Esempio n. 1
 def test_delete(self):
     data_cache, key, value = self.data_cache, self.key, self.value
     cache_fpath = self.root_dir + '/' + self.key
     if "called then remove cache file and returns True if it exists":
         data_cache.set(key, value, 1)
         ok(cache_fpath).is_file()  # pre_cond
         ok(data_cache.delete(key)) == True
     if "called when cache file not exist then returns False":
         ok(data_cache.delete(key)) == False
Esempio n. 2
 def test_add_template(self):
     if "template is added then it can be got by get_template()":
         input = """val=#{val}"""
         template = tenjin.Template('foo.pyhtml', input=input)
         engine = tenjin.Engine(postfix='.pyhtml')
         ok (engine.get_template('foo.pyhtml')) == template
         ok (engine.get_template(':foo')) == template
     if "template is added then it should not create cache file":
         ok (engine.render(':foo', {'val': 'ABC'})) == 'val=ABC'
         not_ok ('foo.pyhtml').exists()
Esempio n. 3
 def test_get_template(self):
     e1 = tenjin.Engine(path=['_views/blog', '_views'], postfix='.pyhtml')
     filepath  = '_views/blog/index.pyhtml'
     fullpath  = os.getcwd() + filepath
     cachepath = fullpath + '.cache'
     assert not os.path.exists(cachepath)
     t = None
     if spec("return template object.") and \
        spec("accept template_name such as ':index'."):
         t = e1.get_template(':index')
         ok (t).is_a(tenjin.Template)
         ok (t.filename) == filepath
     if spec("if template object is added by add_template(), return it."):
         tmp = tenjin.Template('foo.pyhtml', input="<<dummy>>")
         ok (e1.get_template('foo.pyhtml')).is_(tmp)
     if spec("get filepath and fullpath of template"):
         e1._filepaths['index.pyhtml'] == (filepath, fullpath)
     if spec("if template file is not found then raise TemplateNotFoundError"):
         def f(): e1.get_template('index')
         ok (f).raises(tenjin.TemplateNotFoundError, "index: filename not found (path=['_views/blog', '_views']).")
     if spec("use full path as base of cache file path") and \
        spec("get template object from cache"):
         ok (list(e1.cache.items.keys())) == ["%s/_views/blog/index.pyhtml.cache" % os.getcwd()]
     if spec("change template filename according to prefer_fullpath"):
     if spec("use full path as base of cache file path"):
     if spec("get template object from cache"):
     if spec("if template object is not found in cache or is expired..."):
         ok (len(e1.cache.items)) == 0
         tname = ':layout'
         fpath = '_views/layout.pyhtml'
         cpath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '_views/layout.pyhtml.cache')
         not_ok (cpath).exists()
         if spec("create template object."):
             t = e1.get_template(tname)
             ok (t).is_a(tenjin.Template)
         if spec("set timestamp and filename of template object."):
             ok (t.timestamp) == os.path.getmtime(filepath)
             ok (t.filename) == fpath
             delta = JYTHON and 0.03 or 0.003
             ok (t._last_checked_at).in_delta(time.time(), delta)
         if spec("save template object into cache."):
             ok (cpath).exists()
             ok (len(e1.cache.items)) == 1
             ok (e1.cache.items).contains(cpath)
Esempio n. 4
 def test_has(self):
     data_cache, key, value = self.data_cache, self.key, self.value
     cache_fpath = self.root_dir + '/' + self.key
     if "cache file not exist then returns False":
         ok(data_cache.has(key)) == False
     if "cache file eixsts and not expired then returns True":
         data_cache.set(key, value, 1)
         ok(data_cache.has(key)) == True
     if "cache file eixsts but is expired then remove cache file and returns False":
         ok(cache_fpath).is_file()  # pre_cond
         now = time.time()
         os.utime(cache_fpath, (now - 1, now - 1))
         ok(data_cache.has(key)) == False
Esempio n. 5
 def test_set(self):
     data_cache, key, value = self.data_cache, self.key, self.value
     cache_fpath = self.root_dir + '/' + self.key
     if "called then create cache file":
         data_cache.set(key, value, 1)
         ok(_read_file(cache_fpath)) == value
     if "called with lifetime then set cache file's mtime as lifetime seconds ahead":
         data_cache.set(key, value, 10)
         ok(int(os.path.getmtime(cache_fpath))) == int(time.time()) + 10
     if "called without lifetime then set cache file's mtime as 1 week ahead":
         data_cache.set(key, value, 0)
         ok(int(os.path.getmtime(cache_fpath))) == int(
             time.time()) + 60 * 60 * 24 * 7
Esempio n. 6
 def test_get(self):
     data_cache, key, value = self.data_cache, self.key, self.value
     if "called before data set then returns None":
         ok(data_cache.get(key)) == None
     if "called after data set then returns value":
         data_cache.set(key, value, 1)
         ok(data_cache.get(key)) == value
     if "called after lifetime seconds passed then retunrs None":
         cache_fpath = self.root_dir + '/' + self.key
         ok(cache_fpath).is_file()  # pre_cond
         now = time.time()
         os.utime(cache_fpath, (now - 1, now - 1))
         ok(data_cache.get(key)) == None
     if "called after lifetime seconds passed then remove cache file":
Esempio n. 7
 def test_cachefile_timestamp(self):
     """engine should clear cache not only template is newer but also template is older than cache."""
     data = EngineTest._testdata['test_cachefile']
     filenames = { 'layout': 'layout.pyhtml',
                   'page': 'account_create.pyhtml',
                   'form': 'account_form.pyhtml',
     expected = data['expected']
     context = { 'params': { } }
     cache_filenames = ['account_create.pyhtml.cache', 'account_form.pyhtml.cache']
         interval = tenjin.Engine.timestamp_interval
         tenjin.Engine.timestamp_interval = 0
         for key, filename in filenames.items():
             write_file(filename, data[key])
         props = { 'prefix': 'account_', 'postfix':'.pyhtml', 'layout':'layout.pyhtml', 'cache':True }
         ## create cache files and check them
         curr_time = time.time()
         engine = tenjin.Engine(**props)
         output = engine.render(':create', context)
         for fname in filenames.values():
             ok (fname).exists()                         # file created?
             ok (engine.get_template(fname).timestamp) < curr_time
             ok (engine.get_template(fname).timestamp) == os.path.getmtime(fname)
         ## save current cached object
         cached = {}
         for fname in filenames.values():
             cached[fname] = engine.get_template(fname)
         ## confirm that get_template() returns the same object
         for fname in filenames.values():
             ok (cached[fname]).is_(engine.get_template(fname))
         ## change timestamp of templates to be old
         for fname in filenames.values():
             atime = mtime = os.path.getmtime(fname) - 10
             os.utime(fname, (atime, mtime))
         ## check whether new caches are created
         for fname in filenames.values():
             t = engine.get_template(fname)
             not_ok (cached[fname]).is_(t)
             ok (t.timestamp) == os.path.getmtime(fname)
         tenjin.Engine.timestamp_interval = interval
Esempio n. 8
 def test_cached_contents(self):
     data = EngineTest._testdata['test_cached_contents']
     def _test(filename, cachename, cachemode, input, expected_script, expected_args):
         if input:
             write_file(filename, input)
         engine = tenjin.Engine(cache=cachemode)
         t = engine.get_template(filename)
         ok (t.args) == expected_args
         ok (t.script) == expected_script
         #import marshal
         #f = open(filename + '.cache', 'rb')
         #    dct = marshal.load(f)
         #    ok (dct['args']) == expected_args
         #    ok (dct['script']) == expected_script
         #    f.close()
         ## args=[x,y,z], cache=1
         filename = 'input.pyhtml'
         for f in glob(filename+'*'): os.path.exists(f) and os.remove(f)
         script = data['script1']
         args  = data['args1']
         input = data['input1']
         cachename = filename+'.cache'
         not_ok (cachename).exists()
         _test(filename, cachename, True, input, script, args)
         ok (cachename).exists()
         _test(filename, cachename, True, None, script, args)
         ## args=[], cache=1
         cachename = filename+'.cache'
         input = data['input2']  # re.sub(r'<\?py #@ARGS.*?\?>\n', '<?py #@ARGS ?>\n', input)
         script = data['script2']  # re.sub(r'#@ARGS.*?\n', '#@ARGS \n', cache)
         args  = data['args2']   # []
         #ok (cachename).exists()
         _test(filename, cachename, True, input, script, args)
         #ok (cachename).exists()
         _test(filename, cachename, True, None, script, args)
Esempio n. 9
 def test_cachefile_unset(self):
         input = "<?py x = 10 ?>"
         template_name = "cachefile_delete.pyhtml"
         f = open(template_name, 'w'); f.write(input); f.close()
         storage = tenjin.MarshalCacheStorage()
         engine = tenjin.Engine(cache=storage)
         fullpath = os.path.abspath(template_name)
         cachepath = engine.cachename(fullpath)
         ok (storage.items).contains(cachepath)
         ok (template_name + '.cache').exists()
         not_ok (storage.items).contains(cachepath)
         not_ok (template_name + '.cache').exists()
         def f():
         ok (f).not_raise()
         _remove_files([template_name, template_name+'.cache'])
Esempio n. 10
 def func():
     engine = tenjin.Engine()
     actual = engine.render(filename, context)
     ok(actual) == output
     not_ok(filename + '.cache').exists()
     if "rendered then converted script is stored into memcache":
         from google.appengine.api import memcache
         key = os.path.abspath(filename) + '.cache'
         obj = memcache.get(key, namespace='dev123.1')
         keys = obj.keys()
         ok(keys) == ['args', 'script', 'timestamp']
         ok(obj['script']) == script
     if "cached then version is used as namespace":
         ok(memcache.get(key)) == None
         ok(memcache.get(key, namespace='dev123.1')) != None
     if "cached once then it is possible to render even if file is removed":
         ok(engine.render(filename, context)) == output
Esempio n. 11
 def test__set_cache_storage(self):
     if "default then Engine.cache is TextCacheStorage instance":
         ok (tenjin.Engine.cache).is_a(tenjin.TextCacheStorage)
     if "cache=True specified then use default cache object":
         engine = tenjin.Engine(cache=True)
         ok ('cache' in engine.__dict__) == False
         ok (engine.cache).is_(tenjin.Engine.cache)
         ok (engine.cache).is_(tenjin.Engine(cache=True).cache)
     if "cache=True and default cache is not set then create MarshalCacheStorage object for each engine":
         bkup = tenjin.Engine.cache
             tenjin.Engine.cache = None
             engine = tenjin.Engine(cache=True)
             ok (engine.__dict__).contains('cache')
             ok (engine.cache).is_a(tenjin.MarshalCacheStorage)
             not_ok (engine.cache).is_(tenjin.Engine(cache=True).cache)
             tenjin.Engine.cache = bkup
     #if "cache=None specified then set MemoryCacheObject instance as cache object":
     #    engine = tenjin.Engine(cache=None)
     #    ok ('cache' in engine.__dict__) == True
     #    ok (engine.cache).is_a(tenjin.MemoryCacheStorage)
     if "cache=None then do nothing":
         engine = tenjin.Engine(cache=None)
         not_ok (engine.__dict__).contains('cache')
     if "cache=False specified then don't use cache object":
         engine = tenjin.Engine(cache=False)
         ok (engine.__dict__).contains('cache')
         ok (engine.cache) == None
     if "CacheStorage instance is specified then use it as cache object":
         cache_storage = tenjin.MarshalCacheStorage()
         engine = tenjin.Engine(cache=cache_storage)
         ok (engine.__dict__).contains('cache')
         ok (engine.cache).is_(cache_storage)
     if "invalid object is specified as cache object then raise ValueError":
         def f():
         ok (f).raises(ValueError, '123: invalid cache object.')
Esempio n. 12
 def test_to_str_func_does_not_keep_escaped(self):
     from tenjin.escaped import EscapedStr, EscapedUnicode
     to_str = tenjin.helpers.generate_tostrfunc(encode='utf-8')
     if "arg is str object then returns it as-is, keeping escaped.":
         ok (to_str('s')).is_a(str)
         not_ok (to_str('s')).is_a(EscapedStr)
         ok (to_str(EscapedStr('s'))).is_a(str)
         ok (to_str(EscapedStr('s'))).is_a(EscapedStr)
     if "arg is unicode object then encodes it into str, without keeping escaped.":
         ok (to_str(u's')).is_a(str)
         not_ok (to_str(u's')).is_a(EscapedStr)
         ok (to_str(EscapedUnicode(u's'))).is_a(str)
         not_ok (to_str(EscapedUnicode(u's'))).is_a(EscapedStr)
     to_str = tenjin.helpers.generate_tostrfunc(decode='utf-8')
     if "arg is str object then decodes it into unicode, without keeping escaped.":
         ok (to_str('s')).is_a(unicode)
         not_ok (to_str('s')).is_a(EscapedUnicode)
         ok (to_str(EscapedStr('s'))).is_a(unicode)
         not_ok (to_str(EscapedStr('s'))).is_a(EscapedUnicode)
     if "arg is unicode object then returns it as-is, keeping escaped.":
         ok (to_str(u's')).is_a(unicode)
         not_ok (to_str(u's')).is_a(EscapedUnicode)
         ok (to_str(EscapedUnicode(u's'))).is_a(unicode)
         ok (to_str(EscapedUnicode(u's'))).is_a(EscapedUnicode)
Esempio n. 13
 def test_cachefile(self):
     data = EngineTest._testdata['test_cachefile']
     filenames = { 'layout': 'layout.pyhtml',
                   'page': 'account_create.pyhtml',
                   'form': 'account_form.pyhtml',
     expected = data['expected']
     context = { 'params': { } }
     cache_filenames = ['account_create.pyhtml.cache', 'account_form.pyhtml.cache']
         for key, filename in filenames.items():
             write_file(filename, data[key])
         props = { 'prefix':'account_', 'postfix':'.pyhtml', 'layout':'layout.pyhtml' }
         ## no caching
         props['cache'] = False
         engine = tenjin.Engine(**props)
         output = engine.render(':create', context)
         ok (output) == expected
         for fname in cache_filenames: not_ok (fname).exists()
         ## marshal caching
         if not JYTHON:
             props['cache'] = tenjin.MarshalCacheStorage()
             engine = tenjin.Engine(**props)
             output = engine.render(':create', context)
             ok (output) == expected
             if   python2:  nullbyte = '\0'
             elif python3:  nullbyte = '\0'.encode('ascii')
             for fname in cache_filenames:
                 ok (fname).exists()               # file created?
                 s = read_file(fname, 'rb')        # read binary file
                 ok (s.find(nullbyte)) >= 0        # binary file?
                 f = open(fname, 'rb')
                 fn = lambda: marshal.load(f)
                     ok (fn).not_raise()           # marshal?
             engine = tenjin.Engine(**props)
             output = engine.render(':create', context)
             ok (output) == expected               # reloadable?
         for fname in glob('*.pyhtml.cache'): os.unlink(fname)
         for fname in cache_filenames:
             not_ok (fname).exists()
         ## pickle caching
         props['cache'] = tenjin.PickleCacheStorage()
         engine = tenjin.Engine(**props)
         output = engine.render(':create', context)
         ok (output) == expected
         if   python2:  nullbyte = '\0'
         elif python3:  nullbyte = '\0'.encode('ascii')
         for fname in cache_filenames:
             ok (fname).exists()                         # file created?
             s = read_file(fname, 'rb')                       # read text file
             if python2:
                 ok (s.find(nullbyte)) < 0        # text file? (pickle protocol ver 2)
             elif python3:
                 ok (s.find(nullbyte)) >= 0       # binary file? (pickle protocol ver 3)
             f = open(fname, 'rb')
             fn = lambda: Pickle.load(f)
                 ok (fn).not_raise(ValueError)
             f = open(fname, 'rb')
         engine = tenjin.Engine(**props)
         output = engine.render(':create', context)
         ok (output) == expected               # reloadable?
         for fname in glob('*.cache'): os.unlink(fname)
         for fname in cache_filenames:
             not_ok (fname).exists()
         ## text caching
         props['cache'] = tenjin.TextCacheStorage()
         engine = tenjin.Engine(**props)
         output = engine.render(':create', context)
         ok (output) == expected
         if   python2:  nullchar = '\0'
         elif python3:  nullchar = '\0'
         for fname in cache_filenames:
             ok (fname).exists()                  # file created?
             s = read_file(fname, 'r')            # read text file
             ok (s.find(nullchar)) < 0            # text file?
             if JYTHON:
             #fn = lambda: marshal.loads(s)
             f = open(fname, 'rb')
             fn = lambda: marshal.load(f)
               if python3:
                 ok (fn).raises(ValueError)        # non-marshal?
                 if sys.version_info[1] == 0:     # python 3.0
                     ok (str(fn.exception)) == "bad marshal data"
                 else:                            # python 3.1 or later
                     ok (str(fn.exception)) == "bad marshal data (unknown type code)"
               elif python2 and sys.version_info[1] >= 5:
                 ok (fn).raises(EOFError, "EOF read where object expected")  # non-marshal?
         engine = tenjin.Engine(**props)
         output = engine.render(':create', context)
         ok (output) == expected                  # reloadable?