def downloadPlane(gateway, pixels, pixelsId, x, y, z, c, t):
    """ Retrieves the selected plane """
    rawPlane = gateway.getPlane(pixelsId, z, c, t)
    convertType ='>'+str(x*y)+pixelstypetopython.toPython(pixels.getPixelsType().getValue().getValue())
    convertedPlane = unpack(convertType, rawPlane)
    remappedPlane = numpy.array(convertedPlane,dtype=(pixels.getPixelsType().getValue().getValue()))
    return remappedPlane
def downloadPlane(gateway, pixels, pixelsId, x, y, z, c, t):
    """ Retrieves the selected plane """
    rawPlane = gateway.getPlane(pixelsId, z, c, t)
    convertType ='>'+str(x*y)+pixelstypetopython.toPython(pixels.getPixelsType().getValue())
    convertedPlane = unpack(convertType, rawPlane)
    remappedPlane = numpy.array(convertedPlane,dtype=(pixels.getPixelsType().getValue()))
    return remappedPlane
Esempio n. 3
def downloadPlane(rawPixelsStore, pixels, z, c, t):
    Download the plane [z,c,t] for image pixels. Pixels must have pixelsType loaded.
    N.B. The rawPixelsStore must have already been initialised by setPixelsId()
    @param rawPixelsStore The rawPixelStore service to get the image.
    @param pixels The pixels of the image.
    @param z The Z-Section to retrieve.
    @param c The C-Section to retrieve.
    @param t The T-Section to retrieve.
    @return The Plane of the image for z, c, t
    from numpy import array
    rawPlane = rawPixelsStore.getPlane(z, c, t);
    sizeX = pixels.getSizeX().getValue();
    sizeY = pixels.getSizeY().getValue();
    pixelType = pixels.getPixelsType().getValue().getValue();
    convertType ='>'+str(sizeX*sizeY)+pixelstypetopython.toPython(pixelType);
    convertedPlane = unpack(convertType, rawPlane);
    numpyType = pixelstypetopython.toNumpy(pixelType)
    remappedPlane = array(convertedPlane, numpyType);
    remappedPlane.resize(sizeY, sizeX);
    return remappedPlane;
Esempio n. 4
def downloadPlane(rawPixelsStore, pixels, z, c, t):
    Download the plane [z,c,t] for image pixels. Pixels must have pixelsType loaded.
    N.B. The rawPixelsStore must have already been initialised by setPixelsId()
    @param rawPixelsStore The rawPixelStore service to get the image.
    @param pixels The pixels of the image.
    @param z The Z-Section to retrieve.
    @param c The C-Section to retrieve.
    @param t The T-Section to retrieve.
    @return The Plane of the image for z, c, t
    from numpy import array
    rawPlane = rawPixelsStore.getPlane(z, c, t)
    sizeX = pixels.getSizeX().getValue()
    sizeY = pixels.getSizeY().getValue()
    pixelType = pixels.getPixelsType().getValue().getValue()
    convertType = '>' + str(
        sizeX * sizeY) + pixelstypetopython.toPython(pixelType)
    convertedPlane = unpack(convertType, rawPlane)
    numpyType = pixelstypetopython.toNumpy(pixelType)
    remappedPlane = array(convertedPlane, numpyType)
    remappedPlane.resize(sizeY, sizeX)
    return remappedPlane
Esempio n. 5
def get_intensity(request, conn=None, **kwargs):
    # get mandatory params
    image_id = request.GET.get("image", None)
    x, y = request.GET.get("x", None), request.GET.get("y", None)
    z, t = request.GET.get("z", None), request.GET.get("t", None)
    cs = request.GET.get("c", None)

    # checks
    if image_id is None or x is None or y is None or cs is None \
            or z is None or t is None:
        return JsonResponse(
            {"error": "Mandatory params are: image, x, y, c, z and t"})

    # retrieve image object
    img = conn.getObject("Image", image_id, opts=conn.SERVICE_OPTS)
    if img is None:
        return JsonResponse({"error": "Image not Found"}, status=404)

    # further bound checks
    x, y, z, t = int(float(x)), int(float(y)), int(float(z)), int(float(t))
    size_x, size_y = img.getSizeX(), img.getSizeY()
    size_z, size_t = img.getSizeZ(), img.getSizeT()
    if (x < 0 or x >= size_x or y < 0 or y >= size_y or z < 0 or z >= size_z
            or t < 0 or t >= size_t):
        return JsonResponse(
            {"error": "Either one or more x, y, z, t are out of bounds"})

    # check given channels
    channels = []
        tokens = cs.split(',')
        size_c = img.getSizeC()
        for tok in tokens:
            tok = int(tok)
            if tok < 0 or tok >= size_c:
                return JsonResponse(
                    {"error": "One or more channels are out of bounds"})
    except Exception:
        return JsonResponse(
            {"error": "The channels have to be a comma separated string"})
    if len(channels) == 0:
        return JsonResponse(
            {"error": "Please supply a valid list of channels"})

    raw_pixel_store = None
        raw_pixel_store = conn.createRawPixelsStore()
        raw_pixel_store.setPixelsId(img.getPixelsId(), True, conn.SERVICE_OPTS)
        pixels_type = img.getPrimaryPixels().getPixelsType().getValue()

        # determine query extent
        x_offset = x - QUERY_DISTANCE
        if x_offset < 0:
            x_offset = 0
        y_offset = y - QUERY_DISTANCE
        if y_offset < 0:
            y_offset = 0
        width = 2 * QUERY_DISTANCE + 1
        if x_offset + width >= size_x:
            width = size_x - x_offset
        height = 2 * QUERY_DISTANCE + 1
        if y_offset + height >= size_y:
            height = size_y - y_offset
        extent = [x_offset, y_offset, x_offset + width, y_offset + height]
        conversion = '>' + str(width * height) +  \

        # prepare return object (setting extent)
        results = {}
        results['count'] = 0
        results['pixels'] = {}

        # loop over all channels and collect the pixel intensities
        # contained in extent with getTile (extent width x height)
        for chan in channels:
            point_data = raw_pixel_store.getTile(z, chan, t, x_offset,
                                                 y_offset, width, height,
            unpacked_point_data = unpack(conversion, point_data)
            i = 0
            for row in range(extent[1], extent[3]):
                for col in range(extent[0], extent[2]):
                    key = str(col) + "-" + str(row)
                    entry = results['pixels'].get(key)
                    if entry is None:
                        entry = {}
                        results['pixels'][key] = entry
                    entry[str(chan)] = unpacked_point_data[i]
                    i += 1
            results['count'] += i
        return JsonResponse(results)
    except Exception as pixel_service_exception:
        return JsonResponse({"error": repr(pixel_service_exception)})
        if raw_pixel_store is not None: