Esempio n. 1
    def robotInit(self):
        This function is run when the robot is first started up and should be
        used for any initialization code.
        # make this true to ignore joystick errors
        self.debug = False

        self.enabled_time = 0
        # Initialize the subsystems
        self.drivetrain = DriveTrain(self)
        self.navigation = Navigation(self)
        self.pneumatics = Pneumatics(self)
        self.peripherals = Peripherals(self)

        # This MUST be here. If the OI creates Commands (which it very likely
        # will), constructing it during the construction of CommandBase (from
        # which commands extend), subsystems are not guaranteed to be
        # yet. Thus, their requires() statements may grab null pointers. Bad
        # news. Don't move it.
        self.oi = OI(self)

        # instantiate the command used for the autonomous period
        self.autonomousCommand = None
    def __init__(self): = new Nomad()
        self.oi = new OI()
        self.ds = DriverStation.getInstance()

        self.infont = NetworkTables.getTable('info')
        self.sensors = new Sensors()
Esempio n. 3
    def robotInit(self):
        # Instances of classes

        # Instantiate Subsystems
        self.drivetrain = Drivetrain(self)
        self.hp_intake = Hp_Intake()
        self.ramp = Ramp()
        self.shifters = Shifters()

        # instantiate Encoders for drivetrain?
        #self.encoders = Encoders(self)

        # Instantiate Joysticks
        self.left_joy = wpilib.Joystick(0)
        self.right_joy = wpilib.Joystick(1)

        # Instantiate Xbox = wpilib.Joystick(2)

        # Instantiate OI; must be AFTER joysticks are inited
        self.oi = OI(self)

        self.timer = wpilib.Timer()
        self.loops = 0

        # untested vision
        #XXX might crash sim
Esempio n. 4
    def robotInit(self):
        This is a good place to set up your subsystems and anything else that
        you will need to access later.
        # Define Robot getter
        Command.getRobot = lambda: self

        # Create subsystems
        self.liftElevator = LiftElevator()
        self.drivetrain = DriveTrain()
        self.intakeOutput = IntakeOutput()

        self.compressor = Compressor()

        # Shuffleboard options

        # Autonomous commands
        # self.autonomousCommand = DelayedDriveToBaseLine()
        self.autonomousCommand = DriveToBaseLine()
        Since OI instantiates commands and commands need access to subsystems,
        OI must be initialized after subsystems.
        self.oi = OI()
Esempio n. 5
    def robotInit(self):
        '''Initialize all subsystems.'''
        self.drivetrain = DriveTrain(self)
        self.shooter = Shooter(self)
        self.intake_sub = Intake_Sub(self)
        self.shifter = Shifter(self)
        self.blocker = Blocker(self)
        self.climbmotors = Climbmotors(self)
        self.climbpistons = Climbpistons(self)
        self.agitator = Agitator(self)

            "Auto List",
            ["Far Left", "Far Right", "Center", "Center Low Goal", "Default"])
        """self.autoChooser.addOption("Far Left", AutoFarLeft)
        self.autoChooser.addOption("Far Right", AutoFarRight)
        self.autoChooser.addOption("Center", AutoShoot)
        self.autoChooser.addOption("Center Low Goal", AutoCenterLowGoal)
        self.autoChooser.setDefaultOption("Default", AutoBackupShoot)
        wpilib.SmartDashboard.putData('Select Autonomous...', self.autoChooser)"""

        # The "front" of the robot (which end is facing forward)
        self.front = -1

        self.oi = OI(self)
Esempio n. 6
    def createObjects(self):
        self.front_left_motor = WPI_TalonSRX(robotmap.front_left_drive)
        self.front_right_motor = WPI_TalonSRX(robotmap.front_right_drive)
        self.back_left_motor = WPI_TalonSRX(robotmap.back_left_drive)
        self.back_right_motor = WPI_TalonSRX(robotmap.back_right_drive)

        motor_configuration.bulk_configure(self.front_left_motor, self.front_right_motor, self.back_left_motor, self.back_right_motor)

        self.left_motors = wpilib.SpeedControllerGroup(self.front_left_motor, self.back_left_motor)
        self.right_motors = wpilib.SpeedControllerGroup(self.front_right_motor, self.back_right_motor)


        self.drivetrain_object =, self.right_motors)

        self.oi = OI()

        # self.arduino_serial_connection = serial.Serial(
        #     port=robotmap.com_port,
        #     baudrate=9600,
        #     parity=serial.PARITY_ODD,
        #     stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_TWO,
        #     bytesize=serial.SEVENBITS
        # )

Esempio n. 7
    def robotInit(self):
        This is a good place to set up your subsystems and anything else that
        you will need to access later.
        # Define Robot getter
        Command.getRobot = lambda: self

        # Shuffleboard options
        self.driveSwitcher = wpilib.SendableChooser()
        self.driveSwitcher.setDefaultOption("WPI Mecanum",
        self.driveSwitcher.addOption("Field Oriented",
        self.driveSwitcher.addOption("Morpheus", self.DriveSwitcher.MORPHEUS)
        self.driveSwitcher.addOption("No Joystick", self.DriveSwitcher.NO_JOY)

        # Create subsystems
        self.mastyBoi = MastBoi()
        self.suplex = Flipper()
        self.spootnikDrives = SpootnikDrives()
        self.hatchEffector = HatchEffector()
        self.cargoEffector = CargoEffector()

        # Autonomous commands
        self.autonomousCommand = DriveToBaseLine()
        Since OI instantiates commands and commands need access to subsystems,
        OI must be initialized after subsystems.
        self.oi = OI()
Esempio n. 8
    def robotInit(self):
        # Instances of classes

        # Instantiate Subsystems
        self.drivetrain = Drivetrain(self)
        self.shooter = Shooter(self)
        self.carrier = Carrier(self)
        self.feeder = Feeder(self)
        self.intake = Intake(self)
        #self.winch = Winch(self)
        #self.climber = Climber(self)
        #self.climber_big = Climber_Big(self)
        #self.climber_little = Climber_Little(self)

        # Instantiate Joysticks
        self.left_joy = wpilib.Joystick(1)
        self.right_joy = wpilib.Joystick(2)
        # Instantiate Xbox = wpilib.Joystick(3)

        # Instantiate OI; must be AFTER joysticks are inited
        self.oi = OI(self)

        self.timer = wpilib.Timer()
Esempio n. 9
 def robotInit(self):
     This function is called upon program startup and
     should be used for any initialization code.
     self.oi = OI(self)
     self.chassis = Chassis(self)
     self.logger = logging.getLogger("robotpy")
Esempio n. 10
 def robotInit(self):
     This function is called upon program startup and
     should be used for any initialization code.
     self.oi = OI(self)
     self.drivetrain = Drivetrain(self)
Esempio n. 11
    def robotInit(self):
        Command.getRobot = lambda x=0: self

        self.timer = wpilib.Timer()
        self.oneShot = False

        self.sampSubsystem = SampSubsystem()
        self.testSubsystem = TestSubsystem()
        self.autonomousCommand = SampCommand()
        self.oi = OI()
Esempio n. 12
 def robotInit(self):
     This function is called upon program startup and
     should be used for any initialization code.
     # Create operator interface
     self.oi = OI(self)
     # Create subsystems
     self.example_subsystem = ExampleSubsystem(self)
     #Create the command used for the autonomous period
     self.autonomous_command = ExampleCommand(self)
Esempio n. 13
 def robotInit(self):
     '''Initialize all subsystems.'''
     self.drivetrain = DriveTrain(self)
     self.puncher = Puncher()
     self.claw = Claw()
     self.arm = Arm()
     self.intake = Intake()
     self.elevator = Elevator()
     self.hatch = Hatch()
     self.intake_winch = IntakeWinch()
     self.oi = OI(self)
Esempio n. 14
    def robotInit(self):
        '''Initialize all subsystems.'''
        self.drivetrain = DriveTrain(self)
        self.shooter = Shooter(self)
        self.intake_sub = Intake_Sub(self)
        self.shifter = Shifter(self)

        # The "front" of the robot (which end is facing forward)
        self.front = -1

        self.oi = OI(self)
Esempio n. 15
    def robotInit(self):
        self.oi = OI()
        self.controller = self.oi.controller
        self.driveTrain = DriveTrain()
        self.colorSpinner = ColorSpinner()
        self.sushiWheel = SushiRotator()

        Command.getRobot = lambda x=0: self
        Command.getOi = lambda x=0: self.oi
        Command.getSushiWheel = lambda x=0: self.sushiWheel

        self.timer = wpilib.Timer()
        self.oneShot = False
        #self.autonomousCommand = autonomous.AutonomousCommand()
Esempio n. 16
    def robotInit(self):
        '''Initialize all subsystems.'''
        self.drivetrain = DriveTrain(self)
        self.rear_puncher = RearPuncher()
        self.arm = Arm()
        self.intake = Intake()
        self.elevator = Elevator()
        self.hatch = Hatch()
        self.intake_winch = IntakeWinch()
        self.lift = Lift()

        # The "front" of the robot (which end is facing forward)
        self.front = -1

        self.oi = OI(self)
Esempio n. 17
 def robotInit(self):
     This function is called upon program startup and
     should be used for any initialization code.
     self.running = {}
     self.omni_driving = True
     self.omni_drive = omni_drive
     self.drive_motors = DriveMotors(self)
     self.oi = OI(self)
     self.chassis = Chassis(self)
     self.auto_tasks = move_forward_auto  # [[list, of, tasks, to_go, through, sequentially], [and, this, list, will, run, in, parallel]
     self.current_auto_tasks = []
     self.vision_array = Array("d", [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
     self.vision_terminate_event = Event() = Vision(self.vision_array, self.vision_terminate_event)
Esempio n. 18
 def robotInit(self):
     self.activated = False
     """Robot-wide initialization code should go here."""
     self.configuration = constants.COMP_BOT
     self.arm = Arm(self)
     self.drivetrain = DriveTrain(self)
     self.pneumatic = Pneumatic(self)
     self.compressor = wpilib.Compressor()
     self.camera_servo_1 = CameraServo(self, constants.CAMERA_1_PWM,
     self.camera_servo_2 = CameraServo(self, constants.CAMERA_2_PWM,
     self.oi = OI(self)
Esempio n. 19
    def robotInit(self):

        Command.robot = self

        # Init networktables
        NetworkTables.initialize() = NetworkTables.getTable('SmartDashboard')

        # Init subsystems
        self.drivetrain = Drivetrain()

        self.Arm = Arm()

        # Init oi
        self.oi = OI(self)

        # Init commands = Auto()
Esempio n. 20
    def robotInit(self):
        """Initialises 'bot w/ all subsystems (winch needs testing) and joysticks"""

        #Subsystem initialisation.  Woo.
        self.drivetrain = Drivetrain(self)
        self.lift = Lift(self)
        self.claw = Claw(self)
        self.mast = Mast(self)
        self.winch = Winch(self)
        self.oi = OI(self)

        #These are self-describing autonomouses. Waaaaaait... Autono-mouse?
        self.ThreeToteAutonomousCommand = ThreeToteAutonomous(self)
        self.CanAutonomousCommand = CanAutonomous(self)
        self.CanNToteAutoCommand = PlayMacro(self, "macro_1.csv")
        self.DriveAutonomousCommand = PlayMacro(self, "macro.csv")
        self.ToteAutonomousCommand = ToteAutonomous(self)
        self.PlayMacroCommand = PlayMacro(self, "autonomous.csv")
Esempio n. 21
    def robotInit(self):
        """This function is run when the robot is first started up and should be
           used for any initialization code."""

        self.drivetrain = DriveTrain(self)
        self.elevator = Elevator(self)
        self.wrist = Wrist(self)
        self.claw = Claw()
        self.oi = OI(self)

        # instantiate the command used for the autonomous period
        self.autonomousCommand = Autonomous(self)

        # Show what command your subsystem is running on the SmartDashboard
    def robotInit(self):
        # init robot subs and commands

        self.Creator = Creator()  # program to create robot parts for subs
        self.botMap = RobotMap(self)
        self.oi = OI(self)

        self.teleop = TeleOp(self)

        self.Drive = Drive(self)
        self.Flywheel = Flywheel(self)
        self.Limelight = Limelight(self)
        self.Intake = Intake(self)
        self.Conveyor = Conveyor(self)
        self.Turret = Turret(self)

        self.s = Scheduler
Esempio n. 23
    def robotInit(self):
        """Initialise the robot."""

        #Initialise the subsystems and the button mapping:
        self.drivetrain = Drivetrain(self)
        self.ears = Ears(self)
        self.hat = Hat(self)
        self.tilt = Tilt(self)
        self.oi = OI(self)

        #Initialise the macro shenanigans (should probably clean this up once I get the dashboard sorted)
        self.macroTimeout = self.oi.smart_dashboard.getInt("Macro", 15)
        self.macroName = self.oi.smart_dashboard.getString("Macro Name", "macro.csv")
        Settings.str_macro_name = self.macroName
        Settings.num_macro_timeout = self.macroTimeout
        macro_string = str(Settings.num_macro_timeout)
        print("Robot initialized with a macro timeout of " + macro_string)
        self.simpleAutonCommand = PlayMacro(self, "macro.csv")
        self.shooterAutonCommand = PlayMacro(self, "macro_launch.csv")
Esempio n. 24
    def robotInit(self):
        '''Initialize all subsystems.'''
        self.drivetrain = DriveTrain(self)
        self.shooter = Shooter(self)
        self.intake_sub = Intake_Sub(self)
        self.shifter = Shifter(self)
        self.blocker = Blocker(self)
        self.climbmotors = Climbmotors(self)
        self.climbpistons = Climbpistons(self)
        self.agitator = Agitator(self)

        self.autoChooser = wpilib.SendableChooser()
        self.autoChooser.setDefaultOption("Drive", DriveAutonomous(self))

        # The "front" of the robot (which end is facing forward)
        self.front = -1

        self.oi = OI(self)
Esempio n. 25
    def robotInit(self):
        """Robot-wide initialization code should go here"""

        if self.isReal():  # use the real drive train
            self.drivetrain = DriveTrain(self)
        else:  # use the simulated drive train
            #self.drivetrain = DriveTrainSim(self)
            self.drivetrain = DriveTrainSim(self)

        self.shooter = Shooter(self) = Vision()

        # oi MUST be created after all other subsystems since it uses them
        self.oi = OI(self)

        self.enabled_time = 0  # something is especially weird with the sim about this needing to be initialized in robotInit

        self.autonomousCommand = None  # initialize the placeholder command for autonomous
Esempio n. 26
    def robotInit(self):
        This is a good place to set up your subsystems and anything else that
        you will need to access later.
        self.claw = clawsubsystem.ClawSubsystem(self)
        self.climb = climbsubsystem.ClimbSubsystem(self)
        self.lift = liftsubsystem.LiftSubsystem(self) = drivesubsystem.DriveSubsystem(self)

        # This MUST be here. If the OI creates Commands (which it very likely
        # will), constructing it during the construction of CommandBase (from
        # which commands extend), subsystems are not guaranteed to be
        # yet. Thus, their requires() statements may grab null pointers. Bad
        # news. Don't move it.
        self.oi = OI(self)

        self.teleDrive = TeleopDriveLowCommand(self)

        SmartDashboard.putNumber("creep_mult", 0.3)
Esempio n. 27
  def robotInit(self):
    Init Robot

    # Robot Components
    # Constructor params are PWM Ports on the RIO
    self.drivetrain = drive.Drivetrain(self, 1,2,3,4)
    self.intake = intake.Intake(0, self)
    self.popper = popper.Popper(0,0)
    self.front_lift = lift.Lift(0,1,2)
    self.rear_lift = lift.Lift(0,5,4)
    self.imu = imu.IMU(2)
    self.encoders = encoders.Encoders()

    self.oi = OI(self) 

    #self.drivecommand = DriveCommandGroup()
    self.timer = Timer()
Esempio n. 28
    def robotInit(self):
        This function is run when the robot is first started up and should be
        used for any initialization code.

        # Initialize the subsystems
        self.drivetrain = DriveTrain(self)
        self.collector = Collector(self)
        self.shooter = Shooter(self)
        self.pneumatics = Pneumatics(self)
        self.pivot = Pivot(self)

        # This MUST be here. If the OI creates Commands (which it very likely
        # will), constructing it during the construction of CommandBase (from
        # which commands extend), subsystems are not guaranteed to be
        # yet. Thus, their requires() statements may grab null pointers. Bad
        # news. Don't move it.
        self.oi = OI(self)

        #instantiate the command used for the autonomous period
        self.autoChooser = wpilib.SendableChooser()
        self.autoChooser.addDefault("Drive and Shoot",
        self.autoChooser.addObject("Drive Forward", DriveForward(self))
        wpilib.SmartDashboard.putData("Auto Mode", self.autoChooser)

        self.autonomousCommand = None

        # Pressurize the pneumatics
Esempio n. 29
    def robotInit(self):
        Robot-wide initialization code goes here.  For the command-based programming framework,
        this means creating the subsytem objects and the operator input object.  BE SURE TO CREATE
        THE SUBSYTEM OBJECTS BEFORE THE OPERATOR INPUT OBJECT (since the operator input object
        will almost certainly have subsystem dependencies).  For further information on the
        command-based programming framework see:
        # Create the subsytems and the operator interface objects
        self.driveTrain = DriveTrain(self)
        self.boom = Boom(self)
        self.intakeMotors = IntakeMotors(self)
        self.intakePneumatics = IntakePneumatics(self)
        self.oi = OI(self)

        # Create the smartdashboard object
        self.smartDashboard = SmartDashboard()

        # Create the sendable choosers to get the autonomous preferences
        self.startSpotChooser = SendableChooser()
        self.startSpotChooser.addObject("Start Left", 'Left')
        self.startSpotChooser.addObject("Start Right", 'Right')
        self.startSpotChooser.addDefault("Start Middle", 'Middle')
        self.smartDashboard.putData("Starting Spot", self.startSpotChooser)

        self.scaleDisableChooser = SendableChooser()        
        self.scaleDisableChooser.addObject("Enable Scale", 'Scale')
        self.scaleDisableChooser.addDefault("Disable Scale", 'No Scale')
        self.smartDashboard.putData("Scale Enable", self.scaleDisableChooser)

        # Build up the autonomous dictionary.  Fist key is the starting position.  The second key is the switch.  The third key is the scale.
        self.chooserOptions = {"Left": {"R": {"R": {"No Scale": {'command': AutonForward},
                                                    "Scale": {'command': AutonForward}
                                              "L": {"No Scale": {'command': AutonForward},
                                                    "Scale": {'command': AutonForward}
                                        "L": {"R": {"No Scale": {'command': AutonLeftStartLeftSwitch},
                                                    "Scale": {'command': AutonLeftStartLeftSwitch}
                                              "L": {"No Scale": {'command': AutonLeftStartLeftSwitch},
                                                    "Scale": {'command': AutonLeftStartLeftSwitch}
                               "Middle": {"R": {"R": {"No Scale": {'command': AutonMiddleStartRightSwitch},
                                                      "Scale": {'command': AutonMiddleStartRightSwitch}
                                                "L": {"No Scale": {'command': AutonMiddleStartRightSwitch},
                                                      "Scale": {'command': AutonMiddleStartRightSwitch}
                                          "L": {"R": {"No Scale": {'command': AutonMiddleStartLeftSwitch},
                                                      "Scale": {'command': AutonMiddleStartLeftSwitch}
                                                "L": {"No Scale": {'command': AutonMiddleStartLeftSwitch},
                                                      "Scale": {'command': AutonMiddleStartLeftSwitch}
                               "Right": {"R": {"R": {"No Scale": {'command': AutonRightStartRightSwitch},
                                                     "Scale": {'command': AutonRightStartRightSwitch}
                                               "L": {"No Scale": {'command': AutonRightStartRightSwitch},
                                                     "Scale": {'command': AutonRightStartRightSwitch}
                                         "L": {"R": {"No Scale": {'command': AutonForward}, 
                                                     "Scale": {'command': AutonForward}
                                               "L": {"No Scale": {'command': AutonForward},
                                                     "Scale": {'command': AutonForward}

        # Create a timer for data logging
        self.timer = Timer()

        # Create the camera server

        # Boom state start at the scale
        self.boomState = BOOM_STATE.Scale
Esempio n. 30
    def robotInit(self):
        Robot-wide initialization code goes here.  For the command-based programming framework,
        this means creating the subsytem objects and the operator input object.  BE SURE TO CREATE
        THE SUBSYTEM OBJECTS BEFORE THE OPERATOR INPUT OBJECT (since the operator input object
        will almost certainly have subsystem dependencies).  For further information on the
        command-based programming framework see:
        # Create the subsytems and the operator interface objects
        self.driveTrain = DriveTrain(self)
        self.boom = Boom(self)
        self.intakeMotors = IntakeMotors(self)
        self.intakePneumatics = IntakePneumatics(self)
        self.oi = OI(self)

        # Create the smartdashboard object
        self.smartDashboard = SmartDashboard()

        # Create the sendable choosers to get the autonomous preferences
        self.scoringElementChooser = SendableChooser()
        self.scoreScale = ScoreScale()
        self.scoreSwitch = ScoreSwitch()
        self.scoringElementChooser.addObject("Score Scale", self.scoreScale)
        self.scoringElementChooser.addObject("Score Switch", self.scoreSwitch)
        self.scoringElementChooser.addDefault("Score Scale", self.scoreScale)
        self.smartDashboard.putData("Score Field Element",

        self.crossFieldChooser = SendableChooser()
        self.crossFieldEnable = CrossFieldEnable()
        self.crossFieldDisable = CrossFieldDisable()
        self.crossFieldChooser.addObject("Cross Field Enable",
        self.crossFieldChooser.addObject("Cross Field Disable",
        self.crossFieldChooser.addDefault("Cross Field Disable",
        self.smartDashboard.putData("Cross Field Enable",

        self.positionChooser = SendableChooser()
        self.startingLeft = StartingLeft()
        self.startingRight = StartingRight()
        self.startingMiddle = StartingMiddle()
        self.positionChooser.addObject("Start Left", self.startingLeft)
        self.positionChooser.addObject("Start Right", self.startingRight)
        self.positionChooser.addObject("Start Middle", self.startingMiddle)
        self.positionChooser.addDefault("Start Middle", self.startingMiddle)
        self.smartDashboard.putData("Starting Position", self.positionChooser)

        # Create a timer for data logging
        self.timer = Timer()

        # Create the camera server

        # Boom state start at the scale
        self.boomState = BOOM_STATE.Scale

        self.autonForward = AutonForward(self)
        self.autonMiddleStartLeftSwitch = AutonMiddleStartLeftSwitch(self)
        self.autonLeftStartLeftScale = AutonLeftStartLeftScale(self)

        # Output debug data to the smartdashboard
        if LOGGER_LEVEL == logging.DEBUG:
            # self.smartDashboard.putNumber("RightEncPos", 0.0)
            # self.smartDashboard.putNumber("RightActPos", 0.0)
            # self.smartDashboard.putNumber("RightEncVel", 0.0)
            # self.smartDashboard.putNumber("RightActVel", 0.0)
            # self.smartDashboard.putNumber("RightPrimaryTarget", 0.0)
            # self.smartDashboard.putNumber("RightPrimaryError", 0.0)
            # self.smartDashboard.putNumber("TimeStamp", 0.0)
            # self.smartDashboard.putNumber("LeftEncPos", 0.0)
            # self.smartDashboard.putNumber("LeftActPos", 0.0)
            # self.smartDashboard.putNumber("LeftEncVel", 0.0)
            # self.smartDashboard.putNumber("LeftActVel", 0.0)
            # self.smartDashboard.putNumber("LeftPrimaryTarget", 0.0)
            # self.smartDashboard.putNumber("LeftPrimaryError", 0.0)
            # self.smartDashboard.putNumber("RightTopBufferCount", 0.0)
            # self.smartDashboard.putNumber("LeftTopBufferCount", 0.0)
            # self.smartDashboard.putNumber("LeftBottomBufferCount", 0.0)
            # self.smartDashboard.putNumber("RightBottomBufferCount", 0.0)
            self.smartDashboard.putNumber("EncPos", 0.0)
            self.smartDashboard.putNumber("ActPos", 0.0)
            self.smartDashboard.putNumber("EncVel", 0.0)
            self.smartDashboard.putNumber("ActVel", 0.0)
            self.smartDashboard.putNumber("PrimaryTarget", 0.0)
            self.smartDashboard.putNumber("PrimaryError", 0.0)
            self.smartDashboard.putNumber("TimeStamp", 0.0)