def parse_dt_per_dt(gdir, monthly=False): """Local climate change signal for this glacier added to the diagnostics """ # Use xarray to read the data lon = gdir.cenlon + 360 if gdir.cenlon < 0 else gdir.cenlon lat = gdir.cenlat if monthly: convert = list tf = DT_PER_DT_MON_FILE tp = DP_PER_DT_MON_FILE else: convert = float tf = DT_PER_DT_FILE tp = DP_PER_DT_FILE with xr.open_dataset(utils.file_downloader(tf)) as ds: assert ds.longitude.min() >= 0 ds = ds.sel(longitude=lon, latitude=lat, method='nearest') gdir.add_to_diagnostics('magicc_dt_per_dt', convert(ds['cmip_avg'].data)) with xr.open_dataset(utils.file_downloader(tp)) as ds: assert ds.longitude.min() >= 0 ds = ds.sel(longitude=lon, latitude=lat, method='nearest') gdir.add_to_diagnostics('magicc_dp_per_dt', convert(ds['cmip_avg'].data))
def download_ref_tstars(base_url=None): """Downloads and copies the reference list of t* to the working directory. Example url: Parameters ---------- base_url : str url of the params file. """ shutil.copyfile(utils.file_downloader(base_url + '/ref_tstars.csv'), os.path.join(cfg.PATHS['working_dir'], 'ref_tstars.csv')) shutil.copyfile(utils.file_downloader(base_url + '/ref_tstars_params.json'), os.path.join(cfg.PATHS['working_dir'], 'ref_tstars_params.json'))
def get_geodetic_tile(gdir, source='Hugonnet'): """ Download geodetic raster file Parameter -------- gdir : :oggm.GlacierDirectory source : str: which geodetic mass balance data will be used should be in ['Hugonnet', 'Shean'], default is 'Hugonnet' return ------ n_path : str: the path of downloaded mass balance raster """ if source == 'Hugonnet': url = hugonnet_url grid = gdir.grid minlon, maxlon, minlat, maxlat = grid.extent_in_crs(crs=salem.wgs84) minlon = int(minlon) maxlon = int(maxlon) minlat = int(minlat) maxlat = int(maxlat) lons = list(set([minlon, maxlon])) lats = list(set([minlat, maxlat])) fpaths = [] for lon in lons: for lat in lats: ns_hsp = 'N' if lon >= 0 else 'S' we_hsp = 'E' if lat >= 0 else 'W' tile_name = "{}{}{}{:0>3d}".format(ns_hsp, abs(lat), we_hsp, abs(lon)) print(tile_name) path = utils.file_downloader(os.path.join(url, tile_name)) fpath = os.path.join( os.path.split(path)[0], f'{tile_name}_2000-01-01_2020-01-01_dhdt.tif') if not os.path.exists(fpath): shutil.copy(path, fpath) fpaths.append(fpath) elif source == 'Shean': url = shean_url fpath = utils.file_downloader(url) fpaths = [fpath] else: raise ValueError( f"Meet unexcepted geodetic mass balance source: {source}!") return fpaths
def gdir_from_prepro(entity, from_prepro_level=None, prepro_border=None, prepro_rgi_version=None, check_demo_glacier=False): if prepro_border is None: prepro_border = int(cfg.PARAMS['border']) if prepro_rgi_version is None: prepro_rgi_version = cfg.PARAMS['rgi_version'] try: rid = entity.RGIId except AttributeError: rid = entity demo_url = False if check_demo_glacier: demo_id = utils.demo_glacier_id(rid) if demo_id is not None: rid = demo_id entity = demo_id demo_url = True tar_url = utils.prepro_gdir_url(prepro_rgi_version, rid, prepro_border, from_prepro_level, demo_url=demo_url) tar_base = utils.file_downloader(tar_url) if tar_base is None: raise RuntimeError('Could not find file at ' + tar_url) from_tar = os.path.join(tar_base.replace('.tar', ''), rid + '.tar.gz') return oggm.GlacierDirectory(entity, from_tar=from_tar)
def get_ecmwf_file(dataset='ERA5', var=None): """Returns a path to the desired ECMWF baseline climate file. If the file is not present, download it. Parameters ---------- dataset : str 'ERA5', 'ERA5L', 'CERA' var : str 'inv' for invariant 'tmp' for temperature 'pre' for precipitation Returns ------- str path to the file """ # Be sure input makes sense if dataset not in BASENAMES.keys(): raise InvalidParamsError('ECMWF dataset {} not ' 'in {}'.format(dataset, BASENAMES.keys())) if var not in BASENAMES[dataset].keys(): raise InvalidParamsError('ECMWF variable {} not ' 'in {}'.format(var, BASENAMES[dataset].keys())) # File to look for return utils.file_downloader(ECMWF_SERVER + BASENAMES[dataset][var])
def get_cru_file(var=None): """Returns a path to the desired CRU baseline climate file. If the file is not present, download it. Parameters ---------- var : str 'tmp' for temperature 'pre' for precipitation Returns ------- str path to the CRU file """ # Be sure input makes sense if var not in ['tmp', 'pre']: raise InvalidParamsError('CRU variable {} does not exist!'.format(var)) # Download cru_filename = CRU_BASE.format(var) cru_url = CRU_SERVER + '{}/'.format(var) + cru_filename + '.gz' return utils.file_extractor(utils.file_downloader(cru_url))
def get_histalp_file(var=None): """Returns a path to the desired HISTALP baseline climate file. If the file is not present, download it. Parameters ---------- var : str 'tmp' for temperature 'pre' for precipitation Returns ------- str path to the CRU file """ # Be sure input makes sense if var not in ['tmp', 'pre']: raise InvalidParamsError('HISTALP variable {} ' 'does not exist!'.format(var)) # File to look for if var == 'tmp': bname = '' else: bname = '' h_url = HISTALP_SERVER + bname + '.bz2' return utils.file_extractor(utils.file_downloader(h_url))
def add_consensus_thickness(gdir, base_url=None): """Add the consensus thickness estimate to the gridded_data file. varname: consensus_ice_thickness Parameters ---------- gdir ::py:class:`oggm.GlacierDirectory` the glacier directory to process base_url : str where to find the thickness data. Default is """ if base_url is None: base_url = default_base_url if not base_url.endswith('/'): base_url += '/' rgi_str = gdir.rgi_id rgi_reg_str = rgi_str[:8] url = base_url + rgi_reg_str + '/' + rgi_str + '_thickness.tif' input_file = utils.file_downloader(url) dsb = salem.GeoTiff(input_file) thick = utils.clip_min(dsb.get_vardata(), 0) in_volume = thick.sum() * dsb.grid.dx**2 thick = gdir.grid.map_gridded_data(thick, dsb.grid, interp='linear') # Correct for volume thick = utils.clip_min(thick.filled(0), 0) out_volume = thick.sum() * gdir.grid.dx**2 if out_volume > 0: thick *= in_volume / out_volume # We mask zero ice as nodata thick = np.where(thick == 0, np.NaN, thick) # Write with utils.ncDataset(gdir.get_filepath('gridded_data'), 'a') as nc: vn = 'consensus_ice_thickness' if vn in nc.variables: v = nc.variables[vn] else: v = nc.createVariable(vn, 'f4', ( 'y', 'x', ), zlib=True) v.units = 'm' ln = 'Ice thickness from the consensus estimate' v.long_name = ln v.base_url = base_url v[:] = thick
def region_grid(reg): global region_grids if reg not in region_grids: with utils.get_lock(): fp = utils.file_downloader(region_files[reg]['vx']) ds = salem.GeoTiff(fp) region_grids[reg] = ds.grid return region_grids[reg]
def test_ensemble_workflow(self, case_dir): cfg.initialize() cfg.PARAMS['prcp_scaling_factor'] = 1.6 cfg.PATHS['working_dir'] = case_dir cfg.PARAMS['use_multiprocessing'] = True cfg.PARAMS['store_diagnostic_variables'] = ['volume', 'area'] # Go - get the pre-processed glacier directories rgi_ids = ['RGI60-03.04384'] gdirs = workflow.init_glacier_directories( rgi_ids, from_prepro_level=5, prepro_base_url=prepro_base_url, prepro_border=80, prepro_rgi_version='62') workflow.execute_entity_task(parse_dt_per_dt, gdirs) exp = 'netzero_py2050_fac1.0_decr0.3' magicc_file = magicc_dir + exp + '.nc' with xr.open_dataset(utils.file_downloader(magicc_file), decode_times=False) as ds: ds = ds.load() odf = pd.DataFrame() for q in ds['quantile'].data: df = ds.global_mean_temperature.sel(quantile=q).to_series() workflow.execute_entity_task(tasks.run_with_hydro, gdirs, run_task=run_from_magicc_data, magicc_ts=df, init_model_filesuffix='_historical', output_filesuffix='_{:.2f}'.format(q)) ods = utils.compile_run_output(gdirs, filesuffix='_{:.2f}'.format(q)) odf[q] = ods.volume.isel(rgi_id=0).to_series() odf = odf / odf.iloc[0, 0] assert odf.loc[2150].std() > 0.05 assert_allclose(odf.loc[2010].std(), 0, atol=1e-3) assert_allclose(odf.loc[2300].std(), 0, atol=1e-2) if DO_PLOT: odf.plot(title='Ensemble stuff')
def histalp(): # If HISTALP run, only region 11 is valid: mbcfg.PARAMS['region'] == '11' url = '' + \ '' histalptar = utils.file_downloader(url) import tarfile with, "r") as tar: tar.extractall(path=os.path.split(histalptar)[0]) mbcfg.PATHS['histalpfile'] = os.path.join( os.path.split(histalptar)[0], tar.getmembers()[0].name) if not os.path.exists(mbcfg.PATHS['histalpfile']): raise RuntimeError('Histalpfile not found')
def test_varying_bias_workflow(self, case_dir): cfg.initialize() cfg.PARAMS['prcp_scaling_factor'] = 1.6 cfg.PATHS['working_dir'] = case_dir cfg.PARAMS['use_multiprocessing'] = True # Go - get the pre-processed glacier directories gdirs = workflow.init_glacier_directories( ['RGI60-11.00897'], from_prepro_level=5, prepro_base_url=prepro_base_url, prepro_border=80, prepro_rgi_version='62') workflow.execute_entity_task(parse_dt_per_dt, gdirs) gdir = gdirs[0] exp = 'netzero_py2020_fac1.0_decr0.3' magicc_file = magicc_dir + exp + '.nc' with xr.open_dataset(utils.file_downloader(magicc_file), decode_times=False) as ds: ds = ds.load() df = ds['ens_avg'].to_dataframe() run_from_magicc_data(gdir, magicc_ts=df['ens_avg'], init_model_filesuffix='_historical', output_filesuffix='_' + exp) with xr.open_dataset( gdir.get_filepath('model_diagnostics', filesuffix='_' + exp)) as ds: df['vol'] = ds.volume_m3.to_series() assert ds.time[0] == 2009 assert ds.time[-1] == 2301 assert ds.volume_m3.isel(time=0) > ds.volume_m3.isel(time=-1) assert ds.volume_m3.min() < ds.volume_m3.isel(time=-1)
# Pre-download other files which will be needed later _ = utils.get_cru_file(var='tmp') _ = utils.get_cru_file(var='pre') # Copy the precalibrated tstar file # --------------------------------- # Note that to be exact, this procedure can only be applied if the run # parameters don't change between the calibration and the run. # After testing, it appears that changing the 'border' parameter won't affect # the results much (expectedly), so that it's ok to change it. All the rest # (e.g. smoothing, dx, prcp factor...) should imply a re-calibration mbf = '' mbf = utils.file_downloader(mbf) shutil.copyfile(mbf, os.path.join(WORKING_DIR, 'ref_tstars.csv')) # Copy the RGI file # ----------------- # Download RGI files rgi_dir = utils.get_rgi_dir() rgi_shp = list(glob(os.path.join(rgi_dir, "*", rgi_reg+ '_rgi50_*.shp'))) assert len(rgi_shp) == 1 rgidf = salem.read_shapefile(rgi_shp[0], cached=True) # Sort for more efficient parallel computing rgidf = rgidf.sort_values('Area', ascending=False)
def process_lmr_data(gdir, fpath_temp=None, fpath_precip=None, year_range=('1951', '1980'), filesuffix='', **kwargs): """Read, process and store the Last Millennium Reanalysis (LMR) data for this glacier. LMR data: LMR data is annualised in anomaly format relative to 1951-1980. We create synthetic timeseries from the reference data. It stores the data in a format that can be used by the OGGM mass balance model and in the glacier directory. Parameters ---------- fpath_temp : str path to the temp file (default: LMR v2.1 from server above) fpath_precip : str path to the precip file (default: LMR v2.1 from server above) year_range : tuple of str the year range for which you want to compute the anomalies. Default for LMR is `('1951', '1980')` filesuffix : str append a suffix to the filename (useful for ensemble experiments). **kwargs: any kwarg to be passed to ref:`process_gcm_data` """ # Get the path of GCM temperature & precipitation data base_url = '' if fpath_temp is None: with utils.get_lock(): fpath_temp = utils.file_downloader( base_url + '') if fpath_precip is None: with utils.get_lock(): fpath_precip = utils.file_downloader( base_url + '') # Glacier location glon = gdir.cenlon glat = gdir.cenlat # Read the GCM files with xr.open_dataset(fpath_temp, use_cftime=True) as tempds, \ xr.open_dataset(fpath_precip, use_cftime=True) as precipds: # Check longitude conventions if tempds.lon.min() >= 0 and glon <= 0: glon += 360 # Take the closest to the glacier # Should we consider GCM interpolation? temp = tempds.air.sel(lat=glat, lon=glon, method='nearest') precip = precipds.prate.sel(lat=glat, lon=glon, method='nearest') # Currently we just take the mean of the ensemble, although # this is probably not advised. The GCM climate will correct # anyways temp = temp.mean(dim='MCrun') precip = precip.mean(dim='MCrun') # Precip unit is kg/m^2/s we convert to mm month since we apply the anomaly after precip = precip * 30.5 * (60 * 60 * 24) # Back to [-180, 180] for OGGM temp.lon.values = temp.lon if temp.lon <= 180 else temp.lon - 360 precip.lon.values = precip.lon if precip.lon <= 180 else precip.lon - 360 # OK now we have to turn these annual timeseries in monthly data # We take the ref climate fpath = gdir.get_filepath('climate_historical') with xr.open_dataset(fpath) as ds_ref: ds_ref = ds_ref.sel(time=slice(*year_range)) loc_tmp = ds_ref.temp.groupby('time.month').mean() loc_pre = ds_ref.prcp.groupby('time.month').mean() # Make time coord t = np.cumsum([31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31] * len(temp)) t = cftime.num2date(np.append([0], t[:-1]), 'days since 0000-01-01 00:00:00', calendar='noleap') temp = xr.DataArray( ( +[:, np.newaxis]).flatten(), coords={ 'time': t, 'lon': temp.lon, 'lat': }, dims=('time', )) # For precip the std dev is very small - lets keep it as is for now but # this is a bit ridiculous. We clip to zero here to be sure precip = utils.clip_min( ( +[:, np.newaxis]).flatten(), 0) precip = xr.DataArray(precip, dims=('time', ), coords={ 'time': t, 'lon': temp.lon, 'lat': }) process_gcm_data(gdir, filesuffix=filesuffix, prcp=precip, temp=temp, year_range=year_range, calendar='noleap', source='lmr', **kwargs)
def test_varying_bias_mb_model(self, case_dir): cfg.initialize() cfg.PARAMS['prcp_scaling_factor'] = 1.6 cfg.PATHS['working_dir'] = case_dir cfg.PARAMS['use_multiprocessing'] = True # Go - get the pre-processed glacier directories for rid in ['RGI60-03.04384', 'RGI60-11.00897', 'RGI60-16.02207']: gdirs = workflow.init_glacier_directories( [rid], from_prepro_level=5, prepro_base_url=prepro_base_url, prepro_border=80, prepro_rgi_version='62') workflow.execute_entity_task(parse_dt_per_dt, gdirs) gdir = gdirs[0] exp = 'netzero_py2020_fac1.0_decr0.3' magicc_file = magicc_dir + exp + '.nc' with xr.open_dataset(utils.file_downloader(magicc_file), decode_times=False) as ds: ds = ds.load() df = ds['ens_avg'].to_dataframe() dt_per_dt = gdir.get_diagnostics()['magicc_dt_per_dt'] dp_per_dt = gdir.get_diagnostics()['magicc_dp_per_dt'] fls = gdir.read_pickle('model_flowlines') y0 = 2014 hs = 5 mbc = massbalance.ConstantMassBalance(gdir, y0=y0, halfsize=hs) mb_ref = massbalance.PastMassBalance(gdir) years = np.arange(1980, 2020, dtype=np.float64) df['mb_ref'] = pd.Series(index=years, data=mb_ref.get_specific_mb(fls=fls, year=years)) mb = MagiccMassBalance(gdir, y0=y0, halfsize=hs, magicc_ts=df['ens_avg'], dt_per_dt=dt_per_dt) df['mb'] = mb.get_specific_mb(fls=fls, year=df.index) mb = MagiccMassBalance(gdir, y0=y0, halfsize=hs, magicc_ts=df['ens_avg'], dt_per_dt=dt_per_dt, dp_per_dt=dp_per_dt) df['mb_wp'] = mb.get_specific_mb(fls=fls, year=df.index) mb = MagiccMassBalance(gdir, y0=y0, halfsize=hs, magicc_ts=df['ens_avg']) df['mb_nodt'] = mb.get_specific_mb(fls=fls, year=df.index) assert_allclose(df.loc[y0 - hs:y0 + hs]['mb'].mean(), mbc.get_specific_mb(fls=fls), rtol=5e-3) assert_allclose(df.loc[y0 - hs:y0 + hs]['mb_ref'].mean(), df.loc[y0 - hs:y0 + hs]['mb'].mean(), atol=1e-2) assert_allclose(df.loc[y0 - hs:y0 + hs]['mb_ref'].mean(), df.loc[y0 - hs:y0 + hs]['mb_wp'].mean(), atol=1e-2) assert_allclose(df.loc[y0 - hs:y0 + hs]['mb_ref'].mean(), df.loc[y0 - hs:y0 + hs]['mb_nodt'].mean(), atol=1e-2) assert_allclose(df[['ens_avg', 'mb']].corr().min().min(), -1, rtol=1e-2) assert_allclose(df[['ens_avg', 'mb_nodt']].corr().min().min(), -1, rtol=1e-2) assert_allclose(df[['mb_wp', 'mb']].corr().min().min(), 1, rtol=1e-2) assert_allclose(df['mb'], df['mb_wp'], atol=115) if DO_PLOT: plt.figure() df[['mb_ref', 'mb', 'mb_wp', 'mb_nodt']].loc[2000:2025].plot(title=rid) plt.figure() df[['mb_ref', 'mb', 'mb_wp', 'mb_nodt']].loc[2000:].plot(title=rid)
def test_scaling_monhly_vs_annual(self, case_dir): cfg.initialize() cfg.PARAMS['prcp_scaling_factor'] = 1.6 cfg.PATHS['working_dir'] = case_dir cfg.PARAMS['use_multiprocessing'] = True cfg.PARAMS['continue_on_error'] = False cfg.PARAMS['store_diagnostic_variables'] = ALL_DIAGS # Go - get the pre-processed glacier directories rgi_ids = ['RGI60-11.00897', 'RGI60-14.06794'] gdirs = workflow.init_glacier_directories( rgi_ids, from_prepro_level=5, prepro_base_url=prepro_base_url, prepro_border=80, prepro_rgi_version='62') exp = 'netzero_py2050_fac1.0_decr0.3' magicc_file = magicc_dir + exp + '.nc' with xr.open_dataset(utils.file_downloader(magicc_file), decode_times=False) as ds: ds = ds.load() df = ds['ens_avg'].to_dataframe() # Default is annual workflow.execute_entity_task(parse_dt_per_dt, gdirs) workflow.execute_entity_task(tasks.run_with_hydro, gdirs, store_monthly_hydro=True, run_task=run_from_magicc_data, magicc_ts=df['ens_avg'], init_model_filesuffix='_historical', output_filesuffix='_annual') # Monthly workflow.execute_entity_task(parse_dt_per_dt, gdirs, monthly=True) workflow.execute_entity_task(tasks.run_with_hydro, gdirs, store_monthly_hydro=True, run_task=run_from_magicc_data, magicc_ts=df['ens_avg'], init_model_filesuffix='_historical', output_filesuffix='_monthly') for gdir in gdirs: with xr.open_dataset( gdir.get_filepath('model_diagnostics', filesuffix='_annual')) as ds: sel_vars = [ v for v in ds.variables if 'month_2d' not in ds[v].dims ] odf_a = ds[sel_vars].to_dataframe() sel_vars = [ v for v in ds.variables if 'month_2d' in ds[v].dims ] odf_ma = ds[sel_vars].isel(time=slice(0, 10)).mean( dim='time').to_dataframe() odf_ma.columns = [ c.replace('_monthly', '') for c in odf_ma.columns ] odf_ma_e = ds[sel_vars].isel(time=slice(-10, -1)).mean( dim='time').to_dataframe() odf_ma_e.columns = [ c.replace('_monthly', '') for c in odf_ma_e.columns ] with xr.open_dataset( gdir.get_filepath('model_diagnostics', filesuffix='_monthly')) as ds: sel_vars = [ v for v in ds.variables if 'month_2d' not in ds[v].dims ] odf_m = ds[sel_vars].to_dataframe() sel_vars = [ v for v in ds.variables if 'month_2d' in ds[v].dims ] odf_mm = ds[sel_vars].isel(time=slice(0, 10)).mean( dim='time').to_dataframe() odf_mm.columns = [ c.replace('_monthly', '') for c in odf_ma.columns ] odf_mm_e = ds[sel_vars].isel(time=slice(-10, -1)).mean( dim='time').to_dataframe() odf_mm_e.columns = [ c.replace('_monthly', '') for c in odf_ma_e.columns ] # Check annual and monthly stuff for _df in [odf_ma, odf_ma_e, odf_mm, odf_mm_e]: _df['tot_prcp'] = (_df['liq_prcp_off_glacier'] + _df['liq_prcp_on_glacier'] + _df['snowfall_off_glacier'] + _df['snowfall_on_glacier']) _df['runoff'] = (_df['melt_on_glacier'] + _df['melt_off_glacier'] + _df['liq_prcp_on_glacier'] + _df['liq_prcp_off_glacier']) # Residual MB should not be crazy large # frac = odf_ma['residual_mb'] / odf_ma['melt_on_glacier'] # assert_allclose(frac.loc[~frac.isnull()], 0, atol=0.02) fac_a = odf_ma_e.tot_prcp / odf_ma.tot_prcp assert_allclose(fac_a, fac_a.iloc[0]) fac_m = odf_mm_e.tot_prcp / odf_mm.tot_prcp # Here this is not the same! assert_allclose(fac_m, fac_m.iloc[0], rtol=0.1) # Check that the number of months with + and - is the same dp_dt = np.asarray(gdir.get_diagnostics()['magicc_dp_per_dt']) assert np.sum(fac_m > 1) == np.sum(dp_dt > 0) if DO_PLOT: rvars = [ 'melt_on_glacier', 'melt_off_glacier', 'liq_prcp_on_glacier', 'liq_prcp_off_glacier' ] f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(8, 8), sharey=True) odf_mm[rvars].clip(0).plot.area(ax=ax1, title=gdir.rgi_id + ' begin') odf_mm_e[rvars].clip(0).plot.area(ax=ax2, title=gdir.rgi_id + ' end') plt.tight_layout() rvars = [ 'snowfall_on_glacier', 'snowfall_off_glacier', 'liq_prcp_on_glacier', 'liq_prcp_off_glacier' ] f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(8, 8), sharey=True) odf_mm[rvars].clip(0).plot.area(ax=ax1, title=gdir.rgi_id + ' begin') odf_mm_e[rvars].clip(0).plot.area(ax=ax2, title=gdir.rgi_id + ' end') plt.tight_layout()
def test_hydro_monhly_vs_annual(self, case_dir): cfg.initialize() cfg.PARAMS['prcp_scaling_factor'] = 1.6 cfg.PATHS['working_dir'] = case_dir cfg.PARAMS['use_multiprocessing'] = True cfg.PARAMS['continue_on_error'] = False cfg.PARAMS['store_diagnostic_variables'] = ALL_DIAGS # Go - get the pre-processed glacier directories rgi_ids = ['RGI60-11.00897', 'RGI60-14.06794'] gdirs = workflow.init_glacier_directories( rgi_ids, from_prepro_level=5, prepro_base_url=prepro_base_url, prepro_border=80, prepro_rgi_version='62') workflow.execute_entity_task(parse_dt_per_dt, gdirs) exp = 'netzero_py2050_fac1.0_decr0.3' magicc_file = magicc_dir + exp + '.nc' with xr.open_dataset(utils.file_downloader(magicc_file), decode_times=False) as ds: ds = ds.load() df = ds['ens_avg'].to_dataframe() workflow.execute_entity_task(tasks.run_with_hydro, gdirs, store_monthly_hydro=False, run_task=run_from_magicc_data, magicc_ts=df['ens_avg'], use_dp_per_dt=False, init_model_filesuffix='_historical', output_filesuffix='_annual') workflow.execute_entity_task(tasks.run_with_hydro, gdirs, store_monthly_hydro=True, run_task=run_from_magicc_data, magicc_ts=df['ens_avg'], use_dp_per_dt=False, init_model_filesuffix='_historical', output_filesuffix='_monthly') for gdir in gdirs: with xr.open_dataset( gdir.get_filepath('model_diagnostics', filesuffix='_annual')) as ds: odf_a = ds.to_dataframe() with xr.open_dataset( gdir.get_filepath('model_diagnostics', filesuffix='_monthly')) as ds: sel_vars = [ v for v in ds.variables if 'month_2d' not in ds[v].dims ] odf_m = ds[sel_vars].to_dataframe() sel_vars = [ v for v in ds.variables if 'month_2d' in ds[v].dims ] odf_ma = ds[sel_vars].isel(time=slice(0, 10)).mean( dim='time').to_dataframe() odf_ma.columns = [ c.replace('_monthly', '') for c in odf_ma.columns ] odf_ma_e = ds[sel_vars].isel(time=slice(-10, -1)).mean( dim='time').to_dataframe() odf_ma_e.columns = [ c.replace('_monthly', '') for c in odf_ma_e.columns ] # Check that yearly equals monthly np.testing.assert_array_equal(odf_a.columns, odf_m.columns) for c in odf_a.columns: rtol = 1e-5 if c == 'melt_off_glacier': rtol = 0.1 if c in ['snow_bucket']: continue # if DO_PLOT: # f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) # odf_a[c].plot(ax=ax, title=c) # odf_m[c].plot(ax=ax) # assert_allclose(odf_a[c], odf_m[c], rtol=rtol) # Check monthly stuff odf_ma['tot_prcp'] = (odf_ma['liq_prcp_off_glacier'] + odf_ma['liq_prcp_on_glacier'] + odf_ma['snowfall_off_glacier'] + odf_ma['snowfall_on_glacier']) odf_ma['runoff'] = (odf_ma['melt_on_glacier'] + odf_ma['melt_off_glacier'] + odf_ma['liq_prcp_on_glacier'] + odf_ma['liq_prcp_off_glacier']) # Residual MB should not be crazy large frac = odf_ma['residual_mb'] / odf_ma['melt_on_glacier'] assert_allclose(frac.loc[~frac.isnull()], 0, atol=0.02) if DO_PLOT: rvars = [ 'melt_on_glacier', 'melt_off_glacier', 'liq_prcp_on_glacier', 'liq_prcp_off_glacier' ] f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(5, 10), sharey=True) odf_ma[rvars].clip(0).plot.area(ax=ax1, title=gdir.rgi_id + ' begin') odf_ma_e[rvars].clip(0).plot.area(ax=ax2, title=gdir.rgi_id + ' end')
def test_hydro_workflow(self, case_dir): cfg.initialize() cfg.PARAMS['prcp_scaling_factor'] = 1.6 cfg.PATHS['working_dir'] = case_dir cfg.PARAMS['use_multiprocessing'] = True cfg.PARAMS['store_diagnostic_variables'] = ALL_DIAGS # Go - get the pre-processed glacier directories rgi_ids = ['RGI60-14.06794', 'RGI60-11.00897'] gdirs = workflow.init_glacier_directories( rgi_ids, from_prepro_level=5, prepro_base_url=prepro_base_url, prepro_border=80, prepro_rgi_version='62') workflow.execute_entity_task(parse_dt_per_dt, gdirs) exp = 'netzero_py2050_fac1.0_decr0.3' magicc_file = magicc_dir + exp + '.nc' with xr.open_dataset(utils.file_downloader(magicc_file), decode_times=False) as ds: ds = ds.load() df = ds['ens_avg'].to_dataframe() workflow.execute_entity_task(tasks.run_with_hydro, gdirs, ref_area_from_y0=True, run_task=run_from_magicc_data, magicc_ts=df['ens_avg'], use_dp_per_dt=False, init_model_filesuffix='_historical', output_filesuffix='_' + exp) ds = utils.compile_run_output(gdirs, filesuffix='_' + exp) for rgi_id in rgi_ids: odf = ds.sel(rgi_id=rgi_id).to_dataframe().iloc[:-1] # Sanity checks # Tot prcp here is constant (constant climate) odf['tot_prcp'] = (odf['liq_prcp_off_glacier'] + odf['liq_prcp_on_glacier'] + odf['snowfall_off_glacier'] + odf['snowfall_on_glacier']) assert_allclose(odf['tot_prcp'], odf['tot_prcp'].iloc[0], rtol=1e-4) # Glacier area is the same (remove on_area?) assert_allclose(odf['on_area'], odf['area']) # Our MB is the same as the glacier dyn one reconstructed_vol = ( odf['model_mb'].cumsum() / cfg.PARAMS['ice_density'] + odf['volume'].iloc[0]) assert_allclose(odf['volume'].iloc[1:], reconstructed_vol.iloc[:-1], atol=1e-2) # Mass-conservation odf['runoff'] = (odf['melt_on_glacier'] + odf['melt_off_glacier'] + odf['liq_prcp_on_glacier'] + odf['liq_prcp_off_glacier']) mass_in_glacier_end = odf['volume'].iloc[-1] * cfg.PARAMS[ 'ice_density'] mass_in_glacier_start = odf['volume'].iloc[0] * cfg.PARAMS[ 'ice_density'] mass_in_snow = odf['snow_bucket'].iloc[-1] mass_in = odf['tot_prcp'].iloc[:-1].sum() mass_out = odf['runoff'].iloc[:-1].sum() assert_allclose(mass_in_glacier_end, mass_in_glacier_start + mass_in - mass_out - mass_in_snow, atol=1e-2) # 0.01 kg is OK as numerical error # Qualitative assessments assert odf['melt_on_glacier'].iloc[ -1] < odf['melt_on_glacier'].iloc[0] * 0.7 assert odf['liq_prcp_off_glacier'].iloc[-1] > odf[ 'liq_prcp_on_glacier'].iloc[-1] assert odf['liq_prcp_off_glacier'].iloc[0] < odf[ 'liq_prcp_on_glacier'].iloc[0] # Residual MB should not be crazy large frac = odf['residual_mb'] / odf['runoff'] assert_allclose(frac, 0, atol=0.13) if DO_PLOT: plt.figure() odf[['volume']].plot(title=rgi_id) plt.figure() odf[[ 'melt_on_glacier', 'melt_off_glacier', 'liq_prcp_on_glacier', 'liq_prcp_off_glacier' ]].plot.area(title=rgi_id) plt.figure() frac.plot(title=rgi_id)
dataset='ERA5dr') # for gdir in gdirs: # try: # # can do workflow.execute_entity_task #, dataset='ERA5dr') # except: # print(gdir.rgi_id) # download the CMIP5 files and bias correct them to the calibration data try: bp = '{}' bt = '{}' for rcp in ['rcp26', 'rcp45', 'rcp60', 'rcp85']: # Download the files ft = utils.file_downloader(bt.format(rcp)) fp = utils.file_downloader(bp.format(rcp)) # bias correct them workflow.execute_entity_task( gcm_climate.process_cmip_data, gdirs, filesuffix='_CCSM4_{}'.format(rcp), # recognize the climate file for later fpath_temp=ft, # temperature projections fpath_precip=fp, # precip projections ) except: pass else: gdirs = workflow.init_glacier_directories(
def match_geodetic_mb_for_selection(gdirs, period='2000-01-01_2020-01-01', file_path=None, fail_safe=False): """Shift the mass-balance residual to match geodetic mb observations. It is similar to match_regional_geodetic_mb but uses the raw, glacier per glacier tabular data. This method finds the "best mass-balance residual" to match all glaciers in gdirs with available OGGM mass balance and available geodetic mass-balance measurements from Hugonnet 2021 or any other file with the same format. The default is to use hugonnet_2021_ds_rgi60_pergla_rates_10_20_worldwide_filled.hdf in Parameters ---------- gdirs : the list of gdirs period : str One of '2000-01-01_2020-01-01', '2000-01-01_2010-01-01', '2010-01-01_2020-01-01'. file_path: str local file path to tabular file containing geodetic measurements, file must contain the columns: - 'rgiid': is the RGIId as in the RGI 6.0 - 'period': time intervall of the measurements in the format shown above - 'dmdtda': the specific-mass change rate in meters water-equivalent per year, - 'area': is the glacier area (same as in RGI 6.0) in meters square fail_safe : bool some glaciers in the obs data have been corrected with the regional average. We don't use these values, unless there is no other choice and in which case you can set fail_safe to True """ # Get the mass-balance OGGM would give out of the box df = utils.compile_fixed_geometry_mass_balance(gdirs, path=False) df = df.dropna(axis=0, how='all').dropna(axis=1, how='all') # And also the Area and calving fluxes dfs = utils.compile_glacier_statistics(gdirs, path=False) y0 = int(period.split('_')[0].split('-')[0]) y1 = int(period.split('_')[1].split('-')[0]) - 1 odf = pd.DataFrame(df.loc[y0:y1].mean(), columns=['SMB']) odf['AREA'] = dfs.rgi_area_km2 * 1e6 # Just take the calving rate and change its units # Original units: km3 a-1, to change to mm a-1 (units of specific MB) rho = cfg.PARAMS['ice_density'] if 'calving_flux' in dfs: odf['CALVING'] = dfs['calving_flux'].fillna( 0) * 1e9 * rho / odf['AREA'] else: odf['CALVING'] = 0 # We have to drop nans here, which occur when calving glaciers fail to run odf = odf.dropna() # save all rgi_ids for which a valid OGGM mb is available rgi_ids_oggm = odf.index.values # fetch the file online or read custom file if file_path is None: base_url = '' file_name = 'hugonnet_2021_ds_rgi60_pergla_rates_10_20_worldwide_filled.hdf' df = pd.read_hdf(utils.file_downloader(base_url + file_name)) else: extension = os.path.splitext(file_path)[1] if extension == '.csv': df = pd.read_csv(file_path, index_col='rgiid') elif extension == '.hdf': df = pd.read_hdf(file_path, index_col='rgiid') # get the correct period from the whole dataset df = df.loc[df['period'] == period] # get only geodetic measurements for which a valid OGGM mb is available rdf_all = df.loc[rgi_ids_oggm] if rdf_all.empty: raise InvalidWorkflowError('No geodetic MB measurements available for ' 'this glacier selection!') # drop glaciers with no valid geodetic measurements rdf = rdf_all.loc[~rdf_all['is_cor']] if rdf.empty: if not fail_safe: raise InvalidWorkflowError( 'No gedoetic MB measurements available for ' 'this glacier selection! Set ' 'fail_safe=True to use the ' 'corrected values.') rdf = rdf_all # the remaining glaciers now have a OGGM mb and geodetic measurements rgi_ids = rdf.index.values msg = ('Applying geodetic MB correction using {} of {} glaciers, with ' 'available OGGM MB and available geodetic measurements.') log.workflow(msg.format(len(rgi_ids), len(gdirs))) # Total MB OGGM, only using glaciers with OGGM mb and geodetic measurements odf = odf.loc[rgi_ids] out_smb = np.average(odf['SMB'], weights=odf['AREA']) # for logging out_cal = np.average(odf['CALVING'], weights=odf['AREA']) # for logging smb_oggm = np.average(odf['SMB'] - odf['CALVING'], weights=odf['AREA']) # Total geodetic MB, no need for indexing smb_ref = rdf.dmdtda.values * 1000 # m to mm conversion area_ref = rdf.area.values smb_ref = np.average(smb_ref, weights=area_ref) # Diff between the two residual = smb_ref - smb_oggm # Let's just shift log.workflow('Shifting regional MB bias by {}'.format(residual)) log.workflow('Observations give {}'.format(smb_ref)) log.workflow('OGGM SMB gives {}'.format(out_smb)) log.workflow('OGGM frontal ablation gives {}'.format(out_cal)) # This time we shift over all glaciers for gdir in gdirs: try: df = gdir.read_json('local_mustar') gdir.add_to_diagnostics('mb_bias_before_geodetic_corr', df['bias']) df['bias'] = df['bias'] - residual gdir.write_json(df, 'local_mustar') except FileNotFoundError: pass
cfg.PARAMS['continue_on_error'] = False # We use intersects # Here we use the global file but there are regional files too (faster) cfg.set_intersects_db(utils.get_rgi_intersects_region_file('00', version='5')) # Pre-download other files which will be needed later utils.get_cru_cl_file() utils.get_cru_file(var='tmp') utils.get_cru_file(var='pre') # Download the RGI file for the run # We us a set of four glaciers here but this could be an entire RGI region, # or any glacier list you'd like to model dl = '' with zipfile.ZipFile(utils.file_downloader(dl)) as zf: zf.extractall(WORKING_DIR) rgidf = salem.read_shapefile( path.join(WORKING_DIR, 'RGI_example_glaciers', 'RGI_example_glaciers.shp')) # Sort for more efficient parallel computing rgidf = rgidf.sort_values('Area', ascending=False)'Starting OGGM run')'Number of glaciers: {}'.format(len(rgidf))) # Go - initialize working directories gdirs = workflow.init_glacier_regions(rgidf) # Preprocessing tasks task_list = [
# Pre-download other files which will be needed later _ = utils.get_cru_file(var='tmp') _ = utils.get_cru_file(var='pre') # Copy the precalibrated tstar file # --------------------------------- # Note that to be exact, this procedure can only be applied if the run # parameters don't change between the calibration and the run. # After testing, it appears that changing the 'border' parameter won't affect # the results much (expectedly), so that it's ok to change it. All the rest # (e.g. smoothing, dx, prcp factor...) should imply a re-calibration mbf = '' mbf = utils.file_downloader(mbf) shutil.copyfile(mbf, os.path.join(WORKING_DIR, 'ref_tstars.csv')) # Initialize OGGM and set up the run parameters # --------------------------------------------- # Download and read in the RGI file rgif = '' rgif = utils.file_downloader(rgif) with zipfile.ZipFile(rgif) as zf: zf.extractall(WORKING_DIR) rgif = os.path.join(WORKING_DIR, 'RGI_example_glaciers.shp') rgidf = salem.read_shapefile(rgif, cached=True) # Sort for more efficient parallel computing rgidf = rgidf.sort_values('Area', ascending=False)
import oggm from oggm import cfg, tasks, graphics from oggm.sandbox.gmd_paper import PLOT_DIR from oggm.utils import file_downloader, nicenumber, mkdir cfg.initialize() cfg.PARAMS['border'] = 10 reset = False base_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~/tmp'), 'OGGM_GMD', 'Grindelwald') cfg.PATHS['working_dir'] = base_dir mkdir(base_dir, reset=reset) rgif = '' rgif = file_downloader(rgif) with zipfile.ZipFile(rgif) as zf: zf.extractall(base_dir) rgif = os.path.join(base_dir, 'rgiv5_grindelwald.shp') rgidf = salem.read_shapefile(rgif, cached=True) entity = rgidf.iloc[0] gdir = oggm.GlacierDirectory(entity, base_dir=base_dir, reset=True) tasks.define_glacier_region(gdir, entity=entity) tasks.glacier_masks(gdir) tasks.compute_centerlines(gdir) tasks.initialize_flowlines(gdir) tasks.compute_downstream_line(gdir) tasks.catchment_area(gdir) tasks.catchment_intersections(gdir) tasks.catchment_width_geom(gdir)
def run_prepro_levels(rgi_version=None, rgi_reg=None, border=None, output_folder='', working_dir='', dem_source='', is_test=False, test_ids=None, demo=False, test_rgidf=None, test_intersects_file=None, test_topofile=None, disable_mp=False, params_file=None, elev_bands=False, match_regional_geodetic_mb=False, match_geodetic_mb_per_glacier=False, evolution_model='fl_sia', centerlines_only=False, override_params=None, add_consensus=False, start_level=None, start_base_url=None, max_level=5, ref_tstars_base_url='', logging_level='WORKFLOW', disable_dl_verify=False, dynamic_spinup=False, dynamic_spinup_start_year=1979, continue_on_error=True): """Generate the preprocessed OGGM glacier directories for this OGGM version Parameters ---------- rgi_version : str the RGI version to use (defaults to cfg.PARAMS) rgi_reg : str the RGI region to process border : int the number of pixels at the maps border output_folder : str path to the output folder (where to put the preprocessed tar files) dem_source : str which DEM source to use: default, SOURCE_NAME or ALL working_dir : str path to the OGGM working directory ref_tstars_base_url : str url where to find the pre-calibrated reference tstar list. Required as of v1.4. params_file : str path to the OGGM parameter file (to override defaults) is_test : bool to test on a couple of glaciers only! test_ids : list if is_test: list of ids to process demo : bool to run the prepro for the list of demo glaciers test_rgidf : shapefile for testing purposes only test_intersects_file : shapefile for testing purposes only test_topofile : str for testing purposes only test_crudir : str for testing purposes only disable_mp : bool disable multiprocessing elev_bands : bool compute all flowlines based on the Huss&Hock 2015 method instead of the OGGM default, which is a mix of elev_bands and centerlines. centerlines_only : bool compute all flowlines based on the OGGM centerline(s) method instead of the OGGM default, which is a mix of elev_bands and centerlines. match_regional_geodetic_mb : str match the regional mass balance estimates at the regional level ('hugonnet': Hugonnet et al., 2020 or 'zemp': Zemp et al., 2019). match_geodetic_mb_per_glacier : str match the mass balance estimates at the glacier level (currently only 'hugonnet': Hugonnet et al., 2020). evolution_model : str which geometry evolution model to use: `fl_sia` (default), or `massredis` (mass redistribution curve). add_consensus : bool adds (reprojects) the consensus estimates thickness to the glacier directories. With elev_bands=True, the data will also be binned. start_level : int the pre-processed level to start from (default is to start from scratch). If set, you'll need to indicate start_base_url as well. start_base_url : str the pre-processed base-url to fetch the data from. max_level : int the maximum pre-processing level before stopping logging_level : str the logging level to use (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, WORKFLOW) override_params : dict a dict of parameters to override. disable_dl_verify : bool disable the hash verification of OGGM downloads dynamic_spinup: str include a dynamic spinup matching 'area' OR 'volume' at the RGI-date dynamic_spinup_start_year : int if dynamic_spinup is set, define the starting year for the simulation. The default is 1979, unless the climate data starts later. """ # Input check if max_level not in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]: raise InvalidParamsError('max_level should be one of [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]') if start_level is not None: if start_level not in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]: raise InvalidParamsError( 'start_level should be one of [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]') if start_level > 0 and start_base_url is None: raise InvalidParamsError('With start_level, please also indicate ' 'start_base_url') else: start_level = 0 if match_regional_geodetic_mb and match_geodetic_mb_per_glacier: raise InvalidParamsError( 'match_regional_geodetic_mb incompatible with ' 'match_geodetic_mb_per_glacier!') if match_geodetic_mb_per_glacier and match_geodetic_mb_per_glacier != 'hugonnet': raise InvalidParamsError('Currently only `hugonnet` is available for ' 'match_geodetic_mb_per_glacier.') if evolution_model not in ['fl_sia', 'massredis']: raise InvalidParamsError('evolution_model should be one of ' "['fl_sia', 'massredis'].") if dynamic_spinup and dynamic_spinup not in ['area', 'volume']: raise InvalidParamsError(f"Dynamic spinup option '{dynamic_spinup}' " "not supported") if dynamic_spinup and evolution_model == 'massredis': raise InvalidParamsError("Dynamic spinup is not working/tested" "with massredis!") # Time start = time.time() def _time_log(): # Log util m, s = divmod(time.time() - start, 60) h, m = divmod(m, 60) log.workflow('OGGM prepro_levels is done! Time needed: ' '{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(int(h), int(m), int(s))) # Local paths if override_params is None: override_params = {} utils.mkdir(working_dir) override_params['working_dir'] = working_dir # Initialize OGGM and set up the run parameters cfg.initialize(file=params_file, params=override_params, logging_level=logging_level, future=True) if match_geodetic_mb_per_glacier and (cfg.PARAMS['hydro_month_nh'] != 1 or cfg.PARAMS['hydro_month_sh'] != 1): raise InvalidParamsError('We recommend to set hydro_month_nh and sh ' 'to 1 for the geodetic MB calibration per ' 'glacier.') # Use multiprocessing? cfg.PARAMS['use_multiprocessing'] = not disable_mp # How many grid points around the glacier? # Make it large if you expect your glaciers to grow large cfg.PARAMS['border'] = border # Set to True for operational runs cfg.PARAMS['continue_on_error'] = continue_on_error # Check for the integrity of the files OGGM downloads at run time # For large files (e.g. using a 1 tif DEM like ALASKA) calculating the hash # takes a long time, so deactivating this can make sense cfg.PARAMS['dl_verify'] = not disable_dl_verify # Other things that make sense cfg.PARAMS['store_model_geometry'] = True # Log the parameters msg = '# OGGM Run parameters:' for k, v in cfg.PARAMS.items(): if type(v) in [pd.DataFrame, dict]: continue msg += '\n {}: {}'.format(k, v) log.workflow(msg) if rgi_version is None: rgi_version = cfg.PARAMS['rgi_version'] output_base_dir = os.path.join(output_folder, 'RGI{}'.format(rgi_version), 'b_{:03d}'.format(border)) # Add a package version file utils.mkdir(output_base_dir) opath = os.path.join(output_base_dir, 'package_versions.txt') with open(opath, 'w') as vfile: vfile.write(utils.show_versions(logger=log)) if demo: rgidf = utils.get_rgi_glacier_entities(cfg.DATA['demo_glaciers'].index) elif test_rgidf is None: # Get the RGI file rgidf = gpd.read_file( utils.get_rgi_region_file(rgi_reg, version=rgi_version)) # We use intersects rgif = utils.get_rgi_intersects_region_file(rgi_reg, version=rgi_version) cfg.set_intersects_db(rgif) # Some RGI input quality checks - this is based on visual checks # of large glaciers in the RGI ids_to_ice_cap = [ 'RGI60-05.10315', # huge Greenland ice cap 'RGI60-03.01466', # strange thing next to Devon 'RGI60-09.00918', # Academy of sciences Ice cap 'RGI60-09.00969', 'RGI60-09.00958', 'RGI60-09.00957', ] rgidf.loc[rgidf.RGIId.isin(ids_to_ice_cap), 'Form'] = '1' # In AA almost all large ice bodies are actually ice caps if rgi_reg == '19': rgidf.loc[rgidf.Area > 100, 'Form'] = '1' # For greenland we omit connectivity level 2 if rgi_reg == '05': rgidf = rgidf.loc[rgidf['Connect'] != 2] else: rgidf = test_rgidf cfg.set_intersects_db(test_intersects_file) if is_test: if test_ids is not None: rgidf = rgidf.loc[rgidf.RGIId.isin(test_ids)] else: rgidf = rgidf.sample(4) if max_level > 2: # Also use ref tstars utils.apply_test_ref_tstars() if max_level > 2 and ref_tstars_base_url: workflow.download_ref_tstars(base_url=ref_tstars_base_url) log.workflow('Starting prepro run for RGI reg: {} ' 'and border: {}'.format(rgi_reg, border)) log.workflow('Number of glaciers: {}'.format(len(rgidf))) # L0 - go if start_level == 0: gdirs = workflow.init_glacier_directories(rgidf, reset=True, force=True) # Glacier stats sum_dir = os.path.join(output_base_dir, 'L0', 'summary') utils.mkdir(sum_dir) opath = os.path.join(sum_dir, 'glacier_statistics_{}.csv'.format(rgi_reg)) utils.compile_glacier_statistics(gdirs, path=opath) # L0 OK - compress all in output directory log.workflow('L0 done. Writing to tar...') level_base_dir = os.path.join(output_base_dir, 'L0') workflow.execute_entity_task(utils.gdir_to_tar, gdirs, delete=False, base_dir=level_base_dir) utils.base_dir_to_tar(level_base_dir) if max_level == 0: _time_log() return else: gdirs = workflow.init_glacier_directories( rgidf, reset=True, force=True, from_prepro_level=start_level, prepro_border=border, prepro_rgi_version=rgi_version, prepro_base_url=start_base_url) # L1 - Add dem files if start_level == 0: if test_topofile: cfg.PATHS['dem_file'] = test_topofile # Which DEM source? if dem_source.upper() == 'ALL': # This is the complex one, just do the job and leave log.workflow('Running prepro on ALL sources') for i, s in enumerate(utils.DEM_SOURCES): rs = i == 0 log.workflow('Running prepro on sources: {}'.format(s)) gdirs = workflow.init_glacier_directories(rgidf, reset=rs, force=rs) workflow.execute_entity_task(tasks.define_glacier_region, gdirs, source=s) workflow.execute_entity_task(_rename_dem_folder, gdirs, source=s) # make a GeoTiff mask of the glacier, choose any source workflow.execute_entity_task(gis.rasterio_glacier_mask, gdirs, source='ALL') # Compress all in output directory level_base_dir = os.path.join(output_base_dir, 'L1') workflow.execute_entity_task(utils.gdir_to_tar, gdirs, delete=False, base_dir=level_base_dir) utils.base_dir_to_tar(level_base_dir) _time_log() return # Force a given source source = dem_source.upper() if dem_source else None # L1 - go workflow.execute_entity_task(tasks.define_glacier_region, gdirs, source=source) # Glacier stats sum_dir = os.path.join(output_base_dir, 'L1', 'summary') utils.mkdir(sum_dir) opath = os.path.join(sum_dir, 'glacier_statistics_{}.csv'.format(rgi_reg)) utils.compile_glacier_statistics(gdirs, path=opath) # L1 OK - compress all in output directory log.workflow('L1 done. Writing to tar...') level_base_dir = os.path.join(output_base_dir, 'L1') workflow.execute_entity_task(utils.gdir_to_tar, gdirs, delete=False, base_dir=level_base_dir) utils.base_dir_to_tar(level_base_dir) if max_level == 1: _time_log() return # L2 - Tasks if start_level <= 1: # Check which glaciers will be processed as what if elev_bands: gdirs_band = gdirs gdirs_cent = [] elif centerlines_only: gdirs_band = [] gdirs_cent = gdirs else: # Default is to centerlines_only, but it used to be a mix # (e.g. bands for ice caps, etc) # I still keep this logic here in case we want to mix again gdirs_band = [] gdirs_cent = gdirs log.workflow('Start flowline processing with: ' 'N centerline type: {}, ' 'N elev bands type: {}.' ''.format(len(gdirs_cent), len(gdirs_band))) # HH2015 method workflow.execute_entity_task(tasks.simple_glacier_masks, gdirs_band) # Centerlines OGGM workflow.execute_entity_task(tasks.glacier_masks, gdirs_cent) if add_consensus: from import add_consensus_thickness workflow.execute_entity_task(add_consensus_thickness, gdirs_band) workflow.execute_entity_task(add_consensus_thickness, gdirs_cent) # Elev bands with var data vn = 'consensus_ice_thickness' workflow.execute_entity_task(tasks.elevation_band_flowline, gdirs_band, bin_variables=vn) workflow.execute_entity_task( tasks.fixed_dx_elevation_band_flowline, gdirs_band, bin_variables=vn) else: # HH2015 method without it task_list = [ tasks.elevation_band_flowline, tasks.fixed_dx_elevation_band_flowline, ] for task in task_list: workflow.execute_entity_task(task, gdirs_band) # Centerlines OGGM task_list = [ tasks.compute_centerlines, tasks.initialize_flowlines, tasks.catchment_area, tasks.catchment_intersections, tasks.catchment_width_geom, tasks.catchment_width_correction, ] for task in task_list: workflow.execute_entity_task(task, gdirs_cent) # Same for all glaciers if border >= 20: task_list = [ tasks.compute_downstream_line, tasks.compute_downstream_bedshape, ] for task in task_list: workflow.execute_entity_task(task, gdirs) else: log.workflow('L2: for map border values < 20, wont compute ' 'downstream lines.') # Glacier stats sum_dir = os.path.join(output_base_dir, 'L2', 'summary') utils.mkdir(sum_dir) opath = os.path.join(sum_dir, 'glacier_statistics_{}.csv'.format(rgi_reg)) utils.compile_glacier_statistics(gdirs, path=opath) # And for level 2: shapes if len(gdirs_cent) > 0: opath = os.path.join(sum_dir, 'centerlines_{}.shp'.format(rgi_reg)) utils.write_centerlines_to_shape(gdirs_cent, to_tar=True, path=opath) # L2 OK - compress all in output directory log.workflow('L2 done. Writing to tar...') level_base_dir = os.path.join(output_base_dir, 'L2') workflow.execute_entity_task(utils.gdir_to_tar, gdirs, delete=False, base_dir=level_base_dir) utils.base_dir_to_tar(level_base_dir) if max_level == 2: _time_log() return # L3 - Tasks if start_level <= 2: sum_dir = os.path.join(output_base_dir, 'L3', 'summary') utils.mkdir(sum_dir) # Climate workflow.execute_entity_task(tasks.process_climate_data, gdirs) if cfg.PARAMS['climate_qc_months'] > 0: workflow.execute_entity_task(tasks.historical_climate_qc, gdirs) if match_geodetic_mb_per_glacier: utils.get_geodetic_mb_dataframe( ) # Small optim to avoid concurrency workflow.execute_entity_task( tasks.mu_star_calibration_from_geodetic_mb, gdirs) workflow.execute_entity_task(tasks.apparent_mb_from_any_mb, gdirs) else: workflow.execute_entity_task(tasks.local_t_star, gdirs) workflow.execute_entity_task(tasks.mu_star_calibration, gdirs) # Inversion: we match the consensus filter = border >= 20 workflow.calibrate_inversion_from_consensus( gdirs, apply_fs_on_mismatch=True, error_on_mismatch=False, filter_inversion_output=filter) # Do we want to match geodetic estimates? # This affects only the bias so we can actually do this *after* # the inversion, but we really want to take calving into account here if match_regional_geodetic_mb: opath = os.path.join( sum_dir, 'fixed_geometry_mass_balance_' 'before_match_{}.csv'.format(rgi_reg)) utils.compile_fixed_geometry_mass_balance(gdirs, path=opath) workflow.match_regional_geodetic_mb( gdirs, rgi_reg=rgi_reg, dataset=match_regional_geodetic_mb) # We get ready for modelling if border >= 20: workflow.execute_entity_task(tasks.init_present_time_glacier, gdirs) else: log.workflow( 'L3: for map border values < 20, wont initialize glaciers ' 'for the run.') # Glacier stats opath = os.path.join(sum_dir, 'glacier_statistics_{}.csv'.format(rgi_reg)) utils.compile_glacier_statistics(gdirs, path=opath) opath = os.path.join(sum_dir, 'climate_statistics_{}.csv'.format(rgi_reg)) utils.compile_climate_statistics(gdirs, path=opath) opath = os.path.join( sum_dir, 'fixed_geometry_mass_balance_{}.csv'.format(rgi_reg)) utils.compile_fixed_geometry_mass_balance(gdirs, path=opath) # L3 OK - compress all in output directory log.workflow('L3 done. Writing to tar...') level_base_dir = os.path.join(output_base_dir, 'L3') workflow.execute_entity_task(utils.gdir_to_tar, gdirs, delete=False, base_dir=level_base_dir) utils.base_dir_to_tar(level_base_dir) if max_level == 3: _time_log() return if border < 20: log.workflow( 'L3: for map border values < 20, wont compute L4 and L5.') _time_log() return # is needed to copy some files for L4 and L5 sum_dir_L3 = sum_dir # L4 - No tasks: add some stats for consistency and make the dirs small if start_level <= 3: sum_dir = os.path.join(output_base_dir, 'L4', 'summary') utils.mkdir(sum_dir) # Copy L3 files for consistency for bn in [ 'glacier_statistics', 'climate_statistics', 'fixed_geometry_mass_balance' ]: if start_level < 3: ipath = os.path.join(sum_dir_L3, bn + '_{}.csv'.format(rgi_reg)) else: ipath = file_downloader( os.path.join( get_prepro_base_url(base_url=start_base_url, rgi_version=rgi_version, border=border, prepro_level=start_level), 'summary', bn + '_{}.csv'.format(rgi_reg))) opath = os.path.join(sum_dir, bn + '_{}.csv'.format(rgi_reg)) shutil.copyfile(ipath, opath) # Copy mini data to new dir mini_base_dir = os.path.join(working_dir, 'mini_perglacier', 'RGI{}'.format(rgi_version), 'b_{:03d}'.format(border)) mini_gdirs = workflow.execute_entity_task(tasks.copy_to_basedir, gdirs, base_dir=mini_base_dir) # L4 OK - compress all in output directory log.workflow('L4 done. Writing to tar...') level_base_dir = os.path.join(output_base_dir, 'L4') workflow.execute_entity_task(utils.gdir_to_tar, mini_gdirs, delete=False, base_dir=level_base_dir) utils.base_dir_to_tar(level_base_dir) if max_level == 4: _time_log() return # use mini_gdirs for L5 gdirs = mini_gdirs # L5 - spinup run in mini gdirs # Get end date. The first gdir might have blown up, try some others i = 0 while True: if i >= len(gdirs): raise RuntimeError('Found no valid glaciers!') try: y0 = gdirs[i].get_climate_info()['baseline_hydro_yr_0'] # One adds 1 because the run ends at the end of the year ye = gdirs[i].get_climate_info()['baseline_hydro_yr_1'] + 1 break except BaseException: i += 1 # Which model? if evolution_model == 'massredis': from oggm.core.flowline import MassRedistributionCurveModel evolution_model = MassRedistributionCurveModel else: from oggm.core.flowline import FluxBasedModel evolution_model = FluxBasedModel # OK - run if dynamic_spinup: if y0 > dynamic_spinup_start_year: dynamic_spinup_start_year = y0 workflow.execute_entity_task( tasks.run_dynamic_spinup, gdirs, evolution_model=evolution_model, minimise_for=dynamic_spinup, spinup_start_yr=dynamic_spinup_start_year, output_filesuffix='_dynamic_spinup', ) workflow.execute_entity_task(tasks.run_from_climate_data, gdirs, min_ys=y0, ye=ye, evolution_model=evolution_model, init_model_filesuffix='_dynamic_spinup', output_filesuffix='_hist_spin') workflow.execute_entity_task(tasks.merge_consecutive_run_outputs, gdirs, input_filesuffix_1='_dynamic_spinup', input_filesuffix_2='_hist_spin', output_filesuffix='_historical_spinup', delete_input=True) workflow.execute_entity_task(tasks.run_from_climate_data, gdirs, min_ys=y0, ye=ye, evolution_model=evolution_model, output_filesuffix='_historical') # Now compile the output sum_dir = os.path.join(output_base_dir, 'L5', 'summary') utils.mkdir(sum_dir) opath = os.path.join(sum_dir, f'historical_run_output_{rgi_reg}.nc') utils.compile_run_output(gdirs, path=opath, input_filesuffix='_historical') if dynamic_spinup: opath = os.path.join(sum_dir, f'historical_spinup_run_output_{rgi_reg}.nc') utils.compile_run_output(gdirs, path=opath, input_filesuffix='_historical_spinup') # Glacier statistics we recompute here for error analysis opath = os.path.join(sum_dir, 'glacier_statistics_{}.csv'.format(rgi_reg)) utils.compile_glacier_statistics(gdirs, path=opath) # Other stats for consistency for bn in ['climate_statistics', 'fixed_geometry_mass_balance']: if start_level < 3: ipath = os.path.join(sum_dir_L3, bn + '_{}.csv'.format(rgi_reg)) else: ipath = file_downloader( os.path.join( get_prepro_base_url(base_url=start_base_url, rgi_version=rgi_version, border=border, prepro_level=start_level), 'summary', bn + '_{}.csv'.format(rgi_reg))) opath = os.path.join(sum_dir, bn + '_{}.csv'.format(rgi_reg)) shutil.copyfile(ipath, opath) # Add the extended files pf = os.path.join(sum_dir, 'historical_run_output_{}.nc'.format(rgi_reg)) mf = os.path.join(sum_dir, 'fixed_geometry_mass_balance_{}.csv'.format(rgi_reg)) # This is crucial - extending calving only possible with L3 data!!! if start_level < 3: sf = os.path.join(sum_dir_L3, 'glacier_statistics_{}.csv'.format(rgi_reg)) else: sf = file_downloader( os.path.join( get_prepro_base_url(base_url=start_base_url, rgi_version=rgi_version, border=border, prepro_level=start_level), 'summary', 'glacier_statistics_{}.csv'.format(rgi_reg))) opath = os.path.join( sum_dir, 'historical_run_output_extended_{}.nc'.format(rgi_reg)) utils.extend_past_climate_run(past_run_file=pf, fixed_geometry_mb_file=mf, glacier_statistics_file=sf, path=opath) # L5 OK - compress all in output directory log.workflow('L5 done. Writing to tar...') level_base_dir = os.path.join(output_base_dir, 'L5') workflow.execute_entity_task(utils.gdir_to_tar, gdirs, delete=False, base_dir=level_base_dir) utils.base_dir_to_tar(level_base_dir) _time_log()
def _reproject_and_scale(gdir, do_error=False): """Reproject and scale itslive data, avoid code duplication for error""" reg = find_region(gdir) if reg is None: raise InvalidWorkflowError('There does not seem to be its_live data ' 'available for this glacier') vnx = 'vx' vny = 'vy' if do_error: vnx += '_err' vny += '_err' with utils.get_lock(): fx = utils.file_downloader(region_files[reg][vnx]) fy = utils.file_downloader(region_files[reg][vny]) # Open the files dsx = salem.GeoTiff(fx) dsy = salem.GeoTiff(fy) # subset them to our map grid_gla = gdir.grid.center_grid proj_vel = dsx.grid.proj x0, x1, y0, y1 = grid_gla.extent_in_crs(proj_vel) dsx.set_subset(corners=((x0, y0), (x1, y1)), crs=proj_vel, margin=4) dsy.set_subset(corners=((x0, y0), (x1, y1)), crs=proj_vel, margin=4) grid_vel = dsx.grid.center_grid # TODO: this should be taken care of by salem # with rasterio.Env(): with as src: nodata = getattr(src, 'nodata', -32767.0) # Error files are wrong if nodata == 0: nodata = -32767.0 # Get the coords at t0 xx0, yy0 = grid_vel.center_grid.xy_coordinates # Compute coords at t1 xx1 = dsx.get_vardata() yy1 = dsy.get_vardata() non_valid = (xx1 == nodata) | (yy1 == nodata) xx1[non_valid] = np.NaN yy1[non_valid] = np.NaN orig_vel = np.sqrt(xx1**2 + yy1**2) xx1 += xx0 yy1 += yy0 # Transform both to glacier proj xx0, yy0 = salem.transform_proj(proj_vel, grid_gla.proj, xx0, yy0) xx1, yy1 = salem.transform_proj(proj_vel, grid_gla.proj, xx1, yy1) # Correct no data after proj as well (inf) xx1[non_valid] = np.NaN yy1[non_valid] = np.NaN # Compute velocities from there vx = xx1 - xx0 vy = yy1 - yy0 # Scale back velocities - new_vel = np.sqrt(vx**2 + vy**2) p_ok = new_vel > 1e-5 # avoid div by zero vx[p_ok] = vx[p_ok] * orig_vel[p_ok] / new_vel[p_ok] vy[p_ok] = vy[p_ok] * orig_vel[p_ok] / new_vel[p_ok] # And transform to local map vx = grid_gla.map_gridded_data(vx, grid=grid_vel, interp='linear') vy = grid_gla.map_gridded_data(vy, grid=grid_vel, interp='linear') # Write with utils.ncDataset(gdir.get_filepath('gridded_data'), 'a') as nc: vn = 'obs_icevel_x' if do_error: vn = vn.replace('obs', 'err') if vn in nc.variables: v = nc.variables[vn] else: v = nc.createVariable(vn, 'f4', ('y', 'x', ), zlib=True) v.units = 'm yr-1' ln = 'ITS LIVE velocity data in x map direction' if do_error: ln = 'Uncertainty of ' + ln v.long_name = ln v[:] = vx.filled(np.nan) vn = 'obs_icevel_y' if do_error: vn = vn.replace('obs', 'err') if vn in nc.variables: v = nc.variables[vn] else: v = nc.createVariable(vn, 'f4', ('y', 'x', ), zlib=True) v.units = 'm yr-1' ln = 'ITS LIVE velocity data in y map direction' if do_error: ln = 'Uncertainty of ' + ln v.long_name = ln v[:] = vy.filled(np.nan)
def get_cru_cl_file(): """Returns the path to the unpacked CRU CL file.""" return utils.file_extractor(utils.file_downloader(CRU_CL))
import oggm from oggm import cfg, tasks, graphics from oggm.sandbox.gmd_paper import PLOT_DIR from oggm import utils cfg.initialize() cfg.PARAMS['border'] = 20 cfg.PARAMS['auto_skip_task'] = True base_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~/tmp'), 'OGGM_GMD', 'Workflow') cfg.PATHS['working_dir'] = base_dir utils.mkdir(base_dir) rgif = '' rgif = utils.file_downloader(rgif) with zipfile.ZipFile(rgif) as zf: zf.extractall(base_dir) rgif = os.path.join(base_dir, 'rgiv5_tasman.shp') rgidf = gpd.read_file(rgif) entity = rgidf.iloc[0] gdir = oggm.GlacierDirectory(entity, base_dir=base_dir) tasks.define_glacier_region(gdir, entity=entity) tasks.glacier_masks(gdir) tasks.compute_centerlines(gdir) tasks.initialize_flowlines(gdir) tasks.compute_downstream_line(gdir) tasks.compute_downstream_bedshape(gdir) tasks.catchment_area(gdir)
def velocity_to_gdir(gdir): """Reproject the its_live files to the given glacier directory. Variables are added to the gridded_data nc file. Reprojecting velocities from one map proj to another is done reprojecting the vector distances. In this process, absolute velocities might change as well because map projections do not always preserve distances -> we scale them back to the original velocities as per the ITS_LIVE documentation that states that velocities are given in ground units, i.e. absolute velocities. We use bilinear interpolation to reproject the velocities to the local glacier map. Parameters ---------- gdir : :py:class:`oggm.GlacierDirectory` where to write the data """ reg = find_region(gdir) if reg is None: raise InvalidWorkflowError('There does not seem to be its_live data ' 'available for this glacier') if not gdir.has_file('gridded_data'): raise InvalidWorkflowError('Please run `glacier_masks` before running ' 'this task') with utils.get_lock(): fx = utils.file_downloader(region_files[reg]['vx']) fy = utils.file_downloader(region_files[reg]['vy']) # Open the files dsx = salem.GeoTiff(fx) dsy = salem.GeoTiff(fy) # subset them to our map grid_gla = gdir.grid.center_grid proj_vel = dsx.grid.proj x0, x1, y0, y1 = grid_gla.extent_in_crs(proj_vel) dsx.set_subset(corners=((x0, y0), (x1, y1)), crs=proj_vel, margin=4) dsy.set_subset(corners=((x0, y0), (x1, y1)), crs=proj_vel, margin=4) grid_vel = dsx.grid.center_grid # TODO: this should be taken care of by salem # with rasterio.Env(): with as src: nodata = getattr(src, 'nodata', -32767.0) # Get the coords at t0 xx0, yy0 = grid_vel.center_grid.xy_coordinates # Compute coords at t1 xx1 = dsx.get_vardata() yy1 = dsy.get_vardata() non_valid = (xx1 == nodata) | (yy1 == nodata) xx1[non_valid] = np.NaN yy1[non_valid] = np.NaN orig_vel = np.sqrt(xx1**2 + yy1**2) xx1 += xx0 yy1 += yy0 # Transform both to glacier proj xx0, yy0 = salem.transform_proj(proj_vel, grid_gla.proj, xx0, yy0) xx1, yy1 = salem.transform_proj(proj_vel, grid_gla.proj, xx1, yy1) # Correct no data after proj as well (inf) xx1[non_valid] = np.NaN yy1[non_valid] = np.NaN # Compute velocities from there vx = xx1 - xx0 vy = yy1 - yy0 # Scale back velocities - new_vel = np.sqrt(vx**2 + vy**2) p_ok = new_vel > 0.1 # avoid div by zero vx[p_ok] = vx[p_ok] * orig_vel[p_ok] / new_vel[p_ok] vy[p_ok] = vy[p_ok] * orig_vel[p_ok] / new_vel[p_ok] # And transform to local map vx = grid_gla.map_gridded_data(vx, grid=grid_vel, interp='linear') vy = grid_gla.map_gridded_data(vy, grid=grid_vel, interp='linear') # Write with utils.ncDataset(gdir.get_filepath('gridded_data'), 'a') as nc: vn = 'obs_icevel_x' if vn in nc.variables: v = nc.variables[vn] else: v = nc.createVariable(vn, 'f4', ( 'y', 'x', ), zlib=True) v.units = 'm yr-1' v.long_name = 'ITS LIVE velocity data in x map direction' v[:] = vx vn = 'obs_icevel_y' if vn in nc.variables: v = nc.variables[vn] else: v = nc.createVariable(vn, 'f4', ( 'y', 'x', ), zlib=True) v.units = 'm yr-1' v.long_name = 'ITS LIVE velocity data in xy map direction' v[:] = vy
import scipy import oggm from oggm import cfg, utils, workflow, tasks import pytest from numpy.testing import assert_allclose # import the MBsandbox modules from MBsandbox.mbmod_daily_oneflowline import process_w5e5_data from MBsandbox.help_func import melt_f_calib_geod_prep_inversion from MBsandbox.flowline_TIModel import (run_from_climate_data_TIModel, run_random_climate_TIModel) # get the geodetic calibration data url = '' path = utils.file_downloader(url) pd_geodetic = pd.read_csv(path, index_col='rgiid') pd_geodetic = pd_geodetic.loc[pd_geodetic.period == '2000-01-01_2020-01-01'] DOM_BORDER = 80 ALL_DIAGS = ['volume', 'volume_bsl', 'volume_bwl', 'area', 'length', 'calving', 'calving_rate', 'off_area', 'on_area', 'melt_off_glacier', 'melt_on_glacier', 'liq_prcp_off_glacier', 'liq_prcp_on_glacier', 'snowfall_off_glacier', 'snowfall_on_glacier', 'model_mb', 'residual_mb', 'snow_bucket'] #@pytest.fixture(scope='class') #def inversion_params(gdir): # diag = gdir.get_diagnostics() # return {k: diag[k] for k in ('inversion_glen_a', 'inversion_fs')}
def run_and_store_from_disk(rgi, histalp_storage, storage): cmip = [ 'CCSM4', 'CNRM-CM5', 'CSIRO-Mk3-6-0', 'CanESM2', 'GFDL-CM3', 'GFDL-ESM2G', 'GISS-E2-R', 'IPSL-CM5A-LR', 'MPI-ESM-LR', 'NorESM1-M' ] bp = '{}_{}' bt = '{}_{}' for i in np.arange(999): # Local working directory (where OGGM will write its output) storage_dir = os.path.join(histalp_storage, rgi, '{:02d}'.format(i), rgi[:8], rgi[:11], rgi) new_dir = os.path.join(cfg.PATHS['working_dir'], 'per_glacier', rgi[:8], rgi[:11], rgi) # make sure directory is empty: try: shutil.rmtree(new_dir) except FileNotFoundError: pass # if path does not exist, we handled all ensemble members: try: shutil.copytree(storage_dir, new_dir) except FileNotFoundError:'processed {:02d} ensemble members'.format(i)) break gdir = GlacierDirectory(rgi) pdict = gdir.get_climate_info()['ensemble_calibration'] cfg.PARAMS['prcp_scaling_factor'] = pdict['prcp_scaling_factor'] default_glena = 2.4e-24 cfg.PARAMS['glen_a'] = pdict['glena_factor'] * default_glena cfg.PARAMS['inversion_glen_a'] = pdict['glena_factor'] * default_glena mbbias = pdict['mbbias'] tmp_mod = FileModel( gdir.get_filepath('model_run', filesuffix='_histalp_{:02d}'.format(i))) tmp_mod.run_until(tmp_mod.last_yr) for cm in cmip: for rcp in ['rcp26', 'rcp45', 'rcp60', 'rcp85']: ft = utils.file_downloader(bt.format(cm, rcp)) fp = utils.file_downloader(bp.format(cm, rcp)) if ft is None: log.warning('no {} for model {}'.format(rcp, cm)) continue filesuffix = '_{}_{}'.format(cm, rcp) # bias correct them if '_merged' in rgi: process_cmip_for_merged_glacier(gdir, filesuffix, ft, fp) else: gcm_climate.process_cmip5_data(gdir, filesuffix=filesuffix, fpath_temp=ft, fpath_precip=fp) rid = '_{}_{}'.format(cm, rcp) rid_out = '{}_{:02d}'.format(rid, i) run_from_climate_data(gdir, ys=2014, ye=2100, climate_filename='gcm_data', climate_input_filesuffix=rid, init_model_fls=tmp_mod.fls, output_filesuffix=rid_out, bias=mbbias) fn1 = 'model_diagnostics{}.nc'.format(rid_out) shutil.copyfile( gdir.get_filepath('model_diagnostics', filesuffix=rid_out), os.path.join(storage, fn1)) fn4 = 'model_run{}.nc'.format(rid_out) shutil.copyfile( gdir.get_filepath('model_run', filesuffix=rid_out), os.path.join(storage, fn4))