Esempio n. 1
class GeometricTests(TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.coords = set((sin(0.1*t), sin(0.2*t), sin(0.3*t)) for t in xrange(50))
        self.o = Octree(((-1.0, 1.0),(-1.0, 1.0),(-1.0, 1.0)))
        self.o.extend((p,None) for p in self.coords)

    def test_basic(self):
        self.assertEqual(len(self.o), 50)

    def test_by_distance_from_point(self):
        p = (0.123, 0.456, 0.789)

        l1 = list(self.o.by_distance_from_point(p))
        l2 = list(self.o.by_distance_from_point_rev(p))

        self.assertEqual(set(c for (_,c,_) in l1), self.coords, "the points in order of distance from p should be the same as the points we put in")

        for (d,c,v) in l1:
            self.assertEqual(d, euclidean_point_point(p,c), "the points in order of distance from p should have distance computed correctly")

        self.assertEqual(l1,list(reversed(l2)), "the points in order of distance reversed should be the reverse of the points in order of distance")

        for ((d1,_,_),(d2,_,_)) in zip(l1,l1[1:]):
            self.assertTrue(d1 <= d2, "the points in order of distance from p should have increasing distance from p")

        self.assertEqual(self.o.nearest_to_point(p), l1[0], "the nearest point to p should be the first in order of distance from p")

        l3 = list(self.o.near_point(p, 1.3))
        self.assertEqual(l3, l1[:len(l3)], "the points near p should be an initial segment of the points in order of distance from p")

    def test_embiggen(self):
        b = ((-1.0,1.6),(-1.0,1.6),(-1.0,1.6))
        o2 = self.o.rebound(b)
        self.assertEqual(o2.bounds, b)
        p = (0.653, -0.234, 0.113)
        l1 = list(self.o.by_distance_from_point(p))
        l2 = list(o2.by_distance_from_point(p))
        self.assertEqual(l1, l2, "enlarging the bounds shouldn't have changed the points")

    def test_restrict(self):
        b = ((-1.57,0.43),(-0.76,0.83),(-0.37,1.96))
        o2 = self.o.rebound(b)
        self.assertEqual(o2.bounds, b)
        p = (0.653, -0.234, 0.113)
        l1 = [(d,c,v) for (d,c,v) in self.o.by_distance_from_point(p) if point_in_box(c,b)]
        l2 = list(o2.by_distance_from_point(p))
        self.assertEqual(l1, l2, "playing around with the bounds should restrict the points")

    def test_remove_all(self):
        p = (-0.432, 0.651, 0.791)
        l = list(self.o.by_distance_from_point(p))
        n = len(l)
        for (i,(_,c,_)) in enumerate(l):
            self.assertEqual(len(self.o), n-i-1)
            with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
Esempio n. 2
class GeometricTests(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.coords = set(
            (sin(0.1 * t), sin(0.2 * t), sin(0.3 * t)) for t in xrange(50))
        self.o = Octree(((-1.0, 1.0), (-1.0, 1.0), (-1.0, 1.0)))
        self.o.extend((p, None) for p in self.coords)

    def test_basic(self):
        self.assertEqual(len(self.o), 50)

    def test_by_distance_from_point(self):
        p = (0.123, 0.456, 0.789)

        l1 = list(self.o.by_distance_from_point(p))
        l2 = list(self.o.by_distance_from_point_rev(p))

            set(c for (_, c, _) in l1), self.coords,
            "the points in order of distance from p should be the same as the points we put in"

        for (d, c, v) in l1:
                d, euclidean_point_point(p, c),
                "the points in order of distance from p should have distance computed correctly"

            l1, list(reversed(l2)),
            "the points in order of distance reversed should be the reverse of the points in order of distance"

        for ((d1, _, _), (d2, _, _)) in zip(l1, l1[1:]):
                d1 <= d2,
                "the points in order of distance from p should have increasing distance from p"

            self.o.nearest_to_point(p), l1[0],
            "the nearest point to p should be the first in order of distance from p"

        l3 = list(self.o.near_point(p, 1.3))
            l3, l1[:len(l3)],
            "the points near p should be an initial segment of the points in order of distance from p"

    def test_embiggen(self):
        b = ((-1.0, 1.6), (-1.0, 1.6), (-1.0, 1.6))
        o2 = self.o.rebound(b)
        self.assertEqual(o2.bounds, b)

        p = (0.653, -0.234, 0.113)
        l1 = list(self.o.by_distance_from_point(p))
        l2 = list(o2.by_distance_from_point(p))
            l1, l2, "enlarging the bounds shouldn't have changed the points")

    def test_restrict(self):
        b = ((-1.57, 0.43), (-0.76, 0.83), (-0.37, 1.96))
        o2 = self.o.rebound(b)
        self.assertEqual(o2.bounds, b)

        p = (0.653, -0.234, 0.113)
        l1 = [(d, c, v) for (d, c, v) in self.o.by_distance_from_point(p)
              if point_in_box(c, b)]
        l2 = list(o2.by_distance_from_point(p))
            l1, l2,
            "playing around with the bounds should restrict the points")

    def test_remove_all(self):
        p = (-0.432, 0.651, 0.791)
        l = list(self.o.by_distance_from_point(p))
        n = len(l)
        for (i, (_, c, _)) in enumerate(l):
            self.assertEqual(len(self.o), n - i - 1)
            with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
Esempio n. 3
class GeometricTests(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.coords = set(
            (sin(0.1 * t), sin(0.2 * t), sin(0.3 * t)) for t in xrange(50))
        self.o = Octree(((-1.0, 1.0), (-1.0, 1.0), (-1.0, 1.0)))
        self.o.extend((p, True) for p in self.coords)

    def test_basic(self):
        self.assertEqual(len(self.o), 50)

    def test_get(self):
        for (i, p) in enumerate(self.coords):
            self.assertTrue(self.o.get(p, False))
        self.assertFalse(self.o.get((2.3, 3.4, 4.5), False))

    def test_by_distance_from_point(self):
        p = (0.123, 0.456, 0.789)

        l1 = list(self.o.by_distance_from_point(p))
        l2 = list(self.o.by_distance_from_point_rev(p))

            set(c for (_, c, _) in l1), self.coords,
            """the points in order of distance from p should
                         be the same as the points we put in""")

        for (d, c, v) in l1:
                d, euclidean_point_point(p, c), """the
            points in order of distance from p should have distance
            computed correctly""")

            l1, list(reversed(l2)), """the points in
        order of distance reversed should be the reverse of the points
        in order of distance""")

        for ((d1, _, _), (d2, _, _)) in zip(l1, l1[1:]):
                d1 <= d2, """the points in order of
            distance from p should have increasing distance from p""")

            self.o.nearest_to_point(p), l1[0], """the
        nearest point to p should be the first in order of distance
        from p""")

        l3 = list(self.o.by_distance_from_point(p, 1.3))
            l3, l1[:len(l3)], """the points near p should
        be an initial segment of the points in order of distance from p""")

    def test_embiggen(self):
        b = ((-1.0, 1.6), (-1.0, 1.6), (-1.0, 1.6))
        o2 = self.o.rebound(b)
        self.assertEqual(o2.bounds, b)

        p = (0.653, -0.234, 0.113)
        l1 = list(self.o.by_distance_from_point(p))
        l2 = list(o2.by_distance_from_point(p))
            l1, l2, """enlarging the bounds shouldn't
        have changed the points""")

    def test_restrict(self):
        b = ((-1.57, 0.43), (-0.76, 0.83), (-0.37, 1.96))
        o2 = self.o.rebound(b)
        self.assertEqual(o2.bounds, b)

        p = (0.653, -0.234, 0.113)
        l1 = [(d, c, v) for (d, c, v) in self.o.by_distance_from_point(p)
              if point_in_box(c, b)]
        l2 = list(o2.by_distance_from_point(p))
            l1, l2, """playing around with the bounds
        should restrict the points""")

    def test_remove_all(self):
        p = (-0.432, 0.651, 0.791)
        l = list(self.o.by_distance_from_point(p))
        n = len(l)
        for (i, (_, c, _)) in enumerate(l):
            self.assertEqual(len(self.o), n - i - 1)
            with self.assertRaises(KeyError):

    def test_union(self):
        p = (0.236, -0.532, -0.117)
        l = [c for (_, c, _) in self.o.by_distance_from_point(p)]

        o1 = Octree(((-1.0, 1.0), (-1.0, 1.0), (-1.0, 1.0)))
        o1.extend((p, True) for p in l[:25])
        self.assertEqual(len(o1), 25)

        o2 = Octree(((-1.0, 1.0), (-1.0, 1.0), (-1.0, 1.0)))
        o2.extend((p, True) for p in l[25:])
        self.assertEqual(len(o2), 25)

        self.assertEqual(o1.simple_union(o2), self.o)

    def test_matrix(self):
        m = ((0.123, 0.143, -0.987), (-0.345, 0.687, -0.431), (0.361, -0.183,

        o1 = self.o.apply_matrix(m)

        s = set(matrix_action(m, p) for p in self.coords)
        self.assertEqual(len(s), len(self.coords))

        g1 = o1.by_distance_from_point((0.123, 0.456, 0.789))
        s1 = set(c for (_, c, _) in g1)
        self.assertEqual(s, s1)

    def test_iter_and_subset(self):
        l1 = set(t for (t, _) in self.o if sum(t) > 0)
        l2 = set(t for t in self.coords if sum(t) > 0)
        l3 = set(t for (t, _) in self.o.subset(lambda t: sum(t) > 0))

        self.assertEqual(l1, l2)
        self.assertEqual(l1, l3)

    def test_point_within_distance(self):
        epsilon = 0.1
        for t in xrange(150, 200):
            p = (sin(0.1 * t), sin(0.2 * t), sin(0.3 * t))

                self.o.by_distance_from_point(p, epsilon).next()
                f_computed = True
            except StopIteration:
                f_computed = False

            f_real = False
            for (q, _) in self.o:
                if euclidean_point_point(p, q) < epsilon:
                    f_real = True

            self.assertEqual(f_computed, f_real)
Esempio n. 4
class GeometricTests(TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.coords = set((sin(0.1*t), sin(0.2*t), sin(0.3*t))
                          for t in xrange(50))
        self.o = Octree(((-1.0, 1.0), (-1.0, 1.0), (-1.0, 1.0)))
        self.o.extend((p, True) for p in self.coords)

    def test_basic(self):
        self.assertEqual(len(self.o), 50)

    def test_get(self):
        for (i, p) in enumerate(self.coords):
            self.assertTrue(self.o.get(p, False))
        self.assertFalse(self.o.get((2.3, 3.4, 4.5), False))

    def test_by_distance_from_point(self):
        p = (0.123, 0.456, 0.789)

        l1 = list(self.o.by_distance_from_point(p))
        l2 = list(self.o.by_distance_from_point_rev(p))

        self.assertEqual(set(c for (_, c, _) in l1), self.coords,
                         """the points in order of distance from p should
                         be the same as the points we put in""")

        for (d, c, v) in l1:
            self.assertEqual(d, euclidean_point_point(p, c), """the
            points in order of distance from p should have distance
            computed correctly""")

        self.assertEqual(l1, list(reversed(l2)), """the points in
        order of distance reversed should be the reverse of the points
        in order of distance""")

        for ((d1, _, _), (d2, _, _)) in zip(l1, l1[1:]):
            self.assertTrue(d1 <= d2, """the points in order of
            distance from p should have increasing distance from p""")

        self.assertEqual(self.o.nearest_to_point(p), l1[0], """the
        nearest point to p should be the first in order of distance
        from p""")

        l3 = list(self.o.by_distance_from_point(p, 1.3))
        self.assertEqual(l3, l1[:len(l3)], """the points near p should
        be an initial segment of the points in order of distance from p""")

    def test_embiggen(self):
        b = ((-1.0, 1.6), (-1.0, 1.6), (-1.0, 1.6))
        o2 = self.o.rebound(b)
        self.assertEqual(o2.bounds, b)

        p = (0.653, -0.234, 0.113)
        l1 = list(self.o.by_distance_from_point(p))
        l2 = list(o2.by_distance_from_point(p))
        self.assertEqual(l1, l2, """enlarging the bounds shouldn't
        have changed the points""")

    def test_restrict(self):
        b = ((-1.57, 0.43), (-0.76, 0.83), (-0.37, 1.96))
        o2 = self.o.rebound(b)
        self.assertEqual(o2.bounds, b)

        p = (0.653, -0.234, 0.113)
        l1 = [(d, c, v)
              for (d, c, v) in self.o.by_distance_from_point(p)
              if point_in_box(c, b)]
        l2 = list(o2.by_distance_from_point(p))
        self.assertEqual(l1, l2, """playing around with the bounds
        should restrict the points""")

    def test_remove_all(self):
        p = (-0.432, 0.651, 0.791)
        l = list(self.o.by_distance_from_point(p))
        n = len(l)
        for (i, (_, c, _)) in enumerate(l):
            self.assertEqual(len(self.o), n-i-1)
            with self.assertRaises(KeyError):

    def test_union(self):
        p = (0.236, -0.532, -0.117)
        l = [c for (_, c, _) in self.o.by_distance_from_point(p)]

        o1 = Octree(((-1.0, 1.0), (-1.0, 1.0), (-1.0, 1.0)))
        o1.extend((p, True) for p in l[:25])
        self.assertEqual(len(o1), 25)

        o2 = Octree(((-1.0, 1.0), (-1.0, 1.0), (-1.0, 1.0)))
        o2.extend((p, True) for p in l[25:])
        self.assertEqual(len(o2), 25)

        self.assertEqual(o1.simple_union(o2), self.o)

    def test_matrix(self):
        m = ((0.123, 0.143, -0.987),
             (-0.345, 0.687, -0.431),
             (0.361, -0.183, 0.781))

        o1 = self.o.apply_matrix(m)

        s = set(matrix_action(m, p) for p in self.coords)
        self.assertEqual(len(s), len(self.coords))

        g1 = o1.by_distance_from_point((0.123, 0.456, 0.789))
        s1 = set(c for (_, c, _) in g1)
        self.assertEqual(s, s1)

    def test_iter_and_subset(self):
        l1 = set(t for (t, _) in self.o if sum(t) > 0)
        l2 = set(t for t in self.coords if sum(t) > 0)
        l3 = set(t for (t, _) in self.o.subset(lambda t: sum(t) > 0))

        self.assertEqual(l1, l2)
        self.assertEqual(l1, l3)

    def test_point_within_distance(self):
        epsilon = 0.1
        for t in xrange(150, 200):
            p = (sin(0.1*t), sin(0.2*t), sin(0.3*t))

                self.o.by_distance_from_point(p, epsilon).next()
                f_computed = True
            except StopIteration:
                f_computed = False

            f_real = False
            for (q, _) in self.o:
                if euclidean_point_point(p, q) < epsilon:
                    f_real = True

            self.assertEqual(f_computed, f_real)