Esempio n. 1
 def test_text(self):
     text = "Le Père Noël a une moustache rouge."
     paragraph = Paragraph(text)
     paragraph.set_span("highlight", regex="rouge")
     expected = ("<text:p>Le Père Noël a une moustache "
                 "<text:span "
     self.assertEqual(paragraph.serialize(), expected)
Esempio n. 2
 def test_offset(self):
     text = "Le Père Noël a une moustache rouge."
     paragraph = Paragraph(text)
     paragraph.set_span("highlight", offset=text.index("moustache"))
     expected = ("<text:p>Le Père Noël a une "
                 '<text:span text:style-name="highlight">moustache '
     self.assertEqual(paragraph.serialize(), expected)
Esempio n. 3
 def test_append_plain_text_guess_utf8(self):
     txt = 'A test,\n   \twith \n\n some é and \t and     5 spaces.'
     para = Paragraph()
     expected = ('<text:p>A test,<text:line-break/> <text:s text:c="2"/>'
                 '<text:tab/>with <text:line-break/><text:line-break/> '
                 'some é and <text:tab/> and <text:s text:c="4"/>'
                 '5 spaces.</text:p>')
     self.assertEqual(para.serialize(), expected)
Esempio n. 4
 def test_append_plain_text_guess_iso(self):
     txt = "A test,\n   \twith \n\n some \xe9 and \t and     5 spaces."
     para = Paragraph()
     expected = ('<text:p>A test,<text:line-break/> <text:s text:c="2"/>'
                 "<text:tab/>with <text:line-break/><text:line-break/> "
                 'some é and <text:tab/> and <text:s text:c="4"/>'
                 "5 spaces.</text:p>")
     self.assertEqual(para.serialize(), expected)
Esempio n. 5
 def test_offset_length(self):
     text = "Le Père Noël a une moustache rouge."
     paragraph = Paragraph(text)
     expected = ('<text:p>Le Père Noël a une '
                 '<text:span text:style-name="highlight">moustache'
                 '</text:span> rouge.'
     self.assertEqual(paragraph.serialize(), expected)
Esempio n. 6
 def test_text_several(self):
     text = "Le Père rouge a une moustache rouge."
     paragraph = Paragraph(text)
     paragraph.set_span("highlight", regex="rouge")
     expected = ('<text:p>Le Père '
                 '<text:span '
                 'text:style-name="highlight">rouge</text:span> '
                 'a une moustache '
                 '<text:span '
     self.assertEqual(paragraph.serialize(), expected)
Esempio n. 7
 def test_set_bookmark_with_role(self):
     paragraph = Paragraph("aa")
     paragraph.set_bookmark("bookmark", role="start")
     paragraph.set_bookmark("bookmark", role="end", position=-1)
     expected = (
         '<text:bookmark-start text:name="bookmark"/>'
         '<text:bookmark-end text:name="bookmark"/>'
     self.assertEqual(paragraph.serialize(), expected)
Esempio n. 8
 def test_set_bookmark_with_limits(self):
     paragraph = Paragraph("aa bb bb aa")
     paragraph.set_bookmark("bookmark", position=(6, 8))
     expected = (
         "<text:p>aa bb "
         '<text:bookmark-start text:name="bookmark"/>'
         '<text:bookmark-end text:name="bookmark"/>'
         " aa"
     self.assertEqual(paragraph.serialize(), expected)
Esempio n. 9
 def test_set_bookmark_with_after_without_position(self):
     paragraph = Paragraph("aa bb aa aa cc aa dd")
     paragraph.set_span(style="style", regex="bb aa aa")
     paragraph.set_span(style="style", regex="dd")
     paragraph.set_bookmark("bookmark", after="aa")
     expected = (
         '<text:p>aa<text:bookmark text:name="bookmark"/> '
         '<text:span text:style-name="style">bb aa aa'
         ' cc aa <text:span text:style-name="style">dd</text:span>'
     self.assertEqual(paragraph.serialize(), expected)
Esempio n. 10
 def test_insert_note(self):
     note = Note(note_id='note1', citation="1", body="élément pertubateur")
     paragraph = Paragraph("Un paragraphe")
     paragraph.insert_note(note, after="para")
     expected = ('<text:p>Un para'
                 '<text:note text:note-class="footnote" '
                 '<text:p>élément pertubateur</text:p>'
     self.assertEqual(paragraph.serialize(), expected)
Esempio n. 11
 def test_insert_annotation(self):
     text = "It's like you're in a cave."
     creator = "Plato"
     date = datetime(2009, 8, 19)
     annotation = Annotation(text, creator=creator, date=date)
     paragraph = Paragraph("Un paragraphe")
     paragraph.insert_annotation(annotation, after="para")
     expected = ('<text:p>Un para'
                 '<office:annotation office:name="__Fieldmark__lpod_1">'
                 '<text:p>It\'s like you\'re in a cave.</text:p>'
     self.assertEqual(paragraph.serialize(), expected)
Esempio n. 12
 def test_set_bookmark_with_position(self):
     paragraph = Paragraph("aa bb aa aa cc aa dd")
     paragraph.set_span(style="style", regex="bb aa aa")
     paragraph.set_span(style="style", regex="dd")
     paragraph.set_bookmark("bookmark1", position=0)
     paragraph.set_bookmark("bookmark2", position=2)
     paragraph.set_bookmark("bookmark3", position=len("aa bb aa aa cc aa dd"))
     expected = (
         '<text:p><text:bookmark text:name="bookmark1"/>aa'
         '<text:bookmark text:name="bookmark2"/> '
         '<text:span text:style-name="style">bb aa aa</text:span>'
         ' cc aa <text:span text:style-name="style">dd'
         '<text:bookmark text:name="bookmark3"/></text:span>'
     self.assertEqual(paragraph.serialize(), expected)
Esempio n. 13
 def test_set_bookmark_with_end(self):
     paragraph = Paragraph("aa bb aa aa cc aa dd")
     paragraph.set_span(style="style", regex="bb aa aa")
     paragraph.set_span(style="style", regex="dd")
     paragraph.set_bookmark("bookmark1", after="cc", position=-1)
     paragraph.set_bookmark("bookmark2", position=-1)
     expected = (
         "<text:p>aa "
         '<text:span text:style-name="style">'
         "bb aa aa"
         ' cc<text:bookmark text:name="bookmark1"/> aa '
         '<text:span text:style-name="style">dd</text:span>'
         '<text:bookmark text:name="bookmark2"/>'
     self.assertEqual(paragraph.serialize(), expected)