Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self,
        Main Presentation object

        self.filename = None

        # keep a list of images for inclusion in ODP file
        self.image_nameD = {
        }  # index=file system name,    value=internal image name
        self.sys_image_nameD = {
        }  # index=internal image name, value=file system name
        self.image_nameL = []  # ordered list of internal image names
        self.image_sizeD = {
        }  # index=internal image name, value=tuple of image size (w,h)
        self.max_image_int = 0

        self.title_font_color = title_font_color
        self.subtitle_font_color = subtitle_font_color

        self.background_image = background_image
        if self.background_image:
            self.internal_background_image = self.get_next_image_name(
            self.internal_background_image = ''

        self.background_color = getValidHexStr(background_color,
                                               "#ffffff")  # default to white

        self.grad_start_color = grad_start_color
        self.grad_end_color = grad_end_color
        self.grad_angle = '%s' % (int(grad_angle_deg) * 10,
                                  )  # odp understands tenths of deg input
        self.grad_draw_style = grad_draw_style

        if self.internal_background_image:
            self.ref_odp_filename = 'ppt_all_layouts_image.odp'
            self.page_type = 'image'  # "solidbg", "grad", "image"
        elif self.grad_start_color and self.grad_end_color:
            self.ref_odp_filename = 'ppt_all_layouts_grad.odp'
            self.page_type = 'grad'  # "solidbg", "grad", "image"
            self.ref_odp_filename = 'ppt_all_layouts_solidbg.odp'
            self.page_type = 'solidbg'  # "solidbg", "grad", "image"

        # open reference odp file
        self.full_odp_ref_path = os.path.join(here, 'templates',
        self.odp_ref = ODPFile(self.full_odp_ref_path)

        self.styles_xml_obj = StylesXML(self, self.odp_ref)
        self.content_xml_obj = ContentXML(self, self.odp_ref)

        # figure out max style:name (e.g. "a123")

        self.show_date = show_date
        self.date_font_color = date_font_color

        self.footer = footer
        self.footer_font_color = footer_font_color

        self.show_page_numbers = show_page_numbers
        self.page_number_font_color = page_number_font_color

        # style names will be in order, "a0", "a1", "a2", ...
        self.new_content_styleL = [
        ]  # style:style elements to be added to auto_styles
        self.new_content_pageL = [
        ]  # draw:page elements to be added to presentation
        self.new_master_styleL = [
        ]  # For each new_content_pageL item, there are many master-page style elements
        self.new_master_page_styleL = [
        ]  # For each new_content_pageL item, there is a style:master-page item

        self.new_styles_office_stylesL = [
        ]  # usually draw:gradient or draw:fill-image statements

        self.new_content_styleD = {}  # index="a123", value=style elem
        #self.new_master_styleD = {} # index="a123", value=style elem

        # style names and id values start at 0 (i.e. "a0", "a1", ... and "id0", "id1", ...)
        #self.max_style_name_int = -1 # used for nameing styles (ex. draw:style-name="a123")
        #self.max_draw_id_int = -1 # some internal use ???
        self.max_style_name_int = self.odp_ref.styles_xml_obj.max_annn_def + 1000
        self.max_draw_id_int = self.odp_ref.styles_xml_obj.max_idnnn_def + 1000
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, title_font_color='black', subtitle_font_color='#666666',
        background_image="", background_color="white",
        grad_start_color="", grad_end_color="", grad_angle_deg=0, grad_draw_style='linear',
        show_date=False, date_font_color='#666666',
        footer="", footer_font_color='#666666',
        show_page_numbers=True, page_number_font_color="#666666"):
        Main Presentation object

        self.filename = None
        # keep a list of images for inclusion in ODP file
        self.image_nameD = {}     # index=file system name,    value=internal image name
        self.sys_image_nameD = {} # index=internal image name, value=file system name
        self.image_nameL = [] # ordered list of internal image names 
        self.image_sizeD = {} # index=internal image name, value=tuple of image size (w,h)
        self.max_image_int = 0
        self.title_font_color = title_font_color
        self.subtitle_font_color = subtitle_font_color
        self.background_image = background_image
        if self.background_image:
            self.internal_background_image = self.get_next_image_name( background_image )
            self.internal_background_image = ''
        self.background_color = getValidHexStr( background_color, "#ffffff" ) # default to white
        self.grad_start_color = grad_start_color
        self.grad_end_color = grad_end_color
        self.grad_angle = '%s'%(int(grad_angle_deg)*10, ) # odp understands tenths of deg input
        self.grad_draw_style = grad_draw_style
        if self.internal_background_image:
            self.ref_odp_filename = 'ppt_all_layouts_image.odp'
            self.page_type = 'image' # "solidbg", "grad", "image"
        elif self.grad_start_color and self.grad_end_color:
            self.ref_odp_filename = 'ppt_all_layouts_grad.odp'
            self.page_type = 'grad' # "solidbg", "grad", "image"
            self.ref_odp_filename = 'ppt_all_layouts_solidbg.odp'
            self.page_type = 'solidbg' # "solidbg", "grad", "image"
        # open reference odp file
        self.full_odp_ref_path = os.path.join( here, 'templates', self.ref_odp_filename )
        self.odp_ref = ODPFile( self.full_odp_ref_path )
        self.styles_xml_obj = StylesXML( self, self.odp_ref )
        self.content_xml_obj = ContentXML(self, self.odp_ref )
        # figure out max style:name (e.g. "a123")
        self.show_date = show_date
        self.date_font_color = date_font_color
        self.footer = footer
        self.footer_font_color = footer_font_color
        self.show_page_numbers = show_page_numbers
        self.page_number_font_color = page_number_font_color
        # style names will be in order, "a0", "a1", "a2", ...
        self.new_content_styleL = [] # style:style elements to be added to auto_styles
        self.new_content_pageL = [] # draw:page elements to be added to presentation
        self.new_master_styleL = [] # For each new_content_pageL item, there are many master-page style elements
        self.new_master_page_styleL = [] # For each new_content_pageL item, there is a style:master-page item
        self.new_styles_office_stylesL = [] # usually draw:gradient or draw:fill-image statements

        self.new_content_styleD = {} # index="a123", value=style elem
        #self.new_master_styleD = {} # index="a123", value=style elem

        # style names and id values start at 0 (i.e. "a0", "a1", ... and "id0", "id1", ...)
        #self.max_style_name_int = -1 # used for nameing styles (ex. draw:style-name="a123")
        #self.max_draw_id_int = -1 # some internal use ???
        self.max_style_name_int = self.odp_ref.styles_xml_obj.max_annn_def + 1000
        self.max_draw_id_int = self.odp_ref.styles_xml_obj.max_idnnn_def + 1000
Esempio n. 3
class Presentation(object):
    Creates OpenDocument Presentations for Microsoft PowerPoint, LibreOffice and OpenOffice.
    Output is a ``*.odp`` file.
    :keyword str title_font_color:  (default=='black')
    :keyword str subtitle_font_color:  (default=='#666666')
    :keyword str background_image:  (default=="")
    :keyword str background_color:  (default=="white")
    :keyword str grad_start_color: Color Gradient start color. If blank then not used (default=="")
    :keyword str grad_end_color: Color Gradient end color. If blank then not used  (default=="")
    :keyword int grad_angle_deg:  Color Gradient angle, in degrees (default==0)
    :keyword str grad_draw_style: Color Gradient style, "linear", "radial",  (default=='linear')
    :keyword bool show_date:  (default==False)
    :keyword str date_font_color:  (default=='#666666')
    :keyword str footer: String displayed as footer on each slide (default=="")
    :keyword str footer_font_color:  (default=='#666666')
    :keyword bool show_page_numbers:  (default==True)
    :keyword str page_number_font_color:  (default=="#666666")
    def __init__(self,
        Main Presentation object

        self.filename = None

        # keep a list of images for inclusion in ODP file
        self.image_nameD = {
        }  # index=file system name,    value=internal image name
        self.sys_image_nameD = {
        }  # index=internal image name, value=file system name
        self.image_nameL = []  # ordered list of internal image names
        self.image_sizeD = {
        }  # index=internal image name, value=tuple of image size (w,h)
        self.max_image_int = 0

        self.title_font_color = title_font_color
        self.subtitle_font_color = subtitle_font_color

        self.background_image = background_image
        if self.background_image:
            self.internal_background_image = self.get_next_image_name(
            self.internal_background_image = ''

        self.background_color = getValidHexStr(background_color,
                                               "#ffffff")  # default to white

        self.grad_start_color = grad_start_color
        self.grad_end_color = grad_end_color
        self.grad_angle = '%s' % (int(grad_angle_deg) * 10,
                                  )  # odp understands tenths of deg input
        self.grad_draw_style = grad_draw_style

        if self.internal_background_image:
            self.ref_odp_filename = 'ppt_all_layouts_image.odp'
            self.page_type = 'image'  # "solidbg", "grad", "image"
        elif self.grad_start_color and self.grad_end_color:
            self.ref_odp_filename = 'ppt_all_layouts_grad.odp'
            self.page_type = 'grad'  # "solidbg", "grad", "image"
            self.ref_odp_filename = 'ppt_all_layouts_solidbg.odp'
            self.page_type = 'solidbg'  # "solidbg", "grad", "image"

        # open reference odp file
        self.full_odp_ref_path = os.path.join(here, 'templates',
        self.odp_ref = ODPFile(self.full_odp_ref_path)

        self.styles_xml_obj = StylesXML(self, self.odp_ref)
        self.content_xml_obj = ContentXML(self, self.odp_ref)

        # figure out max style:name (e.g. "a123")

        self.show_date = show_date
        self.date_font_color = date_font_color

        self.footer = footer
        self.footer_font_color = footer_font_color

        self.show_page_numbers = show_page_numbers
        self.page_number_font_color = page_number_font_color

        # style names will be in order, "a0", "a1", "a2", ...
        self.new_content_styleL = [
        ]  # style:style elements to be added to auto_styles
        self.new_content_pageL = [
        ]  # draw:page elements to be added to presentation
        self.new_master_styleL = [
        ]  # For each new_content_pageL item, there are many master-page style elements
        self.new_master_page_styleL = [
        ]  # For each new_content_pageL item, there is a style:master-page item

        self.new_styles_office_stylesL = [
        ]  # usually draw:gradient or draw:fill-image statements

        self.new_content_styleD = {}  # index="a123", value=style elem
        #self.new_master_styleD = {} # index="a123", value=style elem

        # style names and id values start at 0 (i.e. "a0", "a1", ... and "id0", "id1", ...)
        #self.max_style_name_int = -1 # used for nameing styles (ex. draw:style-name="a123")
        #self.max_draw_id_int = -1 # some internal use ???
        self.max_style_name_int = self.odp_ref.styles_xml_obj.max_annn_def + 1000
        self.max_draw_id_int = self.odp_ref.styles_xml_obj.max_idnnn_def + 1000

    def get_next_a_style(self):
        """Returns a string like "a123"  """
        self.max_style_name_int += 1
        return 'a%i' % self.max_style_name_int

    def get_next_draw_id(self):
        """Returns a string like "id123"  """
        self.max_draw_id_int += 1
        return 'id%i' % self.max_draw_id_int

    def get_next_image_name(self, file_sys_name):
        """Returns a string like "image1", "image2", ...  """

        if file_sys_name in self.image_nameD:
            return self.image_nameD[file_sys_name]

        if not os.path.isfile(file_sys_name):
            print('...WARNING... image file: "%s" NOT FOUND' % file_sys_name)
            file_sys_name = os.path.join(here, 'templates',

        head, tail = os.path.splitext(file_sys_name)  # tail is usually ".png"

        self.max_image_int += 1
        int_name = 'image%i%s' % (self.max_image_int, tail)

        self.image_nameD[file_sys_name] = int_name
        self.sys_image_nameD[int_name] = file_sys_name

        self.image_sizeD[int_name] = get_image_size(file_sys_name)

        return int_name

    def launch_application(self):
        Will launch PowerPoint, LibreOffice or Openoffice using "os.startfile" or "open" or
        "xdg-open" depending on the platform.

        ONLY WORKS IF file has been saved.

        if self.filename is None:
            print('=' * 75)
            print('=' * 5,
                  'MUST SAVE FILE before launch_application will work.',
                  '=' * 5)
            print('=' * 75)

        #os.startfile( self.filename )
        if sys.platform == "win32":
            opener = "open" if sys.platform == "darwin" else "xdg-open"
  [opener, self.filename])

    def add_office_styles(self, style_elem):
        Put draw:gradient and draw:image-fill into styles.xml 

        office_styles = style_elem.find('office:styles')
        for elem in self.new_styles_office_stylesL:

    def save(self, filename='my_presentation.odp', launch=False):
        Saves Presentation to an odp file readable by Microsoft PowerPoint, LibreOffice or OpenOffice.

        If the launch flag is set, will launch PowerPoint, LibreOffice or Openoffice using "os.startfile"
        or "open" or "xdg-open" depending on the platform.

        :keyword filename: Name of ods file to save (default=='my_presentation.odp')
        :type  filename: str or unicode
        :keyword bool launch: If True, will launch PowerPoint, LibreOffice or OpenOffice (default==False)
        :return: None
        :rtype: None

        if not filename.lower().endswith('.odp'):
            filename = filename + '.odp'

        print('Saving odp file: %s' % filename)
        self.filename = filename

        zipfileobj = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, "w")

        zipfile_insert(zipfileobj, 'meta.xml',

        zipfile_insert(zipfileobj, 'mimetype',

        manifest_elem = init_internal_odp_files.get_manifest_elem()
        zipfile_insert(zipfileobj, 'META-INF/manifest.xml', manifest_elem)

        # put ODPSlides thumbnail into archive
        full_png_path = os.path.join(here, 'templates', 'thumbnail.png')
        zipfileobj.write(full_png_path, 'Thumbnails/thumbnail.png')

        if self.image_nameL:
            for img_name in self.image_nameL:
                                 'media/%s' % img_name)

        # just duplicate reference file's styles.xml
        if self.show_page_numbers:

        if self.show_date:

        if self.footer:

        #self.set_bullets( self.styles_xml_obj.styles_tmplt.root )
        styles_xml_str = self.styles_xml_obj.styles_tmplt.tostring().decode(
        styles_xml_str = styles_xml_str.replace(
            ' xmlns:number="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:datastyle:1.0"',
        styles_xml_str = styles_xml_str.replace(
            '<number:date-style ',
            '<number:date-style xmlns:number="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:datastyle:1.0" '
        zipfile_insert(zipfileobj, 'styles.xml',

        # Gets new empty content with each save
        content_tmplt = self.content_xml_obj.content_tmplt  # make a shorter var name for content_tmplt
        #content_tmplt = init_internal_odp_files.get_empty_content_elem()
        auto_style_elem = content_tmplt.find('office:automatic-styles')
        body_pres_elem = content_tmplt.find('office:body/office:presentation')

        for style_elem in self.new_content_styleL:
        for page in self.new_content_pageL:

        last_body_elem = init_internal_odp_files.get_final_presentation_elem()

        if self.show_page_numbers:

        if self.show_date:

        if self.footer:

        content_xml_str = content_tmplt.tostring().decode('utf-8')

        # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Add new content objects here ===================
        zipfile_insert(zipfileobj, 'content.xml',

        zipfile_insert(zipfileobj, 'settings.xml',


        if launch:

    def set_bullets(self, top_elem):
        I can't seem to find where my unicode bullet chars are getting messed up.
        For now, set all bullets to the bullet character.

        bull_tag = force_to_tag('text:list-level-style-bullet')
        for elem in top_elem.iter():
            if elem.tag == bull_tag:
                level = elem.get(force_to_tag('text:level'), '')
                if level:
                    c = elem.get(force_to_tag('text:bullet-char'), '')

                    if len(c) > 1:
                        #i = int( level )
                        bchar = '\u2022'  # BULLET_L[ i-1 ]  # u'\u25CF'
                        elem.set(force_to_tag('text:bullet-char'), bchar)
                        #print(bchar, end='')

    def add_a_new_page(self, new_page):


    def add_title_chart(self,
                        title='My Title',
                        subtitle='My Subtitle',
        Create a title slide with subtitle.
        :keyword str title:  (default=='My Title')
        :keyword str subtitle:  (default=='My Subtitle')
        :keyword str title_font_color:  (default=='')
        :keyword str subtitle_font_color:  (default=='')
        :keyword str background_color:  (default=="")
        :return: None
        :rtype: None
        if background_color:
            background_color = getValidHexStr(background_color,
                                              "#ffffff")  # default to white
            background_color = self.background_color

        inpD = {
            'title': title,
            'subtitle': subtitle,
            'background_color': background_color,
            'title_font_color': title_font_color,
            'subtitle_font_color': subtitle_font_color,
            'pcent_stretch_center': pcent_stretch_center,
            'pcent_stretch_content': pcent_stretch_content,
            'pcent_move_content_right': pcent_move_content_right,
            'pcent_move_content_up': pcent_move_content_up

        new_page = Page(self, disp_name="Title Slide", **inpD)

    def add_titled_outline_chart(self,
                                 title='My Title',
        Create a slide with a title and a text outline below.
        An outline string is a single string with embedded carriage returns and tab characters.
        It can also follow a python-like format of four spaces being equal to a tab character.
        Tab characters(or 4 spaces) indicate indenting, carriage returns indicate a new line.
        :keyword str title:  (default=='My Title')
        :keyword str title_font_color:  (default=='')
        :keyword str outline: The text of the outline in indented format (see above) (default=='')
        :keyword str text_font_color:  (default=='')
        :keyword int pcent_stretch_center:  (default==0)
        :keyword int pcent_stretch_content:  (default==0)
        :keyword None pcent_move_content_right: Move content items left/right. (list of values from -100 to 100) (default==None)
        :keyword None pcent_move_content_up: Move content items up/down. (list of values from -100 to 100) (default==None)
        :return: None
        :rtype: None
        inpD = {
            'title': title,
            'outline': outline,
            'title_font_color': title_font_color,
            'text_font_color': text_font_color,
            'pcent_stretch_center': pcent_stretch_center,
            'pcent_stretch_content': pcent_stretch_content,
            'pcent_move_content_right': pcent_move_content_right,
            'pcent_move_content_up': pcent_move_content_up

        new_page = Page(self, disp_name="Title and Text", **inpD)

    def add_titled_two_outline_chart(self,
                                     title='My Title',
        Create a slide with a title and two side-by-side text outlines.
        An outline string is a single string with embedded carriage returns and tab characters.
        It can also follow a python-like format of four spaces being equal to a tab character.
        Tab characters(or 4 spaces) indicate indenting, carriage returns indicate a new line.
        :keyword str title:  (default=='My Title')
        :keyword str title_font_color:  (default=='')
        :keyword str outline: The text of the outline in indented format (see above)  (default=='')
        :keyword str text_font_color:  (default=='')
        :keyword str outline_2: The text of outline #2 in indented format (see above)  (default=='')
        :keyword str text_2_font_color:  (default=='')
        :keyword int pcent_stretch_center:  (default==0)
        :keyword int pcent_stretch_content:  (default==0)
        :keyword None pcent_move_content_right: Move content items left/right. (list of values from -100 to 100) (default==None)
        :keyword None pcent_move_content_up: Move content items up/down. (list of values from -100 to 100) (default==None)
        :return: None
        :rtype: None
        inpD = {
            'title': title,
            'outline': outline,
            'title_font_color': title_font_color,
            'text_font_color': text_font_color,
            'outline_2': outline_2,
            'text_2_font_color': text_2_font_color,
            'pcent_stretch_center': pcent_stretch_center,
            'pcent_stretch_content': pcent_stretch_content,
            'pcent_move_content_right': pcent_move_content_right,
            'pcent_move_content_up': pcent_move_content_up

        new_page = Page(self, disp_name="Title and 2 Column Text", **inpD)

    def add_titled_image(self,
                         title='My Picture',
        Create a slide with a title and 1 to 4 images.
        :keyword str title:  (default=='My Picture')
        :keyword str title_font_color:  (default=='')
        :keyword str image_file: Full path to image #1 file on system (png, gif or jpg) (default=='')
        :keyword str image_2_file: Full path to image #2 file on system (png, gif or jpg)  (default=='')
        :keyword str image_3_file: Full path to image #3 file on system (png, gif or jpg)  (default=='')
        :keyword str image_4_file: Full path to image #4 file on system (png, gif or jpg)  (default=='')
        :keyword bool keep_aspect_ratio: If true then adjust slide to maintain original aspect ratio (default==True)
        :keyword bool big_3rd_img_left: For three images, if True, put big image on the left (default==True)
        :keyword int pcent_stretch_center: Percentage by which to enlarge the central, content area (default==0)
        :keyword int pcent_stretch_content: Percentage by which to enlarge image(s) (default==0)
        :keyword None pcent_move_content_right: Move content items left/right. (list of values from -100 to 100) (default==None)
        :keyword None pcent_move_content_up: Move content items up/down. (list of values from -100 to 100) (default==None)
        :return: None
        :rtype: None
        image_name = self.get_next_image_name(image_file)
        inpD = {
            'title': title,
            'image_name': image_name,
            'title_font_color': title_font_color,
            'keep_aspect_ratio': keep_aspect_ratio,
            'pcent_stretch_center': pcent_stretch_center,
            'pcent_stretch_content': pcent_stretch_content,
            'pcent_move_content_right': pcent_move_content_right,
            'pcent_move_content_up': pcent_move_content_up

        # do NOT do any checking of missing image inputs... just let the slide have blank entry
        if image_4_file:
            image2_name = self.get_next_image_name(image_2_file)
            inpD['image_2_file'] = image2_name

            image3_name = self.get_next_image_name(image_3_file)
            inpD['image_3_file'] = image3_name

            image4_name = self.get_next_image_name(image_4_file)
            inpD['image_4_file'] = image4_name
            new_page = Page(self, disp_name="Title and 4 Content", **inpD)

        elif image_3_file:
            image2_name = self.get_next_image_name(image_2_file)
            inpD['image_2_file'] = image2_name

            image3_name = self.get_next_image_name(image_3_file)
            inpD['image_3_file'] = image3_name

            if big_3rd_img_left:
                new_page = Page(self,
                                disp_name="Title, Content, and 2 Content",
                new_page = Page(self,
                                disp_name="Title, 2 Content and Content",

        elif image_2_file:
            image2_name = self.get_next_image_name(image_2_file)
            inpD['image_2_file'] = image2_name
            new_page = Page(self, disp_name="Two Content", **inpD)
            new_page = Page(self, disp_name="Title and Content", **inpD)


    def add_titled_text_and_image(
            text_location='top',  # can be "top", "bottom", "right", "left"
            title='My Picture',
        Create a slide with a text outline and 1 or 2 image(s).
        An outline string is a single string with embedded carriage returns and tab characters.
        It can also follow a python-like format of four spaces being equal to a tab character.
        Tab characters(or 4 spaces) indicate indenting, carriage returns indicate a new line.
        :keyword str text_location: Text location ("top", "bottom", "right", "left") (default=='top')
        :keyword str title:  (default=='My Picture')
        :keyword str title_font_color:  (default=='')
        :keyword str outline: The text of the outline in indented format (see above)  (default=='')
        :keyword str text_font_color:  (default=='')
        :keyword str image_file: Full path to image #1 file on system (png, gif or jpg) (default=='')
        :keyword str image_2_file: Full path to image #2 file on system (png, gif or jpg) (default=='')
        :keyword bool keep_aspect_ratio: If true then adjust slide to maintain original aspect ratio (default==True)
        :keyword int pcent_stretch_center: Percentage by which to enlarge the central, content area (default==0)
        :keyword int pcent_stretch_content: Percentage by which to enlarge image(s) (default==0)
        :keyword None pcent_move_content_right: Move content items left/right. (list of values from -100 to 100) (default==None)
        :keyword None pcent_move_content_up: Move content items up/down. (list of values from -100 to 100) (default==None)
        :return: None
        :rtype: None
        image_name = self.get_next_image_name(image_file)
        inpD = {
            'title': title,
            'title_font_color': title_font_color,
            'outline': outline,
            'text_font_color': text_font_color,
            'image_name': image_name,
            'keep_aspect_ratio': keep_aspect_ratio,
            'pcent_stretch_center': pcent_stretch_center,
            'pcent_stretch_content': pcent_stretch_content,
            'pcent_move_content_right': pcent_move_content_right,
            'pcent_move_content_up': pcent_move_content_up

        if image_2_file:
            image2_name = self.get_next_image_name(image_2_file)
            inpD['image_2_file'] = image2_name

            if text_location == 'left':
                new_page = Page(self,
                                disp_name="Title, Text, and 2 Content",
            elif text_location == 'top':
                inpD['swap_svg_y_of_objects_and_outline'] = True
                new_page = Page(self,
                                disp_name="Title and 2 Content over Text",
                #new_page.swap_svg_y_of_objects_and_outline() # There is no layout for this, so fake it
            elif text_location == 'bottom':
                new_page = Page(self,
                                disp_name="Title and 2 Content over Text",
            elif text_location == 'right':
                new_page = Page(self,
                                disp_name="Title, 2 Content and Text",

            if text_location == 'left':
                new_page = Page(self,
                                disp_name="Title, Text, and Content",
            elif text_location == 'top':
                new_page = Page(self,
                                disp_name="Title and Text over Content",
            elif text_location == 'bottom':
                new_page = Page(self,
                                disp_name="Title and Content over Text",
            elif text_location == 'right':
                new_page = Page(self,
                                disp_name="Title, Content and Text",


    def add_text_box_to_last_slide(self,
        Add a text box to the last added slide in the presentation
Esempio n. 4
class Presentation(object):
    Creates OpenDocument Presentations for Microsoft PowerPoint, LibreOffice and OpenOffice.
    Output is a ``*.odp`` file.
    :keyword str title_font_color:  (default=='black')
    :keyword str subtitle_font_color:  (default=='#666666')
    :keyword str background_image:  (default=="")
    :keyword str background_color:  (default=="white")
    :keyword str grad_start_color: Color Gradient start color. If blank then not used (default=="")
    :keyword str grad_end_color: Color Gradient end color. If blank then not used  (default=="")
    :keyword int grad_angle_deg:  Color Gradient angle, in degrees (default==0)
    :keyword str grad_draw_style: Color Gradient style, "linear", "radial",  (default=='linear')
    :keyword bool show_date:  (default==False)
    :keyword str date_font_color:  (default=='#666666')
    :keyword str footer: String displayed as footer on each slide (default=="")
    :keyword str footer_font_color:  (default=='#666666')
    :keyword bool show_page_numbers:  (default==True)
    :keyword str page_number_font_color:  (default=="#666666")

    def __init__(self, title_font_color='black', subtitle_font_color='#666666',
        background_image="", background_color="white",
        grad_start_color="", grad_end_color="", grad_angle_deg=0, grad_draw_style='linear',
        show_date=False, date_font_color='#666666',
        footer="", footer_font_color='#666666',
        show_page_numbers=True, page_number_font_color="#666666"):
        Main Presentation object

        self.filename = None
        # keep a list of images for inclusion in ODP file
        self.image_nameD = {}     # index=file system name,    value=internal image name
        self.sys_image_nameD = {} # index=internal image name, value=file system name
        self.image_nameL = [] # ordered list of internal image names 
        self.image_sizeD = {} # index=internal image name, value=tuple of image size (w,h)
        self.max_image_int = 0
        self.title_font_color = title_font_color
        self.subtitle_font_color = subtitle_font_color
        self.background_image = background_image
        if self.background_image:
            self.internal_background_image = self.get_next_image_name( background_image )
            self.internal_background_image = ''
        self.background_color = getValidHexStr( background_color, "#ffffff" ) # default to white
        self.grad_start_color = grad_start_color
        self.grad_end_color = grad_end_color
        self.grad_angle = '%s'%(int(grad_angle_deg)*10, ) # odp understands tenths of deg input
        self.grad_draw_style = grad_draw_style
        if self.internal_background_image:
            self.ref_odp_filename = 'ppt_all_layouts_image.odp'
            self.page_type = 'image' # "solidbg", "grad", "image"
        elif self.grad_start_color and self.grad_end_color:
            self.ref_odp_filename = 'ppt_all_layouts_grad.odp'
            self.page_type = 'grad' # "solidbg", "grad", "image"
            self.ref_odp_filename = 'ppt_all_layouts_solidbg.odp'
            self.page_type = 'solidbg' # "solidbg", "grad", "image"
        # open reference odp file
        self.full_odp_ref_path = os.path.join( here, 'templates', self.ref_odp_filename )
        self.odp_ref = ODPFile( self.full_odp_ref_path )
        self.styles_xml_obj = StylesXML( self, self.odp_ref )
        self.content_xml_obj = ContentXML(self, self.odp_ref )
        # figure out max style:name (e.g. "a123")
        self.show_date = show_date
        self.date_font_color = date_font_color
        self.footer = footer
        self.footer_font_color = footer_font_color
        self.show_page_numbers = show_page_numbers
        self.page_number_font_color = page_number_font_color
        # style names will be in order, "a0", "a1", "a2", ...
        self.new_content_styleL = [] # style:style elements to be added to auto_styles
        self.new_content_pageL = [] # draw:page elements to be added to presentation
        self.new_master_styleL = [] # For each new_content_pageL item, there are many master-page style elements
        self.new_master_page_styleL = [] # For each new_content_pageL item, there is a style:master-page item
        self.new_styles_office_stylesL = [] # usually draw:gradient or draw:fill-image statements

        self.new_content_styleD = {} # index="a123", value=style elem
        #self.new_master_styleD = {} # index="a123", value=style elem

        # style names and id values start at 0 (i.e. "a0", "a1", ... and "id0", "id1", ...)
        #self.max_style_name_int = -1 # used for nameing styles (ex. draw:style-name="a123")
        #self.max_draw_id_int = -1 # some internal use ???
        self.max_style_name_int = self.odp_ref.styles_xml_obj.max_annn_def + 1000
        self.max_draw_id_int = self.odp_ref.styles_xml_obj.max_idnnn_def + 1000

    def get_next_a_style(self):
        """Returns a string like "a123"  """
        self.max_style_name_int += 1
        return 'a%i'%self.max_style_name_int
    def get_next_draw_id(self):
        """Returns a string like "id123"  """
        self.max_draw_id_int += 1
        return 'id%i'%self.max_draw_id_int
    def get_next_image_name(self, file_sys_name):
        """Returns a string like "image1", "image2", ...  """
        if file_sys_name in self.image_nameD:
            return self.image_nameD[ file_sys_name ]
        if not os.path.isfile( file_sys_name ):
            print('...WARNING... image file: "%s" NOT FOUND'%file_sys_name)
            file_sys_name = os.path.join(here, 'templates', 'no_image_found.png')
        head, tail = os.path.splitext( file_sys_name ) # tail is usually ".png"
        self.max_image_int += 1
        int_name = 'image%i%s'%(self.max_image_int, tail)
        self.image_nameD[ file_sys_name ] = int_name
        self.sys_image_nameD[ int_name ] = file_sys_name
        self.image_nameL.append( int_name )
        self.image_sizeD[ int_name ] = get_image_size( file_sys_name )
        return int_name

    def launch_application(self):
        Will launch PowerPoint, LibreOffice or Openoffice using "os.startfile" or "open" or
        "xdg-open" depending on the platform.

        ONLY WORKS IF file has been saved.

        if self.filename is None:
            print( '='*75 )
            print( '='*5, 'MUST SAVE FILE before launch_application will work.' , '='*5)
            print( '='*75 )

        #os.startfile( self.filename )
        if sys.platform == "win32":
            opener ="open" if sys.platform == "darwin" else "xdg-open"
  [opener, self.filename])

    def add_office_styles(self, style_elem):
        Put draw:gradient and draw:image-fill into styles.xml 
        office_styles = style_elem.find( 'office:styles' )
        for elem in self.new_styles_office_stylesL:
            style_elem.acclimate_new_elem( elem )
            office_styles.append( elem )

    def save(self, filename='my_presentation.odp', launch=False):
        Saves Presentation to an odp file readable by Microsoft PowerPoint, LibreOffice or OpenOffice.

        If the launch flag is set, will launch PowerPoint, LibreOffice or Openoffice using "os.startfile"
        or "open" or "xdg-open" depending on the platform.

        :keyword filename: Name of ods file to save (default=='my_presentation.odp')
        :type  filename: str or unicode
        :keyword bool launch: If True, will launch PowerPoint, LibreOffice or OpenOffice (default==False)
        :return: None
        :rtype: None
        if not filename.lower().endswith('.odp'):
            filename = filename + '.odp'

        print('Saving odp file: %s'%filename)
        self.filename = filename

        zipfileobj = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, "w")

        zipfile_insert( zipfileobj, 'meta.xml', init_internal_odp_files.get_meta_xml_str() )

        zipfile_insert( zipfileobj, 'mimetype', init_internal_odp_files.get_mimetype_str())

        manifest_elem = init_internal_odp_files.get_manifest_elem()
        zipfile_insert( zipfileobj, 'META-INF/manifest.xml', manifest_elem)
        # put ODPSlides thumbnail into archive
        full_png_path = os.path.join( here, 'templates', 'thumbnail.png' )
        zipfileobj.write( full_png_path, 'Thumbnails/thumbnail.png')

        if self.image_nameL:
            for img_name in self.image_nameL:
                zipfileobj.write( self.sys_image_nameD[ img_name ], 'media/%s'%img_name)
        # just duplicate reference file's styles.xml
        if self.show_page_numbers:
        if self.show_date:
        if self.footer:

        #self.set_bullets( self.styles_xml_obj.styles_tmplt.root )
        styles_xml_str = self.styles_xml_obj.styles_tmplt.tostring().decode('utf-8')
        styles_xml_str = styles_xml_str.replace(' xmlns:number="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:datastyle:1.0"','')
        styles_xml_str = styles_xml_str.replace( '<number:date-style ', '<number:date-style xmlns:number="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:datastyle:1.0" ' )
        zipfile_insert( zipfileobj, 'styles.xml',  styles_xml_str.encode('utf-8'))

        # Gets new empty content with each save
        content_tmplt = self.content_xml_obj.content_tmplt # make a shorter var name for content_tmplt
        #content_tmplt = init_internal_odp_files.get_empty_content_elem()
        auto_style_elem = content_tmplt.find('office:automatic-styles')
        body_pres_elem = content_tmplt.find('office:body/office:presentation')
        for style_elem in self.new_content_styleL:
            content_tmplt.acclimate_new_elem( style_elem )
            auto_style_elem.append( style_elem )
        for page in self.new_content_pageL:
            content_tmplt.acclimate_new_elem( page.draw_page )
            body_pres_elem.append( page.draw_page )
        last_body_elem = init_internal_odp_files.get_final_presentation_elem()
        content_tmplt.acclimate_new_elem( last_body_elem )
        body_pres_elem.append( last_body_elem )
        if self.show_page_numbers:
        if self.show_date:
        if self.footer:
        self.set_bullets( content_tmplt.root )
        content_xml_str = content_tmplt.tostring().decode('utf-8')
        # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Add new content objects here ===================
        zipfile_insert( zipfileobj, 'content.xml', content_xml_str.encode('utf-8'))
        zipfile_insert( zipfileobj, 'settings.xml', init_internal_odp_files.get_settings_xml_str() )


        if launch:
    def set_bullets(self, top_elem ):
        I can't seem to find where my unicode bullet chars are getting messed up.
        For now, set all bullets to the bullet character.
        bull_tag = force_to_tag( 'text:list-level-style-bullet' )
        for elem in top_elem.iter():
            if elem.tag == bull_tag:
                level = elem.get(force_to_tag('text:level'),'')
                if level:
                    c = elem.get(force_to_tag('text:bullet-char'), '')
                    if len(c)>1:
                        #i = int( level )
                        bchar = u'\u2022' # BULLET_L[ i-1 ]  # u'\u25CF'
                        elem.set(force_to_tag('text:bullet-char'), bchar)
                        #print(bchar, end='')

    def add_a_new_page(self, new_page ):
        self.new_content_pageL.append( new_page )
        new_page.set_page_number( len(self.new_content_pageL) )

    def add_title_chart( self, title='My Title', subtitle='My Subtitle', title_font_color='',
                            pcent_stretch_center=0, pcent_stretch_content=0,
                            pcent_move_content_right=None, pcent_move_content_up=None):
        Create a title slide with subtitle.
        :keyword str title:  (default=='My Title')
        :keyword str subtitle:  (default=='My Subtitle')
        :keyword str title_font_color:  (default=='')
        :keyword str subtitle_font_color:  (default=='')
        :keyword str background_color:  (default=="")
        :return: None
        :rtype: None
        if background_color:
            background_color = getValidHexStr( background_color, "#ffffff" ) # default to white
            background_color = self.background_color
        inpD = {'title':title, 'subtitle':subtitle, 'background_color':background_color,
                'title_font_color':title_font_color, 'subtitle_font_color':subtitle_font_color,
        new_page = Page( self, disp_name="Title Slide", **inpD)
        self.add_a_new_page( new_page )
    def add_titled_outline_chart(self, title='My Title', title_font_color='',
                                     outline='', text_font_color='', 
                                     pcent_stretch_center=0, pcent_stretch_content=0,
                                     pcent_move_content_right=None, pcent_move_content_up=None):
        Create a slide with a title and a text outline below.
        An outline string is a single string with embedded carriage returns and tab characters.
        It can also follow a python-like format of four spaces being equal to a tab character.
        Tab characters(or 4 spaces) indicate indenting, carriage returns indicate a new line.
        :keyword str title:  (default=='My Title')
        :keyword str title_font_color:  (default=='')
        :keyword str outline: The text of the outline in indented format (see above) (default=='')
        :keyword str text_font_color:  (default=='')
        :keyword int pcent_stretch_center:  (default==0)
        :keyword int pcent_stretch_content:  (default==0)
        :keyword None pcent_move_content_right: Move content items left/right. (list of values from -100 to 100) (default==None)
        :keyword None pcent_move_content_up: Move content items up/down. (list of values from -100 to 100) (default==None)
        :return: None
        :rtype: None
        inpD = {'title':title,  'outline':outline,
                'title_font_color':title_font_color, 'text_font_color':text_font_color,
        new_page = Page( self, disp_name="Title and Text", **inpD)
        self.add_a_new_page( new_page )
    def add_titled_two_outline_chart(self, title='My Title', title_font_color='', 
                                         outline='', text_font_color='', 
                                         outline_2='', text_2_font_color='', 
                                         pcent_stretch_center=0, pcent_stretch_content=0,
                                         pcent_move_content_right=None, pcent_move_content_up=None):
        Create a slide with a title and two side-by-side text outlines.
        An outline string is a single string with embedded carriage returns and tab characters.
        It can also follow a python-like format of four spaces being equal to a tab character.
        Tab characters(or 4 spaces) indicate indenting, carriage returns indicate a new line.
        :keyword str title:  (default=='My Title')
        :keyword str title_font_color:  (default=='')
        :keyword str outline: The text of the outline in indented format (see above)  (default=='')
        :keyword str text_font_color:  (default=='')
        :keyword str outline_2: The text of outline #2 in indented format (see above)  (default=='')
        :keyword str text_2_font_color:  (default=='')
        :keyword int pcent_stretch_center:  (default==0)
        :keyword int pcent_stretch_content:  (default==0)
        :keyword None pcent_move_content_right: Move content items left/right. (list of values from -100 to 100) (default==None)
        :keyword None pcent_move_content_up: Move content items up/down. (list of values from -100 to 100) (default==None)
        :return: None
        :rtype: None
        inpD = {'title':title,  'outline':outline,
                'title_font_color':title_font_color, 'text_font_color':text_font_color,
                'outline_2':outline_2, 'text_2_font_color':text_2_font_color,
        new_page = Page( self, disp_name="Title and 2 Column Text", **inpD)
        self.add_a_new_page( new_page )
    def add_titled_image(self, title='My Picture', title_font_color='', 
                            image_file='', image_2_file='', image_3_file='', image_4_file='',
                            keep_aspect_ratio=True, big_3rd_img_left=True,
                            pcent_stretch_center=0, pcent_stretch_content=0,
                            pcent_move_content_right=None, pcent_move_content_up=None):
        Create a slide with a title and 1 to 4 images.
        :keyword str title:  (default=='My Picture')
        :keyword str title_font_color:  (default=='')
        :keyword str image_file: Full path to image #1 file on system (png, gif or jpg) (default=='')
        :keyword str image_2_file: Full path to image #2 file on system (png, gif or jpg)  (default=='')
        :keyword str image_3_file: Full path to image #3 file on system (png, gif or jpg)  (default=='')
        :keyword str image_4_file: Full path to image #4 file on system (png, gif or jpg)  (default=='')
        :keyword bool keep_aspect_ratio: If true then adjust slide to maintain original aspect ratio (default==True)
        :keyword bool big_3rd_img_left: For three images, if True, put big image on the left (default==True)
        :keyword int pcent_stretch_center: Percentage by which to enlarge the central, content area (default==0)
        :keyword int pcent_stretch_content: Percentage by which to enlarge image(s) (default==0)
        :keyword None pcent_move_content_right: Move content items left/right. (list of values from -100 to 100) (default==None)
        :keyword None pcent_move_content_up: Move content items up/down. (list of values from -100 to 100) (default==None)
        :return: None
        :rtype: None
        image_name = self.get_next_image_name( image_file )
        inpD = {'title':title,  'image_name':image_name, 'title_font_color':title_font_color,
        # do NOT do any checking of missing image inputs... just let the slide have blank entry
        if image_4_file:
            image2_name = self.get_next_image_name( image_2_file )
            inpD['image_2_file'] = image2_name
            image3_name = self.get_next_image_name( image_3_file )
            inpD['image_3_file'] = image3_name
            image4_name = self.get_next_image_name( image_4_file )
            inpD['image_4_file'] = image4_name
            new_page = Page( self, disp_name="Title and 4 Content", **inpD)
        elif image_3_file:
            image2_name = self.get_next_image_name( image_2_file )
            inpD['image_2_file'] = image2_name
            image3_name = self.get_next_image_name( image_3_file )
            inpD['image_3_file'] = image3_name
            if big_3rd_img_left:
                new_page = Page( self, disp_name="Title, Content, and 2 Content", **inpD)
                new_page = Page( self, disp_name="Title, 2 Content and Content", **inpD)
        elif image_2_file:
            image2_name = self.get_next_image_name( image_2_file )
            inpD['image_2_file'] = image2_name
            new_page = Page( self, disp_name="Two Content", **inpD)
            new_page = Page( self, disp_name="Title and Content", **inpD)
        self.add_a_new_page( new_page )
    def add_titled_text_and_image(self, text_location='top',  # can be "top", "bottom", "right", "left"
                            title='My Picture', title_font_color='', 
                            outline='', text_font_color='', 
                            image_file='', keep_aspect_ratio=True,  image_2_file='',
                            pcent_stretch_center=0, pcent_stretch_content=0,
                            pcent_move_content_right=None, pcent_move_content_up=None):
        Create a slide with a text outline and 1 or 2 image(s).
        An outline string is a single string with embedded carriage returns and tab characters.
        It can also follow a python-like format of four spaces being equal to a tab character.
        Tab characters(or 4 spaces) indicate indenting, carriage returns indicate a new line.
        :keyword str text_location: Text location ("top", "bottom", "right", "left") (default=='top')
        :keyword str title:  (default=='My Picture')
        :keyword str title_font_color:  (default=='')
        :keyword str outline: The text of the outline in indented format (see above)  (default=='')
        :keyword str text_font_color:  (default=='')
        :keyword str image_file: Full path to image #1 file on system (png, gif or jpg) (default=='')
        :keyword str image_2_file: Full path to image #2 file on system (png, gif or jpg) (default=='')
        :keyword bool keep_aspect_ratio: If true then adjust slide to maintain original aspect ratio (default==True)
        :keyword int pcent_stretch_center: Percentage by which to enlarge the central, content area (default==0)
        :keyword int pcent_stretch_content: Percentage by which to enlarge image(s) (default==0)
        :keyword None pcent_move_content_right: Move content items left/right. (list of values from -100 to 100) (default==None)
        :keyword None pcent_move_content_up: Move content items up/down. (list of values from -100 to 100) (default==None)
        :return: None
        :rtype: None
        image_name = self.get_next_image_name( image_file )
        inpD = {'title':title,  'title_font_color':title_font_color,
                'outline':outline,   'text_font_color':text_font_color,
                'image_name':image_name, 'keep_aspect_ratio':keep_aspect_ratio,
        if image_2_file:
            image2_name = self.get_next_image_name( image_2_file )
            inpD['image_2_file'] = image2_name
            if text_location == 'left':
                new_page = Page( self, disp_name= "Title, Text, and 2 Content", **inpD)
            elif text_location == 'top':
                inpD['swap_svg_y_of_objects_and_outline'] = True
                new_page = Page( self, disp_name= "Title and 2 Content over Text", **inpD)
                #new_page.swap_svg_y_of_objects_and_outline() # There is no layout for this, so fake it
            elif text_location == 'bottom':
                new_page = Page( self, disp_name= "Title and 2 Content over Text", **inpD)
            elif text_location == 'right':
                new_page = Page( self, disp_name= "Title, 2 Content and Text", **inpD)
            if text_location == 'left':
                new_page = Page( self, disp_name= "Title, Text, and Content", **inpD)
            elif text_location == 'top':
                new_page = Page( self, disp_name= "Title and Text over Content", **inpD)
            elif text_location == 'bottom':
                new_page = Page( self, disp_name= "Title and Content over Text", **inpD)
            elif text_location == 'right':
                new_page = Page( self, disp_name= "Title, Content and Text", **inpD)
        self.add_a_new_page( new_page )
    def add_text_box_to_last_slide(self, text_or_list='', text_font_colors='',
        x=8.0, y=2.0):
        Add a text box to the last added slide in the presentation
        add_text_box( self, text_or_list=text_or_list, text_font_colors=text_font_colors, 
                      x=x, y=y)