Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, wikiXml=DEFAULT_WIKI_XML, indexTableName=INDEX_TABLE):
        Initialize the database and cursor
        :param wikiXml:
        :param indexTableName:
        self.wikiXml = wikiXml      # The XML file containing the Wikipedia data
        self.lastId = -1            # The last wikiId that was added to the index

        # Initialize the database connection
        self.indexModel = IndexModel(indexTable=indexTableName)

        # Initialize article counter
        self.counter = 0
Esempio n. 2
class WikiXmlIndexer:
    Class to read a Wikipedia XML data file, extract the title/text and store in a local MySQL database.

    def __init__(self, wikiXml=DEFAULT_WIKI_XML, indexTableName=INDEX_TABLE):
        Initialize the database and cursor
        :param wikiXml:
        :param indexTableName:
        self.wikiXml = wikiXml      # The XML file containing the Wikipedia data
        self.lastId = -1            # The last wikiId that was added to the index

        # Initialize the database connection
        self.indexModel = IndexModel(indexTable=indexTableName)

        # Initialize article counter
        self.counter = 0

    def storeArticle(self, wikiPage):
        Load the current article into a MySQL indexTable
        Argument: Receives a page_parser.WikiPage object
        Used as callback method with WikiDumpHandler
        :param wikiPage:
        # If the current WikiPage has been added already, skip it
        if int( <= self.lastId:

        # Store the WikiPage in a new row in the indexTable
        self.counter += 1
        print "Inserted " + wikiPage.__str__() + "; length: " + str(len(wikiPage.text))

    def addAllNewArticles(self):
        Determine last article ID added to DB
        Create a new XML parser
        Iterate through all articles in the XML file and create a WikiPage object from each
        Call loadArticle(wikiPage) and insert title, id, and text into MySQL

        # Determine last article ID added to DB
        self.lastId = self.indexModel.getMaxWikiId()
        if self.lastId > 0:
            print "Last WikiID found was %d, adding all articles past that." % self.lastId
            print "No previous articles found in indexTable %s, adding all new articles from the beginning." \
                  % self.indexModel.indexTable

        # Generate a wiki xml parser, open the file, and store each article in DB
        wikiParser = page_parser.createWikiParser(self.storeArticle)

    def exitHandler(self):
        Called when program is killed
        print ""
        print "WikiXmlIndexer closing. Added %d new entries." % self.counter