Esempio n. 1
def test_fixed_disp_adj(space):
    """Verify that the adjoint of LinDeformFixedDisp is correct."""
    # Set up template and displacement field
    template = space.element(template_function)
    disp_field = space.real_space.tangent_bundle.element(

    # Calculate result
    deform_op = LinDeformFixedDisp(disp_field, templ_space=space)
    deformed_templ_adj = deform_op.adjoint(template)

    # Calculate the analytic result
    true_deformed_templ_adj = space.element(inv_deformed_template)
    exp_div = space.element(exp_div_inv_disp)
    true_deformed_templ_adj *= exp_div

    # Verify that the result is within error limits
    error = (deformed_templ_adj - true_deformed_templ_adj).norm()
    rel_err = error / true_deformed_templ_adj.norm()
    assert rel_err < error_bound(space.interp)

    # Verify the adjoint definition <Ax, x> = <x, A^* x>
    deformed_templ = deform_op(template)
    inner1 = deformed_templ.inner(template)
    inner2 = template.inner(deformed_templ_adj)
    assert almost_equal(inner1, inner2, places=1)
Esempio n. 2
def test_fixed_disp_adj(space):
    """Verify that the adjoint of LinDeformFixedDisp is correct."""
    # Set up template and displacement field
    template = space.element(template_function)
    disp_field = space.real_space.tangent_bundle.element(

    # Calculate result
    deform_op = LinDeformFixedDisp(disp_field, templ_space=space)
    deformed_templ_adj = deform_op.adjoint(template)

    # Calculate the analytic result
    true_deformed_templ_adj = space.element(inv_deformed_template)
    exp_div = space.element(exp_div_inv_disp)
    true_deformed_templ_adj *= exp_div

    # Verify that the result is within error limits
    error = (deformed_templ_adj - true_deformed_templ_adj).norm()
    rel_err = error / true_deformed_templ_adj.norm()
    assert rel_err < error_bound(space.interp)

    # Verify the adjoint definition <Ax, x> = <x, A^* x>
    deformed_templ = deform_op(template)
    inner1 = deformed_templ.inner(template)
    inner2 = template.inner(deformed_templ_adj)
    assert almost_equal(inner1, inner2, places=1)