Esempio n. 1
for i, gdir in enumerate(gdirs):

    print('Cross-validation iteration {} of {}'.format(i + 1, len(ref_df)))

    # Now recalibrate the model blindly
    tmp_ref_df = ref_df.loc[ref_df.index != gdir.rgi_id]
    tasks.local_t_star(gdir, ref_df=tmp_ref_df)

    # Mass-balance model with cross-validated parameters instead
    mb_mod = MultipleFlowlineMassBalance(gdir, mb_model_class=PastMassBalance,

    # Mass-balance timeseries, observed and simulated
    refmb = gdir.get_ref_mb_data().copy()
    refmb['OGGM'] = mb_mod.get_specific_mb(year=refmb.index)

    # Compare their standard deviation
    std_ref = refmb.ANNUAL_BALANCE.std()
    rcor = np.corrcoef(refmb.OGGM, refmb.ANNUAL_BALANCE)[0, 1]
    if std_ref == 0:
        # I think that such a thing happens with some geodetic values
        std_ref = refmb.OGGM.std()
        rcor = 1

    # Store the scores
    ref_df.loc[gdir.rgi_id, 'CV_MB_BIAS'] = (refmb.OGGM.mean() -
    ref_df.loc[gdir.rgi_id, 'CV_MB_SIGMA_BIAS'] = (refmb.OGGM.std() / std_ref)
    ref_df.loc[gdir.rgi_id, 'CV_MB_COR'] = rcor
Esempio n. 2
            if refmb.index[-1]>years[-1]:
                tasks.run_from_climate_data(gdir, ys=t_0, ye=refmb.index[-1],
                                            output_filesuffix='_until_refmb', bias=bias)
                mod = FileModel(gdir.get_filepath('model_run', filesuffix='_until_refmb'))

            # get mass balance from volume difference
            df.loc[:-1, 'OGGM_dv'] = mod.volume_m3_ts().diff() * cfg.PARAMS['ice_density'] / mod.area_m2_ts()
            df = df.shift(-1)

            for yr in  mod.volume_km3_ts().index:
                mb = MultipleFlowlineMassBalance(gdir,fls=copy.deepcopy( mod.fls),
                                                 mb_model_class=PastMassBalance, bias=bias)
                df.loc[yr, 'OGGM_mb']=mb.get_specific_mb(year=[mod.yr])

        df.loc[:, 'WGMS'] = refmb.ANNUAL_BALANCE
        df.index = df.index.astype(int)

        # difference between Mass Balance and volume delta
        rmse_d = np.sqrt(((df.OGGM_mb-df.OGGM_dv)**2).mean())
        max_d = (df.OGGM_mb-df.OGGM_dv).abs().max()
        delta_diff.loc[gdir.rgi_id, 'region'] = REGION
        delta_diff.loc[gdir.rgi_id, 'rmse'] = rmse_d
        delta_diff.loc[gdir.rgi_id, 'max_diff'] = max_d
        delta_diff.loc[gdir.rgi_id, 'temp_bias'] = temp_bias

        # difference between modelled and observed mass balance
        df = df.dropna(subset=['WGMS'])
        rmse = np.sqrt(((df.WGMS - df.OGGM_mb) ** 2).mean())
Esempio n. 3
#        gdirs.remove(gdir)

# define year range
years = np.arange(1903, 2020)

# create dataframe to store results
mb_result = pd.DataFrame()

# Flowline Mass Balance
from oggm.core.massbalance import MultipleFlowlineMassBalance, PastMassBalance
for gdir in gdirs:
    rgi_id = gdir.rgi_id
    mbmod = MultipleFlowlineMassBalance(gdir,
    mb_ts = mbmod.get_specific_mb(year=years)  # get mass balance
    # create dataframe of mb per year
    temp_df = pd.DataFrame({'mb': mb_ts}, index=years)

    # read geodetic mb for the glacier
    test = geodmb[geodmb['RGIId'] == rgi_id]

    # get mm w.e. per year
    mmwe5385 = test['dmwe_53_85'].loc[test.index[0]] * 1000 / 32
    mmwe8516 = test['dmwe_85_16'].loc[test.index[0]] * 1000 / 31

    # avg difference to oggm mb per period. # Note hydrological year in OGGM.
    davg5385 = np.average(temp_df['mb'].loc[1954:1986]) - mmwe5385
    davg8516 = np.average(temp_df['mb'].loc[1986:2017]) - mmwe8516

    # add difference and compute corrected mb to columns
Esempio n. 4
def minor_xval_statistics(gdirs):
    # initialize the pandas dataframes

    # to store mass balances of every glacier
    mbdf = pd.DataFrame([], index=np.arange(1850, 2050))

    # Cross-validation
    file = os.path.join(cfg.PATHS['working_dir'], 'crossval_tstars.csv')
    cvdf = pd.read_csv(file, index_col=0)

    # dataframe output
    xval = pd.DataFrame([],
                            'RGIId', 'Name', 'tstar_bias', 'xval_bias',
                            'interp_bias', 'mustar', 'tstar', 'xval_mustar',
                            'xval_tstar', 'interp_mustar'

    for gd in gdirs:
        t_cvdf = cvdf.loc[gd.rgi_id]
        # heights, widths = gd.get_inversion_flowline_hw()

        # Observed mass-blance
        refmb = gd.get_ref_mb_data().copy()

        # Mass-balance model with cross-validated parameters instead
        # use the cross validated flowline mustars:
        cv_fls = [col for col in t_cvdf.index if 'cv_mustar_flowline' in col]
        mustarlist = t_cvdf[cv_fls].sort_index().dropna().tolist()

        mb_mod = MultipleFlowlineMassBalance(gd,
        refmb['OGGM_cv'] = mb_mod.get_specific_mb(year=refmb.index)
        # Compare their standard deviation
        std_ref = refmb.ANNUAL_BALANCE.std()
        rcor = np.corrcoef(refmb.OGGM_cv, refmb.ANNUAL_BALANCE)[0, 1]
        if std_ref == 0:
            # I think that such a thing happens with some geodetic values
            std_ref = refmb.OGGM_cv.std()
            rcor = 1
        # Store the scores
        cvdf.loc[gd.rgi_id, 'CV_MB_BIAS'] = (refmb.OGGM_cv.mean() -
                 'CV_MB_SIGMA_BIAS'] = (refmb.OGGM_cv.std() / std_ref)
        cvdf.loc[gd.rgi_id, 'CV_MB_COR'] = rcor

        # Mass-balance model with interpolated mu_star
        mb_mod = MultipleFlowlineMassBalance(gd,
        refmb['OGGM_mu_interp'] = mb_mod.get_specific_mb(year=refmb.index)
        cvdf.loc[gd.rgi_id, 'INTERP_MB_BIAS'] = (refmb.OGGM_mu_interp.mean() -

        # Mass-balance model with best guess tstar
        mu_fls = [
            col for col in t_cvdf.index
            if ('mustar_flowline' in col) and ('cv_' not in col)
        mustarlist = t_cvdf[mu_fls].sort_index().dropna().tolist()
        mb_mod = MultipleFlowlineMassBalance(gd,

        refmb['OGGM_tstar'] = mb_mod.get_specific_mb(year=refmb.index)
        cvdf.loc[gd.rgi_id, 'tstar_MB_BIAS'] = (refmb.OGGM_tstar.mean() -

        # Pandas DataFrame Output
        # 1. statistics
        tbias = cvdf.loc[gd.rgi_id, 'tstar_MB_BIAS']
        xbias = cvdf.loc[gd.rgi_id, 'CV_MB_BIAS']
        ibias = cvdf.loc[gd.rgi_id, 'INTERP_MB_BIAS']
        xval = xval.append(
                'RGIId': gd.rgi_id,
                'tstar_bias': tbias,
                'xval_bias': xbias,
                'interp_bias': ibias,
                # TODO wie mach ich das mit den Flowline Mus hier?
                'mustar': t_cvdf.mu_star_glacierwide,
                'tstar': t_cvdf.tstar,
                'xval_mustar': t_cvdf.cv_mu_star_glacierwide,
                'xval_tstar': t_cvdf.cv_t_star,
                'interp_mustar': t_cvdf.interp_mustar

        # 2. mass balance timeseries
        mbarray = np.dstack(
            (refmb.ANNUAL_BALANCE, refmb.OGGM_tstar, refmb.OGGM_cv)).squeeze()

        mbdf_add = pd.DataFrame(
            columns=[[gd.rgi_id, gd.rgi_id, gd.rgi_id],
                     ['measured', 'calibrated', 'crossvalidated']],
        mbdf = pd.concat([mbdf, mbdf_add], axis=1)

    mbdf.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(mbdf.columns)

    mbdf = mbdf.dropna(how='all')

    xval.index = xval.RGIId

    return xval, mbdf
Esempio n. 5
def quick_crossval_entity(gdir, full_ref_df=None):

    tmpdf = pd.DataFrame(
        [], columns=['std_oggm', 'std_ref', 'rmse', 'core', 'bias'])

    # the reference glaciers
    tmp_ref_df = full_ref_df.loc[full_ref_df.index != gdir.rgi_id]

    # before the cross-val store the info about "real" mustar
    ref_rdf = gdir.read_json('local_mustar')

    tasks.local_t_star(gdir, ref_df=tmp_ref_df)

    # read crossvalidated values
    cv_rdf = gdir.read_json('local_mustar')

    # ----
    mb_mod = MultipleFlowlineMassBalance(gdir, use_inversion_flowlines=True)

    # Mass-balance timeseries, observed and simulated
    refmb = gdir.get_ref_mb_data().copy()
    refmb['OGGM'] = mb_mod.get_specific_mb(year=refmb.index)

    # store single glacier results
    bias = refmb.OGGM.mean() - refmb.ANNUAL_BALANCE.mean()
    rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean(refmb.OGGM - refmb.ANNUAL_BALANCE)**2)
    rcor = np.corrcoef(refmb.OGGM, refmb.ANNUAL_BALANCE)[0, 1]

    ref_std = refmb.ANNUAL_BALANCE.std()

    # unclear how to treat this best
    if ref_std == 0:
        ref_std = refmb.OGGM.std()
        rcor = 1

    tmpdf.loc[len(tmpdf.index)] = {
        'std_oggm': refmb.OGGM.std(),
        'std_ref': ref_std,
        'bias': bias,
        'rmse': rmse,
        'core': rcor

    # and store mean values
    out = {
        'prcpsf': cfg.PARAMS['prcp_scaling_factor'],
        'tliq': cfg.PARAMS['temp_all_liq'],
        'tmelt': cfg.PARAMS['temp_melt'],
        'tgrad': cfg.PARAMS['temp_default_gradient'],
        'std_oggm': tmpdf.std_oggm.values[0],
        'std_ref': tmpdf.std_ref.values[0],
        'std_quot': np.nan,
        'bias': tmpdf['bias'].mean(),
        'rmse': tmpdf['rmse'].mean(),
        'core': tmpdf['core'].mean()

    # combine "real" mustar and crossvalidated mu_star
    # get rid of mu_star_per_flowline as list of flowlines is ugly to deal with
    for i, fl in enumerate(cv_rdf['mu_star_per_flowline']):
        cv_rdf['mustar_flowline_{:03d}'.format(i + 1)] = fl
    for i, fl in enumerate(ref_rdf['mu_star_per_flowline']):
        ref_rdf['mustar_flowline_{:03d}'.format(i + 1)] = fl
    del cv_rdf['mu_star_per_flowline']
    del ref_rdf['mu_star_per_flowline']

    for col in cv_rdf.keys():
        if 'rgi_id' in col:
        ref_rdf['cv_' + col] = cv_rdf[col]

    return [out, ref_rdf]
# We store the associated params
mb_calib = gdirs[0].read_pickle('climate_info')['mb_calib_params']
with open(os.path.join(WORKING_DIR, 'mb_calib_params.json'), 'w') as fp:
    json.dump(mb_calib, fp)

# And also some statistics

# Tests: for all glaciers, the mass-balance around tstar and the
# bias with observation should be approx 0
for gd in gdirs:

    mb_mod = MultipleFlowlineMassBalance(gd,
                                         bias=0)  # bias=0 because of calib!
    mb = mb_mod.get_specific_mb()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(mb, 0, atol=5)  # atol for numerical errors

    mb_mod = MultipleFlowlineMassBalance(gd, mb_model_class=PastMassBalance,

    refmb = gd.get_ref_mb_data().copy()
    refmb['OGGM'] = mb_mod.get_specific_mb(year=refmb.index)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(refmb.OGGM.mean(), refmb.ANNUAL_BALANCE.mean(),
                               atol=5)  # atol for numerical errors

# Log'Calibration is done!')
Esempio n. 7
    # run climate related entity tasks
    try:  # try statement allows to skip errors
            gdirs)  # Downloads some files on the first time!
    except:  # if exception is raised, add ID to list and return to beginning of loop

    ### Mass balance ###
    from oggm.core.massbalance import MultipleFlowlineMassBalance
    mbmod = MultipleFlowlineMassBalance(gdir, use_inversion_flowlines=True)

    years = np.arange(1953, 2016)
    mb_ts = mbmod.get_specific_mb(year=years)
    #plt.plot(years, mb_ts); plt.ylabel('SMB (mm yr$^{-1}$)')

    ### Ice thickness ###
    list_talks = [
        tasks.prepare_for_inversion,  # This is a preprocessing task
        tasks.mass_conservation_inversion,  # This does the actual job
        filter_inversion_output  # This smoothes the thicknesses at the tongue a little
    for task in list_talks:
        workflow.execute_entity_task(task, gdirs)

    # plot
    #graphics.plot_inversion(gdirs, figsize=(8, 7))
Esempio n. 8
def t_star_from_refmb(gdir, mbdf=None, glacierwide=None):
    """Computes the ref t* for the glacier, given a series of MB measurements.

    gdir : oggm.GlacierDirectory
    mbdf: a pd.Series containing the observed MB data indexed by year
        if None, read automatically from the reference data

    A dict: {t_star:[], bias:[]}

    from oggm.core.massbalance import MultipleFlowlineMassBalance

    if glacierwide is None:
        glacierwide = cfg.PARAMS['tstar_search_glacierwide']

    # Be sure we have no marine terminating glacier
    assert not gdir.is_tidewater

    # Reference time series
    if mbdf is None:
        mbdf = gdir.get_ref_mb_data()['ANNUAL_BALANCE']

    # which years to look at
    ref_years = mbdf.index.values

    # Average oberved mass-balance
    ref_mb = np.mean(mbdf)

    # Compute one mu candidate per year and the associated statistics
    # Only get the years were we consider looking for tstar
    y0, y1 = cfg.PARAMS['tstar_search_window']
    ci = gdir.read_json('climate_info')
    y0 = y0 or ci['baseline_hydro_yr_0']
    y1 = y1 or ci['baseline_hydro_yr_1']
    years = np.arange(y0, y1 + 1)

    ny = len(years)
    mu_hp = int(cfg.PARAMS['mu_star_halfperiod'])
    mb_per_mu = pd.Series(index=years)

    if glacierwide:
        # The old (but fast) method to find t*
        _, temp, prcp = mb_yearly_climate_on_glacier(gdir, year_range=[y0, y1])

        # which years to look at
        selind = np.searchsorted(years, mbdf.index)
        sel_temp = temp[selind]
        sel_prcp = prcp[selind]
        sel_temp = np.mean(sel_temp)
        sel_prcp = np.mean(sel_prcp)

        for i, y in enumerate(years):

            # Ignore begin and end
            if ((i - mu_hp) < 0) or ((i + mu_hp) >= ny):

            # Compute the mu candidate
            t_avg = np.mean(temp[i - mu_hp:i + mu_hp + 1])
            if t_avg < 1e-3:  # if too cold no melt possible
            mu = np.mean(prcp[i - mu_hp:i + mu_hp + 1]) / t_avg

            # Apply it
            mb_per_mu[y] = np.mean(sel_prcp - mu * sel_temp)

        # The new (but slow) method to find t*
        # Compute mu for each 31-yr climatological period
        fls = gdir.read_pickle('inversion_flowlines')
        for i, y in enumerate(years):
            # Ignore begin and end
            if ((i - mu_hp) < 0) or ((i + mu_hp) >= ny):
            # Calibrate the mu for this year
            for fl in fls:
                fl.mu_star_is_valid = False
                # TODO: this is slow and can be highly optimised
                # it reads the same data over and over again
                _recursive_mu_star_calibration(gdir, fls, y, first_call=True)
                # Compute the MB with it
                mb_mod = MultipleFlowlineMassBalance(gdir,
                mb_ts = mb_mod.get_specific_mb(fls=fls, year=ref_years)
                mb_per_mu[y] = np.mean(mb_ts)
            except MassBalanceCalibrationError:

    # Diff to reference
    diff = (mb_per_mu - ref_mb).dropna()

    if len(diff) == 0:
        raise MassBalanceCalibrationError('No single valid mu candidate for '
                                          'this glacier!')

    # Here we used to keep all possible mu* in order to later select
    # them based on some distance search algorithms.
    # (revision 81bc0923eab6301306184d26462f932b72b84117)
    # As of Jul 2018, we will now stop this non-sense:
    # out of all mu*, let's just pick the one with the smallest bias.
    # It doesn't make much sense, but the same is true for other methods
    # as well -> this is how Ben used to do it, and he is clever
    # Another way would be to pick the closest to today or something
    amin = np.abs(diff).idxmin()

    # Write
    d = gdir.read_json('climate_info')
    d['t_star'] = amin
    d['bias'] = diff[amin]
    gdir.write_json(d, 'climate_info')

    return {
        't_star': amin,
        'bias': diff[amin],
        'avg_mb_per_mu': mb_per_mu,
        'avg_ref_mb': ref_mb