are numbers
        validated_values = {}
        for axis in valid_axes:
            if axis in data:
                value = data[axis]
                if not isinstance(value, (int, long, float)):
                    return make_response(
                        "Not a number for axis %s: %r" % (axis, value), 400)
                validated_values[axis] = value

        # execute the jog commands
        for axis, value in validated_values.iteritems():
            pm.jog(axis, value)

    ##~~ home command
    elif command == "home":
        validated_values = []
        axes = data["axes"]
        for axis in axes:
            if not axis in valid_axes:
                return make_response("Invalid axis: %s" % axis, 400)

        # execute the home command

    ##~~ babystepping command
    elif command == "babystepping":
        if "amount" in data:
            value = data['amount']

            if not isinstance(value, (int, long, float)):
                return make_response("Not a number for amount: %r" % (value),

            validated_values = {}
            validated_values['amount'] = value

            # execute the babystepping command

    return NO_CONTENT
Esempio n. 13
def printerPrintheadCommand():
	pm = printerManager()

	valid_commands = {
		"jog": [],
		"home": ["axes"],
		"babystepping": []
	command, data, response = util.getJsonCommandFromRequest(request, valid_commands)
	if not pm.isOperational() or command != "babystepping" and pm.isPrinting():
		# do not jog when a print job is running or we don't have a connection
		return make_response("Printer is not operational or currently printing", 409)

	if response is not None:
		return response

	valid_axes = ["x", "y", "z"]
	##~~ jog command
	if command == "jog":
		# validate all jog instructions, make sure that the values are numbers
		validated_values = {}
		for axis in valid_axes:
			if axis in data:
				value = data[axis]
				if not isinstance(value, (int, long, float)):
					return make_response("Not a number for axis %s: %r" % (axis, value), 400)
				validated_values[axis] = value

		# execute the jog commands
		for axis, value in validated_values.iteritems():
			pm.jog(axis, value)

	##~~ home command
	elif command == "home":
		validated_values = []
		axes = data["axes"]
		for axis in axes:
			if not axis in valid_axes:
				return make_response("Invalid axis: %s" % axis, 400)

		# execute the home command

	##~~ babystepping command
	elif command == "babystepping":
		if "amount" in data:
			value = data['amount']

			if not isinstance(value, (int, long, float)):
				return make_response("Not a number for amount: %r" % (value), 400)

			validated_values = {}
			validated_values['amount'] = value

			# execute the babystepping command

	return NO_CONTENT
Esempio n. 14
def controlPrinterHotend():
	if not printer.isOperational():
		return make_response("Printer is not operational", 403)

	valid_commands = {
		"temp": ["temps"],
		"offset": ["offsets"]
	command, data, response = util.getJsonCommandFromRequest(request, valid_commands)
	if response is not None:
		return response

	valid_targets = ["hotend", "bed"]

	##~~ temperature
	if command == "temp":
		temps = data["temps"]

		# make sure the targets are valid and the values are numbers
		validated_values = {}
		for type, value in temps.iteritems():
			if not type in valid_targets:
				return make_response("Invalid target for setting temperature: %s" % type, 400)
			if not isinstance(value, (int, long, float)):
				return make_response("Not a number for %s: %r" % (type, value), 400)
			validated_values[type] = value

		# perform the actual temperature commands
		# TODO make this a generic method call (printer.setTemperature(type, value)) to get rid of gcode here
		if "hotend" in validated_values:
			printer.command("M104 S%f" % validated_values["hotend"])
		if "bed" in validated_values:
			printer.command("M140 S%f" % validated_values["bed"])

	##~~ temperature offset
	elif command == "offset":
		offsets = data["offsets"]

		# make sure the targets are valid, the values are numbers and in the range [-50, 50]
		validated_values = {}
		for type, value in offsets.iteritems():
			if not type in valid_targets:
				return make_response("Invalid target for setting temperature: %s" % type, 400)
			if not isinstance(value, (int, long, float)):
				return make_response("Not a number for %s: %r" % (type, value), 400)
			if not -50 <= value <= 50:
				return make_response("Offset %s not in range [-50, 50]: %f" % (type, value), 400)
			validated_values[type] = value

		# set the offsets
		if "hotend" in validated_values and "bed" in validated_values:
			printer.setTemperatureOffset(validated_values["hotend"], validated_values["bed"])
		elif "hotend" in validated_values:
			printer.setTemperatureOffset(validated_values["hotend"], None)
		elif "bed" in validated_values:
			printer.setTemperatureOffset(None, validated_values["bed"])

	return jsonify(SUCCESS)
Esempio n. 15
def printerPrintheadCommand():

	valid_commands = {
		"jog": [],
	        "fastbot":[],  #lkj
		"home": ["axes"]
	command, data, response = util.getJsonCommandFromRequest(request, valid_commands)
	if response is not None:
		return response
	if not printer.isOperational() or ( printer.isPrinting() and command != "fastbot"):
		# do not jog when a print job is running or we don't have a connection
		return make_response("Printer is not operational or currently printing", 409)

	valid_axes = ["x", "y", "z"]
	speedTarget = 0
	##~~ jog command
	if command == "jog":
		# validate all jog instructions, make sure that the values are numbers
		validated_values = {}
		for axis in valid_axes:
			if axis in data:
				value = data[axis]
				if not isinstance(value, (int, long, float)):
					return make_response("Not a number for axis %s: %r" % (axis, value), 400)
				validated_values[axis] = value
			#lkj add
			if "speed" in data:
				speedTarget = data["speed"]
		print("speed=%s" % str(speedTarget))
		# execute the jog commands
		for axis, value in validated_values.iteritems():
			#lkj printer.jog(axis, value)
			printer.jogSpeed(axis, value, speedTarget)

	##~~ home command
	elif command == "home":
		validated_values = []
		axes = data["axes"]
		for axis in axes:
			if not axis in valid_axes:
				return make_response("Invalid axis: %s" % axis, 400)

		# execute the home command
	elif command == "fastbot": #lkj
		if "FeedSpeed" in data:
			print("FeedSpeed=%s" % str(data["FeedSpeed"]))
		if "FanID" in data:
			print("FanID=%s" % str(data["FanID"]))
			print("on=%s" % str(data["on"]))
			printer.fanControl(data["FanID"], data["on"])			
	return NO_CONTENT
Esempio n. 16
def printerToolCommand():
	pm = printerManager()

	if not pm.isOperational():
		return make_response("Printer is not operational", 409)

	valid_commands = {
		"select": ["tool"],
		"target": ["targets"],
		"offset": ["offsets"],
		"extrude": ["amount"]
	command, data, response = util.getJsonCommandFromRequest(request, valid_commands)
	if response is not None:
		return response

	validation_regex = re.compile("tool\d+")

	##~~ tool selection
	if command == "select":
		tool = data["tool"]
		if re.match(validation_regex, tool) is None:
			return make_response("Invalid tool: %s" % tool, 400)
		if not tool.startswith("tool"):
			return make_response("Invalid tool for selection: %s" % tool, 400)


	##~~ temperature
	elif command == "target":
		targets = data["targets"]

		# make sure the targets are valid and the values are numbers
		validated_values = {}
		for tool, value in targets.iteritems():
			if re.match(validation_regex, tool) is None:
				return make_response("Invalid target for setting temperature: %s" % tool, 400)
			if not isinstance(value, (int, long, float)):
				return make_response("Not a number for %s: %r" % (tool, value), 400)
			validated_values[tool] = value

		# perform the actual temperature commands
		for tool in validated_values.keys():
			pm.setTemperature(tool, validated_values[tool])

	##~~ extrusion
	elif command == "extrude":
		if pm.isPrinting():
			# do not extrude when a print job is running
			return make_response("Printer is currently printing", 409)

		amount = data["amount"]
		if not isinstance(amount, (int, long, float)):
			return make_response("Not a number for extrusion amount: %r" % amount, 400)
		pm.extrude(None, amount)

	return NO_CONTENT
Esempio n. 17
def connectionCommand():
	valid_commands = {
		"connect": ["autoconnect"],
		"disconnect": [],
		"reconnect": []

	command, data, response = util.getJsonCommandFromRequest(request, valid_commands)
	if response is not None:
		return response

	pm = printerManager()

	if command in ["connect", "reconnect"]:
		s = settings()

		driver = None
		port = None
		baudrate = None

		options = pm.getConnectionOptions()

		if "port" in data:
			port = data["port"]
			if port not in options["ports"]:
				return make_response("Invalid port: %s" % port, 400)

		if "baudrate" in data and data['baudrate']:
			baudrate = int(data["baudrate"])
			if baudrate:
				baudrates = options["baudrates"]
				if baudrates and baudrate not in baudrates:
					return make_response("Invalid baudrate: %d" % baudrate, 400)

				return make_response("Baudrate is null", 400)

		if "save" in data and data["save"]:
			s.set(["serial", "port"], port)
			s.setInt(["serial", "baudrate"], baudrate)

		if "autoconnect" in data:
			s.setBoolean(["serial", "autoconnect"], data["autoconnect"])

		if command == "connect":
			pm.connect(port, baudrate)
		elif command == "reconnect":
			pm.reConnect(port, baudrate)

	elif command == "disconnect":

	return NO_CONTENT
Esempio n. 18
def controlJob():
    if not printer.isOperational():
        return make_response("Printer is not operational", 409)

    valid_commands = {
        "start": [],
        "restart": [],
        "pause": [],
        "cancel": [],
        "stop": []  #add by kevin, for emergency stop

    command, data, response = util.getJsonCommandFromRequest(
        request, valid_commands)
    if response is not None:
        return response

    activePrintjob = printer.isPrinting() or printer.isPaused()

    if command == "start":
        if activePrintjob:
            return make_response(
                "Printer already has an active print job, did you mean 'restart'?",
    elif command == "restart":
        if not printer.isPaused():
            return make_response(
                "Printer does not have an active print job or is not paused",
    elif command == "pause":
        if not activePrintjob:
            return make_response(
                "Printer is neither printing nor paused, 'pause' command cannot be performed",
    elif command == "cancel":
        if not activePrintjob:
            return make_response(
                "Printer is neither printing nor paused, 'cancel' command cannot be performed",
    #add by kevin, for emergency stop
    elif "stop" == command:
        if not activePrintjob:
            return make_response(
                "Printer is neither printing nor paused, 'cancel' command cannot be performed",
    #add end, stop
    return NO_CONTENT
Esempio n. 19
def gcodeFileCommand(filename, target):
    if not target in [FileDestinations.LOCAL, FileDestinations.SDCARD]:
        return make_response("Unknown target: %s" % target, 404)

    filepath = gcodeManager._uploadFolder
    verifyResult = _verifyFileExists(target, filename)
    if verifyResult and gcodeManager._uploadFolder == gcodeManager._usbpath:
        filename = gcodeManager.startThreadToCopyFile(filename, timeout=3 *
                                                      60)  #wait for 3 mins
        fileTempPath = gcodeManager._usbpath
        gcodeManager._uploadFolder = gcodeManager._localpath
    elif not verifyResult and gcodeManager._uploadFolder == gcodeManager._usbpath:
        fileTempPath = gcodeManager._usbpath
        gcodeManager._uploadFolder = gcodeManager._localpath

        if not _verifyFileExists(target, filename):
            gcodeManager._uploadFolder = filepath
            return make_response(
                "File not found on '%s': %s" % (target, filename), 404)
    elif not verifyResult:
        return make_response("File not found on '%s': %s" % (target, filename),

    # valid file commands, dict mapping command name to mandatory parameters
    valid_commands = {"select": []}

    command, data, response = util.getJsonCommandFromRequest(
        request, valid_commands)
    if response is not None:
        gcodeManager._uploadFolder = filepath
        return response

    if command == "select":
        # selects/loads a file
        printAfterLoading = False
        if "print" in data.keys() and data["print"]:
            if not printer.isOperational():
                gcodeManager._uploadFolder = filepath
                return make_response(
                    "Printer is not operational, cannot directly start printing",
            printAfterLoading = True

        sd = False
        if target == FileDestinations.SDCARD:
            filenameToSelect = filename
            sd = True
            filenameToSelect = gcodeManager.getAbsolutePath(filename)
        printer.selectFile(filenameToSelect, sd, printAfterLoading)
    gcodeManager._uploadFolder = filepath
    return NO_CONTENT
Esempio n. 20
def printFileCommand(filename, target):
    if not target in [FileDestinations.LOCAL, FileDestinations.SDCARD]:
        return make_response("Unknown target: %s" % target, 404)

    if not _verifyFileExists(target, filename):
        return make_response("File not found on '%s': %s" % (target, filename),

    # valid file commands, dict mapping command name to mandatory parameters
    valid_commands = {"select": []}

    command, data, response = util.getJsonCommandFromRequest(
        request, valid_commands)
    if response is not None:
        return response

    printer = printerManager()

    if command == "select":
        # selects/loads a file
        printAfterLoading = False
        if data.get('print'):
            if not printer.isOperational():
                #We try at least once

                start = time.time()
                connect_timeout = 5  #5 secs

                while not printer.isOperational(
                ) and not printer.isClosedOrError(
                ) and time.time() - start < connect_timeout:

                if not printer.isOperational():
                    return make_response(
                        "The printer is not responding, can't start printing",

            printAfterLoading = True

        sd = False
        if target == FileDestinations.SDCARD:
            filenameToSelect = filename
            sd = True
            filenameToSelect = printer.fileManager.getAbsolutePath(filename)
        printer.selectFile(filenameToSelect, sd, printAfterLoading)

    return NO_CONTENT
Esempio n. 21
def printerFanCommand():
    pm = printerManager()

    if not pm.isOperational():
        return make_response("Printer is not operational", 409)

    valid_commands = {"set": ["tool", "speed"]}
    command, data, response = util.getJsonCommandFromRequest(
        request, valid_commands)
    if response is not None:
        return response["tool"], data["speed"])

    return NO_CONTENT
Esempio n. 22
def controlJob():
    printer = printerManager()

    if not printer.isOperational():
        return make_response("Printer is not operational", 409)

    valid_commands = {"start": [], "restart": [], "pause": [], "cancel": []}

    command, data, response = util.getJsonCommandFromRequest(
        request, valid_commands)
    if response is not None:
        return response

    activePrintjob = printer.isPrinting() or printer.isPaused()

    if command == "start":
        if activePrintjob:
            return make_response(
                "Printer already has an active print job, did you mean 'restart'?",
    elif command == "restart":
        if not printer.isPaused():
            return make_response(
                "Printer does not have an active print job or is not paused",
    elif command == "pause":
        if not activePrintjob:
            return make_response(
                "Printer is neither printing nor paused, 'pause' command cannot be performed",
    elif command == "cancel":
        if not activePrintjob:
            response = make_response(
                    "Printer is neither printing nor paused, 'cancel' command cannot be performed"
                }), 409)
            response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
            return response

        return jsonify(printer.cancelPrint())

    return NO_CONTENT
Esempio n. 23
def printerFanCommand():
	pm = printerManager()

	if not pm.isOperational():
		return make_response("Printer is not operational", 409)

	valid_commands = {
		"set": ["tool", "speed"]
	command, data, response = util.getJsonCommandFromRequest(request, valid_commands)
	if response is not None:
		return response["tool"], data["speed"])

	return NO_CONTENT
Esempio n. 24
def setPrinterFlowCommand():
    pm = printerManager()

    if not pm.isOperational():
        return make_response("Printer is not operational", 409)

    valid_commands = {"set": ["amount"]}

    command, data, response = util.getJsonCommandFromRequest(
        request, valid_commands)

    if response is not None:
        return response


    return NO_CONTENT
Esempio n. 25
def printFileCommand(filename, target):
	if not target in [FileDestinations.LOCAL, FileDestinations.SDCARD]:
		return make_response("Unknown target: %s" % target, 404)

	if not _verifyFileExists(target, filename):
		return make_response("File not found on '%s': %s" % (target, filename), 404)

	# valid file commands, dict mapping command name to mandatory parameters
	valid_commands = {
		"select": []

	command, data, response = util.getJsonCommandFromRequest(request, valid_commands)
	if response is not None:
		return response

	printer = printerManager()

	if command == "select":
		# selects/loads a file
		printAfterLoading = False
		if data.get('print'):
			if not printer.isOperational():
				#We try at least once

				start = time.time()
				connect_timeout = 5 #5 secs

				while not printer.isOperational() and not printer.isClosedOrError() and time.time() - start < connect_timeout:

				if not printer.isOperational():
					return make_response("The printer is not responding, can't start printing", 409)

			printAfterLoading = True

		sd = False
		if target == FileDestinations.SDCARD:
			filenameToSelect = filename
			sd = True
			filenameToSelect = printer.fileManager.getAbsolutePath(filename)
		printer.selectFile(filenameToSelect, sd, printAfterLoading)

	return NO_CONTENT
Esempio n. 26
def controlPrinterPrinthead():
	if not printer.isOperational() or printer.isPrinting():
		# do not jog when a print job is running or we don't have a connection
		return make_response("Printer is not operational or currently printing", 403)

	valid_commands = {
		"jog": [],
		"home": ["axes"]
	command, data, response = util.getJsonCommandFromRequest(request, valid_commands)
	if response is not None:
		return response

	movementSpeed = settings().get(["printerParameters", "movementSpeed", ["x", "y", "z"]], asdict=True)

	valid_axes = ["x", "y", "z"]
	##~~ jog command
	if command == "jog":
		# validate all jog instructions, make sure that the values are numbers
		validated_values = {}
		for axis in valid_axes:
			if axis in data:
				value = data[axis]
				if not isinstance(value, (int, long, float)):
					return make_response("Not a number for axis %s: %r" % (axis, value), 400)
				validated_values[axis] = value

		# execute the jog commands
		for axis, value in validated_values.iteritems():
			# TODO make this a generic method call (printer.jog(axis, value)) to get rid of gcode here
			printer.commands(["G91", "G1 %s%.4f F%d" % (axis.upper(), value, movementSpeed[axis]), "G90"])

	##~~ home command
	elif command == "home":
		validated_values = []
		axes = data["axes"]
		for axis in axes:
			if not axis in valid_axes:
				return make_response("Invalid axis: %s" % axis, 400)

		# execute the home command
		# TODO make this a generic method call (printer.home(axis, ...)) to get rid of gcode here
		printer.commands(["G91", "G28 %s" % " ".join(map(lambda x: "%s0" % x.upper(), validated_values)), "G90"])

	return jsonify(SUCCESS)
Esempio n. 27
def setPrinterFlowCommand():
	pm = printerManager()

	if not pm.isOperational():
		return make_response("Printer is not operational", 409)

	valid_commands = {
		"set": ["amount"]

	command, data, response = util.getJsonCommandFromRequest(request, valid_commands)

	if response is not None:
		return response


	return NO_CONTENT
Esempio n. 28
def pluginCommand(name):
	api_plugins = octoprint.plugin.plugin_manager().get_implementations(octoprint.plugin.SimpleApiPlugin)
	if not name in api_plugins:
		return make_response("Not found", 404)

	api_plugin = api_plugins[name]
	valid_commands = api_plugin.get_api_commands()
	if valid_commands is None:
		return make_response("Method not allowed", 405)

	command, data, response = util.getJsonCommandFromRequest(request, valid_commands)
	if response is not None:
		return response

	response = api_plugin.on_api_command(command, data)
	if response is not None:
		return response
	return NO_CONTENT
Esempio n. 29
def connectionCommand():
    valid_commands = {"connect": [], "disconnect": []}

    command, data, response = util.getJsonCommandFromRequest(
        request, valid_commands)
    if response is not None:
        return response

    if command == "connect":
        connection_options = getConnectionOptions()

        port = None
        baudrate = None
        printerProfile = None
        if "port" in data.keys():
            port = data["port"]
            if port not in connection_options["ports"]:
                return make_response("Invalid port: %s" % port, 400)
        if "baudrate" in data.keys():
            baudrate = data["baudrate"]
            if baudrate not in connection_options["baudrates"]:
                return make_response("Invalid baudrate: %d" % baudrate, 400)
        if "printerProfile" in data.keys():
            printerProfile = data["printerProfile"]
            if not printerProfileManager.exists(printerProfile):
                return make_response(
                    "Invalid printer profile: %s" % printerProfile, 400)
        if "save" in data.keys() and data["save"]:
            settings().set(["serial", "port"], port)
            settings().setInt(["serial", "baudrate"], baudrate)
        if "autoconnect" in data.keys():
            settings().setBoolean(["serial", "autoconnect"],
    elif command == "disconnect":

    return NO_CONTENT
Esempio n. 30
def pluginCommand(name):
    api_plugins = octoprint.plugin.plugin_manager().get_implementations(
    if not name in api_plugins:
        return make_response("Not found", 404)

    api_plugin = api_plugins[name]
    valid_commands = api_plugin.get_api_commands()
    if valid_commands is None:
        return make_response("Method not allowed", 405)

    command, data, response = util.getJsonCommandFromRequest(
        request, valid_commands)
    if response is not None:
        return response

    response = api_plugin.on_api_command(command, data)
    if response is not None:
        return response
    return NO_CONTENT
Esempio n. 31
def sdCommand():
	if not settings().getBoolean(["feature", "sdSupport"]) or not printer.isOperational() or printer.isPrinting():
		return make_response("SD support is disabled", 403)

	valid_commands = {
		"init": [],
		"refresh": [],
		"release": []
	command, data, response = util.getJsonCommandFromRequest(request, valid_commands)
	if response is not None:
		return response

	if command == "init":
	elif command == "refresh":
	elif command == "release":

	return jsonify(SUCCESS)
Esempio n. 32
def controlJob():
	if not printer.isOperational():
		return make_response("Printer is not operational", 403)

	valid_commands = {
		"start": [],
		"pause": [],
		"cancel": []

	command, data, response = util.getJsonCommandFromRequest(request, valid_commands)
	if response is not None:
		return response

	if command == "start":
	elif command == "pause":
	elif command == "cancel":
	return jsonify(SUCCESS)
Esempio n. 33
def connectionCommand():
	valid_commands = {
		"connect": [],
		"disconnect": []

	command, data, response = util.getJsonCommandFromRequest(request, valid_commands)
	if response is not None:
		return response

	if command == "connect":
		connection_options = getConnectionOptions()

		port = None
		baudrate = None
		printerProfile = None
		if "port" in data.keys():
			port = data["port"]
			if port not in connection_options["ports"]:
				return make_response("Invalid port: %s" % port, 400)
		if "baudrate" in data.keys():
			baudrate = data["baudrate"]
			if baudrate not in connection_options["baudrates"]:
				return make_response("Invalid baudrate: %d" % baudrate, 400)
		if "printerProfile" in data.keys():
			printerProfile = data["printerProfile"]
			if not printerProfileManager.exists(printerProfile):
				return make_response("Invalid printer profile: %s" % printerProfile, 400)
		if "save" in data.keys() and data["save"]:
			settings().set(["serial", "port"], port)
			settings().setInt(["serial", "baudrate"], baudrate)
		if "autoconnect" in data.keys():
			settings().setBoolean(["serial", "autoconnect"], data["autoconnect"])
		printer.connect(port=port, baudrate=baudrate, profile=printerProfile)
	elif command == "disconnect":

	return NO_CONTENT
Esempio n. 34
def controlPrinterFeeder():
	if not printer.isOperational() or printer.isPrinting():
		# do not jog when a print job is running or we don't have a connection
		return make_response("Printer is not operational or currently printing", 403)

	valid_commands = {
		"extrude": ["amount"]
	command, data, response = util.getJsonCommandFromRequest(request, valid_commands)
	if response is not None:
		return response

	extrusionSpeed = settings().get(["printerParameters", "movementSpeed", "e"])

	if command == "extrude":
		amount = data["amount"]
		if not isinstance(amount, (int, long, float)):
			return make_response("Not a number for extrusion amount: %r" % amount, 400)

		# TODO make this a generic method call (printer.extruder([hotend,] amount)) to get rid of gcode here
		printer.commands(["G91", "G1 E%s F%d" % (data["amount"], extrusionSpeed), "G90"])

	return jsonify(SUCCESS)
Esempio n. 35
def printerExtrudeCommand():
    pm = printerManager()

    if not pm.isOperational():
        return make_response("Printer is not operational", 409)

    valid_commands = {"extrude": ["amount"]}
    validation_regex = re.compile("tool\d+")
    command, data, response = util.getJsonCommandFromRequest(
        request, valid_commands)
    if response is not None:
        return response

    ##~~ extrusion
    if command == "extrude":
        if pm.isPrinting():
            # do not extrude when a print job is running
            return make_response("Printer is currently printing", 409)

        amount = data["amount"]
        speed = data.get("speed")
        tool = data.get("tool")
        if not isinstance(amount, (int, long, float)):
            return make_response(
                "Not a number for extrusion amount: %r" % amount, 400)

        if tool is not None and re.match(validation_regex, tool) is None:
            return make_response("Invalid extruder value: %r" % tool, 400)

        if speed and not isinstance(speed, (int, long, float)):
            speed = None

            int(tool[len("tool"):]) if tool is not None else None, amount,

    return NO_CONTENT
Esempio n. 36
def printerBedCommand():
	if not printer.isOperational():
		return make_response("Printer is not operational", 409)

	valid_commands = {
		"target": ["target"],
		"offset": ["offset"]
	command, data, response = util.getJsonCommandFromRequest(request, valid_commands)
	if response is not None:
		return response

	##~~ temperature
	if command == "target":
		target = data["target"]

		# make sure the target is a number
		if not isinstance(target, (int, long, float)):
			return make_response("Not a number: %r" % target, 400)

		# perform the actual temperature command
		printer.setTemperature("bed", target)

	##~~ temperature offset
	elif command == "offset":
		offset = data["offset"]

		# make sure the offset is valid
		if not isinstance(offset, (int, long, float)):
			return make_response("Not a number: %r" % offset, 400)
		if not -50 <= offset <= 50:
			return make_response("Offset not in range [-50, 50]: %f" % offset, 400)

		# set the offsets
		printer.setTemperatureOffset({"bed": offset})

	return NO_CONTENT
Esempio n. 37
def gcodeFileCommand(filename, target):
	if not target in [FileDestinations.LOCAL, FileDestinations.SDCARD]:
		return make_response("Unknown target: %s" % target, 404)

	if not _verifyFileExists(target, filename):
		return make_response("File not found on '%s': %s" % (target, filename), 404)

	# valid file commands, dict mapping command name to mandatory parameters
	valid_commands = {
		"select": [],
		"slice": []

	command, data, response = util.getJsonCommandFromRequest(request, valid_commands)
	if response is not None:
		return response

	if command == "select":
		# selects/loads a file
		printAfterLoading = False
		if "print" in data.keys() and data["print"] in valid_boolean_trues:
			if not printer.isOperational():
				return make_response("Printer is not operational, cannot directly start printing", 409)
			printAfterLoading = True

		sd = False
		if target == FileDestinations.SDCARD:
			filenameToSelect = filename
			sd = True
			filenameToSelect = fileManager.get_absolute_path(target, filename)
		printer.selectFile(filenameToSelect, sd, printAfterLoading)

	elif command == "slice":
		if "slicer" in data.keys():
			slicer = data["slicer"]
			del data["slicer"]
			if not slicer in slicingManager.registered_slicers:
				return make_response("Slicer {slicer} is not available".format(**locals()), 400)
			slicer_instance = slicingManager.get_slicer(slicer)
		elif "cura" in slicingManager.registered_slicers:
			slicer = "cura"
			slicer_instance = slicingManager.get_slicer("cura")
			return make_response("Cannot slice {filename}, no slicer available".format(**locals()), 415)

		if not octoprint.filemanager.valid_file_type(filename, type="stl"):
			return make_response("Cannot slice {filename}, not an STL file".format(**locals()), 415)

		if slicer_instance.get_slicer_properties()["same_device"] and (printer.isPrinting() or printer.isPaused()):
			# slicer runs on same device as OctoPrint, slicing while printing is hence disabled
			return make_response("Cannot slice on {slicer} while printing due to performance reasons".format(**locals()), 409)

		if "gcode" in data.keys() and data["gcode"]:
			gcode_name = data["gcode"]
			del data["gcode"]
			import os
			name, _ = os.path.splitext(filename)
			gcode_name = name + ".gco"

		# prohibit overwriting the file that is currently being printed
		currentOrigin, currentFilename = _getCurrentFile()
		if currentFilename == gcode_name and currentOrigin == target and (printer.isPrinting() or printer.isPaused()):
			make_response("Trying to slice into file that is currently being printed: %s" % gcode_name, 409)

		if "profile" in data.keys() and data["profile"]:
			profile = data["profile"]
			del data["profile"]
			profile = None

		if "printerProfile" in data.keys() and data["printerProfile"]:
			printerProfile = data["printerProfile"]
			del data["printerProfile"]
			printerProfile = None

		if "position" in data.keys() and data["position"] and isinstance(data["position"], dict) and "x" in data["position"] and "y" in data["position"]:
			position = data["position"]
			del data["position"]
			position = None

		select_after_slicing = False
		if "select" in data.keys() and data["select"] in valid_boolean_trues:
			if not printer.isOperational():
				return make_response("Printer is not operational, cannot directly select for printing", 409)
			select_after_slicing = True

		print_after_slicing = False
		if "print" in data.keys() and data["print"] in valid_boolean_trues:
			if not printer.isOperational():
				return make_response("Printer is not operational, cannot directly start printing", 409)
			select_after_slicing = print_after_slicing = True

		override_keys = [k for k in data if k.startswith("profile.") and data[k] is not None]
		overrides = dict()
		for key in override_keys:
			overrides[key[len("profile."):]] = data[key]

		def slicing_done(target, gcode_name, select_after_slicing, print_after_slicing):
			if select_after_slicing or print_after_slicing:
				sd = False
				if target == FileDestinations.SDCARD:
					filenameToSelect = gcode_name
					sd = True
					filenameToSelect = fileManager.get_absolute_path(target, gcode_name)
				printer.selectFile(filenameToSelect, sd, print_after_slicing)

		ok, result = fileManager.slice(slicer, target, filename, target, gcode_name,
		                               callback_args=(target, gcode_name, select_after_slicing, print_after_slicing))

		if ok:
			files = {}
			location = url_for(".readGcodeFile", target=target, filename=gcode_name, _external=True)
			result = {
				"name": gcode_name,
				"origin": FileDestinations.LOCAL,
				"refs": {
					"resource": location,
					"download": url_for("index", _external=True) + "downloads/files/" + target + "/" + gcode_name

			r = make_response(jsonify(result), 202)
			r.headers["Location"] = location
			return r
			return make_response("Could not slice: {result}".format(result=result), 500)

	return NO_CONTENT
Esempio n. 38
def printerToolCommand():
    pm = printerManager()

    if not pm.isOperational():
        return make_response("Printer is not operational", 409)

    valid_commands = {
        "select": ["tool"],
        "target": ["targets"],
        "offset": ["offsets"],
        "extrude": ["amount"]
    command, data, response = util.getJsonCommandFromRequest(
        request, valid_commands)
    if response is not None:
        return response

    validation_regex = re.compile("tool\d+")

    ##~~ tool selection
    if command == "select":
        tool = data["tool"]
        if re.match(validation_regex, tool) is None:
            return make_response("Invalid tool: %s" % tool, 400)
        if not tool.startswith("tool"):
            return make_response("Invalid tool for selection: %s" % tool, 400)


    ##~~ temperature
    elif command == "target":
        targets = data["targets"]

        # make sure the targets are valid and the values are numbers
        validated_values = {}
        for tool, value in targets.iteritems():
            if re.match(validation_regex, tool) is None:
                return make_response(
                    "Invalid target for setting temperature: %s" % tool, 400)
            if not isinstance(value, (int, long, float)):
                return make_response("Not a number for %s: %r" % (tool, value),
            validated_values[tool] = value

        # perform the actual temperature commands
        for tool in validated_values.keys():
            pm.setTemperature(tool, validated_values[tool])

    ##~~ extrusion
    elif command == "extrude":
        if pm.isPrinting():
            # do not extrude when a print job is running
            return make_response("Printer is currently printing", 409)

        amount = data["amount"]
        speed = data.get("speed")
        tool = data.get("tool")
        if not isinstance(amount, (int, long, float)):
            return make_response(
                "Not a number for extrusion amount: %r" % amount, 400)

        if tool is not None and re.match(validation_regex, tool) is None:
            return make_response("Invalid extruder value: %r" % tool, 400)

        if speed and not isinstance(speed, (int, long, float)):
            speed = None

            int(tool[len("tool"):]) if tool is not None else None, amount,

    return NO_CONTENT
Esempio n. 39
def gcodeFileCommand(filename, target):

    if not target in [
            FileDestinations.LOCAL, FileDestinations.SDCARD,
        return make_response("Unknown target: %s" % target, 404)

    if not _verifyFileExists(target, filename):
        return make_response("File not found on '%s': %s" % (target, filename),

    # valid file commands, dict mapping command name to mandatory parameters
    valid_commands = {"select": [], "slice": []}

    command, data, response = util.getJsonCommandFromRequest(
        request, valid_commands)
    if response is not None:
        return response

    if command == "select":
        # selects/loads a file
        printAfterLoading = False
        if "print" in data.keys() and data["print"] in valid_boolean_trues:
            if not printer.isOperational():
                return make_response(
                    "Printer is not operational, cannot directly start printing",
            printAfterLoading = True

        if target == FileDestinations.SDCARD:
            filenameToSelect = filename
            filenameToSelect = fileManager.get_absolute_path(target, filename)
        printer.selectFile(filenameToSelect, target, printAfterLoading)

    elif command == "slice":
        if "slicer" in data.keys():
            slicer = data["slicer"]
            del data["slicer"]
            if not slicer in slicingManager.registered_slicers:
                return make_response(
                    "Slicer {slicer} is not available".format(**locals()), 400)
            slicer_instance = slicingManager.get_slicer(slicer)
        elif "cura" in slicingManager.registered_slicers:
            slicer = "cura"
            slicer_instance = slicingManager.get_slicer("cura")
            return make_response(
                "Cannot slice {filename}, no slicer available".format(
                    **locals()), 415)

        if not octoprint.filemanager.valid_file_type(filename, type="stl"):
            return make_response(
                "Cannot slice {filename}, not an STL file".format(**locals()),

        if slicer_instance.get_slicer_properties()["same_device"] and (
                printer.isPrinting() or printer.isPaused()):
            # slicer runs on same device as OctoPrint, slicing while printing is hence disabled
            return make_response(
                "Cannot slice on {slicer} while printing due to performance reasons"
                .format(**locals()), 409)

        if "gcode" in data.keys() and data["gcode"]:
            gcode_name = data["gcode"]
            del data["gcode"]
            import os
            name, _ = os.path.splitext(filename)
            gcode_name = name + ".gco"

        # prohibit overwriting the file that is currently being printed
        currentOrigin, currentFilename = _getCurrentFile()
        if currentFilename == gcode_name and currentOrigin == target and (
                printer.isPrinting() or printer.isPaused()):
                "Trying to slice into file that is currently being printed: %s"
                % gcode_name, 409)

        if "profile" in data.keys() and data["profile"]:
            profile = data["profile"]
            del data["profile"]
            profile = None

        if "printerProfile" in data.keys() and data["printerProfile"]:
            printerProfile = data["printerProfile"]
            del data["printerProfile"]
            printerProfile = None

        if "position" in data.keys() and data["position"] and isinstance(
                dict) and "x" in data["position"] and "y" in data["position"]:
            position = data["position"]
            del data["position"]
            position = None

        select_after_slicing = False
        if "select" in data.keys() and data["select"] in valid_boolean_trues:
            if not printer.isOperational():
                return make_response(
                    "Printer is not operational, cannot directly select for printing",
            select_after_slicing = True

        print_after_slicing = False
        if "print" in data.keys() and data["print"] in valid_boolean_trues:
            if not printer.isOperational():
                return make_response(
                    "Printer is not operational, cannot directly start printing",
            select_after_slicing = print_after_slicing = True

        override_keys = [
            k for k in data if k.startswith("profile.") and data[k] is not None
        overrides = dict()
        for key in override_keys:
            overrides[key[len("profile."):]] = data[key]

        def slicing_done(target, gcode_name, select_after_slicing,
            if select_after_slicing or print_after_slicing:
                sd = False
                if target == FileDestinations.SDCARD:
                    filenameToSelect = gcode_name
                    sd = True
                    filenameToSelect = fileManager.get_absolute_path(
                        target, gcode_name)
                printer.selectFile(filenameToSelect, sd, print_after_slicing)

        ok, result = fileManager.slice(slicer,
                                       callback_args=(target, gcode_name,

        if ok:
            files = {}
            location = url_for(".readGcodeFile",
            result = {
                "name": gcode_name,
                "origin": FileDestinations.LOCAL,
                "refs": {
                    url_for("index", _external=True) + "downloads/files/" +
                    target + "/" + gcode_name

            r = make_response(jsonify(result), 202)
            r.headers["Location"] = location
            return r
            return make_response(
                "Could not slice: {result}".format(result=result), 500)

    return NO_CONTENT
Esempio n. 40
def printerToolCommand():
    pm = printerManager()

    if not pm.isOperational():
        return make_response("Printer is not operational", 409)

    valid_commands = {
        "select": ["tool"],
        "target": ["targets"],
        "offset": ["offsets"],
        "extrude": ["amount"]
    command, data, response = util.getJsonCommandFromRequest(
        request, valid_commands)
    if response is not None:
        return response

    validation_regex = re.compile("tool\d+")

    ##~~ tool selection
    if command == "select":
        tool = data["tool"]
        if re.match(validation_regex, tool) is None:
            return make_response("Invalid tool: %s" % tool, 400)
        if not tool.startswith("tool"):
            return make_response("Invalid tool for selection: %s" % tool, 400)


    ##~~ temperature
    elif command == "target":
        targets = data["targets"]

        # make sure the targets are valid and the values are numbers
        validated_values = {}
        for tool, value in targets.iteritems():
            if re.match(validation_regex, tool) is None:
                return make_response(
                    "Invalid target for setting temperature: %s" % tool, 400)
            if not isinstance(value, (int, long, float)):
                return make_response("Not a number for %s: %r" % (tool, value),
            validated_values[tool] = value

        # perform the actual temperature commands
        for tool in validated_values.keys():
            pm.setTemperature(tool, validated_values[tool])

        # update heatUp state
        # if sum(validated_values.values()) <= 0:
        #     pm.mcHeatingUpUpdate(False)
        # else:
        #     pm.mcHeatingUpUpdate(True)

        # Comment Added by: Toran Sahu <*****@*****.**>
        # above commented logic fails
        # TODO: use comm._gcode_M109 & _gcode_M190 to set temp in setTemperature; add logic to set value of {state: {heatingUp: <true/false>}}
        # refer _monitor from, pm.mcHeatingUpUpdate, mc._heatingUp, mc._oksAfterHeatingUp where mc is obj of comm.MachineCom

    ##~~ extrusion
    elif command == "extrude":
        if pm.isPrinting():
            # do not extrude when a print job is running
            return make_response("Printer is currently printing", 409)

        amount = data["amount"]
        speed = data.get("speed")
        tool = data.get("tool")
        if not isinstance(amount, (int, long, float)):
            return make_response(
                "Not a number for extrusion amount: %r" % amount, 400)

        if tool is not None and re.match(validation_regex, tool) is None:
            return make_response("Invalid extruder value: %r" % tool, 400)

        if speed and not isinstance(speed, (int, long, float)):
            speed = None

            int(tool[len("tool"):]) if tool is not None else None, amount,

    return NO_CONTENT
Esempio n. 41
def printerToolCommand():
	if not printer.isOperational():
		return make_response("Printer is not operational", 409)

	valid_commands = {
		"select": ["tool"],
		"target": ["targets"],
		"offset": ["offsets"],
		"extrude": ["amount"]
	command, data, response = util.getJsonCommandFromRequest(request, valid_commands)
	if response is not None:
		return response

	validation_regex = re.compile("tool\d+")

	##~~ tool selection
	if command == "select":
		tool = data["tool"]
		if re.match(validation_regex, tool) is None:
			return make_response("Invalid tool: %s" % tool, 400)
		if not tool.startswith("tool"):
			return make_response("Invalid tool for selection: %s" % tool, 400)


	##~~ temperature
	elif command == "target":
		targets = data["targets"]

		# make sure the targets are valid and the values are numbers
		validated_values = {}
		for tool, value in targets.iteritems():
			if re.match(validation_regex, tool) is None:
				return make_response("Invalid target for setting temperature: %s" % tool, 400)
			if not isinstance(value, (int, long, float)):
				return make_response("Not a number for %s: %r" % (tool, value), 400)
			validated_values[tool] = value

		# perform the actual temperature commands
		for tool in validated_values.keys():
			printer.setTemperature(tool, validated_values[tool])

	##~~ temperature offset
	elif command == "offset":
		offsets = data["offsets"]

		# make sure the targets are valid, the values are numbers and in the range [-50, 50]
		validated_values = {}
		for tool, value in offsets.iteritems():
			if re.match(validation_regex, tool) is None:
				return make_response("Invalid target for setting temperature: %s" % tool, 400)
			if not isinstance(value, (int, long, float)):
				return make_response("Not a number for %s: %r" % (tool, value), 400)
			if not -50 <= value <= 50:
				return make_response("Offset %s not in range [-50, 50]: %f" % (tool, value), 400)
			validated_values[tool] = value

		# set the offsets

	##~~ extrusion
	elif command == "extrude":
		if printer.isPrinting():
			# do not extrude when a print job is running
			return make_response("Printer is currently printing", 409)

		amount = data["amount"]
		speedTarget = data["speed"]
		if not isinstance(amount, (int, long, float)):
			return make_response("Not a number for extrusion amount: %r" % amount, 400)
		print("speed=%s" % str(speedTarget))		
		printer.extrudeSpeed(amount, speedTarget)

	return NO_CONTENT