def create_index(self, keys, **kwargs): """ create and index the easy way """ keys, kwargs = MongoQueryOps().make_index(keys) result = self.collection.create_index(keys, **kwargs) return result
def build_conditions(self): """ For a given query definition return the collection.find() simple query Using all conditions, build the query as a dictionary suitable for collection.find(). This uses MongoQueryOps to transform query definitions into mongo db syntax. :return: the query in mongo db syntax """ query = {} qops = MongoQueryOps() def addq(k, v): if k not in query: query[k] = v else: subq = [] query.setdefault("$and", subq) for vv in [query.pop(k), v]: if isinstance(vv, (list, tuple)): subq.extend(vv) else: subq.append({k: vv}) for k, v in six.iteritems(self.conditions): # transform query operators as '<foo>__<op>', # however preserve dunder '__<foo>' names ss columns if '__' in k and not k.startswith('__'): parts = k.split('__') k = '.'.join(parts[0:-1]) op = parts[-1] else: op = 'eq' # standard logical operators if op == 'eq': addq(k, v) elif op.upper() in qops.UNARY: addq(k, getattr(qops, op)(v)) # type queries elif op == 'between': addq("$and", [{k: qops.GTE(v[0])}, {k: qops.LTE(v[1])}]) elif op == 'isstring': addq(k, qops.EQ(qops.TYPE('string'))) elif op == 'isarray': addq(k, qops.EQ(qops.TYPE('array'))) elif op == 'isdouble': addq(k, qops.TYPE('double')) elif op == 'isobject': addq(k, qops.TYPE('object')) elif op == 'isobject': addq(k, qops.TYPE('object')) elif op == 'isdate': addq(k, qops.TYPE('date')) elif op == 'isbool': addq(k, qops.TYPE('bool')) elif op == 'isnull': # nan = float('nan') addq(k, qops.EQ(nan) if v else qops.NE(nan)) elif op in ['islong', 'isint']: addq(k, qops.TYPE('long')) elif op == 'contains': addq(k, qops.REGEX('^%s.*' % v)) elif op == 'startswith': addq(k, qops.REGEX('^%s.*' % v)) elif op == 'endswith': addq(k, qops.REGEX('.*%s$' % v)) elif op == 'near': addq(k, qops.NEAR(v)) else: # op from parts[-1] was not an opperator, so assume it is # an attribute name and apply the eq operator # e.g. Q(key__subkey=value) addq('%s.%s' % (k, op), v) return query