Esempio n. 1
def test_special():
    With a specialty you can re-roll 10s. 1s on the reroll do *not* count as
    die = storyteller.special(6, rerolls=4)
    probs = {
        # 1 on the first roll
        -1: 0.1,
        # 2-5 on the first roll
        0: 0.4,
        # 6-9 on the first roll, or 1-5 on the second roll
        1: 0.4 + 0.1 * 0.5,
        # 6-9 on the second roll, or 1-5 on the third roll
        2: 0.4 * 0.1 + 0.5 * 0.01,
        3: 0.4 * 0.01 + 0.5 * 0.001,
        4: 0.4 * 0.001 + 0.5 * 0.0001,
    probs[5] = 1 - sum(probs.values())
    assert die.is_close(DRV(probs))
    assert sum(die.to_dict().values()) == 1
    revised_die = storyteller.revised_special(6, rerolls=4).apply(
    assert revised_die.is_close(DRV(probs))
    assert sum(revised_die.to_dict().values()) == 1
Esempio n. 2
def test_pool_params():
    """Although not used in the examples, test the parameters."""
    assert ore.pool(1, hd=1).apply(ore.Match.get_matches).is_same(
        ore.matches(1, hd=1))
    drv = ore.pool(2, difficulty=8).apply(ore.Match.get_matches)
    assert drv.is_same(
            (): Fraction(97, 100),
            (ore.Match(2, 8), ): Fraction(1, 100),
            (ore.Match(2, 9), ): Fraction(1, 100),
            (ore.Match(2, 10), ): Fraction(1, 100),
    drv = ore.pool(2, hd=1, difficulty=8).apply(ore.Match.get_matches)
    assert drv.is_same(
            Fraction(79, 100),
            (ore.Match(2, 8), ):
            Fraction(1, 100),
            (ore.Match(2, 9), ):
            Fraction(1, 100),
            (ore.Match(3, 10), ):
            Fraction(1, 100),
            # 18 ways to roll a 10 plus something that isn't a 10
                ore.Match(2, 10), ):
            Fraction(18, 100),
Esempio n. 3
def test_matmul():
    The @ operator can be used with an integer or DRV on the left, and a DRV
    (but not an integer) on the right.
    drv = DRV({1: 0.5, 2: 0.5})
    assert (1 @ drv).to_dict() == drv.to_dict()
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        1.0 @ drv
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        drv @ 1
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        drv @ 1.0
    assert (drv @ drv).to_dict() == {1: 0.25, 2: 0.375, 3: 0.25, 4: 0.125}
    # The difference with a non-int-valued DRV is you can't put it on the left.
    float_drv = DRV({1.0: 0.5, 2.0: 0.5})
    assert (1 @ float_drv).to_dict() == float_drv.to_dict()
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        1.0 @ drv
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        float_drv @ 1
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        float_drv @ 1.0
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        float_drv @ float_drv
Esempio n. 4
def test_tree():
    Extra tests for DRV expression trees, mainly for code coverage.
    # Test the case of a postfix applied to a DRV with no expression tree.
    drv = DRV({1: Fraction(1, 2), 2: Fraction(1, 2)})
    assert repr(drv.faster()) == 'DRV({1: 0.5, 2: 0.5})'
    assert drv.faster().to_dict() == drv.to_dict()

    class Addable(object):
        def __init__(self, value):
            self.value = value

        def __add__(self, other):
            return self.value

    # Test the case of adding None to a DRV with an expression tree. This
    # requires a manually-specified tree because the "usual" ways of
    # constructing a DRV that would have a tree, don't result in anything that
    # you can add None to.
    drv = DRV({
        Addable(1): Fraction(1, 2),
        Addable(2): Fraction(1, 2)
    assert repr(drv + None) == '(MyCoin() + None)'

    # Test the same thing without the expression tree, for comparison
    drv = DRV({Addable(1): Fraction(1, 2), Addable(2): Fraction(1, 2)})
    assert repr(drv + None) == 'DRV({1: Fraction(1, 2), 2: Fraction(1, 2)})'
Esempio n. 5
def test_pool_examples():
    Check the examples of using pool() do vaguely work.

    # First example of penalty die
    def penalty(result):
        return PlainResult(*(tuple(result)[1:]))

    penalised = ore.pool(1).apply(penalty).apply(ore.Match.get_matches)
    assert penalised.is_same(DRV({(): 1}))
    penalised = ore.pool(2).apply(penalty).apply(
    assert penalised.apply(len).is_same(DRV({1: 1}))
    assert penalised.apply(lambda x: x[0]).is_same(
        keep_lowest(1, d10,
                    count=2).apply(lambda x: ore.Match(1, next(iter(x)))))

    # Second example of penalty die
    def penalty(result):
        matches = sorted(
            key=lambda x: (x.width, x.height),
        matches[0] = ore.Match(matches[0].width - 1, matches[0].height)
        return PlainResult(*(die for match in matches
                             for die in [match.height] * match.width))

    penalised = ore.pool(1).apply(penalty).apply(ore.Match.get_matches)
    assert penalised.is_same(DRV({(): 1}))
    penalised = ore.pool(3).apply(penalty).apply(ore.Match.get_matches)
    # Discarding from the narrowest match of 3 dice doesn't affect your chance
    # of success! Width 3 becomes width 2, and width 2 means there's an
    # unmatched third die to discard.
    assert p(penalised.apply(len) > 0) == p(ore.matches(3).apply(len) > 0)
Esempio n. 6
def test_apply():
    For calculations not supported by operator overloading, you can use the
    apply() function to re-map the generated values. It can be a many-to-one
    mapping, and can return a DRV.
    d6 = DRV({x: 1 / 6 for x in range(1, 7)})
    assert d6.apply(lambda x: x @ d6, allow_drv=True).is_close(d6 @ d6)
Esempio n. 7
def test_weighted():
    You can compute a DRV from disjoint cases.
    var = DRV({1: 0.5, 2: 0.5})
    var2 = DRV.weighted_average((
        (var, 0.5),
        (var + 2, 0.5),
    # So, var2 should be uniformly distributed
    assert var2.is_same(DRV({x: 0.25 for x in range(1, 5)}))
Esempio n. 8
def test_allow_highest():
    Check that allow_highest has the correct effect.
    assert ore.matches(1).is_same(DRV({(): 1}))
    assert ore.matches(1, allow_highest=False).is_same(DRV({(): 1}))
    allowed = ore.matches(1, allow_highest=True)
    assert allowed.apply(lambda x: x[0].width).is_same(DRV({1: 1}))
    assert allowed.apply(lambda x: x[0].height).is_same(d10)
    # This isn't documented, but the repr() format for Matches is
    # "widthxheight", as used in the rules.
    assert allowed.apply(repr).is_same(d10.apply(lambda x: f'(1x{x},)'))
Esempio n. 9
def test_p():
    The p function returns the probability that a boolean DRV is True.
    coins = (10 @ DRV({0: 0.5, 1: 0.5}))
    assert drv.p(coins <= 0) == 0.5**10
    assert drv.p(coins >= 10) == 0.5**10
    assert drv.p(coins >= 5) > 0.5
    assert drv.p(coins >= 5) + drv.p(coins < 5) == 1
    # Non-boolean input is rejected, even though 0 == False and 1 == True
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
    # It still works when True (or False) is missing.
    assert drv.p(DRV({False: 1})) == 0
    assert drv.p(DRV({True: 1})) == 1
Esempio n. 10
def test_sample():
    DRV with float probabilities uses random(). With Fraction uses randrange().
    drv = DRV({True: 0.5, False: 0.5})
    mock = Mock()
    mock.random.return_value = 0.3
    mock.randrange.side_effect = TypeError()
    assert drv.sample(random=mock) is True

    drv = DRV({True: Fraction(1, 2), False: Fraction(1, 2)})
    mock = Mock()
    mock.randrange.return_value = 0
    mock.random.side_effect = TypeError()
    assert drv.sample(random=mock) is True
Esempio n. 11
def test_matmul_non_numeric():
    The @ operator still works if the possible values aren't numbers, provided
    they can be added together using the + operator.
    coin = DRV({'H': 0.5, 'T': 0.5})
    assert (2 @ coin).to_dict() == {x: 0.25 for x in ('HH', 'TT', 'HT', 'TH')}
Esempio n. 12
def test_equality():
    Equality operators are already tested by, but here we check
    some corner cases.
    # Impossible values are excluded.
    var = DRV({'H': 0.5, 'T': 0.5})
    assert (var == 'H').to_dict() == {True: 0.5, False: 0.5}
    assert (var == 'X').to_dict() == {False: 1}
    cheat = DRV({'H': 1})
    assert (cheat == 'H').to_dict() == {True: 1}
    assert (cheat == 'X').to_dict() == {False: 1}
    # No boolean conversion
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        var in [cheat, var]
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        1 in [cheat, var]
Esempio n. 13
def test_convolve_switch():
    There's a switch to enable/disable the numpy.convolve optimisation.

    This feature is used by scripts/, which isn't run
    as part of the tests, so we should at least test that it's available,
    enabled by default, and the code runs either with or without it.
    # This test doesn't even ensure that the optimisation is used, just that
    # flipping the switch doesn't immediately fail.
    with patch('omnidice.drv.CONVOLVE_OPTIMISATION', True):
        result1 = (10 @ DRV({1: 0.5, 2: 0.5})).to_dict()
    with patch('omnidice.drv.CONVOLVE_OPTIMISATION', False):
        result2 = (10 @ DRV({1: 0.5, 2: 0.5})).to_dict()
    assert result1.keys() == result2.keys()
    assert list(result1.values()) == list(map(pytest.approx, result2.values()))
Esempio n. 14
def test_dice():
    """The dice() function returns the summarised data from the rolls."""
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    # One die is a wild die.
    assert opend6.dice(1).is_same(opend6.wild_die)
    # Two dice is wild + regular, and we need to test that addition is correct.
    expected = DRV.weighted_average((
        (DRV({0: 1}), Fraction(1, 6)),
        (d6 + d6.explode().given(lambda x: x != 1), Fraction(5, 6)),
        totals=d6 + d6.explode(),
        highest=pool(d6, d6).apply(max),
Esempio n. 15
def test_keep_lowest():
    Roll N, keep the worst K of some DRV.
    pool = pools.keep_lowest(2, d6, count=3)
    assert p(pool == pools.PlainResult(6, 6)) == Fraction(1, 216)
    # There are three ways each to get 1, 1, x for x = 2..6, plus 1, 1, 1.
    assert p(pool == pools.PlainResult(1, 1)) == Fraction(16, 216)
    pool0 = pools.keep_lowest(0, d6, count=10)
    assert pool0.is_same(DRV({pools.PlainResult(): 1}))
Esempio n. 16
def _check(
        botch=Fraction(1, 6),
    if totals is None:
        totals = values
    if highest is None:
        highest = totals
    assert result.apply(type).is_same(DRV({opend6.Result: 1}))
    assert result.apply(int).is_same(values)
    # Test the fields of Result
    assert result.apply(lambda x:
    assert result.apply(lambda x: x.highest).is_same(highest)
    assert p(result.apply(lambda x: x.botch)) == botch
    assert result.apply(lambda x: x.singleton).is_same(DRV({single: 1}))
Esempio n. 17
def test_convolve():
    There is an optimisation which uses numpy.convolve for large additions.
    Run some bigger jobs, to make sure it all works correctly.
    def check(result):
        result = result.to_dict()
        assert set(result) == set(range(2, 2001))
        for idx in range(2, 1002):
            assert result[idx] == pytest.approx((idx - 1) / 1E6)
        for idx in range(1002, 2001):
            assert result[idx] == pytest.approx((2001 - idx) / 1E6)

    d1000 = DRV({idx: 0.001 for idx in range(1, 1001)})
    check(d1000 + d1000)
    floaty = d1000.apply(float)
    check(floaty + floaty)
    sparse = d1000.apply(lambda x: x * 1000)
    check((sparse + sparse).apply(lambda x: x // 1000))
Esempio n. 18
def test_standard(target):
    """Difficulty 2 - 10"""
    expected = DRV({
        -1: 0.1,
        0: (target - 2) / 10,
        1: (11 - target) / 10,
    die = storyteller.standard(target)
    assert die.is_close(expected)
    assert die.is_same(die.apply(
    revised_die = storyteller.revised_standard(target)
    assert revised_die.apply(
Esempio n. 19
def test_hard():
    Hard dice can be added to the pool.
    # With d+hd, there's only one possible way to get a match
    assert ore.matches(d=1, hd=1).is_close(
            (ore.Match(2, 10), ): 1 / 10,
            (): 9 / 10,
    # 2d + hd is still small enough to figure out easily...
    assert ore.matches(d=2, hd=1).is_close(
            (ore.Match(3, 10), ): 1 / 100,
            (ore.Match(2, 10), ): 18 / 100,
            **{(ore.Match(2, n), ): 1 / 100
               for n in range(1, 10)},
            (): 72 / 100,
    # 3d + hd: now we can get two pairs of 10 and something else.
    result = p(ore.matches(d=3, hd=1).apply(len) == 2)
    assert result == pytest.approx(9 * 3 / 1000)
Esempio n. 20
def test_given():
    Conditional probability distribution, given that some predicate is true.
    var = DRV({x: 0.125 for x in range(8)})
    var_odd = var.given(lambda x: x % 2 != 0)
    var_even = var.given(lambda x: x % 2 == 0)
    assert p(var_odd == 2) == 0
    assert p(var_odd == 1) == 0.25
    assert p(var_even == 2) == 0.25
    assert p(var_even == 1) == 0
    var_square = var.given(lambda x: int(sqrt(x))**2 == x)
    assert p(var_square == 0) == pytest.approx(1 / 3)
    with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError):
        var.given(lambda x: x == 8)
Esempio n. 21
def test_more_dice(reg):
    Test with higher numbers of dice. Three dice is wild + 2 @ regular, etc.
    def remove_highest(values):
        return sum(values) - max(values)

    expected = DRV.weighted_average((
        (pool(d6, count=reg).apply(remove_highest), Fraction(1, 6)),
        (reg @ d6 + d6.explode().given(lambda x: x != 1), Fraction(5, 6)),
        opend6.dice(reg + 1),
        totals=reg @ d6 + d6.explode(),
        highest=pool(d6, count=reg + 1).apply(max),
Esempio n. 22
def test_bad_probabilities():
    Probabilities passed to the constructor must be between 0 and 1.
    DRV({1: 1.0})
    DRV({1: 1})
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        DRV({1: -0.5, 2: 0.5, 3: 0.5, 4: 0.5})
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        DRV({1: -0.00000000001, 2: 0.5, 3: 0.5})
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        DRV({1: 1.00000000001})
    # They don't have to add up to exactly 1, though
    DRV({1: 0.333, 2: 0.333, 3: 0.333})
Esempio n. 23
def test_dice_char():
    """The char parameter adds dice bought with Character Points"""

    # I don't think the rules explicity say what happens on a botch, if an
    # exploded character die is the highest score rolled. I'm going to assume
    # that the botch cancels the 6.
    def cancel(value):
        return max(value - 6, 0)

    expected = DRV.weighted_average((
        (d6.explode().apply(cancel), Fraction(1, 6)),
        (d6.explode() + d6.explode().given(lambda x: x != 1), Fraction(5, 6)),
        opend6.dice(1, char=1),
        totals=2 @ d6.explode(),
        highest=pool(d6, d6).apply(max),
Esempio n. 24
def test_keep_highest():
    Roll N, keep the best K of some DRV.
    pool = pools.keep_highest(2, d6, count=3)
    # There are three ways each to get 6, 6, x for x = 1..5, plus 6, 6, 6.
    assert p(pool == pools.PlainResult(6, 6)) == Fraction(16, 216)
    assert p(pool == pools.PlainResult(1, 1)) == Fraction(1, 216)
    # count=1000 acts as a performance test: if the implementation tries to
    # compute all possibilities and then restrict to 0 dice, it will fail.
    pool0 = pools.keep_highest(0, d6, count=1000)
    assert pool0.is_same(DRV({pools.PlainResult(): 1}))
    # Examples from docs
    poolA = pools.keep_highest(2, d6) + d6 + d6
    poolB = pools.pool(d6, count=3)
    poolC = pools.keep_highest(2, d6, count=3)
    poolD = pools.pool(d6, result_type=pools.KeepHighest(2)) + d6 + d6
    assert poolA.is_same(poolB)
    assert not poolA.is_same(poolC)
    assert poolD.is_same(poolC)
Esempio n. 25
def test_revised_botch():
    The botch rule is different in Revised. Now if you roll at least one
    success, you cannot botch, even if it's cancelled out by 1s.
    # With one or two dice, Revised makes no difference from 1st/2nd.
    die = storyteller.revised_standard(6).apply(
    probs = {
        -1: 0.1,
        0: 0.4,
        1: 0.5,
    assert die.is_close(DRV(probs))
    roll2 = (2 @ storyteller.revised_standard(6)).apply(
    # With 2 dice, the only rolls that botch are 1+1 .. 1+5 and 2+1 .. 5+1
    assert p(roll2 < 0) == pytest.approx(0.09)
    # It's three dice where the difference kicks in: the case of 2 botches and
    # one success has probability 0.1 * 0.1 * 0.5 * 3 = 0.015. In Revised
    # that's not a botch.
    old_roll = 3 @ storyteller.standard(6)
    new_roll = (3 @ storyteller.revised_standard(6)).apply(
    assert p(old_roll == -1) == pytest.approx(p(new_roll == -1) + 0.015)
Esempio n. 26
def _cached_pool_hd(d: int, hd: int) -> DRV:
    pl = _cached_pool(d)
    if hd > 0:
        pl += Pool(DRV({10: 1}), count=hd)
    return pl
Esempio n. 27
def test_is_same():
    The is_same() method tells you whether two objects represent the same
    small = DRV({0: 0.75, 1: 0.25})
    big = DRV({1: 0.75, 2: 0.25})
    booley = DRV({False: 0.75, True: 0.25})
    fraction = DRV({0: Fraction(3, 4), 1: Fraction(1, 4)})
    extra = DRV({0: 0.75, 2: 0, 1: 0.25})
    unordered = DRV({1: 0.25, 0: 0.75})
    approx = DRV({0: 0.75 + 1e-10, 1: 0.25 - 1e-10})
    assert small.is_same(small)
    assert (small + 1).is_same(big)
    assert not small.is_same(big)
    assert small.is_same(booley)
    assert small.is_same(fraction)
    assert small.is_same(extra)
    assert small.is_same(unordered)
    assert not small.is_same(approx)
Esempio n. 28
def plain(pl: DRV) -> DRV:
    Convert all possible values to :obj:`PlainResult`, thus removing any
    special behaviour of the result_type.
    return pl.apply(PlainResult._from)
Esempio n. 29
def test_is_close():
    The is_close() method tells you whether two objects represent approximately
    the same distribution.
    small = DRV({0: 0.75, 1: 0.25})
    big = DRV({1: 0.75, 2: 0.25})
    booley = DRV({False: 0.75, True: 0.25})
    fraction = DRV({0: Fraction(3, 4), 1: Fraction(1, 4)})
    extra = DRV({0: 0.75, 2: 0, 1: 0.25})
    unordered = DRV({1: 0.25, 0: 0.75})
    approx = DRV({0: 0.75 + 1e-10, 1: 0.25 - 1e-10})
    assert not small.is_close(big)
    assert small.is_close(approx)
    assert not small.is_close(approx, rel_tol=1e-12)
    # It's down to rounding errors whether or not they're close with absolute
    # tolerance 1e-10. In fact not, but just test either side of it.
    assert not small.is_close(approx, abs_tol=5e-11, rel_tol=0)
    assert small.is_close(approx, abs_tol=2e-10, rel_tol=0)
    everything = [small, big, booley, fraction, extra, unordered, approx]
    for a, b in itertools.product(everything, repeat=2):
        if a.is_same(b):
            assert a.is_close(b), (a, b)
Esempio n. 30
def _add_extra(explode: Union[bool, int], result: DRV, blown: Any) -> DRV:
    extra = _get_extra(explode)
    if type(blown) != int:
        extra = extra.apply(type(blown))
    extra += blown
    return result.apply(lambda x: extra if x == blown else x, allow_drv=True)