Esempio n. 1
    def _search_open_hours(self, operator, value):
        dt = - relativedelta(hours=value)

        d1, d2 = False, False
        if operator in ['<', '<=', '>', '>=']:
            d1 = [
                '&', ('close_date', '=', False),
                ('create_date', expression.TERM_OPERATORS_NEGATION[operator],
            d2 = [
                '&', ('close_date', '!=', False),
                ('close_hours', operator, value)
        elif operator in ['=', '!=']:
            subdomain = [
                ('close_date', expression.TERM_OPERATORS_NEGATION[operator],
                ('create_date', '>=',
                 dt.replace(minutes=0, seconds=0, microseconds=0)),
                ('create_date', '<',
                 dt.replace(minutes=59, seconds=59, microseconds=99))
            if operator in expression.NEGATIVE_TERM_OPERATORS:
                subdomain = expression.distribute_not(subdomain)
            d1 = ['&', ('close_date', '=', False), subdomain]
            d2 = [
                '&', ('close_date', '!=', False),
                ('close_hours', operator, value)
        return expression.OR([d1, d2])
Esempio n. 2
 def _search_abandoned_cart(self, operator, value):
     abandoned_delay = self.website_id and self.website_id.cart_abandoned_delay or 1.0
     abandoned_datetime = fields.Datetime.to_string(datetime.utcnow() - relativedelta(hours=abandoned_delay))
     abandoned_domain = expression.normalize_domain([
         ('date_order', '<=', abandoned_datetime),
         ('team_id.team_type', '=', 'website'),
         ('state', '=', 'draft'),
         ('', '!=', self.env.ref('base.public_partner').id),
         ('order_line', '!=', False)
     # is_abandoned domain possibilities
     if (operator not in expression.NEGATIVE_TERM_OPERATORS and value) or (operator in expression.NEGATIVE_TERM_OPERATORS and not value):
         return abandoned_domain
     return expression.distribute_not(abandoned_domain)  # negative domain
Esempio n. 3
 def _search_abandoned_cart(self, operator, value):
     abandoned_delay = self.website_id and self.website_id.cart_abandoned_delay or 1.0
     abandoned_datetime = fields.Datetime.to_string(datetime.utcnow() - relativedelta(hours=abandoned_delay))
     abandoned_domain = expression.normalize_domain([
         ('date_order', '<=', abandoned_datetime),
         ('team_id.team_type', '=', 'website'),
         ('state', '=', 'draft'),
         ('partner_id', '!=', self.env.ref('base.public_partner').id),
         ('order_line', '!=', False)
     # is_abandoned domain possibilities
     if (operator not in expression.NEGATIVE_TERM_OPERATORS and value) or (operator in expression.NEGATIVE_TERM_OPERATORS and not value):
         return abandoned_domain
     return expression.distribute_not(['!'] + abandoned_domain)  # negative domain
Esempio n. 4
    def _search_pricing_type(self, operator, value):
        """ Search method for pricing_type field.

            This method returns a domain based on the operator and the value given in parameter:
            - operator = '=':
                - value = 'task_rate': [('sale_line_employee_ids', '=', False), ('sale_line_id', '=', False), ('allow_billable', '=', True)]
                - value = 'fixed_rate': [('sale_line_employee_ids', '=', False), ('sale_line_id', '!=', False), ('allow_billable', '=', True)]
                - value = 'employee_rate': [('sale_line_employee_ids', '!=', False), ('allow_billable', '=', True)]
                - value is False: [('allow_billable', '=', False)]
            - operator = '!=':
                - value = 'task_rate': ['|', ('sale_line_employee_ids', '!=', False), ('sale_line_id', '!=', False), ('allow_billable', '=', True)]
                - value = 'fixed_rate': ['|', ('sale_line_employee_ids', '!=', False), ('sale_line_id', '=', False), ('allow_billable', '=', True)]
                - value = 'employee_rate': [('sale_line_employee_ids', '=', False), ('allow_billable', '=', True)]
                - value is False: [('allow_billable', '!=', False)]

            :param operator: the supported operator is either '=' or '!='.
            :param value: the value than the field should be is among these values into the following tuple: (False, 'task_rate', 'fixed_rate', 'employee_rate').

            :returns: the domain to find the expected projects.
        if operator not in ('=', '!='):
            raise UserError(_('Operation not supported'))
        if not ((isinstance(value, bool) and value is False) or
                (isinstance(value, str)
                 and value in ('task_rate', 'fixed_rate', 'employee_rate'))):
            raise UserError(_('Value does not exist in the pricing type'))
        if value is False:
            return [('allow_billable', operator, value)]

        sol_cond = ('sale_line_id', '!=', False)
        mapping_cond = ('sale_line_employee_ids', '!=', False)
        if value == 'task_rate':
            domain = [
                expression.NOT_OPERATOR, sol_cond, expression.NOT_OPERATOR,
        elif value == 'fixed_rate':
            domain = [sol_cond, expression.NOT_OPERATOR, mapping_cond]
        else:  # value == 'employee_rate'
            domain = [sol_cond, mapping_cond]

        domain = expression.normalize_domain(domain)
        if operator != '=':
            domain.insert(0, expression.NOT_OPERATOR)
        domain = expression.distribute_not(domain)
        domain = expression.AND([domain, [('allow_billable', '=', True)]])
        return domain
Esempio n. 5
 def _search_abandoned_cart(self, operator, value):
     website_ids = self.env['website'].search_read(fields=['id', 'cart_abandoned_delay', 'partner_id'])
     deadlines = [[
         '&', '&',
         ('website_id', '=', website_id['id']),
         ('date_order', '<=', fields.Datetime.to_string(datetime.utcnow() - relativedelta(hours=website_id['cart_abandoned_delay'] or 1.0))),
         ('partner_id', '!=', website_id['partner_id'][0])
     ] for website_id in website_ids]
     abandoned_domain = [
         ('state', '=', 'draft'),
         ('order_line', '!=', False)
     abandoned_domain = expression.normalize_domain(abandoned_domain)
     # is_abandoned domain possibilities
     if (operator not in expression.NEGATIVE_TERM_OPERATORS and value) or (operator in expression.NEGATIVE_TERM_OPERATORS and not value):
         return abandoned_domain
     return expression.distribute_not(['!'] + abandoned_domain)  # negative domain