def client_info_endpoint(self, method="GET", **kwargs): """ Operations on this endpoint are switched through the use of different HTTP methods. :param method: HTTP method used for the request :param kwargs: keyword arguments :return: A Response instance """ _query = compact(parse_qs(kwargs["query"])) try: _id = _query["client_id"] except KeyError: return BadRequest("Missing query component") if _id not in self.cdb: return Unauthorized() # authenticated client try: self.verify_client( kwargs["environ"], kwargs["request"], "bearer_header", client_id=_id ) except (AuthnFailure, UnknownAssertionType): return Unauthorized() if method == "GET": return self.client_info(_id) elif method == "PUT": try: _request = self.server.message_factory.get_request_type( "update_endpoint" )().from_json(kwargs["request"]) except ValueError as err: return BadRequest(str(err)) try: _request.verify() except InvalidRedirectUri as err: msg = ClientRegistrationError( error="invalid_redirect_uri", error_description="%s" % err ) return BadRequest(msg.to_json(), content="application/json") except (MissingPage, VerificationError) as err: msg = ClientRegistrationError( error="invalid_client_metadata", error_description="%s" % err ) return BadRequest(msg.to_json(), content="application/json") try: self.client_info_update(_id, _request) return self.client_info(_id) except ModificationForbidden: return Forbidden() elif method == "DELETE": try: del self.cdb[_id] except KeyError: return Unauthorized() else: return NoContent()
def do_delete(self, path): """ DELETE /{collection}/{id} """ if os.path.exists(self.resource_name(path)): os.remove(self.resource_name(path)) return NoContent("") else: return ErrorResponse(error="not_available")
msg = ClientRegistrationError(error="invalid_client_metadata", error_description="%s" % err) return BadRequest(msg.to_json(), content="application/json") try: self.client_info_update(_id, _request) return self.client_info(_id) except ModificationForbidden: return Forbidden() elif method == "DELETE": try: del self.cdb[_id] except KeyError: return Unauthorized() else: return NoContent() def providerinfo_endpoint(self): pass RESPONSE2ERROR = { "ClientInfoResponse": [ClientRegistrationError], "ClientUpdateRequest": [ClientRegistrationError] } class Client(oauth2.Client): def __init__(self, client_id=None, ca_certs=None,
def client_info_endpoint(self, request, environ, method="GET", query="", **kwargs): """ Operations on this endpoint are switched through the use of different HTTP methods :param request: The request :param authn: Client authentication information :param method: HTTP method used for the request :param query: The query part of the URL used, this is where the client_id is supposed to reside. :param kwargs: extra keyword arguments :return: A Response instance """ _query = urlparse.parse_qs(query) try: _id = _query["client_id"][0] except KeyError: return BadRequest("Missing query component") try: assert _id in self.cdb except AssertionError: return Unauthorized() # authenticated client try: _ = self.verify_client(environ, request, "bearer_header", client_id=_id) except (AuthnFailure, UnknownAssertionType): return Unauthorized() if method == "GET": return self.client_info(_id) elif method == "PUT": try: _request = ClientUpdateRequest().from_json(request) except ValueError as err: return BadRequest(str(err)) try: _request.verify() except InvalidRedirectUri as err: msg = ClientRegistrationError(error="invalid_redirect_uri", error_description="%s" % err) return BadRequest(msg.to_json(), content="application/json") except (MissingPage, VerificationError) as err: msg = ClientRegistrationError(error="invalid_client_metadata", error_description="%s" % err) return BadRequest(msg.to_json(), content="application/json") try: self.client_info_update(_id, _request) return self.client_info(_id) except ModificationForbidden: return Forbidden() elif method == "DELETE": try: del self.cdb[_id] except KeyError: return Unauthorized() else: return NoContent()
def resource_set_registration_endpoint_(self, entity, path, method, client_id, body="", if_match="", **kwargs): """ The endpoint at which the resource server handles resource sets descriptions. :param entity: The entity that controls the resource set :param path: :param method: HTTP method :param body: The resource set registration message :paran client_id: Which client I'm talking to :param if_match: The HTTP If-Match header if any :param kwargs: possible other arguments :returns: A Response instance """ # path should be /resource_set/{rsid} or /resource_set # Path may or may not start with '/' if path.startswith("/"): assert path[1:].startswith(RSR_PATH) rsid = path[PLEN + 1:] else: assert path.startswith(RSR_PATH) rsid = path[PLEN:] if rsid.startswith("/"): rsid = rsid[1:] _user = safe_name(entity, client_id) logger.debug("handling resource set belonging to '%s'" % _user) # self.resource_set.set_collection(_user) if method == "POST": # create args = {"oid": _user, "data": body} func = self.resource_set.create elif method == "PUT": # update args = { "oid": _user, "data": body, "rsid": rsid, # "if_match": if_match } func = self.resource_set.update elif method == "GET": args = {"oid": _user} if not rsid: # List func = self.resource_set.list else: # Read func = args["rsid"] = rsid elif method == "DELETE": args = {"rsid": rsid, "oid": _user} func = self.resource_set.delete else: return BadRequest("Message error") logger.debug("operation: %s" % func) logger.debug("operation args: %s" % (args, )) try: body = func(**args) except MessageException as err: _err = ErrorResponse(error="invalid_request", error_description=str(err)) response = BadRequest(_err.to_json(), content="application/json") except UnknownObject: _err = ErrorResponse(error="not_found") response = NotFound(_err.to_json(), content="application/json") else: response = None if isinstance(body, ErrorResponse): pass else: if func == self.resource_set.delete: # As a side effect all permissions assigned that references # this resource set should be deleted self.permit.delete_permit_by_resource_id(entity, rsid) response = NoContent() elif func == self.resource_set.create: _etag = self.resource_set.etag[body["_id"]] response = Created(body.to_json(), content="application/json", headers=[("ETag", _etag), ("Location", "/{}/{}".format( RSR_PATH, body["_id"]))]) elif func == self.resource_set.update: _etag = self.resource_set.etag[body["_id"]] response = NoContent(content="application/json", headers=[("ETag", _etag)]) elif func == self.resource_set.list: response = Response(json.dumps(body)) if not response: response = Response(body.to_json(), content="application/json") return response